• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 9,191 Views, 272 Comments

Trickster Priest - Fresnor

Equestria has to deal with monsters on a weekly basis but what happens when an actual monster shows up in the from as a once costumed human?

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Chapter 26

“Huh? I don't remember picking up one of these.” Xellos casually tossed aside a pirate flag once owned by the Dread Pirate Sprinkles featuring a pony holding hooves with a skeleton pony. “I really should go through this more often and get rid of this random junk I've picked up over the years.” He tossed another item away, narrowly missing Twilight who turned to glare at him through the previously tossed flag.

“Do you really have to do that here? As interesting as most of this stuff is the library is not the place to clean out your bag.” She ducked as a bejeweled chalice flew by her head which was quickly snatched up by Spike.

“Seriously, who do you think has to clean up this place once you leave?” The young dragon quickly snagged up the flag as Twilight tossed it away and added it to his small pile of things he planned to squirrel away.

“Actually, this is the perfect place to do this. Do you know how much isn't even in the history books that I was there to see personally? Of course there is so much that I've seen that I sometimes need reminders about what happened even if the account is biased.” Twilight's eye twitched at him calling her books inaccurate and biased but said nothing as the princess had admitted a couple points that had happened in the past.

Xellos started to struggle a bit as he attempted to pull the next item from his bag but it seemed to have been caught on something. With a few more tugs he was able to dislodge whatever it had been caught on to reveal an enchanted storage cooler. “Weird. I don't remember ever owning one of these. I wonder what was so important in it that I would stash it away.”

Unfortunately opening it was a terrible idea as a cloud of stench poured out of it causing the pony and dragon to gag at the stench. A glow spread through the library as Twilight slammed every window open which was soon foolowed by the head of the two being thrust out of them. “Oh my Celestia, what the hay was in that thing? Even Spike's breathe after he's gone diving in the palace dumpster was better than that.”


Looking at the container one more time Xellos froze the entire thing in a block of ice before he launched it into orbit with a spell. “You really don't want to know. It must have been something that slipped into my portable pocket dimension without me noticing. That or I just need to clean it out more often; after a thousand years it's not that hard to forget something.”

Twilight just facehoofed as she groaned at the monster before she turned to look at Spike as he let out a yelp of pain. “OW! Something just bit me!”

The librarian thought she saw something dart out the open window but the sight of Spike rubbing at a bruise on his arm was more important. “Spike, are you all right? What could actually get through your scales to even hurt you? Unless...”

She turned to glare at Xellos as he was looking out a nearby window. “You!? Now what did you do!?”

Xellos shook his head as he turned back to the mare. “It seems that there was some kind of creature inside that container which just went running off into town. You might want to do something about that instead of yelling at me, especially since young Spike there doesn't look so good.”

Twilight's head whipped around to look at her assistant to see him slowly collapsing to the ground. “Spike! What's wrong!?”

The dragon wasn't able to answer as he had passed out while sweating from the onset of a fever. While looking over her shoulder the monster rubbed his chin as he examined the young dragon. “Hmm, paralysis and induced fever reactions. Well Sweetie Belle was complaining about not having enough practice with some of her spells and with that thing on the loose she should get plenty of it. Who knows how many ponies that thing will run into.”

The mare glared at the monster for a moment before her eyes widened as what he was saying hit her. “Wait, you just watched as that thing ran off!? Why didn't you stop it!? If it could do that to Spike with his thick scales then what would it do to a pony!?”

Her mane started to pop out of place as she ran out the door leaving Xellos alone to set the downed dragon onto one of the library's reading couches. Afterwards he did what he said and brought Sweetie Belle to treat the dragon but was soon off into Ponyville searching for the inevitable disturbance with the purple pony in panic. Before he could find her he was distracted by a sight that he never expected to see. “HEE-YA!”

Xellos had to look again at what he was seeing but the view didn't change forcing him to land next to Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The two ponies were also shocked at what they were watching as Fluttershy had just finished performing a suplex on Shoeshine sending the rest of the nearby ponies running. “Wow, that's not something you see everyday. Is that really Fluttershy or does she have an identical twin sister that I didn't know about?”

Pinkie Pie just shrugged while Rarity picked her jaw up off the ground before clearing her throat. “Well, it appears that dear Fluttershy has learned how to be a bit more, um, assertive. Though I think she may have taken the teachings from that minotaur a tad too far.”

While the pink party pony nodded along in agreement with her, Xellos looked over the fallen form of the injured earth pony. “So do you think that she will be all right after that? Someone should probably follow after Fluttershy as well.”

Looking back towards the yellow pegasus they found that she had taken off further into Ponyville and the carnage had only begun for those that got in her way. Pinkie and Rarity looked at each other before following after her leaving Xellos to poke at the downed mare. His eyebrow rose as he didn't get a reaction from her when he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. When he looked towards the disturbance he noticed some type of slime creature fleeing the area and he only then noticed a dark bruise on the mare's neck.

“Ugh, I'm too late! That's the fifth pony that thing has knocked out. Xellos, why aren't you doing anything to help stop that creature?!” Twilight came stomping up to the biped before taking a moment to catch her breath. “How can something that small without legs move so fast?”

The monster looked back the way the mare had come from to see another downed pony in the distance. “So you just left all those injured ponies where you found them? I sure hope that you at least remember where they all are and had someone else go to help them.”

His words might as well not have been said as Twilight had already taken off after the creature once again leaving him to shrug his shoulders as he levitated the downed pony off towards the hospital. It took him a while but he eventually found the other four the Twilight had mentioned but by that time even more had fallen to the creature.

Xellos finally caught up to Twilight after the sun had started to set while out near Fluttershy's cottage. She had been chasing after the creature all day and was running out of steam in her panic-ridden state. She was barely plodding along as she advanced on the hut when she spotted Pinkie Pie and Rarity leaving Fluttershy's home. “Heya, Twilight! What are you doing all the way out here this late? Ooh! Pudding!”

Before Twilight could stop her Pinkie scooped up the slime creature as it scooted by her hooves and popped it into her mouth. The purple mare could only stare in horror as this happened but a look of confusion fell over her as nothing seemed to be happening before it morphed into frustration. “Oh, come on!”

She collapsed to the ground in a combination of fatigue and frustration while Pinkie bounced off towards home. Rarity was more disgusted than anything over her friend's action and with Twilight soon snoring away she only had one creature to turn to for answers. “Darling? Just what has been going on while Fluttershy was having her issues?”

After pulling a blanket out of his bag and tossing it over the sleeping mare he started setting up a small camp before answering Rarity. “Oh, just a minor creature issue which Pinkie just solved while your sister treats the ponies affected by everything that happened. How did the Fluttershy side of things turn out?”

Rarity explained how everything went down over the day while Xellos tapped at his chin. “Hmm, something about all of that sounds familiar to me. Where did that minotaur happen to go when he left?”

After being pointed in the correct direction Xellos floated off in search of the minotaur to confirm his suspicions. Coming up on the wagon as it rolled away he let out a smirk as he noticed the emblem that was many of its surfaces. Hearing the minotaur talking to one of his goats, Xellos decided to listen in for a bit.

“I just don't know what went wrong. Never before has a pony taken my lessons so well yet that one is also the worst one to learn them. My ancestor would be so ashamed of me for not being able to spread his teachings once more.” Iron Will pulled out an extremely beat up journal and rubbed a hand over the faded cover before setting it down on the seat of the wagon. He resumed pulling the wagon on his way towards his next destination which he still had to decide on. Eventually he came upon a good location to set up camp and was about to stop when he heard a voice behind him.

“Wow, this thing really has seen better days. And where did the rest of it go? Last I remember it took two minotaurs to carry it around but even a foal could carry it around. At least some of his sketches made it through the trials of time, including this beauty.” Turning back to look at who was speaking the minotaur found the monster reclined upside down with the journal angled so that he could read it while still being visible to the minotaur. He was about to yell at the invader until he noticed the drawing in question which was an exact duplicate of the monster, causing his eyes to widen in shock.

“El Demonio Burlador! But you were supposed to be just a story told as part of the lessons as told by my ancestor. How could you actually be here?” Iron Will backed away a few steps as Xellos just quirked an eyebrow at him at the name.

“Huh, that's a new one. And I thought that King Phil had run out of names in his old age. Still, I had thought that the owners of the restaurant were the last of his descendants to survive until now. Of course since I never did meet his third daughter I'm guessing that you are part of her line, especially since the eldest one never had children.” He casually rolled off the wagon's bench just as Iron Will charged headfirst into where he was moments ago.

Iron Will tugged a few times before finally unsticking himself from the wagon allowing him to turn and snort at the monster. “You are the greatest evil to come to this world that the great King Phil Strongarm could never manage to defeat. By my honor as a descendent of that great king I shall smash you with the powers granted to me by his teachings. When somepony tries to block, show them that you rock!”

Iron Will threw himself at Xellos once again in an attempt to clothesline him which brought back memories to the monster as he bent backwards to pass under the blow. “Not bad. But it still lacks that little something he always put into his attacks. Of course I would be willing to part with a copy of the complete journal that I happen to have if you do a simple little thing for me.”

The minotaur froze in place as he was about to perform a third attack as his eyes widened at the sight of the huge book that Xellos pulled from his bag. “How... How did you get ahold of that? My family has the only copy of his journal and even with our protection much of it was destroyed.”

“Let's just say that old Sunbutt's little journal spell is extremely useful when it comes to making copies without anyone knowing.” The minotaur's eyes narrowed at the monster as he snorted in irritation and anger at him.

“As much as I dislike having to rely on something such as you for this, my family would do anything for that knowledge. What is this deal that you propose?” Xellos just smirked at him as he relished in the negative emotions.

“Well it's simple really. All you have to do is learn the real teachings that King Upbeat wrote in that book and fix your little failure from before.” Iron Will just looked confused for a moment before he clarified.

“So all you want me to do is teach that butterball once again? Why would you want something like that?” With a smirk Xellos brought his hand up to in front of his face with a finger upraised.

“Normally I'd just say it's a secret, but you'll probably learn about it as you read and find out just how perfect of a match she is with what you will teach her.” With a chuckle he passed the towering minotaur the journal leaving Iron Will wondering what he was getting himself into.

Author's Note:

Bit of silliness for now but next chapter will have a bit of flashback stuff. Probably the last one period as it'll explain a lot of the remaining backstory that is needed. Also new changeling episode out today was neat, but way too rushed at the end and won't be making it into this story due to reasons coming up later.