• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 9,191 Views, 272 Comments

Trickster Priest - Fresnor

Equestria has to deal with monsters on a weekly basis but what happens when an actual monster shows up in the from as a once costumed human?

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Chapter 8

Xellos looked out over Ponyville as it was swarmed by tiny winged balls of fluff that looked too cute for how dangerous they were. “I was gone only a few days and this town gets invaded by the most annoyingly cute vermin possible. I can probably guess who’s to blame but she probably wasn’t alone considering how out of touch most of these ponies are.”

Looking down at the market square he catches sight of a flash of pink bouncing around the place erratically. It looked as if she was moving at random but he noticed that the pile of objects she was carrying was increasing. Taking a closer look he saw that she was gathering a large variety of instruments. “Well it looks like at least one of them isn’t a complete idiot. I’m wondering how much of what Pinkie Pie does is an act and how much is real. I’m starting to think that she may secretly be a genius behind that mask of insanity.”

Seeing that things are on the way towards being taken care of, he flies around looking for a certain excitable unicorn. He finds her rushing towards the center of town with the rest of her friends and slowly descends above her. Twilight for her part stops and says something to her friends before she starts charging up her magic. “Oh please tell me she isn’t about to do something recklessly stupid, using magic on a creature of chaos is the worst idea.”

His worries were proven true as a wave of energy flooded away from the lavender unicorn to pass over the town. He held his breath as he watched the parasprites float in place for a moment examining the food that was near them. When they started eating the non-food items he let out the air he was holding in relief before floating down right behind the group. “Well this is a surprise; the wise and powerful Twilight almost wipes out an entire town by irresponsibly using her magic. Of course it makes sense considering your teacher is all about appearances and not what a creature truly is.”

Twilight’s head snaps around towards him in shock, interrupting her panic attack as her other friends ran off to protect the town. “What are you doing here? Don’t we have enough to worry about without these parasprites ruining everything? And what do you mean by what you are saying about the princess?”

Xellos smirks as he looks down at the young librarian. “Oh I just thought I’d come by to see how things have been here. For such a small town there always seems to be something interesting happening here. As for the princess she only cares about if something fits in her tiny world view. In fact I remember the first time she saw these things herself, she wouldn’t show her face for months after she attempted the same thing you did.”

His answer doesn’t reassure the unicorn as a frown is plastered across her face. “She’s seen these things before? Then why hasn’t she told me anything about them before? There should have been a book or something about them that she should have given me to read.”

The biped just waves off her concerns before replying. “Oh she probably blocked the memory of when she turned them all into carnivorous beasts and watched as they devoured the entire town she tried to protect. It was even her fault that she brought them into the town in the first place because she thought something that cute couldn’t be dangerous.” He pauses as he hears music on the wind while Twilight looks at him with a look of horror. “Oh look, Pinkie Pie is coming to fix your mistake.”

Him pointing out the approaching pink party pony distracted Twilight from him for a moment which was enough to allow him to vanish from sight. When Twilight turned back to ask him what was going on she saw no sign of him causing her to huff in annoyance before following after Pinkie with her other friends soon joining her.

From the astral plane Xellos kept an eye on them to see how things would turn out and he was surprised to see Celestia flying in towards the six as they made it to the edge of the Everfree. He ignored much of what was being said between them all but his ears perked up a bit when Twilight spoke up about something other than the scheduled visit. “Princess Celestia? Xellos was her a moment ago and he said that you had seen these things before but why was I never told about them with how dangerous they can be?”

It was subtle, but Xellos notice the princesses eyes widen slightly at the question as well as a small shudder run through her body. She seemed as calm as ever though when she finally responded to her student’s query. “Twilight, there are many things in this world not written in books. Sometimes it’s better if they are left in the past to be forgotten.”

With that she nodded at her guards to take off leaving the six behind to stare after her with various expressions of shock. Only Pinkie Pie noticed the reappearance of Xellos as he watched the princess fly away with a hand shading his eyes. “Well I guess it was too much to hope that she would have changed after all this time. I almost thought I would have to start shoving food down her throat to get her to take care of herself all those years ago until I found her cake weakness. Of course now I’ve been hearing about the occasional joke about her flanks from some of the leaders of other countries.”

Before any of the others could react a rainbow blur flew by them up into his face. He just looked at Rainbow Dash curiously as she glared at him in anger. “Hey! Just who do you think you are saying that type of thing about our princess, huh?”

Xellos brought a finger up to in front of his mouth in thought for a moment. “I believe I would be a nigh-immortal monster that is one of the few beings that has seen her at some of her best and worst moments.”

That answer threw them all off as it wasn’t what they were expecting. Applejack was especially shocked as she didn’t sense a hint of a lie in his statement though she felt as if something was missing. “Now hold on there partner. What do you mean by you being a monster?”

He opened his mouth to answer her before he paused and started rubbing the back of his head. “Would you believe it, I actually never mentioned that to anyone else before, though it’s mostly true now. It’s true though, what you see before you is the body of one of the strongest being belonging to the monster race.”

Their reactions varied, for Fluttershy cowering behind the others to Twilight’s jaw dropping in shock to Pinkie Pie’s lack of a reaction as she continued to bounce in place. Other than that pink pony there was a hint of fear in the expressions of the other mares though some quickly suppressed it. Seeing all this Xellos just frowns a bit before continuing. “Oh come one, just because I’m a monster doesn’t mean I’m some sort of monster.”

Pinkie starts laughing as if she understood what he meant while the others just looked at him in confusion. The rainbow-maned pegasus was the first to snap out of her daze as she got up in his face again. “Well then Mr. ‘Monster’ how about you tell us why you are here. What are your plans, huh?”

The monster half turned away from her and waved a hand in her direction. “Oh there’s no need to worry about me doing anything bad around here. It’s already entertaining enough without me influencing anything. Besides there’s too much else I still have to do before destroying the world.”

He turned back to look at them all when he noticed how quiet they were being to see them all staring at him in shock with their jaws wide open. Only one of them wasn’t staring at him and when he noticed what Pinkie was reading he reached a hand towards his knapsack. “Hmm yep, it’s right here at the end girls, destroy the world. It’s right after shave Rarity’s mane and fill Canterlot castle with butterscotch pudding. Ooh, how did you know about the secret recipe the Cakes have been working on?”

With a sharp yelp both Twilight and Rarity darted over to read over the scroll that Pinkie was perusing. Finding the parts that they were looking for they turned a sharp glare at the biped as he started chasing Pinkie around for the list. “Hey come on now, give it back. You know how long it took me to write that thing? I haven’t even finished the ten before it yet and I still need to check through them all again.”

The two unicorns watched the two chasing each other around them while they try to get a word in but give up after the third lap. By the tenth pass Twilight was just looking exasperated even though Rarity’s expression was unchanged. After a couple more passes Twilight sighs before she sticks a hoof out into their path tripping Xellos with Pinkie being a short distance behind. When they looked up they found themselves face to face with the annoyed purple unicorn.

“Sorry to break up your fun, but would you mind explaining what you meant by destroying the world? That usually isn’t something to joke about and after already almost having that happen I doubt I would see that situation again.” She was about to say more when a white hoof slammed Xellos’ face back down into the ground. Twilight looked up to see the enraged face of her alabaster friend staring down at the prone figure.

“What are you planning to do to my mane?! If you dare even THINK about doing something that I promise that I will buck you so hard that… that… RRGH!” Twilight stares in shock at her friend losing her composure like this though she hadn’t seen anyone even suggest something like this to her before. She watches as Rarity marches off a distance away from the others to try and calm down as the rest stare after her in shock. She shakes her head and makes a note to check on her friend later before turning back to find Xellos right up in her face causing her to stumble back a few steps.

“Oh there’s no need to worry about that, as I’ve said there are too many things I have to do before that point. Besides by the time I get around to cutting her mane she probably won’t care about it anymore.” Twilight just sighs and glares at him as that wasn’t the point of what she was saying.

Xellos looks at her a moment more before he snaps his fingers in realization. “Oh wait, you were talking about the other thing on the list. Well that is easy to explain because you see,” he pauses a moment and taps a finger on her nose, “that, is a secret!” With that he disappears from sight leaving Twilight to stare after him in confusion before she lets out a growl of frustration.

“Ugh, why do I get the feeling that he’s doing this just to be difficult. I’ll write a letter to the princess just in case though.” Looking around she realizes that there is still a mess to clean up and sighs before heading back into town to help with the repairs.

Author's Note:

There we go, his master plan, or at least part of it. I wonder when the mane 6 will notice all the little hints he's been tossing out though on a variety of things. :pinkiecrazy: