• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 7,508 Views, 604 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

Danger on the Horizon

Luffy & Twilight: We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don't ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn't matter who or what's standing in our way,
We'll make it through them everyday

You won't get anywhere if you're waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can't wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we're Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You'll feel a joy inside that you can't explain
And that's the treasure we must find!

We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

On a peaceful night in Water 7, with Aqua Laguna long since over, the entire city was out like a light. Its citizens finally able to rest in peace as could the Galley-La Company workers, who had worked tirelessly to protect theirs and the city's hero. Having returned some time ago, the Straw Hat crew, the Silver crew, and all the invaders of Enies Lobby were now also asleep. The Franky Family returned to their base of operations, still a wreck, and took care of their king bulls, Sodom and Gomorrah. The remaining head foreman of the Galley-La Company returned home to rest. Jack and crew docked outside Dock One, sleeping peacefully in their own ship. Even the sleipnirs, Omio and Kashi, slept within Dock One. Both careful not to destroy anything more than what was already previously destroyed. And lastly, sleeping the most soundly was the (new) Straw Hat crew, who had endured the most and spent nearly all their energy into taking back their own. They all slept in the temporary headquarters for the Galley-La Company, seeing how the old building burned and their ship gone forever. Of course, Usopp did not sleep with them and chose to hang with the sleipnirs for the night. Yes, everyone was asleep and enjoying their own pleasant dreams.

Except, there was still one light on.

Within the temporary Galley-La headquarters, one room had a light on. Thankfully, it was separate from where the Straw Hats were currently sleeping. This room belonged to Iceberg, as his temporary home. Inside, Iceberg was still awake, and not alone either. With Iceberg was Spike, who looked very sleepy and tired. He remained awake though as Iceberg finished writing his letter. Once scrolled up, tied by a ribbon, and given the Water 7 crest; the pony handed it to the baby dragon.

"I appreciate you doing this, young dragon." Iceberg said sympathetically to the little creature.

Spike responded with a yawn. "No problem…sir…" He said drowsy. Then, he breathed his magical dragon fire upon the scroll. Once engulfed, the paper became ash and magic, and floated out the open window to its destination. Spike then yawned again and told the pony, "I'm…mmmm…back to bed."

Iceberg said nothing back; he simply allowed the baby dragon to waddle and stumble his way out of his room. Now alone, the middle-aged pony took the time to absorb this quiet moment. He took a moment to look out his window, where he could see his city peacefully slumbering. At this, he smiled. It was a hard-fought peace for him; he had struggled and strive to make this city loved by his master, Tom, a jewel once more. And yet, he felt he could still do more for it. The problems that came up related to Aqua Laguna plagued his mind and brought some fear for their future. Luckily, he had ideas for this. There was however another concern on his mind that was far more relevant to now. One that may threatened their way of life.

The Black Empire.

Danger on the Horizon
The Black Empire Strikes Back!

For several days, Water 7 was alive with activity. Aqua Laguna had done much to damage the city's lower sections, but everyone was pitching in to repair them. Even the Galley-La workers, under the supervision of the remaining head foremen, worked hard to not only aide in the repairs to the city, but to also keep up with their jobs at the company. Luckily, they had the friendly assistance of Enies Lobby's former gate keepers, the sleipnirs Omio and Kashi. They could easily help fix up the larger mechanical devices destroyed by fights and storm. Thus, with such a strong sense of community, the city of water would be fixed up in the time of one month.

During the early days, the Straw Hats rested. For a full day, most of them rested. Luffy though had even slept into a second day, and happened to pick up and interesting quirk of sleep-eating. To this, Twilight could only theorize had this could be possible for her brother. Eventually, he awoke. At the asking of none other than Franky himself. The cyborg Minotaur had an important announcement for this crew, whom he had placed much of his faith in days previously. He told the group of the tale of special kind of wood known as "Adam's wood". Grown from the jewel tree, Adam, it was a fantastical kind of tree that could survive the harshest of attacks from the worst fighting any creature could make. Thus, its wood was prized among carpenters and shipwrights. For a cool two-hundred million belis, money formerly belonging to the Straw Hats, Franky had bought that wood to finally accomplish his dream.

"My dream," Franky told the pirates bowing to them humbly, "is to use the jewel tree and build a ship of dreams that can overcome any ocean!"

"Now I finally got the wood, and the blueprints are finished! I'm going to build the ship starting now! That's why, once I finish it," Franky raised his head with determination in his gaze as he asked the Straw Hat pirates, "can you please sail on the ship I made?!"

This had surprised the Straw Hats, but the gratefully accepted the Minotaur's request. To see what this shipwright had in store for them was exciting. So much so, Luffy declared they would have a party. Not only to celebrate getting a new ship, but to also officially celebrate Robin's return to the crew. So, the used the Galley-La Company pool located behind the building. It started out small; only including the crew, now including the elephant-sword Funkfreed. But as more food began cooking and the sounds of their fun and enjoyment grew, more began joining in.

First was the merpony and station master Kokoro along with Chimney, Gonbe, and the giant frog Yokozuna. Then, Sogeking/Usopp joined with his friends to eat. Soon followed the Franky Family with their recovering king bulls Sodom and Gomorrah. Jack and his crew came after bringing in fine imports they had "acquired" through their many voyages. No sooner after, the Galley-La workers, the foremen included, with the Omio and Kashi tagging along. Even individuals like Iceberg and Franky, accompanied with Mozu and Kiwi, entered the party despite their busy schedules. The simple party soon became a blow-out festival of the victorious. All cheered and sang and drank and ate and swam and danced to their hearts' content. Some less boisterous than others.

For Robin and Twilight, they sat at a table set up to the side of the whole event. Twilight was still recovering from the loss of her balance, and Robin simply wished to stay by her side as company. Never did they feel left out as friends, acquaintances, and just happy folk passed them by. Showing them with infectious joy and good cheer. Sanji was dutiful in making sure they were always taken care of – as was the rest of the mares in the vicinity – with food and drinks. Even as the celebration continued into the night, they never were bored nor ignored. That being said, a certain group of mares had been surprisingly absent from their sights; the rest of Mane Six. It wasn't until sometime after the sun set that they finally saw them. All walking up to them somberly. At this, both unicorns were concerned.

"Guys," Twilight spoke up worried, "why are you looking so glum?"

Applejack stepped forward, and spoke for the group. "There's a matter that a few of us wanted to…say to Robin."

"Oh?" Robin replied curiously.

Then, surprising both unicorns, the five mares bowed their heads towards Robin. All spoke at the same time. "We're sorry."

Robin blinked with confusion. "For what, may I ask?"

All the mares raised their heads up. Applejack then explained, "You see, there was a time…"

"A short time." Rainbow Dash added for clarity.

Applejack continued, "…that we had…"

"Erroneously." Rarity said, adding her own interpretation.

"Yeah. Wrongly misjudged you based on the belief and words of other folks."

Fluttershy then spoke, "It was only after overhearing your story from the others that we had learned the real truth."

"But we reckon that ain't any excuse for us in how we believed that you were bad." Applejack said, as she removed her hat from her head as an apologetic gesture.

"We hope you're not too disappointed in us." Pinkie Pie asked dejectedly.

"We're sorry." The mares said together again.

The young mares then waited patiently as for a response. They hadn't a clue how Robin would react, but they had felt better having attempted to reconcile with her. Not one of them was sure if she would accept.

As for Robin, hearing her friends' apologies for having a negative opinion of her was surprising. After a lifetime of hurt and betrayal, someone – surprising that it came from her new friends of all ponies – was actually apologizing to her. Any normal pony would be mad that their friends had such a horrible idea of them. Except, Robin was different. Maybe that's why she was smiling now, without a hint of anger. She even gave out an amused chuckle, before actually responding back to the group. "You know…"

The group of mares tensed immediately.

"Throughout my journey, many have hurt and betrayed me. But not in all that time had anyone ever apologized to me. Thank you, and I forgive you. It's the least I could do for you all coming to my rescue."

Everyone was surprised at first, but they were soon happy. They had come expecting the worst, which they believe was only right. But instead, they had cemented their friendship with the older unicorn. So, without warning, the whole group hugged Robin together; careful not to smother the older mare. After a moment, they all released the mare and went back the party. Now in better spirits than before.

Twilight had watched everything with a smile. Once they were gone, Twilight informed her mentor sympathetically, "They had been really worried that their apology wouldn't work."

To this notion, Robin chuckled with amusement. It had been an interesting couple of days for her. Almost a lifetime ago, she had felt herself alone in the world. Now, she had friends willing to make-up with and support her. It was an overwhelmingly good feeling, which also felt a little funny. She thus excused herself for a moment. Moving away from the noise and party, Robin had decided on leaning against the wall that surrounded the pool. Here, the heat coming off the party was greatly dulled providing a nice, cool spot for the mare to lean against. And still, she could revel in the festivities and see all the fun her friends were having. Nothing could ruin this moment for her.

Then, came an almost chilling voice. "Stay where you are and listen to me, Nico Robin."

Robin's eyes widened with fear. Instantly, she knew whose voice it was coming from the other side of the wall. She began breathing out heavily, almost panicking, as she breathed out the name of the one behind the wall. "Aokiji…"

Like Robin, the tall stallion was leaning against the wall opposite her. He looked casual, like he was here for personal reasons. So, he asked to the mare on the other side, "Why didn't you run away like you always do? If you were acting on your own, you could have gotten away from CP9"

"It's different this time." Robin replied back sternly. "I couldn't abandon them. I just couldn't let them die."

Aokiji remained quiet for moment. The tone of the mare's voice spoke volumes to him. It reminded him of someone… "Twenty years ago," the Earth pony said solemnly, "the sleipnir that fought for Ohara, Jaguar D. Saul, was a close friend of mine."

The name Aokiji spoke resonated with Robin, and she was surprised. Saul had been her friend, her first friend, who taught her to smile and laugh. He understood that knowledge was important and had sought to protect not only her but her mother. That gentle but strong, giant pony had sacrificed his life to ensure hers. To think, the pony she was talking to – the one that killed him – was his friend. And yet, it explained much; like why he helped her escape in the first place.

"From that day on," Aokiji continued, "I continued where he left off and helped you escape from that island."

"Since he gave his life to protect you, it was my duty to make sure you didn't waste yours. But after twenty years, even after reaching Equestria, you still hadn't found anyone or anything you could rely on."

At that, Robin lowered her head. Living in Equestria had been the best decision she had made. She had been safe there, had the trust and respect of the princess, and the love of a couple of pony children who she had grown to love back. But in the end, that love had come back full circle to her. Those connections she made for what seemed like a fleeting moment had come to save her from the darkness consuming her being; the darkness of the Black Empire. This allowed her to raise her head back up; no longer ashamed.

"I had then decided that I couldn't let a ticking time bomb run around under my watch. Frankly, I assumed that you had a death wish. I had intended that Enies Lobby would end the story of Ohara once and for all. Of course, I never expected that your friends would bear CP9."

Then, the navy admiral asked, "So, have you finally, found a place where you feel safe?"

"Yes." Robin answered immediately, unbending.

Aokiji sighed softly, smiling at the mare's conviction. Thus, he stated, "I don't know if it was right or wrong for Saul to let you live. But maybe you can answer that question for me?"

Determinedly, Robin declared, "I intend to."

And with that, Aokiji had his answer. He could leave now with a clear conscience; however, he still had something to say to the mare. "Then live out your life and prove to me that Ohara is alive."

Surprised by this, Robin quickly took off towards the nearby exit. She still had more to talk about with the admiral. "Aokiji!" She shouted as she turned the corner. Yet, the pony was already gone. Nothing left but a bit of ice and frost melting slowly in the spot she assumed that admiral had been standing and leaning in. She had been left speechless with confusion and concern. Why had that stallion come here?

"Hey, Robin!" Then, a shout from her captain broke her thoughts. She looked back to the party to see Luffy; cheeks stuffed with food to the size of beach balls and chopsticks placed between his nose and lower lip. Looking like this, the red pony tried grinning while attempting to beckon her other.

"You eatin' enough meat?" Luffy asked jokingly.

At this, it made Chopper and Sogeking/Usopp laugh hard. Others around them were laughing as well, though not as boisterously. Twilight was about the only one not laughing; instead, looking embarrassed as she placed a hoof onto her face. As for Robin, seeing this had amazingly lessened her worries. For whatever Aokiji wanted for or to her, she now had dear friends to protect. So, she began smiling; looking almost hesitant.

"Maybe I should try that too." Robin stated curiously.

This shocked the crowd. Even Luffy, but it was soon replaced with excited joy. "Yeah," he said exuberantly, "do it, Robin!"

"No!" shouted Sanji desperately. "Don't do it, Robin!"

"You too, Twi!" Luffy added quickly, now overzealous.

"What!" Twilight shouted back, indignantly.

In the end, neither Twilight nor Robin went through with Luffy's display. That did not stop them however from enjoying more of the party. As they partied, one lone stallion biked pass the area with indifference to their merrymaking. Aokiji had done all he could for now; it was time to return back to base. For though the battle had been won by the Straw Hat pirates…

…the war was only just beginning.

Far from reaches of Equestria, on an island of black stone was nestled the capital of the only power equal to that of the kingdom of the Alicorns, the Black Empire; Las Noches*. The entirety of this capital's infrastructure was carved from the black stones that made up this island. Magnificent each building was, but nothing compared to the home of the emperor and the capital building that resided here as well. Except; what lied behind the castle, which was even bigger. It was almost like a mountain; and yet, it seem to move periodically rising and lowering in height. However, dear readers, this was not a mountain. It was a sleipnir, the largest of them all; Sanjuan Wolf. At least ten times the regular size sleipnir. For the moment, he was sleeping and remaining peaceful. Who knows what this one ginormous pony could be doing here.

(*Not a Bleach fan, but nice name anyways. Means "The Nights")

More importantly, a distinctive laugh echoed throughout the black stone castle. It was bellowed deep within the sanctum of the emperor; loud and boisterous. The source came from a large room with several creatures inside, but only one was actually laughing. That one sat now before this group at a large desk, which was currently being banged upon by his own hoof repeatedly jauntily. Sitting behind the desk was an even bigger pony, an Earth pony. His coat was a light black with his mane even darker. He seemed to be missing a few teeth. As a special note, he seem to lack any growing facial hair. On his flank was his cutie mark; a globe clenched by one brown claw making cracks on the globe. This is the Emperor of the Black Empire, Lord over Las Noches; Blackbeard.

"Zeha-ha-ha-ha!" laughed the stallion in jollily.

Within the room, one individual spoke calmly. "What has you in such a jubilant mood, my Emperor?" This is Van Augur, a thin hobgoblin dressed sleekly with a cape and unusual hat. As a hobgoblin, he was far taller than the common goblin. Over his eyes, he wore asymmetrical glasses; one side had one large glass with cross hairs in it.

Blackbeard stopped laughing. "Haven't you heard?" He asked with a smirk to the cyclops and everyone in the room.

"Murunfuffuffu, what is it?" The only female asked amusedly, smirking devilishly. She slithered into view to show that she was not just a lamia, who were much smaller, but an Echidna, the mythological 'mother of all monsters'. Her mane tied into pigtails was dark-purple with her coat and scales magenta. She is Devon.

"I just got the report from Navy Headquarters about the Straw Hats."

Burgess, a large and burly orc, gave out a laugh. "Wiiihahaha!" Then, asked, "What happened to them? They get crushed by CP9 or what?"

"No!" Blackbeard told the orc jovially, to the surprise of everyone. "They not only defeated CP9, but they even beat the Buster Call!"

"What?!" shouted Burgess. "That's impossible! No one could escape that."

Then, a sinister voice spoke up. "Nico Robin did." The owner of this deep voice was Shiliew. He was a large unicorn dressed much like a jailer and smoking a cigar.

Next to him, a sickly and large hobgoblin (bigger than regular goblins) laid atop an equally sick horse. This is Doc Q and Stronger, respectively. After a quick cough, Doc Q then spoke, "She is quite lucky, and so are those Straw Hats."

Stronger then sighed, sickly. "Lucky…"

"Hahaha!" Another laugh rung out, but not from Blackbeard. Over across from Doc Q stood a figure that looked like a cat with a body and horns of a Minotaur with cyan fur. This is the chimera, Pizarro. He then spoke in a joking matter, "If you're gonna let those punks tarnish the Empire's name, perhaps I should become emperor and settle everything."

Immediately, a cane struck the creature. "You better watch your mouth, Pizarro." The one who spoke, Lafitte, was a white furred Diamond Dog wearing a top hat and large ring earrings. He lowered his cane, having made his point, and soon threatened his compatriot.

"If you dare think you can rule the empire in place of our Emperor, I'll kill you personally."

To this, the cat monster only responded back with another hearty laugh. It was anyone's guess had he been serious or not.

Next to him, a pinkish ogre drank his alcohol without a care in the world. This is Vasco Shot. Once finished, he slurped and smiled drunk as he threw in his two cents. "I'm all out of sake, mine emferor. Let's have another alcohol tax!"

Everyone essentially ignored Shot's drunk ramblings. For moments later, a servant pony came in with a large bottle of sake. The pony was composed as he quickly offered the jug to the ogre, who snatched it up without hesitation. Not even flinching, the pony quickly left. Thus, the large creature drank down the sake gleefully and with gusto.

"Pizarro makes a point though." Augur said before looking to his leader. "Certainly, we can't let them off so easily."

Blackbeard chuckled. "No, we can't." The pony said as he began smirking twistedly. He then relayed, "They had the Elements of Harmony with them."

A collective gasp came over most of the group. Only Shiliew reacted calmly, though intrigued. "To think Equestria would allow their greatest weapons to join a bunch of pirates." He commented distastefully.

"Yea, the five geezers and that hot head fleet admiral are already on my ass about acquiring the bunch." Blackbeard informed to the group, annoyed. "They're saying it needs to be our number one priority to capture them."

"So?" asked Burgess.

"So," Blackbeard stated apathetically, "I told Akainu to do whatever."

Though most accept this, there was still some concerns. So Lafitte asked out troubled, "What about our other operations then? Surely this foolhardy quest for harmony hasn't hampered your real plans."

"Don't worry," Blackbeard said confidently, "I'm not about to miss the opportunity to meet some long lost family."

"And get some nice territory in Equestria, right?!" Shot blurted out cheekily.

Blackbeard smirked evilly. "Yeah, that too."

Devon then slithered on forward, smiling cunningly and proud. "I've received a delicious message from our ally within Equestria." She said whilst licking her lips satisfied.

Despite finding her implied action gross, Blackbeard did not plainly care. He thus asked impatiently, "And?"

"Our allies will soon make their moves."

Again, Blackbeard began to smirk villainously. "Perfect." He then stood up, becoming excited as he looked to the future. "Everything is coming together nicely."


Now, returning back to Water 7. It had been three days since the Straw Hats held their party and the construction of their new ship began. Already, the city of water was returning back to its typical routine. The most severe of damages done by Aqua Laguna already swept away like dust. The water canal streets now busy again with Yagura bull traffic. The Galley-La Company was active with its workers already back to their projects at the shipyards. Of course, none we're busier than the small band of shipwrights working on the Straw Hats' ship. The finishing touches were coming to a completion, even as some of the younger shipwrights – Paulie, Peeply Lulu, and Tilestone – were already exhausted. Not the likes of Franky and Iceberg though, the latter of whom had offered to help at the beginning. These two determined shipwrights, the apprentices to the great shipwright Tom, could work for days without rest thanks to their background. Nothing less for the heroes of Water 7.

Of course, while they waited for Franky's "Ship of Dreams", the Straw Hats remained at the temporary headquarters of the Galley-La Company. And while they waited for the past few days, they had explored more of Water 7. Chopper had introduced Fluttershy to the Yagura bulls, which she was grateful for and thus gave Chopper a tight hug in appreciation. Having seen this scene by coincidence, Sanji couldn't have been more proud of the little reindeer. Also during these days of wait, Twilight had soon gotten use to her displaced balance and soon traveled around the city. She and Robin were often seen heading for the market or the library. There had been some misadventures; Luffy, Fluttershy, and Chopper had helped a family find their lost Yagura bull; only to find a new and young one who had been saved by the family's old bull. Zoro and Spike had some mishap with a local family, but proved to be very helpful for them. Sanji, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack had come across an old, crotchety chef who showed them a secret of how his food tasted so well. The answer; sea salt, from after Aqua Laguna. Nami and Rarity had done some shopping for the crew; in preparation for their new home. Finally, Rainbow Dash had seemed to be taking up some kind of training. Her friends weren't sure what it was, but she had told them it was to "make herself 100% more awesome". None of them really understood it; however, Zoro seemed to understand. He could be seen often nearby where Rainbow Dash was training. All happening within the three-day timeframe.

Everything seem to go well; that is, until the third day. On that day, there was an odd calm surrounding the city. Even the sea was unusually settled. The sea train Puffing Tom had been forced to delay on one of the local islands in the area, concerning more than a few locals. And stranger still, the News Coos, diligent birds that make newspaper deliveries, had yet to arrive. Some were concerned, but with how busy everyone was in repairing the city it was easily forgotten. That is except for some visitors. The most agitated of them was T-Cog of Jack Silver's crew. The pirates of the Golden Alicorn had remained for one reason or another. Much of their time had been spent hanging out with the Straw Hats. Thus, when the old albino Pegasus had expected a newspaper today – the third day of their stay – on time, he did not get it.

"Blast it all!" T-Cog vented out in anger. "Where the hell are those damn birds?!"

Off to the side, some of T-Cog's crewmates we're helping him out. One Slash was using a spyglass to search for the bird. He grumbled, "Can't believe we're searching for some stupid bird." Fortunately, for him, the little dragon was soon able to spy a News Coo nearby. So immediately he relayed the information.

"Hey, T!" Slash shouted, "I found one of your newspaper birds off the port side, 11 o'clock."

Next to him, Big Rummy looked down at his dragon friend confused. "But Slash," he said, "it's now noon?"

Immediately, Slash slapped his face with frustration. "No, ya darn simpleton, I mean the direction 11 o'clock."

"So, that way?" Being that the large pony was facing Slash, he was pointing in a different direct then implied by the little dragon.

Slash groaned and turned to his large friend. "Not you're 11, my eleven!" Slash then pointed in the direction he had previous mentioned.

Problem was, now that he was facing Big Rummy, this reinterpreted the dragon's direction. Thus, Big Rummy responded with, "But that's your 8, Slash?"

"D'ah!" shouted out Slash in total frustration.

Fortunately for himself, T-Cog understood the first time. Immediately, he took off to fly after the bird. He may not be the fast flyer he once was, but he could catch a bird that didn't know he was coming. Soon, he caught up with the News Coo, paid its fee, complained to it about price and why they were so late, and then flew back to the ship. He returned to find his captain waiting patiently while the rest of the crew went off to do their tasks or activities. As he landed, his captain greeted him.

"G'day T-Cog," Jack greeted, "heard you were having a hard time getting the news."

T-Cog scoffed. "It's the strangest thing, Cap'n. Every day, around this time, the News Coo comes and delivers the mail. Been like that the whole time we've been 'ere. Now though, it's like the damn things aren't even bothering with Water 7."

"Hmm," Jack though aloud, "that is strange."

As T-Cog opened up the newspaper, several sheets of brown paper slipped out. This of course caught both the stallions' attention. "Oh," T-Cog muttered with surprise, "some bounties."

Curious, Jack collected up the papers via his magic telekinesis. Once sorted, he looked at the first of them. Instantly, his eyes widen. Downright shocked, he began to flip through the wanted posters. Each one seem to make the old stallion look more worried than the next. "By the Princesses…" He muttered nearly speechless.

"Um, Jack," spoke T-Cog sounding befuddled.

Captain Jack Silver turned to his shipwright surprised. It was rare for any one of his crew to call him by his name. Not without some sort of concern. He saw his longtime crewmate looking like death passed over twice while looking at the content of the newspaper. Now more concerned, Jack quickly snatched the paper from his shipwright's hooves to see what had brought him to such a state. And by looking at the front page, he got his answered and it was shocking.

"These can't be real…"


Jack Silver looked up as he heard one of his crew shout. More concerning, said crewmate sounded panicky. He saw his Diamond Dog crew member up in the crow's nest; but more importantly, he saw the direction in which he was looking at. Quickly, he hurried to the port side. He looked out to see what had caused one of his crew such panic. Despite his age, his eyesight was still impeccable as he scanned the horizon. Then, he saw it. One Navy battleship. Then, two battleships. Those numbers soon tripled to six. Soon, a near quarter of the distance seemed to be covered in Black Empire Navy ships. Much more than even during the Buster Call event they had witnessed. It was nearly unbearable to comprehend.

"Great Scott."

Aboard each ship, thousands of Black Navy soldiers armed themselves with the sword or the gun. Some went even more personal as they choose weapons suited to their unique tastes such like the mace or the club. Others manned the cannons, if needed to lay out a suppressing fire. Every soldier on every battleship in the area was preparing for battle. Whether one would occur was yet to be seen. Many began streaming out of the hulls of the ships and lined up on the deck, every one of them standing at attention. The most prominent was of course the lead ship as the small armada. For on board this one ship were several commanding and intimidating figures. Among them, Admiral Aokiji who was once again relaxing on a beach chair. Around him were others of equal or even greater stature than himself. A light purple, bipedal tiger who was blind, a yellow-furred Gizmonk wearing a black overcoat, a bearlike ogre holding a book, and a surprisingly small – though still pretty big for pony standards – sleipnir in a horned iron mask. But still, none could compare to the leader of this entire force.

"Attention everyone!"

Immediately, everyone paid attention towards the front of the battleship. There, standing taller than most, was a dark red-furred Diamond Dog with a snout like a Doberman. He stood before all these creatures in uniform; a black overcoat with "Justice" written in Japanese kanji and a black cap with holes to allow his ears through with "Navy" written across the front. A portion of his body was hairless as a tattoo with fire-like patterns and pink flowers covered half the left side of his body up to his shoulder and part of his left arm. In his mouth, he had a cigar already burning. This fierce creature stood before this crowd with grim and angry expression; like a permanent scowl. For this creature, like any leader, he demanded order and compliance.

"The weak kingdom that is Equestria has allowed the bearers Elements of Harmony to become pirate scum! We will capture them with haste so we, the Navy, will do what those idealistic royals cannot do. Use the Elements to bring about the end of evil everywhere! Let no one stand in your way! Anyone who does not comply will be branded as a criminal. Justice must be strong, unbending, and swift. Justice is absolute!"

"Yes, Fleet Admiral Akainu, sir!" The sailors yelled out obediently.

"Prepare to land!" Akainu ordered commandingly.

Immediately, the soldiers broke from their lines and scurried around the deck. As they prepared to disembark, the large Diamond Dog turned around to see the target of their occupation; Water 7. As he glared at the magnificent city, he muttered lowly to himself sternly.

"No one is above the law."