• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,017 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 35

“One… two… buckle my shoe. Three… four… knock at the door. Five… six… pick up sticks. Seven… eight… lay them straight. Nine… wait…”

Pinkie looked up from her game of jacks, briefly checking the bonfire before her before returning to her contemplation.

“Why would you want to pick up sticks only to then put them back down again? That makes no sense! I mean if you’re going to pick up anything surely the most logical course of action would be to then put them away, not straighten them out and leave them where you found them! That’s just being messy!”

Pinkie shook her head and bounced the rubber ball again.

“Nine… ten… a big fat hen… wait… now what’s the deal with that? Hens by default are generally plump. At least Applejack’s are… does that mean this hen is exceptionally tall, and overweight? And if so, why would you want to call attention to that? That’s just being mean!”

The ball bounced towards the edge of the cliff, its demise imminent but ignored.

“Why would anyone include such mean and confusing rhymes in a foal’s game?”

The ball bounced off into the void as Pinkie looked to the little metal stars in her hoof.

“And on that, how am I playing a game that requires considerable dexterity when I don’t have any fingers?”

The jacks were tossed over the pink mare’s shoulder as she settled in for deeper, philosophical thinking on the troubling matter. Mercifully, the bonfire bloomed shortly afterward and let loose the individual she’d been waiting for.

“Oh, Trixie, you’re back!” The mare cried, pulling a hoof full of confetti from somewhere and throwing it into the air.

The shrivelled unicorn flopped onto the ground, her withered limbs providing a very unstable footing.

“B-Back? From… From where has Trixie… come?” Her voice died in her throat as she looked down at her front legs, finding they looked as cankered and worm eaten as she felt all over.

“Oh… Faust…” Trixie’s head dropped onto the ground. “I knew it… I knew I’d be no help.”

Pinkie smiled softly as she reached for her saddlebags. “Oh that’s not true, Trixie, you just hit a little stumbling block. Nothing we can’t fix!”

The unicorn looked up to see her pink friend pulling out a humanity sprite.

“Now, I’m guessing you’re not too partial to looking like an overcooked prune danish, so let’s take care of that first. Just hold onto this as tight as you can ‘till it’s been absorbed into your body, then you gotta reach into the fire and…”

Trixie looked at the black flame in Pinkie’s hooves. She pushed it aside while looking at the mare in weak disdain.

“Why would Trix… why would I want to hide what I am? A worthless waste of a pony remains a waste no matter what she looks like!”

Silence held for a moment as Pinkie tried to process this statement and not lose her smile.

“What… Trixie how can you say that?” She said, to which the hollowed unicorn just buried her face in the dirt.

“Three times I’ve come into your lives and done nothing but screw things up. The one time I see a chance to atone, to try and do good as all of you do, I give it everything I have… and all that happens is I end up cursed without making a single bit of difference! What more proof does there need to be that I am as I secretly feared? A cheap showpony who only knows how to work cheap tricks and lie to make herself look better?” Trixie sounded like she was trying to cry, but, being hollow, her tear ducts naturally weren’t working at the moment. “I should’ve gone with Twilight, least then she could see I truly am a failure and my humiliation would be complete.”

Pinkie Pie waited till she was sure Trixie was done spouting self-criticisms before walking over and rubbing the unicorn’s shoulder.

“Trixie, come on now, that’s not true! We’ve all had difficulty in this place. We knew that would be par for the course from the beginning.” She smiled, to which Trixie just mournfully glared at her.

“I had this to amplify my powers!” She cried, holding up her hoof with the Bellowing Dragoncrest ring. “Yet I still failed!”

Pinkie looked to the ring, then to its counterpart on her own leg.

“Well, um, maybe you just had an unlucky roll of the dice, so to speak? I mean, this thing is supposed to help me find more loot, but like all RPG items I found it only works a certain percentage of the time.” She said meekly while twisting the Covetous Gold Serpent ring around her fur. Trixie scowled as best as her hollowed features could muster as she pulled off her ring and threw it onto the ground.

“This is the end for the Great and Powerful Trixie. Just leave me here and go rejoin your friends, Pinkie. I’m only going to slow you down.”

The unicorn nudged the ring over to the pink mare, gesturing for her to take it. Pinkie looked down at it, and her mane deflated slightly as her expression settled into a disappointed glare.

“Now listen here, Beatrix Lulamoon! That is NOT going to happen! No pony gets left behind here, no matter what!”

Trixie’s own self-loathing faded in the shock of hearing Pinkie suddenly speaking with such force.

“Yes you made some mistakes, yes you were a right menace when you had the Alicorn Amulet, yes you botched the attempt to reconnect with Twilight, and yes, you should’ve known better than calling out Seath for no reason!”

The shock faded to offense as Pinkie kept listing the unicorn’s previous faults. In turn Pinkie’s voice lost a little of its aggression.

“Also, yes, this probably is not helping to motivate you, so let me switch gears and get straight to the point! When all's said and done, the fact you willingly accompanied us here shows you’re still good at heart, we just need to find another means of helping you realize that! Just like Fluttershy didn’t believe Discord was beyond redemption and Twilight still has faith in Seath, there IS a way you can help us!”

Pinkie looked down at the Bellowing Dragoncrest ring and picked it up.

“Maybe pure magic isn’t your forte, but from what we’ve seen, there’s other forces in this world to be taken advantage of! Once Applejack, Flutters and the rest get back here, we’ll ask about it.” Pinkie smiled confidently. “And then, we’ll get back to Twilight, and one way or another, we’ll find a way to cure us all of this curse!”

Trixie stared at the pink mare, not sure whether to cling to her words for the forlorn hope they offered, or pity her for letting her own mindless optimism blind her to the reality of the situation.

“You still believe that? Even though one could argue your own condition is the same as mine, a punishment for misjudging our own strength of spirit?”

Again the pink mare’s mane deflated slightly as she looked to the Darksign encircling her cutie mark. It stung her again with its phantom heat in testament to Trixie’s accusation, yet Pinkie fought to keep her smile.

“Maybe. I did a bad thing and made a terrible mistake, so did you. But at the end of the day that’s all it was: a mistake. Not the first one either of us have made, nor the last, and like always we have to live with the consequences.”

A rustling drew both ponies to the doorway leading to the territory of the Forest Hunters. Pinkie’s smile brightened along with the flames of the bonfire as three very familiar beings stepped out of the darkness.

“But also, as has been proven again and again, there still exists a chance for us to make up for our errors.” She replied as Discord emerged, carrying the Chosen Undead on a stretcher supported by an exact duplicate of himself.

“Now typically, the severity of your injuries would require a trip to the hospital, followed by several years of painful recovery in the ER. As, however, your charming little world doesn’t seem to have any such facilities I’ll instead have to resort to what I remember from Fluttershy’s lessons on first aid.” The draconequuii set down the stretcher by the bonfire and merged back into one being. Discord then followed by summoning a nurse costume for himself and pulling out a giant tome titled Home Doctor.

“Now then, so we don’t waste too much time with the diagnoses, is there anywhere that currently does NOT hurt? Do you feel there might still be some part of you that’s not going to require stitches, suturing, cauterizing, rivets, prosthetic reconstruction, organ transplants or amputation?”

A complete surgical unit, complete with life support equipment and garage maintenance tools, flashed into existence as Discord flipped through his book.

“If you are indeed as bashed up as it looked like your wolf friend bashed you up, then worry not. Once I’ve prioritized which operations need to be done on you, and in which order, we CAN rebuild you!”

The Chosen Undead cringed as there came the whirring of cybernetic prosthetics being sparked into life, ready to transform her into an all new kind of warrior.

“Your efforts are most appreciated Discord, but you might find this is faster.” She replied while reaching into the flames. They flowed out over her arm to envelop her body, retreating after a minute to reveal her now freshly and fully healed self.

“Thank you for helping me back here. I feel much better now.” She said, to which the chaos god scoffed.

“Hmmph, well it looks like the usual order of denying me any chance to have fun is still in effect! Just like when Fluttershy told me I couldn’t install a remote control obedience chip on Angel to make him less of a spoiled brat.” He sighed. “How she puts up with that long eared pest I’ll never understand.”

Pinkie cocked her ears in confusion as she looked to the door, expecting more individuals to emerge from it.

“Uh… where is Fluttershy, actually?” She asked. Applejack looked momentarily afraid upon seeing only two of her friends by the bonfire, but then she adjusted her hat and took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

“She managed to talk Sif down from her rampage, then went after her when she ran off. Seemed to think she could convince her to help us.” The farm mare said casting a look of extreme doubt at the Chosen Undead that told of how she’d better have been right in her pleas to spare the wolf.

“She… talked down that monster?” Trixie said.

“And you let her out into the forest all on her own?” Pinkie replied with great alarm. Applejack held up a hoof.

“She swore she’d be fine! Ah wasn’t too keen on lettin’ her go solo either, but then again, she makes multiple trips into the Everfree by herself every week, and comes back fine every time, so there’s that at least.” The farm pony didn’t sound entirely convinced despite her brave face. Indeed, as she looked at Trixie, then to the bonfire, the armor on her outfit clanked as she shivered with fear. “Ah suppose, in a worst case scenario, she’ll be joinin’ us here one way or another. Just hope it won’t be via the same means as you Trix… erm… no offense.” Applejack smiled with rising awkwardness. “Er… how are you feelin’ at least?”

The unicorn looked down at herself again and let out a dry exhale of defeat.

“How I probably should feel. Empty… cold… worthless. Seems this was a long time coming.” She muttered.

“Trixie…” Pinkie Pie gently scolded. The hollowed unicorn glared at her again with her empty eye sockets.

“Until I am presented with the so called means by which I can be of use to you all, I stand by that opinion!” She said, sounding more like she was on the verge of tears rather than anger. Even if she still felt some lingering resentment for the unicorn, Applejack shook her head.

“Well in the meantime, we’d appreciate your company. Hollow or not, friends stick by friends!” She said, earning herself another stare of doubt from Trixie.

“Yeah… that’s what I said!” Pinkie Pie declared, before a thought made her ears wilt. “Trixie doesn’t seem to believe me, though.”

Applejack nodded. “Well you can take it from the most honest soul in Equestria then. Till we can get ya cured, we ain’t leavin’ ya behind!”

Trixie’s doubt cracked slightly.

“Even in light of what I’ve done to make life difficult for you all?” She asked, getting another nod and another comforting hoof on her shoulder.

“Yer past crimes don’t justify this. You’ve already suffered too much for there to still be any bad blood between us.” The farm mare soothed. Again, Trixie felt the agonizing need to shed tears, exacerbated by the fact that she couldn’t. Lightly she reached up to place her own hoof on Applejack’s.

“So now two of my previous enemies speak in my defense… begging me to hang onto some cause so I don’t become another mindless corpse…”

Pinkie Pie held up the humanity sprite again.

“Please Trixie, for all of us. We may need you very soon in fact! Fluttershy could be in trouble!”

“She isn’t.” Discord replied. The ponies looked up to see him staring far into the distance as if meditating on something.

“How can you be sure?” Applejack asks, getting a groan from the draconequus.

“First off, remember that I can sense magical fluctuations. Anything that has the end result of bringing chaos to order speaks to me like a beautiful song from the heavens, and while normally I welcome any instance of the aforementioned, I’m… strangely pleased to report I sense nothing has happened to our dear Element of Kindness.” Discord said confidently.

“Well… still, that don’t mean she ain't lost, or perhaps in need of assistance in some other way…” Applejack noted, getting a much more exaggerated sigh from the draconequus.

“Perhaps then the second reason for my certainty will help dash such worries from your mind, dear Applejack.” He said. The farm mare looked at him reproachfully.

“And that is?”

Discord pointed in the direction he was thoughtfully staring. “I can see her there in the distance… and it looks like she has some very interesting company in tow.”

All eyes turned to behold the yellow pegasus, trotting out from the trees with a noticeable lightness to her steps and a very relieved smile on her face. Behind her, Siegmeyer followed with the same cheerful gait, checking every few steps that the giant wolf beside him was still able to do likewise without support.

“Sif!” The Chosen Undead gasped, pulling herself to her feet. Applejack lowered her head in preparation for a second brawl, while Discord looked to his side and summoned his shotgun again. Fluttershy promptly stopped and held up her front hooves.

“Please, everypony, it’s okay. Sif and I have reached an understanding. She won’t attack us anymore.” The pegasus urged. “She explained what’s going on. We need to get her to Seath immediately!”

Applejack and Discord cast their suspicion upon the wolf in full force. Sif closed her eyes and bowed her head as a sign of both acknowledging her errors and apologizing for them.

“The reason she was so hostile is because the means to traverse the Abyss has been fused with her soul. She thought the only way for her to give it up was by also giving up her life at the same time. She only wished to die honorably in combat, as a warrior should.” Fluttershy continued. “But, but Seath can find another way! Twilight said souls are integral to his sorcery, so he must know how!”

The confidence drained noticeably quickly from Fluttershy’s voice, yet the Chosen Undead still looked at her lupine friend with a new sense of desperate hope from her revelations.

“Griggs and Logan said the same about how sorcery works… could he really… would he?” The female undead’s voice wavered as Sif hesitantly approached her, guilt weighing heavily from every part of the wolf’s features as she looked over the destroyed state of her friend’s armor. The undead clenched her fists as she felt tears welling up again, sadness and joy burning her chest at seeing the wolf alive.
“I know Artorias emphasized the importance of dying with honor, I don’t blame you for wanting to abide by his expectations. I also will respect that you’ve probably been guarding his grave for years, and would appreciate finally being free of your responsibilities….”

Sif’s expression withered even more in confirmation. Though her heart ached at the thought, the Chosen Undead reached for her chaos blade.

“I cannot promise Seath will want to help at all… but if you yearn for the same thing I yearn for, for us to be together again… I’ll do whatever I can to get him to agree.”

The wolf looked down at the burning sword as it was levelled against her throat.

“If, however, you would rather be free of the torment that life has heaped upon you as it has me… if Fluttershy is right that you seek an honorable end in combat… I can grant you that.” The Chosen Undead said, masking her sadness with a well-practiced stoic tone. “Please, just, make your decision quickly, Sif. Show me what you want, not what anyone else wants!”

Fluttershy looked ready to interject. Siegmeyer knelt and gently gripped her shoulder, nodding that she had done her part. It was now down to Sif to decide her own destiny.

Slowly the wolf’s amber eyes lowered to the blade, then to her friend. She exhaled a long gust of black mist, her poise relaxing as she seemed to settle upon her choice.

Her paw rose to alight upon the Chosen Undead’s weapon, and push it away from her throat. She whimpered something that few understood, but which served as a lead into a gesture none could mistake. Sif leaned her head down to rub it against the female’s face, resting her paw on her shoulder as the undead dropped her sword and let her tears fall with it.

“Thank you, Sif.” She sobbed quietly, hugging the wolf around her neck as she let out a tearful howl. “I… I don’t know what will happen from here… but together, we’ll get through it. Somehow… I promise I’ll find a way for us to get through this.”

Sif howled again in agreement, licking away her friend’s tears as she was released from the hug.

From behind Pinkie Pie, Trixie watched the heartfelt reunion with a great storm of emotions. For once her hollowed state worked to her advantage in concealing how she felt about seeing her murderer be so easily forgiven for her crimes.

“Fluttershy, I have a favor to ask of you: escort Sif back to the Firelink Shrine while I go propose your idea to Seath." The undead turned to the wolf. "Much as you have proven you’ve still got the skill of your prime, I’d rather you stay somewhere safe till I know if we can count on him. And, if he does agree, then hopefully Laurentius will be able to send you directly to the archives as he was able to send us to and from Equestria.” The Chosen Undead said. Sif looked to the bandages on her body and nodded that this was a good idea as she wasn’t completely healed yet.

“I will, don’t worry, I’ll keep her safe.” Fluttershy answered.

“Then as usual it falls to me to keep you safe.” Discord said as he walked over with his shotgun resting on his shoulder. “Best make sure the pooch sticks to her promise of playing nice.”

Sif looked at the draconequus in weariness, then looked away as a gesture that she intended no harm.

“Ooooh, I’ll go back too! Think I could use the rocks and space to make a rudimentary oven and bake everyone some needed treats. It’s been awhile since we last ate.” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. The thought made Applejack rub her barrel and wince as she felt it was feeling a bit empty.

“Think Ah’ll join you then Pinkie. After what we’ve braved in this forest Ah could do with a snack break.” The farm mare mused. “What about you, Trix?”

The unicorn stared blankly ahead, lost in her own thoughts. Sif whimpered again to her as if to show how sorry she was for causing her death. With an unreadable expression, Trixie grabbed the humanity sprite from Pinkie and absorbed it into herself.

“Trixie would appreciate some time to think. To contemplate what she wishes to do about several things.” She said while extending her leg to the Chosen Undead. The warrior duly took it and placed it upon the bonfire’s sword, performing the ritual that soon had Trixie looking like her old restored self again.

“Siegmeyer?” She asked. The knight shouldered his zweihander and tapped the front of his cuirass.

“Not to worry ma’am! I’ll see our friends safely back to the shrine then pass word onto Laurentius for him to get a move on. As always don’t hesitate to make use of that white soapstone if you need me though!”

The Chosen Undead nodded her gratitude and reached into the flames again, letting them whisk her away to the white dragon’s location.


The golden rays of dusk slowly draped down over the walls of Gwyn’s keep. From his spot reclining on Gwynevere’s bed, Seath followed them as they seeped through the windows and fell across the pages of the book he was reading. His eyes momentarily let the words on the page go out of focus, instead studying how the bands of gold brought a new beauty to the black and white of the page… a nice additional aesthetic to the pleasure that came part and parcel with the absorption of knowledge. For a moment, Seath felt like he was on the cusp of a new insight into his love of learning, until he heard the door to the bathroom swing open and found himself staring at a very different form of love.

“How majestic thine form looks in the light of father’s sun. Truly Seath, why must thou always squander thine beauty in the dark recesses of thine archives and thine caverns?” Gwynevere asked as she walked over to the bed. Having just come from her evening bath she was clad only in her silk robe, and true to one who’d embraced the beauty of her status as a goddess, she hadn’t even bothered to tie it. Seath pondered if the blatant disregard for modesty was due to her simply being so free spirited, or because she knew how her allure could be used to manipulate others for her own desire. Either way, he wasn’t complaining.

“Kind as thine words are, thou speaks from the minority I fear. For centuries passed have I been ridiculed, abused and ostracized for mine form. Among the Everlasting Dragons my main strength was wisdom, not beauty.”

Gwynevere opened her mouth to counter the argument. Seath quickly cut her off.

“And while we may now enjoy a new age, the time has not passed in which my habits may be broken. Permit me if I still wish to do right by our Great Lord by remaining where I may improve my mind.”

Gwynevere sighed and sat down next to the dragon.

“Thine mistreatment at the hands of thine brethren clouds thine judgement, noble Seath. What must I do to convince thee of the sincerity in my words?”

Seath looked down at his book, then to the scroll he was writing notes on. He twirled his quill around in growing intrigue at what his research had revealed.

“No more than what thou hast already done for me, fairest Gwynevere. Thus is the more important that I do all that is possible to see we succeed.” He stated, twirling his quill around faster as he felt the gentle touch of the solar princess’ hand against his skin.

“And what then, noble Seath? Wilt thou join us in the joy of the sun, or still seek the sanctity of darkness and isolation?” Gwynevere asked, sounding like she was pleading, but in that way of hers that was too cute for any to say no. The way she affectionately stroked across Seath’s wings and back, finding no repulsion in his lack of scales, didn’t do the dragon’s resolve any favors either.

“Thou asks of knowledge no dragon has ever had need to seek before. Never was there a member of mine kin who entertained such notions as parentage, sires, or offspring. Much like with the wonders of sorcery, I stand as the first charged to find an answer, and no answer can I give without further research.” Seath replied as he put down his quill and placed his hand over Gwynevere’s. “Such is further reason why thou art so kind to offer me such opportunity.”

Gwynevere sighed and cupped her other hand against Seath’s muzzle. Gently she kissed the dragon, relishing how exotic his mouth tasted from the effects of his crystal breath.

“It is thou who is kind. My intentions are more selfish. The Age of Fire grows grand and prosperous under my father’s reign, yet still I see errors in his judgment, minor lapses that may still lead to great turmoil further down the line. If I am to inherit his throne, should such a terrible time ever come to pass, I must strive to do better.” She replied, raising Seath’s curiosity along with his head frills. “The gods accept you as their own, this much shows I am not wrong to hope. If I can demonstrate how even the lowest form of being can yet shine as bright as the First Flame, I know I can show Father and all how we are wrong to segregate and turn away those who made our glorious age possible.”

Seath sighed, feeling the flames of his own soul burn with intoxicating warmth as Gwynevere stroked his cheek.

“But for that, the unity of family is vital. To thee Seath do I offer myself, because I know thou art wise and skillful, enough to make what we both desire possible. But in return to thee, I ask a vow: that when we have our new treasure, our crossbreed, thou shalt not falter in thine role as father and mentor.”

Seath’s head frills lowered themselves as concern overtook his glee. Gwynevere seemed to recognize this as she quickly kissed him again.

“Thou shalt indeed be the first to undertake such duty, and thus I expect thee to occasionally fall. Mind only that thou learns from whence thou rises again, and know I will be by your side.” She said while nuzzling against Seath’s face. He sighed happily as he held her against him, relishing her soft scent and her soothing warmth.

“Truly, Gwynevere, with such humble persuasion, why not did thine father appoint thee as his messenger and emissary?” Seath queried, looking up as the sun princess’ face fell.

“His reasons… bear not repeating, beyond they are why I favor thee over my fellow deities.” She said.


Seath angrily ground his light ball between his fingers, staring at the darkness through the broken window of what had once been Gwynevere’s chambers, and now been revealed to be only another empty and abandoned part of the city, draped in a thin cover of sunshine and cheer.

“Why I favor thee… t’was I she deemed kind, wise, skilled….” The dragon seethed with barely restrained rage. Even knowing he’d done nothing more than shatter an illusion, Seath still hurt thinking about his impulsive action. He had hurt when Gwynevere had betrayed him, hurt when he’d discovered she’d left to marry someone else, and now even enacting the revenge he’d sought upon her for years just added to the pain. Never had he felt so empty, impotent, and hateful. Was this to be it? Was there truly to be no reprieve from this tortured existence he’d been cursed with?


The dragon looked down from his musings, and his pain grew even worse. Twilight Sparkle, the mare who’d matched Gwynevere in her acceptance of him for his strengths and his shortcomings, now condemned to life as an undead because his presence in her world had allowed others to invade and kill her in cold blood. Another sin to add to his still growing pile, and from what had happened afterwards, it seemed fate was no where near finished playing its malevolent tricks.

“Seath, we have to go. It’s too dangerous for us to stay here.” Twilight said, keeping her voice measured but not commanding. She could see Seath was deeply affected by the deception he’d just encountered, but for every moment they spent there in the keep, the shadows moved and clanked in their warning that death was closing in on the party.

Seath removed his glasses and massaged his eyes, finding them to be dry. He wasn’t sure if he should be crying over a mere false image of the sun princess, but not even being able to feel anything seemed worse. If he could feel nothing, then he might as well be dead, and as he returned his glasses to his face and looked at Twilight again, Seath knew at least that part couldn’t be true. No matter how great his pain, he had to endure, for his student’s sake now.

“Come Twilight, t’is time we resumed the journey to mine archives. We shalt find sanctuary there.” He said. Twilight nodded, then gently rested a hoof on one of his tentacles.

“I’m… I’m sorry that this turned out to not be what you… what we all hoped it to be. I’m sure Gwynevere would have forgiven you if it was really her.”

Seath growled and pulled himself away from the alicorn.

“Weep not for me, mine student. Never could thine eyes hold all the tears needed for my suffering.” He said, letting his head wilt. “This is the road fate and I hath forged. I can do naught but walk ahead of thee on it and see thee safely to wherever it may end.”

Twilight lowered her hoof and sighed in sadness.

“Doesn’t mean I can’t still repay the favor by giving you my assistance and my sympathy.” She said as the two walked back the chamber entrance. “How’s it looking out here, Rainbow Dash?”

The blue pegasus looked up and around at her surroundings. Her wings twitched in unease every time she heard another sound in the darkness.

“I dunno what’s followed us in here, Twi, but I’d rather leave before I have to find out.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Good news is, while we may have lost the sun, this bonfire still seems to be in working order. So if we do have to end up fighting another monster we won’t be too far from a means of resting and healing.”

Griggs raised his catalyst and cast a light ball of his own, holding it over the railing so its light fell upon the floor below.

“It would seem we at least are alone in these halls for the moment. With luck, we may be able to reach the keep’s entrance without encountering any other sentinels or guards if we move now.”

Seath nodded and held his catalyst as high as he could.

“Then haste we must make. Master Logan, thou shalt take the lead with me, Master Griggs, the rear. With light shining upon us from all sides, we at least shalt ensure no demon nor monster can sneak within our numbers.” He ordered. Griggs nodded while Logan gently pulled down the brim of his hat.

“To stand by your side again in battle Grand Duke, what greater honor could a sorcerer hope for?” He asked with a subtle tone of joy.

Twilight looked to Rarity and Spike. “Are you two all packed up and ready?”

Spike quickly finished the tea in his cup and packed it away along with the teapot that was brewing in the flames of the bonfire.

“As ever, Twi! Sooner we get out of here, the happier I believe we’ll all be.” He said.

“Good, now let's keep a quick but measured pace. Don’t want to exhaust ourselves by running but still…”

Twilight was cut off by the bonfire blooming and the Chosen Undead stepping out of it.

“Oh, Aurelia! Are you okay, darling? What’s happening?” Rarity asked as the undead female looked around in bewilderment at the darkened chambers.

“I… I could ask the same of you. What happened to Anor Londo… what…” The Chosen Undead stopped as she saw the destroyed chambers through the doorway. “Where’s Her Highness Gwynevere?”

Seath snarled and wrung his catalyst in his hands.

“No more a resident of here than she hath been for many a century. Again thou hast been deceived, mindless one! She that gaveth thee the Lordvessel was but an apparition, crafted by the most skilled of illusionists, the Dark Sun Gwyndolin!”

The Chosen Undead looked at Seath, then back at the ruined chambers, clearly confused.

“The Princess Gywnevere… was an illusion?” She asked.

“She and all that did shine bright and powerful in Anor Londo. I believe Gwyndolin’s deception encompassed all of his father’s holy city.” Seath grumbled.

“But… why?” The Chosen Undead asked, to the white dragon’s growing anger.

“His Dark Sun’s reasons are too numerous to be counted. T’was his charge from birth to be one with the moon, to always take from the sun its light, and shine back, as a hollow reflection, its magnificence. Shadows, illusions, and deception are his ways…” Seath growled monstrously. “And t’was mine instruction that enabled him to wield such power as what thou all have witnessed.”

A short and very awkward silence held.

“Wait… this Gwyndolin guy… was also a student of yours?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously.

“Yea.” Seath replied in defeat. “Gwynevere, he, and their first brother, Gwynfrewi, were my charges to be disciplined in sorcery. Masters they all became under my tutelage, and t’would seem all then showed their gratitude with betrayal. Gwynevere for giving up our daughter, Priscilla, when Gwyn’s guards did come for her, and Gwyndolin, for ordering her execution to keep the Great Lord’s dominion pure and free from the taint of crossbreeds!”

The Chosen Undead froze again, though now it was not confusion that gripped her but realization.

“Wait… crossbreed? Priscilla? You know her?” She asked, keeping one hand on the hilt of her sword as Seath looked ready to crush her into bloody paste.

“That I did, for but a moment. T’was I that gave her life, with the treacherous Gwynevere’s help. Years of toil, trust, and companionship did come to fruition with her birth, and then fell into ashes and ruin when taken thereafter was my daughter to be slew upon the executioner’s block!” Seath roared in rage and remorse. The Chosen Undead’s fingers twitched as she hesitantly pulled them away from her sword.

“But… but that’s not true!” She said. Seath now rounded on her, lowering his head till his nose threatened to knock the warrior to the ground.

“And what in thine hollowed skull persuades thee to claim such blasphemy?” He demanded. The Chosen Undead looked to the ponies, then to Griggs and Logan. Reluctantly she took a deep breath and responded.

“Because I’ve met the Crossbreed Priscilla. She’s alive!”

What dangers moved in the darkness towards their intended prey promptly stopped at the earth shattering roar, followed by the rumbling all throughout the keep as one unfortunate soul was smashed full force against the wall by a beast too terrible and too angry for any to risk facing.

“THOU LIES, HOLLOWED CRETIN!” Seath screamed, slowly crushing the Chosen Undead in his iron grip. “Such slander, such poisonous words are fit only for the filth of the lowest form! Thou will regret not becoming one with the Firekeepers and thus losing thine rotten tongue!”

The undead thrashed and fought as her armor began to constrict around her.

“I… ngh… I tell no lie! Priscilla lives… ngh… I swear it!” She protested, groaning as her body was subjected to the most brutal pressure from Seath’s grip.

“Thou wretched harlot! Thou swears only to further thine own sins!” Seath roared again, blasting the poor warrior with crystals.

“Seath!” Twilight screamed from a distance too great for him to hear. The dragon raised his catalyst, preparing to shatter the now crystalized undead like he had originally tried to do during their battle.

“A hundred deaths do not atone for thee. A thousand still will not forgive thine blasphemy! Thou shalt know the true horror of thine curse, for as many years as I draw breath!”

The catalyst came down, and so did the undead. Both hit the ground with a painful thump as Seath found himself being blasted against the railings by the fury of a dark bead spell. Roaring in the agony of his fresh wounds, the dragon pulled himself up, his eyes staring in perplexity as Twilight Sparkle approached him with her catalyst in her mouth, and her friends on either side. Rarity had her horn lit and charged with magic, and Rainbow had her teeth bared around her catchpole.

“Seath… I can understand you’re upset, I don’t blame you for that. But it’s NOT Aurelia’s fault! She’s been drawn in by the lies of her supposed guides, not the cause of them! And that’s assuming what she just said is a lie, cause frankly, from her tone and insistence, I’m inclined to believe she’s telling the truth!” The alicorn glowered. Seath looked at the crystals sprouting up as his blood flowed from numerous soul bored holes in his abdomen.

“Thou… Thou struck me, Twilight !?” He demanded, to which Twilight charged her catalyst with another spell.

“We have enough problems without trying to kill each other! And while I will do everything I can to support you as your student, I also have a priority to find a cure for this damn Darksign curse so Pinkie and I aren’t stuck as zombies for the rest of time! If you’re going to let your madness dictate your actions now, when Aurelia may in fact be revealing a saving grace to us all, then so help me Faust, I WILL stop you myself!” She declared. Seath stared at her, daring her to make good on her claim. Twilight stared back, her catalyst prepped and ready to dish out more punishment if the dragon so much as moved a muscle. Another very tense and frightening silence ensued, broken only when Seath turned his gaze to the gasping Chosen Undead.

“Thine story, quickly! What proof dost thou bear that mine daughter yet lives??”

Rarity turned and helped break off the crystal shell covering the warrior’s body. The Chosen Undead’s breathing was still heavy, and her movements weak as the cursed effect of Seath’s breath took hold of her.

“Here… this was left in my cell at the asylum…” She said, pulling out a doll in a strange dress from her pack. Rarity levitated it over to Seath who grabbed it and scrutinized it. “Three floors below us, in this keep, is a Hall of Art. At the back, guarded by dozens of armed souls is a grand painting by the renowned artist, Ariamis. That doll allows one to access the world inside it. Priscilla is in there!”

Seath’s face contorted as he tried to find some reason to deny what he held in his hand, some justification to kill the damned Chosen Undead again and again for her offense.

“The Painted World… a world made to store all artifacts that the Great Lord Gwyn decreed too dangerous or too blasphemous to permit in the light of his day. Never did I think anything of such a waste of magic and labor… never would I have thought to venture into its planes of oil and canvas…” Seath’s voice grew weaker as he continued to stare at the doll. Finally he lowered it and regarded the undead warrior again. “For what purpose dost thou reveal this to me now? T’is not mere generosity that would spur thee to suddenly lend assistance to one thou swore to kill!”

Rarity looked offended at that, but the Chosen Undead bid her to step aside as she slowly sat up.

“To plead, for the life of Sif.” She gasped while turning to Twilight. “Your friends prevented me from killing the one remnant of family I have left, believing that Seath could remove the means to traverse the Abyss from her without killing her.”

Twilight turned back to Seath, still holding her catalyst at the ready should he attack again. Instead the dragon betrayed a sliver of confusion at the name.

“Sif? Thou speaketh of the wolf that did stand by the side of the Knight Artorias?” He said, a glimmer of possible realization flashed across his face before he hid it back under his visage of loathing. “And what persuades thee I shalt make any attempt to assist my would be executioner?” He demanded. The Chosen Undead pointed to the doll.

“A deal, Seath, a show of trust between us. I’ll go into the Painted World, prove I’m not lying by rescuing your daughter. You’ll see that she’s still alive, in return for doing everything you can to save Sif.” The female sounded weaker with each word. Shaking in her crumpled armor, she reached for her pack and pulled out an odd stone set with what appeared to be a human skull. She activated it and Rarity reeled back, swearing she heard the skull scream as it absorbed some manner of dark vapor from the undead’s body.

“Well what do you say, Seath? Sounds pretty sincere to me.” Twilight threateningly intoned.

Seath looked back at the doll in his hand, then he turned his hand over to stare at the ring of Gwynevere’s covenant on his finger. Little by little his strength seemed to leave him as he withered in defeat.

“Truly, Twilight Sparkle, thou art too good and pure for a soul as fetid as I.” He mused in sadness. Twilight sighed as she extinguished her catalyst and stepped away from her teacher.

“Hardly. I’ve just haven’t been subjected to the same scorn and distrust all my life.” She said as the dragon rose and reached for his estus flask. “Do you agree to check this out with us?”

Seath drank deep of his estus, and the Chosen Undead did the same. They regarded each other again with something like doubt as their bodies slowly healed.

“T’is a match. In this our darkest hour yet, only one who is truly mad would turn from the light of hope, however fleeting or faint it may be.”

The dragon picked up his catalyst and beckoned all to follow him.

“Come, the elevator outside shalt take us to Ariamis’ Painted World.”


“Anything yet, Lieutenant Nocturne?” Luna queried as her thestral guards walked around Twilight’s bonfire, scanning the flames with their magic.

“Several possibilities do present themselves, your highness, however, I still can offer little more than guesses and estimations at present.” The young batmare sighed while staring into the fire with rampant fascination. “The nature of these flames is so alien. Like they are both just a generic example of an exothermic reaction, and simultaneously also a concentration of numerous different forms of energy. It’s like harmony, but not in any form known to us.”

Luna nodded, trying to not let her impatience show through. “Do you think you can tap into that energy to replicate the means by which Seath transported himself, Twilight and her friends to Lordran?”

The thestral bit her tongue. “Again, it’s possible. I can still sense a faint remnant of Princess Twilight’s magic in the fire. If I could just track where it leads to then the rest should be easy. I just…I wish I could be certain of that.”

Luna narrowed her eyes. “You wish?”

Nocturne bit her tongue harder. “Well, there’s no guarantee we’ll be able to pinpoint exactly where they are…or that we’ll be able to send a pony to their location without burning them alive in the process. For all the unusual characteristics, this is still a fire, with all the dangers of one to contend with.”

Luna sighed and nodded. “Well keep trying. Use whatever resources you need to find answers. I’ll send the court mages to assist you when the dawn comes if needs be.”

"As you command, your highness.” Nocturne bowed. “When I at last have something more concrete to go on…will you be wanting me to report to you in private, or fill in her highness, Princess Celestia, of your intent?”

Luna paused and thought about it. Concern slowly etched its way across her muzzle as she again found herself doubting the validity of this action.

“I shall bear the task of telling her. This is my choice and my doing. Whatever happens afterwards I will accept the blame for.” She replied while holding out a leg for the Moonlight Butterfly to alight upon. “Tia took a risk in order to avoid losing me forever, it’s time I repay that favor to ensure she doesn’t lose the one she loves forever.”

Author's Note:

So here we are, end of one arc, promise of another. You all wanted to know when Priscilla and the Painted World would enter the narrative, well now your time has finally come. Not only that but it looks like Seath and the Chosen Undead may at last be finding some ground, however fragile, to connect, trying to save the last of their respective families so they can reunite with them.

What will happen from here? Who can say? It's probably going to be one hell of an undertaking that's for sure.

Heck who knows, we may see a few more familiar faces pop again along the way.

*bones creak as a body drags both itself and something heavy and sharp across the background*


:rainbowdetermined2: : Are you deliberately trying to tempt more misfortune upon us?

Well, how else am I meant to keep things interesting Rainbow? It's a Dark Souls crossover, it's supposed to suck for everyone.

:twilightangry2: : !@$%#$-ing hack author!

Editing as always is courtesy of the lovely lunarstallion