• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 7,507 Views, 604 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

Strong Determination!

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…

"Hello? Hello!"

"Yes, Chief." Kaku was the one to respond.

"Finally! I got the right one. Though not like it matters anymore. There's no turning back now, I pushed the button. Of all things, I triggered the Buster Call!"

"How…" Twilight spoke in utter confusion. "How could a pony just…"

"This is the power that the Black Empire has, Twilight." Robin spoke, her voice slightly shaky and emotional with anger and sadness. "They have the power to silence anything within their realm no matter how small or how big. This is what lies beyond Equestria. This is the 'darkness' that lies outside the 'light'."


"Vent!" Franky fired immediately and the ball of super compressed air shot forth, and hit the steel door with a resounding boom.

"Ye-ow!" He shouted in cheer, "That was totally super!"

"Come on!" Spike said hurriedly as he waddled down the stair. "We gotta hurry to get to Twilight, Big Bro Luffy, and Robin!"

All agreed with the dragon, but one stayed behind. "You all go on ahead." Sogeking/Usopp said in heroic tone, appearing brave. "I'll stay behind to inform your friends of this tunnel."


"Rares, I might know how we can get the drop on her."

Suddenly, Applejack was pushed out of the way by Rarity, who was now poised to be stabbed by the incoming attack. And so, by the fourth second, Kalifa's sharp-like horn pierced into the body of Rarity instead of Applejack.

"AHH!" Rarity let out a scream in pain.

Before even giving the situation a look over, Sanji landed and already had an assertion prepared. "Applejack! Rarity! Don't worry, I'm-"

"We Got This!"

Both mares shouted as Applejack delivered the finishing blow. Kalifa was then sent bursting through the wall, and the next one, and the next one, and the next breaking anything and everything in her path. Finally, at the fifth wall she was stopped but now indented into the wall. Kalifa was defeated, and out for the count.

They had defeated one of CP9, and a member that had caused personal injury to both. The odds were against them, but they prevailed. And together, they shared the same thought;

We did it!

Luffy & Twilight: We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don't ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn't matter who or what's standing in our way,
We'll make it through them everyday

You won't get anywhere if you're waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can't wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we're Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You'll feel a joy inside that you can't explain
And that's the treasure we must find!

We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

At Navy Headquarters, the battleships for the Buster Call were already sailing off. And still overseeing all of this, of course, was Vice Admiral John Giant of Navy Headquarters. He stood before the naval vessels – taller than him by a few feet – at the docks as the last of the ships left port for their target and destination; Enies Lobby. He stood by watching in stoic silence while also looking commanding and unwavering. Everything about this protocol was absolute. Enacting a Buster Call meant there were no room for error. Anyone that questioned this would be dealt with harshly.

"Vice Adirmal John Giant." A young yet commanding voice suddenly broke through the silence surrounding him that immediately caught the sleipnir's attention. The giant pony turned his head and looked down as five young creatures, one of whom he knew of.

"Ms. Satsuki…" The sleipnir replied calmly.

John Giant soon turned fully to the group, keeping his stoic appearance and stone-faced expression. Looking down at the group on individuals, he admitted that they were impressive-looking, but arrogant in his opinion. Nevertheless, this set of young creatures that stood apart from the usual rabble of their navy soldiers; only in their late youth compared to the adults that entirely made up the Navy. Four stood in front of one, clearly protecting the one that was "Ms. Satsuki". She was a light-blue coat unicorn that had a mane long and black wearing a uniform akin to their naval uniforms if only for school-age ponies. On her hip was a sword sheathed in a white scabbard. Her posse was composed of mostly young males and only one other female, all wearing similar uniforms but with black stars stitched on them somewhere. Each had a unique style to their uniform as well; the pink Lamia (front half pony, back half snake) dressed like a band conductor, one Earth pony wore his plainly as a uniform with only a few minor additions, a Gizmonk (intelligent monkey with a lightbulb at the end of his tail) dressed similarly to a samurai, and a blue and thin Diamond Dog dressed up with a high-collar and wore glasses. If he recalled correctly there were; Jakuzure, Gamagori, Sanageyama, and Inumuta, who made up the unicorn's personal "Elite Four" that helped run their program.

"What does the head of our "Young Justice" program want with me at this moment?"

Despite looking both stern and displeased for whatever reason, the young unicorn responded politely and courteous. "I request that my school take participation in this 'Buster Call' that the Navy is currently conducting."

The sleipnir looked unamused with this petition. "And why should I do that?" He asked forthwith.

Suddenly, the Earth pony Gamagori – who suddenly grew to almost John's size in an instant – approached the pony with anger and outrage. "You Dare Question Our Lady's Demands?!" he shouted, "You Will Give Her The Respect She Deserve, You Military Dog!"

"Tch." The Diamond Dog Inumuta scoffed as if being insulted by the comment.

Being next to him, the Gizmonk Sanageyama snickered mockingly. Of course, this only made the tall dog creature madder; even glaring at the monkey.

John Giant looked displeased with the young stallion. But before he could give the young upstart a good thrashing, Satsuki spoke up first. "Gamagori!" she shouted, "Hold your tongue."

Surprised, the suddenly huge pony looked back at his leader, his size and rage dropping instantly back to his normal, large self. "But Lady Satsuki…!" He said confused.

"I apologize for my subordinate, Vice Adimral John Giant." The unicorn said apologizing with dignity. "He is boisterous but loyal, he meant no disrespect."

Nevertheless, John was unamused still. "Be grateful that your program is the future of the Navy. Or else I'd teach the lot of you some respect."

Lowly, the Elite Four growled threateningly. Clearly not liking being looked down on; figuratively speaking.

"As for your request." John said getting back to topic. "What interest is it to you?"

"It's as you stated." Satsuki answered cleverly, "We are the 'future of the Navy', and I believe that gives us the right to participate in the matter."

"Even so," John Giant stated immediately, "your request is denied."

All four of Satsuki's elites were about to argue against the denial, in defense of their leader who remained silent and stoic, but before they could a voice spoke up. "Now, now, Vice Admiral. We shouldn't be too hasty in denying her request."

Everyone looked back and were shocked and surprised to find Admiral Aokiji walking towards them with his bike alongside him. Immediately, both John Giant and Satsuki followed by her elites saluted the high-ranking officer. "Admiral Aokiji, sir." They all replied dutifully.

"Woah, take it easy guys, no need to be so formal." The tall stallion said towards the younger members coolly. When he stopped, standing in front of the youth, he then spoke with interesting, "You're idea of coming along ain't such a bad idea, but I definitely have to deny participation. That all right with you, Lady Satsuki?"

The unicorn nodded, keeping her salute up. "That is acceptable, sir."

"Admiral Aokiji!" John Giant spoke up with disdain. "I don't think that would wise for them to witness such an act like the Buster Call."

"Don't worry." Aokiji stated still remaining cool. "I'll be going with them to supervise. They won't be in any harm if I'm going, yeah?"

John Giant went quiet for just a moment. Seeing the logic in his superior's decision, the giant capitulated. "Very well, sir."

The unicorn admiral smiled. "Thanks for understanding." He then continued his path down the docks. With him, Satsuki's group joined him, trailing behind slightly with Satsuki leading.

The sleipnir watched on, still disdained by the decision. But in seeing that there was nothing he could do or say, he remained silent. He then simply walked off as he needed to oversee other things within Navy Headquarters.

As they walked with the admiral, Satsuki spoke up to the stallion. "Interesting that you accepted my request."

"I simply believe this will be a good learning opportunity for the students of Honnōji Academy." Aokiji stated relaxed. "But you all will only be observing the Buster Call. Understand."

"Understood, sir." Satsuki said respectfully.

With that, there was silence among the group as they walked across the dock. Looking concerned, Jakuzure slithered on ahead of her fellow elites to Satsuki. She whispered into the mare's ear, "Are you sssure about thisss, Lady Ssatssuki?"

"You're lisping..." Satsuki commented.

"Whoops, sorry." The lamia said, immediately fixing her speaking condition.

The unicorn then answered quietly, "And yes, if Inumuta's information is correct, then it's all the more imperative to see this event."

Jakuzure said no more. She accepted the decision of their leader, and her longtime friend. She thus slithered on back

The group soon approached their ship; a repurposed battleship. Onboard, several hundred young ponies – and only ponies – stood about and at attention. They all wore similar uniforms; the simplest version of the uniforms worn by the Elite Four. Only some students also wore their uniforms with one- or two-stars on them. Every one of them stood by loyally, and saluted as the group began walking on board the ship. As they continued on walking on board, the group of them passed a rather interesting pony. A pony with a light pink coat and a rather dumb-looking yet happy expression on her face while carrying a huge backpack. Not one of Satsuki's group paid her any mind, though Aokiji actually kept looking at her even after passing her.

"Students of Honnōji Academy!" Satsuki shouted commandingly to all aboard the ship. "Prepare to set sail!"

"Hai!" shouted all the students together.

"Yeah!" Except for the pink mare with the backpack. She clearly was someone outside the norm for this group, who just barely tolerated her.

"Mankanshoku!" roared Gamagori in disciplinary fury.

Strong Determination!
Our Anger Drives Us to Fight on

"Holy cow! You guys were awesome!"

Far from Navy Headquarters, we return back to the island always in daylight Enies Lobby. While panic swept through the main part of the island, due to the oncoming arrival of the Buster Call, those in the Tower of Law still faced with adversity and conflict. But recently, victory had come to some. In the room of the now-unconscious Kalifa, Applejack and Rarity – the victors – were being helped by Sanji with Rainbow Dash gushing over them from witnessing their victory. The fighting mares had achieved victory, but they had also been heavily injured. The young unicorn had the worst of it, having taken the hit – and receiving a deep puncture wound – to give them the win. The Earth pony of course had her share of wounds, but her constitution as an Earth pony allowed her to push through. Even after using as much of energy to perform the finishing move, she was already standing again. Though not a doctor, Sanji did his best with his basic knowledge to patch up his friends. He did more so than Rainbow Dash, though her endless chatter expressing her amazement for the two was definitely lifting her friends spirits; even more so than just the plain fact of their victory.

"I mean seriously guys, what was that!" The cyan Pegasus stated with joyful disbelief. "Applejack, I've never seen you kick someone with that much power!"

Breathing out, Applejack flashed her excited friend a humble smile. "Well, it was certainly somethin'. Good thing it was enough to take out Ms. Secretary."

"And Rarity!" Rainbow Dash shouted suddenly. "I can't believe you would do that, taking a hit to give AJ a shot at taking her down!"

Before speaking, Rarity winced and whined slightly as Sanji finished tending to her wound. "It…wasn't me who came up with it." She stated with a matter-of-fact smile. "Applejack was the one who was going to create an opening, but seeing how I lack such tools to finish Ms. Kalifa properly I thought it best to give her the chance instead."

Applejack frowned. "You still shouldn't have done that, Rares."

"Oh please, darling." Rarity scoffed with ridicule. "Let's not fret over the 'could have's and 'should have's. What matters is we won."


"Granted, I am simply appalled that this will scar." Rarity added somewhat selfishly before returning to a more dignified mood, smiling. "But I shall wear it like a badge of honor nonetheless."

The Earth pony wanted to state some fact to try to change her friend's mind, but found that with her last statement she could not. Applejack understood that Rarity had been right on certain things, and she accepted that. Still, her own feelings told her that she should have never put her friend in that kind of position. They had been lucky this time, but what about the next?

"My ladies," Sanji spoke up sounding downtrodden and disappointed, "you two shouldn't be arguing about this to each other. If it's anypony's fault, it's mine for being removed from the situation. I'm sorry."

"Oh Sanji-kun." Rarity said teary-eyed and remorseful. "Please don't feel bad, your situation was a bit sticky."

Nodding, Applejack also responded, "Darn tootin'. I almost got myself in the same problem. You would've been plain useless. So don't fret none too much. At least we showed we can hold our own."

Rarity then smiled and nodded. "Indeed."

Witnessing this, Sanji's mood changed swiftly. "Oh Mellorines~" he shouted out in lovesick joy, "I think I've fallen for you all over again~!"

Both mares blushed upon hearing the stallion. But while Applejack bashfully hid her emotions under hat, Rarity was simply overjoyed in hearing this. "Oh Sanji-kun!"

"Hey, guys!" Calling out from down five rooms, Rainbow Dash had gone off when she recalled some important information. She soon flew back and in her mouth she had a key with a number 2 one it. "Looks like the others were right! She was the one with the key we needed to help out Zoro and Pinkie."

Immediately, Applejack and Rarity looked at their friend surprised. "What's up with Pinkie and Zoro?" asked the Earth pony.

"Oh right, you guys wouldn't know." Rainbow Dash commented.

"Come on." Sanji said as he picked Rarity, holding her bridal style. "I'll explain on the way, but we need to hurry to rescue Pinkie Pie."

"And Zoro." The Pegasus stated.

Despite his grievance towards the swordspony, he was instead enamored by the Pegasus' loyalty. "Waah~, you are so considerate, Rainbow-chan~!"

"Sanji~" whined Rarity, feeling betrayed romantically.

Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack simply rolled their eyes. It was hard to tell what this stallion felt when he flipped from concern to lovesick like a switch. Still, the concern that Pinkie Pie was in danger got them moving. Quickly they moved out with Rainbow Dash taking the swiftest route; crashing right through the doors. The others would have to hurry along the path to reach the room. At the moment of Rainbow Dash's entrance, Zoro and Pinkie Pie had been again ready to attack and defend against the hybrids. When the Pegasus smashed through the doors, she had also continued flying forward at these two large fighters unintentionally.

"What the?!" shouted everyone in the room with shock.

Seeing the two large creatures, Rainbow Dash tried to stop herself. "Woah!" She shouted, accidentally dropping the key as she did.

"Rainbow?!" shouted Zoro and Pinkie surprised.

As the Pegasus neared them, the two CP9 agents acted swiftly. "Soru!" Instantly, the two fighters disappeared out of the cyan Pegasus' path.

In seeing something drop down, Zoro immediately became curious. He caught the object with his sea-foam green magic and looked at it. "Huh? A key?"

"That's the key!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she abruptly stopped herself. "The one to unlock your cuffs!"

Pinkie Pie gasped happily. "Really?!"

Even Zoro smirked with gratitude. "Just in time." Then, with his magic, he took the key and placed it into the lock.

Instantly, Kaku and Jabra reappeared before the two. Both poised to attack. "But now you're out of it!" They both roared as they went to strike; one by claw and the other by his square nose.

In moments, several things seem to happen at once. While Rainbow Dash was about to shout out to her friends to dodge, Zoro used a part of his magic to all three of his swords. With the other part, he unlocked the cuffs. As the cuffs opened to release the two ponies, a rope, a small pellet, and navy blue blur flew out. As the two hybrids were about to strike, the blur – Sanji – and the pellet – Exploding Star – blocked and hit their targets; Jabra and Kaku respectively. Meanwhile, the rope had found itself around Pinkie Pie before a yank pulled her out of that situation. The pink Earth pony soon landed outside the room safely. Standing before her now was Applejack and Sogeking/Usopp; the latter of whom had just arrived in time to help.

Pinkie Pie was completely overjoyed to see her friends. "Applejack! Sogeking! You guys made it!"

"Yep!" Applejack said smiling proudly. "And just in the nick of time too."

Sogeking/Usopp gave out a hearty laugh. "Heroes always arrive at the last second to save the day." He stated in his heroic voice.

Leaning over by the wall, Rarity too smiled with her friends despite her own pain. "Thank goodness we got here in time…" She commented contently.

"Awesome!" Pinkie Pie cheered out in joy. Then, a thought crossed her mind. "Wait, then who's helping Zoro?"

At that moment, Jabra came crashing through the wall further down the hallway. Coming through with him was Sanji, who had delivered the kick that smashed the wolf-pony hybrid through the wall. Both landed on the floor, Jabra nearly slumped over the edge and Sanji standing between him and the others. Knowing this, Sanji told the group, "Hurry and get to the others!"

"You sure you don't want help?" asked Pinkie Pie curious.

Sanji didn't respond; instead, the clang of clashing swords was their answer. Pinkie Pie, as well as the others, looked down into the room to see Zoro, already adorning his black headband, fighting a humanoid giraffe. And both were fighting fiercely. Meanwhile, before them, the "wolf" was about to face the "hunter" in battle. Indeed, would either need help in their task?

"Don't worry about them, Pinkie Pie." Sogeking/Usopp told her assuredly. "They can take care of themselves. They are capable fighters."

"But is Rainbow gonna be okay." Applejack stated, looking into the room with worry.

Of course, Rainbow Dash was still in the room with Zoro and Kaku. She kept her distance away from the two clashing sword wielders tough; but at the same time, she watched them intensely. Nevertheless, with an open ceiling, the Pegasus would be okay should the worst happen.

Back with the others, Sogeking/Usopp told the group of the plan. "Rainbow Dash needs to be here when Sanji and Zoro defeat their opponents. Besides the key that unlocked Zoro and Pinkie's cuff, she has all the keys left. And once she has theirs, she can be at the bridge in a matter of seconds to free Robin."

"Ooh!" Pinkie Pie said amazed. "That's good!"

While the group was distracted, Jabra was soon recovering from Sanji's attack, and looking plenty angry too. Quickly, Sanji shouted out to get the group moving. "Get going! Before he recovers!"

Immediately, the ponies realized their time was up. "Come on!" Sogeking/Usopp said before taking off.

"Pinkie!" Applejack shouted as she assisted Rarity. "Gimme a hoof here."

"Right-o!" Pinkie Pie didn't hesitate to help. She quickly hopped next to her friend and the three of them took off behind Sogeking/Usopp. As they did, the pink mare quickly noticed why they were helping their friend.

"Rarity! What happened to you?!"

"Not now, Pinkie!" Rarity and Applejack shouted hurriedly.

"Come on… Come on…"

Now back at the Bridge of Hesitation, Twilight Sparkle and Nico Robin were still where they had been before. As outside of the room there were the Empire's naval soldiers, they thought it best to remain hidden in the room until Luffy or their friends arrived with the key. Still, Twilight thought it best to try other methods to free Robin. Unfortunately, there wasn't much luck on that. Despite her best attempts, her spells related to unlocking were somehow rendered useless. She was even attempting teleportation on a finer control level as to teleport Robin out of the cuffs. Again, unfortunately, there seemed to be a snag.

As Twilight focused, signified by her intense glow on her horn, her raspberry-purple magic surrounded most of her teacher. The only part left was her lower legs and hoofs; where the seastone cuff were located. As the magic aura creeped towards the stone cuffs, though intended to remain on Robin's body, the magic seem to almost have a mind of its own and jumped onto the cuffs. Immediately noticing this happen, Twilight groaned and canceled out her magic.

"Every time!" Twilight stated in a huff befuddled. "It's like the cuffs attract magic like a magnet."

Though she was frowning, Robin was hardly surprised by this fact. "Seastone is a very unusual material that most still don't fully understand it. But this is the first time I've heard of it being a 'magic magnet'."

Quickly losing her frustrations, Twilight soon became intrigued. "Really?" She said becoming excited, "Material that emits the 'energy' of the sea and attract magic. The applications for that would be amazing! I hope one of our friends comes with a key soon. I really want to take these cuffs back home and study its composition!"

Seeing her student so eager, despite their situation, Robin couldn't help but chuckle a little. It reminded her of back then when Twilight was only a young filly. Fondly, she thought, 'It's wonderful that she kept that part of her from back then…'

Then, a loud clank sound broke both mares from their thoughts. "What was that?" asked Twilight as she looked around.

Robin did the same; becoming immediately worried. "I have a bad feeling…"

Continuing her search, light-purple unicorn went to look outside. Carefully and cautiously, she peeked around to spy it something was occurring. At this point, the both were now hearing the grinding of gears which meant something was moving. To her surprise, Twilight saw what it was; the bridge extending out to connect to the other part of the Bridge of Hesitation. She was shocked having not noticed that this bridge actually extended further. And as she watched this, she soon caught sight of something even more discouraging than a connecting bridge. Fear soon came over her as she saw the gates – the Gates of Justice – with their bigger-than-life size begin to slowly open.

"What?!" Twilight shouted confused. She turned around immediately, about to inform her friend what was going on. "Robin!"

Already in a dead sweat, Robin replied back already knowing, "I figured as much…"

"But… How?!"

Then, the door opposite them slammed open. "Ah hah! There you are, Nico Robin!" shouted Spandam, with sword in magic ready to apprehend his prize.

Both Robin and Twilight were surprised to see the pony, but neither panicked. Quickly, Twilight jumped in front of Robin, her horn aglow with magic and with a spell in mind, prepared to defend her crewmate. "Stay back, you…you… Dumbass!"

Hearing this, Robin blinked at her student with surprise. "Twilight…"

Immediately, the younger unicorn covered her mouth. "I can't believe I said that…" She said feeling a bit conflicted. It didn't last long as she quickly reasserted herself. "But for all that you've caused, Spandam, you deserve far harsher words than that."

Of course, being called a 'dumbass' again (the second time and probably not last if this author has anything to write about it) today, Spandam was quickly in a rage. "How dare you! I am the leader of CP9 and soon-to-be the hero of the Empire! I won't be insulted by some Equestrian brat!"

That insult only helped to anger Twilight. "You don't realize do you…"

"What?" Spandam replied annoyed.

"All you seem to do is cause trouble because of your selfishness." Twilight stated loudly for the pony to hear. "First you try to take Robin away from me back when you took Sabo away from us all! Then, you hound her for years for a stupid weapon making her do things that she no choice but to do. And then you threaten her to betray the crew and me! And you do this all to be some hero?! You're not a hero! You're just small-minded pony who's drunk off his own power and whose selfishness endangers everyone around him!"

Again, Robin looked at Twilight with surprise. "Twilight…"

"But this time, I won't let you take Robin away! Ever again!"

To say that Spandam was angry would be an understatement. No; he was absolutely livid. His ego had been bruised a number of times today, but this personal insult towards him took the cake. He would've lashed out immediately with his sword except he actually recalled the memory of his first attempt to capture Nico Robin. And within it, he remembered a detail he had overlooked. "Oh, I remember now." Spandam said with an evil grin. "So that was you way back then. That little filly who looked so confused and betrayed when she heard the news about her precious 'sensei'."

Twilight growled, knowing she was being patronized. Now her anger was beginning to boil.

"Twilight!" Robin shouted out quickly, knowing what the stallion was trying to do. "Don't let him egg you on. That sword he's holding is dangerous. He's trying to bait you into attacking first."

"Yes, yes, I see now." Spandam continued as he began putting two-and-two together. "So Equestria did have something to do with Nico Robin. Hiding her from the Empire when they knew she was wanted by us. They probably knew about her talents too! But she gave them the slip before they could fool her into divulging the details of the weapon. Is that right?"

Now, it was Robin's turn to be angry. "Shut up, you fool!" She shouted, "What would you know about me? You're nothing but a pawn to the Emperor of your pathetic excuse for a 'union'. Too stupid to even realize your own mistakes!"

"And soon they will all be gone along with this island!" Spandam stated twistedly. "And once CP9 defeats the Straw Hats, I'll be hailed as a true hero in the Empire by delivering you, Nico Robin, and the Elements of Harmony!"

"Never!" shouted Twilight before charging forward.

"No!" Robin shouted in an attempt to stop her student. "Don't!"

Spandam smirked as the mare foolishly charged forward. He then immediately pointed his sword out towards the unicorn. "Ivory Darts!" He shouted. Suddenly, the sword partially transformed into an elephant – at least its head – and shot forward almost like stretching.

Seeing this, Twilight gasped in shock and abruptly stopped her charge. Before she had time to even think, the elephant head struck her. He did not stop there as he traveled further back, now with Twilight in his tusks, aimed at Robin as well. Much like her student, Robin was helpless to defend against this move and was struck as well. The elephant still did not stop and soon crashed through the wall with his targets. Being an elephant and a sword, the creature was mostly unhurt. Twilight and Robin on the other hand were not so fortunate. Once though the wall, the elephant head stop and sent the two mares falling backwards outside. Both landed on the hard stone path, but only received a few scratches and bruises from the attack. As soon after the elephant trumpeted in victory, he retreated back inside. Moments later, Spandam trotted out of the room, still smirking fiendishly.

"You see, it's hopeless for you lot." Spandam stated cruelly. "I've opened the Gates of Justice, and the transport ship is waiting to bring you to Navy Headquarters."

Unable to respond, Robin could only glare at the wicked stallion while he mocked them. Had she been freed of her cuffs by now, she would have broken his spine moments before. Unfortunately, she could only bare against it.

"You were fools to think you could escape!"

"Chief Spandam!" The evil unicorn looked over as several navy soldiers came rushing over to him; concerned after witnessing the attack. All of them armed for a fight.

In response, Spandam scoffed arrogantly. "Take care of these mares for me, sailors. They'll be shipping out for Navy Headquarters-"

Spandam was interrupted as a raspberry-colored dome knocked back himself and the navy soldiers. When he recovered, his nose broken, the villainous unicorn was shocked to see a barrier up. "What?!"

No sooner had she heard the egotistical attempt to capture, Twilight had immediately thrown up a barrier spell in an attempt to stop everyone; unknowingly, attacking them at the same time. Once it was up, she took this chance to stand up as well; protecting her teacher from the one pony that wished her serious pain. Though her own injuries would have forced her to withdraw or adhere to their enemy, she fought through it as she knew that this is where she would make her stand. For herself, for Robin, and for all her friends.

"You will never lay another hoof on Robin again!"

Currently, there was only half the time left until the Buster Call battleships would arrive. As for the situation going on in the Tower of Law, it would seem that victory would come to the invaders; the Straw Hats. On the main part of Enies Lobby, the small force that came with them were attempting to escape the Buster Call as soon as possible; but first, they had some giant ponies to free. Meanwhile, in between the Tower of Law and the Bridge of Hesitation, Nami's group had already made it past the halfway point. At the same time, Usopp's group was already beginning the trek to catch up. All that was left now was the two remaining fights in the Tower of Law. The fight between Sanji and the wolf-hybrid Jabra was intense; however, it was Sanji who would come out the victor.

"Diable Jambe…" Sanji said as he twisted his body around to attack his opponent while in mid-air. His right, back leg glowing with white-hot intensity and equally that feeling as it moved to hit his opponent. This was Sanji's new technique; Diable Jambe. With a great amount of friction added to his back hoof, this stallions kicking power was amped to fiery levels of destruction.

As for Jabra, the Zoan-user had gotten cocky. Since they were in mid-air, his Rokushiki abilities would allow him favorable movability in this type of situation. And it did; he had dodged one of his opponent's attacks and then attacked with his "Moonlight Eight-Claw Shigan" technique. Though the pony was able to knock away one of his claws, the other struck into the pony's body. However, it was here that he made his mistake. And now, his opponent had no problem getting his move to hit him.

"W-Wait!" shouted Jabra in desperation.

Of course, Sanji would never listen to his opponent's plea anyway. "Flambé…" The stallion's kick connected to the large hybrid's face with both strength and searing heat. "Shot!" At full force, Sanji's kick shot his opponent straight down towards the floor.

Jabra let a cry in pain – a number of different kinds – until he smashed into the ground level floor. Moments later, Sanji landed near the crater. As the smoke and dust settled, a clear image of the CP9 agent's defeat was clear. He laid unconscious in the ground with left side – the side Sanji had kicked – burned from the impact of the stallion's kick. This battle was over.

"God may have created food, but the Devil created spices." Sanji stated as a parting message for his opponent. At the same time, his burning hot hoof cooled down returning to normal. He then walked towards the crater, leaving one last message for the downed opponent. "If you think that kick was hot, my heart was burning even hotter."

Sanji then recovered Jabra's key. No sooner after, he recalled that Rainbow Dash had been left with Zoro several floors above him. Despite his victory, the stallion was near-exhausted from his battle; nevertheless, he pushed forward to hopefully be there in time to rescue the "damsel-in-distress".

Actually, little did he know was that Rainbow Dash was safe. More than safe; she was sitting on the edge of her seat watching the intense fight between Zoro and his opponent (Kaku).

After everyone had gotten away, Rainbow Dash had taken cover by hanging near the edge of the room to wait to receive the last of the keys. Thanks to Kaku's rage-filled attack earlier, the Sky Slicer move, there was an opening to the outside only made bigger by the constant fighting throughout the tower. This is where Rainbow Dash stayed and watched the fight, and in watching this fight she understood something about herself. For the cyan Pegasus, she could boast a lot of things about herself. Fastest in all of Equestria, and maybe even the world if she felt like it. Only Pegasus capable of creating a "Sonic Rainboom"; but one of her many tricks and feats she could perform. Her physical prowess was as good as any Earth pony with some exceptions mainly in the Apple family. Overall, she believed herself to be "awesome. But now, everything she knew she was good at seemed like mere pony tricks compared to everything she is and had seen since leaving Equestria. Her "awesomeness" felt nothing more than childish boast. In the presence of these two males, whose skills and swords are sharpened by their experience in battle, she was just above-average.

'How can I become as awesome as them…?'

Even with one other target in the room, Kaku gave his attention fully on his opponent; Roronoa Zoro. While at first his giraffe hybrid form had been clunky and uncoordinated, he had since became accustomed to this form. Enough so to really utilize it. Through experimenting in battle, he had come up with an array of new ways to fight his opponents. All of his abilities were coming together now; his Rokushiki training, his unique "Yontoryu" – four-sword – style, and the prowess of a giraffe were giving him the edge in this battle.

"Here I come…" Kaku stated eagerly. He then charged forward with his blades – two of which were his legs using the Rankyaku technique – at his opponent. For the Santoryu user, he could do nothing but block the attacks the best he could, which only boasted the Zoan user's claim.

'Damn! I can barely keep up.' Zoro thought distraught.

"Hey! What's wrong?!" shouted Kaku fiercely. "All you're doing is blocking! Give it up!"

"You don't have what it takes to defeat me!" Then, Kaku was able to land two slashes upon the unicorn.

Rainbow Dash immediately gasped seeing this. "Zoro!" She was about to jump in, out of instinct, to help her friend, but was stopped by a shout.

"Don't!" Zoro had quickly reacted in time to halt the Pegasus' attempt at a rescue. Knowing his opponent, he would not allow her to become his new target. He then swiftly recovered and attempted to strike at his opponent, which only brought situation back to him blocking the hybrid's rapid attacks.

Despite heading his warning, Rainbow Dash looked conflicted. "But…"

"Do you think it matters whether she joins in or not?!" Kaku said in referring to the Pegasus. "You all were mistaken to think you can defy the Empire and survive…"

After hearing this, Rainbow Dash disregarded Zoro's message. Now fired up with anger, she immediately she charged at the Zoan type user going as fast as she could. "Knock it off!" She shouted determinedly.

"Rainbow!" shouted Zoro.

For Kaku, knowing the Pegasus was coming was easy enough to counter. After he sent four powerful slashes to put Zoro on guard and stationary for a time. His attention then turned to the cyan Pegasus who he immedaitely attacked. "Giraffe Whip!" He then slammed his head down upon the Pegasus, smashing her into the ground.

Poor Rainbow Dash, with her spunk and determination beaten out of her with one attack, laid on the ground barely conscious and her whole body in pain. She still tried to get up, but her movement was slowed drastically. 'Come on… Get up!' She told herself, attempting to self-motivate her body to move.

"Dash!" Zoro shouted again. He then watched as his opponent prepared to finish his friend.

"Pathetic." Kaku commented onto Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash looked up, hearing the comment, and saw the imposing and frightening CP9 agent stand above her. With her wings or legs unable to move, she could only watch as the agent shouted out in righteous rage. "In the name of justice, a mistake that severe is punishable by death! The same goes for Nico Robin and all the element bearers!"

That was the final straw. Instantly, Zoro's anger and frustration reached its zenith. Suddenly, a swirling, dark purple aura surrounded him. Even his magic, once a light green, became this same color. He could feel new power forming both within and around his body; power he could use to defend his friend and beat his enemy. As his opponent attempted to strike at Rainbow Dash, Zoro moved to stop him. The moment he was by Rainbow Dash's side, Zoro pointed his sword at the giraffe-satyr, which stopped him.

"Wh…What the…!" Kaku said becoming unusually fearful. He stared down at his opponent, and yet he couldn't believe his own eyes.

What the CP9 agent was seeing was also being seen by Rainbow Dash, who looked upon hearing the male. She couldn't believe what she was seeing either. Both of them were seeing not just one sword pointed but several, created by Zoro's aura. Together, they both had the same thought, 'What was that?!'

The illusion soon disappeared around Zoro; absorbed into the pony probably. Despite his deep breathing, he stepped forward. He took his place in front of the Pegasus to protect her stallion then spoke darkly to his opponent, "You bastard… You crossed the line now."

Despite what had occurred, Kaku quickly composed himself. He didn't know what he saw, but he was not here to find answers. Seeing how his opponent was going to be stubborn, he decided to use his most devastating attack; the Rankyaku technique - Sky Slicer, the move that had cut the Tower of Law in half. Only now, with better control of his new form, he guaranteed it would be far more precise. So, he began spinning around, preparing to launch his attack and finish off both the swordspony and the mare.

Finally recovering, Rainbow Dash stood up looking frightened by what the Zoan-type user was doing. "What's going to happen?!" She shouted afraid.

"Don't worry." Zoro said calmly though seeped with anger towards his opponent. "This fight is over."

While the wind created by Kaku's spinning blew small clouds of dust out in all directions, from Zoro a disruption came parting those clouds away from him. A dark area seemed to appear as the stallion prepared his counterattack. From behind, Rainbow Dash could feel the dark-like energy coming from her friend, and yet she watched on in awe; completely unafraid.

Zoro soon lifted his two swords up and held them out crossed downward. "Demon Aura…" said Zoro. Then, like leaving an afterimage, the stallion brought his two swords back towards his chest while still leaving the same swords and position right in their spot. Once so, he continued now lifting the swords up over his head, creating the same effect only now at his chest. Completing the whole action, Zoro's head, in a motion of looking right and left, created two images of his face looking in those directions and each with a sword pointing a different direction. Even his magic formed to make a most unnatural and unholy creature with multiple arms and faces; one never seen by either Equestrian or a citizen of the Black Empire.

"Kyutoryu* Asura!"

*Nine-Sword Style

Even while spinning around, Kaku still could see his opponent as well. And he was speechless. 'It's that demon I saw before!' He thought in disbelief. 'Is he making that illusion with his strength of will alone?!'

To keep face, Kaku attempted to dissuade his opponent. "Nice try, but you're too late!"

"Is it too late for me," Zoro responded – all Zoros responded – with a glare full of enmity, "or too late for you?"

"Zoro!" shouted Rainbow Dash in trepidation.

Both opponents were ready now. Kaku launched out his Sky Slicer technique at Zoro and toward Rainbow Dash. As the air slash came at him, all of Zoro's 'arms' moved in unison, crossing each other without hurting the wielder. As the large, flying slash came at the stallion, Zoro's mind filled with the images of his friends – his crewmates – that had suffered and pushed themselves during this rescue. All of them giving it their all to rescue Robin. These images filled Zoro with not just determination to win but anger and irritation towards those that had caused all their dismay these past few days. And with these raw emotions fueling him, Zoro fiercely slashed at the Sky Slicer air-blade with all blades that he had summoned. Instantly, the Rankyaku attack began dissipating into a slivery, mist-like vapor. Zoro's hatred towards his enemy and unyielding strength had won out.

"That's impossible!" Kaku shouted in disbelief. "He slashed it into mist!"

Zoro, with his technique still active, leapt forward through the silver mist at his opponent. "You did well. I commend you." He growled out in respect. "Suffering is welcomed on the path of bloodshed."

Astounded and in awe of the technique, Kaku remained still and unmoving. He knew he had to react, to dodge the attack incoming, but he was completely unable to do so. His disbelief and pride had been destroyed; much like his strongest attack. Thus, he was wide open to the attack.

In one swift action, Zoro attacked slicing up the entire, large hybrid's body. When he landed, he held his swords within his arm-shaped aura completing his technique. "Asura, Ichibugin*!" shouted the stallion triumphantly.

*Literal: One Mist Silver/English version: Silver Mist

Despite the severity of his wounds, Kaku stood for moments though nearly unconscious. As his strength fading, so did his hold on his transformation. When he fell to his knees, he began shrinking down back to being a regular satyr; only with a black suit and hat. Once finished, Kaku fell back onto his back completely defeated and exhausted.

For Zoro, with his opponent defeated, his technique and its illusion were done. Now back to his regular three, he placed his two, floating swords back into their sheaths first. Then, he removed the Wado Ichimonji from his mouth and placed it within its sheath. He then took a moment to catch his breath, but he was not ready to be exhausted just yet.

Still sitting in her spot, Rainbow Dash stared at her friend with jaw agape. "Aw… Awesome." She said utterly amazed.

Hearing her, Zoro smirked. "Thanks." He then used his magic to remove his bandana.

Then, Zoro looked back at the satyr. "I've got a message for you…"

Still conscious, Kaku listened intently as Zoro continued. "…from your other boss over at Galley-La."

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash said confused.

"He says, 'You're all fired'."

"Paulie…?" Kaku said sorrowful.

For Kaku, as he breathed deeply repeatedly trying to gain his breath, that message of being fired spoke volumes to him. Unlike his fellow agents, he had grown fond of his life in Water 7. His acrobatic feats that amazed the people of water city filled his heart with joy. The wondrous sight of the city's architecture. The good times with people he had once called friends building ships and taking down unruly pirates. He had to admit; those were good times that he was going to miss. "I see… Fired, huh? Too bad, it'll be tough. Assassination skills don't really come in handy in other lines of work."

"You can always get a job at the zoo." Zoro stated seriously.

Surprisingly, Kaku smiled at the comment. "Hehe… Nice one…" He said weakly as he went to pick his breast pocket. From it, he pulled out his key. Though he had attempted to hold it up for his opponent to take, he was slipping into unconsciousness fast.

Before his hand fell, Rainbow Dash grabbed it. Effortlessly, the key transfer to her hoof while Kaku's hand fell limply to the grass floor. Surprised, Rainbow Dash looked at the key then at the satyr and frowned confused. "He's…smiling?" She said.

"Yeah." Zoro said with a frown as he looked down upon the same figure. The stallion gave his silent respect and pity for his opponent.

And Kaku, he laid on the floor with content. Fully accepting his fate. For in the end, the satyr known as Kaku – for all his boasts – had been a victim himself.