• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 7,514 Views, 604 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

Buster Call Callin'

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…


A roar echoed throughout the Tower of Law. It was so powerful it seem to shake the very foundation of the building. Any pony outside a room or far above could hear this beastly howl clearly. Even below ground in front of the steel door to the underwater passageway, Nami and Chimney could hear the roar.

"Ms. Pirate Lady," Chimney spoke sounding scared, "what is that?"

Nami gulped worried. "I don't have a clue."

"Run!" Franky heard Sogeking/Usopp's voice full of fear and panic. He then saw the unicorn running out of the room and over towards him, with his weapon in magical tow. He shouted again now towards the Minotaur, "Get out of here, Franky! He's coming!"

"Huh?" Franky said even more confused. "Who's coming?"

"Chopper!" The unicorn shouted in fear. "He's on a rampage!"

Immediately, Nami grabbed the sniper. She held him by the collar looking angry "What happened to Chopper?!"

"He ate three of his Rumble Balls. I tried to stop him really, but I was dealing with an enemy."

Fluttershy paid no mind to her friend's worry. She remained completely focused on Chopper. "Shh. Shh." The Pegasus hushed the frightened beast trying to calm him by stroking his fur gently. "It's going to be okay Chopper. No one is going to hurt you anymore."

"Fl… Flutter…shy?" Chopper finally said in his new deep tone of voice.

All the adult males circled around Chopper, blocking everyone's view. When they saw their friend's look, it nearly shocked them. Chopper, the little reindeer and once the youngest of the crew, had a big, goofy smile plastered on his unconscious face. Not only that, but his cheeks her subconsciously blushing. Instantly upon sight, the males understood what had happened. And they were proud of him.

'Good job, Chopper'

"If you could come with me, you can deliver the keys quickly to Robin. Will you do it?" said Sanji

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash said confidently. "You can count on me."


Quickly, both CP9 agents recovered from the attack. They were also very angry having been caught off guard like that. "You're dead!" shouted both of them enraged.

"Uh-oh." Pinkie Pie said worried.

Zoro was just as worried. He immediately activated his magic and pulled out both of his swords. Though he may not be able to fight to his fullest strength, he could defend to the best of his abilities.


Because of the misting effect, Applejack's legs were soon cleaned of the soap returning to normal. She stood back up and bucked her legs out in joy. "Yee-haw! That's more like it!"

Now, Kalifa was even more shocked. "J-Just because there's water around," the mare said clearly flustered and embarrassed at her slip up, "doesn't mean you won or anything."

"Of course not. But now," Rarity said as she activated her magic again and picked up her rapier from off the floor, "we have at least taken care of your pesky bubble powers."

Though angered, Kalifa remained composed. She used her magic to fix her glasses, as they had nearly come off when she had been surprised, and smirked towards the mares. "Well now, since you both seem so serious, I'll have to get serious too."


"Finally!" shouted Luffy before grinning determinedly. "Gum-Gum…!"

On cue, Twilight's horn began glowing with magic. Her magic encompassed the both of them, though only at Luffy's body as not to exert too much magic. "Star…"

"Rocket!" Luffy and Twilight shouted together as stretchy Earth pony slung forward. At the same time, he scooped up his sister. Now both were flying forward.

"Hang on." Twilight said before her light raspberry colored magic aura engulf her and Robin. Then in a flash, they both disappeared leaving behind Luffy.

"No." Spandam said as he literally saw his glory disappear before his eyes. "Nooooooooooo!"

Luffy grinned as he noticed that Twilight and Robin had disappeared. He appeared to be okay with them gone; glad even. "Okay, Pigeon Guy!" He shouted towards the where Lucci had crashed. "I'm here to kick your ass!"

As the smoke and dust settled, the Rob Lucci stood back up looking roughly okay. While he wore a neutral expression upon arising, it quickly shifted to eager and bloodthirsty grin as he replied back to his opponent. "It's about time, Straw Hat."

Luffy & Twilight: We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don't ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn't matter who or what's standing in our way,
We'll make it through them everyday

You won't get anywhere if you're waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can't wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we're Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You'll feel a joy inside that you can't explain
And that's the treasure we must find!

We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

Buster Call Callin'
Hurry And Defeat the Enemy, Straw Hats!

In the upper floor of the building apart of the Bridge of Hesitation, a burst of raspberry-red magic brought forth two purple unicorn mares into a room. The landing was a little rough, but the magic student Twilight Sparkle had been in a hurry. There was no time to worry about the specifics when a dangerous pony could have near instantly killed her. Nevertheless, their plan had worked. Twilight Sparkle with Luffy had rescued Nico Robin from CP9.

Though aching slightly, Twilight was able to move fairly well still. She looked around quickly to see that they were in the clear and then just as so asked the older mare in worry, "Are you okay?"

Robin stood up. "Yes," she said calmly despite feeling bit dizzy. She quickly shook her light nausea way and replied to her student happily, "I'm fine, Twilight."

Twilight breathed out in relief. "Thank goodness." She said happily, "I-" Before she could continue speaking, she was cut-off suddenly by a hug from Robin. Twilight spoke now with surprise, "Robin?"

"Thank you." Robin said emotionally. She hadn't felt so relieved and happy in a long while. Seeing her student and friends to her aide, sudden perhaps, had been a moment she thought near impossible. 'But then, they have always been doing the impossible…'

Hearing her, Twilight smiled softly and returned with a hug of her own. "Always." She finally felt as if the Robin she knew had returned. Like the darkness around her was lifting.

But eventually, the two mares had to finish up this emotional moment. They broke apart and Robin asked out a question, "You wouldn't happen to have the key on you, Twilight?"

The light-purple mare frowned. "Sorry, I don't." Immediately upon seeing her teacher frown, Twilight quickly attempted to alleviate any doubt she thought her teacher would have. "But I'm sure…no, I know our friends are on their way with them."

That, almost instantly, brought a smile back to Robin. Just hearing that her friends and crew were doing their best for her sake was more than enough for her. She couldn't wait to see all of them again. But that left another question. "What about Luffy? You didn't teleport him with us."

Twilight frowned, looking nervous and worried. "Well…"

The young unicorn explained to Robin what had happened with her and Luffy. Having arrived many minutes earlier via the 'Star Rocket Special', the two siblings had scouted out the area. Checking the bridge itself seeing the Black Empire Naval soldiers in waiting and going inside the building which was surprisingly empty. It didn't take them long for them to figure out that Robin wasn't here yet; a great relief really. And, where they would come from. Thus, Twilight had come up with a plan.

"I'll just teleport right next to Robin and then teleport back. Quick and easy, they'll never expect it."

"That won't work." Luffy said serious.

Twilight looked at her brother confused before chuckling. "Luffy, I know what I'm doing. I'll be in and out in just a few seconds."

"That pigeon guy is with her. He'll stop you before you could even touch Robin. Even hurt you."

Hearing this, Twilight frowned. "So, you're saying I shouldn't teleport and get Robin."

"No." Luffy said surprising his sister. "I want you to teleport and rescue Robin with me with you."

"What?" The unicorn asked confused.

"And then leave me behind."

"What?!" shouted Twilight outraged. "No way! Why would I-"

"Because even if we get Robin, the pigeon guy will be right behind us to take her back. I need to fight him, there and now."

Confounded, Twilight could only sigh before pointing out the only mistake she could see. "Luffy, it would be 'there and then'…"


"So…all right." Twilight said conceding to Luffy's request. She then looked remorseful towards her brother and captain. "Just…please be careful, and win."

Luffy grinned determinedly and nodded. "You got it!"

In the next few minutes, the two prepared their plan to rescue Robin. When they heard the wooden doors open and three ponies enter the room, the siblings begun their plan. As Twilight's magic engulfed them both, Luffy readied his Gum-Gum Pistol attack to strike against his opponent. Then, the two disappeared only to reappear below. From there the events of Robin's rescue took place leading to their current situation.

"I see…" Robin said thoughtful. She knew her captain – she was quite glad to be able to say that again – would surely fight his hardest to protect them. Though, she worried that his opponent, Rob Lucci, would put up a tough fight having witnessed some of his abilities.

More concerning though, while she was only a little worried, she could see that Twilight was much more so. It was in her nature to fret over brother. So, in an effort to comfort her, the mare smiled and placed one of her cuffed legs on Twilight. "Do not worry, Twilight. I've seen Luffy take on many fearsome opponents, he will prevail. I know that four sure."

In hearing Robin, Twilight seemed to feel a bit better. Not completely worried free over her brother, but she could trust in the words of her mentor. She would have to wait and see.

A few floors down from where Twilight and Robin now sat, the storage room of the Bridge of Hesitation was filled with intensity. Rob Lucci stared at his opponent, Monkey D. Luffy, with the same eager and bloodthirsty smile since he stood back up from the Earth pony's attack. Likewise, Luffy was still glaring furiously at his opponent keeping his attention completely on him. He was determined to win his fight no matter what. For this two experienced fighters, nothing could break the concentration of these two experienced fighters.

"AH! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!"

Except maybe this idiot. Spandam, for all lack of intelligence, was still in the room with the fighters. Having literally seen his future disappear in a flash of light, all the unicorn stallion could think about was how much he was going to lose everything he hoped for. Esteem, fame, fortune; all of this had sunk like a box full of treasure off a pirate ship with Robin gone. Not only was he freaking out, but he was full of anger as well. His ego and pride had definitely taken a blow as well. So much so that he couldn't even take into account his surroundings; being that two fighters were about to trade blows. Or, even more heinous, which item was in which pocket.

"This is a disaster! How could a pirate get this far? It's impossible!" Spandam's horn began glowing as he pulled out a (gold) Transponder Snail from his cloak. He used his magic to press the button and began speaking angrily into it. "Hey! CP9! This is your chief speaking! What the hell are you morons doing there?! You let one of the Straw Hats and Element Bearers reach here!"

When no one responded, this made Spandam even angrier. "Hey! Are you even listening to me?! You answer when I speak to you!"

Completely annoyed by his chief's shout, Lucci drew his attention to the obnoxious pony. He was going to politely and calmly ask his leader to leave; despite otherwise being annoyed with him. However, upon seeing the pony and what he was holding, the stallion uncharacteristically lost his composure. "You idiot, Spandam!"

Hearing the stallion, Spandam stopped what he was doing and glanced over at Lucci, looking confused. "Huh? What did you call me?"

"Don't you ever watch what you're doing, you incompetent dumbass!"

"What!" Spandam shouted shocked. This was the first time he'd seen Lucci talk to him like this. He didn't understand why.

"For Oda's sake! Look at what you're holding!"

Actually listening to someone for a change, Spandam looked at what he was holding. He gasped as he saw the golden snail floating within his magic. "Whaaaaaa?!" He shouted in shock. "This is the golden Transponder Snail!"

Luffy tilted his head confused. "Huh?"

Instantly, far from Enies Lobby located on an island within a castle-like structure, an old-looking, silver Transponder Snail began making a noise. A noise it only made when in conjunction of someone pressing the button upon the Gold Transponder Snail. Its sound echoed deep within this impressive fortress that bore the title "Navy" in white letters against a black background. The cries of the Silver Transponder immediately forced many an Empire naval soldier to arise and heed its call. Hundreds, if not thousands, of stallions took up their arms and hurried through the structure towards the dock. All the while a single, imposing stallion gave out orders to all who could hear his booming voice. He was no ordinary pony; he was Vice-Admiral John Giant, a sleipnir.

"The Buster Call has been ordered under the authority of Admiral Aokiji! The location; Enies Lobby! Summon the closest five vice-admirals to that location! All soldiers report immediately to your battleship and prepare to sail!"

To the large stallion that bore the look of a captain, a regular-sized stallion followed him as this stallion walked to a battleship as well. The small Earth pony asked, "Sir, with how close the location is, it would be ideal to send the vice-admirals we have here to answer the call."

"How long will it take?" asked John Giant gruffly.

"30 minutes, sir."

"Prepare 10 battleships! All stallions to your post! Inform the vice-admirals of the situation! Have them leave out immediately!"

"Yes, sir!" The regular-sized stallion saluted obediently. He then took off to do his duty of informing everyone

Returning back to Enies Lobby, Spandam's freak out had finally ended. Quickly, he began his next move hoping rectified his plunder. He pulled out another, nonmetallic Transponder Snail and began speaking into it now.

"Hello? Hello!"

"Yes, Chief." Kaku was the one to respond.

"Finally! I got the right one. Though not like it matters anymore. There's no turning back now, I pushed the button. Of all things, I triggered the Buster Call!"

"…I triggered the Buster Call!"

Once again, the idiotic pony known as Spandam, chief of CP9, had made another blunder. The Transponder Snail that the unicorn was using wasn't just communicating with Kaku of CP9, but also every single Transponder Snail on the island. From the Bridge of Hesitation to the Tower of Law to the island itself everyone had heard the entirety of Spandam's message. Starting with the island itself, many if not all the Navy soldiers and Cipher Pol agents heard this and became worried. Being a part of the Black Empire's military, they all understood what a Buster Call meant, and it scared them.

Not only the soldiers, but those allied to the Straw Hats had heard the message too. Unfortunately though, they were not only confused by what was going, but they were also captured. Most of them sat in the courthouse tied up and surrounded by Navy Soldiers. Even the sleipnirs had been captured despite their giant size; subdued by the Empire's soldiers and tied up outside the courthouse. Their situation had already been grim; now, it just seemed to get worse.

Inside the Tower of Law, the remaining CP9 agents had heard the message through their personal Transponder Snails. Despite knowing clearly what a Buster Call meant, none of them seemed all too worried. For them, they knew they could easily escape the Buster Cal. So, they could also focus in defeating their opponents. Counter to them, the Straw Hats were deeply concerned over the message; even if they barely understood it.

Then, there were those on the Bridge of Hesitation. As previously explained, there was also an intercom system on the bridge which informed the Navy soldiers of the impending danger. And also hearing the message was Twilight and Robin. While Twilight hardly understood what had happened, she looked over at Robin and gasped in shock. The older mare looked stunned, ghastly even. Robin looked as if she had seen the grim reaper itself. She began breathing heavily as memories of the day Ohara burned flashed before her eyes.

"Robin…" Twilight spoke, sounding worried.

The older unicorn heard her friend and looked over at her. Before her eyes, it was like she could see the fires of the Buster Call engulf her and then all those dear to her. In reaction, she launched herself onto Twilight embracing her protectively.

"R-Robin!" Twilight shouted out in surprise. As she was about to try and speak to the mare directly, the unicorn found she could not. She felt Robin's hold on her tighten though not restrictive. It was then that Twilight realized that Robin was scared, which in turn made her scared.

Meanwhile, the message played on without Spandam realizing what was going on.

"Well, luckily it doesn't matter." Spandam stated with little care while still unintentionally keeping the line on for everyone to hear. "Those worthless ponies can all die for all I care. They're useless. Still, I want CP9 to finish off the rest of the Straw Hats and capturing the Element Bearers. This whole island is gonna go up in flames taking out everyone on it. So hurry and…"

"Chief…" Kaku spoke back sounding deadpanned through the speaker. "You do realize that the line is still connected with the other lines, right."

"Wh-What?!" Spandam shouted in shock. "AHHH! You gotta be freakin' kidding me! Everyone heard all of that?!"

The line suddenly went silent, but it was still on. "Um..uh…" The voice of Spandam spoke through the line as he seem to be trying to figure something. "By the way, this is Straw Hat Luffy speaking."

"What? No you're not. I'm Luffy." The real Luffy said from nearby.

"Shut up!"

"Enough." Lucci's voice said before the line cut off, finally.

In the room above Lucci and Luffy, Twilight was still being embraced by Robin. But now, the young unicorn was doing a little hugging herself. From how the pony called 'chief' spoke, everyone on the island was in danger. Not just her friends, but even the ponies they were fighting. The 'Buster Call' was going to destroy everything, and the Black Empire was going to allow it.

"How…" Twilight spoke in utter confusion. "How could a pony just…"

"This is the power that the Black Empire has, Twilight." Robin spoke, her voice slightly shaky and emotional with anger and sadness. "They have the power to silence anything within their realm no matter how small or how big. This is what lies beyond Equestria. This is the 'darkness' that lies outside the 'light'."

"L…Lucci?!" Spandam said completely and utterly confused. The CP9 agent was now next to him holding the Transponder Snail that the unicorn had been holding.

Lucci took a breath to calm his emotions down. He then spoke to the stallion calmly. "Chief, why don't you go recapture Robin."


"She's probably close by still, and still in her cuffs. She's completely helpless. You can handle two mares on your own, right?"

Spandam looked surprised. "Y…Yeah! I can handle two little mares." He said boastful and confidently. He then used his magic to pull out his sword, and began grinning egotistically. "Especially with Funkfreed by my side. You take care of Straw Hat, Lucci."

"Very well." Lucci said turning back to his opponent.

Spandam then took off leaving through the set of doors on the opposite side of the room. Oddly, Luffy didn't do a thing to stop the unicorn from leaving. He just stared at Lucci keeping all his focus on him. Once the other pony left the room, Lucci spoke out.

"You're not going to stop him?"

Luffy frowned. "You'd probably stop me."


"Doesn't matter." Luffy responded back as he readied to fight. "Twilight can handle him easily."

Lucci smirked. "Maybe." He replied coyly.

The red Earth pony didn't like what the pony was implying. Instantly, the two Earth ponies charged at each other. The fighters then threw out a single punch towards the other only to be blocked equally by the other. They both jumped back only a little before they went right back to attacking each other. The fight between "Straw Hat" Luffy and Rob Lucci of CP9 had only just begun.

"H-Hey!" shouted the ogre Zambai, tied with his fellow invaders within the Enies Lobby courthouse. He and his fellows were being left behind as both Navy and CP soldiers ran for their lives. Again, Zambai shouted at them.

"Are you just gonna leave us tied up here?!"

One stallion, a naval soldier, stopped to answer. "As if! You criminals can just go up in flames with the rest of the island!" Then, he took off with the last of the stallions.

Hearing this, it got Zambai all riled up. "Well ain't that great!" He shouted in frustration. "How the hell are we gonna get out of this?!"

"Don't worry about it." Paulie told the ogre calmly from within the group.

This only angered the ogre. "How can you stay so calm?! You heard what that guy said over the speakers, we're all gonna die!"

Paulie released a sigh. "No, we're not." He then stood up, completely free from his rope bindings.

"Wow!" shouted one of the other ogres who could see him.

"What?! You weren't tied up?!" shouted a Franky Family goblin.

"Of course not." Paulie said obviously. "I tied myself with my own rope. They didn't even bother to check."

"THAT'S GREAT!" Tilestone the Minotaur said with glee; despite shouting habitually.

"Hurry up then!" shouted Zambai panicky. "If what that announcement said was true, we'll be history if we don't get off this island!"

Back at the Tower of Law, Zoro and Pinkie Pie stood opposite their opponents, who both had taken a moment to answer the call from their boss. They had even returned to their normal pony forms to do so. And like everyone else, the two pirates overheard their conversation. Zoro couldn't help but think of how stupid CP9's boss was while Pinkie Pie giggled seeing the humor in the blunder; only to of course understand the immediate danger approaching. On the other hand, the two CP9 agents only looked annoyed and disgruntled with the situation.

"Well," Kaku said as he put the snail away, "that sure complicates things."

Jabra immediately sneered mockingly. "What? Can't handle the pressure?"

"No." The satyr stated clearly. "Only that it's a hassle that we have such an incompetent leader."

"For once, I agree with ya." The Earth Pony said with a frown.

Just as these two were talking to each other, Zoro and Pinkie Pie were doing the same. "What are we gonna do now?" The pink Earth pony asked to her cuffed friend.

"Doesn't matter," Zoro stated seriously, "our situation hasn't changed."

"Hmm." Pinkie said out loud, thinking. "Guess you're right."

"Look," Kaku spoke up to the two cuffed pirates, "we've only got a little time – 30 minutes max – 'til Navy Headquarters sends their battleships to destroy this island."

"So?" asked Zoro.

"So, we'd appreciate if you two just died already." Jabra said with a vicious, wolf-like grin.

"No way, Jose!" Pinkie Pie stated cheerfully as she readied her Party Cannon. "We're not leaving until you guys give up on taking Robin away!"

"Then…" Kaku said before he and Jabra began transforming.

"Prepare To Die!" Both Kaku and Jabra spoke the same line, only sounding terrifying as the transformed fully into their hybrid forms.

Despite their opponents bearing down on them with their large stature, the two ponies stood their ground defiantly. Their situation was tough, but both of them chose to smile at the danger; one cheerfully and the other eager for battle. So, with sword and cannon ready, the two were ready to fight. For everything.

"Nagagagaga!" laughed Kokoro jollily. "Looks like things are seriously getting dangerous now!"

Despite the old pony's boisterous nature, much of the rest of the group was panicking. Having heard the announcement, and understanding it to a degree, ponies like Sogeking/Usopp and Nami were already in a panic. Spike too was freaking out; almost looking like he was going to have a heart attack. Despite her own fears and worries, Fluttershy remained calm though she showed her feels clearly. She was more concerned for Chopper, still unconscious and now in her arms while Sogeking/Usopp panicked about. Chimney, as well as Gonbe, seemed more confused than afraid and thus copied their guardians somewhat carefree nature over the situation. This left Franky, whose concern over the near-future attack was real, was far more focused with the task at hand; getting through this iron door.

"Would you guys keep it down?!" Franky shouted at the two panicking ponies. "I'm trying to figure out the best way to dismantle this thing."

"What's the point?!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp hopelessly, already crying with despair. "We're dead! The Navy's gonna come and raise this whole island to the ground. We're goners!"

"I'm still only a 'baby' dragon!" Spike cried out woefully.

"I had so much to live for." Nami said crying herself, though more so pityingly. "I haven't even gotten to express my feelings to him yet."

The Minotaur frowned displeasingly. "Would you three knock it off already, they haven't even started it yet."

Kokoro laughed again. "That's right! It'll take them awhile to reach here. My guess is it'll be about 30 minutes if they're sending those battleships from Marine Headquarters."

"I can't believe somepony would do this." Fluttershy commented sadly, stoking Chopper's head to calm her despair and sadness. "How could a pony go through with such a…such a…horrendous action?"

"It's the Empire, Butterfly." Kokoro stated, still keeping her large smile despite meaning well. "They have the power to do what they want to do."

The young Pegasus lowered her head and eyes, looking sad and displeased to hear this. "That doesn't make it right…" Fluttershy said soft but harshly.

Kokoro shook her heard sorrowfully at the Pegasus. "When you have nearly half the power in the world, right and wrong are just words."

Fluttershy didn't respond back. She understood that the old mare was not trying to be mean to her; merely explain the situation. They world outside of Equestria was a harsh place. The only thing that seemed to count though was that her friends would be there to help.

"All right!" Franky stated out loud with a grin. He looked back the others and explained, "I'm gonna open this tin can, you guys better get behind me."

"Whatcha gonna do, Franky?" asked Chimney curiously and grinning.

"Nya!" Also spoke Gonbe, mirroring his companion.

Responding with a grin, Franky brought his t-connecter and brought his forearms together. He then replied eagerly, "I'm gonna bust the doors down!"

"Wait!" shouted the masked unicorn. "Is that really safe to do down here?"

"Sure." Franky said confidently. "These walls were made to handle the pressure of the ocean, it'll hold."

Before Sogeking/Usopp could tried to reason otherwise, Franky already begun charging up. "Coup…" His forearms began expanding as the air began being sucked through the pipe.

"Oh crap!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp in fear. He then shouted to everyone, "Get back guys!"


Everyone heeded the sniper's warning and followed him up the stairs. They all hid around the corner, but peaked ever so slightly to witness the destruction. None of them were sure if this would work. On the off chance if he was wrong, they'd be at least safe from the sudden rush of the seawater pouring in.

Franky though wasn't concerned with any of this. As his forearms expanded to their maximum size, the cyborg was ready to release his attack. "Vent!" He fired immediately and the ball of super compressed air shot forth. It hit the steel door with a resounding boom. The air bullet pressed against the steel door as it in turn attempted to remain unmovable. Unfortunately, it was a losing battle for the door. For not too long after, the hinges broke, the locks snapped, and the door itself caved in around where the compressed air bullet hit. The door soon went flying backwards into the long, dark tunnel.

Undaunted, the Minotaur stood proudly before his handy. "Ye-ow!" He shouted in cheer, "That was totally super!"

Seeing that the cyborg had not doomed their only way across the harsh seas, the rest of the group stepped out from around the corner. "Thank goodness." Nami said with a sigh of relief.

"Come on!" Spike said hurriedly as he waddled down the stair. "We gotta hurry to get to Twilight, Big Bro Luffy, and Robin!"

All agreed with the dragon, but one stayed behind. "You all go on ahead." Sogeking/Usopp said in heroic tone, appearing brave. "I'll stay behind to inform your friends of this tunnel."

"Awesome!" Spike said amazed, believing the ruse entirely. "Thanks, Sogeking!"

"Of course, citizen."

Nami rolled her eyes with disbelief. "Oh brother…"

Without a moment to lose, everyone else followed the little dragon down and into the tunnel. Despite the near-lightless conditions of the tunnel, making it particularly scary for some, they all bravely ran on though. All they knew was that Robin had to be on the other side, and nothing would stop them. If only they knew what really lied at the end of the tunnel.

Inside the Tower of Law, Sanji and Rainbow Dash were making their way up the building with all hast. Both were concerned for their friends – or loves in Sanji's case – facing off against one of the CP9 agents. Sanji practically leapt from staircase to staircase needing to be there to defend his ladies. For Rainbow Dash, she kept with Sanji in case the stallion had some sort of complication. In case something were to affect him. Really, she was maintaining precautious nature, unsure what to expect for the CP9 agent who she had been told was the only female of that group. Remembering what had happened back at Water 7, she was fearful for both her friends and herself.

"Do not worry, Rainbow-chan." Sanji told the Pegasus as he leapt over another staircase with a chivalrous smile. "I will take care of things with the CP9 agent."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "But you can't fight her." She had been informed by Nami of her partner's honor code.

"No." Sanji admitted, unashamed. Still, he remained determined. "But I will deal with it."

Rainbow Dash remained skeptical, but nodded her head anyway.

The two ponies soon reached the floor where Kalifa was located on it. They rushed over to the room on the other side. Where Sanji had been evicted from minutes earlier. Quickly, they flew and ran to the door. Sanji attempted to pull the doors wide open, revealing his return to his ladies; whether they wanted it or not. Except, as he opened the doors, they immediately closed shut. "What the…" questioned Sanji as he attempted to open the doors again; only for them to remain tightly closed.

"What's going on?" Rainbow Dash asked quickly.

Sanji answered while pulling the doors harder, "It won't open!"

"What?!" Immediately, Rainbow Dash flew over and took the handle of the other door. Like the Earth pony, she attempted to open the door, but could not. "What the hay!"

While they tried and failed at opening the doors, inside much was happening without them. Of course, their presence had been noticed by Kalifa as they opened the door. In return, she had swiftly used one of her whips to tie the doors together via her magic telekinesis. She figured she didn't have long until the pirates simply broke down the door, but she figured it bought her sometime. That is, just more time to play around with her friends. Despite the water still providing a misty affect that neutralized her Soap-Soap powers, she was still nevertheless a highly-skilled assassin. Her opponents, the cowgirl Earth pony and the fashionista unicorn, could be easily handled. Or, so she thought.

Applejack and Rarity, two ponies often compared to as opposites, were working well together in this fight. The Earth pony's all-offensive capabilities matched with the unicorn's defensive skills proved to be almost on par with their opponent's all-around skill. Unfortunately, it wasn't always enough. Both mares were battered, bruised, and even bleeding from the range of attacks their opponent had. Her horn, her kicks, her whip, and her speed were at her disposal, and while they did have good teamwork; they could not always cover the other in time. For them, this battle was going downhill fast, and with the added bonus of the Buster Call in route they were definitely running out of time.

"You know," Kalifa spoke addressing the mares, "with the Buster Call invoked, you two don't have much time left."

"So?" responded Applejack.

"So, do us all a favor and simply turn yourselves over already." Kalifa stated with humdrum. "We hardly have the time for you two to put up a fight."

"Ha!" scoffed Rarity incredulity. "Deary, I work in fashion. A deadline is the perfect way for me to bring out my best. Even if it is for something as uncouth as fighting you."

"Shoot." Applejack said with a smirk. "I work on a farm, bucking apples every season. Twice the regular sometimes just to get out the cider. I'm no stranger to a little ol' deadline neither."

Their responses only helped to make the CP9 mare mad. Hearing the doors shake with movement again, she began smiling again and attempted to discourage them again. "I've locked the doors with my whip. Your friends won't be able to come in and rescue you for quite some time."

Again, Rarity scoffed. "Really? Trying to scare us with that?" She told the other mare unafraid. "We hardly need the help to defeat you, Ms. Secretary."

Hearing this, Kalifa smiled amusedly. "Very well then." And then, she disappeared from the two mares' sights.

Instantly, Applejack and Rarity went flank to flank. The white-coat unicorn raised up her rapier while the orange Earth pony kept her eye on their surroundings. It was only a matter of time until their opponent reappeared with something planned. No sooner than when they got ready, Kalifa reappeared about to attack Applejack with a potentially devastating kick from her blindside. As she kicked, a crystal shield appeared to block it. Seeing her attack fail, Kalifa swiftly disappeared again. Only to reappear now at Rarity to deliver another kick, this time hitting the mark. Poor Rarity was unprepared and was sent flying back.

Quickly, Applejack turned around shocked. "Rarity!" Only for moments later, a kick hit her and sent her flying back as well. She landed hard on the porcelain floor, skidding slightly until stopping fully. Luckily, she had stopped next to Rarity, who was recovering.

Noticing her friend, Rarity asked worriedly, "Are you all right?"

Applejack gave out a grunt, but responded as she got up. "Yeah, I'm…"

"Thorny Road!" Before the Earth pony could finish, Kalifa was already on them again lashing out at them with her thorn whip. Both of them were hit instantly and sent flying back; both marked with scratches and bleeding.

Again, both of them landed hard on the cold floor. Luckily, they had crashed within vicinity of each other. The mares both felt the searing pain from scratches and almost refused to get up. Fortunately, they did. As she did, Rarity quickly saw her opponent attempting to strike them again. Swiftly, she activated her magic and formed a gemlike structure around her and her friend; covering them completely. The whip hit the barrier, making a resonance in the magic, but it held strong. This irritated the assassin unicorn and she continued her onslaught upon the barrier hoping to break it or strain the unicorn inside.

Inside the barrier, Applejack finally got up. Hearing the sound of the whip striking the barrier, she took a look around but was confused. "What in tarnation?"

She then looked over at Rarity and noticed her horn glowing. "Are you doing this, Rarity?" She asked with surprise.

"…Yeah." Rarity spoke, her voice sounding taxed.

The cowgirl pony instantly noticed the tone. "Are you alright?"

"No…" Rarity said with her teeth clenched. With another wave of repeated onslaught, the unicorn fashionista seem to become strained with each attack. When it stopped, she fell slightly on to one knee and her barrier was beginning to crack. She then answered to her friend, "…I'm afraid I can't hold this much longer."

"Then what are we gonna do?" asked Applejack. "She's jumpier than jack rabbit on hot rocks, we can't keep her still."

"Not unless she's attacking us." Rarity stated, her voice slightly strained.

Hearing this got Applejack thinking. Then, she got an idea. "Rares, I might know how we can get the drop on her."

Surprised, Rarity stood back up. She looked at the Earth pony intrigued. "What do you have in mind?"

Loosening her joints a little, as if a little tense, Applejack flashed her friend a confident smile. "Just get ready ta strike when she stops…" The Earth pony then stepped up to the barrier.

"Pardon?" Rarity asked confused.

"Hey! Ms. Secretary!" Applejack shouted towards the other unicorn. "Betcha can't break this barrier no matter what!"

Rarity gasped with horror. "Applejack!"

Kalifa stopped for moment, looking at the Earth pony confused. "Are you kidding me?" She asked, "I can clearly see it breaking."

"Mah friend here is just getting her second wind," lied Applejack unashamed, "and then you won't be able to lay a hoof on us again."

"What are you doing?!" shouted Rarity appalled by the sudden lie.

For all her worth, Kalifa felt an incredible amount of vexation from the Earth pony's words. Thus, she dropped her whip as she began acting rashly. "Fine then. Let's see if your friend's barrier can withstand against my ultimate killing move."

Applejack didn't say a word. She only kept up her smirk as she remained absolutely still from where she stood. Completely unfazed by her opponent's threat.

"Applejack!" Rarity shouted worriedly. She had no idea what her friend was doing, but she was beginning to not like it.

Taking up the silent challenge, Kalifa aimed her horn at the barrier; and even more specifically, at Applejack. If she was going to do this, she was going to break everything that mare thought was safe. "Shigan: Spear!" Instantly, the mare shot forward at high speeds poised to shatter everything.

Everything after happened in an instant. It was only mere seconds, and with each one Kalifa and her assassin tool were getting closer to not only breaking the barrier but strike at the Element Bearer. And for each second, Applejack absolutely still and barrel-chested. In one second, the distance had been halved between them, and Rarity understood what was going to happen. By the next second, Kalifa's horn was already about to strike through the barrier, and Applejack had made her peace with herself. In the third second, the horn had breached and broke the barrier like hot poker through snow, but something else occurred as well. Suddenly, Applejack was pushed out of the way by Rarity, who was now poised to be stabbed by the incoming attack. And so, by the fourth second, Kalifa's sharp-like horn pierced into the body of Rarity instead of Applejack.

"AHH!" Rarity let out a scream in pain. The horn had gone into her upper right of her front body, practically where the heart or lung would be located. Nevertheless, the pain she was feeling right now was excruciating. Her mind completely filled this feeling that all magic from ceased to function momentarily.

As she recovered swiftly, Applejack was horrified by what she saw. "Rarity!" She cried out, a tone under her friend's own scream.

"Darn," commented Kalifa under the other unicorn's scream with a sick smile, "I missed."

Hearing her, Applejack growled towards the pony. Even while tears of sorrow and pain towards her friend fell righteously.

As Rarity's scream seem to cease, potentially do to being unconscious, Kalifa looked towards the Earth pony, flashing her twisted smile at her. "Rest assured, I won't miss twi-" The young unicorn stopped in mid-sentence as she attempted to remove her horn from her victim. Only, she found she could not.

"What's going on…?" Kalifa then looked up to see a light-blue magic aura surrounding her horn. Taking a second take on the situation, she could the magic also holding her head in place as well. And instantly, the unicorn knew where the magic originated from. "You?"

Smirking cunningly, Rarity was indeed still conscious. At least, for a while anyway. With the last of her energy, she looked over at Applejack and stated to her in the loudest voice she could muster, "Hurry… Attack!"

Though stunned by what had occurred, Applejack snapped out of it the moment she heard Rarity. She swiftly got off the floor, with a bit a fancy spin at that, and aimed her hindquarters right at the enemy unicorn, now looking afraid. Years of apple-bucking, her genetic racial traits passed down from Earth pony to Earth pony, and the summoning of every last bit of her strength all went into this one final strike. Everything for the sake of her friends would go into this one last kick as she lifted her back end up and legs tucked in.

Coincidently, at this time, the doors broke down. Sanji, being the one to break, leapt in with Rainbow Dash behind him. Before even giving the situation a look over, the stallion landed and already had an assertion prepared. "Applejack! Rarity! Don't worry, I'm-"

"We Got This!"

Both mares shouted as Applejack delivered the finishing blow. Simultaneously, the Earth pony's back hooves connected with the body and Rarity leaned back letting her magic around their opponent dissipate. Kalifa had no time to even put up her Tekkai technique as she felt the full, unprotected force of an Earth pony – nay, an Apple Family member – buck. With nothing holding in place any longer, the unicorn was sent flying back at near breakneck speeds. The kick was so strong that it even picked up a strong gust that both Sanji and Rainbow Dash had to cover from due to the picked up dust. Kalifa was then sent bursting through the wall, and the next one, and the next one, and the next breaking anything and everything in her path. Finally, at the fifth wall she was stopped but now indented into the wall. Her clothes ripped, her purple-tinted glasses broken, her body battered and bleeding, and she herself now completely unconscious. She may even have quite a few broken bones too. Kalifa remained in the wall for only mere seconds until the wall broke apart. It and the mare then fell and crashed to the floor with much of the rubble falling atop of her. But not too much.

Nevertheless, Kalifa was defeated, and out for the count.

Back in her room, everything was silent. Applejack and Rarity, beyond tired and injured, were on the ground unmoving. The same was for Sanji and Rainbow Dash – albeit the Pegasus was still flying and thus flapping her wings. They both were stunned by the scene they had witnessed; there jaws hanging down with disbelief. Both were left speechless. Meanwhile though, Applejack and Rarity were still conscious; unknown for how long. Though exhausted, both mares were able to look at each other and share eye contact. Neither one spoke – too tired to do so anyway – but they seem to share a sort of telepathy with each other, to which they clearly understood the other. So thus, they shared a smile between the two of them. They had defeated one of CP9, and a member that had caused personal injury to both. The odds were against them, but they prevailed. And together, they shared the same thought;

We did it!