• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 9,191 Views, 272 Comments

Trickster Priest - Fresnor

Equestria has to deal with monsters on a weekly basis but what happens when an actual monster shows up in the from as a once costumed human?

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Chapter 3

1013 year before the banishment of Nightmare Moon

The crowds at the convention center were extremely thick as it started up for the first day of the weekend long event. While most came as just themselves there were a good many that came dressed up as characters from their favorite forms of media. A couple friends, of the latter group, had just finished collecting their badges and were making their way inside the building. “Man I can’t believe that you actually went through with dressing up like that. You’re going to scar so many people for life, do you know that?”

The one speaking, wearing a purple wig and cloak over his average figure, looked over at his friend as he facepalms at how he is flaunting his outfit. The cape and high heeled boots weren’t overly unusual but the skimpy top, bikini-like bottoms and spiked shoulderpads brought it all together in a rather unique look. “I know that you are a fan of Naga the Serpent, but her outfit is just not fit for a four hundred pound man.”

The large man let out a laugh, trying to imitate the one from the character he was dressed as, before slapping his friend on the back. “Oh Lighten up D*****, everybody always expects someone to dress up like this at these conventions so it might as well be me. Besides if people are going to avoid me it just makes it easier for us to get around as they open a path up for us.”

The thinner figure just shakes his head as he plants his custom-ordered staff and poses for someone nearby pointing a camera at him before turning back to his friend with a sigh. “I still can’t believe how much you paid to get that thing made. I mean there’s hardly anything to that thing so the only reason I can think of why it cost that much was to pay for the poor guys therapy bills afterwards.”

The larger man just shrugged as he browsed through a nearby table of merchandise before answering. “Well it’s not like all of us can just ask their mom to sew something up for them. Some of us actually have to put some effort into affording or creating our costumes.”

D***** just rolls his eyes at his friend as his face warms up slightly. “I don’t ask her for stuff like this often and it wasn’t that hard for her to modify one of the renaissance outfits she made before making the other bits. I still had to pay someone to create a replica of the staff and my outfit still feels like it’s missing something.”

The larger man was about to turn back and reply when his eyes catch sight of something on the next table. “You mean something like those? Didn’t that character you dressed up as have something like those as well?” He points at a set of jewelry that he had seen, bringing his friends attention to them.

He examines the objects closely and realizes that his friend is correct. They look exactly like the demon’s blood talismans from the series; from the half-circular shape around the stones, down to the correct colors as well. “Huh, not often someone gets the colors right, usually they are lazy and have them all a red color instead of the correct red, white, black, and blue for each dark lord they represent. How much are they anyways?”

He looks up to the vendor who was watching them closely. Something felt off about the man, he seemed to exude a greasy aura, and he almost left then and there until the man spoke. “You have an eye for quality there, young sir. Normally I wouldn’t let them go for less than fifty each, but for you I can let them go for one twenty-five.”

He was still a bit suspicious of the vendor but the deal was a bit too good to pass up, especially since they didn’t look to be made of plastic or even glass. He fishes out the money and passes it over to the vendor in exchange for the talismans. “Enjoy your purchase, you won’t regret it.”

D***** looks at the creepy vendor as he starts laughing in a way that makes him worry about his sanity. Shrugging it off he starts to attach the talismans while glancing at his friend. “I’m really not sure about that vendor, but these are exactly what this outfit needs.” His friend just waves it off as he looks at some of the plush toys on another table while he clips the last talisman to his belt. “So how does my outfit look… now?”

Looking up from his belt he is shocked to find that everything had vanished and was replaced with complete darkness. He waved a hand in front of his face and was wondering what was going on as he could clearly see himself and one the second pass everything faded in again. Unfortunately what appeared wasn’t the convention but instead was a forest trail with him standing in the middle of it.

“What just happened? Where in the world am I now?” He slowly turns in place and finds nothing around him beyond more trees and random flora. Confused as to what is going on he reaches up and scratches his head just to find another surprise. “What the?” He tugs on what should have been a wig to find that it was now very real hair even with the purple color.

“Right, I have no idea what is going on now but standing around won’t get me anywhere. Let’s see I have a good feeling about… that way.” After spinning around blindly for a moment and pointing in a random direction with his staff he begins walking down the path. He whistles a jaunty tune, not paying any attention to the fact that he isn’t feeling any sort of fear or panic over his situation.

What he did notice was that the air smelled much fresher than anything he had scented before. The wildlife that he could see was also much more friendly than it should have been as he saw birds and small animals pass within touching range and a couple of the birds even landed on an outstretched hand once. “Well wherever I am it definitely could be worse. Everything here seems rather peaceful and I’ve had worse views before.”

As he finished saying this he pushed through a bit of foliage to find himself in a clearing. Unfortunately he wasn’t alone in the clearing as his eyes locked on a small crowd of figures at the other end of the large clearing. “What in the world is…?”

Across from him were ten creatures that he never expected to see standing over a pair of horse-like figures. He rubbed his eyes but it didn’t change the view and he had to admit that he was really seeing a group of gryphons in armor. They were just as shocked to see him as he was at seeing them so it gave him time to examine the other two creatures as well.

Are those really what I think they are? How in the world am I seeing ponies from that one show right here in front of me?” He was guessing that the two grey ponies were female from the size and slim shape and he noted that one had what looked like a pie tattooed to her rear. What really caught his attention though was the look of fear on their faces as well as the cuts and bruises all over them.

Well that isn’t a good sign. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything about how peaceful it is around here. Unfortunately he didn’t have time to think things through any further as the gryphons had started getting over their shock.

“Well what are you birdbrains waiting for? Get that… whatever it is.” The lead gryphon ordered his subordinates which brought a worried look to the human’s face. He took a step back as they started to approach in a threatening manner.

He was about to say something when they began to charge him and the nearest thrust a spear at him. He managed to dodge to the side but he tripped over a root that he missed seeing sending him to the ground. The gryphon behind the first raised a sword over his head and prepared to slash down at the fallen biped who raised his staff and arms over his head as he closed his eyes. What I wouldn’t give to be anywhere else but here right now.

The expected blow never came though as he felt a difference in the air around him that felt unusual. “Hey, where did that thing go?!” He looked up at the hollow sounding words and was once again struck speechless at what he saw.

The world around him took on a washed out appearance that seemed to mimic what he was expecting to see. The gryphons were duller but seemed a bit more twisted and crueler appearing than before while the ponies, while also dull, looked much stronger in appearance than before. I’m starting to notice a trend here which should be impossible. If I’m right I should be able to…

Shakily he got to his feet and started to concentrate on the area around him. Steadily waves of air started to pulse away from him as he slowly lifted into the air. He breathed in deeply before slowly letting it out as he looked down to see himself flying a short distance above the ground. First the wig somehow merged with my head, then I appear in what seems to be another plane of existence, and now I just willed myself to fly. If I didn’t know any better I would think that I somehow turned into the character I dressed up as, Xellos. But that would be silly as my name is really Xellos.

He was about to continue with his thoughts when he realized what he just told himself mentally. “That can’t be right. Xellos… Xellos… My name isn’t Xellos, my name is Xellos.” He looked down in confusion as all attempts at saying his name would only come out as Xellos. He started to worry a bit but his attention was diverted as he saw that the gryphons had stopped moving around and were looking around in fear. Did… did they actually hear me even from in here?

Dropping the name issue for now he watched as eight of the gryphon backed up into a circle with each other while the other two watched over the ponies. “Where are you?! Show yourself now before we kill these two!” Xellos raises an eyebrow as he wonders how they expect that to actually work.

“Why would I care what happens to those two, I’ve never met them before and know nothing about them or their kind. But if you really want me to show myself.” He floats above the eight and decides to test his theory again by trying something else he remembered from the show. Appearing a good distance above them he starts to chant one of the spells that he remembered from the Slayers series.

You who crosses between sky and earth,
gently flowing water,
gather in my hand and give me power!

The gryphons look around in confusion as they once again search for the source of his voice. One of them finally looks not only upwards but also a bit behind to spot him but not before he finishes the incantation as he points his hands at them. “DEMONA CRYSTAL!” White fog started to flow from his hand at a rapid pace to surround the eight below and spread out in a circle, flowing over the claws of the other two guarding the ponies but not quite reaching the two captives.

When the fog cleared all that was left were eight frozen statues with the other two staring in shock at their own appendages that were frozen to the ground. “Well that worked better than I expected but it does explain a few things. Now what was it you were planning to do with the ponies if I didn’t show up?”

He looked over the remaining two gryphons who just stared at him in terror while the ponies just watched in shock. Xellos took this moment to look over the two ponies now that he had the leisure to. One looked slightly younger than the other with the older being of a gray color with a dark orange mane and tail and the previously noticed pie tattoo. The younger was also grey, but seemed to lack the mark while her mane and tail were a deep green. They both also had bright blue eyes and if he had to guess would probably come up to just below his head if they stood on their hind legs.

When neither of them said anything he decided to break the ice in a manner of speaking. “Well since you two seem to be free now you should probably find someone in charge to let them know about these gryphons. If you’d like I could escort you there if you wish.”

This shocked the eldest out of her stupor as she stuttered a bit since she didn’t know how to react to the biped. “Um, I think the Princesses are about a good day or two walk away and they need to know about this. W-would you be able to keep us safe that long?”

His only response was to nod as he waved a hand in an ‘after you’ gesture so that they would indicate the correct direction. He looked over the two as they began to walk as a couple last thoughts came to mind. Now I’m wishing that I took up my friend’s pestering to watch more of that show instead of the rare couple I caught on accident. I think I remember a bit about a couple princesses but I have no clue as to what they are like or even how they would react to me.

He sighed as he followed the two and wondered what was going to happen to him as well as how and why he was even in what is obviously an entirely new world.

Author's Note:

Well there's the obligatory crossing over chapter. He probably should be panicking more but as you see not all is right with him right now. End of the current flashback but expect a few more in future chapters as they are needed. Also let me know what I may be doing wrong, especially if you downvote as I see one right now but no mention of why.