• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 9,191 Views, 272 Comments

Trickster Priest - Fresnor

Equestria has to deal with monsters on a weekly basis but what happens when an actual monster shows up in the from as a once costumed human?

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Chapter 6

Equestria 2013 Years Ago

Xellos followed the two ponies through the forest towards the princesses they spoke of. He wasn’t terribly worried about there being any problems, especially with the new abilities he found himself with. The two ponies were talking quietly with each other which left him with time to think about what he was going to do.

It’s obvious that I’m no longer on my own world and right now the only thing that I can think of that caused this were these talismans. He takes a moment to examine the one on his right wrist, noticing that it’s a bit more vibrant than it was before. I wonder if these work now like they did on the show. Granted with this form it’s not like I’d need them but they still could come in handy. It would also be nice to know more about what is going on out here. The ponies are probably the side to work with since the gryphons attacked without cause but I’d prefer to be sure.

While Xellos was occupied with his own thoughts the ponies were having a conversation of their own. “Sis, are you sure that we should be taking that creature with us? Who knows what he might do to us if he gets angry.”

The elder mare shakes her head at the younger mare. “I’m not sure myself, but I’d rather know that he is there where we can see him than worrying if he is following us. Besides, he did save us when he didn’t have to so that has to count for something.”

The younger mare looks back at the tall figure trailing them before turning back to her sister. “Well I hope nothing happens until we reach the princesses. I don’t think I’ll feel safe until we find them and leave him with them.”

Their little chat was interrupted as Xellos finally decided to call out to them. “You know; I never did get your names or hear why you were the guests of such interesting creatures.”

The sisters look at each other for a moment before turning back to the biped and the elder responds while the younger keeps them in the right direction. “Well I guess that we can explain since you did save us. My name is Sweet Potato Pie and this is my sister, Homity. We were just returning home from a visit to our grandparents when those gryphons came out of nowhere. We had heard that the gryphons were threatening to invade, but this is the first time we’d seen or heard of them being in Equestria.”

Xellos considers this for a moment before nodding. “So, there is a war brewing then? It seems that I may have arrived at a more interesting time than I had thought. At least I don’t have to be too worried about being bored.” He mutters the last bit so that the two can’t hear him but their ears twitch back towards him in an attempt to still do so.

He looks around a moment later and frowns as he realizes that the forest had gotten rather quiet. “Is it supposed to be this quiet in this place? Because I know that the animals used to be pretty chatty not that long ago.” The ponies look around to find that he is right and the look around looking worried.

They both dropped to the ground with their ears flattened to their skulls when a roar rang out through the forest. Xellos turns in the direction of the sound and spots a large beast heading towards them through the trees. “It’s a manticore! What are we going to do?!” Xellos’ eyebrow rises as he watches the creature come fully into view fully revealing its leonine face and scorpion tail.

He slowly backs up towards the ponies without taking his eyes off of the manticore. “Well this is an interesting turn of events. Pity that I’m really not in the mood to deal with something of this size, so…” Taking one last look at the beast towering over him he kneels next to the two prone ponies and vanishes just before the scorpion tail impacts where they all were. The manticore looks around in confusion as the three disappeared as it sniffs the area trying to find where they went.

On the astral plane Xellos watched as the beast paced around before moving off elsewhere while trying to find them. The younger pony was looking around in wonder and fear as she found herself in a place that looked much like before but it just felt wrong. “W-where are we now? Why does everything look so wrong?”

Xellos looks down at the younger pony as he realizes that the ponies probably knew nothing about this place. “Right, I probably should have warned you about that but as you could see there wasn’t enough time for that.” He tapped on the forehead of elder pony which was enough to shock her out of her panic.

“It went right through me! I should be dead, why aren’t I dead, how could it go right through me like that?!” She was starting to hyperventilate before her sister wrapped her hooves around her and started squeezing her in a hug. When she calmed down again she looked at the tall biped with her sister joining as well.

Xellos sat for a moment considering what to say before he waved an arm around him. “Welcome to the astral plane, a world that exists in the same place as the world you live on, commonly called the mortal plane. Other than that I don’t know since I haven’t explored it enough yet to find everything about it.”

He pauses for a moment as he feels a strange pressure coming from the direction they were headed. Curious as to what it is he flies upwards to above the trees and peers off into the distance. “Well that is definitely not what I was expecting to see, but I’m pretty sure that is where we are headed.” He gently floats back down as he looks over the giant forms of the two alicorns, one like a burning sun and the other like a universe of stars.

Shaking his head as he lands next to the two ponies he decides on a new course of action. “I think I’m going to speed things up a bit so we don’t have any more distractions. Stay close though since I haven’t done this too often so it might get a bit bumpy.” He pauses for a moment as he runs through the words for the spell in his head before the final one. “RAYWING!”

The two ponies start flailing their hooves around as the leave the ground while a translucent barrier surrounds them. “N-now what is happening? How are you doing this?” The younger sister looks at the biped with a mixture of fear and wonder.

“Oh it’s just a simple wind barrier spell. Not only will it get us there faster it’ll also protect us from most things that could hurt you.” The ponies looked at each other with a bit of worry before the shrieked as the bubble sped off above the trees. The screaming stopped though when they caught sight of the two figures on the horizon.

“What are those things up ahead? They look a bit like the princesses. But how can they be so… huge?” The two ponies stare in awe at the figure ahead of them.

“Well from what I remember things on the astral plane can show more about what something really is. I’m guessing that that is a representation of their power and not their actual form. It’s one of the strange things that can happen here, things may look like they take up a lot of space but they really take up no space at all.” The two look a bit confused at the explanation but Xellos doesn’t seem inclined to explain further.

The two watch as the terrain flies by below them in wonder as, being earth ponies, flight is something that they aren’t used to. While the view isn’t what they were expecting, due to the dull colors, but it was spectacular nonetheless. They could even see patches of slightly brighter colors which were given off by the various lifeforms they based which, when shown over the background of the duller plant life, made it look as if they were flying over a sea of stars.

Eventually they came to where the two large figures were and they landed at the foot of them. From that angle the two sisters had a strange feeling of disorientation as they could see the princesses rising above everything and taking up the whole city, but at the same time they were standing in their throne room. They weren’t given much time to get used to this phenomenon as they were suddenly thrown back into the normal world right in front of said princesses.

Princesses Celestia and Luna were having another boring day of court while they tried to prevent a war with the neighboring countries. They were currently listening to the diplomat from the Gryphonic Empire as he tried to justify the buildup of forces on their border. Luna leans over towards her sister. “Tia, can’t we just go and remove that fortress instead of sitting here listening to these lies from this creature?”

Celestia just shakes her head in response. “I know that you don’t like just sitting here, but until we have actual proof of wrongdoing then our hooves are tied. If we just start attacking them without it then we will be just as bad as Discord.” Luna shivers at the thought and is about to reply when she notices that the entire room had gone quiet.

The two princesses look up and see that a strange new creature had somehow appeared in the center of the room along with two battered earth ponies. The room was entirely focused on them and the princesses tried to figure out how they got there. Luna was glaring at the guards who still hadn’t moved into action while Celestia was looking over the two injured ponies with a critical eye. Seeing the cuts and scrapes on she turned to the tall creature but on a quick examination decides that they weren’t from it though they did match another creature in the room.

Leaning over towards her sister she mutters something to her before addressing the rest of the room. “It seems that the proof we need may have just arrived. So what brings you to our court with two of our subjects that appeared to be injured?”

All eyes were focused on the tall biped that somewhat resembled a minotaur but was obviously something different. It looked as if it had its eyes closed but the princess could tell that it was still looking around and what it saw amused it. When the silence started to feel oppressing the creature spoke. “Well this is rather embarrassing. I bring these two after finding them surrounded by gryphon soldiers just to find you talking with another one.”

He looks around and sees that the gryphon ambassador was looking scared. “Oh but was that supposed to be a secret? They were traveling pretty openly about an hour flight away.” The gryphon started sputtering in shock, trying to deny that there were any soldiers in the area. Xellos kept an eye out as Luna sped off in the direction he indicated though nobody else was paying attention to her.

After his words registered completely with the nobles in the room things went crazy as they started trying to yell over each other. The gryphon ambassador tried to flee but it didn’t take long for the guards to stop him and bring him back down in front of the princess. She looked from him to the three intruders and noticed that the tall creature had vanished as well as her sister.

“Guards, escort the ambassador to his room and confine him until we return to speak with him. Until then I will need to speak with these two in my study.” She points a hoof to another of the guards. “You fetch one of the doctors and bring them to treat the injuries of these two.”

She leads the two sisters to the room in question and she takes a seat behind her desk facing the two. “Now my little ponies, please tell me all about what happened to you.” She kept her voice in a low and motherly fashion to reassure the two. They looked at each other before they began reciting the tale of what they went through over the course of the day. Neither noticed the pillar of light that flared up in the distance through the window behind them.


Luna was furious as she flew off from the clearing with the frozen gryphons. While only two of the gryphons seemed to be alive still, albeit frozen to the ground, she was able to get all the evidence she needed about the treachery of the Gryphonic Empire. “They think that they can just attack us without us retaliating? We will unleash the full force of our power against them if they have harmed a single one of our subjects.”

As she flew off another figure appeared in the clearing behind her. “Well this is getting interesting. I guess that these ponies aren’t going to be little pushovers after all. I wonder where she is going now though.” He once again disappears leaving the clearing free of everything except for the large scattering of debris that now inhabits it.

Eventually the two end up outside of a large mountain with a giant fortress sticking out of it. As Luna screams out a challenge Xellos admires the area. “Well that is a lot of gryphons. If this is all a surprise attack then they could cause a lot of damage.” He pauses as swarms of gryphons take flight after the princess who meets their charge halfway. “Of course with her and her sister they probably wouldn’t need armies to fight back.”

He settles back on a nearby hill and watches the battle with interest. The gryphons seem to be trying a swarm tactic to try and defeat her which works decently well as she struggles as they pile on her. “Of course when one charges in alone and angry it makes it rather easy to be defeated. I guess I could help her out and there is one perfect spell for this situation I’ve been dying to try.”

He looks over the fight as he ignores a voice in the back of his mind telling him not to do this. Deciding to go with the full spell he holds his staff in front of him horizontally before beginning to chant.

“Lord of Darkness of the Four Worlds
I call upon you
Grant me all the power that you possess!”

His tone deepens as he feels power flow into him from the talismans as he transitions into the actual spell.

“Heed me now, thou who is darker than dusk,
Heed that which is more red than blood,
In the name of that which has been buried in the bottomless abyss of time eternal,
I summon thee, Master of the ultimate darkness,
Have no pity on the fools who stand in our way,
Infuse me with power; let your strength become mine
to wipe them from the face of this earth
to deliver unto them the ultimate doom

Xellos’ scream echoed across the battlefield as the ruby red beam of energy blazed from his hands towards the mountain. The spell impacted the side of the mountain fortress and it exploded into a huge ball of red that expanded, engulfing the entire mountain and much of the area that the princess was fighting on. Xellos though wasn’t having much of an easy time as pain ripped through his skull like an ice pick.

His eyes started to change from their original violet color to a deep red. It felt as if his very being was being ripped asunder by something he didn’t recognize. Suddenly the spell cut out and the pain also cut out as well leaving him panting as the phantom pain left by the agony he went through pulsed through him.

He didn’t know how long he lay there but he sensed something land nearby and when he eventually was able to move again he looked to see the white princess looking over the area in shock. Catching his breath he climbed to his feet and tried to sneak away until a voice froze him in place. “Don’t go anywhere.”

He turned slightly to look at her and he spotted rage on the face of the princess. It was soon blocked out by another form of a blue sooty color. “Tia?! Why did you do that? You almost hit me as well!” Xellos took this as a chance to try and sneak away as the sun princess tried to talk her was out of the blame. He didn’t get to far when he was once again stopped by a voice. “YOU!”

He turned back to see Princess Luna staring at him in rage. Adopting an apologetic pose he gives a guilty smile. “Well I sure didn’t expect that to happen. Well you look like you’re doing well but I really have to go now, see you again.” With that he takes off into the air and vanishes from sight.

Luna wasn’t going to let him go that easily though as she sent a telekinetic blast through his location. “You get back here right now! How dare you nearly blow me up and bury me under a pile of rocks!? You’ll pay for this you hear me!?” Luna ranted at the sky while her sister tried to calm her down as she continued to survey the devastation.

Author's Note:

And the reason for the animosity, Luna nearly getting blown up by Xellos. I had something else I was planning to say here but I completely lost it as I'm watching Doctor Who.

Now some food for thought. Every once and a while a HiE or OC story thhat involves adding a 7th Element of Harmony always seems to leave out one key point. The big fixed point of the entire series involves the very first sonic rainboom. That one event is what links the Mane 6 together so adding a 7th would technically require them to be affected by that event in some way as well. Most of those stories though completely ignore that event which hurts it in some way. Of course this now brings to mind a story idea where a human is transported over as a mare with their age reverted to match the others during that event then they have to live out their life until the 1000th Summer Sun festival. I'm rambling on now so I'll hop off now.