• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 9,191 Views, 272 Comments

Trickster Priest - Fresnor

Equestria has to deal with monsters on a weekly basis but what happens when an actual monster shows up in the from as a once costumed human?

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Chapter 28

While things around Ponyville were often chaotic and unpredictable, a trench was still the last place you would expect to find there, especially filled with ponies. That was what happened to be at the edge of the town that day as Twilight and her friends, minus Fluttershy, prepared to watch the Great Dragon Migration that was scheduled to come through that day. “I can't believe that the Great Dragon Migration is passing by here today! Nopony has seen it for hundreds of years, since before Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon even and the history books don't even mention why. It's just too bad that we have to deal with the uninvited guest, what are you even doing Xellos?”

Twilight looked over at the monster who had been picking at an ad orb while occasionally flicking black specks off to the side which dissolved into nothing. Looking up he noticed the five mares watching him causing him to clear his throat and hide the orb away. “Oh, nothing much, just a little side project of mine. Besides after that recent incident with Tartarus I've been rather busy so keeping an eye on the dragons as they pass through is a nice break. Can't have them doing anything rash like last time.”

Rolling her eyes Twilight goes back to talking with her friends while they waited for the migration to arrive. They didn't have long to wait though as the dragons soon came into view, but it left them rather disappointed as they trickled by at a slow pace. With a huff, Rainbow Dash summed up what many of them were thinking in her own words. “Is this it? There are hardly enough for it to be called a migration, let alone a great migration. How lame.”

One of the dragons flying overhead heard her and prepared to swoop down and strafe the area but another shape gave him pause. Looking closer he saw the form of Xellos leaning back and watching the migration which sent him into a panic as he fled rapidly. The mares noticed this and looked at Xellos curiously as this wasn't the first time that had happened. “You never did explain why all those dragons fear you. I always thought that there was nothing that they feared, they barely even respect Princess Celestia.”

Xellos pauses and watched as Spike wheeled up a trolley of snacks while wearing a frilly apron along with his sword. Rainbow Dash took a moment to tease the dragonling for the look while Rarity tried to reassure him that he looked fine. Word soon spread through the group about Twilight's thinly-veiled request for a tale and soon gathered around the monster causing him to shake his head. “Well it's a bit of a tale, but since you've heard much of it already I guess I can let you know the rest.”


Smoke rose from the newly minted crater as Xellos flew unsteadily away from it. He didn't know the situation the he left behind but it didn't matter as his face twisted into various states. What was odd though for any that may have been observing was that both sides of his face had a different expression, one half that of terror and a violet eye, and the other of glee with a red eye. If they could look even further they would witness the battle that was going on within his own mind as dissenting personalities fought for control.

“What's going on?! Why can't I move my body like I want to, and for that matter where am I going?!”

“Well that's one eyesore out of the way, now what should I destroy next?”

“What the? Who just said that? Are you the one doing this to me? Give me back my body!”

“Your body? You really should have looked in a mirror as this is obviously mine even if you were in control of it. If you didn't cast a Dragon Slave then you would still be in control though I would have expected that to kill us instead of setting me free. But now that I am we do things my way.”

The original consciousness was shoved into the back of his mind as he flew around, relishing in his freedom. He had no memories of how he had arrived but he did know everything that the other knew so he was sure that the body was his even if he didn't have many personal memories. It didn't really bother him though as he was finally out now and he had the urge to have some fun with it.

He didn't know where he was or how long he was flying around but he eventually came upon something that caught his eyes. Landing on a convenient plateau Xellos watched as a cloud of creatures slowly advanced towards Equestria with him standing in its path. As it go closer he could see that the cloud was formed by a countless number of dragons as well as something else that was rapidly approaching him from the front of the group.

While the form had the general appearance of a dragon, he could tell that it was actually a monster that only appeared to be one of them. After floating in front of him for a few moments observing him it decided to land to speak. “Well this is a surprise. I was sure that I had found all the stronger monsters that had yet to be locked away in Tartarus. You're just in time though for today we take our revenge on the pitiful pony princesses and their homeland. Once they are brought low we can then finally bring about the grand design of our kind.”

Xellos looked over the gathered forces and he felt odd as he observed all of the creatures, but mostly it happened when looking at the dragons. Unsure as to what it was that was bugging him he decided to try and find out why he felt this way instead of acting immediately. “Well I can understand why all the monsters are here, but why are there so many dragons here as well? Why would they decide to help out?”

The dragonesque monster just snorts as he casually waves a hand in front of his face. “Them? Those beast just want revenge on the humiliation the ponies put them through over the years. They're just a useful shield to wear the enemy down until we mop everything up.”

Xellos frowned as he heard this as the odd feeling intensified. In his distraction his suppression of his other side weakened enough that his voice broke through again.

“Pff, of course they would find something else to do all the work for them if they are so weak they don't believe in their own power.”

“Bah, I thought that I got rid of you, but you do have a point. That's what has been bothering me, their unmonster-like behavior. Have they no sense of pride?”

“Pride? Why would the cowards have a need of that? They are no better than mindless beasts in how they only focus on doing the one thing that they were made to do? Where's the fun in rushing through everything without enjoying the simpler things in life? Some creatures of chaos they are.”

The words of the suppressed side struck a chord in the one controlling the body as he frowned in thought. He had a point in all that especially since the first thing he did when he took control was relish in the freedom and have fun just flying around. While it may get boring eventually, just having the experience was reason enough to take his time in returning everything to chaos until he was good and ready. Also there was the more important reason in that if it was going to be done he was going to do it himself without relying on something else to do it for him.

Looking up at the gathered horde he grinned maliciously as he raised an arm out to his side before waving it across the area occupied by the army. The nearby monster's jaw dropped as he felt an overwhelming surge of power before the army started falling from the sky in pieces. Every monster that had been in the air had been obliterated by Xellos' attack, while many of the dragons took lethal hits as well with only the most observant or lucky managing to escape deadly or crippling blows.

“Why!? Why did you do that!? Aren't you one of us!? Why would you stop us from destroying the ponies that threaten us!?” He let out a gasp of shock as his head was removed from his shoulders before it landed in Xellos' outstretched hand.

“Why? Well that's because you have forgotten what it means to be a monster. If I want to destroy them then it will be with my own power and not someone elses. Besides, I feel that things will be much more interesting with the pony's kingdom being left alive than if I allow it to be wiped out this soon after they've obtained freedom.” With a flex of his hand Xellos crushed the skull of the other monster before looking out over the devastation while turning his thoughts inwards.

“That actually felt good to do, like erasing a disease that was inhibiting me. I think I will hold off on destroying everything, at least as long as things remain amusing.”

“Now that sounds like the Xellos I know. Why finish off everything when there is so much to be gained from having fun with it? Also with the strength in this body there shouldn't be much that would be a threat and I doubt that there are any of the highest ranked monsters in this universe.”

“True, everything I do will be by my choice without anyone ordering me around. Maybe... Hello, there seems to be some survivors from their little fall.”

Looking down the monster noticed a green figure trying to crawl away from the area of the massacre. Flying down he found a large green dragon with purple highlights trying to limp away on three legs as it had lost its wings and a hind leg. Seeing the monster advancing it cowered away while trying to cover a slightly smaller form hidden in a nearby thicket. “No, get away! I knew that trusting your kind was a mistake and that you would betray us all!”

Xellos just smirked at the dragon while ignoring the emerald green eyes he could see in the brush behind the dragon. “I never really was on your side anyways. In fact all these so-called monsters are an embarrassment to the monster race. Still, I'm feeling generous now and I think I'll let any of you that survived leave to lick your wounds. I will give you this warning though. The ponies are mine to deal with how I wish and anyone that interferes will have to answer to me.”

The two beings shrink away at the overwhelming aura of evil that the monster is emitting and quickly nod in agreement to him. With their answer given his eyes close to their usual form before he smiles gleefully at them. “Good! I'm glad we had this talk, oh and be sure to tell all your friends as well. Well I've got things to do, people to see so I'll just leave you here.”

With his final words Xellos flew off leaving the dragon to slump in place as his purple companion crawled out of the bush to comfort him. Unknown to them the two consciousnesses within the monster came to an agreement as one final thought rolled across his mind. “Now where am I going to find some paper.”


“...and that is how the dragon race was nearly wiped out.” Xellos smiled as he looked around at the gathered mares and dragon as they stared at him in horror. “What? Too much?”

Twilight shook her head and glanced around at her friends before answering for them all. “As interesting as it was to hear about something that was never explained in the history books I never thought anything could just be so...” She paused as she tried to search for a diplomatic word until one of the others stepped in.

“Evil?” She turned to frown at Spike who was glaring at the monster with a combination of anger and fear. With a sigh she looked back at Xellos before nodding wearily.

“Well I will admit that it wasn't my finest moment, being a bit at war with myself, but it's not like I kept that a secret. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the fact that I was evil before, maybe I was just being too subtle about it.” That mares collectively facehoofed as they remembered the various moments he'd said that as well as at his current performance of bafflement.

Spike flops against the side of the trench as he lets out a loud sigh and wraps his arms around himself. “Just great, it's bad enough that I know nothing about being a dragon but to find that my kind is endangered? How am I going to learn anything if all of the ones I could learn from are too young or dead?”

Twilight moves to his side to comfort him, but she turns to glare at Xellos when he snorted in amusement. “Is his pain really that amusing to you?”

Leaning back in the air he just waved a hand at her in a negative fashion. “Oh nothing of the sort. I just find it amusing that he feels he has to ask someone else how to just be himself, especially from those that tried to invade a kingdom to kill all the inhabitants. Really, dragons are interesting in that they can be just about anything they want based on their needs and environment.”

Spike looked interested for a moment before turning back to his thoughts again while Twilight's interest was piqued. “What do you mean by they can be anything based on their environment? Sure Spike is a bit different from those dragons, like his lack of wings, but isn't it just because of how young he is?”

Raising an eyebrow Xellos just chuckled a little as he watched a few more dragons fly by. “Well that could be part of it, but dragon magic is focused heavily in their body and allows them some shape shifting capabilities, which should have been obvious during that little period of greed he had.” Spike blushed at being reminded of that but was ignored as the monster continued.

“In fact I had an old friend that wasn't much larger than him and had trouble growing larger since she didn't need to with how strong she was in magic. When he started hoarding like that he thought he needed to be stronger to protect it so he grew until he realized that he didn't need it all. Of course that isn't to say that he hasn't changed at all. Since he started training with that sword he has been bulking up a bit.” All eyes turned to stare at Spike at this as they took in his form more closely.

Rarity was the first to notice something as her discerning eye settled on the dragon and began picking out changes. “Darling, have you gotten taller lately? And when did you start getting so muscular as well?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at Rarity noticing something like that but she had to admit that the mare was correct as she poked at the dragon. “Huh, she's right about that. You don't seem to be as soft as I remember you being. Huh, the squirt mentioned that she was training with you during her spare time. Maybe I should check on her more to see how she is doing.”

While the mare wanted to do it due to her curiosity, she also wanted to see if there was anything else she could learn but didn't want to admit it. Twilight though was staring at Xellos before she just through up her hooves in annoyance. “I give up! One moment you go on about murdering most of an entire race, then you act as if nothing happened and are all helpful. Pinkie Pie is easier to understand than you are.”

With a smirk Xellos just flips around backwards before landing on his feet. “Well I wouldn't be all that mysterious if I was easy to understand. Speaking of which, I think it's time to visit little Luna again, so if you'll excuse me.” The mares watched as he disappears from view before they facehoof as a scream echoes down from Canterlot. Spike though was looking thoughtful as he stares off after the migrating dragons.

Author's Note:

I think that's the last flashback that I need to do in my story now. Still wondering if any of my little hints for things that'll appear later are going unnoticed or people just don't care about them. :rainbowwild:

Well next up, the infamous wedding. Not much else really to add to the other chapters but I just have to figure out the answer to one important question. Muffins or Pancakes? :pinkiecrazy::derpyderp2: