• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 9,191 Views, 272 Comments

Trickster Priest - Fresnor

Equestria has to deal with monsters on a weekly basis but what happens when an actual monster shows up in the from as a once costumed human?

  • ...

Chapter 32

“Well after finding the fire snail things were pretty much settled. Well except for when Mina started going ballistic when she saw me carrying it over towards her and Princess Luna. As soon as she laid an eye on it she just screamed and tried backing away through the nearest wall from it. It was only afterwards that I found out that she has a crippling fear of slugs, snails, and other creatures like them. Also talking about her small wings really makes her get scary for some reason..” Spike finished telling his tale of his trip to Baltimare with Princess Luna to the Cutie Mark Crusaders and it was at that point that Xellos just happened to float by the quartet. His interest was piqued at hearing this as he was reminded of an old friend that he hadn't seen in centuries.

Scootaloo frowned while looking at her own wings before swatting Spike in the back of his head while Sweetie Belle shuddered at the thought of having to deal with the slimy creatures herself, especially if they were as large as her sister's cat. “So, are you going to be keeping in touch with her? You always said how you wanted to meet other dragons and now you've found a female one to talk with.” The other two foals look over at the unicorn as her wariness and unhappiness filter through her voice, though Spike is oblivious to it as he bashfully rubbed at the spot the pegasus filly hit before wincing when he saw her undersized fluttering wings.

“I did ask her a few things, but as I left she said something about me being too young by a few hundred years, no idea what that was about though. She did say she would get in contact with some old friends and have them get ahold of me later. Even then she said she would keep an eye out for any comics that I might enjoy and send them to the library.” Sweetie Belle let out a sigh of relief before glaring at Scootaloo who was making kissing faces at her while Applebloom rolled her eyes.

Xellos was about to enter into the conversation when he spotted a rainbow blur headed in their direction which soon resolved into the form of Rainbow Dash. “Spike! Have you seen Twilight? Trixie is back and is trying to find her over at the library. She's probably here to start causing trouble again.”

Spike's eyes widen as the cyan mare's words register. “Trixie's back?! But why would she come back to Ponyville after last time? Twilight should be over at Fluttershy's if I remember her schedule right. But what...” The pegasus was gone once again before the dragon could ask any more questions while Xellos turned his head towards the library. With a smirk he flew off to prepare for the coming show as the four younglings made their way there as well at a slower pace.


“Now listen here, missy. If ya think ya can just come back here after what ya did last time and start making demands then ya have another things coming.” Charging towards the cloaked Trixie, Applejack tried to tackle her before the unicorn vanished from her sight. Turning her head rapidly, she looked in every direction for the unicorn when she heard a voice from above her.

Earth below, Heed me
and answer my plea...

“What in tarnation!?” Applejack began to struggle as the ground underneath her hooves turned to mud, which she started sinking into, while glaring at the unicorn flying above her. “When could Trixie fly? Rarity! Get over here and help me out of this muck!”

She regretted asking the unicorn for her help only moments later as Rarity stood at the edge of the transformed ground in disgust. “Really Applejack, do you know just what this stuff could do to my coat?”

“Yes, Celestia forbid the little gold-digger actually has to let herself get dirty helping someone.” At Trixie's words the alabaster unicorn turned her gaze upwards to glare at her though the floating mage just looked back with disgust. “Oh yes, I've heard how you treated that sweet stallion, Prince Blueblood, like a piece of meat at the Grand Galloping Gala. All she saw was a prince and not the hurt stallion that he really was that I met after meeting him in a town outside of Alpacastan while driving off a coven of banshee from the area.”

Rarity snorted on hearing the name along with Trixie's boast, though she was a tad unsure of herself as she thought back to her original feelings. “Oh please, as if that boorish stallion even deserves the title of prince and I highly doubt your claims are any better than how you defeated an Ursa Major.”

Applejack squinted up at the blue unicorn though as she wanted to disbelieve her, yet couldn't detect any falsehood from her unlike last time. Only now was she noticing how much the mare had changed since she had last seen her and her magic was vastly different from the little tricks she had before. Trixie didn't notice any of this as she pulled out a newspaper and tossed it down in front of the white unicorn, as well as Pinkie Pie who was just moving up next to her friend. “Figures that a hick town like this wouldn't read any of the important newspapers that actually talk about anywhere outside of Equestria. Just another one of the sheep of Equestria.”

Looking at the main article Rarity's jaw drops at the pictures on the front page before her eyes skim the words of it. The full length article goes into many of the things that the unicorn had been doing since they last saw her as well as the recent actions of the stallion prince as well. Pinkie Pie though had eyes for other details. “Ooh, what's with all the hearts around Prince Bluey? And what's this over here on the edge? Mr and Mrs Trixie-”

Trixie's eyes widen as she realizes that she threw down the wrong newspaper and she belted out another spell in an attempt to interrupt the pink pony.

Often a rare a sight to behold,
But in situations dire it is worth its weight in gold.

Pinkie Pie's mouth kept moving after the spell was cast yet no more sound came out of it. It took the party pony a few moments but she soon realized this fact and began to panic while Trixie looked relieved as she landed to retrieve the newspaper from the now insensate fashionista. The nearby townsfolk backed away from her and quickly made a path as a shout rang out over them. “Trixie!”

Hearing the shout and hearing the whistling of wind the unicorn dropped to the ground allowing Rainbow Dash to fly past her and crash into the nearby fountain. While spitting out the water she inhaled, Trixie just rolled her eyes at the pegasus. “Not you again. I don't have time to play with foals so here's something more up to your speed. ZELAS GORT!”

Before she could react tentacles rose up from the water and wrapped around the wet pegasus. “What in the-? Hey! What's the big idea!? Fluttershy, get this thing off of me!”

The shy pegasus slowly flew over and observed the giant jellyfish for a moment before quietly clearing her throat. “Excuse me Ms. Jellyfish, but do you think you could maybe let my friend go? Well I guess it would be scary to just appear somewhere that you don't recognize and... Oh my!” Fluttershy blushed as her wings stuck out stiffly. “Oh um, I don't think she would appreciate that. She wouldn't have time to take care of eggs right now.”

“Wait WHAT!?” As the two fliers tried to deal with the summoned create a flare shot up from the other end of the area.

Turning the showmare looked at the form of Twilight as she threw back the hood of her cloak. “Well it is about time that the great Twilight Sparkle shows herself. Trixie has been waiting for this day ever since she left this miserable town and began her training and now things will be different.” Clearing her throat she tossed her cloak to the side, revealing her naked form before she raised her voice for her proclamation. “Twilight Sparkle! By ancient Canterlot law I, Trixie Lulamoon, challenge you to a duel! Do you accept or concede your honor?”

While most of the crowd was confused with her words, most of the unicorns gasped as they turned to see Twilight's reply. The unicorn herself was shocked at the challenge but she quickly recovered with a frown. It didn't take her much time to think through what she remembered of the ancient tradition and it didn't take her long to remember everything she could and realize that there was no way out of it without embarrassing both herself and Princess Celestia. With a sigh she stood as tall as she could and marched up to the other unicorn. “Fine, I accept, though I fail to see what this is going to prove. You haven't even said why you are even here in the first place other than this ridiculous duel. Now the terms shall be until one of us can no longer continue, non-lethal force only and anything else goes.”

Trixie snorted as she turned away from the other mare and paced over to a nearby open space. “As if you don't know why after what happened the last time we met. When I was chased out of this town with nothing to my name I was left wandering Equestria, trying to scrape up enough to afford something other than pine cones. That all changed in Manehattan but that has nothing to do with now. I accept your terms, and the time shall be right now, with the traditional five minutes to prepare.”

With a nod the two mares pace away from each other as the rest of the town clear away to a safe distance, knowing how dangerous Twilight's magic could get. While Trixie stood silently at her end of the field, Twilight's friends were helping the purple unicorn prepare with whatever advice they could give, sans Pinkie who still couldn't speak. At least they tried to as a loud crunching sound kept interrupting them until they all turned and glared at Xellos who had taken up position on the sidelines with a recliner and large bucket of popcorn. On seeing their looks he elevated an eyebrow. “What? Did you want some?”

The mares just shook their heads in annoyance, except for Pinkie who stomped over and took the seat right next to him and jamming her hoof into the bucket. As she slowly chewed the signal was given for the two unicorns to take their places across from each other. Trixie and Twilight stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move when Fluttershy quietly sneezed.

As if that was the signal to begin, Twilight fired a bolt of energy at Trixie who once again took to the air to dodge. After easily dodging a couple more blasts the flying unicorn just smirked. “Is that the best you can do? If so then this will be easy.

Cross over the sky and the earth
A gentle watershed water
Gather in my hooves and become power

Gasps rang out from the surrounding ponies as the shape of a blue bow materialized around her hooves with an arrow of ice. Twilight's eyes widened as she saw the projectile flying towards her causing her to throw up a barrier of energy. On impact her entire shield was encased in ice, worrying the crowd, until it crumbled revealing her shivering form as she glared up at the smirking mare in the air. “Where did you learn magic like that? I've seen its like before but the origin of it was always the same being.”

Eyes turned torwards the reclining form of Xellos who looked around on feeling the attention towards him. “What? I found her at her lowest after Ponyville wrecked her reputation and made it impossible for her to do anything without being rediculed, chased out of town, or even worse. In fact she was about to be killed when I found her so afterwards I gave her a bit of a push with a couple spells. Everything else was all her.” Feeling a heated glare from the side he looked over to find Pinkie's eyes right up against him. “And no, I never showed her that one. I recognize it but it's not one that I would bother using or teaching others.”

The pink party pony looked deeply into his eyes, searching for any hint of a lie before slowly nodding and turning back to the fight. Trixie snorted in annoyance at the interruption before turning her nose upwards a bit. “Hmph, in a way that day was the end of the Great and Powerful Trixie and I was reborn in my current alluring form. I traveled the world learning all the magic that I could and gaining experience fighting threats along the way. Terrifying Tatzlewurms, viscious vampires, rambunctious revenants, laborous lamia, I had to face it all to get to where I am now. Yet after it all the tale of what happened here still follows me and until I defeat you that will never change. Now can we get back to it?”

There were a few looks of shame going through the crowd at hearing the former-showmare's tale, especially as some of them were guilty of spreading the word of what had happened around. Twilight's frown grew as she listened to Trixie until she nodded and shook off the remaining frost from her coat. “Fine, but just so you know I won't be holding back this time.

Source of all power.
Raging thunder from the sky.
Gather in my hoof and grant me power.

Trixie's eyes widened as the lightning came rushing up at her forcing her to dodge once again, this time narrowly as an arc of energy came off the attack, shocking her. She recovered quickly and glared down at Twilight before she charged another spell.

“All sources of power
A gentle flowing sweet water
Gather in my hooves and become power

Twilight recognized the spell and began starting her own.

“Oh, source of all power,
light which burns beyond crimson,
let thy power gather in my hoof.

The two spells collided at the midway point between them and all eyes watched as the two spells fought for dominance. With a flash of light the blue and red orbs swirled around each other before finally imploding in a shower of sparkles. “A pity, while impressive those spells will always end in a draw when used against each other. I do wonder if Twilight knew that or if it was an accident.”

Pinkie Pie just nodded while the surrounding ponies just glanced at him before turning back to the fight. Trixie narrowed her eyes at the unicorn below her before she smirked once again. “Not bad, it's what I would expect from my rival but let's see how you handle this one.

Oh power of light and earth and wind
Break now the spell that has been cast upon this mare

Twilight, not recognizing the spell, put up a shield and waited to see what it would do before reacting. What she didn't expect was for her shield to dissipate into nothing, leaving her shocked before she tried to bring it back up once again. After straining to unleash her magic and not even getting a flicker she looked up at Trixie in shock. “My magic! What did you do!?”

Trixie laughed at the confused unicornbefore she landed, not wanting to waste the energy to continue flying now that it wasn't needed. “Wouldn't you like to know? Now let's see how you fair without your magic now.

You who crosses between sky and earth,
gently flowing water,
gather in my hoof and give me power!

Fog rapidly spread from Trixie's hoof towards the shocked mare. When Twilight noticed the air freezing as the fog passed she realized how much danger she was in but by then it was too late to run. Yet when the fog entered the area around the unicorn it dissipated harmlessly much to the surprise of both Twilight and Trixie. “Wait, that shouldn't have happened, did I do something wrong?”

The blue mare pulled a book from her main and started flipping through the pages to find the appropriate spell. Twilight stood there shivering due to how close the spell had come to landing, especially when she wasn't sure how safe she would have been if it landed. Xellos chuckled as he walked onto the field shaking his head. “That was such a great show yet you really should have studied up more on how exactly Flow Break works.”

Trixie's head shot up as she looked over at the monster with wide eyes. “But I did everything that was required for the spell, you saw how it stopped Twilight Sparkle from using any of her magic!”

Xellos just shook his head sadly. “It doesn't just stop your opponents magic, it stops ALL magic except those that fall under the branch of white magic. Of course if Twilight was using a white magic version of a barrier spell then it would have done nothing to stop her from protecting herself. Of course going by the terms of the duel neither of you can continue unless you feel like waiting for however many hours it takes for the spell to wear off again.”

Trixie's jaw dropped for a moment before she let out a yell of frustration before stomping off in frustration at the fight ending in a draw. Twilight let out a sigh of relief as her friends starting cheering though it was a bit subdued since it wasn't a win. Pinkie hugged Twilight, hoping that it would dispel the spell on her but just grumped when she still couldn't talk. “I'm glad that that's over, but what were you thinking teaching Trixie such dangerous magic, Xellos!?”

Xellos looked at Twilight before he shrugged. “What? It was just like I told you earlier. Besides, she really isn't that bad once you get to know her and you could use someone to actually challenge you in magic. Seriously you hardly even talk with any unicorns that know half of what you say when it comes to magic. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an old friend to go and see.”

With a flash the monster vanished from sight, taking Spike with him without the mares noticing. While they started discussing what just happened, Xellos appeared a distance away with the dazed dragon. “Now, what was this you were saying about a dragon earlier? Tell me more about her, she sounds like someone I used to know.” As Spike proceeded to describe her, Xellos' grin widened as he pondered what he would do once he arrived in Baltimare.


The city of Baltimare was quiet after the recent rash of fires that had happened and the mystery thereof having recently been solved as the sun began to set. All but a small comic shop out in the dragon district from which shouting filtered out of. “If you don't pay up now then we won't be responsible for what could happen to your shop without that insurance!”

The dragoness Mina just sighed as she shook her head at the pony trying to extort her. “Well I tried to be nice, but if you insist on doing this the hard way. DIEM WIND!

With a blast of wind the pony was launched screaming out of the building to crash into the alley across the way from it. Sighing yet again the dragoness turned back to finish closing up her shop for the night when a voice sounded out from behind her. “Huh, they sure don't make bandits like they used to, do they?”

“They sure don't and they don't have anywhere near the treasure that they used to. I mean if you are going to rob someone you might as well- GRK!” Quickly whipping around Mina looked towards the reading area of her shop to find Xellos paging through a comic he had pulled out. “Xellos! What are YOU doing here? How did you find me? My spells are still active so you shouldn't have been able to locate me!”

Lifting an eyebrow as he peered over the comic Xellos chuckled. “What? Can't an old friend come and say hello? Besides I'm not the one that found you but a mutual friend that you recently made.”

Opening her mouth to reply, Mina brought a claw up to her face in realization. “You've been hanging out in Ponyville haven't you? Why am I not surprised that you'd be in the most chaotic town in Equestria? Now that I think about it you used to talk about Princess Luna even back then and she was here as well with Spike.”

With a sigh she shook her head as the monster put the comic back where he found it. “So you've been in hiding all these years? I haven't really been looking for you really. Mina isn't a very imaginative name, one I think you used before, especially with how close it is to your real name L-”

Xellos was stopped from speaking any further as the dragoness appeared to teleport across the room to clap her claws across his mouth. “You idiot, don't say my name! Don't you know that the princess still has spells around trying to find even the hint of my name popping up!? Really, not even minutes after showing up you try and get me killed again. That's why I hid from you all these years, you tried to sacrifice me and my friends to Beastmaster!”

Looking Bashful as he rubbed a finger along his cheek the monster looked away from the diminutive dragoness. “You know it's not like that. If I wanted you dead you know that there would be nothing you could do. It's just that due to the circumstances there was no other way for me to take care of her, and if I had asked you would have charged some exorbitant amount.”

Glaring at the monster for a few more moments the dragoness looked away with a huff. “I figured that was the reason after thinking about it for a few decades, but that doesn't mean you are getting out of repaying me for everything back then. Now you still haven't told me why you are here now after all this time if you weren't looking for me.”

Glancing back at her the biped flashed the two glowing talismans that he was wearing. “More just a courtesy since even I have no idea what is going to happen now. Both Deathfog and Chaotic Blue possessed powerful beings and I fear that the other two aren't far behind.”

Mina gaped at the sight of the two glowing gems before she regained her bearings. “What!? That's impossible! When we split ways none of the powerful black magic spells had worked! With the death of Beastmaster all of the powerful monsters, barring you, had been defeated! If those four are still around then...”

She trailed off as Xellos nodded looking grim. “Yes, if they are back then the greater black magic spells are working again, and things are about to get so much worse as the most dangerous two of the four are still out there and could be anywhere still.”

Frowning the two look down at the two gems that represented the two beings that had come the closest to destroying the world. The dragoness shook her head before turning away from the monster. "That all has nothing to do with me anymore. Even if I could use the greater black magics again I haven't used much beyond the basics in years. The me that fights monsters and hunts for treasure has long since been laid to rest. This is my life now and I'm actually happy to not have to deal with it anymore."

Xellos just shrugged as as he reclined back, watching the dragoness clean up around her store. "As I said, it is just professional courtesy that I'm here. Well that and I was really curious if it really was you that I was hearing about. But if you are really happy about doing any of that, why am I seeing spells that remind me of your style being used by a unicorn that I helped out and gave a few spells to?"

Mina froze at his question before slowly tuning her head around with a blush. "Don't tell me, you were the one that Trixie talked about all the time when she was here pestering me? I knew that she was going to be trouble, when I first laid eyes on her. I don't know how she found me, but don't you know how annoying it is to have someone ambushing you day after day just so they could learn new spells? Seriously she's almost as bad as a certain minotaur family in their persistence. Even after she managed to learn some of my spells from having them used on her over and over she still wouldn't agree to leave me alone until I showed her some of my personal spells."

The monster chuckled as he matched up the mental image of the unicorn he had with what Mina described and could totally see her doing that. "Well it's a good things that she already has a rival she is going after or else you would have to worry about her coming after you again. Of course if that did happen then I'd have to stop by to check on you more often to see if anything entertaining happened."

With a shudder, not being sure if it was from the idea of dealing with another self-proclaimed rival or having the monster coming around, Mina turned away once more. Clearing away the last of the loose comics from that day the dragoness looked over at Xellos once more before sighing and shaking her head. Deciding that he was starting to outstay his welcome Xellos started making his way for the door when something else occurred to him. "Oh right, before I go I had one last message for you from your sister when I saw her a century or two back. She said, 'Dad is talking about quitting, come home and visit.' Seems like someone hasn't been keeping in touch with family like she should have been."

With a chuckle Xellos walks out of the building leaving the dragoness behind as she starts sweating in fear at the thought of facing her sister again.

Author's Note:

What? She actually DID use that name in the anime so this felt like the perfect place for her. Now just who could her sister be, hmmm? :trollestia: