• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,063 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter 21

When one was a princess, everything had to be done in moderation. You couldn’t let yourself get too bogged down in the demands of your country, nor could you indulge yourself too much on the luxuries afforded by your station. You had to walk a tight rope of balance between the two, knowing when was the time for fun, and when was the time to get serious.

Such was the situation Celestia found herself in as she and several of her closest bodyguards stood in a hidden fortified chamber far beneath the palace of the newly re-integrated Crystal Empire. Several floors above them the crystal ponies were holding a grand celebration to welcome in Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance as their new rulers, following the defeat and seeming end of the tyrant, King Sombra. After 1,000 years Equestria at last stood as the completely unified nation it had once been before events had taken a dark turn. By all accounts it was a time for all to cheer and be merry, but for Celestia, her participation in the festivities would have to wait. She had a more important duty to tend to first, now that she had access to the secrets that had been entrusted to Sombra. The very same secrets that, ironically, had given him the edge he needed to become the monster that all now feared.

“This is all you could find?” She asked despondently, staring at the pathetic pile of parchment scraps.

“We’ve searched every possible inch of the archives, your highness. Unless Sombra made another hidden chamber that’s so secret not even our seismographic spells can find it, this is all that remains of the Annals of History.” One of the sentries replied. “It would appear he literally read them to shreds in his effort to learn their contents.”

Celestia sighed and massaged her brow with a hoof.

“That or he destroyed the parts containing the knowledge that gave him his powers so no other pony could become his equal.” She mused as she levitated a fragment. The writing on it had faded with age, but its beautifully artistic penmanship was still visible, telling of the care that had gone into documenting everything about this so-called other world that the annals had come from. The language, while rather archaic, was still comprehensible enough to confirm what she’d been told about previously had been no lofty tale of yore. Here was the mention of magic being used and perfected by a wholly different realm just as it had been in Equestria, populated not by ponies but beings of many species. Some familiar, some not so much.

“Captain, I request some time alone to read through these and commit them to memory. When I’m done, I want them stored in an airtight container and placed among the other relics in the palace archives above us. They can hardly be of any danger in their present state so there is no reason why we can’t keep them in a more easily accessible area.” Celestia commanded.

“As you wish, your highness, though I would like to note that Prince Armor, Princess Cadance and no doubt your sister will soon notice your absence. What shall I tell them if they ask where you are?” The sentry queried.

Celestia sighed and found the will to smile. “If they do I’ll take that as a sign I need to shelve my work in favor of having some fun. Come and get me and I’ll join them back upstairs.”

The sentries bowed and left their diarch to her studies, permitting her to drop the smile and sigh despondently.

“Seems like there’s so few occasions to just kick back and forget one’s woes these days.” The princess muttered as she studied a tapestry of what appeared to be dragons warring with some strange bipedal beings in shining silver armor, flowing across what remained of a page border. “These records are what allowed Equestria to finally stand together as one, and then allowed one solitary soul to nearly tear us apart again in his own selfish quest for power, before forcing us to banish this entire region out of existence for 1,000 years. There has to be something still salvageable here!”


“And…what did you find?” Twilight queried as Celestia paused to refill her tea again.

“Nothing beyond what I have revealed. All that remained of the annals’ contents were random mentions of souls, fire, undead and chaos. Sombra did an exemplary job of covering his tracks after learning what he could. Honestly I’m not even sure how much of his power actually came from the annals vs. what he created from corrupting our own original knowledge of magic.” The sun princess hung her head as if ashamed at having failed those who had trusted her. Twilight, however, now had cause to contemplate a myriad of new possibilities from this information. Seath seemed to be doing the same as he scooped more powdered tea into his bowl and whisked it into the hot water.

“So where currently are the remains of these annals then?” The lavender alicorn asked.

“Still in the Crystal Palace archives, no doubt. When I was done reading through them I made sure my sentries chose the most generic, non-descript chest to store them in and left them in a darkened corner of the main chamber. To the unknowing eye they’d appear to be nothing more than a random container amidst hundreds, completely unworthy of note.” Celestia replied. Seath snorted softly as he turned the bowl in his hands and sipped his tea.

“Hiding a treasure in plain sight. Thine craftiness is impressive.” He mused. Celestia smiled with just a hint of pride.

“It works surprisingly often, as history will attest.” She said.

Putting her tea down, Twilight rose and began to pace the room, her brow furrowed and her head dipping under the weight of a great amount of contemplation.

“Okay, then there may be another avenue for us to explore. Well, two possibly but the second one is a bit of a stretch. Spike?”

In a flash, the baby dragon appeared out of a side room.

“You called, Twi?” He asked.

“I need you to start documenting some plans of action here for us.” Twilight declared as her pacing sped up. Spike took a seat where he wasn’t in danger of being trodden on and whipped out a scroll and quill.

“Alright, fire away when ready.” He smirked.

“Okay first, Seath and I need to have a look at what remains of these Annals of History. I believe you, Celestia, in that they may not have much more to reveal on our current predicament but at the same time, if past events like when I accidentally switched everyone’s cutie marks around is anything to go by, I have a knack for seeing and determining new solutions to problems that stump other ponies. Considering these annals came from Seath’s world he might be able to likewise lend a fresh perspective.”

The white dragon raised a curious eyeridge.

“Second, if we can neither confirm nor deny that there’s a cure for this Dark Sign curse, I’d like to see if I can likewise shed some new light on it, meaning that with your permission, Miss Aurelia, I’d like to study you and see just how the curse works. Can’t guarantee I’ll find anything, but I want to try.” Twilight continued, with a lessened show of confidence. The Chosen Undead looked understandably doubtful.

“The fact that no mind in Lordran, no matter how ‘brilliant’…” She cast her dubious stare at Seath. “Has managed to discern the nature of this curse for generations upon generations does not dissuade you?”

Celestia brushed back her mane and let a small amount of pride infuse her smile.

“Twilight speaks the truth about taking an unorthodox but no less effective approach to investigating conundrums. I have seen this countless times when she was my student and I believe it cannot hurt to let her lend her own perspective on your condition.”

Though she was loathe to do so, the undead turned to Seath in request for his opinion.

“If mine time among these equines hath taught me anything, it is that they possess strength and abilities in areas none of Lordran could imagine. If mine student believes she can accomplish what even I cannot then such is entirely possible.” The white dragon replied. The Chosen Undead looked to her teacup, her hand reaching to rub at a burned circle glowing menacingly on her neck.

“If my quest is based upon a lie, as you say, then I have no cause which to remain focused on. If greater tribulations do loom upon us, greater than I can hope to face, then I have no significance. The prospect of turning hollow seems to grow greater with every thought…” She lamented. Celestia frowned, not wanting to see another soul lose hope when she had done nothing to warrant such misfortune (well, technically she hadn’t). The Chosen Undead took a deep breath and sat back up again.

“If, however, you believe I can aid you, in any way, then that will at least give me a reason to keep going for now. Until we get to the bottom of things.” She rose and knelt before Twilight. “I am at your service if you need me.”

Twilight smiled and patted the undead on the shoulder with her hoof.

“Alright, then I think a field trip to the Crystal Empire is in order first. No doubt Shining will want to recover in a more familiar place and it seems there’s answers potentially waiting for us there. I just need to go have a chat with Trixie and my friends first.”

Celestia wiped her mouth with a napkin and stood.

“While you’re doing that, I wish to have a word with Seath. Just a small matter that needs to be settled.” She smiled at the drake, who just glared warily back.

“And if it may help you, Miss Aurelia, I have a story or two that might help you find cause to hang on. Heaven knows out of all of us, I’ve been in a far too similar situation to your own.” Luna beckoned for the Chosen Undead to join her at the table again while the other princesses went off to their respective needs. Twilight and Spike passed into the grand dining room which had now been turned into an Aladdin’s cave of trinkets, weapons, and armor. Twilight couldn’t help whistling in awe as she beheld just how much gear the Chosen Undead had brought with her for the sake of fulfilling her quest. No doubt many would deem it overkill, but now knowing the importance of it, Twilight saw the vast arsenal as an indication of how badly the Chosen Undead needed to accomplish what she had been charged with, lest she resign herself to an eternity as a mindless, shambling corpse.

“How’s it going Green Bean? Any closer to finishing up?” She asked as the royal sentries pulled a very long and very sharp spear from the undead’s pack. The blade crackled with a few small bolts of electricity and the sentries hastily noted it then shoved it off to one side before it ended up causing any harm.

“I think so. We’re not coming across too many more big items at least.” One of the armored ponies replied as he mopped his brow. “At this point it might be faster to just ask your human friend what else is meant to be in here. I’m getting worried we might miss something when we have to put everything back.”

“Oooh, in that case could you ask her if it’s okay for me to use this?” Pinkie Pie popped up out of one of the piles of armor, the strange light generating maggot perched on her head. “Nopony has any idea what it is, but I’m guessing it’s some sort of hat. A hat that does its own light show! The perfect party accessory!”

Twilight smiled and sighed as Pinkie enthusiastically bounced around the room, the creature on her head giving her a personal spotlight to show off her moves.

“I’ll make a note to ask once I’ve had a word with everypony. Come on, Pinkie.” Twilight pushed through into the next room where her friends, and her rival were gathered in uncomfortable silence. Trixie, in a somewhat refreshing change, was looking far less boastful and pompous than in the marketplace. She’d taken off her cape and was slowly turning it over in her magic, staring at the fur lining as if lost in some unpleasant memory.

“Alright girls, we’ve had a chance to talk to Seath and the undead. Condemnations, explanations and apologies have all been exchanged and I think we’re ready to make a fresh start.”

“Good, cause Lyra’s no doubt gonna be chompin’ at the bit to know what we’ve done with the first human she’s seen, and the press are already gatherin’ in droves outside the castle gate.” Applejack commented while staring out a window at the mass of ponies climbing over each other for some sign of what their resident princess was doing about the latest development in this strange debacle.

“I’d also like some assurance I’m not going to have to ruin somepony’s day due to them trying to ruin mine or that of my friends. Rainbow Dash, loathe as I am to say this, shamed me with her heroic efforts back in Canterlot. I’m not going to let another pony get themselves hospitalized simply because I couldn’t be there to do my part!” Rarity declared with a graceful slam of her wineglass against the arm of her loveseat. The move was perfectly measured to produce an audible chime, yet not slosh the contents around so much that they spilled or damage the vessel. Twilight paid the unicorn silent admiration for showing such bravery, and simultaneously such exquisite lady like behavior.

“I fear you may be forced to prove that bravado soon, Rarity. After talking it over with Celestia et all, I’ve drawn up the following plan of action. First off, Seath, Celestia and I are going to escort Shining and Cadence back to the Crystal Empire. Celestia believes there’s something there that may shed some more light on what’s going on. In the event it doesn’t, however, there’s a second, somewhat more drastic option…” Twilight paused to swallow and brace herself for the inevitable reactions from her friends. “We’re going to have to travel to Lordran and….yeah, that’s what I thought.”

The alicorn stopped and weathered the shocked stares and gaping jaw drops that amassed upon her from all sides.

“Uh…Twilight, would you mind repeatin’ that fer us? Ah don’t think Ah heard you properly.” Applejack asked, and pleaded.

“We’re going to have to go to Lordran.” The alicorn replied, wincing as her friends gave her a second salvo of their reactions.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie thought herself insane for her actions…now she ponders if you are any different.” The blue unicorn muttered.

“Ah…well that’s layin’ it on a bit thick, Trix, but she may have a point, Twi. Ah’ve only had the pleasure o’ meetin’ four such folk from there, and that’s been enough to convince me that Ah never wanna set hoof in that place!” Applejack replied.

“I agree, but we may not have a choice. There’s only so much we can do here in Equestria, any other soul who might actually be able to assist us further is back there where the trouble is brewing.” Twilight deflatedly replied. “Look, again, I’m going to first exhaust all possibilities that will allow us to avoid leaving, but if worst comes to worst, I need you all to promise me one thing. Whatever is waiting for us in Lordran is far worse than anything we’ve faced before. If we’re going to pit ourselves against it, as the Elements of Harmony, I need to know that you’ll all step up your game. We’ve taken some hits yes, but that’s because we didn’t expect anything of the magnitude that Seath and Aurelia have had to face. Now that we know, I believe that together we can endure against it, provided we all give it our best.”

Silence held for a moment as the other ponies contemplated this.

“That includes you, Trixie. Just as I’m hoping Seath and Aurelia can put aside their differences and work together, I’d like us to do the same.” Twilight added, much to Trixie’s surprise.

“Me? With you? Well….erm…” The unicorn sighed as she let her cloak fall into her hooves and clutched it to her chest. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is as her name suggests, however, she must admit that as a showpony there is still a…minor difference between her abilities and your own. How can she hope to help you?”

Twilight stepped forward and placed a hoof on the unicorn’s cloak.

“Well, clearly you’ve been honing your skill in some way, seeing as you actually made good on at least one claim. Also while the alicorn amulet may have been guiding your actions, it’s not like just any magic user could’ve just picked it up and used it so that shows you do have more potential that would first seem apparent. I need the help of my friends if we’re going to get through this, and I want to include you among that number.”

Trixie looked up at Twilight, then turned her gaze away, not wanting to face the fact that, yet again, her rival was proving to be the better pony.

“There is…more that Trixie must acknowledge. You give Trixie chance after chance to atone for her errors, yet Trixie cannot do the same for those whom she legitimately owes a debt to.”

Several of the ponies looked confused as the unicorn put her cape back on.

“Trixie’s victory in the Everfree was partially due to Seath helping her out. While she still distrusts him in light of his past crimes, she was wrong to forget that in the heat of the moment.”

The confusion turned to dumbfounded doubt.

“Please give Trixie time to think it over. She…again needs to reconsider how she approaches her problems in life.”

Twilight nodded and turned to her other friends. “And as for you all?”

Rarity looked to her wine, watching the red liquid slowly flow around in the glass chalice. She contemplated the likelihood that another type of red liquid could end up being spilled in copious amounts depending on her decision.

“While none of us have ever outright asked each other before, Twilight, there’s always been a subtle understanding that we would all follow our friends into Tartarus itself if such was required. If you’re asking me to now make good on that claim, rest assured I will.” The white unicorn replied. Twilight let another moment pass so Spike could swoon uninterrupted.

“Applejack?” She asked.

The farmer took a deep breath and pushed her Stetson forward on her head.

“Well, as the Element o’ Honesty Ah’ve said mah piece about wantin’ to stay as far away from such a nightmarish land as possible. However, by the same bit, Ah gotta realize Ah can’t let mah fears stop me from being there to help. If you need me by yer side, Twilight, Ah ain’t gonna let you down!”

Twilight’s wings ruffled at the sentiment.


The yellow pegasus trembled and tugged at her mane.

“I can’t deny I’m as frightened as Applejack about the prospect, but at the same time I perhaps have more souls depending on me than any other pony. For their sakes…for her sake, I have to do what I can, if needs be.” She whispered. Her face looked pained yet even despite her reluctance she did not falter in her speech. Twilight took this to heart as she turned to Pinkie Pie.

“Do I even need to ask?” Twilight said with subtle amusement as the pink mare kept adjusting the creature on her head and watching how it altered the light it gave off in response.

“A chance for another epic adventure? Grind our levels to the max, get loads of treasure and XP? Hey..grrr..ggrrr…count me in! I’m not letting the darkness eclipse anyone’s sun! Ngh!”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow at the odd choice of words, then she reminded herself that pretty much everything Pinkie did was odd in some manner.

"Discord? Wherever you are?" She asked while looking around the room. In a flash the dracoequus was by her side, lovingly stroking the Izalith chaos bug.

"Well, I don't think it bears repeating that the idea is suicide and the thought of putting my darling widdle Queenie-Weenie in any more danger just chills my heart."

He opened a cabinet door in his chest and removed his ice covered ticker. The chaos bug duly ignited and thawed it out for him.

"However, at the same time, I find the idea of Fluttershy taking similar risks stirs similarly uncomfortable feelings in me. Not to mention, seeing as you didn't try to separate me from my pet I guess I sort of owe you all." Discord replaced his heart and kissed Queen. "If that's what you gotta do, I gotta do it with you!"

Twilight found herself giggling as the dracoequus whipped out shovels and bags of fertiliser. "Now if you'll excuse me, I really need to get back to fixing Luna's garden. It's about the only part of my work load I can actually say I enjoy."

He poofed back out of existence, leaving the ponies sharing looks of quiet bewilderment.

"Gotta admit, Ah never figured a being of chaos for havin' a green hoof." Applejack observed.

Twilight shrugged. "I think that's the whole point. If it doesn't make sense to us then he's bound to be all over it. Anyway, I’m going to prepare to visit the Crystal Empire. Anypony wants to tag along, I’d appreciate the extra company!”

The alicorn left to start packing, feeling warmly emboldened that yet again, her most trusted friends had proved they were as worthy of their stations as fate had deemed them to be.


Elsewhere Celestia and Seath stood facing each other on opposite ends of the small room. One had resigned herself to another litany of verbal lashings, the other debating whether to deliver on expectations or apologize for having previously misjudged the other party.

“Truly Celestia, the times I thought thee a flighty sadistic fool are now matched only by my regret that we were not met sooner.” Seath lowered his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “Thou sought to fill all parties in with thine own knowledge, yet still thou holds back this, perhaps the most critical details. Pray, cans’t thou explain thine logic?”

Celestia closed her eyes and silently expressed her dismay at her actions.

“Because I have no idea if this part is true, or if I’m indeed just crazy. I’m revealing it to you because you’re the only one I can think of right now who might be able to confirm or deny.” She said. Seath snorted in weak amusement.

“Thou shalt gain naught but disappointment if thou placeth hope in me having contemplated such ventures before. Mine musings were troubled enough with the challenges of the present and the all too immediate future. To look even further into the seeds of time…hmmm….” Seath pushed his glasses back up and stroked his chin. “Thine theory is fascinating indeed, and perhaps I was wrong to not focus my research on such an unexplored avenue, but at this moment, I can shed no further light on thine ponderings.”

Celestia sighed and let herself relax a little. “Then we’ll have to relegate that to the pile of things to be looked into later. Right now, there is the other matter that Twilight is no doubt discussing with her friends and which I need to discuss with you.” The white alicorn adjusted herself back to a regally authoritative stance and approached the dragon. “If we must venture into your world, I cannot and will not allow what happened during Luna’s birthday party to repeat itself if…or rather when we have to face another danger of your world. I need to know what else I can do to amplify my own powers so I can protect those I rule over, and those I care for. I need you to tell me what weaknesses the creatures of your world have, what forms of magic I can use and pass on to everypony to defeat them. Whatever it takes, Equestria and its subjects must be ready, as much with it’s own resources as with your sorcery!”

Seath’s eyeridge rose along with his wings and his head tendrils. If the sun princess’ insane ponderings were fascinating, this sudden change of character was most intriguing indeed. Here was no longer the pacifist, hard-core diplomat and quasi-hippie who tried to avoid conflict every chance she got. No, this equine standing before him was as her station demanded: a royal who sought to do what she had to for the sake and the safety of her kingdom.

“Despite thine differing coats and thine differing affiliations, thou bears much of thine sister’s tendencies.” Seath mused as the alicorn stared him down.

“I’ve fought my fair share of wars and shed probably more blood than any pony can justify. I’ll do it again in a heartbeat if I truly have no other choice.” Celestia replied. Seath looked at the securely closed and locked door behind her.

“The Chosen Undead hath no doubt approached her quest with the same attitude. No doubt she hath also paid the price with blood of her own, lost to countless deaths and Gwyn can only attest what manner of mental derangement.” He cautioned. His wings and tendrils rose even further when Celestia did not back down nor look even the least bit bothered.

“That’s a risk I’m willing to take. You’ve sworn to teach Twilight all there is about sorcery, I need you to swear to teach me how to improve my own magic to serve as the guardian my kingdom will need, as I swore to be when I first accepted my crown.” She demanded. Seeing neither warning nor evidence of what tragedy may befall such ambition would sway the princess, Seath held up his hand.

“Whatever it takes?” He asked.

Celestia nodded and pressed her hoof to his palm.

“Whatever it takes.” She repeated. The dragon nodded his agreement.

“T’is a match then, noble princess.” He replied while lowing his hand again. “Now, as mine student and thine secret admirer hath stated, answers await us in thine empire to the north.”

Celestia looked perturbed at the dragon’s choice of words but just sighed and nodded.

“I’ll have the carriages made ready. We’ll just need to stop by the Canterlot General Hospital to pick up Shining Armor and Princess Cadence first.” She stated before groaning as a camera flash lit up the window from outside. “Also we’ll probably have to give a press statement at some point too.”


The Chosen Undead idly turned her tea cup in her hands as Luna looked down at her. The human felt simultaneously better to know another soul who had faced the worst of her own inner demons and triumphed, however, there was also a lingering sense of dismay that the moon princess’ situation didn’t quite compare to her own.

“I hope that gives you at least a little peace of mind.” Luna hesitantly asked.

“I…It does…but…I still don’t understand.” The undead sighed while putting her cup down. “Your fall to darkness and redemption is inspiring, but…I don’t see the correlation between that and my own.”

She sounded very ashamed at failing to see the intent behind Luna’s story. The black alicorn sighed and smiled that it was okay.

“I didn’t mean it as a direct comparison…but, well let me ask this instead: your goal is to remain motivated in order to hold onto your sanity and thereby not succumb to the curse you’ve been afflicted with?”

The undead nodded.

“Well I succumbed to my own demons because I believed I needed to live and die by my stated purpose. When that purpose seemingly ceased to be important I took every path necessary to right what I saw as a wrong, blind to the fact that there were many alternatives I could have pursued. I have the ability to guard ponies in their dreams. My natural environment allows me to conduct needed tasks without worrying about the same attention and fanfare that my sister attracts. I’m the reason the thestrals still thrive and have cause to serve the common good. There are plenty of other things to keep me motivated besides just being the princess of the night. Sadly, I didn’t realize it till after I’d made a mess of things and spent a thousand years in exile.” Luna paused for breath. “All I’m saying is, take a step back and think on what else you might have to keep working towards. There has to be more you can do for yourself and your homeland…”

The Chosen Undead’s gaze lowered in contemplation. Her body settled as if finding the weight of her responsibilities a little easier to bear.

“I’ll…I’ll try that…and let you know what I come up with.”

Luna smiled as everyone filed back into the throne room.

“Why don't I stay here with you for now? Just to show that, if nothing else, you've got somepony to fall back on.” She said. Now the Chosen Undead had cause to smile too.

“You have no idea how rare and unexpectedly welcome it is to be offered something like that."


Across a barren and desolate region of Equestria a familiar dark portal opened in the sky. This time, if there were any souls about to welcome the arrival of visitors, they wisely kept their presence hidden as the black hand descended, clutching the warped, angular form of an ashen white body. Numerous bloody cuts across the hand told of the struggle it had endured to obtain its latest catch, and the way the body in its grip thrashed violently about told it had only succeeded by the skin of its proverbial teeth. Granted it had of course faced the added challenge of making sure it had the right being too, as the void it had pulled its catch from had contained several such identical beings, with only one of them harboring the true prize.

To be absolutely sure, however, it gave the warped form a crushing squeeze, feeling its pain ease as it sensed the warmth of a Lord Soul. Yes, it had grabbed the right one, and at last all but one of the vital components were where they needed to be, both for its own plan and the one who held it by its own self imposed leash. It needed only to claim what lay in the northern territory of this realm and all would be ready for the next phase.

With a bitter show of triumph, the hand hurled the ashen king onto the ground, taking solace from the sickening crack of it breaking on impact. A rustle disturbed the air as the hand then pulled itself back into the portal, a sign that at least one inhabitant of this realm was already moving in to see what unexpected gift had been left on its doorstep.

It didn’t bother to check who was about to stake their claim to the final Lord Soul. Whoever it was, they were the one intended to find it and use it for their own ends.

That was assurance enough for the time being.

Author's Note:

Yeah I'm a day late and a dollar short this week (literally speaking sadly). Been scouring the streets looking for work, and also will be traveling next week so my mind, if you'll forgive me readers, has not been on my writing.

I also wanted to, hopefully, address the issue a few readers had that I was nerfing the ponies too much in favor of making the Dark Souls cast superior. I let that be the main guide for this chapter, setting the pace for Twilight and co. to ramp up their stats and show that the defenders of Equestria can still be a force to be reckoned with even without external aid. Crossing my fingers I succeeded in that. :twilightsheepish:

And yes, unlike before, I'm going to keep who gets to be the bearer of the last Lord Soul a mystery for the moment. Unlike the previous three which were all obvious matches, I found several contenders among the MLP cast for who could provide a decent fourth foil if suddenly gifted with immense power so I've got some more thinking to do on who is the most deserving.

That's all for now. Enjoy and comment please!

EDIT: Yes, the bit I added about Discord having a gardening passion is a reference to this fic: Discord's Garden

Take it as another recommendation for your reading lists. It's quite heartfelt.