• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,018 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 46

A/N: Please, PLEASE read the author notes below before posting your comments.

“Brother, dearest, whence grows this insolence? For shame, dost the light of the moon shadow such a demon’s soul?” Gwynevere demanded as she stood before Gwyndolin in Gwyn’s Tomb. The Dark Sun’s lips tensed bitterly under his golden headdress, his regret for so easily giving into his sister’s demands and allowing her into his own sanctum dragging him down into the confines of his chair.

“Godmother, our queen of sunlight, I assure thee, I know not of what thou speaketh.” He said feebly, his hands wringing his catalyst with growing resentment as Gwynevere stared at him with all the fury befitting of the burning sun.

“Thou sought to wrong me, that did ne’er wrong thee once, not e’en with a cross word?” Gwynevere accused, clutching her fists in rage. “First thou sendeth mine own guardsmen, Executioner Smough, to violate the sanctity of mine own chambers and demand the life of mine own daughter…”

Gwyndolin bared his teeth, his gloved hands tightening to the extent he seemed on the cusp of snapping his catalyst in half like a twig.

“Fairest Godmother… mind thine words! That… thing… that which Seath so traitorously wooed thee into bearing… no daughter twas that! I assure and beseech thee now to believe, thou knowest not of the danger thou bringeth upon Lordran by agreeing to such a duty! Proclaim crossbreeds as offense and affront to the faith, our Great Lord did for reasons thou cannot comprehend!” The Dark Sun spat back. Gwynevere simply drew closer to her sibling, her perfect, shining visage only highlighting how betrayed she was feeling.

“Thus thou didst order Smough to execute her and exile Seath from his own city?? Or rather do as thine station commands and merely present the illusion of such?” Gwynevere replied, trying to keep her tone neutral and not betray the rising sadness in her. “To Smough I gave Priscilla, and to Seath I ordered no hostilities, because I know at heart thou art no murderer! Now at last mine handmaidens do bring word that vindicates my belief… that my daughter yet lives!”

Gwyndolin’s catalyst creaked in his vice like grip, his serpentine legs squirmed and hissed threateningly at Gwynevere as he began to quiver.

“Thine handmaidens… souls entrusted to thee as aid and friend, now serve thee as spies?” He demanded hoarsely. Gwynevere tersely nodded.

“Great is mine belief in the good of all souls under our Great Lord’s dominion, yet e’en I am not blind to the need for caution. Sense I did that some presence of this land might one day turn its heart against me… but ne’er did I imagine the heart would be that of mine own flesh and blood.” She said. Gwyndolin looked up at her aghast.

“Thou speaketh of blind anger and ignorance! I hath done no worse than remove that which would have lead only to suffering and misery for all!” He proclaimed.

“Thou holds Seath and mine daughter as thine prisoner… somewhere!” Gwynevere accused, glaring as Gwyndolin shot up from his seat.

“NO DAUGHTER IS THAT CROSSBREED! Not of thine, and not of the traitor! Seath cares not for thee, nor the wellbeing of Anor Londo, this much he hath proven, time and time again!” The Dark Sun shouted. “Day by day, year by year, while he wooed thee, and indulged in all manner of unholy research in his archives, I hath remained here, tending to that which the Great Lord charged him with as Duke. He neglects his duties, his people, they that fought by his side against his brethren… yet thou still speaks of him with dulcet tones!?”

To Gwyndolin’s anguish, his sister nodded.

“I do. Where thou sought to follow the Great Lord’s standing of segregation, alienation and prejudice, Seath did humor mine own standing that such would only cause more strife and peril for Lordran. Of all the gods that once stood with us, only he did not decry me as a foolish optimist for believing now is the time for all of Lordran to stand together, to be united in our efforts to preserve our Age of Fire!” Gwynevere intoned. Gwyndolin scoffed.

“He seeks to gain what was gifted to the Everlasting Dragons. His own desire for immortality hath driven him mad! All across the land there are tales, horrid tales, of his channelers snatching maidens and folk by the score to be subjected to every nightmare made possible by his sorcery!” The Dark Sun argued.

“All because thou sought to betray his trust and steal from him that which we both hoped would be a saving grace! Indeed his sins art great, and his madness terrifying… but art either born from his own avarice for power… or because those he believed to be friend and ally saw him only as a tool that would soon expire, and deemed him a threat when he did not comply?”

Gwyndolin reeled back in shock.

“Yea, brother dearest, I know of the true reason the Great Lord did accept Seath’s aid in the war against the Everlasting Dragons, why none sought to oppose he and I as lovers till now.” Gwynevere glowered at her sibling. “Thou believed he would be dead by now, as all mortals are thus doomed. His flame would die out as his brethren did, e’en with the power of the Great Lord’s soul fragment. Yet while the flames fade he still stands as strong and alive as ever. Perhaps he indeed hath unlocked some means of attaining his brethren’s immortality. Such would be his right reward for the service he hath done for us.”

Gwyndolin stammered, his body shaking in terrible anger as his serpentine legs spat and snapped at his sister.

“Thou… Thou art truly lost. The traitor hath tarnished the purity of thine soul with deceit!” He seethed. Gwynevere shut her eyes and wiped away a tear as she struggled to maintain her own composure.

“Thou art one indeed to talk of deceit, with what thou hast done. T’is time now to determine whether deceit and lies art thine way as were they of our Great Lord, or if thou still art mine brother and blood, the last soul in Lordran I can call such.” The sun princess said in a choked whisper. “Thou will tell me where thou holds mine daughter, yea, the crossbreed I hath born with Seath, and shalt forever call mine heir…”

Gwyndolin looked up at his shining sister, his tight, trembling lips betraying the turmoil he was in right now, pleading with her not to make such a demand, while also demanding to know how she could dare to stand before him and call HIM out for her own failings!

“And if thou flouts me with silence, then both Seath and I shall be avenged. God and family thou may be, but this traitorous act of thine shalt NOT be tolerated!”

For one tense and truly terrible moment there was silence in the Great Lord’s Tomb, the two divine siblings sizing each other up, one to judge the other’s fortitude to go ahead with her threat, the other to gauge if she was at last going to be taken seriously.

After what seemed like an eternity Gwyndolin finally confirmed he was taking Gwynevere’s threat very seriously… though not quite in the manner she expected.

“THOU DARES?!” He said while whipping out his catalyst. The golden enchanted staff promptly let loose with an entire barrage of soul arrows, all of them hitting Gwynevere square in the chest and stomach and sending her flying down the hall. She gasped as she hit one of the statues by the tomb’s entrance, too shocked to register the smoking holes in her breasts and abdomen.

Gwyndolin promptly shot down the hall, his teeth bared in maniacal rage as he approached his sibling.

“Thou deems me not a murderer… if only thou hath opened thine eyes, to see what I and the Great Lord hath seen of the world around us, and the worlds to come… then thou would remain accurate in thine belief…” Gwyndolin stated coldly, shaking in outright horror at what he had done… and what he still had to do…

“Now… matters are too far gone to humor thine foolishness. The crossbreed shalt remain where she can present no danger nor draw no further danger to Lordran… thou shalt keep the sun shining over Anor Londo… if only in spirit.”

The Dark Sun’s catalyst glowed menacingly as Gwynevere struggled to get up.

“And as for the traitor, he that thou proveth thine purity tarnished by thine proclaiming to love him still…yes, may he learn of thine departure with the other gods… perhaps thine being wed to another, more worthy soul...a fellow god of flame!”

Gwyndolin launched a soul bomb at his sibling, tears running down his cheeks as the explosion lit up the tomb.

“And may it forever rip and tear at his soul, forever curse him to wallow in the same pain and suffering as he hath dealt to us all!” He screamed.


In the same tomb, some time later, Priscilla wiped fresh tears from her own eyes as she finished recounting her confession. Before her Seath slowly turned Gwynevere’s shawl in his hands.

“Th-This… and so much more… Gwyndolin did rant and cry out when his guilt grew too great. I know not if he knew I could hear him, e’en in the depths of the Painted World, but I heard, and remembered every word…his conviction that he did what had to be done, and his doubt that yet could he have stayed his hand...” Priscilla whispered, trying to stifle her sobs. “Thus the sins of the last god of Lordran art laid bare.”

Seath very gingerly ran his fingers across the soft white silk, recalling how it flowed so naturally with Gwynevere’s vibrant hair whenever she wore it. His hands trembled terribly as his grip weakened.

“Such art sins no greater than mine own, as fate once again seeketh to prove with its accusations.” The white dragon whispered as the shawl fell from his hands, fluttering to be swallowed up by the muck covering the floor of the tomb.

“Gwynfryn, Gwynevere, Gwyndolin, all entrusted to mine tutelage… now art united in defeat and ruin by mine influence. Truly, twas ever a soul thus grieved as I?” He pondered before looking to Twilight and Applejack. “As much a pox upon all who suffer his presence… till doom cometh upon them?”

The alicorn’s face fell as she looked to her cutie mark. A sad cringe crossed her features as again the Darksign brand sent a phantom burning sensation across her flank to remind her of her cursed status. Again, however, Twilight found the will to grit her teeth and fight through her momentary despair, turning to face her teacher with a renewed sense of strength.

“From what I’ve heard thus far, assuming it’s true, you’re scarcely the only one who’s grieved or made bad choices here.” She said. “Indeed, the more I see of this place, the more it seems like this whole disaster that’s unfolding was something that was a long time coming.”

“Too true… like Granny Smith is fond of sayin’; 'no pony does anything in life all by themselves'. Whatever the heck ya did to Gwyndolin that made him hate ya so much, it weren’t what turned him into what we jest faced.” Applejack looked to the sarcophagus and hocked a large wad of spit at it. “This Gwyn guy wanted him to be a girl, he didn’t follow yer guidelines fer becoming such, and the rest was all his own self made misery. Way Ah see, he got what he deserved… and may he bucking rot wherever that… thing… took him.”

Discord slowly scratched his chin.

“And yet, it seems like he was just about to spill the beans on something even more important… not to mention, how did he already know about Queen when I didn’t have time to mention her once, nor show off our holiday snaps?”

The chaos god pulled out a selection of polaroids depicting him and the Izalith chaos bug mugging for the camera against a background of several exotic locales.

“Also, what was that thing he said about you having a follower named ‘Yorshka’, Priscilla? Does that name mean anything to you?” Spike asked. Priscilla sadly shook her head.

“I know not of what he spoke… nor can I reveal any more about the abomination that claimed his life in our stead…” She said with a sudden upswing of realisation, as if just now coming to grips with the very bizarre way Gwyndolin had been neutralised as a threat. She looked down at the brown slime covering the floor and shuddered at the feel of it squishing around her bare feet. “This… what hath transpired… I can shed no light…”

Spike nodded and slapped an exhausted hand to his face.

“So, our investigation continues along the same trend; every step we make in uncovering something new just sets us further back from finding out what’s actually going on.” The dragon sighed. “And I thought some of the more recent Power Pony storylines were getting convoluted.”

Another great tremor shook the tomb. Several more cracks etched themselves across the walls, allowing more slime to ooze through.

“Well, it’s too dangerous for us to try and figure it out here, especially if there’s a chance that… thing… comes back. We should make use of at least one bit of Gwyndolin’s advice and leave, pronto.” Twilight replied. “Everyone ready to depart?”

“As soon as I check one thing…” The Chosen Undead replied while securing the brass armor set in her pack. She turned to a chest that was partially out of sight, giving it a solid whack with her dragon greatsword. When nothing happened as a result she exhaled in relief and opened it, pulling out a scroll.

“Sunlight Blade… huh” The female said, unrolling the scroll and reading it. “A miracle wielded by Lord Gwyn’s firstborn. Imbues any weapon with the all powerful rays of sunlight.”

Twilight perked her ears and trotted over to read as well.

“The power of sunlight, herein manifested as lightning, was proven very effective against dragons during the end of the Age of Ancients. Let it be known that Gwyn’s eldest son, after being stripped of his deific status, left this testament on his father’s coffin. Per his wishes, it is intended as a final farewell.” She said, arching an eyebrow. “Really? Gwyndolin had something like this… yet never used it against us? I mean, not that I’m complaining, but still…”

Seath came over and plucked the scroll up. His brow furrowed as he re-read the short transcript.

“It seemeth he did… though, like the abomination, t’is not something that should be present here…” The dragon looked to the broken sarcophagus. “Gwynfryn did return here to leave this? Such dost conform not to either accounts of the firstborn’s departure...”

Another quake shook the tomb. As if taking this as a command, the muck began to recede.

“Well, it’s a clue we can puzzle over later. Right now, let’s just get out of here.” Twilight levitated the scroll into her saddlebags.

“Quite… just… hmmm.” Discord turned to Fluttershy, noting he was only half done with treating her wounds. “Well this isn’t really the right place for surgery anyway. We’ll fix you up in a nicer setting.”

He scooped the surprised pegasus up in his arms, cradling her gently as he made tracks with everyone for the tomb entrance.

“Oooh! Discord, you don’t have to do that… I mean… my legs aren’t injured…” Fluttershy blushed as she felt the heat and the softness of the chaos god’s body against her side.

“Nonsense. You’re still losing blood, and still have those arrowheads buried in your flesh. Who knows what sort of damage a frantic bout of galloping out of here could do.” Discord chided, curling his arms tighter around the mare. “At any rate, you don’t weigh that much either, so it’s hardly a burden to carry you. Actually, it’s kind of pleasant…”

Fluttershy blinked, then blushed harder as the party entered the bonfire chamber.

“Course, the question thus becomes where do I carry you to?” Discord paused in his stride. “When we left Firelink Shrine, there was talk that that Laurentius fellow… you know, the hooded pyromaniac, was about ready to teleport everyone to those Archives of Seath’s.”

Seath nodded as the rumbling spread to the chamber, then the area outside.

“Then there we shall head with all haste. Doubt I that this city shall be missed if ne’er we return.” He said. Beside him, Applejack scrambled out onto the walkway towards the elevator, bringing herself to an abrupt halt as she found it wasn’t in the position they’d left it.

“Seems you ain’t the only one to feel so.” She said while cocking her head. “Looks like someone else is eager to leave here too… though Ah don’t think Ah want to know who…”

Twilight ran out to join her friend in studying the puzzling sight of the elevator platform now sitting high above them.

“I’ll go have a look and bring it back down. Wait here.” Twilight spread her wings and flew to the upper levels. With a deep breath she brought herself down onto the elevator platform, ready to face whatever new menace decided now was the perfect time to make an exit.

Except, to her shock, for once it was no menace that greeted her.

“Oh… uh, hello again.” The alicorn stammered as the Giant Blacksmith set down another heavy crate packed with his tools and smithing materials.

“Hmng? Hello again.” The titan nodded. “Shop getting shaky. No good for forging weapons. Move to new location.”

Twilight nodded and let out a relieved exhale.

“Well, we’re thinking the same thing… erm… uh, you’re welcome to join us if I can quickly make use of the elevator to collect everyone from down below. Seath probably has room somewhere in the Archives for you.” She said. The giant cocked his head.

“Hmng. Seath… Duke, yes… still need shiny-shiny.” He declared while grabbing and twisting the elevator handle. “Thought everyone gone… mng… me left to die here. But not yet… forge weapons… make weapons shiny-shiny before go nighty-nighty.”

Twilight nodded as the elevator descended.

“We’d very much appreciate it if you did. Based on what just happened I’m starting to wonder if our combined power as is will be enough.” The alicorn winced as her brand burned her again, like it was taunting her with the reminder that she still had many other friends at risk, a whole host of ponies unknowingly waiting for the curse to touch their flesh, now that it had had a taste…

Twilight calmed herself as the entrance to the tomb rose back into view, the flickering rainbow of light from Discord’s gas lamps adding a needed lighthearted touch to her friends’ reaction of shock.

“It’s okay everyone, I’ve met this guy before. He intends no harm.” She soothed as the Giant Blacksmith shrugged.

“Forge weapons, not use them. Make all happy.” He said before standing up straighter at the sight of Seath. “Make more happy with shiny-shiny.”

The dragon furrowed his brow in confusion. Beside him the Chosen Undead spoke up.

“He said the same thing to me. Thought he might mean an ember, since all the blacksmiths around here need those for their trade. I didn’t find anything like that in your archives the first time I went through though…”

Seath’s head tendrils rose in realization.

“Nevertheless, a crystal ember I did create o’er the course of my studies. A means for the weapons of mine forces to be strengthened with the purity and imperviousness of crystal…”

The blacksmith nodded enthusiastically.

“Duke has shiny-shiny! I forge weapons with shiny-shiny! Serve purpose before go nighty-nighty.” He said. Now Seath stared at the giant in suspicion.

“And prithee, how did word of such a discovery reach thine ear?” He asked. The giant reached into the myriad of pockets on his clothes, drawing out something and presenting it to Seath.

“Knight friend tell me, knight of four. Said I be needed, for special warrior.” The giant looked down at the Chosen Undead while revealing a ring made of steel and etched with a decorative hawk emblem. Seath took it and arched an eyebrow.

“The ring of Hawkeye Gough...truest giant of both archers and men…” The white dragon said in confusion. “Yet, he departed this land centuries ago.”

The giant blacksmith shrugged again. “Everyone go, leave me alone. But I good friend. Stay and serve purpose when needed. Help anytime.”

Applejack snorted and smiled.

“Well, surprisin’ as it is to hear one soul here actually speakin’ sense, Ah’m mighty glad to meet ya!” She said with rising spirits. “Ya comin’ with us then? Huge hulk like yerself would be pretty helpful.”

Twilight nodded.

“I’d agree… that is… if Seath would be willing to give him what he wants.”

She looked up at her teacher, who was still staring in perplexity at the ring. Finally the great dragon sighed and shook his head.

“An imperfect work is the crystal ember, useless to me now. If thou desires it so much, then thou hath only thyself to blame if it fails to produce what thou expects.” He replied while handing back the ring. The giant blacksmith shrugged a third time.

“I be judge of shiny-shiny worth. Make many weapons shiny… and special weapons shiny with souls.” He said with another look at the Chosen Undead. She cocked her head in confusion but the giant immediately turned to Applejack, kneeling and studying the bow on her back.

“Hmng… have Black Bow of Pharis. Been to Darkroot?” He asked. The farm mare turned to look at her weapon.

“Yeah Ah did. Took it as… compensation for her being a less than welcoming sort.” She said with mild disdain. “Not the most conventional bow Ah’ve used, but still pretty handy to have.”

The Giant Blacksmith nodded softly and handed her the hawk ring.

“Take then. Will enchant bow. Make arrows more deadly. Knight friend use to take down dragons in war.” He replied. Applejack took the ring, watching it slowly change size to where it could comfortably fit around one of her legs.

“He’s friendly and generous! Well darn tootin’ this is a welcome change of pace!” She smiled. “Can we really keep him, Twi?”

Twilight looked again to Seath, who merely rolled his eyes and gestured for everyone to get on the elevator.

“Mine spirit is too burdened already for arguments. Come, if thou must…” He said while staring down at the silver ring on his own finger. “What is the value of one more vow to a deceased soul after all?”


In another time, and another place, the so called deceased soul, the legendary giant archer Hawkeye Gough, sat wistfully working on another of his carvings, sliding a knife across a length of archtree wood to slowly work in the details of facial features. Before him, Celestia sat in quiet contemplation, watching the giant carve like a meditation exercise. Beside her, the Lord’s Blade Ciaran maintained her own contemplative gaze into the bonfire of Elizabeth’s Sanctuary, while Elizabeth herself quietly allowed her newest visitor to digest the contents of what they had just been discussing.

“Fret not if thou finds mine revelations disturbing, strange equine. Mine spirit is joyed to know there exists an age far from here, where such strife and desolation are not known.” The giant mushroom replied soothingly. Celestia snorted and smiled softly in return.

“Well, it wasn’t always like that for us. There’s been much struggle, war and turmoil over the years that we’ve had to deal with before finally reaching our current state of peace, and even that’s been threatened numerous times over the years… heh heh, the last six years alone have been quite interesting in how many threats have risen to upset the harmony of our kingdom, hence why I’m here now: to see if I can perhaps prevent one more being added to the list.” The solar princess cracked her neck and stood to stretch. “So, you tell me this Manus character that attacked our realm is definitely here, and that we were not the first to suffer his wrath, or his presence…”

Elizabeth nodded sadly.

“The Princess Dusk still remains in his clutches, though I sense she is not the only one. A relief it was when sense did I his departure, though a sorrow it is to learn t’was for thine realm he departed.” She said sadly. “Regardless, I assure thee, noble princess, he resides here once more, a primeval beast with malicious intent.”

“And he’s not alone.”

Celestia turned to Ciaran.

“I’ve been tracking him through what parts of Oolacile I can access. I overheard him conspiring with another entity, another soul with a dark purpose.” The masked warrior replied. Celestia looked to the bonfire, furrowing her brow at the eternal dance of heat and light.

“So, rather than send me to wherever Twilight might be, the flames instead drop me where I might uncover a vital clue to the mystery of why entities from your world keep turning up in Equestria. Very interesting indeed.” She mused while sitting back down on her haunches. “What else can you tell me about this other entity, noble Ciaran?”

The masked female dipped her head.

“Little, I fear. The need for me to remain hidden meant I could not move to a spot where I could get a better look. All I know is it was a beast of similarly massive size and twisted black essence like Manus, only it spoke with a voice far more refined… and ancient.” Ciaran paused as her gazed dipped in thought. “Yes… the tone and speech were very similar to Seath’s, like something from a time so long ago, no one can even remember it.”

At that, Hawkeye Gough put down his carving.

“Told you did I, that more than one terrible beast stalks this land. Blind I may be, and retired from Gwyn’s service, but mine other senses remain sharp as ever, and trouble me greatly with what they tell.” The giant warrior lamented. “Grave was the loss of Artorias, a mercy that he at last has been freed with honor intact. Now, however, matters grow worse still.”

Celestia noted Ciaran’s body tense up, her eyes shutting as if trying to stem tears. With a resolute exhale, the white alicorn rose.

“And that’s why I’m here, to do what I can to stop whatever is going on…” Celestia turned back to Ciaran with a sympathetic nod. “Manus has cost me the same way he’s cost you. I intend to see he pays for that!”

Gough rumbled softly as he picked up his carving again, feeling over its surface for any imperfections in his work.

“If thine wish is to succeed poor Artorias, and challenge the spread of the Dark, then indeed thou must face Manus. The Dark emanates from he, thus even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion with his demise.” The giant dipped his head as he felt over a rough, imperfect cut, something that both ruined his work by existing, and would ruin it further if he cut it off. “Yet even if thou succeeds where others fell, the flames will still fade, and only Dark will remain. Thus, it seems this dire fate is unavoidable…”

Celestia snorted and furrowed her brow.

“Be that as it may, this isn’t the first time I’ve been in this sort of situation. When Discord first sought to consume Equestria in chaos it seemed we could do naught to stop him. When Sombra enslaved the crystal empire our only recourse seemed to be to send him and his realm into stasis. When my own sister let her power override her judgement, and became Nightmare Moon, my options for stopping her could only do so temporarily.” The alicorn stated while levitating the carving from Gough’s hands. “Yet after each crisis, here I stand, still strong, and with my kingdom still prospering, because with each incident, I’ve learned one important thing: fate can be dire, but it’s never set in stone.”

Celestia used her magic to resurface the wood, giving her a basic facial structure to work with. She levitated the knife and began re-carving the details in.

“When my sister returned, I had six new souls to help me turn her back to the side of good. When Sombra and the Crystal Empire reappeared, we had enough time to prepare, and enough new knowledge, to vanquish him and save his subjects. Discord now stands as our ally rather than our enemy, because I trusted one very brave pony to humor an alternative course of action.”

Gough turned his head at the scratching of his knife on the wood. Gently Celestia worked the carving into the smiling face the giant had originally been trying to fashion, adding a bit of her own personal touch to make it look more distinctly equine.

“Whatever fate may have in store, it at least is still amicable enough to let us try and turn things in our favor.” The alicorn said while presenting her finished piece. Gough took it and ran his thumb over the newly carved contours. After a moment he let it fall from his hands and nodded sagely as the carving hit the ground with a cheerful ‘Good Morning!’

“So thou wisely demonstrates. Adamantly thine words attest to thine fortitude and thine confidence, and from Ciaran’s account of thine battle with the sanctuary guardian, I wager thee a legend in thine own right.” The giant settled back on his seat. “But as Artorias hath proven, there are dangers even a legend cannot hope to oppose.”

Celestia stance wavered slightly, before she took another deep breath and straightened herself.

“Perhaps not, but that isn’t going to stop me from trying, more so if Manus is holding a princess of this realm hostage.” She said, giving Elizabeth an assuring nod. “If any of you can help me, it’d be most appreciated, but if not, then I extend only my thanks for your information and shall be on my way.”

Elizabeth laughed softly.

“To thee who would brave the Dark so that Princess Dusk may be returned to me, fair equine I shall assist however I can! While mine mobility is limited, I am one with the sorceries of Oolacile and giver of a very special means of salvation.”

The mushroom tilted her cap forward, and the ground beneath her lit up with a warm, cheery glow. A moment later the glow dispersed and three freshly picked smaller mushrooms now lay before Celestia.

“Mind thou, use these only in the most dire of circumstances. Though each shall replenish thine spirit and mend thine flesh, I can grow but only a few.” Elizabeth cautioned. Celestia nodded and bowed.

“I shall see they are not wasted, thank you.” She replied while levitating the fungal growths into her saddlebags. “As for sorceries, while I have no doubt they are powerful, I have accumulated quite an arsenal of spells and magical abilities over the course of my life. I believe they’ll suit me fine for whatever danger lies ahead.”

Elizabeth smiled.

“No doubt, but never is knowledge a burden to be carried. Many great powers were developed in Oolacile, thou may yet find other tools to assist thee.” She replied. Steeling her fists, Ciaran rose from her seat.

“I’ll accompany you to where I last sighted Manus and his accomplice. There’s… something along the way I must collect, something that another soul may have more use for.” She said, her voice calm, but her fists shaking in betrayal of some great emotional weight she was trying to keep contained. Celestia warred with herself internally on whether to ask for more details as she slid her helmet back on.

“Return I shall to my post, then. May the winds gift me with another whisper of this other beast… allow me to know if indeed it is what I suspect it to be…” Gough picked up a giant longbow and tapped it on the ground, listening to the sound it produced like a blind pony would with their cane. “This knight may have one final calling before his end of days.”


In the Firelink Shrine, a rather eccentric soul sat under the supports of the entrance to the Undead Burg. Sunlight slowly glinted off his bizarre horned and bespectacled helmet as he turned, seemingly sensing something amiss on the air. Reaching into one of the pockets, hidden amidst the medals covering his outfit, the being drew out a handful of dice and small bones, and vigorously shook them in his closed hand. He then scattered the collection across the ground in front of him, perching his metal face on his hands as he studied the arrangement in which they had fallen.

“Hmmm… looks like there’ll be no more use in remaining here. Those concerned have found new adventure and new cause.”

He rose from his meditative position, packing up a strange collection of weapons, armor and items. Among them, most noticeably, was a new addition he treated with exceptional care: a set of plate armor accessorised with a fine lush blue skirt, a matching scarf and hood, and a familiar wolf themed helmet with a long black plume.

“Perfect timing, too! A pleasure it’ll be to return to the archives, and to trade these new finds to they that have rightfully earned them!”

The strange being drew out a straight sword made from, and covered in, an excessive amount of glistening crystal shards, and made his way to deal with the hollows crowding around the nearby cliff face.

“All thus far is going as it should. Bendigedig!”

Author's Note:

Ooookay...time to finally start laying on the twists that will no doubt have some folk foaming at the mouth that their favorite ship shall not come to sail. *downs a shot and steels his strength*

So yes, if you're wondering why did I take the route of fratricide for Gwynevere and Gwyndolin, and not have the former be reunited with Seath at this present moment, here's why:

1. First and foremost, the whole lore surrounding Gwynevere, to me, seems to be besmirched by one very big plot hole: that being her supposed husband, the flame god Flann. According to the set up of Lordran's pantheon, the only gods with any control over flames are Gwyn, as the Lord of Sunlight and king of the gods, and the Witch of Izalith as the originator of pyromancy and the chaos flames. At no point is there any indication anyone else was charged with similar duties which begs the questions of what was Flann's role then, and why the hell did he apparently make no effort to help prolong the Age of Fire if such was his explicit duty?

I'm aware one could argue that Flann is actually part of a different pantheon from another land, or that he was a minor god who didn't hold the same status as Gwyn or the witch, but his title still strikes me as something that should've had more relevance to the overall lore...UNLESS...it's meant a giant red herring. Possibly a tie-in to the equally giant red herring that is the Gwynevere in game being nothing more than an illusion meant to distract from Gwyndolin's true intentions (Dark Souls 3 further hints at this if we take Irithyll to be Gwyndolin's new domain, where he could at last come out of the shadows and rule over his own paradise that's permanently cloaked in his own dark twilight ).

2. While mapping out Seath and Gwynever's characters, I realized the latter being dead was pretty much the only way to end that part of their respective arcs. I set Gwynevere up as a sort of naive yet well intentioned flower child who only wanted the best for everyone, IE not the type of person who'd suddenly turn on the soul she professed to love in an instant and hand over the daughter she herself wanted to have for execution. That coupled with her then breaking off all contact with Seath and leaving him to go insane from anger, grief and obsession meant she'd have a lot of explaining to do if she suddenly turned up alive and well. By having it be revealed her departure was all a lie perpetuated by Gwyndolin, Gwynevere's own character is thus salvaged and Seath at least gets closure from knowing she didn't really abandon him, nor was she just playing with his feelings.

Coupled with this was the flashback in chapter 35 where Gwynevere made Seath promise that he'd do his best to be a father to Priscilla once she was born. Again, having Gwynevere be alive would've made that very problematic since she'd also have to explain what sort of mother she was to just leave her own child behind to grow up alone in a virtual prison, while she married someone else and apparently went on with life never once caring for her past commitments. With Seath now knowing she at least tried to get her daughter back, and only gave up Priscilla because she knew Gwyndolin didn't have the heart to actually kill her, he has renewed cause to uphold his promise of being a father, even if he has to do so having missed out on Priscilla's entire life.

3. In addition to the above, there's another plot hole in the game's lore concerning Gwyndolin: namely that his boss arena is stated to be the tomb of his father, and the great structure at the end is indicated to be Gwyn's coffin. As Frampt, the illusion of Gwynevere, and several others hint with their dialogue, it's common knowledge that Gwyn isn't dead, and that most are aware he sacrificed himself to burn alive in the Kiln. Such thus begs the question of why is Gwyndolin so fiercely protecting what he has to know is an empty tomb and an empty coffin...UNLESS (again)...it's not empty and he's actually guarding a very dark secret in there, namely the evidence of his murdering his sister?

Yes again, one could argue it's a ceremonial tomb and coffin, and Gwyndolin's just going through the motions of keeping it sanctified as part of his duties, but then that clashes with his inferred character of being the last remaining god who's trying to further his own goals from the shadows, not the type who'd honestly care about meaningless symbols of a father who allegedly resented him simply for not being what he wanted in an offspring.

Phew! Man I may have spent way too long thinking this over. :twilightsheepish: I just knew this was going to make waves so I wanted to lay out my reasons and confirm I'm not just going for shock value with this revelation.

Okay my rant is thus concluded, now to move onto to the next chapter. XD