• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,063 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 19

With its diverse range of residents and deeply cultured history, one would expect the ponies of Ponyville to have gotten used to odd occurrences, significant life changing events, and unexpected dangers landing on their doorstep. In the last five years alone the town’s more significant happenings had included becoming the home of the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony, a visit from the returned Princess Luna on the holiday named for her fall to evil, an outbreak of ‘cutie pox’ a disease long believed to be extinct, the appearance of an ursa minor, the brief hostile takeover over by Trixie, Twilight’s ascension to princess-hood, and of course the return of both Tirek and Discord. If there was any evidence of how far the quaint little town had come in accepting such strife as just another part of life it was the recent wedding for two of their own numbers, held at the same time the town was under attack from a bugbear. Despite the danger presented to all who had participated in the ceremony, the ponies had not let the risk deter them. They had six national heroes to keep them safe, and if the previous threats hadn’t managed to kill them then a lone monster probably didn’t stand much of a chance either. Heck not even the appearance of a changeling at the wedding had managed to do much besides raise a few eyebrows and set a few tongues gossiping.

As such when Ponyville again found itself as the center of fresh drama between visitors from another time and another land, its residents refreshingly did not panic. Instead they hastily sought safety behind carts and inside buildings where they could watch the proceedings, allowing the marketplace to be turned into a plane of jagged crystal formations and spewing geysers of molten lava; a fitting arena for the battle that was blooming within.

“Lyra, did your research on these humans state anywhere that they could cast fire from their front limbs? Or that they were apparently mortal enemies of dragons?” Bon Bon asked while peering out the window of her shop.

“Uhhh…well…I guess that depends on which account you read. Humans could do all sorts of marvelous things with their hands, including some forms of magic. It’s unknown if that was limited to just illusion type spells, or the same variety that we’re capable of though…” Lyra replied from behind the counter. “As for the part about battling dragons…ermmm…humans were believed to be fiercely territorial creatures…and there’s some evidence that dragons used to terrorize their communities for their own selfish gain. I guess that explains what just happened…”

Bon Bon noticed a projectile of blue energy on a collision course with her shop. She duly dove behind the counter and hugged her marefriend as it crashed through the glass and exploded against the far wall.

“Well, if nothing else, at least now I’ll have a good reason to finally order that new sign for the window display that I kept putting off.” She lamented.

“And I can rest easy knowing my desire to move away from Canterlot for more exciting ventures was not in vain.” Lyra sighed as the battle raged on outside.

In the marketplace, Seath expelled what was left in his lungs in another stream of cursed crystal breath. He then added a few choked curses in addition as the Chosen Undead braced herself against the attack behind Artorias’ magic shield, then rose to face him none the worse for wear.

“Mine deliverance from Lordran to here was seemingly at random, there was naught for thee to follow save for falling victim to the same means. How, pray, didst thou find me in such an efficient manner?” Seath demanded as he parried a strike from the Moonlight Greatsword. His hands trembled around his catalyst, both from the force of the blow, and the sting of cold power emanating from the blade. He felt simultaneously relieved to now know what had become of the ancient weapon after losing it, as well as disgusted that it was back in the hands of one who wished to end his life again with it.

“I had help.” The Chosen Undead replied cryptically. Seath backed away and peered disdainfully at his opponent. She sheathed her sword and held up a flaming fist as a hint. The dragon groaned in realization.

“Twilight’s bonfire…that which I first created to demonstrate my power to the ponies. Yet again my own ambition doth pave the way for my downfall.” He sighed while dodging the return of the blade. “Be that as it may, I warn thee, Chosen Undead, thou shalt find me a far stronger and more powerful foe than before!”

He demonstrated by unleashing a fury of soul spears. The undead warrior leaped and rolled out of the way of the salvo, keeping her shield in position to deflect any wayward bolts.

“I have not squandered the interim between then and now either.” She commented. Again she sheathed her blade and cast a long flaming whip at the dragon. He glowered and raised a barrier to bear the brunt of the fire.

“The teachings of the witch’s disciples is strong within thee, however, thou art a fool to think such will make thee a fair match!” He spat back. The two crossed weapons and struggled against each others might, while around them Twilight, Celestia and co picked themselves up from where they’d been scattered by the initial blast of the battle.

“Okay, I can understand WHY this might be the case, but does it seem to anyone else like every visitor we get from Lordran is ridiculously overpowered in some way?” Spike groaned as he extracted himself from the broken remains of the crates he’d been flung into when Seath first went on the offensive.

“Forget that, why do they all have to share an obsession with fire? At this rate Ah’m never gonna be able to go campin’ or even look at a baked apple again without sufferin’ PTSD flashbacks.” Applejack groaned as she grabbed her Stetson and crawled away from the scorched ground where one of the lava geysers had burst forth.

On the other side of the marketplace, Twilight was contending with the dual pain of having the wind knocked out of her and having landed on her wings in a very awkward position. Even worse both had been the result of her teacher smacking her aside with his tentacles, a noble but poorly executed effort to keep her out of harm’s way.

“Trixie…” The alicorn grunted as she got to her hooves. “I can accept you resent me for unknowingly making you look bad in front of everypony. I can accept you recklessly utilized the alicorn amulet because you wanted to prove your worth as a magic user. I will even accept you returned because you need closure to the previous disagreements between us. What I will not accept, however, is this!” She lit up her horn and summoned the demon catalyst from where it had landed. “Please, help me to understand, what were you thinking calling Seath out like that?”

Nursing a headache of her own, the blue unicorn glanced at the battle and grimaced.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie refuses to be blamed for this! She…she just wanted to help!” She protested. “Honestly…she…I was only going on what the human told me! I didn’t think they’d try to kill each other!”

Despite having not endured any blows to her head, Twilight felt pain starting to creep into that region regardless.

“One’s armed to the teeth, and said she was looking for a monster. The other is said monster, who is also one of the most powerful sorcerers to ever live. What did you expect was going to happen?” She demanded. Trixie gave her a sour look.

“It…seemed like the right thing to do.” She muttered in defeat.


Both ponies turned to see a slightly dazed Celestia standing over them.

“Now is not the time to argue what could have or should have been done. We need to stop this fight before it gets somepony killed….again.” The solar princess looked slightly nauseous at the last word. Behind her more of the marketplace was buried under a thick coating of crystal spikes as Seath forced the Chosen Undead to back away. She responded by evading his attack then dropping her sword long enough to grab several throwing knives from a hidden pouch in her armor and send them hurtling into her opponent’s flesh. Seath roared in agony and retaliated with a flurry of homing soul masses as he clutched at the fresh wounds.

Twilight needed no further prompt to gallop at a full sprint, vault over the crystals into the space between the two, and cast a magic barrier as the combatants charged each other again.

“Seath…warrior….please…both of you…STOP THIS!” She cried as her barrier buckled under the combined impact of her teacher’s catalyst and the Moonlight Greatsword. “STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!”

Both dragon and undead were snapped out of their battle rage as they sensed their weapons hitting an impassable front. Confused they looked to the struggling alicorn between them.

“Please, step aside pony, this is not your fight.” The Chosen Undead said, confused at how Twilight glared at her with unexplainable loathing.

“It is as long as you seek to bring it upon our lands.” Celestia replied as she and Luna stepped into Twilight’s barrier and reinforced it with their own magic. “If it is Seath’s life you seek to end, you must first explain why. Whatever differences may exist between him and you, we will not permit you to endanger our fellow ponies while working them out!”

“Not to mention the little tidbit that there’s more of us than there are of you.” Discord replied, popping up inside the crystal field as well. “Seriously, humor me this one question, how exactly were you planning to carry out an assassination attempt when it was blatantly obvious how outnumbered you are?”

The Chosen Undead took one look at the flaming insect clutched in the chaos god’s hands and her eyes went wide. Deftly she dropped her shield in order to retrieve the white soapstone and activate the summoning signs behind Trixie’s stage.

The confusion and tension in the marketplace promptly increased tenfold as the ponies now found themselves flanked by several ghostly apparitions of other heavily armed humans.

“Dear me! That was most unexpected. How may we assist you noble undead?” Siegmeyer replied as he stepped out and viewed the battlefield. “Ahh you managed to find Seath already! And the Bed of Chaos! Efficient as always eh?”

Discord whirled around and scowled as Griggs and Laurentius converged on him with their respective weapons primed for violence. The royal sentries attempted to move in on these new invaders but the pyromancer drove them back by summoning a wall of flames while the sorcerer protected them both with a magic barrier of his own.

“Okay, first off I guess that was kind of a stupid question. Second off, well…props to you all for coming prepared, not that it’ll do you any good!”

In a flash the humans now found themselves flanked by multiple copies of Discord.

“What do you say now, eh?” The army of dracoequus challenged. The humans took a moment to analyze the change in their situation…then sensing some unspoken cue, Laurentius, Griggs, Siegmeyer and the Chosen Undead dropped to their knees as a hail of soul spears erupted from an alleyway and proceeded to wipe out every single Discord clone.

“I say your powers of illusion are most exemplary. Unfortunately their status as mere soulless shadows is easily identifiable, and rectified.” Logan replied as he stepped forward. The real Discord reeled back from the impact of being skewered multiple times via astral projection. Seath just looked more bewildered and more scornful as he recognized the giant hat wearing sorcerer.

“Mine most reclusive fan at last emerges. I confess the cessation of thine laudatory correspondence to me years ago was unsettling, though no more than to see thee now, standing with a band of those who seek my death.” The dragon replied scornfully. Logan bowed in due regret.

“I only plead your forgiveness, Grand Duke. I bear you no malice, but this is the only way to save Lordran.” The aged mage replied.

That just made things even more confusing to everyone.

“Save Lordran? But I thought…Seath said they couldn’t…” Twilight looked to Celestia, then to everyone else. “Okay this is getting ridiculous. I need answers and no one is killing anyone till I get them!”

She jabbed a hoof at the Chosen Undead.

“You first. What is your name?”

The female warrior turned her attention and her weapons to the pony.

“In life I was christened Aurelia. Now, however, most apparently have dubbed me as ‘The Chosen Undead’. “ She answered cautiously.

“Okay. What is your quest? As in why did you all have to track Seath to here?” Twilight followed. The undead sighed and pointed the Moonlight Greatsword at her opponent.

“To recover the Lord Souls and succeed the Great Lord Gwyn by linking the fires. To cast away the Dark, and undo the curse of the Undead.” She stated plainly. If this was meant to enlighten anyone it failed miserably. Seath, Discord and the ponies just stared at her like she was the insane one.

“What is your favorite color?”

And now those stares were directed at Pinkie Pie with the same level of bewilderment.

“Purple.” The Chosen Undead stated blankly as the mare whipped out her party cannon and aimed it at her.

“Ha! Wrong! It’s blu-…wait…what? Oh, no wait that was the wrong question! I meant to ask what’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen crow?”

Almost everyone in the marketplace cocked their heads simultaneously.

“Do you mean a crow unladen by sin or one that’s just unladen by any physical burden?” Griggs helpfully queried. Pinkie’s mane deflated slightly as she began pacing around her cannon.

“Uhh…hold on a minute, did I say ‘crow’? I think I was meant to say ‘swallow’. No, no wait, maybe it’s something about which is the capital of Neighpon…no, that’s not it either. Oh, how could I have forgotten such a classic routine? Is it which woodchuck could chuck more wood if…”


Several beings grimaced, and several jumped in shock as Pinkie stepped in front of her cannon at just the wrong moment and ended up taking the blast that had been meant for the Chosen Undead. All watched in stark silence as the mare was shot across the marketplace like a confetti comet and smashed through the wall of the Carousel Boutique.

“PINKIE!” Rarity and Applejack cried as they ran over, only for the pink mare to pop her head through the hole in the wall, looking none the worse for wear save for being covered in confetti and broken masonry.

“I’m okay! Ooooh, and I found those trimming scissors you lost, Rarity!” Pinkie held up a specially designed pair with tooth fashioned blades. “They were behind your gem box!”

Twilight sighed and covered her face with a hoof. “Pinkie, that’s not helping matters!”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry for interrupting, Twi. I need to go watch that movie again and remember how the scene goes. Then I probably should do something about fixing Rarity’s wall too.”

The pink mare was off like a rocket again, leaving the marketplace to stew in a very awkward silence.

“Well you ponies certainly seem to be a durable lot if that’s any indication. I can see now why the Chosen Undead decided to ask for help!” Siegmeyer finally replied, if for no other reason that to return to the matter of concern.

“No that’s just Pinkie. She does things the rest of us can’t.” Twilight said. “Which is even more reason why I’d like to get to the bottom of this before anyone else gets hurt!”

The Chosen Undead looked up at Seath, then at the bizarre patchwork creature cradling the Bed of Chaos. She contemplated just going for one of the two while she had the element of surprise but then thought better of it. If the ponies needed justification for her impromptu invasion she could at least humor them that much.

“Now, back to what you were saying, Miss Aurelia, or Chosen Undead, whichever you prefer, you say you’re here to save Lordran. Okay, that’s a noble enough cause, except Seath made it fairly clear that Lordran was beyond saving.” Twilight turned to her teacher. “Is that not so?”

Seath nodded grimly. “All of Gwyn’s efforts, mine own, and the finest minds in the land failed to rectify the curse of the Dark Sign, or the fading of the flames. I know not how any could believe any differently.”

Twilight turned back to the undead. “Okay, so how can you account for this?”

The Chosen Undead paused for a moment to contemplate. A moment that served to further muddy her mind as all of the questions and doubts from before fell upon her like a great rain.

“I…I know only what I have been told since leaving the asylum. For 300 years, possibly more, I apparently was left to rot, unconscious in my cell. At some point though, I awoke to the sight of a warrior above me. He gave me the key to my cell and told me to seek passage to Lordran. Upon reaching the Firelink Shrine I was told about the Bells of Awakening, and upon ringing them I returned to be met by the Kingseeker Frampt who told me of my being chosen to succeed the Great Lord and link the fires via the means I have told you.” She replied, her gaze narrowing as the ponies looked dubious, and Seath looked outright dismayed.

“Witless wench, how hath the primordial serpent filled thine head with lies.” The white dragon scowled. “Pray, what else did mine secret detractor tell thee?”

The Chosen Undead clenched her hands around her weapons, her teeth gritting under her helmet.

“To go to Anor Londo, retrieve the Lordvessel from the Princess Gwynevere and then sate it with the Lord Souls to access Gwyn’s tomb.” She replied, triggering an earth-shattering roar from Seath.

“False words! Every last one! Thine deception could not be plainer loathsome harlot, I know Gwynevere resides no more in Lordran!” He snarled. Everyone wisely took several steps away from the enraged drake, save for Twilight, Luna and Celestia who stood their ground to hold him back.

“The kiss I planted upon her hand would say otherwise, as would the Lordvessel she bequeathed to me, and this.” The undead dramatically revealed a sparkling silver ring from her pack. “An offer to join the covenant of the Princess Guard. I refused but she insisted I hold onto it in case I changed my mind.”

Twilight levitated the ring from the Chosen Undead’s hand, studied it, and then handed it over to Seath. He snatched it up and studied it for any sign of forgery or imperfection. His gaze slowly melted down from rage to pained denial as he sensed the gentle heat of a miracle enchantment radiating from the silver band, a sign that it was very genuine indeed.

“No…NO!” Seath hurled the ring on the ground. “This is all a lie! Frampt hath coached thee with devious intent to serve his own ends!”

Beside the drake, Logan leaned upon his catalyst in deep thought.

“The serpent did seem rather dismissive when I questioned him of your worth, Chosen Undead. Indeed he was quite willing to leave you to perish in Oolacile until we convinced him otherwise.” The aged sorcerer mused.

“Not to mention his detrimental reaction when I successfully worked out the secret of the Lordvessel to send Griggs and Siegmeyer to your rescue.” Laurentius piped up. The Chosen Undead’s determination cracked in several more spots as she looked to her fellow undead and processed this new revelation.

“Still…why would this Kingseeker Frampt send warriors to kill you for a lie, if indeed you are correct on that point, Seath?” Celestia intoned.

“Frampt hath loathed me for as long as he hath stood by Lord Gwyn’s side. Much like the foul Havel the Rock he thought I should have perished with the rest of the Everlasting Dragons. E’en before the war against my kindred he doubted Kaathe’s prophecy that I was to be the herald of the dragons' downfall.” Seath darkly replied. “Suffice to say, any excuse to finally bring about my second demise would suit him well.”

The Chosen Undead glared back at the drake, again contemplating the ways in which she could bury her blade in his heart, grab his soul, wrench the Bed of Chaos out of the patchwork creature’s grasp then be gone before the ponies could react. The only reason she didn’t was another voice chose that moment to interrupt proceedings.

“Well regardless it sounds like he had good cause!” Trixie claimed as she stepped into the field of crystal. “What answer do you have for all the people you tortured? The monsters you let loose on the lands? The terror you made for all those living in your own world?”

“She does make a valid point. There is much wickedness you have to answer for in any case, Grand Duke.” Griggs commented, much to the unicorn’s delight.

“So it’s true then! You are an utterly deplorable being! Worse than any of those locked up in Tartarus for having strung Twilight along thinking you were some wise sage!” Trixie accused. Ignoring the pounding agony in her brain, Twilight dropped her barrier and faced her rival.

“There was no stringing involved, Trixie. I know all about what Seath did before now. He told me fairly and with no details held back.” She stated.

The unicorn’s glee faltered.

“You are correct, Seath is both a wise sage and an insane maniac. The point is trying to alienate him is clearly not the right course of action if the evidence here is anything to go by.” Twilight argued.

Trixie stammered and then gaped at Twilight as if she had suddenly sprouted a second head. She then turned to take in the devastated marketplace and her face fell as she realized how her actions had only resulted in more hardship, just like they had the last time she’d come to Ponyville, and the time before that.

“I…but…he…this…” The unicorn shook her head and hid her expression behind a hoof. “Trixie just wanted to help! To show she’s learned from what you told her the last time we met!”

Groaning again, Twilight turned to the rest of the gathered souls. “Okay, so let’s review for a moment: Miss Aurelia, you need the Lord Souls to complete your quest. Two of those souls are held by Seath and the Bed of Cha…I mean ‘Queen’, hence why you’re here now to claim them. Is that accurate?”

The Chosen Undead nodded.

“And by doing that you believe you’ll be saving Lordran and succeeding Gwyn your Lord God, is that correct?”

Another nod.

“Okay, Seath, your turn now. What about the aforementioned do you believe is inaccurate?”

Seath snorted a small gust of crystal breath and crossed his arms.

“Ignoring my own knowledge of Gwynevere’s fate, only what I hath gleaned from my own research on the necessities for linking the flames. To do so shalt require one to make the ultimate sacrifice as Gwyn did before thee: thou must replace him as the kindling of the Kiln and burn for eternity in his stead!”

The Chosen Undead stepped back, her armor clanking as her body tensed in outright denial.

“Ah, left that part out Frampt did? I suspected as much. No doubt he did twist his words to denote thou would take Gwyn’s place as ruler on high, rather than his role as fuel for the fire.” The dragon glowered.

“Th-That can’t be!” The Chosen Undead exclaimed.

“T’is the only means any could find for maintaining the Age of Fire. No other option was proven viable.” Seath replied. The Chosen Undead furiously shook her head, and resumed a battle stance.

“Now you’re the one telling lies. That can’t be true. IT CAN’T BE!”

She charged the dragon, only to be thrown off her feet by a double blast from Celestia and Luna.

“Well clearly messages have become muddled and words have been misinterpreted between parties. If I may, I have my own version of this information to impart that may enlighten you further.” The sun princess intoned. “There is more to this than you have been told or could know, Miss Aurelia. I will be happy to provide you with our own records, but first I must insist that you, Seath and everyone else stand down. Seath is here as our guest and thus far has proven himself worthy of our protection. If you continue to try and kill him, I and every other pony under my rule will not hesitate to defend him!”

The Chosen Undead picked herself up from where she’d crashed against a crystal spire. She looked aghast at the polite but very stern stare from Celestia. A check to Twilight, Luna and Discord confirmed they would do as their apparent monarch commanded.

“Not to mention thine choice of armament to take me down is poor indeed. Unsettling as it is for me to behold that damned blade again I can take comfort from the fact that thou can do little to harm me with it.” Seath voiced, almost as a challenge. He wrapped a tentacle around the blade in his opponent's hands then quickly yanked it off. Rather than sever the white limb as would be expected the sword only fizzled and dealt little more than a blemish upon Seath's skin. Unable to believe this, The Chosen Undead aimed her weapon at the drake and tried to cast a beam of energy. Again nothing more than a pathetic fizzle resulted.

“Great is thine strength and nimble is thine body, but the Moonlight Greatsword requires more of an individual. T’is a creation of sorcery, forged via the sacrifices of Guyra and his followers for the purpose of vanquishing me and all who sought to serve me. Only a being of exceptional intelligence can hope to wield its true might, and as powerful as thou may be as a warrior, thou art no Austin Lyle Forester!” Seath explained. Caught out by the shortcomings of her skills, the Chosen Undead grimaced and let the sword fall from her hands.

“You…would take his side over mine?” She asked Celestia.

“Only until we get to the bottom of this matter. There is much that has been kept hidden, and a prophecy of our own that tells of Seath, Queen, and possibly your own involvement in a calamity that will soon befall Equestria. We have as much need to know what is going on here as you do, as well as a strong case for us to be allies, not enemies, if the worst is indeed soon to come.” Celestia offered a hoof to the undead.

The armored warrior looked to her fellow humans for their own input.

“Huh…well I don’t deny this is a lot to take in, not to mention a pretty big leap of faith, but as Logan and Laurentius did point out, there’s prior evidence to suggest it might be true in some regard.” Siegmeyer replied. “Also, as a noble knight I musn't forget that there is a time for diplomacy just as there is a time for war.”

The Chosen Undead looked to Griggs.

“A great mystery has befallen us, and while I would welcome nothing more than to return to the more simple plan of action from before, I cannot ignore that there are avenues left unexplored here.” The sorcerer replied.

“Not to mention we have enough enemies as is. I wish not to make more of an entire new race.” Laurentius replied while sizing up the number of ponies watching from windows and doorways, as well the royal sentries that were still standing beyond the wall of fire with their spears raised, awaiting orders from Celestia to attack.

“In the end though, this is your quest and thus your choice, noble undead. If you would rather get what you need and leave we will do our best to help.” Logan replied, a noble sentiment indeed, but then again, as a phantom he had little to fear besides being dismissed back to Lordran. The Chosen Undead, on the other hand, had more to risk if she went on the offensive. She still had plenty of other weapons to make use of, as well as estus, rings and of course her pyromancies, but at the same time, the sheer number of potential opponents facing her was considerable, and thou she had proven herself a force to be reckoned with, as had her allies, they all had their limits.

With her body sagging in defeat, the Chosen Undead accepted the hoof and let Celestia pull her up from the ground.

“Lordran slinks further towards oblivion with every moment. Understand I do this only for its salvation and what remains of its people.” The female intoned as she stored her shield on her back.

“I seek a peaceful resolution for the same reason, as much for your world as for ours. Trust me, Miss Aurelia, we have no cause to deceive you further.” Celestia replied. Nodding her acceptance, the Chosen Undead gestured for her fellow warriors to stand down.

“I take it you’re giving negotiations a try then?” Laurentius inquired cautiously.

“Yes. Return to Firelink Shrine but remain at the ready. If things go sour, I’ll summon you back here immediately.” The Chosen Undead answered solemnly.

“A most wise course of action, my friend! Best of luck!” Siegmeyer cheered as he was dismissed from the marketplace. Laurentius dropped the fire wall and vanished with him, followed by Griggs and Logan. The royal sentries promptly charged in with the removal of the barriers, but Celestia gestured for them to halt their acts as well as the Chosen Undead raised her hands in surrender.

“Twilight if we may, I think we should take this back to your castle. Somewhere where there’s less risk of collateral damage.” Luna intoned.

“Oh by all means!” Twilight replied, only to stop as her hoof nudged against the Moonlight Greatsword. “Umm…first though, are you going to be wanting that back, Miss Aurelia?”

The Chosen Undead glanced down at the ancient weapon, and sighed.

“If I am not worthy to wield it then I can see no use in holding onto it. I have plenty of other weapons at my disposal.” She replied.

“My gratitude to thee.” Seath said with subtle sarcasm as his tentacles wrapped around the sword’s hilt and pulled it towards him. “We have only one matter left to resolve then before our departure.”

All ponies turned to the white drake in query. This in turn afforded them all an excellent view of him lunging at the Chosen Undead from behind, impaling her clear through her torso with his new weapon and lifting her up.

THIS, fetid bitch, is for cutting off my tail!” He snarled before hurling the fatally wounded undead across the marketplace. She gasped then whimpered pitifully as her body crashed onto the ground and vanished, leaving behind a glowing bloodstain. Shocked silence fell upon all again as the dragon spat on his opponent’s remains and shouldered the Moonlight Greatsword.

“Now, to the bonfire! Its flames will no doubt have already returned her to life. Let us put this rivalry to rest and cast aside the veil of lies it hath woven!” Seath coldly commanded.

Author's Note:

Yeah another short one, again a result of me having far less time to dedicate to writing. I apologise to anyone hoping for a far bigger and longer battle between Seath and the Chosen Undead. I originally did plan for them to actually cause the deaths of several ponies during their face off but then considered that would probably make it hard for Twilight, Celestia and everyone to trust them enough for the next arc to feasibly happen, not to mention several of the more astute readers predicted such an outcome several chapters back and voiced their disliking for it so I naturally had to change things up a bit to defy expectations. After all I can always go back and start killing characters later. :pinkiecrazy:

As for the other points worth noting:

- Originally in Dark Souls there was to be an animation where Gwynevere extended her hand to the player character and bid for them to kiss it before giving them the Lordvessel. Like many aspects it was cut for time constraints but is still referenced in several bits of fan lore.

- As one reader already pointed out, yes, the Moonlight Greatsword actually makes for a very poor weapon against Seath (ironic considering that in the King's Field games it's specifically mentioned to be the only weapon capable of killing him). I included it so I could provide some more backstory as to how it ties into overall events, and also as a bit of a jab at my own playthroughs of Dark Souls. Since I mainly favored weapons and gear that level with strength and dexterity I almost never put any points into intelligence. As a result my own character build ended up in the same position as poor Aurelia, too damn stupid to use the Moonlight Greatsword and with too many other options to really warrant grinding for it.

You may all chuckle at my expense now. :rainbowlaugh: