• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 15,250 Views, 1,431 Comments

Unity - Kieva Lynn

Ponyville, Equestria. Fallow Meadows, Indiana. Two towns torn from thier worlds and deposited together on a third. Can Human and Pony work together? They'd better hope so, because they're not alone...

  • ...

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Even with the aid of healing magic, not everyone who was exposed to the heat ray core survived. By the time those who could be cured were back on their feet, two more had passed from their exposure. The mood in the separatist town, now called Harnerville, was mixed. Some were willing to admit their mistakes, others just pulled further into denial that any of this was their own fault. The one thing that was clear was that they would not be moving back to Unity; Harnerville was their town, and they were determined to make it work.

In Unity itself, work continued apace on both the Magicite battery and the new airship. Twilight Sparkle pushed herself and her team hard, determined to have the town powered up before departure day, which was scheduled for the day after the human's 'Thanksgiving' holiday. So she focused on the battery, while others were left to do the airship work.

Built around the hull of Herbert's old yacht, the Airship 'Harmony' was coming together quickly. Rarity led a team that gathered gemstones, which were enchanted with levitation spells and then affixed to the lower hull. Nigel Bakker was in charge of another team who were charged with tearing out the old boat engines and installing the prototype magicite battery, and a recycled light aircraft engine, which would power a set of outboard propellers for movement. (These engines didn't need to lift the airship's weight, which would be supported by the levitation spells. They just had to move it forward.)

Yet another team was busy provisioning the new craft with food and other supplies. And finally, Bert and Herbert led a team to arm the airship, which mostly meant a trio of salvaged heat rays, one to the front and one to each side. The irony of arming a ship with a name like 'Harmony' was not lost on either man, but as Herbert put it "We didn't name the thing."

As the days passed, there was also the issue of working out who would be going. Twilight and the other element bearers were a given. Bert refused to be left out, and Twilight insisted on the Bakker brothers coming for the sake of having more brainpower along for the ride. Brayflox managed to wrangle a place for one of her brethren as well, and Xix-xax argued that a shapeshifter is always handy to have around...


A platter held carefully in her magical aura, Twilight Sparkle trotted down the street towards the outskirts of town and the Apple farmhouse. Applejack had insisted on hosting the Thanksgiving dinner for a large group of their friends and families. "After all," she had said, "If this holiday's supposed t' be about family, we should all be together. And there's plenty of room at our place."

"So what's this about again?" Spike asked as he walked alongside Twilight.

"From what I've read," Twilight explained, "It started as a harvest celebration, then became more of a celebration of family and togetherness, and giving thanks for whatever good has come over the past year. It's kind of a neat idea really."

"And there's lots of food?"

"Oh yes Spike." Twilight chuckled. "The centerpiece of the holiday is a feast."

"My kinda holiday then." Spike smiled.

Shaking her head, Twilight trotted onto the front porch and knocked.

The door was answered by Bethany, who ushered them both in and down a hall towards the dining room. There, they found the room packed with Apples and guests, pony and human alike. "About time you showed up Twi!" Applejack called out. "Just squeeze that in on the table somewhere."

Twilight looked at the table, which was overloaded with pans and plates of food, finally managing to wedge the platter between an apple cobbler and a plate of muffins. Leaving it there, she moved through the crowd towards the kitchen. There, Granny Smith was pulling the last of the deserts from the oven. She also heard a chugging sound that seemed familiar, though she couldn't place it. "What is that noise?"

"Darned fool humans!" Granny complained. "That's their doin'! Hooked up one of those generators just so they could put a movie box in the den!"

"Movie box?" Twilight wondered. Curious, she trotted to the den, where she found all of the human males who were present, along with a number of stallions, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo. All were focused on what Twilight recognized as a television, with some other box connected to it. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Aw Twi! You gotta check this out!" Rainbow gushed.

Bert explained "It's a Thanksgiving tradition, at least for most men, to watch football games on t.v. So, we hooked up a screen and a v.c.r. with some old tapes. Not the same as watching live, but better than nothing."

"And it's an awesome game!" Rainbow cheered.

Scootaloo agreed. "Totally!"

Intrigued in spite of herself, Twilight sat down and began to watch. It didn't take long before she was disturbed. "It seems a bit... ...violent."

"Yeah, but it's not as bad as it looks." Herbert said. "That gear they wear is really good at preventing most major injuries."

"Well, that's something." Twiligh sighed. "I don't think this will be my kind of thing though..." She got up to leave, and asked "Coming Spike?"

"Nah, I'll stay here." He was riveted to the screen.

"Males..." Twilight sighed under her breath.


Fifteen minutes later, everyone in the house jumped at the clamorous sound of Granny Smith beating on a triangle and shouting "Come 'n get it!" To the complaints of the men when they had to pause the game, everyone crowded into the dining room, ready to eat. Grace was said, plates were piled high, and food was eaten amidst conversations on every topic imaginable. Some discussed the coming expedition. Others the bad weather and how long the winter might last, or wondering if those back home had figured out what had happened to them yet, or if they would find a way back.


As night fell Fluttershy and Silver Spoon were walking home together from the Apple Farm.

"So, tommorow's the day." Silver Spoon said.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes. I have to admit, it's kind of scary... Flying off into the unknown. But we've got to do it." She smiled down at the filly walking by her side. "You'll be okay here though, living with Diamond Tiara until we get back."

"I know. I wish I could come with you though. But then, who would help take care of the animals until you get back?"

"Thank you again for helping out with that. No longer than we should be gone, I'm sure you and the Crusaders will do just fine."

"Me too!" Silver Spoon agreed. Then she asked "But, um, just how long will you be gone?"

"It's hard to say exactly." Fluttershy answered. "At least two weeks, even if everything goes perfectly. Maybe longer if we have delays, but I doubt it'll take more than a month either way."

"Be honest with me." Silver whispered. "What you mean is, if you're not back in a month you won't be back at all."

"I wouldn't go that far..."

"Please be honest!"

"I am. Silver, maybe something will happen, maybe we won't come back. But I have faith that we will. And you just need to believe in us, believe that we know what we're doing and how to take care of ourselves even when things go bad." Fluttershy smoothed the upset filly's mane down. "Okay? Can you do that?"

Silver nodded. "Yeah... Yeah, for you I can."

"Good. Now let's get home, it's an early morning tomorrow..."


"But Twilight, why can't I go too!?" Spike demanded. "A fire breathing dragon could come in handy!"

"But then who would manage Golden Oaks while we're gone?"

"There's a human library right next door Twilight." Spike said. "I'm sure they could lend us a librarian."

Twilight looked up from her packing list. "Spike..."

"No! I don't like the idea of Rarity going on this trip without me!"

"I know, I know... But how is it any different than all the times before? We'll all be right there with her you know."

"Just means I've gotta worry about all of you." Spike huffed. "You can finish packing on your own right? I need to take a walk." The dragon stormed out the door without waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry Spike." Twilight sighed. "But I'm not risking you too..."


Spike wandered through the streets of Unity without any destination in mind. He couldn't go home, not still upset with Twilight as he was. He couldn't go to the boutique, since he didn't want Rarity to see him in this mood. He couldn't even go to the diner, since he hadn't bought any bits.

And so he wandered aimlessly, trying to decide what to do. In time, he found himself standing before the front gate of Bert Gumbal's property. Bert, who would be going along on the expedition. Bert, who was heavily armed at all times and could probably handle a dozen foes at once. With a shrug, Spike walked through the open gate and up to the front door, where he knocked.

The knock was immediately answered by the loud barking of Shadow, and then by Bert's voice yelling for the dog to be quiet. Loud boots clomped tot he door, and it opened. "Spike? What are you doing here?" The man asked.

"I was wondering if you could talk."

"Well yeah, I got a little while..." Bert nodded. He ushered Spike in the door. "What's up?"

Spike started to explain, but his jaw dropped when he saw Bert's living room. The walls were lined with weapons, some guns like the dragon had seen him using before, others much larger. There were also bladed weapons, grenades, blocks of c4, and a handful of stuffed and mounted animal heads; A lion, A rhino, two gazelles, and something Spike didn't recognize.

Bert chuckled. "Not bad eh?"

"You could arm a whole country with the stuff in here..."

"Not quite, some of the older pieces either don't work anymore or I don't have any ammo for them anymore. And the mounted heads were mostly my grandfather's work. They don't let you do that too much these days. Only one I got myself was that one." Bert pointed out one of the heads. "Anyway, what's up?"

Spike explained how he was feeling, and why. "And so, I'm just worried. About all of you really, though of course Twilight and Rarity are at the top of that list. What if you don't come back? What if something happens that I could've done something about if I had been there?"

Bert nodded. "Yeah, I get how you feel. But you know, sometimes you have to trust that other folks can take care of themselves... And Spike, has it ever occurred to you that maybe Twilight and Rarity are feeling the same way? Maybe they want you here, not because you'll be be safer, but because the town will be safer with a dragon around?"

"No, I hadn't." Spike admitted. "But I guess, maybe, with Sweetie Belle here..."

"Exactly." Bert agreed. "Without any other blood relatives around, I expect Sweetie means more to Rarity than just about anything. I don't blame you for wanting to come along, you know, but you're really not being ditched. You're just needed more here."

"Well, at least I know you'll be with them." Spike said. "Between your guns and Twi's magic, I can't imagine much of anything bein' a match." With a yawn the dragon stood. "Guess I better let you get some sleep. Thanks." As he started to turn for the door, Spike's attention was grabbed again by the stuffed heads. Especially the one he didn't recognize, the one Bert claimed to have killed himself. It was huge, armored, like something out of a monster movie. "By the way, what the heck is that thing anyway?"

Bert grinned. "Long story. I'll tell you all about it when we get back..."


Heavily swathed in cold-weather gear, Rainbow Dash sat atop a cloud overlooking Unity. Her attention wasn't on the town below, however, but the star-filled sky above. She found herself wondering which of those many stars might be Eqqus' sun; How Tank was doing without her. What might have happened to her home, and all of her Wonderbolts memorabilia. If only the storm hadn't skipped out on bringing her home her along with the rest of Ponyville.

Thoughts of a home drew her focus downward, to the town below. Since arriving on this world, Dash had been living in a room at the old Ponyville Inn. It was cramped, poorly heated, and made of hard wood instead of soft clouds. Of course, there wasn't really anything preventing her from constructing a new cloud house. Several pegasai already had, the town's only rule was that, for safety, they needed to be kept at a low elevation just above the rooftops of their neighbors.

"Why don't you then?" A voice suddenly asked. Rainbow swung her head around to find that she had been joined by Derpy.

"Why don't I what?"

"Oh come on." Derpy replied, "Even I can see what's going 'round in your head... You wanna build a new cloud house. So why don't you?"

Rainbow sighed. "Because... Because it'll be like admitting that we're not going anywhere. That we're stuck here for good."


"I know, right? I mean, don't get me wrong it's been a cool adventure and I'm glad we've made new friends and all... But..."

"But family. Your pet. The Wonderbolts."


Derpy shook her head, getting her eyes aligned. "Well... Would it really be all that bad? I mean, it's not like you'd jinx us by building a house."

"Maybe. Actually, what I'm thinking now is, that I'll make up my mind after we get back. That way, if it turns out we find a way home it won't matter, and if we don't, well, then I guess that answers that."

"Smart choice." Derpy agreed.

Another voice rose to the pair from the ground below. "Momma! Momma down here!"

Derpy waved. "Hi Muffin! You wanna come up here?"

"Yes please!"

Derpy flew down, returning moments later with a winter-coat bundled Dinky riding on her back. "It'll be really neat to watch from up here!" The filly exclaimed.

"Watch? Watch what?" Rainbow asked, confused.

"Huh? I thought that's why you were up here." Derpy said. "They'll be bringing the power on soon, for the whole town."

"Twi actually got it done then? Nice." Rainbow smiled, and then all across the town the lights started coming on...