• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 7,507 Views, 604 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

Golden Opportunity

Author's Note:

Hiya! I've got an important announcement!

First and foremost, there are new characters in the chapter. They are OCs belonging to Moheart7. They are from his story "Pirates of the Alicorn". Good story, give it a read sometime. But note: You do not, I repeat, do not need to read it to get this chapter. Everything is explained inside.

Next, since its Halloween, I've come up with Halloween special. It's a sorta prequel story, but it relates into this, the main story, as well. It'll be up later today. Look for it as:

"The Truth & History of Nightmare Night"

I hope you all will give it a read over the next few days as it updates. And now, one with the show!

Read, Comment, & Enjoy!

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…

"The Merry's broken… Robin's missing… This afternoon is just filled with trouble…" Sanji said depressed.

"I'm taking Spike to a hospital!" shouted Twilight at Nami her voice full of anger and sadness.

"You guys…are gonna pay for what you did!" shouted a wounded Usopp out towards the Franky Family.

"Remember this, little pony bastard. My name is Franky. I'm the top dog around here. There's no bull about it. If you want to leave this city alive…don't agitate me."

"Let's cause some trouble in that house…" Zoro stated as he placed on his bandana.

BOOM! The Franky House exploded in a nuclear rainbow explosion like explosion.

"I've decided…It's time to say good-bye..." Luffy said ominously.

"You're right…" Twilight said begrudgingly while frowning sadly. "We're all scared. This isn't what we signed up for when we joined you. Clearly, we can't handle all of this. Going home another way sounds best." She then began to tear up as she forced her next sentence. "I just wish it wasn't so…"

"Everything is going according to plan…" said the lead figure with cold, piercing eyes to others surrounding him.

Luffy & Twilight: We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don't ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn't matter who or what's standing in our way,
We'll make it through them everyday

You won't get anywhere if you're waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can't wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we're Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You'll feel a joy inside that you can't explain
And that's the treasure we must find!

We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so

Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

"Golden Opportunity"

Morning finally broke through the night bringing with it a new day for everyone in Water 7. For most, it had been an ordinary, peaceful night. Not for Straw Hats, and definitely not for the Mane Six. The night was long for the Straw Hats, having lost a crewmate, missing another, and most heartbreakingly of all; they left their friends in an effort to protect them from the dangers the Straw Hats would face eventually. It was a night of tough decisions. It wasn't just a night of personal issues either. No, much more had happened last night, and the news was sweeping through the city.

"Mayor Iceberg Has Been Shot!"

Across the city, many ponies were shouting out for all to hear: Iceberg, beloved mayor and head of the Galley-La Company, had been shot by an assassin. The news came as a shock to every citizen in Water 7. Who would shoot the hero of Water 7?

"Boy, everyone's sure in a ruckus this morning." Applejack commented as she watched pony after pony running around from the window.

"I know!" shouted Pinkie Pie amazed standing next to her. "Everyone sure is worried for Mr. Iceberg."

Meanwhile, the news of the day was hardly affecting a certain group of ponies residing in the hospital currently. Twilight Sparkle and her friends sat around Spike in his room waiting for the baby dragon to wake up. Luckily, they wouldn't have to wait too much longer. The young dragon was about to awake.

Spike stretched his arms as he gave out a loud yawn. As he did he stopped abruptly yelling out in slight pain. "Ow! My head…"

"Spike!" shouted Twilight as she and everyone in the perked up.

"About time!" Rainbow Dash shouted smiling teasingly. "Thought you'd never wake up, buddy."

"Don't you ever scare us like that again, Spikey." Rarity stated one part scolding and another part in tears of joy. She quickly trotted up to the dragon and gave the little guy a hug. "You are never leaving my sight."

"Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow." Spike repeated slightly pained.

"Oops!" said Rarity as she let go of Spike. She blushed looking embarrassed. "Sorry Spike."

"It's okay." Spike said recovering quickly. "So, why am I in a hospital? I thought Chopper was a doctor."

"He is." Fluttershy said knowingly.

"Then, why am I here then?" asked Spike confused.

"I brought you here, Spike." Twilight said honestly but frowning. "When I saw you hurt…I just…I just didn't think it was safe for you to stay with Luffy and the others."

"What? That's silly." Spike said finding the notion ridiculous.

Pinkie Pie scratched the back of her head nervous. "Um, yeah…actually…"

The group went silent. Most of them looked at each nervous hoping the other would say something. Only Rainbow Dash, who was still anger, was able to say anything. "Luffy and the others dumped us, Spike." Rainbow Dash said mad.

"What?" Spike asked confused.

"That's not it." Twilight said glaring at the sour looking Pegasus. She softened her expression as she looked back at Spike. "Spike, Luffy and the others…they thought that…maybe we shouldn't sail with them anymore. You got seriously hurt, they didn't want any of us to get hurt either."

"What!" Spike shouted completely shocked. "That can't be, right?"

"It is…" Fluttershy said sadly.

"No way!" Spike shouted in denial. He looked over at Twilight; he looked desperate. "Twilight! You gotta go and convince Luffy to let us continue. Tell him I'm fine now!"

"…I can't, Spike." Twilight said sad.

"What? Of course you can! You and Luffy are-"

"Spike!" shouted Twilight suddenly angry silencing the baby dragon. She took a moment to calm down before she then spoke more calmly. "I won't…"

"Why?" Spike asked confused.

"Because…" Twilight said sadly as she explained to Spike what had occurred last night. She told the dragon of their friends' visit how they told them of Usopp's leaving and the decision the crew made to protect them. She also told the baby dragon that she and most of their friends agreed to it. "…Now, we need to look for someone who can take us back."

Spike stared at Twilight completely speechless. He couldn't believe it.

"Speaking of," spoke Applejack with concern. "How do we get back?"

"I'm sure we will be able to find a number of sailors that can return us back to Equestria. This is a port city after all." Rarity said confidently.

"Yes, but a port town that accepts just about anyone as long as they remain law-abiding."

A new voice startled the group making them look towards the doorway. Leaning against the doorway was a graying blue, old unicorn stallion smiling. His body was built slender and was definitely a head taller than either Twilight or Rarity. His mane, mustache, goatee, and tail was more gray then whatever the stallion's former color was, but a single red strip in both his mane and tail remained vibrant. His emerald eyes stared at the group with opportunist gleam in them. He wore some plain looking clothes with a long trench coat covering all of his body besides his tail. He seemed to have a flair about himself, one that easily made everyone – including those ponies outside of the room – give him their attention.

The stallion spoke again, "You never know who'll you find or who you can trust. You might as well just toss your money out the window."

Applejack eyed the newcomer suspiciously. "Who are you, stranger?"

"Ah! Pardon my intrusion." The stranger replied walking into the room a little. He then gave the group a curt bow. "I am Captain Jack Silver. I'm a seafaring pony by trade, and I couldn't help but over hear your quandary."

"Huh? We're not digging up stones." Pinkie Pie said confused.

"Quandary, Pinkie. Not quarry." Twilight replied correcting her friend. She then looked back at Jack Silver. "And, what do you, Mr. Silver, wish to convey to us?"

"I wish to offer my services to you, of course." Jack said happily as he stood back up.

The group gasped. "What?!"

"Well, I am a captain with his own ship. A mighty good one at that." Jack said proudly.

"Could you really take us back?" said Fluttershy hopeful.

"You ponies are from Equestria, right?" Jack asked rhetorically. "I'm quite familiar with those waters. I can get you safely there."

"That would be…" Fluttershy was then stopped when Rainbow Dash covered her mouth. The yellow Pegasus looked at her friend confused.

"Hold on, Flutters." Rainbow Dash said advising her friend to stop talking. She then let go of Fluttershy and looked over at the old stallion suspiciously. "What's the catch? This can't just be coincidence."

Jack chuckled. "Smart mare."

"Are we talkin' about the same pony here?" asked Applejack rhetorically.

"I will require payment. A small amount of money will do…But I also require a little something more…"

"More?" asked Rarity curious.

"I will be honest with you, I heard quite a bit of your conversation last night." Immediately, the most of the mares' ears dropped. Recalling last night's talk made most of them depressed. Except Rainbow Dash who was still angry. Despite seeing their obvious feelings, Jack continued on. "I happened to be in overnight stay here last night due concerns my daughter has over my health – she really worries too much – and I overheard much it."

"Okay…" Twilight said cautiously.

"Now, I'm not one to butt into others' personal business, so I won't ask about what I heard. But I will ask this: do you know the infamous Monkey D. Luffy?" asked Jack curiously.

Twilight didn't answer. She was actually taking the advice the old stallion gave them earlier and remained cautious to reveal potentially sensitive information. She looked over at her friends, who had yet to say anything either out of the same regard. Twilight was hoping one of them could come up with an answer. Unfortunately, none of them did, but Spike did.

"Yeah, we do. In fact, I'm officially Luffy's 'little dragon brother'." Spike stated proudly.

"Spike!" Everyone said at once sounding incensed.

Jack laughed. "Ha-ha! Good on ya, boy." Jack then turned to the mares keeping on a cheerful grin. "By your little companion, you all must be close with him and his crew."

"I guess…" Rainbow Dash said nonchalantly.

"Yes." Twilight said ignoring the cyan Pegasus' reply.

"Good! Then, would you allow me to meet him?" asked Jack straightforward.

"Huh?" replied Twilight surprised. "You want to meet Luffy?"

"Aye." Jack said with nod.


"Personal interest." Jack stated with a smirk. "And as long as you pay a standard fee of 100,000 bits, or 1 million beli as is the current currency exchange rate, my crew and I will take you anywhere you desire."

"Wow! You're pricey." Pinkie Pie stated amazed.

Jack shrugged indifferent. "Gotta feed the crew, make repairs, and so on."

"Fair enough." Twilight said as she activated her magic. Her magic aura lifted up a bag that been seated next to Spike's bag. Inside was a number of paper Beli bills given to them by Nami last night.

"It's the least we can do…" Twilight and her friends remembered those words clearly. Nami had told them this before leaving quickly with Luffy and Zoro the past night. Despite the kind gesture, Nami still looked sad to be giving them the money, and not because she hated giving any amount of money out freely.

"Here." Twilight said as she handed the bag to Jack, who took it with his own magic aura.

Jack eyed the bag cautiously. He quickly looked inside and checked inside. Once satisfied, he smiled towards the group. "Right then! We have struck a deal. On my honor as a captain, I shall adhere to choice of your destination and protect you. Now, shall we gather your things and drop them off at my ship?"

"That sounds good to me." Applejack said in agreement.

After introducing themselves, the group quickly began gathering their bags, which Luffy, Zoro, and Nami had graciously gathered and left them at the hospital for them. Just in time as well. The doctor on-duty for Spike had entered and asked if everyone could leave for a little while. Twilight asked if one of their group should stay behind to give Spike some company after the check-up. Fluttershy quickly volunteered, and no one argued against it. So, Rainbow Dash took her friend's bag and they all traveled with Jack to his ship.

Meanwhile, at the train station, a certain boss of a particular gang family was returning home. Franky, along with his entourage of Kiwi and Mozu, were still in there festive outfits including the mask that Franky was still wearing. Since it was impossible to see Franky's expression, one could the proud expressions of his girls. And with their lack of two suitcases, they must have acquired whatever it was they were intending to buy. By their standards, they had done well.

Immediately, they went straight back home. When they reached the piece of land that their home was located on, all three Franky Family members were in complete shock. The Franky House, their home, had been completely decimated, and along with it many of their fellow members laid unconscious amongst the wreckage. The whole thing got Franky's blood boiling.

"How cruel…" Kiwi stated appalled where her sister, Mozu, was speechless.

"Dammit!" shouted Franky as he grabbed his mask and smashed it into the ground furious. The creature flared his metal nostril releasing something almost like steam. He clenched his fists slightly shaking them as he held his anger at bay. He began shouting, "Is this your revenge, Straw Hat?! Blowing up my home and beating up my dear bros! If you think this makes us even, then you don't anything about Franky!"

"Big Bro!" Franky and the Square Sisters turned back towards the city as they heard a familiar voice address Franky. Approaching them, bandaged and looking to almost be on their last leg, was Zambai and a few other orcs of the Franky family. Despite being injured, they were happy to see their leader. "You're back! Thank Oda!"

"You guys…" Franky said calming down a little though retaining his anger in the back of his mind. "You're okay. Good."

"No, not really, Big Bro!" shouted Zambai shaking weakly. "Those guys were crazy. We didn't stand a chance."


"But we really want you to avenge us, Big Bro! We took the liberty to find their hideout. We saw them entering an Inn and a hospital nearby it in town. Then they were heading towards Dock One."

Franky grinned happily, and that happiness was laced with revenge. "Then that's where I'm headin'. It's time to go wild!"

Meanwhile, out at sea not far from Water 7 at the Shift Station where our heroes meet Granny Kokoro, said granny was taking notice of the unusually windy weather occurring. Her granddaughter, Chimney, and her pet cat (rabbit) Gonbe were playing around letting the strong wind blow them around. Kokoro simply grinned widely and chuckled at her granddaughter's carefreeness. As she did, she took another drink from her bottle of rum looking at to sea.

"The waves are getting rougher, the wind blowing from the south… The sea train will have to stop tonight." Kokoro commented nostalgically. She then turned to her granddaughter. "Chimney! Get yourself and Gonbe ready to head back to the island."

"Huh?" Chimney said confused yet still grinning happily. Her confusion didn't last long. "Okay! Why?"

Kokoro took another drink out of her bottle. When she had enough, she then replied to her granddaughter's question sounding vaguely ominous. "Aqua Laguna is comin'."

After leaving the hospital, Jack Silver immediately told them they were heading to Dock One of the Galley-La Company. He had needed his ship, the Golden Alicorn, to come in after receiving some damage from an unexpected run-in near an area called the Florian Triangle, a very mysterious area of the ocean. It was something unexpected, and it damaged his ship badly enough that his own shipwright had advised that they find some outside help. That was just a week ago. Now, repairs on the ship should be finished sometime today. Just in time to take his employers back home.

Jack led the group into Dock One. It was pretty easy since most of the foremen and shipwrights were distracted with keeping the citizens calm and worrying over Iceberg as well. Of course, being a paying customer, Jack and his guests were allowed in as long as they headed straight to the ship. Jack easily navigated around the shipyard and soon found his ship. It was a three-mast, carrack ship with a gold Alicorn figurehead at the bow (front).

"There she is. My pride and joy, the Golden Alicorn." Jack stated proudly.

The group of mares gasped in awe. "What a magnificent ship you have, captain." Rarity commented amazed.

"Hey." Applejack said as she looked up at the ship towards the deck. "Who's that?"

"Ah, that's probably my crew." Jack said to the group as he approached his ship. He then called out, "Ahoy! Your captain has returned!"

In just a moment, the side of the Golden Alicorn was suddenly filled with many new faces. There weren't just ponies either. There were zebras and Diamond Dogs in the mix as well. There was also a dark purple scaled baby dragon similar to Spike though ironically with more spikes and an eyepatch. It was quite a big crew.

"Captain's back!" shouted the baby dragon cheerful sending the crew in a cheer.

"Quickly," shouted a sea-green Earth pony mare to the crew, "lower the gangplank."

"Aye, aye!" shouted crew readily.

In a matter of moments, a long plank of wood was lowered down to allow Jack and his guests to come aboard. The girls followed the captain up onto the ship. Once on deck, the mares had a look around. Most of the crew greeted the captain first before looking at them. They were just simple stares but they made the girls feel nervous.

"Hello!" shouted Pinkie Pie cheerfully.

"Ooh, she's spunky!" announced the only Pegasus onboard amused. The crew gave out a light chuckle equally as amused.

"Maybe we should've inspected the crew a little…" Rarity whispered to Twilight nervously while also keeping an eye out towards some of the more unsavory looking crew members.

"You guys look tough." Rainbow Dash commented frankly to a random crew member who happened to be a Diamond Dog. All she got in reply was a low growl.

"Twi…" Applejack said as she stepped next to Twilight's other side. "I'm getting a bad feeling about this."

"Come on now, girls." Twilight said trying to smile confidently though actually looking very nervous. "Never judge a book by its cover, right?"

"I guess…" Applejack said sounding unsure.

"Welcome back, Captain." The group looked forward as Jack meet a group of ponies and creatures spoke to the stallion. They were starkly different from the rest of the crew and consisted of two Earth ponies, one Pegasus pony, one unicorn, and the baby dragon from before.

"Everything ship-shape, Mr. T-Cog?" asked Jack to the Pegasus.

T-Cog was a rather unique looking Pegasus stallion, and the one that commented about Pinkie Pie earlier. He had his right-front and left-back leg missing and replaced with a hook and a peg leg respectively. He was obvious an albino as he had pale brown-yellow and orange mane and tail was styled crazily. Upon his pale coat on his flank was a cog wheel; something you could see in a clock. The Pegasus replied to his captain, "Aye. Checked over myself. These Galley-La shipwrights are good."

"Good." Jack said before looking over at the other unicorn. "Miss. Gem La Stone, how are our earnings."

Gem La Stone was a light-purple coat unicorn mare of a slim body type. Her mane and tail were unique as her hair color, dark-purple and lighter purple, made her appear like a purple skunk. On her flank was an upside-down, purple crystal heart. The unicorn smiled before replying, "Well, we took a major hit to ze wallets, but we can make do."

"Here." Jack said handing her the bag of money that Twilight and friends gave him. "That should improve our cash situation."

Gem La Stone looked curiously into the bag. She gasped shocked but happy. "C'est fantastique!"

Jack nodded and moved to the big Earth pony stallion. On his flank was a barrel. His ear had two piercings in it. He had a plain brown mane and tail. He was easily taller than Big Macintosh and had a red coat too, but had tattoos snaking around his front forelegs, on his neck, and underneath his eye. But for Jack, his size was no issue. "Big Rummy," said Jack addressing the stallion. "How are our food supplies? We'll be needing to accommodate for some passengers."

"Um…" Big Rummy said nervously as he looked at the newcomers. "I think so, yeah."

"Good!" Jack said happily.

"Captain," spoke the green mare as she stepped forward, "who are these ponies?"

"They, Shimmer," Jack said pointing towards Twilight and the others, "are our honored guests as they have paid us for our services to transport them back to Equestria."

"Really?" said Gem La Stone surprised. "Is that how you got us this money?"

"Wait, Equestria?" spoke the baby dragon sounding concerned. "Isn't that…"

"Hush now, Slash." Jack said sticking his hoof into the dragon's mouth. He then spoke quietly, "Let's not bother our guests with little details."

"Uh, guys…" Rainbow Dash said to the group looking surprised.

"What is it, Rainbow?" asked Applejack. She, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity then watched as Rainbow Dash pointed up towards the main mast. Looking all the way up, the three of them gasped. "Dear Celestia…"

"Now, ladies." Jack said as he turned to mares gaining their attention. He soon pulled out a brown overcoat and a tri-brim hat and placed them on his body and head respectively. "Welcome aboard the Golden Alicorn, may your stay with us be unique."

Twilight smiled towards the stallion. "Thank you, Captain…" Twilight suddenly stopped as she felt somepony poke her. She looked over to see it was Rainbow Dash. "What is it Rainbow?"

"We might be on the wrong boat…" Rainbow Dash stated sounding worried before pointing up towards the mast again.

"Huh?" Twilight followed her friend's hoof completely confused by what she meant. She followed the mast up all the way to the top where she saw a flag, but not just any kind of flag. "A…black flag."

"They're pirates!" shouted Pinkie Pie stuck between excitement and horror.

Jack chuckled looking none too surprised by the group's realization. "Well, cats out of the bag now."

The group of mares immediately went on guard. The unicorns had their horns aglow. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were ready to duke it out with any pirate unfortunate to tangle with them. Pinkie Pie took up a mock-crane stance ready to fight with a confident smile. Responding, Jack's crew drew their weapons, mostly cutlasses and pistols, ready to fight back should one of the ponies strike. Only Jack and his staff behind remained as they were though Jack had his hoof on his face shaking his head in disappointment. One wrong move and the deck of the Golden Alicorn would turn into a fighting ring.

Then, a line of trumpets began blowing not too far away breaking the tense atmosphere. They blew in tune like theme music or an entrance number. Instantly, the pirates groaned including Jack and his group.

"What the hay?" Rainbow Dash said confused by both the music and by the pirates' sudden attitude change.

"Hey, this is a good song." Pinkie Pie said as she happily hummed with the tune.

"Oh lord, it's him again." Slash stated completely annoyed.

"Him?" Rarity questioned confused.

"Oh, boy…" Jack said annoyed as he stopped as well. "It's that showboat."

"Who?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously.

"Straw Hat Luffy!" Then reply did not come from Jack. Instead, it came from not too far away. In the direction of the still playing music. "I know you're here! Come out and fight me!"

"That…" said Jack answering the pink mare's question, "is Franky, the underground boss of Water 7."

Rainbow Dash gasped. "Franky!" She said mad.

"Hey! Speedo Guy!" They all soon heard another voice, one they all knew too well. It was Luffy, and he was accepting a fight with Franky. "I'm Luffy."

"Oh no…" Twilight said looking absolutely worried. She then suddenly teleported herself off the Golden Alicorn.

"Huh? Where she go?" asked Big Rummy.

"Look, sir!" shouted one of the crewman, a zebra, pointing towards the shipyard. "The lass is making her way towards the front gate."

Jack was intrigued. "Is she heading towards the fight?"

"Rainbow!" Suddenly, a rainbow blur flew pass Jack. Applejack had tried to stop the Pegasus, but she seemed hell-bent to see or even participate in this fight. This only made Jack more frustrated.

"That hot-headed filly…" Jack said displeased as he began running after the two.

"Captain!" shouted Shimmer as she and the crew were prepared to follow.

"Stay on the boat, and don't let our guests leave!" ordered Jack quickly before heading off.

Though confused, Shimmer complied. "Aye, aye, Dad-I mean Captain." She said letting slip some interesting knowledge.

"Dad?!" shouted the remained Mane Six shocked. Of course, they had other problems as the pirate crew began circling around them. Again, they prepared for confrontation.

As a fight broke out at the entrance of Dock One, over at the hospital Spike was finally allowed to check out. He and Fluttershy soon left the hospital and were going to head over to Dock One not knowing of the fight. As they walked towards the shipyard, they heard the announcement being played over the intercom.

"This is an announcement from the Water 7 Weather Forecast Department. We are officially issuing an Aqua Laguna warning for the entire island. Repeat: This is an announcement from…"

"'Agua Laguna'?" repeated Spike confused. "What's that?"

"It sounds like a storm warning." Fluttershy said as she observed the townsfolks. They were boarding up windows and packing up their stuff.

"Wow, must be something serious. Everyone is packing it up." Spike said surprised.

As the two of them turned a corner, they were surprised to run into Sanji and Chopper. Both males stopped immediately. They were stunned to see their Equestria friends on the same block as them, especially after what they had heard from Nami about last night. From the looks of it, Fluttershy and Spike were just surprised to see them.

"Hey…guys." Chopper said greeting them nervous.

"Hi…" Fluttershy said replying back equally nervous.

Chopper quickly took note of Spike having recalled that the baby dragon had been severely injured. To his relief, he looked fine. "How are you, Spike? Did they release from the hospital?"

"Yeah." Spike said as he puffed his chest up proudly. "I may be small, but I'm tough."

"Flutter-chan, where are you two going?" asked Sanji cautiously.

"Mmm, we're heading to Dock One. We found someone to sail us back home." Fluttershy said frowning sadly.

"Oh. That's good." Sanji said looking genuinely happy for them.

"Where are you two going?" asked Spike.

Sanji and Chopper quickly explained to their friends that they had originally been out looking for Robin; however, when the announcement came on they felt like going back to the Going Merry. After asking why it was so important, the two were shocked to learn of the eventual 'high-tide' of sorts that would sink the city temporarily. Sanji and Chopper believed that, since Usopp had probably not heard the announcement or understood it, they would go down and shout really loudly providing him the necessary information. Fluttershy and Spike quickly agreed to help their friends.

Moments later, the whole group returned to the cape where the Going Merry was docked. The new plan was, since neither Fluttershy nor Spike are actually part of their crew, they could simply give Usopp the information without hurting his pride. This would also show that Usopp still had some friends left on top of seeing that Spike was okay hopefully bringing him some ease. And so, Fluttershy and Spike went to deliver the information.


The yellow unicorn looked up from his work as he heard his name. He first looked around finding no on and then looked up. He gasped in surprise as he saw Fluttershy with Spike on her back descending down towards him. He began smiling seeing that the little dragon was okay.

"Spike! Fluttershy!" called out Usopp overjoyed. "I'm glad to see you guys. Especially you Spike, I see you're doing alright."

"Yeah!" shouted Spike cheerfully.

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Usopp curious.

"We needed to tell you something important." Fluttershy said as she landed on deck. She and Spike then informed Usopp of the impending Agua Laguna.

"Thank you for the warning me, guys." Usopp said smiling with gratitude. "I really appreciate it."

"What are you gonna do?" asked Spike.

"I'll just have to prep the Merry." Usopp said confidently.

"All by yourself." Fluttershy said with a frown.

"It's nothing really." Usopp said assuring the Pegasus with a proud grin. "I made this decision and I'm sticking with it. You guys shouldn't have feel bad for me. Besides, I put up one hell of a fight against Luffy."

"But you split up." Fluttershy said sadly. "You're no longer friends…"

Usopp quickly lost his proud grin and frowned. "Yeah…" He said sounding slightly depressed. He soon looked at his friends, who were also frowning sadly. He quickly put up a smile and acted cheerful. "But hey! You guys don't have to worry about me! We're still friends, so don't feel bad about sailing with Luffy and everyone. It wasn't your fault."

Usopp watched as Fluttershy covered her mouth as she gasped. This surprised and confused him. "Um, what's wrong?"

"Luffy decided we shouldn't sail with them anymore." Spike stated sadly.

Usopp gasped. "What!"

"They were worried for our safety, especially after…you know." Spike said vaguely.

Usopp nodded understanding completely.

"But don't worry, we found a very nice pony to take us back. His name is Jack Silver…Oh!" said Fluttershy before gasping suddenly. An idea had crossed her mind. She then looked over at Usopp and smiled. "Usopp, you should come with us back to Equestria."

"Huh?" said Usopp confused.

"I mean, I bet Mr. Silver wouldn't mind towing the Going Merry back to Equestria. You can stay with us?"

Usopp smiled sympathetically to the mare. "Thanks for the offer, but I know in my heart that my life is on the sea, and Merry," he then patted the deck with pride, "will take me there."

After saying good-bye to Usopp, Fluttershy and Spike left to inform their other friends that they had succeeded in there tasked. Meanwhile, Usopp began preparing for the impending high-tide. Without him knowing it, Sanji and Chopper soon left with Fluttershy and Spike

Nami stood within the crowd of Water 7 civilians as she watched her captain fight against a cyborg Minotaur. That's right, a cyborg Minotaur. In a wide world of magic and mystery, they run into a creature of not only of brute strength, but also of science. Franky, the leader of the Franky Family, was that Minotaur and he was the most unusual creature she had ever seen. It could be that his fashion sense was almost perverted: he only wore an open, red Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, and a black speedo, and was proud of it. He had his light-blue hair styled up like a pompadour. His nose was completely metal. On his, rather large, forearms was two big, blue stars. But despite all that, he was a good fighter.

Luffy and Franky had been in combat for a number of minutes and doing major damage to the shipyard. For all of Luffy's physical strength, Franky easily matched it. The Minotaur's ingenuity was something to be feared as well as his whole body was a weapon. His right arm could fire out a punch similar to how Luffy could with his hooves. His left arm could fire a barrage of bullets. He could breathe fire and spit out nails. And then, there was his most terrifying move; one that could even bring down the metal crane in the shipyard.

"Hey, buddy!" Everyone looked up into the sky as they heard a shout, including Luffy and Franky. In a flash of rainbow, Franky was sent flying into the metal gate entrance of Dock One.

"Wow!" shouted Luffy surprised. He then looked at who had hit Franky. He gasped surprised. "Rainbow?"

"Rainbow Dash?" Nami said surprised.

"Don't think that I've forgiven you or anything." Rainbow Dash stated angrily towards Luffy. "I just want to settle the score with Franky for beating up our friends."

"Ow!" shouted Franky as he recovered from off the metal door. "What hit me?"

"Bro!" shouted Mozu urgently as she and Kiwi ran up next to him. "It's that rainbow Pegasus they told us about."

"The one that blew up our house." Kiwi said as well.

"Oh, really." Franky said with a grin before cracking his knuckles. "That saves me the hassle of finding her myself."

"Hey!" shouted Luffy as he stepped in front of Rainbow Dash. "You're fight is with me."

"That's what you think!" Franky shouted as he threw out his left arm. It suddenly transformed slightly revealing for barrels. He shouted, "Weapons Left!" and began firing towards the two.

It was too fast for Rainbow Dash to dodge. One of the bullets grazed Rainbow Dash sending her a great amount of pain. "Ah!" She screamed as she landed on the ground.

"Rainbow!" Luffy shouted worried. Because he was made of rubber, the bullets had bounced off him flying in every direction. No citizen was hurt.

"Ha! Not so tough, are ya." Franky said smirking proudly. He transformed his arm back and began walking forward towards the two fighters. "Now, let me-" Suddenly, Franky was hit by a large fist knocking him away. Luckily, being covered in mostly metal, Franky was mostly unharmed, but definitely annoyed. "Who the hell?" He asked angrily.

Walking up towards the fighters was the five foremen of Dock One; Paulie, Lucci, Lulu, Kaku, and finally another Minotaur named Tilestone. He had brown fur and hair that was tied in a ponytail on the back, and a light-brown beard. He had a tattoo going from his chest near his shoulder to his arm with the kanji "ship" though if you followed it around you would see that it actually says "shipwright". He wore a pair of crimson elbow-pads and had knee-long pants. All of them looked at all fighters glaringly and angry. Lulu and Kaku both had weapons, Lulu having two double-barrel pistols and Kaku had carpenter's chisels. Paulie, Lucci, and Tilestone were just going to use their own fists.

At this point, Twilight finally reached the fight. She immediately stopped as she saw everyone at a standstill. "Did they stop the fight?"

"Good." Nami said smiling seeing the foremen enter the battlefield. "Those guys will definitely be on our side."

Relieved that he had back-up, Luffy looked back at Rainbow Dash concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I've had worst." Rainbow Dash said acting tough. She was about get up when she caught sight of someone coming at them. "Luffy, look out!"

Luffy was too late to react. Suddenly, a rope caught around Luffy's next. "Rope Action, Half-Knot …" The wielder of the rope, Paulie, pulled the rope choking Luffy. "Air Drive!" He then swung the rope upwards smashing the rubber pony down into wooden debris. He then removed the rope from the pony's neck.

"What?!" Nami said confused.

"Luffy!" shouted Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

The red stallion soon recovered. He was a bit disorientated, but could still stand. He shouted out towards the foremen, "What the hell! What's going on?!" No reply came as the pony suddenly felt two bullets hit his body. Again, they had no effect on him.

"Ah, a Devil Fruit user." Lulu, the shooter, said surprised.

"What are you guys doing?!" shouted Franky angrily as he readied to fire from his left arm again. This time aimed at the Galley-La foremen. "They're mine to fight!"

"YOU'RE IN OUR WAY, FRANKY!" shouted Tilestone loudly as he swung a large log. With his strength, he easily batted away the cyborg.

"Bro!" shouted Kiwi and Mozu.

Lucci went on the attack at Luffy. The man didn't say a thing, as his pigeon soon left to avoid getting hit, as he tried striking Luffy. He had a unique fighting style of standing upright and using his hooves to strike like a claw. Luckily, Luffy was no slouch. He easily countered each strike until finally pushing the pony back. Lucci quickly went back on the attack, but something strange occurred as he did and Luffy noticed it. In a single moment, in one strike, Lucci was suddenly even more serious in his fighting. This surprise sent Luffy flying back crashing into more debris.

"Hey!" shouted Rainbow Dash to the foremen. "What the hell are you doing? Franky is the one that attacked!"

Kaku glared at the cyan Pegasus. "You were with Straw Hat yesterday…"

"You're right." Paulie said as he recognized the Pegasus. He then used his Rope Action technique to impressively hog-tie the cyan Pegasus.

"Rainbow!" shouted Twilight.

"Hey!" shouted Rainbow Dash surprised.

"Leave her out of this!" shouted Luffy as he stepped back up.

"We're not letting a single one of you Straw Hats to escape!" shouted Paulie determinedly. "Not after you attempted to assassinate Iceberg!"

"What?!" Everyone including Franky and the Square Sisters looking towards Paulie shocked. Jack has soon arrived right behind Twilight, but remained hidden after hearing Paulie. He instead chose to watch for the time being to how this event would unfold.

Now, to explain: much earlier, during the start of the fight, Tilestone had come running into Iceberg's room where all the other foremen and Kalifa were standing around Iceberg's bed. Tilestone had come from outside to inform every one of the fight happening at Dock One; however, they waited as Iceberg informed the group of his assassins. He only saw one face, but it was enough of lead to get everyone jumping. Nico Robin of the Straw Hat pirates had attacked him which meant that this was an attack by said pirates. The news was soon released to the public as to help bring in these criminals, or at least the ones they knew were with the pirates. Of course, knowing that the Straw Hat captain was here, the top foreman moved into action leading to our current predicament.

"Last night," Paulie said explaining, "one of your crew members, Nico Robin and some masked guy, attempted to kill Iceberg."

"What?!" shouted everyone again still shocked.

"What? They shot Ice-For-Brains?" said Franky surprised as he looked at Luffy. "What? Picking on my group wasn't enough for you? You had to also mess with Galley-La too?"

"That…can't be right!" Twilight said as she dashed out into the open.

Nami gasped seeing her friend come out. "Twilight!"

Luffy turned hearing Nami call out his sister. He quickly spotted her and gasped in shock. "Twi!"

"Stay back, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash warned still trying to get out of Paulie's rope.

"Coo, coo!" spoke Lucci's pigeon, Hattori. "Wasn't she also with the Straw Hats yesterday?"

"Yeah…" Kaku said darkly. He then threw his weapon of choice, a carpenter's chisel, towards Twilight.

"You must…" Twilight spoke but stopped as the carpenter's chisel flew passed her face. She froze shocked as a small cut appeared across her cheek and bled. She noticed the pain and checked her cheek. She gasped seeing her own blood.

"You pirates have no say in the manner. The laws of the world won't protect you." Kaku stated coldly and heartlessly.

"Hey!" The foreman turned their attention back to Luffy hearing his shout. They all froze as they stared at a stallion completely enraged and glaring at them. "Don't hurt Twilight!"

"Or what?" replied Kaku.

BOOM! Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the air. Everyone turned to see who had fired the shot. It was Jack Silver. The unicorn held a pistol in his magic aura and had it pointing up towards the sky. The barrel was still smoking. The pony looked incredibly irritate.

"Or me!" Jack shouted loudly for everyone to hear as he lowered his pistol. "You folks need to calm down, and get your facts straight! These ponies," he pointed to Twilight and Rainbow Dash, "are not pirates!"

"Jack Silver, the 'Master of the Seas'…" Paulie said sounding calm and somewhat surprised. "What are you doing?"

"Protecting my clientele." Jack stated calmly before pointing his pistol down, but not away. "You see, I've been paid for my services to transport the prize pupil of Princess Celestia of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends back to Equestria."

"What?!" shouted the foremen surprised.

"Also," said Jack as he continued speaking, "these mares are the current bearers of the legendary Elements of Harmony. A tale I'm sure you all know well enough. I should also note that if any one of you do harm them, especially Twilight Sparkle, you will have an international incident on your hooves. One that will likely lead to war with Equestria which I may remind you all, has held so strong that it has kept the Black Empire back for centuries. Now, do you think your mayor, your hero, would want that?"

"Jack?!" Twilight said looking at the unicorn surprised.

"So, if any one of you want to lay a hoof on them," Jack said as he now pointed his pistol in the direction of the Galley-La foremen, "I'll blow you brains all over the shipyard."

"What proof do you have?" asked Kaku suspicious.

Jack smirked. He quickly tossed something towards the foremen. It unrolled itself revealing to be a newspaper, one circulated by the Black Empire no less. "See for yourself." Jack stated confidently.

Kaku took the newspaper and looked it over. On the front was the ceremony celebrating the defeat of Discord. On it, he could see the two ponies in question. Kaku frowned. "He's right. Their story checks out."

"WHAT?!" shouted Tilestone incredibly loud. He only has one volume.

"Though, that leaves the question as to why they were with the Straw Hats at all." Kaku added suspicious.

"When's the last time you saw an Equestrian ship?" Jack asked in reply still smirking.

"Ow!" shouted Franky out in surprise. "That's some serious shit right there!"

"Shut up, Franky!" shouted Rainbow Dash as she finally got out of the rope.

"Ow! You still wanna fight, girly?" Franky said completely forgetting the earlier statement from Jack.

"So what you're saying is we can't hurt those two," Kaku said while pointing to Twilight and Rainbow Dash, "but we can capture Straw Hat pirates."

"Wait! Hold on!" shouted Twilight before being stopped by Jack.

"Yes." Jack said without hesitation not giving Twilight the chance. The mare gasped looking at the captain shocked.

"Very well." Kaku said as he and the other foremen turned around towards Luffy. The young stallion didn't complain, and was ready to fight.

"Well, tough!" Everyone turned hearing Franky's shout. The cyborg stepped forward with his forearms connected together by a t-pipe. It was pointed right at everyone. "I've got a bone to pick with all of you. Messing with my followers, blowing up my house, getting in the way of my fight, and ignoring me! It's time to send you all flying."

"Do it, bro!" cheered Kiwi.

"Let them have it." Mozu said proudly.

"Connector set! Coup…" Franky's forearms began to expand as air was sucked in through the pipe. The crowd freaked out as they recalled this same event earlier as it destroyed the metal crane. They tried warning the foremen, but they were just confused by the crowd's shout.

Luffy gasped knowing what was coming. "Twilight! Rainbow!" He shouted out to the mares. "Get out of here! Now!"

"What?" Rainbow Dash said as she and Twilight looked at the red stallion confused.

"Ladies," Jack said as he used his magic to pull Rainbow Dash down. He then turned facing towards the shipyard making his horn glow brighter. "I suggest we make a strategic retreat." His magic then created a doorway leading right onto the deck of the Golden Alicorn.

"Whoa!" said Rainbow Dash.

"That's a portal spell!" Twilight said shocked.

"…de…" said Franky as his forearms expanded to their maximum.

"Now!" shouted Jack. He had his magic then pull Rainbow Dash and Twilight as all three of them went through the portal. Twilight and Rainbow Dash landed on their faces exiting the portal while Jack landed safely.

Jack's crew was surprised seeing their captain and the two mares suddenly appear. "Captain?" said Big Rummy confused.

"Twi? Rainbow?" Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked up hearing Applejack speak. She sounded as surprised as the crew had been. They saw her with the others and were sitting around a table seemingly having a friendly drink with Big Rummy, T-Cog, and Gem La Stone.

"Hi, girls." Pinkie Pie said smiling and waving cheerfully.

Jack didn't respond. He quickly closed the portal as Franky shouted, "Vent!" The portal then closed. Immediately after, everyone heard an explosion.

"Everyone! Hit the deck!" shouted Jack.

After the explosion, there came debris flying towards them. Much of it was wood, but bits of metal was also in the mix. Immediately, everyone ducked down. Debris fell around the ship with some small planks of wood landing on ship. Twilight and Jack had placed up a bubble and shield around their friends and crew protecting them from any debris. It soon seemed to be over as the debris stopped falling, but it was far from. The sounds of a large metal object collapsing could be heard followed by the breaking of wood. The half-finished galleon ship collapsed falling towards another uncompleted ship. The damage it did to the other ship's haul was minimal, but the unsecured mast broke off and fell towards the Golden Alicorn.

"Look out!" Shimmer shouted out towards her father and the two guests on the ground.

Hearing the shout, Jack and Twilight looked up to see the mast falling towards them. Acting fast, Twilight had her magic surround her, Rainbow Dash, and Jack. She then teleported just as the mast crushed part of the deck. They all then reappeared alongside the crew.

Jack breathed out in relief. "Thanks."

"My ship!" screamed T-Cog worried.

Twilight didn't reply as she stood back up and looked towards the wreckage. She could see the cloud of dust and smoke where she knew Luffy, and Nami, were still probably there. Only, she didn't know if they were okay. Luckily, it wasn't long before she spotted something rocketing out of the smoke. She couldn't see it clearly who it was, but she only knew of one pony that could do such a feat.

'Stay safe Luffy.' Twilight silently wished with all her hope.

Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were relieved that their friends had made it back safe. Likewise, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were relieved, and surprised, that they were okay. Rarity explained to them that the crew was actually very nice to them while they waited for their return. A little course, but nice. Nevertheless, Jack needed to answer some questions.

"Jack!" shouted Twilight walking over to the pony.

"Captain Jack." Jack stated with emphasis on the 'captain' title.

"You lied to us!" said Twilight accusing the pirate captain.

"Correction. I purposely left out the information that I and my crew are pirates." Jack said correcting Twilight's accusation.

"Ha! Typical captain!" said Slash laughing.

"And, I fully intend to honor our agreement." Jack stated to the mare looking her straight in her eyes. Twilight looked surprised seeing how serious the pirate captain was being. "Though, I will admit there are a number of other reasons I offered my services."

Jack soon began explaining himself. First, he reintroduced himself as 'Pirate Lord' Jack Silver, the 'Master of the Seas'. His title was infamous wherever the sea touched. There wasn't a pirate alive that didn't fear his name. Wanted in several countries outside the Black Empire including Equestria with a (Equestrian) bounty of 100, 000 Bits. He had been pirating for decades gathering a crew, and going after a single goal that had inspired him since he was a young colt: the elements of Harmony. He journeyed around the world for years hoping to find some clue of those mystical items. He, some fifty years back, had even raided Canterlot believing to find them there. They weren't, and that's how he got his bounty. He had even heard a rumor of a seventh element of Harmony a few years back, though it turned up to just be a dud. He then heard of Twilight and her friends exploits and had hoped to meet them.

"Who would've thought an opportunity to meet would turn up so soon." Jack said chuckling amazed.

"Is that how you knew about us?" asked Twilight recalling earlier.

"Aye." Jack said nodding.

The group of mares was amazed by Jack's story. The stallion before them had certainly lived a rich life. It was surprising to learn that Jack had searched for the elements of Harmony himself. It made them a little worried, that maybe he was going to use them to get to the elements.

"Oh, don't worry yourself, ladies." Jack spoke grinning suavely. "I have no intention of taking the elements from you. I doubt you actually have them on you."

"Well, yes." Rarity said sounding obvious.

"Hold on a minute." Applejack spoke sounding concerned. "How were you going to get us back home? You're a wanted pony there."

"Let me be the one to worry about that, Miss Apple." Jack then looked over at the damage that had been done to his ship. He frowned not looking happy. "But first, I and T-Cog are going to have a talk with those Galley-La foremen. Their recklessness damaged my ship."

Jack and T-Cog left to go find the foremen or whoever to play them compensation for the damage they caused to their ship. Jack was quite adamant that those foreman were still alive. Meanwhile, Twilight and Rainbow Dash told their friends, and by extension the crew, what had happen over by the gate. What none of them noticed was that while Jack and T-Cog were out, the Galley-La workers were now surrounding the boat for the purpose of keeping an eye on the group. They weren't going to take any chances with the culprits still at large.

After the fight, news of who had attacked Iceberg spread through the city like wildfire. Newspaper were flying all over the place. The Straw Hat pirates were now the most wanted criminals in all of Water 7 history. Everyone soon knew their faces or at least the faces for Luffy, Zoro, and Robin. While civilians prepared their homes for Agua Laguna, the rest of the Galley-La shipwrights were searching the city for the Straw Hat pirates. They checked their ship, not knowing they had left it, but found no one. Usopp had hidden himself immediately upon seeing the group of men. Zoro was already on the move sensing the hostility and the finding out later why. Luffy and Nami, both escaping from the fight after Franky's attack, were on the roofs hiding and searching for their crew. All that was left was Sanji and Chopper. They were still looking for Robin along with Fluttershy and Spike, the latter hoping that Robin could fix the issues between the Straw Hats and his group. They were careful not to speak of their affiliations with the three wanted in their crew.

At the moment, the group was over by the train station. They were checking the train schedules making sure that Robin had not left via the Sea Train. Luckily, there were only two times the train would leave; one in the day and one at night for a place called Enies Lobby. In the end, they decided to keep searching Water 7 believing she would not be leaving by train anytime soon.

"I really hope Robin isn't mad at me for going into that bookstore without her." Chopper, in Walk Point form, said depressed.

"No, no, of course not." Fluttershy said giving the reindeer a comforting pat and smile.

"Man, this city is so big!" said Spike with a weary sigh. "How are we ever going to find her?"

"We keep going that's how." Sanji said determinedly.

Chopper remained quiet as they kept walking looking for their missing friend. As Chopper looked around, he stopped as he caught sight of the very pony they were looking for. "Robin…"

The group stopped. They looked back at Chopper seeing the reindeer completely frozen with surprise. "What?" ask Sanji surprised. He and everyone then looked across the canal. Standing opposite of them was Robin looking completely calm and sullen.

"Robin!" shouted the group surprised and relieved.

"Where did you?!" shouted Sanji overjoyed. "Everyone is so worried about you! We'll be over there in just a minute."

"You gotta help us!" shouted Spike next looking desperate. "Luffy said we shouldn't sail with you guys anymore. Everyone is heartbroken."

"No." Robin said speaking clear and loudly for her friends to hear. "I can't help you, and I won't be going back. This is where we part ways."

"What…" Chopper said shocked.

"Hey! Don't worry about what the papers say! We don't believe it! They're always blaming pirates for bad stuff." Sanji shouted believing that Robin need some sort of reassurance.

Robin sighed. "Yes. You guys are being falsely accused. However, for me, I did attack the mayor last night."

The group gasped in shock. They couldn't believe what they had just heard. Soon, they all recalled the words of Aokiji from just a few days ago. About how every group Robin had been with had been destroyed, and the she was sole survivor every time. That his mare was surrounded with darkness, and that it would one day devour them. Just thinking about it made Fluttershy shake uncontrollably. Her fear soon took hold of her as she now view the mare before her as that scary darkness. On the other hand, the guys just couldn't understand why Robin was leaving.

"You will be my scapegoat for this incident." Robin declared clearly for her friends to hear. "But before I leave, the situation here will get worse. It would be best if you left the island now. We may not have known each other long, but thank you for treating me well. Tell everyone I said 'good-bye'." She then turned around and begin walking away.

Sanji was completely stunned by Robin's declaration. He was so stunned that his cigarette fell from his mouth. "I…I don't believe this…" He said in disbelief. He immediately jumped into the canal. "Stop Robin!"

"Robin!" cried out Chopper. He was unable to chase after Robin being a Devil Fruit user.

"What about Twilight!" Spike shouted desperately. Robin didn't respond. She kept walking away from the group heading right into a darken building. Spike immedaitely turned to Fluttershy hoping she could help. "Fluttershy! Fly after her and stop her." Though determined, Spike soon lost his mood as he saw Fluttershy's condition.

Fluttershy could only respond by shaking her head. She was still shaking with fear and unable to even make a peep. She would not fly after Robin.

Unfortunately, Robin was able to escape the group disappearing completely without a trace. Her message however, was quite troubling and Sanji wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery. He asked Chopper to go and tell the crew what they learned while he kept searching. Fluttershy and Spike wanted to go along with Sanji, but the stallion advised them to head back to their group as this was now a crew matter. They begrudgingly agreed as they had forgotten that they may be ready to leave. The two soon took off for Dock One wishing Sanji luck and vice versa.

Franky was pissed. When he had finally gotten the money to buy what he's always dreamed of buying, the pirates his family stole from kicks his family's ass. Then, when he goes to get revenge, his fight is interrupted by the Galley-La foremen and then his opponent escapes. And finally, that last attack had depleted all his cola-power. Yes, 'cola-power'. He was a cyborg Minotaur that ran on cola. His pompadour, once standing upward proudly, was now dropping over his face indicating that he was low on cola.

To refuel, he and the sisters went to his favorite bar, Blueno's bar. Blueno was another Minotaur – the third in all of Water 7 – that had black-and-brown fur and black horns. He was a Minotaur of few words. When Franky got there he ran into Granny Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe. Apparently, they were old friends of sorts. Once Franky had refueled, the blue Minotaur got mad. While he had simmered down while at the bar, his anger at Straw Hat Luffy made him furious again. He soon left to go search for Luffy.

Luckily for him, some of his followers were out searching for him. Though they didn't see Luffy, they did know that that a unicorn (Usopp) was still on the boat owned by the Straw Hats. This gave Franky a devious idea and went straight to the coast where the Going Merry was docked.

"If I can't find Straw Hat," Franky said as he wore an evil grin. "Then I'll just use his friend as hostage, and he'll come to me!"