• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 7,515 Views, 604 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

Run! Fight. Survive!

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…

"Hey, guys!" called out Rainbow Dash. "Looks like the others were right! She was the one with the key we needed to help out Zoro and Pinkie."

"Come on." Sanji said as he picked Rarity, holding her bridal style. "I'll explain on the way, but we need to hurry to rescue Pinkie Pie."

"And Zoro." The Pegasus stated.

"Huh? A key?" said Zoro confused.

"That's the key!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she abruptly stopped herself. "The one to unlock your cuffs!"

Pinkie Pie gasped happily. "Really?!"


"Oh, I remember now." Spandam said with an evil grin. "So that was you way back then. That little filly who looked so confused and betrayed when she heard the news about her precious 'sensei'."

Twilight growled, knowing she was being patronized. Now her anger was beginning to boil.

"Twilight!" Robin shouted out quickly, knowing what the stallion was trying to do. "Don't let him egg you on. That sword he's holding is dangerous. He's trying to bait you into attacking first."

"You will never lay another hoof on Robin again!"


"W-Wait!" shouted Jabra in desperation.

Of course, Sanji would never listen to his opponent's plea anyway. "Flambé…" The stallion's kick connected to the large hybrid's face with both strength and searing heat. "Shot!" At full force, Sanji's kick shot his opponent straight down towards the floor.


"Kyutoryu, Asura!" Zoro said, now looking like a multi-armed, three-headed, demon.

"That's impossible!" Kaku shouted in disbelief. "He slashed it into mist!"

. "You did well. I commend you." Zoro growled out in respect. "Suffering is welcomed on the path of bloodshed."

"Asura, Ichibugin!"

"Aw… Awesome." Rainbow Dash said utterly amazed.

Now, all that is left of CP9 is Lucci currently locked in battle with Luffy. Can Luffy defeat Cipher Pol 9's most deadly assassin? Will everyone make it to Robin before the Buster Call begins? Find out now!

Luffy & Twilight: We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don't ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn't matter who or what's standing in our way,
We'll make it through them everyday

You won't get anywhere if you're waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can't wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we're Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You'll feel a joy inside that you can't explain
And that's the treasure we must find!

We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

Run! Fight. Survive!
Here Cometh the Buster Call

"So, how did you do that?"

At the Tower of Law, in the room once belonging to the Cipher Pol number 9 agent Kaku, said satyr's opponents stood around him. Oddly, he still wore a smiling expression of content and peace. This however was no longer either of the ponies' concern. For now, Rainbow Dash was far more interested in her friend, Zoro. You couldn't blame her; she had witnessed something amazing. So amazing she couldn't believe it at first. Thus, she was now practically interrogating the stallion for information. Getting in really close with her fierce gaze. On Zoro's part, he was handling this rather well, but it was still becoming annoyed with this.

"Do what?" He asked nettled.

"That thing!" Rainbow Dash shouted with exclamation. "Where you had like 10 arms and five heads and a whole lot of swords!"

Interestingly, Zoro looked surprised at the Pegasus. "It wasn't that many…"

"Forget the numbers! How'd you do it?! Was that magic your magic or something?!"

Zoro scoffed immediately. "I don't know."

"Wh… What?" Rainbow Dash said confused.

"Listen," the unicorn stated scowling, "I don't know much about magic besides the one that holds my swords, and that's it."

"Anything I do – any feat I perform – is by my own power. I don't understand it completely. Maybe it was my magic reacting to my will. Or maybe I really am a demon. It doesn't matter to me, as long as it helps me accomplish my goals."

For all her curiosity, Rainbow Dash was now both befuddled and amazed. The reasoning Zoro had given her was rather shallow-minded; almost ignorant. But then, she could do something like the "Sonic Rainboom", and no one understood how or why she could. She never bothered to learn either; it was just something she and only she could do. Granted, her answer for that was she was awesome (like that was a real answer). So, she thought, what did that mean for her? Could she do something like what Zoro did?

Then, came a long shout. "I'm coming!" Both ponies looked to the open – sliced opened – doorway as someone skidded into view. It was Sanji, fresh off his own victory, coming to their aid.

Or at most, the mare's aid. "Rainbow Dash!" The navy blue stallion shouted sounding worried.

Annoyed, Zoro replied, "Oh, so you could beat that other guy."

Surprisingly, Sanji ignored the insult. His focus was solely on Rainbow Dash, and how she was injured; though far less than Zoro's own honestly. Nevertheless, this was enough to enrage the stallion. "Zoro!" He shouted before rushing over straight to the unicorn.

"How could you let Ms. Rainbow Dash get hurt, you shitty bastard!"

Zoro clenched his teeth with irritation; not even giving the other stallion eye contact. "She's fine."

"It was your duty to protect her!" Sanji shouted now more enraged.

"Hey Sanji," Rainbow Dash spoke, "I'm fine, really."

Hearing her, Sanji immediately calmed down. He gave the mare a look, and then quickly became enamored with her. He proclaimed, "Ah! You're so sexy when you're tough, Rainbow-swan~!"

To this, Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

"Hey, Swirly Cook," Zoro spoke, "do you have the key."

Calming down, Sanji returned to his cool demeanor. "Yeah." He said before pulling the key out from his coat pocket. He then stated coolly, "Wasn't too hard."

"And we have his." Rainbow Dash stated, key in hoof.

Sanji smiled. "Great." He then offered his key to the Pegasus. "Now we can free Robin for sure."

Accepting it, the cyan pony exclaimed, "Awesome!"

"Hurry and get to the bridge." Zoro told Rainbow Dash immediately. "We'll make find our own route to get there."

Rainbow nodded. "On it!" She said before taking off into the sky through the opening in the room.

"Come on, Moss Head." Sanji said soon after. "Usopp mentioned that there was an underground tunnel that connects the tower to the bridge."


Zoro and Sanji then took off for the tunnel. As soon as they both exited, Sanji went in one direction and Zoro went in the opposite direction. Quickly, the Earth pony noticed this. "It's this way, you lost child!" He shouted annoyed.

"Nngh!" Zoro murmured with shock.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash rose high into the sky; mostly of habit. It was her first time actually seeing the island from the sky. Seeing it now, she was shocked to at how odd it was geographically. She knew it was a little strange from seeing it from Jack's boat, but now it looked rather miraculous. After her quick look around, she noticed something on the bridge; what she assumed was their destination, the Bridge of Hesitation. She could see the familiar color of raspberry purple, which she remembered as the color of Twilight's magic. So instantly, she found her destination.

"Here I come!" The Pegasus said for no one before moving. She flew down fast towards the bridge.

With her trained vision on the spot, Rainbow Dash soon got a clearer view of the spot. And it stopped her in midway. She could see Twilight with Robin and both being protected by the first unicorn's magic barrier; she could also see they were a little injured. Of course, she quickly took notice of the number of Empire soldiers – and an elephant – attacking them.

"Those jerks…!" She said mad. After tucking the eyes away safely, Rainbow Dash pulled down her goggles and zipped towards the attackers.

As she sped towards her targets, she heard a rather obnoxious voice speak out; ordering the others it sounded. "Hurry up and break that barrier! I want Nico Robin and that element girl on the escort ship pronto!"

"Not a chance!" Rainbow Dash shouted in defiance.

Everyone heard the shout, but before they could look in its direction Rainbow Dash rammed through a group of naval soldiers; knocking them into the sea. It was so fast that all they saw was a blur of rainbow. As all the Empire citizens began looking around in befuddlement, the cyan Pegasus did it again to another group, and having the same effect as before. All that was left was a few sailors, Spandam, and his elephant Funkfreed. Twilight and Robin, having both witnessed this, remained still with Twilight keeping her barrier up.

"Wh-What's going on?!" Spandam shouted out confused.

Boom! The sound caught everyone's attention and they looked up into the sky. A rainbow streak came hurdling downward. As it passed the building, the streak curved up and straight at the remaining Empire soldiers; including the elephant. Actually, the elephant seemed to be the target. The streak, Rainbow Dash, impacted the elephant and sent him crashing into everyone left that had been attacking her friends. They along with the elephant flew down the bridge path until they landed several feet away from the mares. Spandam, for all his unpleasantness, had the unfortunate circumstance of his own pet landing right on top of him; effectively squishing him.

With the enemies defeated, Rainbow Dash landed right in front of her friends. She grinned with pride as she proclaimed, "That's what you get for messing with my friends."

Twilight gasped out happily. "Rainbow!" After lowering her barrier spell, the young unicorn rushed out to see her friend. It felt like ages since she last saw any of them.

"Hey, Twi." Rainbow Dash said cheerfully. Before she could say anything more, Twilight embraced her. She didn't quite get it, but she coolly accepted it. "Geesh, it's only been a while."

Slightly embarrassed, Twilight released the Pegasus. "Sorry. It's been a rough day." She stated bashfully.

Rainbow Dash just shrugged; she couldn't disagree with that statement.

Standing back up, Robin made her way to the younger mares. She addressed to the Pegasus with a pleased smile, "Ms. Rainbow."

"Hey," replied Rainbow Dash with a grin. She pulled out a bag from her vest pocket and held it out before her friends. "I've got a special delivery for ya."

Again, Twilight gasped. "Rainbow Dash!" She said amazed and grateful.

Robin was equally as surprised, and overjoyed as well. Twilight quickly accepted the bag and then hurried to free her friend and teacher. In order, from one to five, Twilight tried each key until finally on the fifth key the cuffs unlocked. "Yes!"

Instantly, a wave of relief washed over Robin as the cold cuffs feel off. The first thing she did was rub the slightly swollen spots that the cuffs had made on both legs. It helped well to sooth the tender area. Then, she began to walk a little feeling the freedom to move around how she wanted. Only after a few steps though, she stopped. "Thank you," she said to the two younger mares happy.

"No problem." Rainbow Dash said coolly.

The group of mares were happy, but it would not last long. A whistling sound broke their peace and alerted them. They all had heard this sound before; it was the sound of a cannonball flying through the air. Then came the boom. The first one came from far off to the side destroying a part of the fence. Everyone looked over confused.

"Who's firing?!" asked Rainbow Dash perplexed.

Then, came another explosion. They all heard it coming from behind them, and they looked back. To their shock, it came from the Tower of Law. Whatever happened, nevertheless the explosion had caused the entire upper half of the tower, which had been sliced and loosened by the actions of Kaku and Zoro's fight, to fall. It fell inward and into the dark pit below; disappearing completely. The sight shocked the group more so than when the explosion earlier at the fence. They then looked forward, where they assumed the shot was fired from.

As she peered at the fog, Robin soon could make out a sight. "No…" She said horrified.

Twilight looked out as well. She too saw the shadowed object in the fog. "A ship?" She said rhetorically. As she watched the ship, the fog began to lift as well. One ship become two, then four, and then as ten ships. The fog cleared to show a fleet of Black Empire battleships sailing towards them. Twilight, along with her friends, gasped with shock.

"No. Ships." Robin corrected grimly. "The Buster Call has started…"

Beneath the waters between the Bridge of Hesitation and the Tower of Law on Enies Lobby, there lied a tunnel that connected these two parts together. Besides for the obvious reason of being secretive, it served the purpose of also allowing safe travel for government workers as well as the transportation for those being sent to the great prison; Impel Down. This was necessary as the waters above were always rough and treacherous. As such, this tunnel was made to withstand not only the thrashing waters, but also the pressure of the sea itself; built strong to last. And it was certainly long as well.

This fact was well known for a few groups already traversing this tunnel. Zoro and Sanji had found their way to the tunnel; albeit, after much struggle to keep the swordspony following the correct path. To hurry, both stallions were running with all their might. Oddly enough, it was mostly out of competition that they ran so fast, and at the moment they were neck and neck.

"Keep up, you slow-growing Moss Head!" Sanji shouted fuming.

Zoro responded by getting into his face and stating, "And stay at your snail pace? Fat chance, Slow Cook!"

Both stallions then began growling at each other. They were both so distracted with their needless competition that neither of them heard the explosion. All they cared about was about getting to their friends and beating the other in a speed race.

Not too far ahead, as Zoro and Sanji were much faster, there was another group. They consisted of Usopp, or Sogeking, whom was leading Applejack and Pinkie Pie with both supporting Rarity down the barely lit tunnel. They had already traveled down a fourth of the tunnel. Unlike the fellows behind them, they did hear the explosion outside.

"Did you hear that?" Sogeking/Usopp asked to the others.

"Yeah." Applejack said worriedly. "And if we could hear that from way down here…"

"It must be that Buster call we heard about." Rarity said concerned.

"Really?" Pinkie Pie said surprisingly confused for some reason. "'Cause all I can hear this the argument Zoro and Sanji are having."

"Zoro and Sanji?" repeated Applejack and Rarity confused.

"Yes." Sogeking/Usopp said giving the idea some thought. "I wouldn't be that surprised.

Pinkie Pie nodded. "Yeah! Listen." She then placed her hoof to her ear in listening.

Everyone decided to oblige their friend and listen. For a moment, there was silence. This did not last long as they all heard the same shout, "Bastard!" The group freaked slightly in hearing this loud exclamation; shouted in unison by both Zoro and Sanji. They looked down the tunnel in the direction they themselves had run down from. The lighted torches only allowed them vision a few feet away yet they attempted to see further down.

After a while, they began hearing a sound. "Nnnnnn!" It was odd to hear, but the group soon realized what was making it. For within a few seconds of hearing that almost buzzing sound, they also heard the quick pattered clopping of hooves upon the stone floor. And after a few more seconds passed, the images of their friends were soon peered through the darkness.

"Ooh! There they are!" Pinkie Pie cheered out with glee.

Sogeking/Usopp called out, "Swords Wielder!" using his heroic tone and persona in addressing his friend.

"Sanji!" shouted Applejack and Rarity happily surprised.

Unfortunately, neither stallion had any intention of giving them any attention. They both were already far to engrossed into their competition. Thus, they did not slow down as they approached the group.

"Oh crap!" Sogeking/Usopp shouted in his normal voice. "Everyone clear the way! Those two won't stop!"

At the yellow unicorn's warning, everyone quickly backed up to the wall. Without even giving them a second thought, Zoro and Sanji passed the group and continued on. No one had gotten hurt from their little (and stupid) competition. Still, this didn't mean no one was made.

"Hey you jerks!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp vexed. "Watch where you're going!"

Always a cheerful pony, Pinkie Pie didn't seem to mind almost getting close to being trampled. She seemed far more excited for the race. "Come on, guys! We can't let them beat us to Twilight and Robin."

"Yeah! Let's pick up the pace!" Applejack agreed readily.

Forming a makeshift sling – or more like a hammock – to place Rarity on, the group picked up their pace. Applejack and Pinkie Pie together carried their injured friend with Sogeking/Usopp trailing behind them barely. It didn't take them long to see Zoro and Sanji again, but they couldn't quite catch up to the two. So, for the moment, the two groups were now one.

Then, last but not least, there was the finally and first group that had entered the tunnel. As they were much further down, Franky and his group composed of Nami, Chopper, Fluttershy, Spike, Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe were already approaching a door. A sight greatly welcomed after a nearly endlessly dim tunnel.

"Finally!" Nami shouted out in joy.

As Franky had the lead, once at the doors he pushed them open. "Let's just hope that Straw Hat…" The Minotaur began to say until he fully open the doors. The sounds of a fight immediately stopped him and the group in their tracks.

Without even giving the group a glance, Luffy and Lucci fought; bare-hoofed and without the use of their abilities. Both ponies fought on par with each other with neither giving an inch. Each punch and kick was blocked by the other and then immediately countered back. Soon, they both threw a punch at the same time. Their equal power had sent both flying backwards and crashing into crates. Even with this though, neither combatant had been seriously injured. As the dust settled around them, they continued to glare at the other. Luffy completely concentrating on Lucci; however, the CP9 agent had noticed the newcomers entering.

"Ah." The yellow Earth pony said with light interest. "If it isn't Cutty Flam…"

"Lucci…" Franky responded with displeasure.

"And the other criminals." Lucci continued speaking, recognizing the rest of the group.

"Ahh!" screamed Nami, Spike, and the civilians in their group with fright.

Scared as well, Fluttershy took a step back. Her first instinct was to make sure that Chopper, still in her hooves unconscious, was out of danger.

Hearing their screams, Luffy looked away from Lucci to see his group of friends and other. "Guys?" He said confused. Then he noticed Franky and became mad.

"Franky!" He shouted, "I don't have time to fight you!"

"I already said I'm on your side, you idiot!" shouted Franky back at the pony irked.

Despite still fearful of the other pony in the room, Nami stayed put to call out to her captain. "Luffy!" She shouted, "What happened with Robin?"

"Twilight has her above us." He stated, keeping his eyes on Lucci seriously.

Nami brimmed happily. "Great!"

"But he's still here!" Spike pointed out frightened.

Despite the increase in enemies, Lucci remained calm and composed before it all. "It looks like it's getting a little crowded here, Straw Hat." He said smirking; a plan forming in his mind.

Not one to be intimidated, Franky readied to fight by removing his skin-like glove revealing a metal fist. "Okay, guys," he said determinedly, "it looks like the door to Nico Robin is on the other side."

"Y-Yeah." Spike said nervously.

"I'll help Straw Hat take care of Lucci while you all-" Franky stopped speaking as he and everyone else witnessed the CP9 agent transform. Suddenly, the pony changed into a large hybrid creature of a pony and a leopard that towered over everyone. At this, Franky screamed out in shock and fright. "Wah! Lucci's a Devil Fruit user too?!"

"Holy Cats!" shouted Spike equally so.

Now, any sense of courage or bravery left the group. Lucci's now intimidating figure along with his new ferocious appearance of a carnivorous animal had figuratively ripped it away from them. Even for a Minotaur, a creature built with impressive physique and strength. Luffy though hadn't lost his fighting spirit. He was ready to fight back immediately, but he wasn't sure he could take his opponent on in his current state.

"Now, it would be simple just to kill you all." Lucci stated with a sadistic smirk, which sent his potential victims a shiver in fear. But then he retracted, "But that won't take care of the other criminals coming."

Suddenly, Lucci lifted one of his hindlegs. "Rankyaku…" He then kicked out, but not towards the group or his opponent. He had sent the slicing wave back towards at the wall behind him. It cleanly sliced through the wall, and the sea water began rushing in immediately.

"Ah!" screamed the group in shock. Quickly, they turned and made a run for it as the water came rushing into the room.

"Hey!" Luffy shouted mad at his opponent.

Lucci only continued to smirk before he began using the Geppo technique. Wasting no time, Luffy stretched his arm and shot himself up to a ledge within the large, spacious, storage room. Likewise, Lucci had leapt through the air a few times before landing on the same ledge opposite Luffy. The gushing water and sea pressure expanded the hole in the wall allowing a torrent of salty water to fill the room faster. And with it, fill the undersea tunnel where many of our heroes and others were currently traveling in. Lucci had effectively cut-off their fastest route in reaching Robin as well as their potential escape.

"Pigeon guy!" shouted Luffy angrily.

"Since this room is beneath the sea level, it will fill with water including the tunnel." Lucci stated callously. "Your friends will either be stuck back at the Tower of Law to meet a grim fate or drown tragically."

Luffy was undeterred by the Zoan-type user's grim proclamation. "They'll be fine." He stated definite.

As he did not care, Lucci didn't retort the stallion's statement. He instead decided to move their fight. Again, he used the Geppo technique and traveled up through a hatchway.

"That creep…!" Luffy muttered angrily. He immediately followed after the leopard-pony hybrid. After climbing up the ladder, Luffy found himself in the room above the storage room; where he and Twilight had prepared their rescue of Robin. He quickly jumped over to the opposite side of the room; opposite to his opponent, Lucci.

"Unlike the other room, this one is above the sea level." Lucci said informing the rubber pony. "The water won't reach here."

Breathing out hard, Luffy responded with a mad, "Whatever." The pony then positioned himself in a crouching form; on all fours. All his legs expanded and then contracted, pumping the stallion's body fluids, which caused his body to produce a pinkish sheen as well as steam.

"Second…Gear." Luffy said serious.

Lucci immediately arched his brow. "What's this trick?"

Standing now, Luffy had one hoof reeled back and the other extended out; almost like taking aim. "Gum-Gum…" He then vanished from his opponent's view. Only to reappear right in front of him still in the same pose.

'He's faster now!' Lucci realized surprisingly. "Tekkai!" Quickly, he hardened his hybrid body a moment before his opponent attacked.

"Jet Pistol!" Luffy launched out his hoof with blinding speed.

Unable to move, Lucci took on the full impact of the hit. His Tekkai technique was unmatched by any of his peers; and yet, he felt the full, painful impact of his opponent's punch. 'He's stronger too!' Even though his body was now as hard as steel – maybe stronger – it did little in even softening the blow. The hit even pushed him some back. As he recovered, a little blood began to seep down from his lip, which he barely noticed.

For he was far more excited for his continuing fight with the pirate.

"Our testing fire succeeded in hitting the island, Vice Admiral, sir. Specifically the Tower of Law."

"Good. Then begin the operation at once."

"Yes, sir!"

Black Navy battleships were one of the largest and most powerful ships on the sea. A single one could destroy a small island, and each held within it over two-thousand ponies trained to fight on the high seas. Altogether, there were ten ships under the authority of five vice-admirals of the Black Empire's Navy. Each stallion had years of experience and strength under their belt, and each upheld justice wherever they went. This current action they were undertaking, the Buster Call, was no different. They were about burn this island to the ground; all for the sake of justice.

"Sir," a sailor said as he reported to the large stallion, "we have spotted the wanted criminal Nico Robin on the Bridge of Hesitation along with two mares reported to be the bearers of the elements of Harmony."

The one in charge, Vice Admiral Onigumo, thought over the information for a moment. "We'll leave them be for now." He stated calmly.

"We'll let Lucci take care of recapturing them. For now, keep all cannons targeted on Enies Lobby."

"Yes, sir!"

Meanwhile on the Bridge of Hesitation, the once defeated Black Navy soldiers had recovered and took note that of the many battleships heading towards them. Immediately, they began to formulate their next series of moves. While some beckoned the crew from the escort ship to assist them, the rest helped remove the elephant off from Spandam. Eventually, they were able to just wake the beast up and by happenstance moved off his owner. Despite the elephant now off, the metal-faced pony remained in the crater of said elephant looking near passed out. Worried for him, the soldiers attempted to wake him.

"Chief? Chief!"

Eventually it worked. The chief of Cipher Pol number 9 soon awoke. Albeit, a little frazzled since an elephant landed on him. "Whose-a chef? All'en have the boobam-boo."

"Um, sir?" A Naval sailor asked confused.

"Wha?" Spandam said befuddled. Luckily, he didn't stay like this for long. A quick shake of his senses, by shaking his head almost violently, Spandam soon returned to his usual unpleasantness.

He soon stood back up, looking infuriated. "Huh? What's going on? What are you fools doing?!" He shouted thoughtlessly.

"Um, sir…" One of the soldier spoke up nervously. "The Buster Call, it's…" Unable to finished, the sailor simply pointed out behind the stallion.

Looking befuddled, Spandam turned around to see what the stallion was talking about. Instantly seeing the large battleships, he let out a shocked scream. "They're here?!"

Everyone, including Twilight and her group, watched in awe and terror as the cannons fired indiscriminately towards the island. Every shot hitting the island and destroying anything or potentially anyone there.

"They're not aiming for the bridge." Spandam realized suddenly. Not a single shot had been fired at or even near them. And at this, the greedy unicorn grinned overconfidently. "It's just as my father said it would be. I'm completely immune to the Buster Call."

"Um, sir," spoke one Navy soldier, ignoring the pony's comment. "Nico Robin and two of the element bearers are still on the bridge…"

"Then what are you fools waiting for?!" Spandam shouted impertinently. "Go and capture them!

"Yes, sir!" shouted the soldier obediently. The Black Navy sailors charged down the bridge prepared to recapture the fugitive and apprehend her rescuers.

"My promotion is at stake!" Spandam added selfishly.

Despite being far down away from them, the group of mares had quickly noticed that their fight on the bridge was far from done. As she rose up hovering off the bridge, Rainbow Dash looked around questioningly at the incoming battleships. She asked, "Why aren't they firing at us?"

Twilight already had a clear idea as to why. "They are probably expecting Spandam to recapture slash capture us."

Rainbow Dash immediately scoffed. "Yeah, right." She said before bashing her hooves together toughly, "Not without a fight."

Nodding in agreement with her friend, Twilight looked over to Robin. She could see that the older unicorn was experiencing some shock; probably from past experience with the Buster Call. She was even shaking with fear. So, acting as leader, she began to tell Rainbow Dash her plan. "If those battleships aren't going to attack us yet, we can take advantage of that."


"Go ahead of us and secure the escort ship." Twilight said pointing at the object. "That is our best way of escaping."

"You got it!" Rainbow Dash said confidently. She then took off, flying low and weaving underneath the bridge, heading straight for the boat.

"Hey!" shouted a Black Navy sailor. "There's one of them!"

"Capture her you fools!" shouted Spandam immediately.

As part of the force attempted to capture Rainbow Dash, the other still coming after the other them, Twilight took this time to help her teacher. Though, she had to be quick. "Sensei," she said, "I know that this is bringing back some bad memories, but we need you to help secure the ship so we can all go back together."

Even in her current state of shock and dismay, Robin could hear her student and her logical plan clearly. She looked away from the nearing battleships only to stare at Twilight for moment. Seeing her determination, and remembering that all her friends were fighting to reach her, Robin realized that she needed to get her own act together. Curtly, she shook her head as if shaking away her fear and despair; replacing them with her own resolve and hope.

"Yes," she said smiling, "you're right."

Twilight brimmed happily seeing that Robin was back in action. She then faced back forward along with her teacher towards the incoming soldiers. Immediately, their horns began glowing. While Twilight's glowed her usual aura color along with an added electrical surge, Robin glowed darkly a deep purple. As it as the aura floated around her horn fluidly, small bits of her magic became pink and looked like flower petals; specifically cherry blossom petals. They remained floating around her horn as it shifted from the one form to the other.

Fearless and determined, the Twilight Sparkle, Nico Robin, and Rainbow Dash began their fights to take control of the bridge and the ship. All the while, the Buster Call battleships sailed closer to the island. Each one bombarding the island with cannon fire. How long would the commanders of these vessels keep a blind eye on the bridge? And, just how long would it take to raze Enies Lobby to the ground.

"Hey, Long Nose Guy," spoke Sanji refusing to address his former crewmate by name, "why'd you stop?"

"Yeah, we gotta keep movin'." Applejack stated almost hurriedly.

"Shh! Listen, don't you hear it?"

After passing the halfway point, a marker unbeknownst to them, the whole group had stopped as Sogeking/Usopp had halted their advance. On the unicorn's part, he had indeed heard something. Everyone, being curious, they tried to listen as well. So, when the tunnel became silent, a certain sound began resounding within it. The booming sound of the Buster Call bombarding the island; the Tower of Law included.

Fearful, Rarity answered with, "All I hear is…"

"The Buster Call." Sanji finished with a frown.

"So, it's already started." Zoro stated calmly.

"But we seem pretty safe here." Applejack reasoned assuredly. "So don't fret none, Mr. Sogeking."

Yet, Sogeking/Usopp shook his head. "No! That's not it," he stated, "I heard something else."

"Something else?" questioned Rarity curiously.

The yellow unicorn remained silent as he could not find the words to explain what he had heard. It almost seemed like a dream now; an echoing voice like dolphin chatter resonating within his very soul. At first, it seemed strange, and yet it felt so familiar. Like an old friend. Even odder, despite the animal chatter, he seemed to understand it.

"It sounded like…"

Then, Pinkie interrupted. "All I can hear is our friends' yelling."

"Pinkie Pie," Rarity said deadpanned, "you seemed to have a quite the advance hearing today."

"Yeah!" The pink Earth pony said cheerfully agreeing. "But it's probably just for this chapter though."

"Pardon?" asked Applejack confused, as were everyone else.

Before Pinkie Pie could speak again, a new sound began echoing through the tunnel, but in the other direction. It was not a sound they had been expecting; it sounded more like rushing water. Then, it was accompanied by other sounds like terrified screams and the clopping of hooves. In a matter of moments, the group saw what it was coming. At the head of it all, they saw their friends and allies – Franky, Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe – running and flying for their lives. For behind the group, a cascade of water chased after them. As soon as they saw the rushing deluge, the group too began screaming.

"What the heck?!" shouted Zoro startled.

Though panicking, Nami still had enough sense to be surprised as well when she saw the others standing before them. She immediately shouted, "Guys!"

"Nami!" screamed out Sogeking terrified; actually towards the incoming flow of water.

"Ah~! Nami-swan~! Fluttershy-chwan~!" shouted Sanji enamored instantly by the mares' sight. Which, of course, made the likes of Applejack and Rarity a little mad.

"We don't have time for-" Just as Applejack had partially said, the group did not have time. Not even to react fast enough.

As the running group meet the other group, all were completely overtaken by the fast-streaming seawater. Everyone had been completely submerged. They all held whatever air they could get within their lunges before they were engulfed, which unfortunately wasn't much. It wouldn't last them any time long enough for anyone to think of an escape. So now, helpless within the current, everyone could only float aimlessly in the water. No end to this tunnel was in sight; by this point, it was completely filled with ocean water. All the torches snuffed out by the water leaving the whole passageway dark. It seemed like this was the end for everyone.

"Seis Fleur…" On Robin's command, six hooves sprouted onto Spandam. The unfortunate pony was completely bewildered by the sight.

"What's this?!"

"Slap!" commanded Robin.

Immediately, the hooves began quickly slapping Spandam. The unicorn could do nothing to stop the attack. Though this onslaught of slapping power was both fierce and relentless, it eventually had to end. The hooves immediately disappeared, leaving Spandam only with a swollen face.

But his punishment wasn't over yet. "Magic Lightning!" Twilight was next, sending a magically made electric bolt at the same target.

Unsuspecting, due to his swollen face, Spandam was literally shocked. He was lighted up like a light bulb; even showing his skeletal structure. After which, once the electricity was cut off, the pony dropped to the floor charred and fried.

Twilight scoffed while passing the stallion, "That's for everything."

Robin saw this casually and smiled a little with pride at how sharply Twilight spoke to the terrible pony. No time though to relish the moment, the dark purple unicorn continued to take down the last of the Navy soldiers still on the bridge.

Just as Twilight had assumed, the Buster Call battleships had indeed left them alone. Even while they were defeating the small contingent of soldiers on the bridge. They just kept bombarding the island in front of them. So, they easily handled all the Navy soldiers. Another use of her Devil Fruit powers along with an assortment of spells from Twilight and they were immediately finished with their task. Now, at the steps leading down to escort ship, they stood by looking back at their handiwork. All that was left was the elephant, who rather mindlessly trudged around the bridge.

"That's looks like the last of them, Twilight." Robin stated almost surely.

"Right." Twilight said nodding.

Twilight was about lead them down the stairs, but then a boom stopped her and Robin immediately. They both looked back to the island, but they saw what had caused the noise just on the other side of the bridge. Bursting out of the side of the building of the Bridge of Hesitation, a giant, red hoof destroyed nearly half the building. Not only that, a large pony-like creature had taken the full blunt of the strike. Twilight and Robin gasped in shock at the sight. Rainbow Dash too, having finished her task and heard the same thing, was utterly dumbfounded by the sight. As they continued watching, they saw the pony creature fall right on to a nearby battleship, and the giant-sized hoof suddenly shrink and retract back inside.

"What…" Rainbow Dash said stupefied. "…was that!"

Robin had an idea. "Could that be…"

"Luffy." Twilight answered, almost sure of it.