• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 9,191 Views, 272 Comments

Trickster Priest - Fresnor

Equestria has to deal with monsters on a weekly basis but what happens when an actual monster shows up in the from as a once costumed human?

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Chapter 4

Present Time

Twilight Sparkle was having Spike put the last few touches on her letter to her mentor while her friends were watching Rainbow Dash bounce a ball on her head and discussing what they saw earlier. “Ah don’t trust that guy. I mean what kind of pony introduces themselves as a mysterious priest? Something just ain’t right about him.”

The others look a bit unsure but they aren’t overly quick to dispute the issue. “He did help us though so he can’t be all that bad… I think. I mean he did help us with that big scary dragon.” Fluttershy hides behind her mane after she says this, still trembling at the thought of what had almost happened.

“Four Hundred! Oh yeah, a new record!” There is a bit of cheering for Rainbow Dash as she takes a couple bows to the others. “Anyways what I’d like to know is why that dragon was scared of that creature. It was flying away so fast that even I don’t think I could have caught up to it. Not to mention that- whoa what is that!?” She suddenly points at a pink smoke trail that suddenly rocketed up from the other end of town. Twilight looked over at the others, having finished her letter and having Spike send it, and nods to them before they all started rushing towards the launch point.

Other Side of Ponyville

Xellos flew over the town while in the astral plane as he considered what had recently happened as well as his future plans. “It’s been a while since I tried to remember my old life but I’m sure that those six were from that one show. From the few episodes that I saw much of it focused around them so things will probably be the most interesting around them. Maybe I’ll look in on them again after meeting Sunbutt and Moony again.”

As he casually flew by he observed the dull figures below him and wondered how things had changed in Equestria over the past couple centuries. His attention was pulled to specific part of town when he saw a bright streak of pink in that direction that didn’t fit with the view from the astral plane. “What was that?”

He watched for the flash of color again and when he saw it again he tried to track it with his eyes. He noticed that it flashed between two different colors of pink, one of them he remembered being that of what he saw of those six mares before. He decided to land to get a closer view but when his feet hit the ground he lost sight of the figure once again. When he turned around his view was filled with filled with blue causing him to leap up into the air again at top speed.

Pinkie blinked in surprise as she looked around in confusion as the biped looked to have vanished considering the speed he moved. “Huh? So that’s what that feels like. Now where did he go?” Xellos watched as Pinkie Pie darted around the area at extreme speeds within the astral plane as she looked around every corner for him. He had to catch his breath as he didn’t expect to see a pony on this plane, especially one that seemed to have mastered moving around on it.

Xellos slowly dropped to the ground again behind the pink pony and began speaking causing her to jump in surprise. “Well now I was definitely not expecting this. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a pony within the astral plane without any assistance.”

Pinkie Pie just stares at him for a moment before she starts bouncing in place. “Oh getting here is easy even though my friends don’t understand it and I’ve tried explaining it to them. That’s not important though. What is important is that you are new in town which means that I get to throw you a party and to do that I need you to answer one question.” She looks at him with a very serious expression. “Chocolate, Strawberry, or Vanilla?”

Xellos considers going with his usual answer but something about the mare causes him to pause before answering. “Um, all of them? Who are you anyways?” Pinkie’s mouth opens as she prepares to answer him before her eyes narrow and she examines him more closely.

“Okie… Dokie… Loki…” She drags her reply out before her expression goes back to her previous cheerfulness again. “Oh and my name is Pinkie Pie. I already heard before that yours was Xellos which sounds familiar now that I think about it.”

The pink mare enters a thinking pose as she taps her head as she tries to remember something while Xellos nods at her name. “Well this is nice and all but I have places to be and-“ He pauses as his eyes widen and takes a closer look at the mare. “Did you just say Pie? Would you by chance happen to be descended from a Sweet Potato Pie?” He looks a bit worried as he asks her this question.

Pinkie Pie looks at him again when her eyes suddenly widen and an extremely wide grin spreads across her face as she starts bouncing in place. “Oh! Oh! I remember now! You must be that thing that saved my Greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandmother all those years ago. I can’t believe that those stories Granny Pie told me were actually real and that I’m really meeting Old Uncle Xellos for real!”

Xellos was needless to say a bit shocked at this revelation as he brings a hand up to the side of his head. “She told me that I’d regret teaching her daughter how to use the astral plane and that it would come back to haunt me. I just didn’t think it would involve one of the ponies involved with the Elements of Harmony.” He muttered to himself as he watches the bubbly pink mare bounce around him in excitement when an idea comes to mind.

Pulling out one of the cakes that he had brought from his satchel and cracks the box open slightly. As soon as it was cracked open Pinkie Pie freezes in midair before she sniffs the air a couple times and slowly pans her head around to stare at the box. “Is that? Can that be a legendary Dark Forest Chocolate Cake from the Black Forests between the Gryphon and Minotaur kingdoms?” A line of drool of drool starts pouring from her open mouth as Xellos smiles and nods wickedly.

“That it is, and all you have to do is finish this off and-“ He pulls out a large covered cup of a hot liquid which is snatched up by the pink pony who chugs it down in seconds before she snags the cake from his hands and running off with it. “Well that was rather easy though I was expecting something more.”

He looks at the cup that was spinning in the air and his eyes widen as he realizes that he grabbed the wrong one from his bag. “Well this is embarrassing, that was one of the ones I was saving for little Loony. Still, from what I remember hearing about this Pinkie Pie the results could be rather interesting.” He shifts back into the mortal plane, frightening the ponies that were currently in the area, and waits for a few moments.

Moments later the pink party pony returns and is vibrating in place in front of him as she babbles on at a high speed. “~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” Her words are spoken at such a fast pace and high pitch that he can’t understand them and he starts to wonder what he just unleashed.

He remembers a bit of what she said earlier and he grins deviously as his eyes open with a mischievous glint in them. “You know you said something about a party earlier, it’s just too bad you can’t do something for all those boring nobles in Canterlot, they could really use one right now.”

Pinkie Pie actually freezes in place for a moment before she starts vibrating once again. After about a minute of this she blasts off into the air leaving a pink contrail behind her as she flies in the direction of the country’s capital. Xellos whistles as he shades his eyes and watches the pony achieve lift-off before an idea comes to mind. He was about to ask a pony for help when he notices a conveniently placed telescope and lawn chair hidden in a pocket dimension which he then grabs and flies up to a nearby roof.

“This should be interesting to watch and it’s a good way to hint to Celly that I’m back. I never did tell her how to make this stuff so she should recognize the symptoms well enough.” He settles in and focuses the telescope on the city in the distance and slowly counts down until the time that the pony will impact.

“It came from over here, hurry up you slowpokes!” He hears the voice of one of the mares that he met earlier and glances in her direction before turning his attention back to the telescope. “Hey you! What do you think you’re doing up there! What just happened here!?”

He feels the presence of the rainbow maned pegasus nearby and he ignores her after tossing her the cup and a short comment. “I just gave Pinkie Pie this to drink.” Rainbow Dash looks at him in confusion before she sniffs at the cup. After the first whiff her eyes widen as her wings lock up as she falls off the roof onto her friends below. Seconds later she is back on the roof, followed by her friends, but a look of terror is on her face.

“Don’t tell me that you gave Pinkie Pie coffee. Don’t you know what happens when she gets ahold of that stuff!?” The eyes of everyone except Twilight shoot open to their widest while the unicorn looks at them in confusion.

“What’s so bad about coffee? I drink it all the time when I have late nights.” The others turn to her in shock before they realize that she wasn’t there during that incident.

“That’s right; you weren’t in Ponyville when that happened. Well darling, about a year before you arrived Rainbow Dash thought it would be funny to see what would happen if she gave Pinkie some coffee. I won’t go into details but it took me a month of daily trips to the spa to fix my coat and the mayor banned the substance from being anywhere near Pinkie again.” Twilight is still a bit confused at Rarity’s words, but she looks worried at how her friends are shivering at the thought.

“Oh don’t worry about that, that wasn’t coffee that she drank.” The five let out a sigh of relief before he could continue. “It was a triple espresso.” Fluttershy looked worried at this while the others were just confused.

“And what, exactly, is a triple espresso?” Xellos looks back over at them before he smiles slightly at them.

“Oh it’s nothing much. An espresso is pretty much five cups of coffee combined into one. So you can guess what a triple espresso means.” Xellos is amused but the looks on their faces as their mouths all drop open in shock at his words. As he is about to look into the telescope again he pauses and looks thoughtful. “Now that I think about it, normally those are served in a smaller cup and not a large one like that. Was it a bad idea to give her that much?”

Both Fluttershy and Rarity faint at this while Rainbow Dash and Applejack hold onto each other in fear. Twilight looks at the cup in shock as she mentally calculates the size. “You mean to tell me that you just gave Pinkie Pie, an already unpredictably hyperactive pony, the equivalent of one hundred cups of coffee? And you’re wondering if that was a bad idea!?”

As a pink balloon shaped cloud rises from Canterlot when Pinkie Pie impacts into it the relaxing biped turn and looks at them. “You know, she said that too when I gave her sister a cup as well.” They were about to ask who he was talking about when they were knocked off their hooves from a loud scream.


The ponies were all shaken from the impact of the Royal Canterlot Voice the hit them from Canterlot while Xellos was laughing. “I see Celly got my message well enough, and look! She’s coming to visit.” The three conscious ponies just stared as they watched their princess fly towards them. When she landed they just watched as she walked up to them and dropped Pinkie Pie in front of them.

“I believe this belongs to you.” They just nod as she turns her attention to Xellos who was still lounging on the chair he had found. “As for you… I really don’t know what to do with you and I’m sure my sister will be thrilled with what you have done. I haven’t had the heart to tell her that the statue in the garden isn’t you because she looked so happy about it.”

Xellos just continues to smile up at her as she rubs her head with a hoof. “Oh come now Celly, it’s not like I hurt anyone and I’m sure your sister has forgotten most of the things I did. A thousand years is a long time to be angry you know. By the way I love the new look.”

The princess of the sun just sighs in frustration as she keeps rubbing at her now pink head as she ruffles her pink feathers. There is a snort from the gathered ponies but when she looks at them all she sees is two of them glaring at Rainbow Dash. Turning back to Xellos she just shakes her head. “Why couldn’t you have just continued to act like you did during the last thousand years instead of causing trouble again?”

Xellos just chuckles at her as he glances through the telescope again. “Why Celly, you know that things would be boring if I didn’t liven things up occasionally. I haven’t done anything around you in a while since you already had enough to deal with over the centuries. Of course you may not have to worry about telling little Loony about me since she is about to find out herself soon.”

Celestia looks at him in confusion before she sees him pointing towards Canterlot. Following his gesture she sees a blue speck that is rapidly approaching and she lays a hoof across the top of her muzzle. Soon the blue alicorn landed next to her sister as she thrusts her now pink mane towards her. “Sister! Our mane has been defiled! What hath happened while we slept!?”

Only now does she notice her sister’s state and she gapes in shock before she looks at the other ponies nearby. She was about to ask them when a voice came from behind her, one that caused her wings spread in alarm. “Well Loony, it’s so good to see you again after all this time. I’m glad to see that your mane grown back in again as well.”

Luna didn’t move as she looks her sister in her eyes. “Tia, wasn’t that monster sealed in stone in the castle gardens while I was gone?” Celestia just shakes her head while Luna starts looking angry. “Then does that mean if I turn around he’s going to be standing right there?” It is easy to tell from how she looks that Luna is really mad from how she had stopped speaking in her archaic style and at her sister’s nod a blood vessel could be seen popping out of her forehead.

Walking over to Twilight she grabbed the cup that was being held in her magic with a wing before she whipped around and flung it right at Xellos. As it impacted with his head, knocking it back, she started screaming again. “YOU! How dare you show yourself to me after what you’ve done! When I get my hooves on you not even anything in Tartarus will be able to stand looking at you!”

With that she started chasing after him as he ran around the edge of the roof trying to cave his head in with a hoof. Soon enough he jumps off the side and flies in a random direction with her in hot pursuit leaving the five conscious ponies, two of them only now groggily rising, alone with the sun princess.

Rainbow Dash is the first to question what just happened. “Princess, can you please explain what just happened?” Princess Celestia sighs as she shakes her head while looking in the direction her sister flew off in.

“Luna probably wouldn’t want me telling you since it was a rather embarrassing moment for her. Let’s just say that those two have a bit of history and I don’t see it improving anytime soon.” This doesn’t help the confusion over the situation much and neither does the laughter filling the air from out of nowhere.

“Oh Celly, I forgot to leave these with you. Make sure that you give one to little Loony and don’t devour them both. As for what happened, well I guess she must be a bit annoyed that I shaved her mane and tail off one night after she turned into Nightmare Moon. I would have thought that she would have gotten over that already, but oh well, what can you do? I’ll see you some time later; I’m still owed a party by Pinkie after all.” With that two boxes appear on Celestia’s back and raucous laughter fills the air as Rainbow Dash can no longer hold it all in.

Author's Note:

And just thing, he hasn't even met the CMC yet and offered suggestions for what chaos they can get into. I didn't originally plan for some of the Pinkie Pie bits but it just makes too much sense that her habit of appearing out of nowhere would involve some kind of dimensional travel. Having him teach someone in her family a long time ago just sounded like a good idea. No idea how to explain the Pinkie Sense, or if I want to, but it does make a good lead-in later for the Pinkie Keen episode.