• Published 31st Mar 2015
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My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

Equestria Intervenes

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…

"Now I finally got the wood, and the blueprints are finished! I'm going to build the ship starting now! That's why, once I finish it," Franky raised his head with determination in his gaze as he asked the Straw Hat pirates, "can you please sail on the ship I made?!"


"So, have you finally, found a place where you feel safe?"

"Yes." Robin answered immediately, unbending.

Aokiji sighed softly, smiling at the mare's conviction. Thus, he stated, "I don't know if it was right or wrong for Saul to let you live. But maybe you can answer that question for me?"

Determinedly, Robin declared, "I intend to."

And with that, Aokiji had his answer. He could leave now with a clear conscience; however, he still had something to say to the mare. "Then live out your life and prove to me that Ohara is alive."


"Yea, the five geezers and that hot head fleet admiral are already on my ass about acquiring the bunch." Blackbeard informed to the group, annoyed. "They're saying it needs to be our number one priority to capture them."

"So?" asked Burgess.

"So," Blackbeard stated apathetically, "I told Akainu to do whatever."


"Yes, Fleet Admiral Akainu, sir!" The sailors yelled out obediently.

"Prepare to land!" Akainu ordered commandingly.

"No one is above the law."

Luffy & Twilight: We’re always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won’t stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don’t ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn’t matter who or what’s standing in our way,
We’ll make it through them everyday

You won’t get anywhere if you’re waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can’t wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we’re Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You’ll feel a joy inside that you can’t explain
And that’s the treasure we must find!

We’re always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won’t stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

News of the approaching battleships spread fast through Water 7. It wasn’t hard to see with such an unobstructed ocean view in literal 360 degrees. The first of the citizens to have seen them soon relayed the information to the authorities before spreading the news like wildfire through the city itself. Soon enough, a crowd began to form to see incoming force of naval battleships. News traveled fast in this community; as seen during the search for Iceberg’s assassins just days earlier. Now though, they had their beloved leader back in action and fully functional, and thus he would be able to quell any worries. Unfortunately though, it would seem that he was not in his office. Nor was he at any of the Docks. No one knew where their leader was located.

“Look!” shouted a child, “There’s the mayor!”

Everyone looked down to the lower section of the city; at the train station, Blue Station. This came as a surprise to everyone but it was nonetheless a great relief for them. Thus, they began cheering for their hero. With his city behind him, Iceberg stood dauntless before the warships like a shining hero though seemingly caring less for such an image. Though impressive, it of course did not deter the ships from taking position around the station.

The lead ship however docked right in front of the station. After placing down the gangplanks, the largest of them directly in front of Iceberg, the navy soldiers began marching out; all armed with their muskets loaded. None attacked though as they instead took positions all around station and up the largest gangplank. Then, they all began to salute as large figures began to step down from the ship. At the head was the large, red Diamond Dog Akainu, the fleet admiral, with the yellow monkey, the purple tiger, and the tall Earth pony following behind him. All of them in black overcoats with “Justice” written in white Japanese kanji. These companions with the fleet admiral were the three admirals of the Black Navy; considered the strongest within the organization, Kizaru, Fujitora, and Aokiji. Once off the plank, the three followers stood by at the base while the Diamond Dog continued walking forward to the mayor of Water 7. He stopped just a foot or two away and stared down at the pony. After a moment of silence, everyone around them waiting with baited breath, one of them spoke.

“Mwell, greetings, Fleet Admiral Akainu.” Iceberg greeted almost sounding bored. “What do I owe the pleasure of--?”

“Cut the crap.” Akainu replied coarsely, interrupting the pony.

“Oh?” Iceberg said, concerned.

“We are here to place Water 7 under military occupation.” Akainu stated sternly.

Iceberg raised his brow in surprise. He thus asked, “On what grounds?”

“For the obstruction of justice,” Akainu stated harshly, “and aiding and abetting already-convicted criminals.”

“And you can prove this?” Iceberg asked.

“I already have enough proof.” Akainu declared soundly. He then flicked his fingers, gesturing his soldiers to act. “Arrest him.”

Immediately, a squad of Navy soldier hurried forward and began surrounding Iceberg. The stallion, despite his situation, remained calm. Attempting to escape would only make things worse, and it was unlikely that he would even be able to do so. Though, he found some amusement with the situation as he began to smile lightheartedly.

“Mwell,” Iceberg said, “this looks pretty bad for me.”

“Nothing you say will spare your fate.” Akainu stated serious.

And yet, Iceberg still had something to say. “You know, Water 7 has always remained a neutral area so that it may do business with anyone. Pirates, the Black Empire, and anyone else out in the world. Do you really wish to ruin that peace?”

“Take him into custody.” Akainu stated with disinterest.

One of the Navy stallions spoke, “Yes, sir!” Continuing their task, the soldiers all began to close in on the stallion.

Then, Akainu addressed the crowd that had formed on the city’s edge as well as on the station. “Citizens of Water 7,” he shouted dourly, “by the authority of the Emperor and the Council of the Five Elder Stars, Water 7 shall now be subjugated and integrated into the Empire under the crime of aiding and abetting criminals whom had committed terroristic against the Empire and justice.”

Immediately, the crowd went into an uproar. Those who had heard the canine leader’s declaration had angrily hurried to pass on the message to their fellow citizens. They in turn passed it on further thus also spreading the rage and discontent. Soon, the uproar became massive in sound and all of it vile towards the injustice that the fleet admiral was imposing on them. Of course it was unfair to lump together a whole city for the actions of individuals and/or groups; however, they would also never turn on their own citizens like those of the Galley-La Company. Thus, the city was united against the oppression of the Black Empire and its Navy.

And in hearing all of this, Aokiji couldn’t help but feel oddly sorry for the poor citizens. “Oh boy…” He commented pityingly. He knew these jeers would not be handled well. Thus, he glanced over to his leader, already expecting what was to happen next.

While Iceberg had remained still and calm as the soldiers surrounded him, he soon saw what was going on with the canine. And he was horrified. “Don’t!” He shouted loudly. He attempted to stop the canine, but was immediately apprehended by the naval soldiers.

For as the crowd booed and jeered towards the Black Navy, Akainu had become enraged. In his eyes and mindset, this noise was a sign that the whole city indeed was guilty. And thus, criminals had to be punished. Suddenly, the left side of his body began glowing a hot and dark red color before transforming into molten rock. It bubbled then poured onto the stone and piled on top of itself like lava before hardening somewhat. It was still very much alive with molten rock. Looking prepared, the Diamond Dog twisted the left side of his body forward. At the same time, from the center of his mound of slightly hardened lava something began to erupt. Finally, a large stream of lava burst through in the shape of a fist.

“Great Eruption!”

Some in the crowd screamed as they saw lava come at them. While those were paralyzed with fear and shock, others tried making a run; hoping to escape a burning death. By how large the attack looked, it was unlikely anyone would escape. Their deaths – in the name of Justice – were inevitable.

Or not.

Suddenly, a shot of lightning rained down striking the platform dead center then exploded with magical light. The magic expanded out like dome engulfing the platform. At the same time, it knocked back several of the Black Navy soldiers, including the ones around Iceberg. All were sent flying into the water. Only the admirals and fleet admiral stood their ground with much resistance. Not only just the creatures, the lava too had been knocked aside by the magical blast both hardening and then breaking apart. All the newly formed rocks then fell harmlessly into the ocean or against the wall then into the ocean. This included the lava plume that Akainu had made earlier. Nothing else was damaged. All the warships were on high alert and began aiming their cannons at the platform. No one knew what was happening, but they were prepared for anything nonetheless.

The light soon died down, receding. It did so back to the center where the lightning struck; where Iceberg had been. As the light began to vanish, it made out the figure of Iceberg; however, the light then suddenly began glowing again. Less than before, but enough to still engulf the stallion. He then spoke, “I’ll ask again, Akainu…”

In the light, the male figure began changing. He grew taller, slender, and began gaining extra features; wings and a horn. Even his hair grew longer. He no longer looked like a male Earth pony anymore, and as the light finally ceased its shining it revealed the truth. Since appearing before the Black Navy, Mayor Iceberg had really been Princess Celestia of Equestria.

And she asked towards the leader warningly, “Are you willing to risk breaking our peace?”

Equestria Intervenes
For our Friends, We Will Do What is Necessary!

Meanwhile, in Water 7 at the temporary Galley-La Company headquarters, the Straw Hats were beginning to pack up. Completely unaware of the events occurring just outside the city limits. For after waiting days, and doing all sorts of shenanigans, they were finally going to see their new ship. Franky’s gang had come by earlier delivering some exciting news. The “Ship of Dreams” was completed, and it was time for the Straw Hats claim it. Excited, the crew began to gather up their things and supplies. Thanks to the help of the Franky Family, they were soon ready to go. Before leaving, though letting the Franky Family go one ahead, the Straw Hats gave their temporary home one last look. Making sure nothing was left behind. More so, they were also trying to buy some time. There was still someone they wanted back, but circumstances could not allow them to go and get him back. To this notion, Twilight and her group felt that this was not right.

“I still think we should just approach Usopp.” Twilight stated for all to hear. “This whole stubborn attitude is what kills friendships in the first place.”

Zoro answered sternly, “This isn’t about friendship. It’s about respect. If he can’t agree with the decisions his captain makes then we’re better off not having him around.”

Twilight frowned. “It still doesn’t feel right.” She muttered softly.

Thankfully, Pinkie Pie soon intruded into the conversation. “Don’t worry, Twi!” She told her friend cheerfully. “I know that Zoro sounds like a big ol’ sourpuss…”

“Oi!” shouted Zoro, feeling insulted.

“But I’m sure he’s hoping like the rest of us that Usopp comes back too!” Pinkie Pie continued on saying optimistically.

To this, Zoro responded neither for nor against this notion. Already annoyed though, he decided to leave the conversation and the room in a huff. So, he picked up one of the several bags still around the room and exited. Caring little of what his crew may think of him.

“Heh.” Sanji chortled lightly, smiling. “Stubborn Softy…”

“Shut up.” Zoro responded apathetically.

The group soon followed after the swordspony once they had collected the remaining bags in the room. They couldn’t keep Franky waiting, and they so wanted to see the ship as well. Luffy, Chopper, Spike, and Pinkie Pie were even cheering out and partying on top of Frunkfreed while everyone else walked or flew. Even the sword-turned-elephant began trumpeting his trunk in excitement despite only becoming a recent member. The others simply allowed the group to indulge in their excitement as they all shared the same feeling. So, as they left Dock One to travel through the city, they were surprised to see citizens in a hurry. So many of them were running towards the coast where a large crowd was already formed.

“What’s going on over there?” Applejack asked curiously.

Everyone stopped moving and looked over at the crowd. “Perhaps the Galley-La guys are doing something.” Sanji suggested.

“I’m going to take a look.” Rainbow Dash said. The cyan Pegasus flew straight up, and that all she needed to do. For once she reached a good height, she soon saw the several battleships just outside the city. She immediately shouted in shock, “Holy shit!”

Hearing her, Zoro asked out loudly, “What is it?”

“Guys!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she floated back down to everyone. Panic evident on her face as she told everyone, “I think we need to be running now!”

The whole group looked at the Pegasus confused. “Why?” They all asked together.

“The Black Navy is here!”

“What?!” gasped everyone.

“And they have a whole lot of ships!”


“It’s the Sun Princess!”

“Her mane really does flow naturally, even when there’s no wind.”

“Is that really important right now?!”

“What is she doing here?”

The citizens of Water 7 murmured excitedly to each other and further in. Some were amazed to see an Alicorn for the first time in their lives. Others felt a sense of concern and worry that such an important figure had suddenly appeared now before them; especially with the Black Empire’s naval forces right on their front gate. More concerning was that she was alone and facing off not only some of the most powerful officers in the Black Navy but also against an armada of huge warships; a single one already had the capabilities to level their home. Could a single pony really be enough to stop this injustice, they did not know. They only hoped for the best.

“The Princess of Equestria! Here?!”

“Did you see that magic? Not even the best navy wizards could do something like that!”

“They always say that the Sun Princess was dangerous, but I never thought that she would be so beautiful!”

“Her beauty could even rival the Pirate Empress!”

What the citizens of Water 7 did not know was that every soldier and officer was terrified. They had come prepared to take a city; an easy enough task. Only now, they had a whole new problem in the form of an Alicorn princess. Even your average soldier knew about an Alicorn; after all, their greatest military rival was led by two of them. Both powerful; one in strength and the other in magic. In the latter of the two however they feared the most. Never though had any of them seen an Alicorn outside of a few pictures. Especially not a female Alicorn. Her beauty had stunned many of them as much as her power and appearance did. Only the senior officers kept their guard up as they were aware of what this situation could become if something goes wrong. Thus, on the lead ship, one such officer was rallying the men out of their stupor. He is Vice Admiral Bastille, a small sleipnir in an iron mask.

“Back to your posts, stallions!” Bastille commanded sternly. “We are the soldiers of justice! We do not falter in the face of adversity for we are justice!”

As the soldiers aboard the ship hustled about and retook their positions, one on board had not falter from his spot since arriving. The bearlike ogre stood at the aft of the warship on top of the cannons observing down below them; the scene that had unfolded. This is Bartholomew Kuma, one of the Black Empire’s Seven Warlords of the Sea. He was an intimidating-looking creature with iris-less and wide eyes, and held a big book with the title “Bible”. Through his hat, which sported fake bear ears, his real ogre ears were sprouted up. And with them, he could hear what was going on below. His stoic expression remained as he listened, paying attention to everything being said between the leaders of the two most powerful governments in the world.

“Princess Celestia.” Akainu greeted with contempt.

Holding him in the same regard, Celestia greeted back, “Fleet Admiral Akainu.”

The purple tiger creature Fujitora then spoke, “Seems someone strong has appeared.”

“Yeah,” replied Aokiji coolly, “The Princess of Equestria, Celestia.”

“Oh!” Fujitora gasped, looking flushed. He began brushing his robs and licking his fur in tidying himself up. “I didn’t know we were going to be entertaining royalty. This old fool must look a mess.”

Overhearing the admirals, Celestia looked around her opposite to them. She surprisingly smiled and then replied to the bipedal tiger, “I think you look handsome, Issho.”

“Ho-ho-ho,” laughed Fujitora, or Issho, jollily and looking embarrassed, “you flatter this old timer, Princess.”

“Hey now,” Aokiji spoke up putting on the smooth for the princess, “don’t I get a compliment.”

Now, Celestia directed her attention to the only other pony in the group. She raised her brow at the stallion looking somewhat unimpressed with him.

A sentiment that Aokiji quickly caught on, and winced mentally. “Ouch.” He replied back in a joking manner.

“Enough!” shouted Akainu irritated, done with this trivial display.

“Oh ho~,” spoke Kizaru amused, “looks like we’re in trouble now.”

Akainu ignored the admiral. He instead asked angrily to the princess, “Why are you here?”

“Protecting Equestria’s friends.” Celestia stated serious.

Instantly, Akainu glared at the princess in outrage. Whatever did she mean by protecting “friends”; had they entered some kind of alliance?

“Ooh,” spoke Kizaru with lackadaisical surprise. “Didn’t see that coming, ne~.”

The red-furred canine growled at the monkey creature, silencing the admiral. Keeping that scowl, he returned to facing the princess. “Move aside, Princess.”

In response, Celestia reaffirmed her spot in front of the Diamond Dog. “You have no authority over me nor this city, Fleet Admiral.”

A sudden cheer came from over on the wall. The citizens had heard the princess and were cheering and supporting her vocally. Celestia of course heard the cheers and graciously acknowledged the crowd, which sent them into an even louder celebration.

On the other hand, the citizens’ cheers only made Akainu angry and annoyed. “Quiet!” He roared, immediately silencing the crowd.

“It can’t be helped, Akainu.” Celestia told the canine poised. “If my home was being invaded but then stopped by a kindly neighbor, I would cheer for the neighbor as well.”

“This is for justice.” Akainu stated assertively. “And justice is absolute.”

Celestia groaned in annoyance. “That phrase,” she told him displeased, “your predecessor was so much more reasonable.”

Akainu growled. “I am not Zephyr.”

“Clearly.” Celestia stated unimpressed.

Again, Akainu growled though now louder. “Nevertheless, this city has committed several crimes against the Empire and the Navy. Harboring outlaws, withholding information, and obstruction of justice.”

“This is a neutral city-state,” Celestia stated knowingly.

“But it only remains so as long as it does not impede the pursuit of justice for either of our governments.” Akainu affirmed strictly.

“You’re foolish to think that the actions of individuals constitutes the persecution of an entire city.”

“Not just the city,” Akainu stated in a shrewd manner.

Immediately, a naval soldier approached the fleet admiral cautiously. As he was a unicorn, he was thus carrying a stack of brown papers within his magic aura. Coming only halfway though, he narrowed the distance by having his magic float the papers to the fleet admiral. Once they floated next to him, Akainu swiftly grabbed the first of the papers and held it up to the princess.

“You are also guilty.”

Celestia did not gasp; she had expected what she saw. She remained calm but she did visibly look unpleased with what was on the paper. Completely she was unable to counter.

Thus, after placing his arm down, Akainu spoke out justly, “You have failed to maintain and control the bearers to the elements of Harmony, and allowed them to join pirates. We will not stand this. The elements of Harmony are to be handed over to the Empire as soon as possible, and the bearers place into our custody to be trialed and or jailed.”

Despite what she had seem, Celestia stated firmly, “I will do no such thing.”

“You would side with criminals!” shouted Akainu in outrage.

“I would side with my pupil, her dear friends, and everything that they stand for.” Celestia affirmed unabashed. “For I trust them as much as my advisors and soldiers.”

Immediately, Akainu commanded to his soldiers, “Take the princess into custody for the obstruction of justice.”

Somewhat surprised by this, Celestia let out a curt though undignified snort in derision. “Do you believe I will go willingly?” She asked sarcastically.

“Look around you, Princess.” Akainu stated as he threw up both paws out, gesturing to his forces. “Not even a lone Alicorn could take this many forces on all at once.”

This time, the Alicorn mare chuckled calmly and unintimidated, clearly knowing something that no one else knew. So she replied, “And, what makes you believe I would defend this city alone?”

Glaring at the princess, Akainu disbelieved her claim at first. It was only after his eyes glowed a quick flash of red that his attitude quickly changed. Unsettled, he looked away from the princess and out towards the sea. He snarled in annoyance as if there was something out their displeasing him.

Likewise, having done the same as their leader, the admirals were on alert. “Oh boy.” Aokiji muttered with annoyance, relaying the same opinion as his colleagues.

Akainu looked back at the princess, outraged. “You dare…!”

“I may speak softly, Fleet Admiral,” Celestia said poised. Then, her necklace jewel began to glow, mentally activated by herself. “But I also carry a big stick.”

“Hey! That’s the signal!”

“Not so loud, Garp, we’ll lose the element of surprise.”

“Bwahahaha! I’m think they already know, Sengoku. Or else she wouldn’t be calling us, bwahahaha!”

“Grr. Take this seriously!”

An experienced female voice spoke up, “Enough of your brattling, you old fools. The princess requires us.”

“Begin to surface!”

Deep in the waters, where light could only barely reach, there came single flash of light from within the murk. It flashed again and again doing so methodically like sending a message. When that one light stopped, no sooner after had another flashing light appeared like a reply. At first it was one but then two more flashes came in different spots. From two, more and more flashes began appearing. Lighting the ocean depth like fireflies in the night sky. Then, it all at once stopped. No sooner after, large shadows began ascending from the darkness and the depths of the sea. First one, then three, ten more, and so many more began heading towards the surface. Soon, the light began to shine on what these shadows were, and they were ships. Large and strong battleships much like what the Black Navy had, except these ships bore on their sails the symbol of the Marines of Equestria as well as flying the Equestria flag. They were not unprotected though as they sailed through the water at full sail. Each and every ship had a layer of film covering its entire body with a bubble dome around the decks. Also, attached to each one was a cube of wood tied to strings that seem to lead them up; Kuuigosu or Banyan wood chips, extremely buoyant wood. Higher and higher they the ships rose, following the lead – and most ornate – ship.

Coincidentally, along the coast of Water 7 on one of the many scrap islands, young Usopp was sitting down and having a good and thought-provoking talk with himself. “Let’s see,” the yellow unicorn said as he looked into his notebook of jotted-down notes.

“Or.” He then turned a few pages by his magic until stopping at one page. “Yeah, tactic number 32.”

He then began acting out a scenario. “’La-dee-da-da,’” he said while pretending to look he was fishing. “’What a beautiful day for fishing’.” Then, he gasped with surprise. “’Oh, Luffy! How’re you doing? Why don’t you grab a line and fish with me?’” He paused a moment, like someone was giving him an answer to which he had already predicated.

“’What? Yeah, of course I forgive you all, and I’ll gladly join back as your--”

Then, the lead ship surfaced with a huge splash in front of the unicorn, shocking him greatly. “Aah!” He only stopped screaming as the wave produced crashed down on him. Luckily, the wave only pushed him further inland and left him a babbling and frightened pony. Mumbling incoherent things like “invading Fishponies” and “playing dead”. For now, he would remain motionless until he felt the coast was clear.

Of course, the ship hadn’t realize this and simply awaited the rest of its fleet. Once it was steady on the surface though, the film popped like a bubble. Soon, one by one, the other ships began surfacing out of the water. Each one had its bubble-like film pop as it reached proper atmosphere. Every ship reached the surface safely, and the numbers now rivaled that over the Black Navy’s own just opposite them. On the lead ship, three high-ranking and senior officers stepped forward to take command. Leading them all was Fleet Admiral Sengoku, and to his left was General Garp, who had no real authority over the Marines but is still considered an officer for his seniority. Then, there was the officer on Sengoku’s left, an admiral. A wrinkled yet strong old mare whose dark blue coat was already fading and her mane greyed by age. Like the stallions, she too wore the “White Justice” overcoat that many high-ranking officers wear. She is Admiral Tsuru, often considered the second-in-command of Equestria’s naval forces.

“Let’s do this…” Tsuru said aloud with some discontent.

Sengoku gave a nod forward, which was caught by the helmsman. Immediately, all the ships began sailing forward. The fleet didn’t have far to travel; only into better positions to counter should the other ships fire back. As they lined up near the Black Navy ships, the size difference could be made clear; the Marines’ ships were smaller yet they appeared much faster. Nevertheless, they were not intimidated. So much so that they were already taking aim with their own cannons at the larger ships. Of course, the Navy too took aim as well. Every ship was at a stand-off and every soldier and officer was on edge. That is except the senior officers Sengoku, Garp, and Tsuru. While the fleet admiral and admiral were more concerned and calculating of the situation, Garp simply looked excited with his large, cheerful grin.

“Let’s beat the hell outta those punks.” Then, Garp was suddenly hit by a thrown, folded-up, paper fan. “Ow!” He shouted immediately in pain.

“Honestly, Garp.” Tsuru said in reproach, having been the one to throw the fan. “We’re not here to start a war.”

As he rubbed his goose-egg lump, Garp whined childishly, “That’s basically what she said to prepare for. You know that.”

Tsuru replied with silence. Neither denying nor agreeing with the stallion out of principle and disgusted by the idea of a war occurring.

“Nonetheless,” Sengoku spoke as he peered ahead at their princess. He could see she was not alone and that she had some dangerous company. But he was not afraid; only concerned.

“Let us go to our princess’ side.”

Meanwhile, back to Usopp, the unicorn had noticed the big, scary ships had overlooked him. Of course, he soon noticed that they were Equestrian ships. Now confused, he decided that he had taken long enough to practice his scenarios. He left the scrap island hurriedly; off to find his friends so that they could accept him back.

“What do you mean there’s Equestrian ships here?” shouted Twilight both confused and worried.

High above the group, Rainbow Dash called back down, “It’s like I said, there’s a ton more ships surrounding this place, and they all have our flag on them.”

After the initial shock of finding out the Black Navy was here, the Straw Hats had quickly taken off to reach their new ship. Since so many of its citizens had gone to see the commotion, the Straw Hats had no problem with getting pass others. Unfortunately, they hadn’t a single Yagura Bull to their name and thus had to traverse the city on their own hooves. They had gotten halfway through the city when Rainbow Dash had again decided to take to the skies to see what the enemy was doing. As such, she witnessed the rise of the Equestria naval force from around the other half of the city. Now, with this new information, the group was confused, especially those like Twilight who understood how unusual this occurrence was on a political scale.

“Empire and Equestria ships in the same area?!” Twilight said panicky. “This is unheard of!”

Still confused, Nami asked, “Is it?”

“It’s practically a military protocol to for each force to remain out of seeing distance from the other. Standardly, at least 10 nautical miles away.”

“Well, looks like protocol is done with.” Zoro stated discouragingly.

“Strange that just when the Empire’s military comes in, Equestria’s does too.” Robin observed critically.

As concerned as his friends, Spike thought over the situation a bit. He hummed with thought as something in the back of his brain nagged at him. A hazy memory only a few days old. Thus, as he did, he let out a mumble, “Maybe…”

“Yeah?” asked Chopper.

“I…kinda remember something a few days ago.” Spike said unsure.

“Does it relate to what’s happening now?” Chopper asked anxious.

Spike tried thinking a little harder. As he did, he stuck out his tongue and closed one eye trying hard to remember what it was nagging at him. He tried hard; but in the end, nothing came up. Thus, he sighed and muttered disappointingly, “I’ve got nothing.”

This was disheartening, but no one had expected much. With Rainbow Dash joining back with them, the group felt that there was no use in worrying over the details. They would continue on until they got to their new ship. Hopefully, they would be able to escape, but the fear of capture as still there.

“Oh Oda,” Nami said fearful, “what are we going to do?”

Suddenly, the voice of Iceberg shouted, “Straw Hats!”

Before they could move forward, their attention was caught by a shout. On the other side, a large group was blocking their path, but not out of spite or ill-intentions. No, in fact, they knew the group quite well. It was the Franky Family as well as Iceberg himself. While the mayoral stallion looked fine, the group of orcs and gremlins looked exhausted. Amongst the Franky Family’s group, Zambai, Keiv, and Tamagon were with them.

“Iceberg!” Nami said surprised.

“And the Franky Family.” Rainbow Dash said also surprised.

Thus, after a moment of catching his breath, Zambai spoke up relieved, “I’m glad we found you guys before you got to your ship.”

Iceberg approached the pirates, his expression forewarning and serious. “Mwell, I’m guessing you’ve already seen the situation going on around Water 7?”

“Yeah, we’ve heard.” Applejack said, none too pleased about it.

The mayor of Water 7 nodded. “I thought so.” He said.

“Hey, Ice-guy!” Luffy called out cheerfully from atop Funkfreed. “How’s the ship.”

Momentarily, Iceberg responded with a proud smile. “She’s a real beauty, Straw Hat. Franky did a good job designing her.”

Luffy giddily laughed. “Awesome!”

“But before you can head to your ship,” Iceberg said becoming serious, “I must ask you something important.”

“Is there something wrong?” asked Rarity worried.

Robin also asked, “Is this about the appearance of the Black Navy?”

“No, actually.” Iceberg answered easily. “That’s being taken care of by the Sun Princess herself.”

Twilight immediately gasped. “Princess Celestia is here?! Why?”

“I’ll explain…” Iceberg stated.

“I figured the Empire would not so easily give up on your capture, and I’m sure that I and the city will be taking the blame so they can save face. Not only this, but they may suspect that I may still have knowledge on the ancient weapon. Luckily, I have been in talks with Princess Celestia for a while now. Ever since I first became president of the Galley-La Company to expand business. It is only now in urgency that requested protection, which is why I used your dragon friend to send a message quickly as well as a deal. Water 7 would join in an alliance with Equestria, and a few other likeminded nations opposing the Empire’s power.”

The most of the group gasped with surprise. “Wow!” shouted many of the group.

“Spike!” Twilight called out in surprise, almost betrayed, before looking up at the little dragon on the elephant. “Why didn’t say anything?”

Spike just looked at everyone confused and nervous. “I…”

“Mwell, he was sleepy,” Iceberg admitted guiltily, “I had not wanted to worry everyone right after you had gone through so much.”

Immediately, Iceberg then bowed apologetically to Twilight. “I am sorry for not having asked properly, but speed was of the essence.”

Twilight felt a bit guilty, especially for having such an important pony apologize to her. It did not help that she had about to reprimand her assistant. As she now understood the situation, she calmed down and accepted it. “I understand.” She told Iceberg.

Then, the purple unicorn turned to Spike. “Sorry, Spike.” She said with apologetic smile.

“Aw,” Spike said embarrassed, “it’s fine, really.”

Iceberg raised his head up, smiling contently. Then, he got back to his point. Looking at Luffy, he spoke, “Now, I and the members of the Franky Family have something important to ask of you, Captain.”

“Hmm?” Luffy said attentively.

Iceberg looked back to the head of the group. “Zambai…”

Zambai nodded and stepped forward. “You’re pirate friend, Jack, showed us these earlier.” He said concernedly. He then tossed the papers in front of the group, but keeping one in hand.

“We thought you would want to see them as well.” Zambai continued saying.

As the papers spread out and landed, and in a remarkably orderly fashion for all to see, the Straw Hats looked at them with intrigue. Then, with a mixture of shock, amazement, and even horror, the group gasped

“They’re bounty posters.” Nami pointed out surprised.

Indeed, laid out before the group were wanted posters; their wanted posters. Not just for Luffy, Zoro, and Robin only with updated bounties, they now included the whole original crew of the Straw Hats. Each with their own picture unique to the individual. With the exception of Sanji, who received a near accurate (sort of, not really) picture drawing for his wanted poster. By no means, it was hardly complimentary for the stallion. Nevertheless, each read as followed:

“Straw Hat” Monkey D. Luffy
Bounty – 300 million belis

“Shishi, awesome.” Luffy said.

“Pirate Hunter” Roronoa Zoro
Bounty – 120 million belis

Zoro smirked with intrigue and pride.

“Cat-Burglar” Nami
Bounty – 16 million belis

Nami looked angry at her (sexy) picture. “That lying photographer…” She mumbled.

Sogeking (really Usopp)
Bounty – 30 million belis

Currently, Usopp was running through the town looking for his friends. He was heading straight for their vacant hideout. None the wiser that they had already left.

“Blue Leg” Sanji
Bounty – 77 million belis

Sanji was simply speechless. After all, his drawn picture of his face looked horrible.

“Cotton Candy Lover” Tony Tony Chopper
Bounty– 50 million belis

“No way!” shouted Chopper amazed. After all his time with the crew, he had finally gained a bounty, and now felt like a real pirate.

“Devil Child” Nico Robin
Bounty – 80 million belis

Robin only chuckled amusedly. Her bounty hadn’t gone up that much since she had been a child, but she was nonetheless proud of it. Not only that, but they had also updated her picture; from when she was a child to now as an adult. And dismantling the navy soldiers around her no less.

It was then that the original Straw Hat crew noticed that there were still more bounty posters. “Whoa!” Nami exclaimed, sharing the same sentiment as her crew.

For not only had the original Straw Hats received either a bounty or an updated bounty, but there were also wanted posters for the Mane Six and Spike too. Interestingly, all but Spike’s had something different about them then the others; they all were wanted “Alive”. And, unlike with the previous group’s posters, they each had a picture taken by camera. Of course, similarly, each picture captured a moment of them that showed their fierceness and drive like a pirate.

“Sorceress Supreme” Twilight Sparkle
Bounty – 40 million belis

“Oh dear.” Twilight said worriedly. She dreaded to think what would happen if her parents, her brother, or Princess Celestia would say about this.

“Buckin’ Cowgirl” Applejack
Bounty – 35 million belis

Applejack gave out an impressed whistle, though not necessarily happy. “Don’t that beat all,” she commented.

Rainbow “Crash” Dash
Bounty – 36 million belis

“How?!?!” Rainbow Dash shouted in frustration. She did not enjoy the idea that her wanted poster had her fillyhood nickname on it.

Rarity “the Enchantress”
Bounty – 34 million belis

“Hey! He lied to me too.” Rarity said indignantly, referring to the same photographer as Nami had been. She too had posed rather suggestively.

“Beast Whisperer” Fluttershy
Bounty – 28 million belis

Not really concerned with her bounty, she instead attempted to comfort Rainbow Dash. “Sorry, Rainbow,” she said sympathetically, “but at least your picture is cool.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t argue against that logic; her picture of her flying karate kick with her rainbow trail behind looked awesome. Still, that nickname was still on there. Thus, she was caught in an emotional equivalent of a rock and a hard place on her bounty poster. So, she joined Sanji in the “Our bounty poster kinda sucks” club.

“Cannoneer” Pinkie Pie
Bounty – 32 million belis

“Neat!” Pinke Pie said happily.

“Green Fire” Spike
Bounty – 10 million belis

“What?!” Spike shouted indignantly. “Why am I not wanted alive?!”

Iceberg answered, “Clearly because they know that you six,” he referred to the Mane Six, “are the bearers of the elements of Harmony. Even out here, those gems are hailed as greatest weapon against the forces of evil.”

“Then, shouldn’t our bounties be the same price?” asked Rarity confused. “Not like I like my price – 34 million seems hardly my worth as a lady and fashionista – but why make them all different.”

Sanji explained, “Bounties can also reflect your strength. They are treating all of you like potential threats. Enough that most of you can be consider more dangerous than the sniper doofus, but that you are also somepony of importance with that ‘alive’ status.”

“That would mean compared to Rainbow,” Twilight spoke analytically, “I’m more dangerous.”

“Magic like yours Twilight is very rare outside of Equestria” Robin stated, looking proud. “Even a country full of magic, Free Magic is a key trait that only an Equestrian unicorn can possess.”

“So, every last one of us got a bounty.” Nami said despairingly. “No wonder the Black Empire is here.”

Fluttershy spoke up worriedly, “What’s going to us happen now then? If we’re wanted, doesn’t that mean we’re criminals in Equestria too?”

“The princess seemed pretty okay having us around.” Zoro suggested apathetically.

“Oh yeah.” Fluttershy said in realization then began smiling embarrassed.

“Plus, even if the Empire sets a bounty, it’s not always officially recognized in other countries.” Twilight stated knowingly.

“I’m glad to hear that.” Iceberg said contently, before suddenly becoming distressed. “Because we” referring to himself and the Franky Family, “have a favor to ask of you.”

“Hmm?” Luffy said surprised. “You do?”

It was now Zambai’s turn to speak. “Yeah. Look, I’m sure you guys are worried about your situation, but this is the reason why we sought you out.” The orc then laid down another wanted poster. The pirates then immedaitely gathered to look at the single and last bounty poster.

“Cyborg” Franky
Bounty – 44 Million belis

“Whoa, Franky got one too.” Luffy said amazed.

“And it’s bigger than Twilight’s too!” Pinkie Pie stated surprised.

“Yeah,” Zambai said worriedly, “that’s the problem.”

Kiev, a brown-haired orc, spoke, “He’s wanted by the Empire now! You guys know we’d do anything to protect our Big Bro, but – let’s face it – we’re not strong enough to beat everything.”

“And there’s no way we could rescue him again by ourselves.” Tamagon said painfully.

“So, we’re begging you….!” Zambai spoke before dropping to his knees. Tamagon and Kiev quickly joined with their leader. The others of their group soon followed all attempting to appeal to the Straw Hats.

“Please! Take our Big Bro out to sea with you!”


Author's Note:

Explanation time!

First and foremost, Chopper. Whoa! He finally got the bounty he always dreamed about! Why is it so big? Because, since this world has far more strange things and a talking reindeer isn't one of them, the Empire clearly sees him for the threat he is. Ironically though, he kept the nickname. :derpytongue2:

Next, Sanji: just changed the color. In the pic, and maybe the story, he doesn't wear black pants. So now, "Blue Leg". Still, he gets the badly interperted picture

While the initial reason why the Mane Six was explained, he's a bit further meaning that excelled them from just being a straight 30 million.

Twilight Sparkle: They explained it; Twilight's "Free Magic" is a rarity outside of Equestria, and even then... The fact that she can do so much is scary. Not like a certain country yet to be seen; Fiore. Unpredictability is scary. Thus, "Sorceress Supreme".

Applejack: Well, duh, on the name. I consider her to be physically the strongest of her friends with Rainbow Dash only one upping.

Rainbow Dash: Being the most athletic, as well as the speediest, she definitely placed high for a bounty. Also, a funny way to bring back that nickname XD

Rarity: I think this one was obvious; her beauty could rival the likes of a certain "Pirate Empress". We saw it at work. Her bounty was going to be higher, but I think her tendency to avoid a fight and use her smarts brings the count down a bit.

Fluttershy: I'm sure getting Spandam's elephant to join her side had a big impact on the Navy soldiers. Because of her timid nature and non-fighting stance though, her bounty had actually been reduced.

Pinkie Pie: Had a hard time with the naming, but then I remembered how much she kept using her cannon in this story. Thus, "Cannoneer". With her ability to think quickly and surprise anyone (and break reality for a joke), she got the fourth highest bounty for the group.

Finally, Spike. Yep, he got shoehorned with the lowest bounty; but honestly, it's not as low as Chopper's was original.

That's all for me! The end is coming, guys. This story will end soon.

Until next time, Ja Ne!