• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 15,247 Views, 1,431 Comments

Unity - Kieva Lynn

Ponyville, Equestria. Fallow Meadows, Indiana. Two towns torn from thier worlds and deposited together on a third. Can Human and Pony work together? They'd better hope so, because they're not alone...

  • ...

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-One

Twilight Research Time: Day Six

Sheriff John Tucker and his first deputy Midnight Steel looked up from the books they were studying as the Sheriff's office door opened to admit Filthy Rich. "Am I early?" the wealthy stallion asked.

"Just a little. How's the filly?" Tucker asked.

"Still asleep when I left. Diamond's refusing to leave her side." Rich answered. "So, what are we going to do? It's not every day a young foal turns up in town pleading for sanctuary."

"Damned if I know what to do." Tucker said.

"Same." Midnight agreed. "Mister Rich, we've been going over these American and Equestrian law books all night, trying to see if we can justify not returning Silver Spoon to her family at Blueblood's camp. And I'm still not sure if we have what we need."

Tucker said "None of us want to send her back there. But we've got to follow the laws."

"I understand. Platinum Spoon was a fool to go along with the Prince, and an even bigger fool to drag his daughter along for the ride. Is there really nothing in either legal tradition that would help us out here?"

Midnight explained "Equestrian law only allows a child to be removed from parental custody in the case of physical or sexual abuse, neither of which has happened."

"American laws vary, but generally add negligence to those criteria." Tucker said.

Filthy Rich sat down across from the Sheriff and accepted a hot cup of coffee from Midnight. He asked "What about her health? I'm sure our Pony doctors still have Silver's health records from before the move... If she's lost weight, it could be construed as negligence."

"Good thinking. Can you get her to them once she's awake?"

"Of course. And as I said last night she's welcome to stay with us for as long as needed... "

"You know it's only a matter of time before Platinum shows up in town looking for her. Probably with armed guards and the would-be king with him." Midnight said. "We really need to have a response ready."

"I might have an idea there..." Tucker mused. "Technically, she's officially requested sanctuary. From what I understand of Equestrian law that makes us honor-bound to not release her until all the questions surrounding the case are officially resolved."

"More or less. Of course, sanctuary laws don't normally apply between parents and children..." Rich chuckled. "I mean, can you imagine the results if they did? Foals pleading sanctuary to get out of cleaning their rooms or eating foods they don't like? But surely the extenuating circumstances in this particular case..."

The Sheriff nodded. "Yes, this will work. If nothing else we have the precedent to insist on keeping her in town for now."

"I have to ask," Midnight said, looking at Rich, "You seemed a little uncertain when you said that she could stay with you. Is something wrong?"

"You've seen enough of what my own daughter is like." Rich answered. "I've tried everything to get through to her. Nothing works. I'd hate to mess up with another."

"It's not necessarily you. Sometimes it's the kid, not the parent." Tucker said. "I've seen more than a few cases like that. Seen more than a few of the worst kids turn around totally for the better with maturity too... Still, considering that we don't know what lengths Platinum and Blueblood might go to to get Silver back, and also considering that your home is the most obvious place for her to be... Maybe she should stay somewhere else."

"You got anything in mind?" Midnight asked.

Tucker grinned. "Yeah... Yeah, I think maybe I do...


Silver Spoon sighed contentedly as she rolled over, enjoying the comforts of a soft warm bed. After three months of sleeping on a cot in a back-office closet of the former town hall the filly had a new appreciation for such things. Yawning deeply, she opened her eyes to see the face of her best friend hovering overhead.

"Silver Spoon! You're awake!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed with glee. "Oh I was so worried about you!"

As they embraced, Silver said "I'm so glad to see you."

"Me too. And I just know that Daddy will find a way to let you stay here. But... I don't get it. You were living with a King! A king and nopony else but the elite! Why would you leave that!?"

Silver Spoon just snorted. "Trust me Tiara, it's not all it's cracked up to be."

Diamond Tiara listened in disbelief as her friend told her about everything that she had experienced during their separation: The poor living conditions, the lack of food and other basic necessities (made worse by the 'king' hoarding most of what they did have), the strange way that the adults were acting towards Blueblood, seemingly oblivious to the realities of the situation, on and on it went. All Diamond could think of, as she listened, was that it sounded exactly like the kinds of things her father had said would go wrong. Could Daddy have been right about Blueblood? And if he was right about that, what else might he have been right about?

As Silver Spoon finally finished up her tale, Diamond said "That's awful! But you're here now and you're not going back!"

"You're right, I'm not. Even if they end up saying that I am."

"Good! So, let's eat breakfast and then we'll go torment some blank-flanks!"

"Well, about that-" Before Silver could say whatever she was going to say, the door opened and Diamond's father stepped into the room.

"Ahh! Wonderful to see you awake my dear!" he said.

"I know, isn't it great!?" Diamond Tiara gushed.

"It certainly is. Now then Silver Spoon, once you've gotten washed up and had your breakfast I need to take you to the doctors for a check-up." At the filly's sigh, Rich explained "I know. But we need to make sure you don't have any lasting issues from your stay out there."

"Aww, but Daddy I hoped Silver Spoon could come to school with me!"

"Actually Diamond, you won't be going today either. We've got some things to arrange. Anyway, get ready, both of you, and we'll go from there." Smiling, Rich trotted out of the room.

"Arrangements?" The fillies asked each other...


Fluttershy stepped out her door into the cool early-morning light, stretching her legs and wings as she did so. It looked to be a beautiful day ahead, but for now it was time to get to work. With Angel Bunny hopping along behind her the pegasus tended to the various animals under her care. Some were creatures from Eqqus that had been present when the storm came: A duck, three ferrets, a mating pair of Ca-neigh-dian Geese with their hatchlings, and two garter snakes.

Others were from the small number of local fauna that had come to trust her: Some bird-analouges with broken wings set in splints, and a trio of the strange mushroom frog things with various ailments under treatment.

Most, however, were the pets and livestock of townsfolk. While Fallow Meadows had of course had it's own veterinarian, the man had been out of town when the storms came. As a result the task of tending to sick and injured creatures fell entirely on the shy pegasus, who had both human and pony customers. A Goblin customer too, she thought, her eyes glancing at the large flightless yellow bird Brayflox had bought in for a sprained ankle.

And so Fluttershy made her rounds, feeding and watering, medicating where needed, checking wounds and changing out bandages. One of the local birds was healed enough to remove the splint. As soon as it was off the creature fluttered into the air, circling around the pegasus chirping out a 'thank you' before winging it's way off into the forest.

She was tending to the Goblin's bird, which had greeted her with a sound like 'Kweh!' when a knock sounded on the edge of the stable. "Oh! John, Midnight, good morning!"

"What the hell is that?" John Tucker asked, pointing towards the bird.

"It's called a 'Chocobo.'" Fluttershy smiled. "Goblins use them as mounts and pack animals. So, what can I do for you?"

Fluttershy listened attentively as Tucker outlined the situation. When he was finished, she said "I agree that Silver Spoon shouldn't be in the first place Platinum will look, and I'm more than happy to help out. But, you do know about the antagonism between her and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, right? And the fact that they come here to help me out sometimes? This might be lighting a fuse."

"That's a good point Sheriff." Midnight said. "The issues between them are pretty serious."

"I'm not saying no." Fluttershy clarified. "I do have a spare room. I just wanted to be sure you knew about the potential problems."

"Knowing this makes me uncertain. But the only other viable alternative is to put her up in the station. And that's no place for a kid, especially one who's been through what she has."

"And especially with the Mor-tax prisoner there." Midnight agreed.

The pegasus frowned. "How is it doing, by the way?"

"Not good. The doctors expect it'll be dead in another day or two." Tucker answered.

"There really wasn't anything that could help it?" Fluttershy asked. "I know it was mean and all, but still..."

"All our medicines were toxic to it's system." Midnight said. "And apparently healing magic requires at least some level of immune response to resonate with."

"That's too bad. Anyway, go ahead and bring Silver Spoon here. When can I expect you?"

"Well," The sheriff answered, "Rich has her at the doctor's now. And we'll be asking her a few questions afterwards... Why don't we say after lunch?"

"That'll work out wonderfully!" Fluttershy smiled...


Silver Spoon took the seat the Sheriff offered her and looked up into his eyes. "Am I in some kind of trouble?" She asked.

"No! No of course not..." Tucker smiled, hoping to reassure the filly.

"The sheriff just wants to ask you a few things." Filthy Rich said. "Things that might help us to find a way for you to stay here instead of going back."

Hearing this, Silver's expression grew serious. "I'll tell you anything." she said.

And so the interview began. The sheriff asked a number of questions focused on how Silver Spoon (And the other fillies and colts) were treated by the adults. Were they fed enough? Given enough water? Did they have warm dry places to sleep? Were they given any kind of education? Did any of the adults do anything inappropriate? Was anypony sick and not getting treatment? The questions and answers went on for nearly an hour.

Finally he said "Silver, just one more question, though I may have to add a few clarifying questions depending on your answer... From what you say, things have been the way they are there for a long time. Why did you decide to run away now?"

"Well, it's just..." The filly looked around the room, nervously. "...The adults, about a month ago they started acting weird, and it's gotten worse and worse. I just finally couldn't stand it anymore."

"Weird? Weird how?"

Silver Spoon explained, "All along, everypony that went with the prince did so because they though it would be better. Everypony else would figure out they needed royalty to function, Blueblood would come back as king, and everypony who stuck with him from the start would be rewarded. You already know that, and that it didn't work..."

Silver looked to see if the Sheriff was following her. He nodded, and she continued "I thought that when I saw it hadn't worked surely the others would too. But they didn't. They just got even more and more convinced... They hung on every word he said, threw themselves into any job he told them to do... Then, I guess it was four days ago, maybe five... The prince said he wasn't just a king anymore. He was a god and we all had to worship him. And I was so sure that at last my daddy would see reason...." Tears formed in the filly's eyes. "...B-but... But daddy was the first one to bow down! A-And t-then everyp-pony else did too!"

"He's lost all semblance of reason..." Filthy Rich whispered.

"And the others too." Tucker agreed. "It sounds like the whole group has gone into 'cult of personality' mode." He looked at Silver Spoon and said “Don't worry, you're not going back.”

“Thank you. I just wish I could have Daddy back too... I mean, how can he go along with this!? How!? That stupid costume Blueblood's wearing should be enough to make him see how dumb it is all on it's own!”

“Wait? Costume?” Midnight asked.

“Actually a dumb costume doesn't surprise me.” Tucker said. “Anyone seriously interested in world domination eventually ends up dressing like a real snickerdoodle.”

That comment got a chuckle out of Silver Spoon, who then told them about the costume.

Midnight Steel needed an hour to stop laughing...


Just past lunch time, Fluttershy answered a knock at the door to find Filthy Rich, with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara to either side. She smiled and said “Hello Silver! I'm happy to have you staying with me for awhile!”

“Thank you, I'm happy to be here, especially after where I've been.”

“Are you serious!?” Diamond Tiara exclaimed. “This whole house would fit in my bedroom! There are smelly animals everywhere! There's no servants! There's no-”

“Stop it!” Silver Spoon shocked everypony by shouting at her friend. “I spent three months living in a closet! This is wonderful! And I happen to like animals!”

Taken aback, Diamond Tiara could only say “B-but...” She stuck her nose up in the air. “Fine then. But I'm glad I don't have to live like this!”

“Yes, about that...” Filthy Rich began to say, but he was interrupted.

“Wait what!? You want me to stay here too!?”

“Your friend needs you Tiara. And besides, I don't want you where they might come looking for her either...” Under his breath he added “And you could stand the experience...”

“I've got a nice room waiting for the both of you!” Fluttershy said cheerfully. She turned and trotted back into the house, Silver Spoon following with a smile.


“No Tiara. This is for your own safety. And quite aside from that, I'm hoping it'll be a positive experience for you. How many times Tiara? How many times have I tried to tell you, to teach you, that money doesn't make us better? That we have no place to look down on others? But you won't listen. Maybe this will teach you what I can't...” Rich turned and walked away, leaving his stunned daughter standing in the door.


Over the next four hours, Diamond Tiara sulked while Silver Spoon helped Fluttershy with the various animals in her care. Diamond couldn't believe that her friend was actually okay with this turn of events. The rich existed to be served, not to do the serving! Then again, how often had her own father told her otherwise? The filly was torn. On the one hoof, she was wondering just how right she really was; certainly recent events were both calling all of her assumptions into doubt and also teaching her just how lonely it was at the top. On the other hoof, she was angry. If wealth and priviledge didn't make you better then what was the point?

She just wanted to lash out. And now she heard a gaggle of familiar voices talking to each other, and getting closer... "Perfect..." Tiara whispered.


"You'll like Miss Fluttershy Micheal!" Sweetie Belle said. "She's friendly and caring, and there's always all sorts of neat animals around her place!"

"She's the town vet then?"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo said. "Even wild animals come to her for help."

"What are you doing here!?" The crusaders looked in surprise to find Diamond Tiara standing in Fluttershy's front door, glaring at them.

"Us!? What about you!" Scootaloo stood her ground, flaring her wings. "There's no way Fluttershy would help a jerk like you find a pet!"

"Who wants a stinky pet? Though, if I did get one I bet it'd have it's cutie mark!"

"Just get out of here!" Apple Bloom yelled.

"Yeah! Go home to your servants!" Sweetie Belle added.

Having heard the commotion, Fluttershy and Silver Spoon appeared from around behind the house. "What's going on here!?"

"Silver Spoon! Help me out here!" Diamond Tiara demanded. "Let's tag-team these blank-flank losers!"

Between Diamond Tiara shouting on one side, and the Crusaders shouting back at her on the other, Silver Spoon's answer was almost missed. "No."

Diamond smirked. "Great! Together we can-" She stopped as what her friend had said sank in.

"What!?!?" Everyone exclaimed at once...