• Published 13th Apr 2015
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Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 13


The Chosen Undead was jolted out of her almost lifeless trance by the return of a voice, one familiar but mercifully not unwelcome.
Wiping her eyes the husk turned to see the Lord’s Blade Ciaran running towards her, bringing with her a momentary relief from the utter despair.

“You’re still alive! Oh praise be, my child, you’re still alive!” The masked knight dropped to her knees and hugged the female in yet another uncharacteristic show of emotion, something she’d only done in private, or during times when the Chosen Undead had yet again proven her worth during one of their many training matches.

“I head the scream while pursuing that grinning jackal. Artorias…he…”

Ciaran’s voice died as she beheld the soul the Chosen Undead clutched in her hands.

“My dear Art…or…”

The black flames sizzled as more tears fell upon them. Ciaran gave small thanks for her mask obscuring her reaction as she gripped the undead’s shoulder.

“Aurelia, look at me. What you did was what had to be done. If there is still any mercy in this cursed world it came in the form of you being sent to at last do what no one, not even I, could have done. This was no sin you committed, it was proof that we indeed trained you to your utmost potential.”

The Chosen Undead stared at her mentor, a mixture of sympathy and anger simmering in the dark void behind her tears.

“I…know that’s cold comfort at this point. I know there is indeed little I can say now to make things right.” Ciaran morosely replied. The Chosen Undead looked away. “There is much to be angry with us about, with me. For not stopping Smough from poisoning Lord Gwyn against letting you join the Great Knights, for standing aside when the guards came and dragged you away to the asylum…”

The husk pulled Ciaran’s hands off her and pushed them aside. Ciaran clenched her fists but did not retaliate.

“For requesting now, that you please carry out one more favor for us…”

The Chosen Undead looked back, her tears drying in the heat of her rising scorn.

“By your presence here I can only assume some greater force has selected you for a monumental undertaking. Perhaps it is fate’s way of making up for where we failed you.”

The undead warrior rose as if to leave, Ciaran grabbed her arm.

“Artorias did not come alone to stop the spread of the Abyss!”

The Chosen Undead halted.

“There is one soul you know, perhaps better than we, still trapped down by the brink. While I will not stop you from leaving here, I only ask that you save her before you do!”

The Chosen Undead turned back, her ire relenting.

“Please, even if you feel nothing for me, she does not deserve to die here along with us.”

The female husk looked to the curved swords lying on the floor of the coliseum, their blades still sticky with Artorias’ blood. She picked them up and offered them to Ciaran.

“No, take those with you. I have no more need of them.” The knight looked up, her eyes filled with sadness behind the flawless white pallor of her mask. “Just know that for my transgressions, for how we have both demanded so much of you and gave so little back, I am truly sorry.”

The undead warrior looked to her other hand, to the black soul that burned so warm and softly in her grip. Gently she offered it to Ciaran instead.

“You are willing to part…with his essence?”

The Chosen Undead nodded. Ciaran bowed her head and gratefully accepted it.

“Th-Thank you…my student…my….” Her voice broke off again as she choked up. “I shall use it to pay the proper respect to our fallen friend, to pray for him, and for you.”

The Chosen Undead knelt. Ever so lightly she pressed her head to Ciaran’s helmet. A simple gesture, but a meaningful one.

“Go now. Take with you the furies of vengeance, and become what we trained you to be.” Ciaran ordered. Nodding somberly, the Chosen Undead ran out of the coliseum, her eyes now dry and her resolve re-forged. She’d have to get her gear back first, then mount her rescue effort.

Then she had to find a way to get back to Lordran.

And then…at some point, she still had a dragon to kill.


In another time and another land, said dragon was giving his dress robe a brush down. It was a most elegant effort, another of Rarity’s fine works, designed to mimic the uniform worn by the dragon’s Channeler sorcerers. Seath didn’t know if the unicorn’s ability to so accurately copy the complicated weave and patterns was a good thing or a bad thing, but at the very least she’d seemed to enjoy the challenge of designing something fancy for him to wear. Not to mention he at least felt more comfortable wearing it than some of the other garish ensembles she’d picked out for him.

Sighing and adjusting his glasses, Seath continued letting himself be drawn from conversation to conversation amidst the gathered nobles of Equestria, giving a few half-hearted responses to any questions that were directed his way. The party’s air was as stuffy and stiff as he remembered most formal gatherings being back in Lordran, a fitting example of how class distinction inevitably led to stagnation no matter where one was. Regardless, it seemed the thousands of years in isolation had not quite dashed the memories of how one was meant to behave at such events from his mind, so Seath was making use of what he could remember to the max.

Everywhere he turned there were the murmurs of who was in favor among the ruling class, who was not, which couples were making waves by getting married, who had on the most extravagant dress, who was disgracing who with their antics and so forth and so on. In fairness Twilight had told him ahead of time this was a necessary evil, the princesses always had to have a big formal celebration on their birthdays to appease their fellow big wigs, followed by a smaller, private party where they actually got to mingle with their true friends and have some proper fun. He just had to suffer through this dull collection of hoof lickers a little longer, and then he and Twilight could get with the folk that really mattered and show off their new masterpiece.

“How are you faring so far, Seath? Ponies aren’t bothering you too much are they?” The lavender alicorn queried as she trotted up to her teacher.

“No worse than the rabble that did foul Gwyn’s palace with their presence back during the early years. Torn am I on whether to feel bothered, or nostalgic by their interest in me.” Seath groaned as the mare he’d just been talking too, a dreadful harridan struggling under the weight of what had to be a king’s ransom in gold jewelry and fancy trimmed cloth ambled over for a few more words.

“Oh and Seath, should you ever find yourself with some spare time I believe my daughter might benefit from your tutelage as well. Poor dear’s got no knack for the classics of magic so we’ve been forced to look into alternate avenues for her to hone her skills.”

Behind her, a lanky teenage unicorn looked up and shied away from Seath’s querying gaze.

“Mother, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. He’s scary looking! And I told you I wanted to study under Princess Celestia!” She protested.

“Hmph! Come dear, we both know you’re too hopeless to qualify for that! Besides, this fine beast is the new tutor for Princess Twilight so he must carry the same prestige!” The noble mare shot back. “Now come along, it’s rude to stare like that!”

The teen unicorn cowered from the drake. Seath snarled and blew a wisp of white breath at her for good measure, Twilight shamefully giggled as she watched her gallop for safety behind her mother’s skirt.

“Is this what you had to deal with as the Duke of Anor Londo?” The alicorn asked.

“Yay, tragically. As I was embraced to the bosom of the nobility so was I forced to be privy to their petty squabbles and detrimental attitudes as well. To that extent could I justify my eventual isolation in mine archives.” He scowled. Looking to the crown atop her head, Twilight nodded.

“For once I don’t blame you, but you gotta take the bad with the good in these cases. At least everyone seems impressed with the spells you taught me.” She commented, much to Seath’s chagrin.

“Such behavior is also not unfamiliar to me. They applaud for the novelty of the act, never seeing the brilliance of what thou hast achieved with it.” He groaned. “But then again, tis perhaps better to placate the ignorant with trivial displays than incite them to riot against that which they cannot comprehend. The masses fear not that which brings them merriment.”

Twilight snorted, not sure if that was going a bit too far.

“Well, regardless, I think we can take our leave now. Head down and join the others for the actual party.” She said, gesturing for Seath to follow her. The two left the grand atrium of the Royal Palace and descended down a hidden stairway to a secret garden. It was a spot that Luna had personally carved out as her own exclusive playground of sorts since returning from her exile, a magically maintained microcosm forever cast in the serenity of night where she could always feel at home no matter the time of day or the season. Stocked with a myriad of bioluminescent plants, it was intended as a small scale example of what the moon princess saw as her own utopia, a means of her having at least some region of Equestria where her talents and efforts would always be appreciated, even if the world at large could not follow suit. Currently it was bustling with activity as familiar faces put the finishing touches to a much more casual and festive set up. A white unicorn with a neon blue mane and a pair of purple toned sunglasses was setting up some manner of mechanical apparatus on the stage, while Pinkie Pie was testing an array of colored lights and Spike was cleaning off the last few inches of a dance floor. A fully stocked bar, manned by Applejack, and plethora of decadent snacks completed the scene.

“How’s it goin’ up there, Twilight? Luna still minglin’ with the upper crust?” The orange mare queried as she measured out the first round of scrumptious cocktails.

“For as long as it takes for them to go home happy, which hopefully shouldn’t be too much longer.” The lavender alicorn sighed as she took in the scope of the party. “Pinkie, were you able to set up the target range like I asked?”

“You bet, Twi! Watch this!” The pink mare pulled a remote control out of her mane and aimed it at a nearby cluster of bushes. A comical cardboard cutout of a timberwolf, mounted on a spring powered pole, popped out of the greenery, followed by a cutout of a sea snake about 10 feet further into the distance, then a changeling at 15 feet, and a centaur at 20.

“I’ve also got extra balloons on all the trees if you want to make use of those as well!” Pinkie replied.

“Good, and our surprise gift?” Twilight queried.

“I took the liberty of keeping it under the proverbial wraps, as well as the metaphorical and the literal versions as well.”

Twilight and Seath turned to see Discord, wearing sunglasses, a neatly pressed suit and tie, and an earbud, standing guard over a pile of presents.

“It seemed a fair way for me to make a good first impression with Twilight’s new teacher…” The draconequus grinned as he gazed up at Seath. “May I say, you look even more blindingly brilliant in the flesh than Fluttershy lead me to believe!”

Seath cocked his head, leaning closer and adjusting his glasses to sweep his gaze up and down Discord’s mis-matched body.

“And now that I lay mine eyes upon thee, fabled chaos being, thou striketh me with an air that is…familiar. Yay, there is an essence about thee that I recognize…” The drake commented mysteriously.

“Really now? Must be my new cologne, Eau de Colère, a decadent mixture of all the emotions most familiar to dragons like yourself.”

Discord pulled out a bottle and spritzed Seath’s nose. The white drake grimaced as he recognized a myriad of fiery and very negative sensations, all of them far too familiar for comfort.

“Nay tis not that, there is a sense that I have encountered before.” The dragon politely replied.

“Oh, well as you know I’ve been around for a while and made my mark on Equestria in many ways. Just ask our friends here!” He brought Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie in for a group hug. The mares merely rolled their eyes and sighed together.

“Anyway I must say, Twilight, this sudden demand for secrecy concerning your contribution to Luna’s birthday has stoked the embers of my curiosity. Just what are you planning to spring on our dear Princess tonight?” The chaotic being queried after he’d released everyone.

Twilight smiled with just a hint of mischief.

“You’ll see, it’s something Seath came up with and thought we could work on together.” She replied.

“And should serve as a worthy addition to this microcosm.” The dragon commented as he looked around the nocturnal oasis. Discord followed his gaze with far less enthusiasm.

“Well now, that’s quite a bold claim. I can recall once trying to offer my own decorative contribution when I saw this place but Luna wouldn’t allow it. I said it could do with some lovely fireflies to liven the scenery up, but then SHE said that they couldn’t be the kinds that actually shoot fire. Really! How bland can you get?” The dracoqeuus replied with disdain. “Then I suggested fireweed to add some much needed color but she shot that down too.”

Discord snapped his tail and a bouquet of pretty red flowers appeared in his hands.

“I mean whatever is wrong with these? They grow almost anywhere, smell lovely and you can make delicious jam with their petals! Hmmm…maybe I should’ve used one of its alternate names instead…not given her the wrong idea…”

Behind the chaos god a familiar butterscotch pegasus stepped in to add another present to the pile.

“Luna doesn’t do it to be mean, Discord, she just wants her special part of the palace kept as she likes it to be.” Fluttershy gently soothed. “Besides, she let you plant poison joke in the palace garden. That alone is a pretty big privilege.”

Rather than acknowledge this, Discord just looked more disappointed.

“And then she and Celestia insisted on building a wall around the bed so no one would accidentally step in it. Seriously, what’s the point of planting poison joke if you’re not going to allow it to cause havoc? It’s such a waste!”

Arching an eyeridge, Seath looked to the table under the other gifts, where his own contribution sat waiting under a heavy black sheet.

“Perhaps our creation may give thee some manner of resolution then. T’is something that none of thine land’s inhabitants hath ever encountered nor recorded, a masterpiece of my own making unlike anything thou hast known before.”

Discord looked up at the white drake, doubt etching itself heavily onto his patchwork features.

“Ha! Nice try! I’ve seen a lot in my time, even when I was turned to stone! And I know for a fact that our princesses are very picky about they allow in their dominion! If it hasn’t been seen lately then it’s likely they don’t want it to be seen at all!” The dracoequus scoffed. Twilight cringed as she looked up, expecting to see the usual signs of anger and murderous intent manifesting on her teacher’s face. Instead, however, Seath looked oddly composed, possibly almost a little smug in fact.

“That remains to be decided, fabled chaos god.” He mused while nodding to where Luna was now descending the stairs She seemed most relieved at being able to finally get down to the part of her birthday she was actually looking forward to.

“True, but don’t say I didn’t warn thee, oh old and wise, and weird talking dragon!” Discord replied as he turned and walked off.

“Don’t let him get to you, Seath. He’s just miffed that Celestia and Luna are still making him do community service for all the damage he caused during Tirek’s rampage.” Twilight gently assured. Seath idly stroked his chin in thought.

“Truly he is no worse than any other court jester I hath been forced to suffer…if anything I am more puzzled as to my sense that our acquaintanceship should already be well met.” Seath replied as the DJ struck up a wave of sound to herald the start of the true party. Seeing that everyone else was making for the dance floor (a horrendous act that he’d never be caught dead doing, not even if he still had two functioning legs to make use of) Seath found a spot by bar and just watched events unfold. Truth be told the vibrancy that now gripped the garden was a welcome departure from what had been happening upstairs. It was rather intoxicating actually, the amount of raw, unbridled life that everyone gave off as they drank, ate and danced the night away. The music oozed energy, the ponies fed on it with their every movement like starving wolves, the darkened setting provided a background they needn’t fear tarnishing with their antics and so no restraint was exercised. Even during the most festive seasons in Lordran nowhere reached this level of excitement. Such thrills had only been known to Seath back when…back when…

Back when thou was as thine kindred? A merciless predator of the lands seeking only thine next hunt? Thine next chance to spill blood? Deny it not, t’was the same sensation thou felt when thou slew the dogs!

Seath groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. Even in a situation where there was naught to be had except cheer and good times, he still couldn’t dash away his own sinister thoughts. The looming shadow of his evil side still clung to him like his own skin, seeing to it that he would never find joy no matter what he did.

Is such accurate? There was one before who managed to break through thine wall of dark intent. What prevents thee from finding a second?

Seath looked to Twilight, doing her best to try and get crazy on the dance floor without tripping over her dress or knocking anyone over with her hooves. Clearly dancing was not her forte either, but at least Spike was there to help lead her in a rough semblance of…some kind of synchronized duet. She still looked as cheerful as ever despite her clumsiness, something that gave Seath pause as he thought over something she’d said to him.

She desires to help thee heal, just as her pink friend desires to make you smile. Would it be such an error to humor their attempts? The darkness holds thee partially because thou seeks to aid it in maintaining its grip.

“Hey Seath!”

The dragon turned to see Applejack waving a hoof at him.

“Was wonderin’ if Ah could whip you up anythin’ while yer holdin’ the sidelines. Can’t have anyone here gettin’ parched on me!”

Seath looked to the bottles lined up on the bar before the orange mare. His head tendrils rose at the thought of trying a few of their contents just to see what passed as a local vintage.

“Granted Ah dunno what yer used to drinkin’ but Ah got some lovely ciders bottled from our orchards, plus some vodkas from the minotaur traders, oh and Berry Punch gave us a few o’ her finest from the most recent harvest so…”

“Applejack, for centuries have I known no taste other than that of estus. Anything that differs from the scorching essence of liquid fire shall suit me fine.” Seath intoned, feeling his lips curl up as the orange mare paused then blushed.

“Uh right, okay no ciders then.” Applejack hastily swept several bottles back behind the bar. “Why don’t Ah start you out with a Crystal Spritzer? It’s not too strong, but still gives you a nice buzz.”

She poured vodka and tonic over ice, gave it a few shots of seltzer, mixed in a little lemon, a shot of grenadine, then she shook the whole thing up and dripped it into a cocktail glass.

“Princess Cadance gave me the recipe for this. Apparently the ponies of the Crystal Empire really fancy it as somethin’ that works at any sorta social venue.”

She pushed the glass over to Seath who grabbed it and took a long drink. It still felt weird consuming anything that didn’t burn his tongue in the process, but otherwise the cocktail reminded him of an exceptionally potent form of the mead like concoction that Gwyn’s knights enjoyed during their numerous drinking games.

“Fascinatingly smooth. Its nomenclature is well done.” Seath commented as he pushed the glass back for a refill. “Indeed it seems many strange finds do spawn from this Crystal Empire of which thou speaks…”

Applejack hmmed as she whipped up a second cocktail. “Yah might consider paying a visit there if yah ever have time. They’re about as out of place here as yerself, thanks to being stuck in stasis for 1,000 years.” She passed the drink and smirked as Seath downed it with gusto. “Not to mention it might feel a bit more like home to yah what with the similar passion for clear shiny rocks.”

“Home…hmph.” Seath shook his head as the alcohol slowly went to work on his thoughts. “Home is a relic of the past, no longer of concern to me. Here I have plenty to keep me occupied.”

Applejack raised a curious eyebrow. “Twilight’s not provin’ too much of a hoof-ful for yah is she? Girl can be mighty impulsive with that head of hers.”

Seath accepted a third cocktail and sipped it slowly in thought.

“Truly, I am more refreshed at her enthusiasm than anything. Reckless she may be, but a gifted student she nevertheless is.” He mused much to the mare’s delight.

“Sounds like you two are pretty happy together.” Applejack commented, to a dry and somewhat saddened laugh.

“Happy…heh, t’were I still possessed of gaiety enough to remember the meaning of that word.” Seath lamented. Sighing quietly to herself, Applejack just grabbed his glass and whipped up a new concoction for the dragon.

“Well, when all else fails, there’s always booze to up yer spirits. Let’s see how you like a Tequila Sunrise!”

The party continued without incident for several more hours. Every so often the music was faded so guests could break for the bar, or Luna’s cake could be brought out, or the DJ just needed a break, but otherwise it was a wild and wonderful romp for all.

Things only began to slow down when the time for presents was announced. Having now downed quite a variety of interesting and potent alcoholic masterpieces, Seath found himself actually feeling a bit friendlier towards everyone as they offered up their own efforts to dazzle and delight their moon princess. Much to his surprise, he found himself grinning almost maniacally as two of the guards retrieved his gift and wheeled it over to the black mare.

“And what do we have here?” Luna queried as Twilight and Seath moved to stand beside the concealed object.

“This, if you can believe, is something Seath thought up and we put together for you. With your permission, I’ll leave the honor of unveiling it to him.” Twilight said with barely restrained excitement. Taking a deep breath, Seath brushed down his robes again and bowed.

“Several days ago, thou and I were met in a dark and rather tense standoff, princess. Though I faced thee with righteous anger and sinister misgivings thou did not scorn me as those before. Nay, even in the light of knowing my history thou still bestowed onto me thine respect and thine blessing to continue in the tuition of thine fellow princess, Twilight Sparkle. Such kindness is shown all too rarely, even for one who has seen as many a year as I.”

Seath turned and gripped a corner of the sheet.

“As such, I felt it only right to repay thine favor with my own gratitude. Well known is thine lament that few of they that dwell in these lands favor thine moon. Even fewer are nourished by the same and sup upon its cold white rays as others do the golden light of the sun. Centuries ago I sought to correct such an error of nature back in Lordran, with a creature that would symbolize the power and the prosperity blessed by its lunar mother. Tonight, I present a new form of that creature unto thee.”

The white drake lit up his catalyst and brought it over the center of the sheet, bringing the gathered ponies to gasp as a faint rainbow aura began to shine through the dark weave. Something stirred under the sheet, lifting itself up and off the table as Seath stepped back, and then yanked the cover away with a flourish. Wings bathed in every color of the spectrum unfurled around a glittering crystalline body. On its back was a rotating wheel like device, suggesting the being was an artificial construct of some manner. On one end a head with eyes like segmented emeralds turned to take in the admiring audience, dipping its twisted, helix shaped antennae at them as it spread itself out for their viewing pleasure. On the other end a tail made of many long, feather like tufts, reminiscent of a peacock, flowed and sparkled exactly like Luna’s mane. Even with the disco lights blinking overhead the insect still shone like a beacon of pure beauty, a technicolor representation of all that was good and wonderful about the night that encompassed it from every side.

“This, dear princess, I call the 'Moonlight Butterfly’, a life form birthed from the will of sorcery and a few offerings of the land. It shall thrive on thine moon as naturally as any other creature will the sun. If thou wishes it will serve thee well as a pet…and a guardian during thine travels in the night.”

The butterfly demonstrated by turning to one of the cardboard targets and blasting it with a magical beam, fired from its antennae. Luna gasped again as it flew over to alight upon her back, though she felt no fear. The awe gripping her was too strong to allow any other emotion through as she stared at the amazing creature.

“You…made this?” She said, almost as a whisper.

“That we did. Twilight added her own modifications to the design, my power and a few…supplies from the Everfree forest provided the rest.” Seath replied proudly. Now that he’d had time to observe, he could see the logic of the changes his student had made to his original plan for the butterfly. This one was only around half the size of its predecessors, making it faster and more agile while in the air, while also cutting down on its energy needs. Its new appearance also gave it a backup set of eyes so its combat effectiveness wouldn’t be hampered if it got damaged, while the legs allowed it to have some melee capabilities in addition to its ranged ones. Add in some programming to make it more docile, not to mention loyal, and it would make a very fine protector of Luna, if she accepted it as such.

“This is…incredible…I…I didn’t know anything like this was possible!” Luna exclaimed as she brought the butterfly onto her front leg and held it before her face. It glowed like a shining cluster of jewels, its splendor seemingly infinite from every angle. “I am honored, truly, to be given such a marvel.”

“Consider it as both apology and peace offering.” Seath said as he approached the princess and lowered his voice. “And warning if thou intends to face my night time visions again. Tempting is thine offer to quiet my mind and soothe my sleep, but thou shalt find worst horrors than was previously shown to thee in doing so.”

Luna looked up from her new pet, her visage settling back to a more stoic state.

“Then you will do as I requested? Let Twilight know the truth of what you were and what you did before coming here?”

Seath nodded warily.

“She desires to heal me, as thou desires to heal me. Forlorn the effort may be, but I shalt not hide who I am if it will aid thine attempts.” The dragon replied. Luna let the butterfly leave her leg and fly up to alight upon her head like a shiny new addition to her regal attire. Taking a deep breath she smiled softly at Seath.

“Then, if you will excuse me for a moment, I have an announcement to make.”

Luna stepped around Seath and stamped her hooves on the floor to get everyone’s attention again.

“Ahem…to all my friends and honored guests I wish to propose a quick change to the plan for this celebration. If I am to be allowed to have a pet at this party then I think you all should as well.” She turned to the lavender alicorn before her. “Twilight, if you’d be so kind as to make use of your teleportation spell, I’d like to have everypony’s own special animal friends join us here.”

“Consider it done, Luna!” Twilight lit up her horn and an owl flashed into existence before her. Following it was a rather annoyed looking white rabbit that hopped over to join Fluttershy, then a dog that ran to tackle Applejack and lick all over her face, then a baby alligator that Pinkie promptly scooped up and snuggled and so on.

“And while she’s busy with that, there’s somepony I’d like you to meet, if you’ll follow me.” Luna walked over into a more private area of the garden, walled off from the rest with tall hedges and lush plants. There a pink alicorn with a multi-colored mane was chatting with a white unicorn dressed in a fancy military uniform.

“Cadence, Shining Armor, this is Seath the Scaleless, Twilight’s new teacher.” Luna introduced. “Seath, this is Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor…”

Seath nodded slowly. “The reigning monarchs of the Crystal Empire, and my student’s two most trusted souls. Her history with thee is well documented.”

Cadance smiled as she stared up at the mythical drake.

“Well she was no less verbose in telling us what’s been happening since you came into her life. I must say, you two seem to have become friends almost faster than she and I did when I first started foalsitting her.”

Seath looked back at Twilight as she summoned a sleepy looking turtle and gently handed it over to Rainbow Dash.

“An unmatched prodigy she has proven herself. Though I hath tutored few in my time, I almost dare to say she is the best.”

Seath’s voice gained a short note of lament, as if he feared placing the alicorn at the top of his list would greatly offend someone hitherto unmentioned. It was a subtly change, but Cadence still picked up on it.

“She certainly has taken to your unique brand of magic in record time. That spell she demonstrated upstairs, turning herself into common household objects, did you really only first show that to her two weeks ago?” She continued.

“Aye that I did. Rough her technique may still be, but her strive to practice until perfection is achieved will soon amend that.” The white drake ran his fingers along the length of his catalyst. “Indeed her greatest hindrance thus has not been the discouragement of failure, but the limitations imposed by her tools and the nature of sorcery itself.”

“Yeah well, that’s hardly a bad thing.” Shining Armor chimed in. “Least you’re getting her to take breaks and not keep pushing herself to exhaustion. That’s more than we could do when she was growing up. Heck, even Celestia had trouble pulling her from her studies when she was her mentor.”

Seath stroked his chin, musing on his own slave like attachment to studying and how it had likewise caused such strife for him. Again he mused if it was a blessing or a curse that Twilight and he shared such an addiction to the consumption of knowledge.

“Her ambition is powerful, as t’was my own. Indeed I sense in her much that did first drive me in my founding of sorcery as an art form and discipline…only the influence of thine own world doth reveal itself with how she applies her talents.”

Cadence’s ears perked as she heard that subtle shift of the dragon’s tone again. This time it was an ever so slight twinge of envy that wove itself into his words; just a tiny hint that he both favored but also hated his student for being blessed with such a life so much easier and prosperous than he. Looking up, the pink alicorn noted a slight wilt of Seath’s head tendrils, as if he was now hating himself for having reservations about Twilight.

“Yes well, that is to be expected. From what she told us of life is like where you come from, the contrasts are…erm..numerous.” Cadence politely cleared her throat. “Still, I’m glad she’s making you as proud as she has me, and Celestia…”

“And me!” Shining Armor piped up again. “Yes I say that purely from a familial stand point…but it still counts!”

Cadence snickered and nuzzled her husband’s neck. “I never said anything to the contrary, dear.”

“Nor should you. Far too rarely have I seen the fruits of support among siblings. Even among Lordran’s elite the differing aims, beliefs and desires from one soul to another did relentlessly chip and shatter the bonds of blood.” Seath darkly replied. Cadence promptly stopped with the nuzzling and turned back to the drake. She winced as he practically spat his words like they were spoiled bits of food.

“Yeah well…we have that kind of drama here too. Our parents actually promised when Twilight was born that such would not happen in our family, due to them seeing too many examples of high class strife at their jobs.” Shining replied.

Seath grumbled as age old laments descended upon him again.

“How different things might be if only others strove to follow such an example.” He growled while turning away. Shining Armor swallowed hesitantly, wondering if he’d perhaps said the wrong thing. Cadence silently gestured for him to try and make up for it by engaging Seath on a different, less personal topic while she had a quiet word with Luna.

“So what do you think?” The moon princess asked once Shining had the dragon distracted.

“Your intuition is correct, but I’d advise against acting on it further.” Cadence said. “While he does bear the hallmarks of one who has loved before, there’s also an overwhelming sense of one who’s lost before as well…”

“How overwhelming?” Luna asked warily. Cadence stiffened as she thought over Seath’s reactions.

“To the point of being driven berserk by the pain it’s caused him. His speech is…peppered by hints of having been used emotionally. It’s similar to what I’ve seen from cases of ponies who’ve been cheated on by one that they saw as their special somepony, or who’ve had their lives torn apart via manipulation of their feelings.” The pink alicorn explained. “I confess I’m guessing a bit here since we’ve only just met, but, going on how he reacted to Shiny’s comment about family….I would not suggest pressing him for further details. Whatever was done to him has been haunting him for centuries. Trying to get him to open up about it is also inviting all of the pent up anger, resentment, regret, and depression to be released with it.”

Luna glanced up to the butterfly sitting pretty on her head. As if sensing this was a conversation it should not be privy to, it flew off back to the main section of the garden.

“Yet he seems to enjoy being with Twilight…and he appeared to be genuinely grateful that I did not judge him a monster.” The black alicorn observed.

Cadence shivered. “He’s not been treated well in his past life that much is certain. If I had to draw a comparison between him and one closer to home, he reminds me a bit of Queen Chrysalis; a soul that wants to do the right thing for those they care about…however hard times, dire circumstances and being continually scorned for being what they are has left them feeling almost nothing except loathing and resentment for the world.”

Luna’s head sank. “And thus comes the question of will he eventually prove a threat like Chrysalis?”

Cadence squirmed slightly as she tried to think of a response that was not tainted by her own bias against the changeling queen.

“Well…he hasn’t yet….which is why I hesitate to give him reason to. Love or a lack of it can warp a mind in terrible ways.” The pink alicorn cautioned before biting her tongue. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound so negative. I just worry what might happen with Twilight caught up in the mix.”

Luna lifted her gaze from the ground, her eyes looking first at Seath, then beyond him. “Yet Celestia feels he can still be remedied like Discord was remedied, and so far, from what I’ve seen, there’s cause to support both arguments.”

Cadence nodded. “So what do you intend to do then?”

Luna picked herself up and resumed an air of confidence.

“For now, I have to try to reach him. I can’t say why, but I just can’t make myself see him as a complete monster, and Twilight likewise believes there’s good in him. If nothing else he deserves a chance.”

Noticing the way the white dragon was listening intently as Shining regaled him with one of his stories from the Royal Guard, Cadence smiled.

“Everypony does.” She agreed.

Hearing a record scratch as the DJ tuned her decks for another round of music, Luna distanced the worry from her mind.

“Anyway, that’s a matter for a later time. It’s still my birthday and I believe I’ve had you play amateur psychologist for me long enough. Go have some fun.”

Cadence patted her fellow princess with a wing. “Happy to do it, Luna. I truly do think you’re going about this the right way!”

Back on the dance floor, Twilight was finishing up teleporting everyone’s favorite pets, nimbly leaning out of the way of the cat she held in her magic as it used its claws to show its displeasure at being so rudely pulled from a nap.

“Okay that’s Tank, Gummy, Angel, Owlowicious, Winona, Opalesence…and Dedmau5…”

A cute white rodent with a blue Mohawk squeaked in glee as it ran around on the DJ’s turntables.

“Did I miss anypony?” Twilight asked.

“Well, since you ask, I can’t help noticing my own bundle of joy is still absent from this lovely gathering.” Discord declared while poofing into existence beside her. Everyone looked at him in bewilderment.

“Since when do you have a pet?” Applejack queried.

“Since a poor and so very unfortunate soul was carelessly discarded by my thinking tree. Oh such a cruel case of animal neglect it was how could I not take her in and care for her as my own?” Discord replied, theatrically pressing his lion paw to his forehead. “If you could find it in you to bring her here from my tree, I’m sure she’d make fast friends with everyone!”

Twilight looked to her friends, getting nothing but shrugs and stares of mild curiosity.

“Alright then, just let me focus and…” Twilight summoned an image of Discord’s thinking tree, picking up on a strong living aura within the realm contained inside its branches. Locking onto this she teleported it to the dance floor, and blinked in shock as the Izalith Chaos Bug materialized before her.

“Ah there you are, my little Queen! Oh I hope it hasn’t been too lonely back home without me!” Discord cheered as he slapped on a pair of oven mitts and picked the glowing insect up. Flames licked delicately around his hands as the bug squirmed and ignited, much to the awkwardness of those observing.

“Okaaaaay…what the heck is that thing?” Rainbow Dash bluntly asked.

“My dear Rainbow Dash, this ‘thing’ is my pet! My darling Queen!” Discord said with deep disdain. The chaos bug followed by surrounding its entire body with flames as it narrowed its multiple eyes at the blue Pegasus.

“Your darling…Queen?” Twilight asked, cringing as Discord held it out for everyone to behold.

“Fitting name don’t you think? Came up with it as a nod to another ‘buggy’ friend of ours. Oh don’t worry though, she’s not interested in sapping any of you for your love. Charcoal is more her preference!”

The dracoequus summoned a bag of BBQ briquettes and tossed one to the chaos bug. It chirped happily as it set the small black square alight and munched on the cinders.

“Cute, isn’t she?” Discord smiled.

“Erm….” Twilight bit her tongue as she surveyed the insect’s strange anatomy. “Where did you say you found this creature again?”

“I didn’t. She found me.” Discord replied as he rubbed through the burning tree branches sprouting from the bug’s head. “There I was, cooking up many a masterful work of chaos, when suddenly this little dear just dropped right out of the sky into my lap. Oh it was as adorable as it sounds!”

The ponies again exchanged glances. Slowly they went from bewildered to just accepting this as the only information they were going to get.

“I guess that explains why it don’t look like anything that’s popped up locally.” Applejack commented as she looked closer. “Uh, forgive mah saying this, Discord, but aren’t you at all concerned that yer pet is currently on fire? More so since it seems to be made o’ wood?”

Discord just grinned wider as he kissed the chirping inferno in his hands.

“Well yes that did give me concern at first, but it seems that’s just one of her little tricks. She adores heat in all its forms so she came up with a delightfully chaotic way of keeping herself warm and toasty all the time!” The dracoequus snapped his tail and a flame retardant blanket appeared in his hand. “Worry not, I’ve made sure to take all the necessary precautions!”

He spread out the blanket and set the chaos bug down on top of it. It chittered momentarily then curled up and closed its eyes as flames flowed all across its wooden carapace. It certainly seemed perfectly content with its current state of burning alive so again the ponies all shrugged.

“How very peculiar. Well, so long as it doesn’t accidentally set anything else on fire I guess that’s fine.” Twilight mused cautiously.

“Oh I assure you, she’s perfectly well behaved. Granted you’ll probably want to don some protective gloves before petting her, but I’m sure she’ll soon work her way into your heart as she has into mine!” Discord dreamily replied as little pink hearts fluttered around him. “Oooh, who’s my little firebug? Yes you are! Yes you are!”

He tickled the chaos insect with his oven mitt clad fingers, making goo-goo noises as it squeaked and crackled in its fiery aura. Twilight took the opportunity to step over to Fluttershy and whisper something in her ear.

“Flutters, you’re the animal expert, do you recognize that thing at all?”

The yellow pegasus flinched as she scoured her mind.

“I…have never seen anything like it before in my entire life. Not from the Everfree, not from Whitewood…I…I’m at a loss, Twilight.” She said apologetically.

“Oooh, maybe it’s a pocket monster! You know like the ones in that trading card game that Spike and Button Masher have been getting into together lately?” Pinkie excitedly piped up.

Both mares turned to the dragon in question. Sensing a response was needed, Spike shook his head.

“While I don’t deny it could qualify as such, I fear it’s not. Though now you have me pondering if I could maybe submit a drawing of it to the game companies; see if they’ll make a new card based on it!” Spike grew wide eyed as he delved further into the idea. “With that fire ability it’d be resistant to all flame attacks below level 3, while the wooden covering would provide a +1 boost to defense against physical! Its offensive capabilities could include pyro-stream, heat trap…uhhh…log roll...”

With everyone enraptured with Discord’s new acquaintance, no one noticed the return of another individual. Far above everyone the Moonlight Butterfly fluttered back over the dance floor, drawn to the strange light burning away in the center as insects of its nature were inclined to do.

What such insects weren’t so inclined to do, however, was then descend into the crowd, take one look at the source of the light, then charge up a magic shot and blast it. The Izalith chaos bug promptly erupted into a fierce ball of orange flames, dissipating the attack with its heat.

“…scorched earth if summoned in a grass or woodland arena and…huh?” Spike broke off as the dance floor was suddenly enveloped a blazing inferno. The Moonlight Butterfly promptly shot for the sky again as the chaos bug screeched and the flames around it formed into a monstrous shape. As everyone scrambled for cover, the shape slowly solidified into that of an immensely bloated bipedal creature, wreathed in flames with a horned head and a most demonic visage. Burning dragon wings spread out from its back, and in its hands it clutched a fiery spear type weapon that it swung wildly at the glowing butterfly.

“Ability to summon additional creatures to aid it in battle? Wait…that’s not permitted by the rules!” Spike commented instinctively before his brain was able to regain control of his mouth. “Wh-What just happened here?”

The Moonlight Butterfly fired another beam of magic at the fire demon. It retaliated by slamming its fat legs into the dance floor, smashing it apart while it swept its weapon in a horizontal motion. A giant explosion promptly rocked the garden and the butterfly promptly flew to defend Luna as she ran onto the scene.

“I don’t know…but it seems the party just got crashed….literally speaking…” Twilight meeped as the demon lunged at its opponent, crushing the stage and everything on it beneath its great bulk. “I think we may be in trouble here!”


“So the Chosen Undead has been taken to parts unknown, and along with her another of the Lord Souls, beyond thine reach and beyond this time….Lordran’s fate grows dark indeed.” Frampt sighed and clicked his teeth. “What can be done has been done, no more can we attempt to remedy this. I shall slumber, until I am awakened again.”

The primordial serpent disappeared back under the floor of his chamber, leaving Siegmeyer and Griggs staring wordlessly at the dark pit, unable to comprehend their companion’s reaction.

“Huh. Not that I wish to sound ungrateful but I thought he might show a bit more concern than that.” The knight commented as Griggs buried his face in his hands.

“And to think I doubted my superiors at Vinheim when they told me of how dire things were growing here. Truly is there no hope left for the world?” The sorcerer lamented as the pair headed back to the main area of Firelink Shrine.

“Oh come, Griggs, now’s not the time to be giving up. We’ve still got folk depending on us, and if Frampt won’t help then we’ll just have to find another way!” Siegmeyer enthusiastically declared as they passed a hooded individual that was packing up his supplies. “Is that not so, Laurentius my good fellow?”

The hooded male winced hesitantly.

“A tragedy it is to learn that one with as much a passion for pyromancy as myself has been taken from us. While I do not wish to give or rely upon false hope, there is one lead I must investigate: before she set out for the Lost City of Izalith the Chosen Undead came to me bearing a splendid number of new spells, the likes of which I had never seen before! She said that there exist others of my discipline still living in the Great Swamp. A forlorn pursuit it may be, but I must try to find these people, see if they know anything about what is going on around here.” Laurentius meekly replied. Siegmeyer slapped him across the back, getting another grunt as the poor soul was nearly knocked to the ground from the force.

“See, he’s still got reason to keep going, I’ve still got to find my little Sieglinde, and you said yourself there were still clues remaining to be investigated back in the Crystal Caverns. We must press onward!” The knight said while excitedly brandishing his zweihander sword. Griggs did his best to hide his disgust at what seemed like a flat out refusal to look brute facts straight in the face.

“And even if one of those does turn up anything, what then? The Chosen Undead was the one fated to link the fires and save Lordran, without her all is still lost! Our efforts will be for naught while we have no means of knowing where she, or Seath, or the Lord Souls have been taken to, or how to get any of them back!” The sorcerer declared.

“Hmmm…not necessarily…”

Everyone turned to the individual sitting quietly by the bonfire, his body shadowed by the brim of his enormous hat.

“Seath’s texts on the existence of other worlds have given me much to dwell on. Dare I say, I believe I have begun to see what he could see in place of his lacking vision of the physical plane.” Logan raised a hand and beckoned to the other occupants. “Laurentius, if you wouldn’t mind sitting here with me for a moment…not next to me mind you, just on the other side of the bonfire. I don’t want to be distracted.”

Laurentius cocked his head but nevertheless did as told.

“Now then, as one who shares the closest affinity with the flames out of all of us, what do you see?” Logan asked. The pyromancer stared deeply into the slowly dancing fire, following its spiraling twists around the sword mounted in the center of it.

“As always I see light, heat, energy, power, and the basics that make life possible…”

Logan nodded. “And, where do you see these aspects?”

Laurentius stared harder, his heightened sense of being able to read the fire beginning to tingle as he glimpsed something even deeper in the heart of the flames.

“Well, here obviously, and in the parish above us, and in the swamp, in the ruins, in Anor Londo, wherever there is life there is fire.” He finally replied. Logan nodded sagely.

“Correct. With the Lordvessel placed upon the Altar under our feet every bonfire is basically a waypoint to each other across the lands. Unfortunately, as the Chosen Undead was the one to place the vessel only she can make use of this aspect to travel quickly from place to place.” The ageing sorcerer explained. Next to him, Griggs furrowed his brow.

“Master Logan, forgive my asking, but how does that help us at this present moment?” He asked. Logan sighed and jabbed a finger at Laurentius.

“Even a locked door cannot bar passage entirely, nor can it prevent one from glimpsing what lies on the other side. I ask you again, pyromancer, where else aside from the immediate area do you see the flames burning?” He demanded. Laurentius massaged his eyes and tried to keep concentrating.

“I see….I see…a balcony on the top floor of Sen’s Fortress…a beach at the base of the great trees…I see…a small settlement by an ocean I don’t recognize….and….wait…”

Laurentius leaned forward onto his hands.

“I see….a coliseum…somewhere….I think I can just make out the architecture….”

Under his hat Logan exhaled in relief that someone else was finally getting the picture.

“Oolacile…it’s the Grand Coliseum of Oolacile!” Laurentius declared while rubbing his eyes agin. They were getting dry from the heat of the flames but he was too fixated on the images dancing within to stop now. “I see the Chosen Undead, engaged in combat….that’s where she’s been taken to!”

Siegmeyer went from confused to looking worried.

“Well, while that’s grand news to hear, I believe there’s still the little niggle that Oolacile was consumed by the Abyss centuries ago. Nasty business that, not sure how the Chosen Undead could possibly be there of all places now!” Siegmeyer pointed out. Logan looked to his fellow sorcerer, who nodded that he’d explain this one.

“Time means nothing to Gwyn’s fire. Just as we can summon fellow warriors to our aid here via use of the soap stones so we can travel to other periods of history…at least if we knew what periods to go to.” Griggs said thoughtfully.

“I…may be able to figure out the answer to that…” Laurentius humbly replied. “Let me study these images a bit longer. If I can discern where and when to travel to, I can see about trying to find a means of getting us there! Maybe if I were allowed to make use of the Lordvessel…”

Siegmeyer raised his gauntlet.

“Say no more my good chap. I’ll go have a quiet word with Frampt and see if he’ll let us into the Altar. I’m sure he’ll see sense if I explain.” The knight ambled off. Clutching his catalyst with renewed fortitude, Griggs sat down by the pyromancer.

“I’ll do what I can to help. Maybe there’ll be something similar to what I sensed back in the Crystal Caverns that can aid in pinpointing the Chosen Undead’s location.”

Pleased that the rest of the party were now occupied, Logan rose and walked over to his normal thinking spot behind one of the ruined walls.

“I shall keep scouring the tomes I collected from the Archives. Seath may have recorded other clues in his works. Naturally I’d appreciate it if none of you disturbed me.” He muttered.

Silently, Laurentius gave thanks for the sorcerer’s departure as he turned back to the bonfire. Image after image flowed with the flames, an entire gallery of occurrences within Lordran and beyond, all passing by his very eyes. Even though he knew which ones to focus on, the pyromancer couldn’t help letting his gaze wander as other regions of the world were presented for his perusal. Here was one of a figure in brass armor, possibly a Firekeeper, keeping silent watch over a passage in Anor Londo. There was a vista of bizarre egg carrying figures cowering before a great lake of lava. He saw his own homeland in the Great Swamp, a dark tunnel in the midst of a forest, mushroom folk wandering about the interior of one of the great archtrees, ponies having a picnic on a lush plain of green behind…


Laurentius blinked and looked closer. Unfortunately the images in the flames had already shifted again so he couldn’t double check but his mind remained fairly certain of what he’d seen. Beings of a definitely equine nature, sitting close enough to one of Gwyn’s fires as to be plainly visible.

Snorting in mild amusement, Laurentius massaged his eyes and kept looking for more images from Oolacile. He’d get another chance later to investigate that, see if the flames were playing tricks on him or showing him yet another new development in this endlessly twisting mystery. Seath’s disappearance, the theft of the Lord Souls, the kidnapping of the Chosen Undead, and somehow there were ponies tied up somewhere in all of this.

“Just what is this all adding up to?” He quietly pondered.

Author's Note:

- Yes Discord's naming the chaos bug 'Queen' is a reference to the fan canon name for the Witch of Izalith. Since Gwyn's known children all use his name as a prefix to their own it's believed that the witch used a similar scheme, meaning her name would have to be themed around the prefix of 'Quee' as her own daughters are called 'Queelag' and 'Quelaana'.

- If it's not revealed soon that Vinyl Scratch does in fact have a pet mouse then that will definitely be a crime. Considering what inspired her DJ name it's a gag that's begging to be made!