• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 15,249 Views, 1,431 Comments

Unity - Kieva Lynn

Ponyville, Equestria. Fallow Meadows, Indiana. Two towns torn from thier worlds and deposited together on a third. Can Human and Pony work together? They'd better hope so, because they're not alone...

  • ...

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

“Ugh!” Rarity complained, pulling her mane free from a patch of brambles, “Why can't forests be clean?”

“Seriously?” Roger asked. “It's called 'wilderness' for a reason.”

“Oh, I know... It's just so not me.”

“Let it go Roger,” Twilight said, “It's just Rarity being Rarity.”

They team had been traveling to the north-northeast for several hours now, doing their best to stay on-target towards where the storm had been the previous night. Of course, they had no real way of navigating, given the lack of familiar landmarks. Once an hour, Fluttershy would fly up, as high as she was comfortable, and scout the surroundings. Unity itself was easy to locate; the town was large enough, especially with it's surrounding farmlands, to lock onto from even a great distance. There was little risk of getting totally lost. But as of yet, they had found no signs of who or what the new storm had delivered.

“Still nothing.” The pegasus whispered as she landed.

“Well, let's keep moving then.” Twilight said. “It's can't possibly be too much further before we see something.”

“Unless we're off course.” Deputy Virgil said.

“Should we maybe start around in a circle?” Applejack asked.

“Not yet, I don't think. But soon, maybe.”

“I also vote for a lunch break at our next stop.” Virgil said.

“Hear hear!” Roger agreed, getting a laugh from everyone present.

They continued on, paying close attention to the sounds of the forest, alert for any sign of danger. To the surprise of everyone though, nothing was bothering them at all. Twilight mused on the mystery of the missing wildlife, “Maybe the storms scared everything away for awhile...”

“Maybe... It would explain why we didn't get attacked right off the bat either.” Roger agreed.

Ten minutes further along they came to a small meadow, with tall grasses waving in the light winds. “Quiet and careful...” Applejack whispered. “Anything could be hiding in the grass.”

“Right.” Virgil agreed.

“Fluttershy, take to the air, stay right above us, watch for any out of place movement.” Twilight said. The pegasus nodded, and flew up, hovering about thirty feet above the rest of the team as they slowly, quietly, began to move through the meadow.

They were more than half-way across when Fluttershy suddenly dived back to the ground. “Something's coming in from the north!” She hurriedly whispered. “Too short for me to see it through the grass.”

“Okay, everyone stay close, weapons or magic ready, and let's continue.”

They started to proceed, but had made it less than a dozen steps before stopping again. From the north, they could hear the sounds of grasses being wadded through, and what sounded like a voice, grumbling and muttering in some unknown language. The sounds got louder, and suddenly the grass before them parted, to reveal a strange creature. It was vaguely hominid, but much shorter than an average human, with bent digitigrade legs and feet, and claw-like hands. Large ears stuck out horizontally from the sides of its head, green in skin color, but of it's face they could tell only that it might have a protruding muzzle, for the creature was wearing what looked like a leather gas mask with darkly-tinted lenses over the eyes.

For a moment, there was silence. Then Fluttershy and the creature screamed simultaneously. The whatever it was turned and ran back the way it had came from, yelling something in it's unknown language, while the pegasus took cover behind the rest of the group but did at least manage to not faint.

“New neighbor?” Roger asked.

“I think so.” Twilight answered.

“Well then shouldn't we go after it?” Applejack asked.

“Exactly. Let's go, that way!”

Altering course slightly, the team headed off in the same direction as the creature. Due to a continued desire for caution, they proceeded at the same slow pace as before, while the creature was apparently running as fast as its feet would carry it; the sounds it made rapidly diminished.

“It's getting away!” Rarity whispered.

“Let it go, we know the right direction now.” Virgil said. “We'll catch up.”

“Right.” Roger agreed. “Looks like we're coming up on the edge of the meadow anyways. Once we're clear of the grass, let's stop and get our bearings.”

Two minutes later the grass ended and the trees resumed. While Applejack and Virgil started a small fire to prepare a meal, Twilight and Roger examined the surroundings for anything useful, and Fluttershy flew high once again for a better view. The third human, a deputy named Carlos, stood guard.

“We've maybe got something.” Fluttershy said when she landed. “Probably another hour or so ahead, I could just see what looked like a wisp of smoke rising up.”

“Someone's campfire.” Twilight guessed. “Well this is good then. We'll eat and continue on. With luck, we'll make contact before nightfall...”


Meanwhile, far away on the other side of Unity, a second team was making their way towards another destination. This team was having a slightly easier time of things; For one thing, they had a pegasus that actually liked flying, and so was staying in the air to guide them. For another, they hadn't had to go far before discovering that whatever this storm had bought in wasn't hiding its presence: Some kind of thin metal tower was projecting up into the sky. Whatever its actual purpose was, it was serving as a beacon for Rainbow Dash to guide them with.

“Just a few more miles.” The pegasus said when she landed to join the others for lunch. “Though I guess you can see that for yourselves, being up on top of this hill. And, I see now that you can't hear it from the ground, but up high there's some kind of funny noises coming from that direction.”

“Noises?” Bert asked. “Like what?”

“Hard to say.” Rainbow answered with a shrug. “Maybe a little bit like construction sounds, metal parts being joined together... Not quite that either though. Nothing I've ever heard before.”

Nigel said “Maybe whatever's out there is building their own defenses, like our wall.”

“Maybe.” Sword Breaker said. “Until we know what they're building, though, I think we should approach with extreme caution.” He glared over his shoulder at Pinkie. “That means you too Miss Pie. No parties until we're sure their idea of a party isn't human-burgers and pony-kabobs.”

“Oh all right.” Pinkie answered, dejected.

“Of course, for all we know we'll top the last rise and find another community of humans.” Nigel said.

Rainbow said “From what I've heard of your history, and your different cultures, other humans doesn't guarantee pony's off the menu.”

“Well, no... Though I'd like to think that knowing you can talk would stop all but the worst of us from actually...”

Bert interrupted “Rainbow has a valid point. But it doesn't matter right now.” He pointed to where the very top of the spire was visible, handed Nigel a pair of binoculars. “Take a look. I don't know what that thing's built from, but it's no material on Earth.”

Nigel looked, then passed the glasses to Sword Breaker to examined the structure as well. “You're right Bert. It looks vaguely metallic, but that shimmer...”

“Indeed. I don't recognize it either.” Sword Breaker said.

“So... What?” Rainbow asked. “You're saying we've definitely got some other kind of aliens here?”


Finishing up her Daisy salad, Rainbow took to her wings again. “Okay then, let's get this over with...”


Two hours later, the team found themselves crouching down behind a ridge of heavy rock, cautiously peering over the top, down into the alien settlement. It seemed to be more of a fortress than a town, built in what looked like an artificial round crater, perhaps a mile across and two hundred fifty feet deep at the center. The soil was a deep crimson, with only scattered stunted vegetation, also red in color, and buildings, all of the same mystery material as the spire, in concentric rings radiating out from the center. Other than the spire itself, none of the structures exceeded two floors.

And then there were the inhabitants: To both human and pony, they looked like something out of a nightmare. Their bodies were huge, easily the size of a grizzly bear, covered in dark, leathery skin. A single ear was centered on their backs, and two dinner-plate sized eyes looked out from either side of breathing vents. Below the vents was a beak-like mouth, and to either side of the mouth was a bunch of eight long tentacles.

“Some kind of... Land squids?” Nigel whispered.

“Maybe... Or maybe something totally distinct from any family of life we know.” Sword Breaker answered.

“They're using those tentacle things the way you guys use your hands and fingers.” Rainbow observed.

Bert nodded. “Yeah... And look at that one over there.” He pointed to a specific creature, which seemed to be attempting to lift up its entire body using its tentacle/hands. “Looks like maybe they double as their feet and legs too.”

“I dunno... It's not doing too well at that.”

“Maybe their home planet has lower gravity.” Nigel suggested.

“Well, doesn't that mean they can't be dangerous?” Pinkie asked. “I mean, they'd be really slow movers if they're not used to this much weight.”

“They would, their machines might not.” Bert said.

“Good point.” Sword Breaker nodded. “So, the question is, do we attempt to make contact?”

“It is why we came.” Bert said. “But let's watch a bit longer.”

As they watched, the creatures moved about, dragging themselves along the ground or else 'walking' atop their tentacles. One was seen piloting some kind of walking machine. It moved out of a building where the noises Rainbow Dash had noticed were coming from, across the crater, and into another structure, before returning using the machine to carry a large metal plate.

“They're building something all right.” Nigel whispered, and both Sword Breaker and Bert replied that they'd love a look at what it was.

Near the closer edge of the crater, a creature dragged itself to a small, low-roofed building. It unlatched a door, reached in, and extracted another creature. This was a different species, three feet long, with an odd radial symmetry to it's body plan.

“Awww, they have pets!” Pinkie whispered.

Then, before their eyes, the larger creature produced a long flexible tube with a large needle at each end. In a swift motion, it rammed one needle into the being it was holding, and the other into one of its tentacles. Blood began to flow through the tubing, into the larger creature.

And Pinkie screamed...


Unity. Bethany Stanz opened the door and slipped through into the Spoony Bard Diner. Taking her usual seat near the windows, she looked up and smiled when Florence came to take her order. “Just the usual Flo.”

“Alright, Mac joinin' you today?”

“Not sure, it always depends on whether he can get away from work. And with his sister gone on one of the contact teams, I'd guess he's extra busy.”

“Yeah.” Florence agreed. “Roger and Bert are off with them too you know... It's enough t' make you sick with worry.”

Grinning, Bethany said “And sick with worry for one most of all? I see how you get around Roger y'know.”

Blushing, Florence rushed away, leaving Beth chuckling to herself. It was, she expected, going to be a good day. How wrong that expectation was became clear when the girl was leaving the diner after eating. As she walked down the sidewalk, a pair of large teenage boys came up from behind. Knowing both from her graduating class, Bethany wasn't worried, but greeted them both with a smile. “What's up guys?”

“What you've got up is what worries us.”

“Huh?” Bethany responded, confused. “What does that mean?”

“It means that word's getting' all around town about you an' your new boyfriend. Or should I say coltfriend?” The first boy said.

“Pervy little horse-!ucker.” The other added.

“What the hell are you talking about!?” Bethany exclaimed, in shock. “Macintosh!? We're just friends that's all!”

“That's not what the grapevine says. And not what we've seen the last few weeks. You two meet up all the time, for lunch, for dinner, for the movies, you sit next to each other, you whisper and laugh and lean in close together...”

“That's not anything wrong!” Beth shouted. “We're just friends, that's all! And if it was more so what!? It's not like we're talking about a dumb animal here, we're talking about a person!”

“A person what should stick t' humpin' his own kind.”

“I told you I've never-”

“Maybe, maybe not. But if I was you, I'd back off some.” the taller of the two said. “Cause like I just told you, it's all over the rumor mills, and a lot of guys won't be as... ...reasonable... ...as the two of us. Whether it's true or not.” The pair turned and walked away, ignoring Bethany's shouts.

Stunned, the girl made her way home, slammed the bedroom door behind her, and slumped down on the edge of her bed. “The nerve of those guys!” She screamed. “The nerve of anyone passing rumors around! Macintosh saved my life! He's a friend! That's all!”

Rising from her bed, pacing angrily back and forth, she continued “Why do people always assume? Like I'm gonna fall in love outside of my own species!? I mean, I do have to admit that Mac is exactly what I'd be interested in if he were human... But that doesn't mean I love him! So what if he's kind, reliable, honest, caring, hardworking, strong... trustworthy... ...smart... ...funny...”

Bethany's eyes went wide. “Uh-oh...”


After the encounter in the meadow, it took Twilight and her team another two hours to find the place where the creature they met had come from. It was clearly a settlement of some kind, though 'town' or even 'village' would be pushing the limits of definitions. The buildings were few and far between, ramshackle, on the verge of falling in. Everywhere, they could see large stacks of supplies left out in the elements, or else protected only by poorly-secured tarps. A crowd of creatures was standing out in the open, clearly waiting for them.

“Okay, first-contact. How should we proceed?” Roger asked.

“Demonstrate with pictures what the translation spell does, like before, then see if they'll let me cast it.” Twilight said.

“And play it by ear from there.” Virgil said.

Nodding agreement, they carefully approached. As they reached the perimeter, one of the creatures approached and began speaking excitedly. “Squoo! Squoo! Famblisha por renos!”

Motioning for attention, Twilight produced the images showing what she wanted to do. The creature leaned in close, examining them, then animatedly jumped up and down, nodding and saying “Squoo! Squoo!”

Twilight glanced up at Roger. “Here's hoping 'Squoo' means yes...”

“Yeah, we don't need another Carl incident.”

Focusing her magic, Twilight cast the spell as quickly as she could, also copying it to the others afterward. She asked “Can you understand me?”

“Yes! Yes!” The creature replied. “Brayflox Alltalks bids most welcome to ponies and uplanders! Most welcome to Brayflox' Longstop! Come, come, let us be talk-making together, for trades, and much exchange of clink-clinks and jingly-shines!”

Humans and ponies exchanged wide-eyed looks with each other. “Um, Twilight, dear...” Rarity said, “Are you certain you performed the spell properly?”

“I... Thought so...”

“Maybe you should try again?” Roger asked.

“Snerk snerk snerk...” A noise, sounding like strained laughter, returned everyone's attention to Brayflox.

“Something funny?” Twilight asked.

“Have not worry. Pony no make error in tongue-flappings spell. I is just speak in speech of Gobbiefolk, called Goblin Cockney.”

“Some kind of... slang?” Virgil asked.

Jumping up and down, Brayflox exclaimed “Yes! Yes! Now uplander has brain-workings! But come, come, we is make tradings, yes? Tradings of knowledge?”

“Assuming you mean that you want to know how you got here, I'm afraid we don't know much either.” Twilight said.

Roger added “Yeah, both of our towns were only bought here a couple months ago. We don't know how or why.”

“That is sad-making.” Brayflox said. “How can Gobbies be traders here?”

“Well... we're hoping whatever did this will reverse itself eventually.”

“And there are at least some other towns.” Applejack said. “We merged ours, but there's a couple groups that set out on their own...”

“And more storms bringing more people.” Roger said. “Although... How many do you have here?”

“Seventy-two.” Brayflox answered. “All kin of Alltalks family line.”

Roger mused, “That's not too many... We've already got a mixed town, if you wanted to join us too, as long as you followed the rules I doubt many people would mind.”

“A kindly offer, and happy-making. But Gobbies is traders, first. Gobbies travel, and sell for clink-clinks, and jingly-shines!”

“Clink... You mean money? Coins?”

“Yes! Yes! Gobbies have much lovings of moneys!”

“This could be a good development.” Rarity said. “If whoever else has been bought here is also friendly, these Goblins could be invaluable in helping forge a wider economy.”

“Yes! Brayflox like Pony idea!”

“So do I,” Twilight said, “But is it safe? Brayflox, this forest is filled with very dangerous predators.”

“Bah!” The Goblin replied, “Gobbies have much skill in fight-winnings, and Brayflox was in Company of Heroes when younger!”

“Well, just be careful okay?”

“Yes, yes, much careful-makings... Now, come, let us make trading words!” Brayflox led the way, and the team followed...


Bert was fast. But not quite fast enough. Even as Pinkie was opening her mouth to scream, he was moving to intercept it with a hand clamped tightly over her muzzle. So quickly had he moved, that only the briefest sound actually escaped. It was enough. In the pit below, the tentacled creature turned to face towards where they were watching from, cast aside the poor beast it was feeding from, and let out a deep, low ululation. From all across the alien's encampment came the sounds of other voices answering back, and then a siren began to sound.

“Aw nuts!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Time to run?”

“Hang on, let's see what they've got.” Sword Breaker answered.

Below, the roof of the building the construction sounds had been coming from suddenly scissored open. Out of it rose a construct unlike anything the ponies had ever seen: A metallic hemisphere, flat on the bottom, supported by three long flexible legs. Three flexible 'arms' extended from the rim, tow of them being used to hold some kind of boxy device.

“Nigel...” Bert whispered, “Does that look just a bit familiar to you?”

“H. G. Wells. War of the Worlds.” Nigel confirmed. “But how...?”

“Answers later. For now, lets get the hell out of here. 'Cause I've got a bad feeling that that thing it's holding is-” Before Bert could finish, the tripod aimed and fired. In seconds, the entire ridge of stone which the group had been sheltering behind glowed red and melted away.

“Time to run!” Rainbow insisted, and no one disagreed. But to her surprise, both Sword Breaker and Bert ran in the opposite direction, heading around the pit rather than back the way they had come from. Following, catching up with ease, she exclaimed “Where are you going!?”

“Leading them away from town!” Bert answered.

“Once we're around the bend out of sight in the trees,” Sword Breaker added, “I'll teleport us all back across. Then we can go warn everyone!”

A deep buzzing warned of another impending shot from the tripod's weapon. “Scatter!” Bert shouted, and everyone did just in time, the ground where they had been turning molten and exploding moments later.

Running as fast as his hooves would carry him, Sword Breaker looked back and saw a second machine rising into view. Worse, they were following. “Trouble!” He exclaimed, and took the time to fire off a blast from his horn, which struck a leg on the second tripod, scorching it. The buzzing came again, louder, as both took aim. Again, the group scattered, but this time the aliens were ready: Everyone avoided the first blast, but Sword Breaker's fellow guard was struck full on and died instantly.

“No!!” The surviving unicorn roared. Turning, he took an aggressive stance and started firing attack spells. What happened next took both Bert and Nigel by surprise: Contrary to their expectations, the tripods were not invulnerable. No force shields sprang up to protect them. The spell energy found it's mark, burning through a tripod's leg. As the leg fell away, the unbalanced machine also fell with a terrific crash.

Curious if this was unique to magic, Bert aimed and fired his own weapon at the remaining tripod. The bullets struck home, though they weren't strong enough to knock the thing out of commission.

Sword Breaker, livid, was intent on destroying the second tripod as well. But as it's weapon buzzed into ready mode and more tripods rose up, everyone grabbed ahold and began pulling him away. “Get 'em later!” Rainbow said. “We've gotta warn the town!”

Shaking his head, the unicorn soldier saw she was right. “To the tree line!” He said, “I'll teleport us from there!”

They turned and ran, knowing that at any moment the killing blast could come for another of them...


It didn't. Or, rather, it did, but the combination of speed and random directional changes meant no one else got hurt. Ten minutes later, they were watching from the opposite rim of the pit, where Sword Breaker had teleported them. The remaining tripods, four of them, were searching the area of the forest where they had last seen the group, but to Bert's relief they weren't setting fire to it.

“I'm so sorry!” Pinkie whispered.

“Let it go Pinkie... I was freaked out by that too.” Nigel said.

“What matters now is this:” Sword Breaker said, “It looks like they're going to keep searching in the wrong direction, away from Unity. Now we need to get back, spread the warning, and be ready to destroy the rest of those things.”

“Assuming we're able to.” Bert said.

Rainbow asked “Hey yeah! You two seemed to recognize them! What gives?”

“I dunno... There's an Earth book from about a hundred and twenty years ago called 'The War of the Worlds.' It's about an alien invasion of our world by creatures that use war-machines identical to those tripods. And, in point of fact, look like these guys and feed by draining blood from other creatures.”

“Whoa... Freaky...” Pinkie said.

“Yeah. So... Do the humans in the book win?”

Nigel said “Not really. The invaders all get sick and die from earth germs because they have no immune systems.”

“I doubt we'll get that lucky.” Bert replied. “At least we were able to take one out, but if they learn from that...”

The thought left everyone silent, and together they turned and headed back towards the town...