• Published 31st Mar 2015
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My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

The Fight Continues

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…

“Listen,” Zoro stated to Rainbow Dash scowling, “I don’t know much about magic besides the one that holds my swords, and that’s it.”

“Anything I do – any feat I perform – is by my own power. I don’t understand it completely. Maybe it was my magic reacting to my will. Or maybe I really am a demon. It doesn’t matter to me, as long as it helps me accomplish my goals.”

“Hurry and get to the bridge.” Zoro told Rainbow Dash immediately. “We’ll make find our own route to get there.”

Rainbow nodded. “On it!” She said before taking off into the sky through the opening in the room.


“Wh-What’s going on?!” Spandam shouted out confused.

With the enemies defeated, Rainbow Dash landed right in front of her friends. She grinned with pride as she proclaimed, “That’s what you get for messing with my friends.”

Twilight gasped out happily. “Rainbow!”

Instantly, a wave of relief washed over Robin as the cold cuffs feel off. The first thing she did was rub the slightly swollen spots that the cuffs had made on both legs. It helped well to sooth the tender area. Then, she began to walk a little feeling the freedom to move around how she wanted. Only after a few steps though, she stopped. “Thank you,” she said to the two younger mares happy.

Twilight looked out as well. She too saw the shadowed object in the fog. “A ship?” She said rhetorically. As she watched the ship, the fog began to lift as well. One ship become two, then four, and then as ten ships. The fog cleared to show a fleet of Black Empire battleships sailing towards them. Twilight, along with her friends, gasped with shock.

“No. Ships.” Robin corrected grimly. “The Buster Call has started…”


“Now, it would be simple just to kill you all.” Lucci stated with a sadistic smirk, which sent his potential victims a shiver in fear. But then he retracted, “But that won’t take care of the other criminals coming.”

Suddenly, Lucci lifted one of his hindlegs. “Rankyaku…” He then kicked out, but not towards the group or his opponent. He had sent the slicing wave back towards at the wall behind him. It cleanly sliced through the wall, and the sea water began rushing in immediately.

“Ah!” screamed the group in shock. Quickly, they turned and made a run for it as the water came rushing into the room.

“Hey!” Luffy shouted mad at his opponent.

“Unlike the other room, this one is above the sea level.” Lucci said informing the rubber pony. “The water won’t reach here.”

“Second…Gear.” Luffy said serious.


“Go ahead of us and secure the escort ship.” Twilight said pointing at the object. “That is our best way of escaping.”

“You got it!” Rainbow Dash said confidently. She then took off, flying low and weaving underneath the bridge, heading straight for the boat.


At the head of it all, they saw their friends and allies – Franky, Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe – running and flying for their lives. For behind the group, a cascade of water chased after them. As soon as they saw the rushing deluge, the group too began screaming.

“What the heck?!” shouted Zoro startled.

As the running group meet the other group, all were completely overtaken by the fast-streaming seawater. Everyone had been completely submerged.


Bursting out of the side of the building of the Bridge of Hesitation, a giant, red hoof destroyed nearly half the building. Not only that, a large pony-like creature had taken the full blunt of the strike. Twilight and Robin gasped in shock at the sight. Rainbow Dash too, having finished her task and heard the same thing, was utterly dumbfounded by the sight. As they continued watching, they saw the pony creature fall right on to a nearby battleship, and the giant-sized hoof suddenly shrink and retract back inside.

“What…” Rainbow Dash said stupefied. “…was that!”

Robin had an idea. “Could that be…”

“Luffy.” Twilight answered, almost sure of it.

Luffy & Twilight: We’re always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won’t stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don’t ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn’t matter who or what’s standing in our way,
We’ll make it through them everyday

You won’t get anywhere if you’re waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can’t wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we’re Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You’ll feel a joy inside that you can’t explain
And that’s the treasure we must find!

We’re always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won’t stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

“Um, Twi?”

“Yes, Sabo.”

“You sure this is safe?”

Young Twilight Sparkle, filly, looked back at her “brother” meticulously. Floating next to her via her magic telekinesis was a book along with a quill. Though it had been writing, it stopped as Twilight gave her attention to the Pegasus. Before both of them was a young Ace and a younger Luffy, the latter currently with a bellow – that accordion-looking air blowing thing – sticking into his mouth. The former was standing by, ready to contract the device at a moment’s notice, looking rather eager as well. That just left Sabo as the worrier. All of them were just outside Canterlot Castle in its famous garden.

“Of course.” Twilight stated surely. “Luffy’s body is made of rubber so there’s no way this should hurt him.”

“I know,” Sabo said casually yet remaining nervous, “but this seems a little risky.”

“Who cares!” shouted Ace grinning. “It sounds awesome. Right, Luffy.”

The young Earth pony shook his head, jiggling the bellow. “Yeah!” He said echoing into the hallow compartment.

With Sabo silenced for the moment, Twilight went back to what she was doing. “Experiment number 3,” she said while also jotting it down in her book, “Gigantification.”

“Is that even a real word?” Ace sarcastically asked, grinning childishly.

Sabo made a sigh. “This isn’t gonna end good.”

Ignoring him, Twilight gave out the command, “Begin.”

“Yosh!” Ace and Luffy said ready.

The young, orange unicorn began pumping the bellow with his own fire-colored magic aura. Air began filling into the bellow’s cavity as it expanded and then force the collected air into Luffy as it was compressed. Each time, going through this routine, Luffy’s body began expanding. It was only small at first, making him a rather pudgy colt at first. As it went on though, the rubber pony’s body began expanding to unreal proportions. Everyone just watched – some eagerly – as Luffy’s body got bigger and rounder. Soon, Luffy had become larger than ever before; nearly the size of a tree.

“Alright, Ace, stop.” Twilight said, having reached the desired size.

Ace immediately stopped. “Aw,” he said disappointed. He then removed the bellow from Luffy’s puffed up face.

Flying up, Sabo went to check on Luffy. “You okay?”

Luffy nodded. “Yeah,” he spoke, letting a gust of air flow out as he did. This then blew the young flyer backwards, but luckily did not through off his flying.

“Woah!” Sabo called out surprised but impressed.

“Try not to speak, Luffy.” Twilight called up warningly. “Don’t let any more air out.”

Tightened his lips together, Luffy hummed out, “Mmm-hmm.”

“Good.” Twilight said happily. She then began walking around her brother jotting down notes and observing as much as she could.

Sabo fluttered back over and spoke, “Twilight, you better hurry. I don’t think Luffy can hold on for much longer.”

Twilight stopped. “Alright,” she said. “Luffy! Try to move the air around within your body.”

“Yeah!” shouted Ace excited. “Let’s see you become a giant pony!”

“Ooooookaaaaaay.” As Luffy spoke, he seemed to be under pressure. He was trying to do as instructed, but the air within him would not move. In fact, they only way it seemed to be going was towards his mouth.

“Geesh.” Ace said losing his vigor for the event. “He sounds like he’s holding one in.”

Worried, Sabo spoke to Twilight, “I don’t think this is gonna work…”

Twilight sighed. “Maybe you’re…”

“Wait!” Luffy shouted quickly though stressed.

“Luffy?” spoke Twilight worried.

“I…think…I…can…” Then, a gurgling sound came from within Luffy’s body. It wasn’t like his usual hungry gurgle; it sounded more gaseous. And then…

A long, squeaky sound suddenly erupted from Luffy; specifically from his rear. It created a powerful gust that lifted the inflated Luffy up and then everywhere. He began flying around like a balloon with its neck untied. The poor red colt flew all over the garden and then some. He bumped into both statues, hedges, trees, and anything else solid. Luckily, his rubber body did little to damage anything (especially one draconequus statue). As they watched on, the young ponies were considering how lucky they were that Luffy had yet to hit them. Karma though is a funny thing; for in mere moments, all three of them together had gotten crashed into by Luffy as he neared the end of his flatus flight. All the pony children now laid sprawled on the grass along with a deflated Luffy. While the others were a bit beat-up, Luffy looked absolutely exhausted and especially flat.

“Wee-heh-heh.” Luffy said dizzily.

“Ex…” Twilight began to speak, though only barely. At the same time, she used her magic telekinesis to hold up her quill and then write in it

“Third…Experiment… Failed.” Once finished writing, she then collapsed with exhaustion.

The Fight Continues
Gather Together Everyone, and Wait For Luffy

Enies Lobby, once a proud symbol of justice for the Black Empire, was currently burning. Not from an attack from ruthless pirates, invading forces, or even an act of a god. No; it was burning from an attack by its own government. The Buster Call, both ruthless and indiscriminate, bombarding the island unyieldingly. The battleships, ten in total, began surrounding the island as to efficiently cleanse the island. It was a sight to behold for anyone; and yet, the only ones who could watch this horrible act weren’t even paying attention to it.

Twilight Sparkle, Nico Robin, and Rainbow Dash all were watching with baited breath a part of Luffy and Lucci’s fight that had dragged them outside the building. Previously, they had all seen a giant, red hoof smash through the wall with the powered-up and transformed Rob Lucci taking it fully. This attack had sent the hybrid leopard-pony into one of the ships a part of the Buster Call attack while Luffy, they presumed, readied to strike again. He soon burst through the building looking inflated yet shaped oddly. Again, these three mares watched as their captain began his attack again.

Utterly amazed, Rainbow Dash openly asked, “How the hell is he doing that?!”

“Experiment number 3…” Twilight answered.

Rainbow Dash looked at her friend confused. “Experiment number 3?”

Twilight nodded in response. “Back when we were kids, I tried testing a lot of hypothesizes and experiments with Luffy to see what his unique physical condition could do.”

Still, the cyan Pegasus was confused. “And number 3 involved…?”



“Making Luffy bigger.” Twilight stated clearly and simply.


With that explained, Twilight looked back at the fight. She now watched as her brother inflated his hind leg and smashed it into one of the warships; one that Lucci had been on. “How did he figure out how to do it though?” She asked surprised.

Robin chuckled, amused that her student and her captain’s sister was still so ignorant of what said brother could do. “Luffy may not be as knowledgeable as you or I, Twilight. But he is a genius when it comes to fighting.”

Twilight was surprised to hear this. Not often did she heard the term “genius” and her brother in the same sentence. She couldn’t help but question if it were actually true. ‘I guess there’s more than one way to be a genius…’

As the group watched on, the same ship that they had seen Luffy attack was fired upon by the other Buster Call ships. Twilight and Rainbow Dash gasped in shock at the action. Robin only grimaced at the sight; she was far to use to harsh actions. Nevertheless, they were all worried for Luffy. Thankfully, Rainbow Dash was able to spy something.

“It looks like Luffy’s a balloon.” She told the others as she peered hard. She then reeled back with surprise. “He flew back into the building!”

“Rob Lucci is one of the Empire strongest assassins,” Robin commented grimly, “it’s doubtful that even that attack would defeat him.”

Unable to bear the sight, Twilight turned away and walked down the stairway. Robin did not attempt to stop her; she understood that she needed her time. She just hoped it would be soon. Before the enemy decided to strike at them. Rainbow Dash, while definitely sickened by the sight, strongly remained floating in her spot.

“I wonder what’s taking those guys so long.” She spoke staring at the other side of the bridge referring to their friends.

Cold. Cold and dark. Those things scared Fluttershy greatly. Anyone could argue that she was practically afraid of everything, but these things about her situation were fears that were quite common for any creature. That, and she was losing air. Dying was also something every living thing feared. And yet, in this moment, it wasn’t her own death that she was afraid of. When the water had hit them, she immediately held on to Chopper with all her strength. So, as she floated in the floated in the water, feeling both lost and scared, she at least knew that one of her friends was still nearby. Her concern though was over the fact that Chopper had still been unconscious when the water engulfed them. There was no way for the little reindeer to suck in enough air to hold out through this; if they could hold out. She wasn’t sure what to do in this kind of situation, but she understood she needed to act fast. Without further delay, she pulled Chopper close and connected her mouth with his to supply him with her air.

Then, she suddenly felt something catch her. No sooner after did she begin to feel others, her friends she hoped, caught along with her. It was almost like being caught in a net with fishes. But nevertheless, she kept to her action with Chopper.

“Don’t worry.” A feminine voice spoke softly to the group. “I won’t let you die!”

Though Fluttershy had only been assuming, she had indeed been correct in that all her friends had joined her in being caught by some sort of large sling. They all were trying to hold their breaths in, but they too had taken noticed that they were caught and being pulled through the strong current easily. All of them tried to see what was helping them, but between the salty water stinging their airs and the pressure of keeping as much oxygen within they could barely see their savior.

‘Am I dreaming?’ Sanji thought as he saw the blurred image of their savior. ‘Drowning sailors are said to have seen a graceful tailfin through their fading consciousness.’

Mustering his willpower, Sanji tried to see more of their savior.‘They look up to see long hair rippling in the sea.”

‘A vision of beauty…’ In his oxygen-depleted sight, the navy blue stallion saw that which was considered both myth and legend. Spoken in stories and gossiped about by old sailors.

‘A Mermare.’

‘If this is a dream, then I…’ As Sanji thought this dream, purely blissful, a light pierced through the darkness.

Everyone, Fluttershy included even if she was currently busy, peered ahead to see their savior. They, like Sanji, had come to the same conclusion as he did, and as such they too wanted to see her. As a single bright light began illuminating the darkness, the figure of the supposed ‘mermare’ began to show. Her pink scaled tail, her long blonde hair, and her curves. Before them was not just a random sea creature of beauty, their savior was…

“Hold on to your breath everyone!” shouted Kokoro, the mermare. “We’re taking the express line!”

Not surprisingly, nearly everyone lost their breath as the illusion was broken by cold, hard reality. “A… Du… A dugong?!!” They were so shocked they became unconscious, thus shutting down their bodies’ functions and consciousness that would otherwise cause them to drown sooner. This would not last long, but luckily mermares are fast swimmers.

For the most part though, they were simply attacking a deserted island as most of the staff and forces stationed on the island had hurriedly evacuated to the train station on the other side of the island; away from the bombardment. That is, all except for the invaders had evacuated in time.

Thanks to Paulie’s quick thinking, he had been able to fool their captors and free his fellow comrades. Then, they freed the new allies; the sleipnirs tricked into servitude Oimo and Kashi. They in turn picked up the Franky Family’s downed King Bulls, Sodom and Gomorrah, and allowed the small creatures and one giant frog – Yokozuna – to ride on them to freedom. They also picked up their three Cyclopes as well, who had previously been defeated by said sleipnirs earlier in this invasion. So, with all their might, the giant, eight-legged ponies rushed to the other side of the island with everyone aboard them; all with hope of finding a way off this doomed island. They were able to make it out of the town, cross the land bridge, and even busted down the huge front gate with cheer.

That only lasted a few, quick seconds. For unsuspectingly waiting for them was three of the ten battleships docked to the island. What were they doing; they were recovering all official personnel off the island. A relief for all those government workers and soldiers frightened by Spandam’s earlier statement. Checking each one to make sure there were no sneaky criminals attempting to sneak on. Of course, the moment our invading heroes had burst through the giant front gate the commander of these ships made sure to keep these criminals from attempting anything funny.

“Set them in our sights,” commanded Vice Admiral Strawberry – a rather slim and long unicorn with a long black beard.

Immediately, all the battleships aimed their cannons at the group. Likewise, many navy soldiers aimed their muskets and pistols at them as well. No chances were being taken by these stallions.

“You pirate scum,” spoke some pony through the loudspeaker, “stay where you are!”

“If you move, we’ll blow you to kingdom!”

“This Doesn’t Look Good!” shouted Tilestone – the Galley-La Minotaur foreman.

“This doesn’t look good for us.” Zambai – Franky Family orc, second-in-charge – stated fearful.

“We’ve got a waterfall behind us…” stated Mozu – the yellow-coat unicorn of the Franky Family – scared.

“And the Navy in front of us!” shouted Kiwi – the maroon-coat unicorn sister of Mozu and also member of the Franky Family – hopelessly.

“There’s nowhere to run!” shouted the Franky Family gang – composed of gremlins and orcs.

And among them, the other top foreman of the Galley-La company. One of them, a muscular Earth pony by the name of Peeply Lulu, spoke to his coworker hauntingly, “What are you thinking Paulie?”

Another Earth pony, the stallion looked to have a thought. “I’m looking back on my life.”

“Don’t tempt fate!” shouted the whole group.

Soon, the Black Navy finished conducting their inspection and evacuation. They then began sailing away from the island, but not too far. Just enough to be in range of the island and be out of range for anymore incoming cannon fire from their fellow battleships. Once so, they readied to fire on the criminals.

“Oh no!” screamed Zambai terrified. His fellow gang members screaming as well.

Yet, one member their group was not despairing. Surprising everyone, Paulie jumped down from the sleipnir he was on and rushed over to a Transponder Snail left behind by the island staff. No one understood why he was doing this, and it only helped to make them panic more. Paulie only responded back by saying they’ll need it to communicate with the Straw Hats, which for their current situation it didn’t seem to make sense. And unfortunately, they had run out of time. The battleships soon fired on the sleipnirs and their comrades. The blasts propelled everyone backwards, destroying what remained of the gate, and leaving the entirety of the group to fall down into the lightless pit.

Returning back to the end of the Bridge of Hesitation, everyone hear was still waiting patiently for their friends to arrive and for Luffy to win his fight. After the incident with the warship, they had yet to see either Luffy or Lucci; they presumed the fight went back into the building. So, as they watched as the island began burning, they wondered if their friends really did make it off the island in time. Waiting for them had be excruciating. Then, Rainbow Dash noticed something off to the side of the ship. She floated over to check, wondering what it could be.

Then, shooting out of the water came the mermare Kokoro and all their friends in her net – actually her jacket. She shouted with gusto, “Don’t you guys die on me!”

Horrified, Rainbow Dash blurted out thoughtlessly, “S-Sea Monster!”

Robin and Twilight too were surprised to see the mare; Twilight even more so seeing that she was a mermare, a mythical creature. Kokoro safely landed on the boat, her tailfin transforming into hooves and a regular pony tail. Neither Twilight nor Robin had ever heard of such a feat for this kind of mythical creature, but they didn’t concern themselves over it long. They had to help their friends; or at least, the ones we looked to have been drowning. Even at this point, Fluttershy was still giving Chopper all her air despite being out of the water.

“Oh my.” Robin said about their situation, amusedly smiling.

“Fluttershy…” Rainbow Dash said surprised.

Fluttershy though had nearly drowned herself though, so she was also among the group to receive immediate CPR. With Robin’s ability, she was able to help all of them at once. Simultaneously, the group spitted out the extra water out of their systems, save Fluttershy who just needed the shock to restart her consciousness. Everyone surprisingly recovered quickly enough, even Chopper. However, the shock over Kokoro’s species – as an icefish merpony – was still ever present, but only in a few of them. Even Franky and Chimney, who had known the mare a long time, had been surprised by this revelation. The other ponies – Sanji and Sogeking/Usopp – however simply could not wrap their heads around the unusual appearance of their first mermare. No one could really believe it themselves for those exact same reasons either.

“I can’t believe my first merpony was her…” Spike mumbled depressingly.

Twilight rolled her eyes at her assistant. She then spoke to Kokoro asking quizzically, “How come though you can walk on land? I’ve never read that in any of the mythological books I’ve read.”

“Not surprising.” Kokoro said chuckling. “Mermares are very mysterious creatures. I don’t know the details of why or how though, but at the prime of a mermare’s life, at age 30, her rear fins become legs while her tail shrinks so she can walk on land.”

“Fascinating.” Twilight said with intrigue.

As the group recovered, they soon realized where they were and who was there. Upon seeing that Robin was here, and safe, many were overjoyed to see her. Nami and Chopper, the latter of whom could barely move yet somehow grabbed on to the former, both tackle-hugged Robin out of joy and relief. Completely pushing aside an enamored Sanji, attempting to do the same. A little surprised, but Robin gratefully accepted the two’s feelings of relief and jubilation in seeing her. She too was also overjoyed to see her crew and friends here; together again. The newcomers to the group, Twilight and her friends, all watched on happily. Some like Pinkie Pie even joined in to hug Robin cheerfully.

As he finished hugging her dear shipmate, Chopper suddenly found himself falling and unable to move much anymore. Luckily, he didn’t land on the floor as Fluttershy quickly caught him. She then immedaitely asked to him, “Are you all right?”

Looking confused, Chopper responded, “I can’t move? What happened?”

“Hey, don’t worry about, brother.” Franky stated with a grin. “We’ll tell ya about it late. Just know that you got yourself one super nurse there.”

This comment quickly made Chopper and Fluttershy blush. The Pegasus’ blush even deepened further as she remembered a feel choice moments like her consistent kissing of the reindeer. Feeling embarrassed, she accidently dropped the reindeer and covered her face and blush.

Chopper landed on the deck with a soft thud. “Ow.” He said out of instinct; he wasn’t actually hurt by the fall.

Hearing this, Fluttershy panicked. “I’m sorry!” She then hurriedly attended to the reindeer.

While amused by their antics, the group soon turned to more serious matters. The Buster Call was still occurring, the island was burning, and Luffy had yet to join them. They of course would wait, but the issue that the Navy would soon turn their attention to them was ever-present. As such, the fighters like Zoro, Sanji, and Franky stood on the bridge to wait for their leader. Even Sogeking/Usopp joined them, seeing how there was no danger, as well as Rainbow Dash and Applejack joined in their vigilant watch. The others remained on the boat to wait. Of course, there was one other concern.

“Hey, Mr. Franky,” spoke Applejack casually, “we had overheard about your gang helpin’ out our friends.”


“So, I just wanted to state that I’m sorry that they aren’t here with us.”

As he smoked, Sanji made a small grin. He had just about to do the same; however, he was impressed with how she – as part of the group hurt most by the Franky Family’s actions – was willing to acknowledge his own grief. Looking at Rainbow Dah as well, she seemed less than concerned – she had only fought the group, unlike with him and the others who fought with them later on – and a little dismissive. To his surprise though, she still made an effort.

“Yeah, no one deserves this kind of punishment.” She acknowledged halfheartedly.

Immediately, the cyborg Minotaur laughed, not at all affected by the mares lackluster attitude towards him and his gang. “What, you kiddin’ me?” he said jovially, “My Bros have more lives than a cat, they’ll find their own way off the island.”

“Reporting from the northwest, outside the main gate…” Suddenly, a voice began speaking over the entire snail intercom system. That meant, even on the bridge, the group could hear the coordination of their enemies. Currently though, this was only a report.

“The extraction of navy stallions and government officials from Enies Lobby is complete. We have confirmed the presence of roughly fifty pirates, including the sleipnirs, at the main gate.”

“Ha! See!” Franky shouted ecstatic. “They escaped just fine. You can kill them, but they’ll never die!”

“The bombing…” continued the pony, “has wiped them all out. They’re all dead. Nothing could have survived from that attack.”

While the report continued on to list the number of places on the island which the Black Navy had now destroyed, including the underwater passageway, the group of criminals became silent and awestruck. Without any proof or even witnessing the event, none of them could dissuade that their friends and allies had perished. There was nothing they could do. Some like Applejack even gave a silent prayer to the loss of their comrades; the mare specifically taking her hat off and held it against her chest. Franky’s optimism quickly vanished and replaced with a moment of horror. Losing those close to him nearly broke him; however, there was still one hope left. Pushing away the sad and hopeless thoughts, Franky stood tall and strong with his allies – his friends – to wait for their last member.

“Hurry up, Straw Hat!” Franky shouted with renewed conviction. “Your friends are waiting! I won’t allow you to die before you reach them!”

“Franky…” Sogeking/Usopp, as well as the others, were touched and impressed by their Minotaur ally’s strong character. They all knew that he was probably hurting emotionally, and it was noble of him to refuse despair and instead cheer on for their friend and captain.

Now, all they had to do was wait for Luffy. The idea of going after him and even helping was completely out of the question. So much was going on around them that it was likely any one of them who left could get separated. Worst, even if they could find and aid Luffy, Rob Lucci was there, and he was dangerous. Any one of them would more than likely be in Luffy’s way if they attempted anything or Lucci would more than likely kill them any of them off. Only Luffy, the strongest one among, could fight Lucci. From the very beginning, the straw hat wearing pony knew this; like it was instinct. And they all were grateful for it, that they had such a strong leader to fight someone stronger than themselves.

Still, as his sister, Twilight could not help but worry for him. “Luffy…” She looked at the building that was a part of the Bridge of Hesitation; the last known spot she had seen Luffy. For all her magic, she wish she could somehow help him.

Then, came a shout. “Blow up the bridge now!” Soon followed, the bridge near the building was blown-up by the warships.

Everyone gasped. “What?!” shouted Sogeking/Usopp shocked.

“Who the heck?!” shouted Rainbow Dash mad, looking back at the ship where the shout came from.

Laughing arrogantly, a greatly injured Spandam stood on high the escort ship. His sword – the elephant Frunkfreed – and a Transponder Snail floating around him. The unicorn looked entirely arrogant and smug upon his perch. “There’s no escape now, you fools!”

“Man, he’s still here.” Rainbow Dash said annoyed.

At the moment he saw Spandam, Franky began frowning mad. He had just remembered an old grudge. “I’ll take care of this…” He told everyone as he removed his skin glove.

“The Navy will come to get Nico Robin back!” shouted Spandam, none the wiser to what was coming his way.

Franky then reeled back his fist. “Strong…”

“Lucci will kill Straw Hat!” Spandam continued shouting overconfidently.

“Right!” Franky punched out his arm and it launched out. The iron fist flew across the open distance between them leaving only the chaining connecting them behind.

“And I will be--” Before Spandam could finish, the Minotaur’s fist smashed into his already bruised and swollen face. As the unicorn flew backwards from the hit, his magic aura dissipated and both objects dropped with the sword bouncing then falling to the deck. Meanwhile, Spandam too fell towards the deck, but with a surprise waiting for him,

“I got him!” shouted Pinkie Pie cheerfully, party cannon positioned strategically.

As such, Spandam fell head first into the cannon. While he struggled within the barrel, Pinkie Pie immediately began positioning her cannon and taking aim at one of the many warships surrounding them. Once she had her target, without hesitation, she fired. “And now it’s time for your ‘Farewell Blast’!”

Spandam screamed in fright, and a little in pain, as he flew in the air. Coincidentally, he was joined by party streamers, confetti, and even a few treats too. It was unfortunate though that it had to go completely unnoticed by the stallion. For soon, he crashed onto the targeted warship; shocking and surprising those on board. As for the stallion, he just laid on the deck pathetically, and covered with party decorations.

Interestingly, Pinkie Pie had unwittingly aimed Spandam at the last battleship to enter; the one belonging to the “Young Justice” program - Honnōji Academy. Thus, the ponies aboard were all surprised students. However, the intrusion of some “lowly creature” had greatly angered the one in-charge of the ship.

“What is this trash doing on my ship?” Satsuki asked sternly and furious.

Behind her, her Elite Four kneeled down showing their obedience. “We’ll take care it right away, Lady Satsuki.” Gamagori replied quickly. Then, he and two others leapt into action.

With a punch, a whip, and slap from a bokken – the last parts provided by Jakuzure and Sanageyama respectively – Spandam was swiftly kicked off their boat. The unfortunate stallion flew high into the air, spinning with great force, before coming right back down. He then luckily landed on another, more merciful Black Navy battleship.

Hearing the commotion, Aokiji took a moment to look from underneath his sleeping mask. Not seeing what it was though, he shrugged and went back to relaxing or sleeping. It obviously didn’t concern him.

“It’s done, my lady.” Gamagori stated dutifully.

“Good.” Satsuki said approvingly. Then, she turned to her fellow students and proclaimed, “Now, move this ship out of here!”

“Yes ma’am,” replied the student body obediently.

As they all began scurrying around, Satsuki looked back at the scene. “I want to see all that will happen here.”

Back with our heroes, Franky was smirking with pride. Not only had he gotten to punch the man that had ruined his life and killed his master, but he got to witness a bit of a show where ‘Spanda’s’ punishment continued. Thusly, he gave the pink mare an appreciative thumbs up. “Nice work, Pinky.”

“Thanks!” Pinkie said cheerfully. “But that’s ‘Pinkie’ with an ‘ie’ at the end.”

“Uh… Okay.” Franky replied back confused.

Seeing the party cannon again, Zoro looked at its owner confused. “Didn’t we leave that behind at the tower?”

No one, especially not the Mane Six or Spike, answered that question. It was just how Pinkie Pie worked.

Now though, as announced by the Navy unconcerned, they were going to begin their attack on the Straw Hats themselves; to recapture Robin and put down this dangerous group. Even the idea of taking in the elements of Harmony was now out of the question as news came in on the defeat of CP9. They would not begin by blowing them up though; instead, the elites aboard the ships – high-ranking officers – would directly attack and apprehend them. So, the battleships were beginning to enclose around the group.

“Here they come.” Zoro said, immediately pulling out his swords and readying for battle.

Their fight had only just begun.