• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 7,507 Views, 604 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

Justice is Dark

Author's Note:

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone, and to show my thankfulness for a few months of comments, likes, favorites, etc, I'll be updating for the next few days this story. So enjoy! :pinkiehappy::yay::ajsmug::rainbowkiss::raritystarry::twilightsmile:

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…

"Mayor Iceberg Has Been Shot!"

Across the city, many ponies were shouting out for all to hear: Iceberg, beloved mayor and head of the Galley-La Company, had been shot by an assassin. The news came as a shock to every citizen in Water 7. Who would shoot the hero of Water 7?

No way!" Spike shouted in denial. He looked over at Twilight; he looked desperate. "Twilight! You gotta go and convince Luffy to let us back. Tell him I'm fine now!"

"Spike!" shouted Twilight suddenly angry silencing the baby dragon. She took a moment to calm down before she then spoke more calmly. "I won't…"

"I'm sure we will be able to find a number of sailors that can return us back to Equestria. This is a port city after all." Rarity said confidently.

"Ah! Pardon my intrusion." The stranger replied walking into the room a little. He then gave the group a curt bow. "I am Captain Jack Silver. I'm a seafaring pony by trade, and I couldn't help but over hear your quandary."

Kokoro took another drink out of her bottle. When she had enough, she then replied to her granddaughter's question sounding vaguely ominous. "Aqua Laguna is comin'."

"They're pirates!" shouted Pinkie Pie stuck between excitement and horror.

Jack chuckled looking none too surprised by the group's realization. "Well, cats out of the bag now."

"We're not letting a single one of you Straw Hats to escape!" shouted Paulie determinedly. "Not after you attempted to assassinate Iceberg!"

"What?!" Everyone including Franky and the Square Sisters shouted looking towards Paulie shocked.

"You will be my scapegoat for this incident." Robin declared clearly for her friends to hear. "But before I leave, the situation here will get worse. It would be best if you left the island now. We may not have known each other long, but thank you for treating me well. Tell everyone I said 'good-bye'." She then turned around and begin walking away.

"Robin!" cried out Chopper.

"If I can't find Straw Hat," Franky said as he wore an evil grin. "Then I'll just use his friend as hostage, and he'll come to me!"

Luffy & Twilight: We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don't ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn't matter who or what's standing in our way,
We'll make it through them everyday

You won't get anywhere if you're waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can't wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we're Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You'll feel a joy inside that you can't explain
And that's the treasure we must find!

We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

"Justice is Dark"

As night fell over Water 7, and the large city was nearly dead silent. The once vibrant city was now nearly completely dark. The wind that had been blowing earlier had become more a gale now. The citizens of Water 7 had retreated inward into the city for safety from the mighty force of nature unique to this area: Agua Laguna. All their homes and businesses boarded up to protect them from the eventual ocean rising. The citizens had gathered to the designated shelters in the upper levels of the city. There, they would be completely protected from the harsh weather conditions to come. Though some choose to brave this storm regardless.

On the Golden Alicorn, its crew was preparing the ship to leave. Repairs had been made by the Galley-La company as promised to Jack after the damage done by Franky. Now, they were going to leave. Though most Galley-La employees seemed to be preoccupied with another duty, some stood around keeping an eye on the pirate crew. Likewise, so were the pirates on the carpenters. Most of the pirates were on deck, except the captain. Not only him, but none of the Mane Six or Spike could be seen.

The group was currently in the medical bay as Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash were being overseen by the ship's doctor. They had been brought straight to the room after Jack came back from making a deal with the Galley-La Company. He has asked them all to go down to the bay. He suggested it as he easily noticed the curious eyes from the carpenters. As they waited to hear a word from one of Jack's crew, Fluttershy and Spike told the group of their meeting with Robin.

"You saw Robin!" said Twilight nearly gasping. She now wore a bandage over her cheek were Kaku had made a cute.

Fluttershy nodded meekly. She seem to shudder just recalling the incident. "She was so scary, Twilight." She said honestly and nearly in tears. "I don't know why. She just gave that same feel like what that Admiral pony, and it was so scary."

"We tried to get her, Twilight." Spike added before lowering his head downtrodden. "But she disappeared before we could even reach her."

Twilight looked sympathetic towards her friends. 'They were only trying their best…' She thought reasoning with herself. Though, she was still was confused about Robin and how she was acting.

"You met one of the Navy's Admirals?" said Jack gawking in surprise. "Which one?"

"I think he was a blue pheasant." Pinkie said trying to recall the name.

"Pinkie, he was a pony." Rarity stated shrewdly.

"Aokiji, eh?" Jack said recognizing the moniker.

"You know him?" asked Applejack.

"Only by name, but I hear he's pretty lazy."

"Yeah." The whole group said in unison.

Jack was surprised by the response. "Well…nevertheless, that is a dangerous pony to meet. You should count yourself lucky that no one died…" He paused for a moment as he noticed the group's sudden mood shift after he spoke. They looked sullen. He guessed they had experienced something having met the admiral. So, he decided to change the subject.

"Anyway, you mentioned that this Robin pony spoke about the situation getting 'worse'. What does that mean?"

"I have no idea." Twilight said depressed.

"Maybe-Ah!" said Rainbow Dash before gasping as she felt a sharp pain. Like Twilight, she too was bandaged up, but more so. She had taken more harm having participated in the actual fighting.

Immediately, the curtain in the medical bay opened. Standing behind was a slim, pony-like creature. She was unlike any pony the group had ever say. While she looked like one, she had a body of blue water, her hair was like seaweed, and she had a pair of fangs protruding from her mouth. She wore a large rim hat along with a red scarf for clothes. This was Marina, the Kelpie.

"Are you alright, Ms. Rainbow Dash?" asked the water pony.

"Yeah…" said Rainbow Dash as her pain began subsiding.

"That's good." The female pony said with a smile. Suddenly, her smile soon shifted to an annoyed frown. "Excuse me, but could you not poke through my body, please?"

The pony in questions was Pinkie Pie. She had become enthralled with the doctor's body. But as soon as she heard the mare speak, Pinkie took her arm out of her body smiling sheepishly. "Whoops, sorry, Marina. It's just, I've never seen a Kelpie before."

"Maybe what, Rainbow?" Applejack asked redirecting the conversation back.

"Maybe she's gonna try to assassinate that Iceberg guy again." Rainbow Dash suggested.

"What's the point though?" asked Rarity confused. "Why would she go through that trouble again when she essentially failed the first time?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Maybe it's like a spy story!" said Pinkie Pie excitedly.

"What do you mean, Pinkie?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, in some spy stories, when the good spy's friend-lover-etcetera starts doing all this bad stuff with the bad guys it's because the bad guy is threatening the friend-lover-etcetera with something. Maybe Robin is being threatened by someone."

Everyone was silent. What Pinkie Pie made some strange sense, but there was little to support the idea. Jack was the first to voice his opinion. "That's a nice thought, but the world is hardly that nice."

"But then," said Twilight as her mood became overly hopeful, "why did she warn us?"

Before Jack could respond, the door opened. T-Cog stuck his head into the room. "Cap'n, the Galley-La guys are wanting to talk to ya. Something about the storm and stuff."

Jack sighed. "Very well." He then moved towards the door, but not before turning back to the mares and baby dragon. "None of you are to leave this room." He then looked over at Marine. "See to them."

"Aye." Marina said nodding. Once Jack left, the kelpie looked to the group. "Would any of you like something to eat or drink?"

"Some water would be mighty fine." Applejack said smiling softly.

Marina nodded and left the room.

Once the doctor was gone, Twilight spoke to everyone. "Actually, I think Pinkie Pie might be right."

"Really?!" said Pinkie Pie excitedly.

"Hold it!" stated Applejack quickly. "Twi, I know that this is hard, but I have to agree with Cap'n Jack. There's no way that could be the case."

"Well, maybe we should go ask her?" suggested Pinkie Pie.

"A good idea but unfortunately, we have no clue as to her whereabouts." Rarity said logically.

"Well," Pinkie Pie said as she began thinking out loud again, "if I were an assassin, and I had failed to kill my target, I would try again."

"Are you suggesting that she'll try to kill the mayor soon?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"No, not soon, tonight probably."

BOOM! Everyone in the room went quiet. The room shook. Everyone looked up as the light fixture shook and dirt and dust slipped between the creases of the floorboards. When the shaking stopped, everyone looked at each other concerned. Immediately, they ran over to the window. They could see a big billow of smoke not too far away. They were all surprised. Pinkie Pie may have been right.

At the same time, everyone outside had heard the sound as well. The sound of the explosion echoed through the night air. The ship shook a little as the explosion had been close. All of Jack's crew as well as the Galley-La workers nearly lost their balance. When everything settled, everyone looked around surprised.

"Hey look!" shouted one of Jack's crew; a diamond dog. He was pointing towards the city where a plume of smoke rose above the buildings.

Immediately, everyone rushed over to the sides. "Isn't that the direction of HQ?" asked one of the pirates; an Earth pony stallion.

"Oh no! Mr. Iceberg might be in trouble!" shouted another Galley-La worker; a gremlin this time. He and then several of the other workers began leaving the ship hurriedly.

"Wait!" shouted another Earth pony worker as he stopped suddenly. "What about watching these guys?"

"Who cares!" shouted a unicorn worker. "They could be in trouble over at HQ!"

"Oh shit, you're right!" said the same worker from before. He then followed the rest of his co-workers as they rushed over to the Galley-La building.

Jack remained on his boat as did his crew. They all looked in the direction of the smoke with a mixture of confusion and concern. Though, Jack soon saw this as an opportunity. "T-Cog," spoke Jack as he began grinning ingeniously. "You think you can operate the controls to get us in the water?"

"Yeah. No problem." T-Cog said confidently.

Jack grinned pleased. He then turned to his crew and shouted. "Alright, mates! It's time we set sail!"

"Aye, aye!" shouted the crew as they got moving getting ready to set sail.

"Captain!" A shout came from within the cabin from Marina. She sounded frantic. Soon the door to the cabin's opened up and the kelpie rushed out. She looked as frantic as she sounded. "The mares…they…!"

Jack processed what Marina said quicker than she could speak it. He dashed passed the kelpie quickly and ran to the medical cabin. He swung open the door quickly. He peered into the room, but only saw Spike standing awkwardly alone. Jack quickly became angry. "Mr. Spike…" he spoke evenly though clearly unable to hide his anger.

"Y-Yeah…" Spike said nervously. Suddenly, he found himself engulfed in magic and pulled forward quickly. In an instant, the little dragon was face to face and eye to eye with an angry, fuming pirate captain.

"Where are your friends?!"

At Galley-La Headquarters, chaos was happening. The Galley-La employees were running around in a panic. Some were trying to put out the fire caused by a random explosion at the corner of the building that no one expected. There was also the manner of the many intruders appearing and taking out them out easily. And more were coming on the way, though luckily not to fight.

Since all of the Galley-La employees were preoccupied, none of them noticed six mares sneak onto the grounds from behind the building. It was the Mane Six, and they were currently in stealth mode. Silently, Twilight used her magic to open the window they were near; however, it would not opened. Twilight gave up trying to open the window and instead decided to simply teleport them in. The entire group flashed away immediately before anyone could see them. They then reappeared in the room in the window.

"Alright, we're in." Twilight said pleased.

"Why are we doing this again?" asked Applejack seeming less than pleased about their situation. "Seriously, Twi, why are we doing this especially after what happened earlier today?"

"Because Robin's here." Twilight stated quietly. "I just know it, and we're gonna stop her and get to the bottom of this."

"Then, why did we leave Spike?" asked Applejack suspiciously.

"I don't want to take any chances…" Twilight said cautiously. She then opened the door slowly and looked around the hallway. She didn't see anyone. "Okay, let's move."

"Take any chances on what?" asked Applejack as she followed Twilight out into the hallway followed by the others. In the hallway, Applejack soon became angry and voiced so quietly. "Twilight, are you expecting us to get hurt."

"No." Twilight replied quietly. "But I don't know what to expect here. Spike's been through enough."

"But we won't get hurt, right?" said Fluttershy beginning to shake nervously.

"If it looks like the situation is too dangerous, I'll teleport us out immediately. I promise."

Fluttershy looked at Twilight shivering with fear. Seeing and hearing the sincerity from Twilight, the timid Pegasus nodded before putting on a brave face. "Okay."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said walking next to her fellow Pegasus with a confident grin. "It's only Robin, she can't take us all down with her Devil Fruit."

Twilight immediately stopped. It wasn't because of Fluttershy's question, but more a combo of that question and seeing what was up ahead. In another hallway in front of them, there were ponies, griffons, and gremlins on the floor, unconscious and bleeding. She was not the only one to see this. Curious as to why they stopped, the group looked ahead and gasped at the sight. Among them, Fluttershy was the most horrified. Despite feeling the same way, Twilight remained silent.

"Are they…" Fluttershy said unable to finish finding it to gruesome to say.

Applejack walked up to the closest body which happened to be an earth pony. She checked the stallion over before releasing a sigh in relief. "No, they're all right."

"Thank goodness." Rarity said relieved. "But how odd. This doesn't seem like Ms. Robin's forte."

"Yeah…" Twilight said as she examined the same body.

"Hey!" Pinkie Pie whispered loudly to everyone. "I hear someone is coming."

Immediately, everyone went quiet. They could hear several hooves coming down the hallway in front of them. They all quickly hip against the wall in the direction of the incoming ponies. They all remained silent as the ponies soon came into view.

"There!" Came a shout as Nami flew by them quickly with Chopper – in Walk Point – and Zoro following her. She was pointing her hoof forward and shouted again. "That's gotta be where Robin is!"

The Equestria group gasped in shock. Immediately, the stepped out into the hallway looking at their friends. "They're here?!"

None of the Straw Hats heard the group. Nami continued to shout as she and Chopper decreased their speed letting Zoro go ahead. "Now! Slash through the door!"

"Don't order me around!" shouted Zoro angry and annoyed.

"Follow them!" shouted Rainbow Dash immediately. She and all her friends then charged forward catching up with Nami and Chopper.

As they ran, Nami and Chopper soon noticed some ponies running with them. When they both looked to see who they were, they were completely shocked. "What are you guys doing here?!"

Unfortunately, it was too late to change anything. Zoro had already unsheathed two of his swords and about to break in. He performed a powerful slash cutting through the doors and the doorway. It all broke down in an instant letting everyone pass through unharmed. At the same time, Luffy burst through the wall with Paulie, bleeding and slight beaten, following next to him. Everyone in the room was surprised especially Robin and Iceberg, the latter currently injured and on the floor.

As Luffy landed, he shouted loudly. "Where's Robin?!"

"Luffy!" said Robin shocked. She then eyed over to the other group and saw Twilight and their friends with them. "Twilight!"

"Luffy!" shouted Zoro surprised.

"Twilight! Everyone!" shouted Nami addressing the group of mares.

"Fluttershy!" shouted Chopper shocked.

"Chopper!" said Fluttershy with a nervous smile.

"Luffy!" shouted Twilight.

"Huh?" said both Luffy and Zoro as they looked back through the doorway.

Luffy gasped. "Zoro! Why did you bring Twilight and everyone here?!"

"I wasn't trying too!" shouted Zoro completely confused.

"What kind of ridiculous act is this?" spoke a voice that no one in the room recognized. This voice belonged to Rob Lucci, the once-mute foreman of the Galley-La Company. Of course, his pigeon was with him as well.

Lucci wasn't the only familiar face. Also in the room was Kalifa and Kaku, who was easily recognized by the groups as Iceberg's secretary and another foreman respectively. There was also a Minotaur, but it wasn't Franky. Only Paulie recognize the Minotaur as Blueno, a bar keep at a local bar. Most of them were dressed up in cloaks with large masks nearby. Only Lucci did not wear a cloak but a black suit and tie. Seeing all these familiar faces, the groups were completely shocked especially Paulie, who was close with all of them.

"Sorry, Paulie." Lucci said to his former colleague in a neutral tone. There was no point in hiding their identities now. "We are actually government agents working directly under the Emperor's Council; Cipher Pol number 9, CP9."

"What?!" shouted Paulie in disbelief. The young stallion was fuming with anger and rage. His friends were the one to hurt his boss and hero, and they looked as if they hadn't a care in the world. They had made him, the company, and the whole city of Water 7 fools. He immediately charged forward attacking Lucci.

"Pipe Hitch Knives!" Paulie shot forth a string of rope with knives tied into it. He was aiming for Lucci. He then grab held of the rope and swung it towards his former friend.

Before he could be hit, Lucci shot forward dodging Paulie's attack in the process. In a flash, Lucci appeared right in front of carpenter pony and struck him hard with high speed hoof punch. "Shigan*."

(*Finger Pistol- kept the Japanese name for this skill set, also probably a hoof pistol for some of them, don't know what that is in Japanese)

"Rope guy!" shouted Luffy.

Paulie didn't know what hit him. It almost felt like a cannonball had hit him. He then collapsed onto the floor. He wasn't knocked out, but his energy was nearly spent. "Damn it…why?"

Lucci didn't bother answering his former friend's question. He simply explained to him and everyone in the room the futility of fighting him. "Don't bother resisting…any of you. We've mastered skills that far exceed the abilities of regular ponies and monsters. Spending countless hours training, we've turned our bodies into living weapons. One who masters this power has the strength equal to 100 stallions; Rokushiki*."

(*Six Powers)

Paulie didn't listen. He forced himself to stand. His memories of the times he spent with them flashed through his mind making the truth even harder to accept. He wanted to keep fighting. "Why would you…!"

"No matter." Lucci said as he prepared to attack Paulie again. "Your life will expire, either way."

"Lucci! You bastard!" shouted Iceberg desperately.

"Stop it!" Suddenly, Luffy attacked before Lucci could. He shot a kick straight at the pony, but he simply stopped it with his hoof. Seeing that his kick didn't work, Luffy charged forward readying his next attack. "Gum-Gum…!"

However, Lucci was ready for it. "Tekkai*."

(*Iron Body)

"Gatling!" shouted Luffy as he threw a flurry of punches at Lucci. Surprisingly, the pony withstood the barrage without even budging an inch back. Luffy soon stopped as he noticed this as well. "What?! It's not working!"

"This is getting annoying. Soru*," said Lucci as he suddenly disappeared.


"Huh?!" said Luffy shocked. "He disappeared!"

Lucci soon reappeared in front of Luffy. He then shot forth another high speed punch into Luffy's throat. "Shigan." The punch sent Luffy flying over to the other group.

"Luffy!" shouted Twilight, Nami, and everyone.

Luffy responded with some coughing and wheezing. He held his throat as it was in pain.

"If you had a normal neck you'd have a hole in it, and would've instantly died, Rubberman." Lucci stated coldly.

Luffy soon recovered. He quickly stretched his hoof and grabbed Paulie bringing over to their side of the room.

Lucci looked at the pirate puzzled slightly. "What are you doing, Straw Hat?"

"You were planning to kill him!" shouted Luffy angrily. "Aren't you friends?!"

"How can you do that?!" shouted Twilight towards the CP9 group. "Why are you all betraying your friends?! Aren't they important to you?"

"A moment ago, yes. But it's different now." Lucci stated uncaring.

"How naïve." Kaku stated scoffing at the mare. "We're professional assassins, we don't make friends nor do we care for each other. All that matters is the mission."

"Anyone is expendable if they interfere with our mission." Lucci stated harshly. "That is our justice, dark justice."

"That's not justice!" shouted Applejack angrily. "That's just straight up murder!"

None of the assassins responded to the Earth pony's shout. However, the Minotaur seem to have some concern. "Hey…" Blueno spoke to his cohorts as he pointed to the mares behind the pirates. "Aren't those the bearers from Equestia?"

"Yes." Kalifa stated as she fixed her glasses. "And they're quite important to the Straw Hats."

Instantly, Luffy and Zoro stepped in front of the group of mares ready to fight. Neither of them were going to let this dangerous group reach their friends. Behind them, the mares in question were starting to become worried. The situation had certainly become dangerous.

"You're not going to touch them." Luffy stated threateningly.

"Like you could stop us…" stated Lucci threatening back at the pirate. "However, we do need to be going soon. We've gotten what we needed. Kalifa, how long 'til the fire?"

Kalifa had her magic pull out a pocket watch. She opened it and checked the time. "About 5 minutes."

"This may be a bit sudden," said Lucci to the group of pirates and mares, "but this whole mansion is about to go up in flames in 5 minutes."

"What?!" shouted the whole group shocked.

"Fire is a very convenient way of destroying evidence. If you do not wish to burn to death, I suggest you evacuate quickly. That is…" Lucci paused as his three partners stepped in front of him and Robin. All of them stood before the group ready to fight. "If you can." Lucci finished threateningly.

All the pirates stepped forward keeping their friends behind them. Even Nami and Chopper, who were clearly scared and nervous facing this group. At the same time, the Mane Six were about to back away. This situation had seriously become dangerous for them and they knew they needed a leave, but they were still here. Twilight, despite her own fear, still needed – desired – to reach out to her sensei.

"In that case," Robin spoke as she turned away from the group heading to the windows, "I will take my leave."

"Wait, Robin!" shouted Twilight desperately. "What're you doing with these guys?! They work for the Black Empire!"

Robin stopped hearing Twilight. She turned slightly sending a glare towards not just Twilight but to everyone. "Why are you even here? I gave a message to several of you saying goodbye. Did they not tell you?"

"They did, but I don't get it!" shouted Twilight confused. "Why are you doing this, Robin?"

"To achieve my goal!" Robin stated sternly towards the Twilight and the group with a harden expression. "A goal I cannot achieve if I stay with any of you. And to accomplish it, I will sacrifice anything!"

"So…" Zoro said speaking calmly. "What is this goal of yours that you would betray your friends without hesitating?"

"I don't have to tell you." Robin stated coldly.

"Robin…" Twilight said nearly tearing up. Her feelings hurt by her teacher's words.

"Don't…" spoke Iceberg weakly towards the older purple mare. "Don't you understand what you're trying to do, Nico Robin?!"

"Keep your mouth shut!" shouted Robin harshly. She immediately activated her Devil Fruit power making several of her hooves and legs appear on and around Iceberg. Her appendages then held the injured pony into a hold both hurting and keeping him silent.

"Mr. Iceberg!" shouted Paulie fearful.

Robin looked back the group. Her gaze still stern and hardened. "I will not let anyone interfere!"

"Stop, Robin!" Twilight cried out.

"Robin!" shouted Luffy shocked. "You can't be serious?!"

"Robin please!" shouted Twilight desperately.

Chopper cried out as well unable to take what Robin said. "Are you really out enemy?! Robin?!"

Robin didn't respond to the reindeer's cry. She flipped her hood over her head and turned back to the window. "I'll be going now."

"Yes. You've done your part." Lucci stated concurrently.

"Wait! Robin!" shouted Luffy quickly. "I won't accept this! I never gave you permission to leave the crew!"

"Goodbye." Robin said as she continued her exit.

"Robin!" Twilight, Nami, and Chopper shouted hoping to stop her.

Having had enough, Twilight used her magic and teleported herself. She landed directly in front of the older unicorn. "Robin, you're not leaving!" She stated determinedly stubborn.

Robin was shocked to see her student appear before her. More so because she had just left the protection that the crew was giving them against CP9. "Twilight!" shouted Robin fearful. "Get back!"

"I got her." From behind them, Kalifa was already acting. "Soru." She disappeared from the line up only to reappear next to Robin and Twilight.

Twilight gasped in shocked suddenly seeing the former secretary

"Hey!" shouted Luffy. He then charged in recklessly towards the group; however, Blueno moved to intercept the red Earth pony. "Get outta my way!" shouted Luffy as he sent a kick towards the Minotaur's face.

"Tekkai." Blueno said just before Luffy's hoof hit his face.

When Luffy's back hoof hit Blueno, the Minotaur felt as hard as steel which shocked him. "What's with these guys' bodies?!" said Luffy confused.

"We've trained our bodies to become as tough as iron on command. It heightens our resistance." Blueno explained politely.

"I said," Luffy shouted as he began sending a flurry of punches towards the Minotaur, "Get Outta My Way!"

"Kami-e*." Blueno said as he avoided the flurry the punches like paper in the wind. Luffy couldn't land a single punch on the big Minotaur.

(*Paper Art)

"You are quite the misbehaving mare." Kalifa said as she brought out her thorn whip with her magic speaking to Twilight. The young mare gasped as Kalifa prepared to attack her.

"Twilight!" shouted the rest of the Mane Six. Immedaitely, most of them charged forward going around the Straw Hats. Only Fluttershy stayed behind.

"Wait!" shouted Zoro.

Now, it was Kaku's turn. The satyr dashed forward as he prepared a kick. "Rankyaku*." Kaku said as he kicked out towards the mares.

(*Tempest Kick)

"A cutting technique…" said Zoro looking surprised.

Pinkie Pie stopped as she felt her nose itch. "Oh no, duck!" She shouted before ducking down.

"Get down!" Zoro shouted as he pushed Rarity and Applejack.

Kaku's kick shot out a highly compressed air slash. Thanks to both Pinkie's warning and Zoro's shout, the group ducked, or dodged in Rainbow Dash's case as she was flying, were able to avoid the attack. Yet, the attack did do damage to the wall behind them. It slashed it cleanly like a hot knife through butter. Seeing the damage, everyone was shocked.

Zoro immediately went into action. He saw the satyr come charging at them with two wood carpenter chisels. Quickly, Zoro drew his sword and blocked the incoming attack. He then pulled out his second sword only to be blocked by Kaku's over chisel. They were evenly matched.

"You were the one that examined our ship…" Zoro spoke as he and Kaku were in deadlock. "If you're not a shipwright, then was your inspection…"

"Unfortunately for you, we take our undercover jobs seriously." Kaku said staring straight at Zoro serious. "I was serious when I appraised it."

Zoro frowned. "That's too bad." He said before he and Kaku began their swordplay.

"Everyone!" Nami shouted towards their friends. "Get over here quickly! Get out of here!"

"Not without Twilight!" shouted Rainbow Dash as she shot forward. She was heading towards Robin and Twilight, but she was aiming to hit Kalifa. She grinned confidently shouting towards her opponent. "I'm not afraid to hit a mare!"

Kalifa chuckled amused. "Good. Geppo*" She leaped up and jumped in the air almost like she was flying. Rainbow Dash and everyone watching were amazed. As the cyan Pegasus flew underneath the unicorn, she smirked replying back smugly. "And Pegasi aren't the only ones that can fly."


Rainbow Dash was completely helpless as Kalifa's thorn whip wrapped around the mare. The rope tightened around the Pegasus' body, stopping her wings, and piercing her body slightly. Rainbow Dash screamed out in pain. When Kalifa landed, she then swung the Pegasus into Twilight and sent them both crashing into Iceberg's bed. Not only where they both hurt crashing into the bed, but the thorns sunk into both of the mares. If either of them were conscious, they probably scream out in pain. Kalifa then released the whip from around her opponent and coiled it back.

"Hmph. Too easy." Kalifa said in a bored tone.

"Twilight/Rainbow!" shouted Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

"Twilight!" shouted Luffy as well.

"I will be taking my leave now." Robin said as she continued her leave.

"Wait! Robin! We're not done yet!" shouted Luffy. He was still trying to get around Blueno.

"No, we are." Robin stated coldly. "We will never meet again." She then reached the big window. She opened it letting the strong wind inside.

"W…Wait…" Unable to move, Twilight tried to speak up though weakly. She wanted to stop her, but was too weak to move. "Robin…"

"Luffy! Hurry and get her!" shouted Zoro looking over at Luffy. He was still keeping Kaku back especially after breaking his chisels.

Luffy roared in response as he moved into action. Knowing that either the Minotaur or the unicorn would intercept him, Luffy shot his hoof forward hoping to grab Robin.

"How brave of you… taking your eyes off your opponent." said Kaku as he dropped his weapons. He then extended a finger out and preformed the Shigan technique striking, not once, but twice into Zoro's body. The pony then fell to his knees as the attack had severely injured him. Kaku wiped the blood off his fingers. "We don't need bullets to pierce the flesh."

"Zoro!" shouted Chopper.

"Come on, Pinkie!" Applejack said as she charged forward.

"Okay!" said Pinkie Pie excitedly. She followed Applejack choosing to hop.

As Luffy charged and stretched towards, his path was suddenly blocked by Lucci. The pony then proceeded to punch him and send him flying back. He allowed the two mares to pass him. He was confident they would be dealt with quickly.

Kalifa saw the two mares coming after Robin. She sighed with disappointment. "More weaklings." She then began using her whip again. She swung it at the two mares.

Being able to sense the oncoming attack, Pinkie Pie was able to dodge the attack quickly. On the other hand, Applejack was left wide open for the attack to hit her directly. It struck her at her legs making her fall down hard. Pinkie Pie immediately stopped to look back at her injured friend.


"Don't get distracted." Kalifa said before pointing her horn at Pinkie Pie. "Shigan…Spear!" In a flash, the unicorn jabbed her horn into the pink Earth pony's chest.

"Pinkie!" shouted Rarity horrified.

Fluttershy saw it as well, and had her mouth covered in horror.

Pinkie Pie froze. What had happened was too fast for even her Pinkie Sense to predict soon enough. She watched numbly as the former secretary mare took her horn out of her body. She could see blood – her blood – all over her horn. Then, the pain hit her like a sack of bricks. She immediately fell to the ground.

"No!" shouted Luffy in horror.

Robin didn't look back. She walked onto the window ceil and jumped off into the dark city.

Twilight watched helplessly unable to stop her teacher. Her goal to catch Robin had failed. Most of her friends were hurt. They had fail, and she had failed them.

Suddenly, the sound of a glass-like object broke. Everyone looked over to see what broke was a gem and the one who broke it; Rarity. The white unicorn was shedding tears, but she was not sad. She was enraged. She wasn't even concerned for her mascara that she was ruining in the process. Her horn began glowing and magic enveloped the broken shards of the gem. As the shards floated up, they began to sharpen until they were like stakes. She shouted as she had her magic point the shards at the CP9 agents.

"How dare you hurt my friends?!"

"N-No…Rarity…" Twilight said trying to stop her friend.

"Enough." Kalifa said before disappearing a flash.

"Gem-!" Rarity was about to attack, but before she could she was stuck by Kalifa's hoof to her face. Instantly, she fell and her magic around the shards ceased to levitate them.

"R…Rarity…" Fluttershy said scared.

"Luffy…Zoro…" Nami said completely shocked. "What is with these guys' strength?!"

"Who the hell…are you?" asked Paulie just as shocked as the mare.

"We are CP9." Lucci stated to everyone. "We have been prepared to give our lives for the Empire for justice. The fruits of our training since youth has granted us six super human strengths…Rokushiki. Hopefully, this experience has sunk into your minds. You lowly pirates and naïve mares, do you see the huge difference in our combat power!"

"Lucci, the time…" Kalifa stated gesturing to the clock.

"Right, we'll go. But first," Lucci looked around the room. He took notice that most of them were still conscious, which was good enough for him. "Let me show you something…interesting."

Everyone looked at Lucci. Despite the pain she was in, Applejack tried getting up preparing for whatever the pony had in store. Pinkie Pie and Rarity remained mostly unmoving. Rainbow Dash and Twilight sat up from the rubble that was once a bed. Luffy and Zoro were trying to stand up as well. Nami and Chopper stood back with Fluttershy behind them cowering but still watching on. Those conscious were completely shocked as they saw the CP9 pony change before their very eyes. And it was terrifying.

The body of the pony grew in size easily becoming the biggest thing in the room. His yellow coat grew black-rimmed spots. His hooves were no longer hooves; they were now paws with large claws sticking out. His busy, ponytail became thin and catlike. His black mane grew out. His face changed becoming shorter, his teeth sharper, his eye silted, and his ears pointed. Before the ponies and reindeer now was no longer a pony, but a monster. Though even despite being a monster, his pigeon remained on his shoulder faithfully.

Paulie gasped in shock. "Lucci…What the heck are you?!"

"A Devil Fruit user…" Nami said stunned.

Before them was a now transformed Rob Lucci. He looked like a cross between a big cat and pony brought to huge size. He barely fit inside the room. He looked down at the group calmly as he told the group, "I ate the Neko-Neko Fruit, model…"

"Leopard." Fluttershy stated numbly. Despite her intense fear, she easily recognized the features on the Devil Fruit user being an animal expert.

"That's a Zoan-type Devil fruit, and carnivorous-type Zoan too!" shouted Chopper fearful.

"What's the matter?" asked Nami to her friend.

"Carnivores are more violent." Fluttershy answered unable to look away from the frightful sight.

"You're both well versed." Lucci commented slightly impressed. "Out of all the types of Devil Fruit – Logia, Zoan, Paramecia – Zoan-types strengthen the physical abilities of the eater. And with our Rokushiki training, this makes Zoan eaters the strongest in close combat."

In demonstration, Lucci preformed the Rankyaku technique. He performed it so fast that it didn't even seem like it did any damage; however, it did far more. The slice had cut through the entire building and was causing it to collapse. Many of the Galley-La employees, who were inside to collect their fallen comrades before the fire could consume the building, stopped their search as they saw the ceiling beginning to collapse. Luckily, the only ones they couldn't rescue were certain foremen.

As everything above began to collapse, part of the room was collapsing as well. Chopper quickly pulled Fluttershy forward and they along with Nami moved to not be crushed by the falling debris. Unfortunately, it seemed that the debris was catching to them. A large piece of debris was about to fall on top of Fluttershy. In an act of bravery, Chopper pushed Fluttershy out of the way and was instead toppled upon by the falling debris. Fluttershy looked back only to find that her friend had not made it out.

"Chopper!" shouted Fluttershy in tears. She understood clearly what had happened.

"Chopper!" shouted Nami shocked.

Paulie had made it out as well. He used whatever energy was left to rush over to Iceberg. The wounded older stallion was surprised by his trusted employee's action. He attempted to escape with Iceberg, but CP9 was already there to stop them. Lucci was about to finish them both off, but Luffy quickly intervened punching the leopard pony hard. Angry, Lucci responded back with the Shigan technique now with his claws that pierced into Luffy. And against rubber, it was super effective.

"Luffy!" shouted Twilight and Nami fearful.

As Luffy nearly fell over bleeding profusely, Lucci grabbed him by his face. "Now, I'm going to send you…flying off this island!" He stated as he threw the rubber pony through the building.

Luffy screamed as he flew through the air.

"Luffy!" shouted Twilight and Nami again.

"You!" shouted Zoro as he charged forward. He had one sword out ready to attack.

"Tekkai." Lucci said as he blocked the sword strike with his arm. Shocking the swordspony by blocking his attack with his bare arm, Lucci continued as he flipped around and kicked Zoro out of the room as well. "You too…"

Zoro crash through the wall and continued flying into the sky. He flew all the way to the coast and landed in the water. He did not come back up.

"Now then…" Returning to Galley-La Headquarters, Lucci spoke as he looked at the remaining two ponies. He smirked seeing the orange-mane Pegasus step in front of her fellow Pegasus ready to defend her with a bo staff. The other yellow Pegasus herself looked hardly willing to fight. This would be too easy. "To finish you off."

"Fluttershy, run!" shouted Nami standing guard.

On the call, Fluttershy blindly took off attempting to escape. At the same time, Nami charged forward in hopes of distracting them. Unfortunately, neither work. Kalifa used the Geppo technique to tackle Fluttershy to the ground. Lucci was less gentle as he simply punched through the staff into Nami's stomach. The young Pegasi didn't stand a chance.

Lucci grabbed the Pegasus pirate and then tossed her out the window casually. "That should get everyone to believe the pirates did this…" Lucci stated out loud before turning to the last Pegasus. As Kalifa stepped aside, Lucci walked over to Fluttershy shifting back into his pony form.

Fluttershy covered her face not wanting to see her intimate doom. She was so scared that she was crying. Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted up via magic. Her face was uncovered by magic as well and was now face-to-face with Rob Lucci. She stared fearfully at the pony as she struggled to look away.

Seeing this sight, Lucci smirked contently. "Oh don't worry, we're not going to harm you."

"W-What?" said Fluttershy scared.

"You were the only one that had any sense, cowardly as it was, to not attack. You clearly realize that it doesn't matter who you are, an ordinary citizen shouldn't defy the Black Empire."

Fluttershy didn't respond. She just closed her eyes as tears fell. She was completely horrified by the pony. As well as hurt by his words.

Lucci soon had enough. "Tie her up along with the others. Let the fire handle them." Lucci said to his cohorts.

"Right." The CP9 group said as they got to it.

The Mane Six was tied up and laid on the ground around Iceberg and Paulie, both tied together. The CP9 agents quickly and easily snuck out without anyone seeing them. With all their lose ends seemingly wrapped up, the group was now going after their new target; Cutty Flam also known as Franky. They left headquarters as they whole thing went up in flames with no hope of rescue for those inside. Now, they were going to Franky to get blueprint for Pluton, weapon of mass destruction, which they had previously believed to have been in Iceberg's possession. They flew above the city as they searched for Franky. Luckily, some conveniently placed Franky Family members were out trying to bring the Straw Hats to exactly where CP9 needed to go. They would have the blueprints soon.