• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 9,191 Views, 272 Comments

Trickster Priest - Fresnor

Equestria has to deal with monsters on a weekly basis but what happens when an actual monster shows up in the from as a once costumed human?

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Chapter 16

“Ewwww... Gimme a break. Come on, Crusaders! Maybe we just need to try zip-lining again.“ With a sigh Scootaloo led the trio out of Sugarcube corner looking a bit disappointed about something. When mention of yet another song was made she picked up the pace to escape while the adults had a laugh at her reaction.

Unbeknownst to the three there had been a fourth being with them through their entire journey that day as he found their efforts somewhat amusing. “Too bad I didn't show up a few years earlier. Catching at least one of those events would have been rather entertaining and maybe...” Xellos left that thought half formed as he watched the three arguing about if they should try for a zip-lining cutie mark again or not.

When the three started wrestling around he started shaking his head before phasing back into normal view. “Well, well, well. Trying for wrestling cutie marks again I see? Or would it be in arguing with each other?”

The three froze in place when the monster's voice rang out behind them and they slowly turned their heads to look back at him sheepishly. Quickly the three composed themselves and got into a huddle. “Ah don't know if we should talk to him any more. Mah sister told me to stay away from him and that she doesn't trust him.”

Sweetie Belle shakes her head at Apple Bloom before tossing her bit in. “I don't know. He may be a bit strange but he's only helped out whenever he showed up. Plus he did teach us some neat magic.”

“I say we go for it. It's not like we have any better ideas right now and you have to admit that what he showed us already is something nopony else has tried before.” The other two look at Scootaloo before nodding and breaking away from their huddle. What the three weren't expecting though was for Xellos to have snuck closer while they were talking to stand above them and listen in causing them to fall back onto their rears when they spotted him.

“Well if you want to learn more all you have to do is ask. It's not like what I've taught you so far are a secret really no matter how much the princesses wish otherwise. Besides with how talented Sweetie Belle is at what I've already shown her I'm sure you two will do well once we find what you work best with.” The non-unicorns of the trio look over at Sweetie Belle as she blushes at the praise though she frowns a bit when she glances back at her empty flank. Quickly the three huddle together for one more whisper session before turning back to the monster.

“We graciously accept your proposal to teach us more magic.” Xellos chuckles at the serious tone coming from the unicorn filly and ruffles Scootaloo's mane as he walks by the three, causing her to flail her hooves at him in annoyance. It didn't stop her from following after him though with her friends towards an open field outside of town.

Once they arrived at their destination Xellos turned to look over the three as they sat down around him. “Hmm, what to teach you three this time. I didn't think about it last time but the raywing spell was actually not really suited to you three, even though one of you took to it rather well.”

Sweetie Belle brought a hoof up to her chin in thought for a moment before she looked up at the biped. “If the spell wasn't suited to us then when was Apple Bloom able to fly around so much better than Scootaloo? Shouldn't her being a pegasus make her be able to fly better with that spell?”

Her other two fillies nodded at this question though the pegasus looked at her friend with a bit of jealousy. “That's exactly why she had troubles with the spell. Her instincts as a pegasus would be telling her that something is wrong while she is using the spell since it blocks out the feelings that normally come with flight. She really should have no problems learning any other involving air shamanism such as this one.”

With a flick of his wrist he pointed his hand in the direction of the Everfree before chanting a spell. “SCATTER BRID!” From his extended palm a scattering of lights appeared and started floating in the direction he was aiming, their speed held back by his will. The three fillies watch in wonder as the golden orbs slowly float by them before they slowly reach out tho them.

“Ooh, pretty.” While it was Sweetie Belle that was the first to comment, Scootaloo was the first one to touch one of the orbs causing it to burst and a small jolt of electricity flowed through her body causing her fur to puff out. At her yelp of surprise the other two jerk their hooves away and stare at the fluffed up pegasus with the looks on their faces shifting between shock and amusement.

“Well I guess that's one way to learn not to touch strange spells.” At the orange filly's glare of annoyance he let out a chuckle before explaining. “This is one of the weakest lightning spells that are out there and, while pretty, is more of an annoyance as you can see. Of course I'm sure that you can think of some interesting uses for it and even the weakest spells can do some damage if you use them wrong.”

Pulling out a scroll with the spell incantation he tosses it to Scootaloo before turning towards Sweetie Belle. “I'm not sure what magic would be best for you yet, though from what I hear about your cooking then fire magic might be a good choice.” The unicorn blushes at his comment and glares at her friends as they chuckle at her. “But you have been doing well enough with white magic so I'll give you one spell for later, since there isn't anything to practice on, while showing you another useful spell.”

With another flick of his wrist he causes the still floating balls of electricity to come to a halt before they all converge at a point on the ground nearby. When they connect a flash of light streams out before they vanish leaving a smoldering patch of ground which soon evolves into a small fire. With his hand still outstretched he begins to chant again before finishing with the words of power. “EXTBALL!”

“Oooh!” The unicorn's eyes shone as she watched the fire get drawn into a solitary point before being snuffed out completely.

“Like the other spell this is a weaker form of another spell but it's enough to handle smaller fires. The other one is used to remove poisons and minor magical effects so good luck finding a way to practice it.” The unicorn filly leaped around in excitement before she snagged the scrolls with the spells inscribed on them and began her own practice session.

The remaining filly and Xellos just shook their heads at the unicorn before turning back to each other. After a while Applebloom started to shift around a bit as Xellos just observed her without saying anything. She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the biped. “I never thought about it before, but earth shamanism, the type of magic that would fit you best, doesn't really have many small scale spells to practice with.”

“Don't ya know any spells ah could learn that aren't earth type spells? Anything would work as long as it has a chance for me ta earn a cutie mark.” Looking at the filly's hopeful expression the monster thought through what he knew and with a small grin he decided on a spell that had potential entertainment value in the future.”

“Actually, I know exactly what spell you should try to learn. I think even Twilight will agree that this spell will be just perfect.” Applebloom was worried by the grin that was on the monster's face but her excitement at learning new magic wiped all her fears away.


Sweet Apple Acres was in an uproar that morning as strange creatures wandered around it tearing up trees and knocking the apples off into a pile near the barn. The creatures weren't much to look at as if the were put together by an amateur, just walking rocks with arms. Their destruction wasn't unopposed as a pair of earth ponies tried to contain the damage as well as they could. “All right ya varmints, cut that out right now!”

Applejack struggled with one of the creatures that she had lassoed while her brother tried to push a second one with all his strength yet they kept on moving while furrows were dug up under the hooves of the ponies. Their younger sister was running towards them from town followed by a purple figure that she was sent to find. “Sis, ah got Twilight just like you asked!”

“What is going on Applejack? What are these things and where did they come from?” Twilight looked around at the rock creatures as they continued with their systematic destruction of the orchard and gathering of apples. The young filly looked away in embarrassment at the question and started scuffing at the ground with her hoof.

“Um, ah kind of made them with a spell Mister Xellos showed me yesterday. Ah didn't mean for things to turn out like this, honest.” The unicorn looked down at the filly in surprise before she brought a hoof up to her face and started shaking her head.

“Of course he would be involved somehow. Every time something strange happens lately it somehow involves him. Tell me, what exactly was this spell supposed to do?” Twilight observes the creatures as she asks this while her horn lights up to try and hold one of the creatures back.

“Well all he said was that it would make something called a golem that would follow my commands. So ah thought ah would try them out and made a few ta help harvest apples. At first they were doing what they should have but after a while they started breaking and uprooting trees while they worked.” Twilight nodded to the filly while she observed the reactions of the golems as they were held back.

“Hmm. They don't seem to be all that smart really. They are still doing exactly what you ordered them to do but only that. They aren't reacting to anything else even if something gets in their way. Have you tried to tell them to stop yet?” The filly nodded as she watched her siblings continue trying to stop them.

“That was the first thing ah tried before getting mah sister. Ah don't what what happened to them for them ta stop listening ta me or why they started destroying everything.” Twilight nodded once again as she changed tactics and started lifting the golem she had in her grip into the air. With a wince she tried to crush it in her grip but it proved to be more resilient than she expected as she started sweating. With a frown she set the creature down and tried to blast it with a telekinetic bolt, also to no avail.

“I'd compliment you on how tough you made these things if they didn't go crazy like this. I guess now is as good a time as any to try out something new I learned.” Taking a wide-legged stance the unicorn bowed her head as she began to chant the spell she had learned. “Shining down upon the land and sea, making things grow and bloom. Great and powerful sun, we honor you this day.” She brought her head up sharply as she focused her energies on the creature she was targeting. “SOLAR ARRAY!”

With a flash of light the area around the golem erupted into a pillar of solar energy as the spell was unleashed upon it from on high. The three farm ponies just gawked at the tableau that the unicorn had unleashed while she panted heavily from the unexpected toll that casting the spell took on her. Soon the light faded leaving only the scorched form of the golem which still smoldered a bit before it began to crumble away as the magic animating it faded.

“It actually worked. Now I just need to do it half a dozen more times and...” Before she could continue she fell to her knees as the drain from the spell took it's toll on her. Applejack quickly rushed over to her friend and tried to help her up again.

“Are ya all right sugarcube? Ah don't know what ya did but ah don't think that ya can do that again let alone six more times.” Twilight shook her head before she staggered up to a standing position once again. She was about to stubbornly try and cast the spell again but she was stopped by a clapping sound which drew the attention of all the ponies present to a nearby tree.

“Bravo, bravo. I knew that you would be able to use the full power of that spell. Though you may want to hold back a bit next time, you almost gave me a tan way over here.” The purple unicorn's eye twitched erratically as she looked at the monster lounging on a tree branch before she brought a hoof up to her face.

“Why didn't I listen to the princess when she said to avoid him. I thought keeping an eye on him would have been a good idea but he is turning out to be more trouble than he is worth.” She speaks quietly enough that only the nearby filly can hear her but she raises her voice as she addresses the lounging biped. “Why are you here anyways? So much of this is your fault so why are you just sitting there instead of helping?!”

Xellos just stretches his arms above his head while he yawns before turning his head away from the ponies. “Now why would I do that when you are doing such a wonderful job at it already? Besides, Applebloom was still there when I used another spell to get rid of the one I showed her how to make a golem. Even then these ones should be gone again in about an hour or two.”

At the mention that the filly knew of the spell all eyes turned towards her causing her to flinch away and blush. “Um, ah may not have been paying attention while you were doing it so ah may have forgot half of it.”

The ponies shook their heads sadly before they all winced at the sound of another tree being uprooted. Xellos scratched at the back of his neck when all eyes turned back to him before he let out a sigh. “Oh fine, it's not like things were going to get any more interesting here anyways. You might want to check with Sweetie Belle to help fix the trees since she could use the practice.”

Leaping out of the tree he takes a few steps towards the golems before he calls out. “DUG BREAK!” With a shudder all the rock creatures stopped in place before they each collapsed into piles of dirt as the spell animating them faded. The ponies sighed in relief at seeing the destruction being halted and before they could turn back to Xellos their attention was drawn towards Ponyville by a loud shriek.

“Speaking of, it seems that Rarity found that gift of those blue flowers that were left in her bed to give her sister a chance for more practice. It is probably best that I take my leave for a few days, so until next time...” As he trailed off he disappeared from view causing the two adult mares to just stare at him before simultaneously slamming a hoof into their faces in exasperation.

Author's Note:

Hmm, that should do for now but maybe I'll come back later to add a bit more. I may have to start creating new spells since there really isn't much variety of spells outside of 'spell of blow stuff up x.'