• Published 15th Jan 2015
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Unity - Kieva Lynn

Ponyville, Equestria. Fallow Meadows, Indiana. Two towns torn from thier worlds and deposited together on a third. Can Human and Pony work together? They'd better hope so, because they're not alone...

  • ...

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Three

"So... These are bad humans, right?" Twilight asked.

"Quite possibly the worst in our entire history as a species." Reginald said. "Germans, as a whole, aren't bad people. They've got their good and their bad the same as any other nationality. And even among the Nazis there were some who knew that what their leaders were doing was wrong and worked against them... But for the most part..."

Nigel said "Think of it this way Twilight... Imagine if a small group of unicorns decided that unicorns were better than other types of ponies. And so they took over and started imprisoning and enslaving and even killing everyone who wasn't a unicorn."

"That's dreadful." Rarity whispered.

"These people were a part of bringing on the most destructive war in human history." Reginald said. "The only thing I can't figure is how a whole city of them is here. The war ended with the Nazi's defeat over seventy years ago!"

"Well we know now that the storms have been bringing people here for a very long time..." Twilight mused.

"Did any of these Nazi's towns just vanish during that war?" Applejack asked.

"Not that we've heard of." Bert answered. "Then again, in the thick of total war, with entire towns being firebombed off the map anyway... I suppose if someplace did just vanish it could be dismissed as enemy action."

"It's been seventy years though right?" Xix asked. "Maybe they've changed in that time?"

"People usually no change until forced to." Guttrix said.

"That's a good point, I'm afraid." Twilight agreed.

"Either way, I think the best thing for us to do is just move on along, get out of here before they notice us." Herbert said.

Everyone agreed, and they made ready to continue on their way. But just as Herbert was throttling up the engines, a distant sound caught everyone's attention. A low droning buzz, growing louder.

"What is that?" Fluttershy asked.

Specks came into view over the horizon, getting larger, closer. "Meserschmitts." Bert said. "Upgraded somewhat from war era models but the basic shape is the same."

"Upgraded... Or they found enough supplies to build new ones."

"Either way, they're coming right for us."

"Not again." Rainbow grumbled.

But as the planes drew nearer, they didn't attack. The entire flight, thirty aircraft in all, continued on their way passing over Harmony's location, vectoring in the direction of the abandoned city.

"Why would they be going there?" Nigel wondered.

"I don't like this. We don't have enough information to understand the situation." Twilight said. "We should follow, keep at a safe distance, see what's going on."

"Agreed." Herbert said, and turned to follow...


Reich Sergeant Richtoffin wasn't sure what he was seeing. Flying in route to the target, he had looked down and caught sight of a strange vessel, seemingly a boat suspended in mid-air. He radioed his wingman. "Karloff, do you see that?"

"Ja. Thought I was hallucinating until you said something."

"I feared the same. I'll report it."

"Nevermind that. We've got enough to deal with. If you report it, they'll tell one of us to stay and get a better look. Then we'll be short handed. You can report the sighting when we get back."

"If we get back."


Richtoffin returned his attention to the mission at hand, though in the back of his mind he also wondered, for the ten thousandth time, what he might have done to earn this crummy hand in life.

It was seventy-two years ago, at the height of the great war, when his grandparents took shelter in the town of Steusseldorf. It was, of course, technically a military target: The presence of both a Luftwaffe airstrip and multiple factories insured that. But it was also much smaller than the more significant cities being actively bombed at the time, and they hoped to find safety.

What they found, instead, was a unfathomable force ripping them away from their world and all they knew. At least the place where they ended up was sustainable. Good croplands, and plenty of raw materials to keep their machines repaired and running, and eventually even to start building again. At first, it seemed like paradise. They were free of the war, and many even considered abandoning their loyalty to the party. And then they found the city...

The city. 'Das Geisterstadt' they called it, 'Ghost City,' though 'Hollestadt,' 'Hell City,' would have been even better. The war against it's eldritch horrors was all Richtoffin and his generation had ever known, all the people of Steusseldorf had know for seven decades now. A lifetime of war, terror, and death. A lifetime that ended today. The weapons, long completed save for a single key component, finally supplied, ensured that much. This ended today.

Ahead, the city came into view. "Everyone focus." Richtoffin ordered. "They could wake up at any moment. Remember, at least one of the weapons must be delivered, no matter the cost."

On Richtoffin's command, the planes dived down towards the city, accelerating. And before their eyes, a third of the city's buildings seemed to disintegrate into dust as the inhabitants awoke. For the buildings were not structures to contain them; They were the beings of this place, bizarre entities, like perfectly geometrical insects of all sizes, thousands of them, swarming up to defend the nest.

The planes evaded as best they could, opening fire on the swarms in their path, needing only seconds more to descend to the proper altitude to release the new weapons they carried slung under their bellies. One pilot screamed as his plane was ripped apart, and another, a third. And then it was time. The weapons were cut loose and the pilots poured everything their engines had into a probably fruitless escape run.

Ascending again, Richtoffin looked back over his shoulder. The bad: He was still being pursued. The good: The entities were ignoring the falling bombs. Just as they should, based on past experience. Normal bombs might damage a small area, but did little harm to the city as a whole. This would be different. Oh, it had to be different this time. It just had to be.

Leveling off, Richtoffin made a run for it, hoping beyond all hope to just maybe get clear, before-


At a distance of several miles, flying near a steep ridge line for concealment, Harmony's crew was observing when several of the city's buildings seemed to evaporate away in a moment. "Damn! What the hell was that!?" Bert swore.

Observing through the binoculars, Twilight said "The buildings! They aren't really buildings, they're some kind of creatures!"

"If Nazis are attacking them, doesn't that make them the good guys?" Nigel asked.

Rainbow shook her head. "I kinda think maybe there are no good guys here."

Above the city, planes exploded, while others continued to dive, and then Twilight said "The planes, they've dropped something!"

"Let me see." Bert said, taking the binoculars. Looking, he needed a moment to find one of the falling objects. He was watching as it deployed a parachute, and began to slowly drift down towards the city. In fact, the more he looked at it, the more it looked like... Bert swung around, locked eyes on the nearby ridge that rose steeply from the surrounding area. "Herb! Get that ridge between us and the city and do it yesterday!"

"Whoa! What's going on?" Belle asked.

"Just do it!" Bert exclaimed as Herbert, seeming to understand what the survivalist was upset about, pushed the engines to full speed, racing to top the ridge and duck down behind it. Everyone else was talking over each other, asking questions, and Bert raised his voice, booming over them all, "Twilight! We need the strongest shield you can put up! Hopefully it'll be enough."

Something in Bert's voice discouraged arguing or questions. Twilight nodded and began to cast, the violet shimmer of a magical shield popping into view all around the Harmony just as they ducked in behind the ridge.

"Will you tell us what all this is about now?" Applejack asked.

"You'll see any time now." Bert answered. "Everyone hold on tight..."

Five seconds passed. Ten. As Twilight was on the verge of asking again what this had all been about, the blast came. A blinding flash of light came from beyond the ridge, everything shook violently, and the sound was so intense she had to lay her ears back and all the way down to protect them.On and on the roar and the surging wind went, until after what felt like hours but had probably only been a couple of minutes, calm returned.

"Damn." Bert swore. "That was lucky, it wasn't as bad as I expected."

"You call that not bad!?" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Compared to what it could have been, yeah." Bert replied. "That was something atomic. We're just lucky that it must have been fission based. Fusion weapons are so much more powerful we wouldn't be here if that's what it had been."

Looking up from the Geiger counter he now held, Nigel said "The ridge must be protecting us so far, I'm only reading slightly elevated radiation levels. But that's not going to keep. We should get the hell out of here in a hurry."

Herbert returned to the controls and began to pilot them away from the city, keeping the ridge between them, while Twilight asked "What in the world have we stumbled into here?" No one had an answer.


Half an hour and many miles further along, Nigel announced that radiation levels had returned to normal. "That was fast." Bert mused.

"Very." Twilight agreed. Looking towards the front of the Airship, she saw Fluttershy looking over the edge of the port railing, and trotted to her side. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know." the pegasus answered. "So much violence... I know it's a part of the world, but..."

"But it still hurts to see it."

"Yeah... I mean, to imagine what just happened... So much death..." Fluttershy's eyes were wet with tears.

Twilight put a foreleg over her friend's shoulders, hugged her tightly. "We'll be okay."

"I hope so..." Fluttershy went silent as she stared down at the ground below. "Twilight, do you see that?"

"I sure do." Twilight answered. She called back to the others "Hey! Take a look at this!"

As everyone else looked, they saw the shattered remains of an aircraft that had plowed into the ground. It was still smoking, and an obviously injured figure was was trying to crawl away.

"Bad guy or not, we've got to help him!" Fluttershy said.

"Ordinarily I'd pass with people as disagreeable as Nazis." Reginald said. "But if we do, maybe we can get some answers."

As the crawling figure collapsed, Herbert guided Harmony down to the surface. Unconscious, the man was carried aboard, and tended to while they lifted back off and away from the crash site. Twilight went ahead and cast the translation spell while the man was asleep; Easier than trying it on an awake and potentially beligerant target. And then they waited...


Sergeant Richtoffin awoke with a headache and a parched throat. At first he was concerned, but decided that this at least confirmed that he was indeed alive. Opening his eyes, sitting up, the first thing he saw was a bright pink horse staring at him. "Hi!" It said, and Richtoffin screamed and jumped back, backpeddeling until he slammed into a wall.

"I see you've met Pinkie." A new voice said. A man stepped into view. "Bert Gumbal. And you are...?"

"I... Reich Sergeant Gregor Richtoffin, Luftwaffe Expeditionary Force... Who are you? Why is a horse talking? What is going on!?"

"Pony." The Pink one said.

"We're on an exploratory mission, just passing through." Bert said. "But we saw you bombing that city, and we'd surely like to know what the hell is going on around here."

Bert and Pinkie led Richtoffin to the airship's outside deck, where everyone else was waiting. He looked about at the odd mix of humans and others, and asked "So what is this then!? Am I a prisoner?"

"Not at all Sergeant. We'll let you go, unharmed. All we want is answers. After all, from what we can tell it seems like your town has been here a very long time, while ours only just arrived a few months ago."

"You are from Earth then? Very well, I will tell you our story, in exchange for yours."

Bert nodded, and the Sergeant told them of the town's arrival, the early days before they managed to find the resources to survive, and how his grandparent's generation had pulled together and and prospered. "In those early days," Richtoffin said, "there were even many who, I'm embarrassed to admit, were ready to abandon feality to the reich. But then, two years after they arrived, they found that city. That horrid city. Tell me, is it destroyed!?"

"We think so, but we didn't risk the radiation to get a better look." Twilight said.

Belle asked "What's so horrid about it?"

"Yes dear, what happened between your people and those creatures?"

"You've seen the creatures and you have to ask? They are unnatural! Evil! They have no right to exist, except as slaves to the Reich! And as they would not yield, they must be destroyed!"

Richtoffin's words were cut off by a now furious yellow pegasus hovering in his face, glaring daggers, demanding "You killed them just because they weren't like you!? That's all!? They never did anything to you at first did they!?"

The pilot lashed out, knocking Fluttershy away, demanding of Bert "Control your slaves!"

"Slaves?" Rainbow Dash slammed Richtoffin down. "We're no one's slaves!"

"These are our friends and allies Sergeant." Nigel said. "Not our slaves."

"But what kind of good Aryans..." Richtoffin paused. "He was telling the truth."

"Who was telling the truth?"

Richtoffin smiled. "The gift-giver. That's what the party is calling him for the papers and the history books anyway. You see, early on in the war, we figured out that conventional bombs were useless. They just didn't do enough damage. So, some of the scientists took what data we had on atomics and developed them until they had designed a working device. That was nearly thirty years ago of course; we had everything we needed but the fissile material. For thirty years the weapons sat, finished but for one last ingredient. Then, a few days ago, he came. A man like you or me, sick, dying, driving a machine, a walking machine, like in Mister Well's famous book..."


"He did make it past the ocean!"

"Where is he?"

"Dead." Richtoffin said. Seeing the looks on their faces, he held up his hands. "Not us, I give you my word on that. He was sick. Severe radiation poisoning they called it. He lasted only a few hours. Long enough to tell us about the town where people and things live together. And then we examined his machine. And by the Fuhere, what did we find?"

"You opened the heat rays. Found the radioisotope." Twilight whispered.

"Yes. Not Uranium or Plutonium. Something unknown, but still potent. And with the gift, at long last we readied our weapons, and destroyed our enemies!" Richtoffin laughed, but from the back of the group Applejack spoke.

"I'm not so sure of that." She said. "Listen."

Everyone listened, and heard a deep thrumming buzz. "What the heck?" Nigel asked.

Richtoffin's face went rigid with fear. "No! No it can't be! That's the sound of them! Of their wings! How can they be alive!?"

"Most of them probably aren't." Bert said. "But like we found out on Earth, when the first uranium bomb was detonated there, you can get survivors remarkably close to even a large blast."

"Not just survivors..." Fluttershy whispered sadly. "Revengers. They're swarming straight towards your town."


"Oh yes. She's right." Bert said.

"So what do we do then?" Rainbow asked.

"We move on." Herbert said. "There's nothing we could do against that but get ourselves killed."


"Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind." Bert said. "I'm sorry, but it's how it is."

"And what of me?" Richtoffin asked.

"We said we'd let you go unharmed. We will."

As the Nazi pilot was escorted off the ship, Fluttershy pressed a small aid kit into his hands and whispered "There will be people needing help. Go to them."

On the ground, Richtoffin started to run towards his home, then stopped for a moment. He looked up and asked "The gift-giver died before he could tell us... On Earth, what has become of the Reich?"

"It's where it belongs." Bert answered honestly, "Dead and buried. Along with all the other failures..."