• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 15,250 Views, 1,431 Comments

Unity - Kieva Lynn

Ponyville, Equestria. Fallow Meadows, Indiana. Two towns torn from thier worlds and deposited together on a third. Can Human and Pony work together? They'd better hope so, because they're not alone...

  • ...

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

"So..." Rarity began as she looked at Twilight over her tea, "What exactly have you heard?"

"I've heard that you've been dating Spike. For weeks now."

"Ahh... Well, weeks is an exaggeration. But yes, I have spent some time with him. Spike is quite the gentledrake you know, not at all like Blueblood or his ilk."

Taking a moment to sip her tea, calming herself, Twilight finally asked "And when were you planning to tell me about this?"

"Spike said he would tell you soon." Rarity answered. "And I wouldn't have felt right breaking his trust for obvious reasons." She paused for a moment, then added "Twilight darling, why don't we just cut to the core of things? What's really bothering you?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well my dear, I know it's not his age. Young for a dragon or not, he's still mature and legally of age, even if I am a couple of years older. And I know it's not just because we're different species, that's never bothered you before. And you have to know that Spike would never hurt me, nor I him. So what is it?"

"I'm sorry Rarity." Twilight said. "I do have a concern, but I hate to say it when it might hurt you."

Rarity nodded. "Ahh. As I thought. Well then, let me say it for you: I'm high maintenance. I want wealth and glamour and privilege. And those are things which Spike doesn't have to give, so why am I giving him the time of day. And what will happen when somepony who can offer me those things comes along? What of Spike then? Does that about sum it up?"

"I would never!"

"You would never actually accuse me of such a thing, no. Which is why you were so reluctant to come out and express your concerns... But you were thinking it."

"I'm so sorry! I don't really think, I mean, that is..." Twilight tripped over her words, unsure of what to say.

"It's okay darling. I'm not insulted. After all, I really have behaved in a manner that raises the question." Rarity answered. "And I can approve, strongly, of your concern for Spike's welfare. But, to answer your question... I think that I've grown, of late. Certainly wealth and fame and the rest are a part of who I've desired to be. And yet, seeing, over and over again, how those who have it -like Blueblood- behave... It's dawned on me that there is something better to be had. And Spike, well, he's an excellent example of that."

Twilight nodded silently. "I see."


"So, I've got no problem with it." Twilight smiled. "Just... don't hide things like this anymore okay?"

"You've got a deal my dear. And now if you'll excuse me, if I rush I can maybe still make that appointment..."


Deep in the forests, the assault team carefully moved towards the alien's base. There were eight humans, mostly armed with assault rifles though a few were carrying explosives as well. Six unicorns were assigned to the gun-toting humans, to cast the explosive ammo spell Twilight had devised. Another four were there to attack directly with magic. Eight earth ponies also accompanied the group, some like Macintosh helping to carry ammo, the rest to help with planting explosives. And a half-dozen pegasai would try to distract the aliens from above.

"How much further?" Someone whispered.

"Not far." Bert answered. "We'll be in sight of the pit over the next rise."

"Everyone know their place?" Sword Breaker asked.

A chorus of voices all confirmed yes.

Atop the hill, the team looked down into the pit. A single tripod stood near the center, standing sentry. Three more were visible further off to the south, still methodically searching the forest for the group that had escaped them the previous day. Bert was relieved to see that they weren't burning the trees, and surprised to see that the machines had, in the growing darkness, switched on ordinary white-light search beams.

"No infrared?" He wondered. "These guys seem to be pretty schizo on their technology levels."

"Different worlds, different needs, different technologies." Lyra whispered back.

"Yeah, I guess so. Okay, so do we attack the base first, or go on around and take out the searchers?"

"Searchers would be easier, since we'd have the cover of the trees." Sword Breaker said. "But, it'd also mean that they'd start setting the forest on fire with those beams."

Virgil said "Attacking camp would bring them back out of the trees, preventing a forest fire... And probably let us tackle them one at a time, if the searchers just plunge headlong back and don't coordinate. But it would give them the high ground along the rim, and cost us the cover we need."

Bethany asked "What if we split up? Some of us run in and take out the guard. Then, when the others come back the rest of us attack them from behind."

"That's not bad." Bert agreed. "I'm wondering though... What other defenses might they have in the camp itself?"

"Only one way to find out." Cloudkicker said. "Let my team fly in, harass them, see what happens."

Sword Breaker thought it over, then said "All right, but be careful... We've already lost one guard to these guys, I'd like to keep any further casualties to a minimum."

With a nod, Cloudkicker led his pegasai into the air and towards the pit. The aliens didn't seem to even notice them coming, until they were in the midst of the pit's airspace, swooping and diving and cartwheeling all around the tripod, which moved in an attempt to catch them mid-flight. It's tentacle arms were fast, but not quite fast enough to catch a pegasus in flight, nor could it aim the heat ray it held quickly enough to blast them.

"Maybe we should just have them drop the explosives?" Bethany wondered.

"Maybe we should."

The tripod suddenly stopped flailing in it's attempts to catch the intruders, and instead let out a deep reverberating call: "ULLA ULLA ULLA!"

"What the hell!?"

"Reinforcements." Bert said, pointing to where the three tripods which had been scattered about searching were now on their way back.

"Damn!" Virgil swore.

"Cuss later, right now it's go time!" Sword Breaker said. "Attack!" At his command, everyone moved into their positions. Ideally, the sentry tripod needed to be down and out of the picture before the others made it back, so the team didn't hesitate but rushed forward, over the rim and down into the pit, half of the team heading in to attack while the rest waited in hiding, for the other machines to arrive.

Distracted as it was by the pegasai, the alien operating the first tripod didn't even notice the attack coming at ground level until it was too late. Three unicorns launched attack spells at the machine's legs, backed up by gunfire from the humans who had accompanied them. The tripod was fast; most of the attacks missed, but one of it's legs crumpled under the assault. At first, it looked as if it would fall over like the one Sword Breaker destroyed had, but then the pilot managed to right the machine on two legs. A swath of ground burst into flames as the tripod's heat-ray fired, it's path arcing directly towards the attackers.

"Incoming! Scatter!" Sword Breaker shouted. Reacting as quickly as they could, everyone tried to run clear of the attack. Some of them didn't quite make it. Two humans and an earth pony stumbled to the ground, alive but burned. As pegasai swooped in to carry them to safety, Bert shouted for everyone still close to the machine to get clear while Lyra, standing at his side, used her magic to levitate a package of explosives directly under one of the remaining legs.

"Perfect! Hold it there!" Bert exclaimed, " In three... two... one..."

The tripod crumpled to the ground as both of it's remaining legs were reduced to scrap. As it fell, it repeated the 'ULLA' call, and fired it's heat-ray on the way down. The burning weapon slashed a trail of molten rock across the ground, but didn't come near anyone.

And then, before anyone could find the time to cheer, the three remaining tripods arrived. Forced to run in every direction, the attackers found themselves disorganized and uncertain of how to proceed. Of course, it got worse when the nearest of the machines launched a canister that landed near the rim of the pit and began to disgorge a thick black smoke.

"Trouble..." Macintosh whispered.

Standing by his side, Bethany nodded. "Is that the poison gas we were warned about?"

"Eeyup, it's gotta be... Good thing the wind's blowin' the other way."

And indeed the wind was blowing away from the hidden team. In fact, they saw as they watched, it seemed that the tripod had done this on purpose. The toxic smoke was covering the very ground that the trio of machines was standing on. It was heavy, and stayed low to the ground, ensuring that the pilots didn't have to worry about being gassed themselves, high up in the cockpits, but also meant that no one could get close enough to attack them, while they could still attack with the greater range of the heat-rays.

"Clever..." Bert mused as he joined Mac and Bethany, Lyra still at his side.

"Eeyup... Though I gotta wonder why they didn't just fire it at us."

"Maybe they don't have very many of them." Bert suggested. "So they put them to the best use under the circumstances."

Flying in low, Cloudkicker joined them. "The injured are being carried home. So, any thoughts on our next move?"

"There's still the bombs dropped by pegasai option." Bethany said.

"Yeah, but it's risky... One inch too low and you're in that smoke..."

"We have a few gas masks." Lyra said.

"Yeah, but for humans. I don't think your muzzles would allow them to fit." Bethany said.

Bert added "Yeah, and besides that, what if that stuff doesn't work just by breathin' it in? It could be a skin-contact poison."

"I'm willing to risk it." Cloudkicker said. "After all, we've already stirred up the hornet's nest now. If we don't stop them, they'll just keep coming."

"You're right... Okay, let's figure out the best way to do this..." Two humans and three ponies put their heads together, plotting...


Meanwhile, deep in the forests on the far side of Unity from where the battle was taking place, a small group of humans was making their way along what seemed to be a wide trail. Anita Wallace, her three children, and Angela Riggs with her son were following the lead taken by Angela's husband Thomas. They had been walking all day, and now into the night, hoping to find some sign of civilization. And they were getting tired.

"Can't we stop?" Three year old Amanda pleaded. "I'm sleepy!"

"We're all sleepy sweetie... But we need to keep going."

"Here," Thomas said, "Lemme give you a hand." He knelt down and allowed the girl to climb onto his back. "Hold on now!"

It was perhaps a mile further along the trail when Thomas held up a hand for everyone to stop. "Did you hear that?" Before anyone could ask 'hear what?' the sound came again, a deep rumbling from off in the distance.

"Thunder?" Anita asked.

"I don't think so... Sounds more like bombs going off..."

"So, what, we're wandering around in a war zone?" Angela asked.

"Maybe... Either way, it wasn't directly in our path. Let's keep moving."

Distracted as they were by the sounds of a distant battle, no one noticed the flapping of wings as a pegasus sentry took flight, over the treetops, back towards Unity.


In Unity, Sheriff Tucker was doing his best to maintain a sense of calm in the population. To his surprise, the citizens had remained surprisingly cool when the sounds of battle began to reach them. Aside, of course, from a handful of crying children and foals, and more than a few people hiding in their homes, parting curtains to peer nervously out windows.

Standing atop the wall, scanning the horizon with binoculars and watching the occasional flashes of orange and red light from the distance, Tucker was bemused but happy when Rarity arrived with her uniform plans. Just enough of a distraction to take the edge off without keeping him from also remaining vigilant.

They were just about to finish up when the pegasai flew in, bearing the wounded. The three carrying injured comrades flew over the wall and on towards the medical facilities, while a fourth, Sturmwind, fluttered to a landing near the Sheriff.

“What happened?” Tucker demanded.

“Injuries. One pony, two human. Mostly burns to their limbs, they should all be fine with treatment.” Sturmwind replied.

“Damn... What else can you tell me?”

“As we flew away I saw the first tripod-thing fall. But the other three were almost back to the pit. On a positive note, the three injuries are it so far, no deaths.”

“Good.” Tucker nodded.

“Permission to return to the front sir?”

“Go, but wait for your three friends. I don't want you being a lone target.”

“Understood.” Sturmwind flew off to join the other pegasai.

“What I wouldn't give for the Elements of Harmony right now.” Rarity said.

“I hear you there.” Tucker answered. “I'd pay a king's ransom for a couple of RPG's or a fifty-cal.”

“Whatever those are darling.” Rarity said, and they both chuckled.

They returned their attention over the wall, watching and waiting. Several minutes later Sturmwind and his fellows flew overhead, back towards the battle. After a while, Rarity excused herself, begging the need to check in on Sweetie Belle, but Tucker stayed at his post. Midnight Steel joined him later in the evening, and around midnight another pegasus landed and saluted. “Report from the sentry ring sirs.”

“What have you got?” Midnight asked.

“A small group of unknown humans incoming. Three adults, four children.”

“Humans? You're sure?” Tucker asked.

“Yes sir, absolutely. From the direction of the third storm.”

Tucker and Midnight exchanged a look. “Huh... No indications of a new town out that way.” Midnight said. “Could the storm have just snatched up a small group?”

“I suppose it's possible. You say they're heading for town?”

The pegasus nodded. “Yeah. I figure they'll be here not long before sunrise.”

“Okay.” Tucker said. “I think I should talk to them before they see any ponies. Midnight, can you shuffle the guards so the ponies are on the far side of town from where they'll arrive?”

“I'm on it.” Midnight said, as he trotted off to see to the orders.

The Sheriff sighed. “It never rains but it pours...” he grumbled...


Shetland Crossing. After determining that nocreature was harmed, the town's inhabitants began to take stock of what might have happened to them. As the town's mayor, the minotaur Steel Forge took charge, directing his people in counting supplies, storing away food, and distributing weapons to those able to handle them. Because of it's location at a major international border, the town already had a strong stone wall with turrets and cannons, though Steel Forge knew full well that would only do so much.

As he stood atop the stairs of the town hall, Steel Forge heard a familiar voice and turned to see Gerolt approaching. “What have you found my friend?” The minotaur asked as the gryphon touched down beside him.

“Forest. Nothing but forest in almost every direction.”


Gerolt pointed north. “Up towards the mountains, at the outer limit of my sight range, I think I caught hints of a town. I'm not sure though, might have been a mirage or something. It is getting kind of dark.”

“You're wanting permission to check it out?”

“Well, we'll have to sooner or later.” Gerolt replied. “Be quite a hoot if it turned out to be Ponyville.”

Steel Forge grimaced. “A 'hoot' or not, we could use the allies. Better than being here all alone.”

“So I can go then?”

As Steel Forge was about to answer, he was interrupted by another minotaur who ran up to him, saying “Sir! Sir! Something's happening to the north! You need to come to the wall and see!”

“Come.” Steel said, and both he and Gerolt rushed to the north wall, climbing (or flying) to the top and looking out over the forest. Far off in the distance, there were bright flashed of yellow, orange, and red, followed by the thunderous booms of explosions. “A battle...” The minotaur mused.

Another, even brighter and louder flash and rumble shook the forests. “And a serious one at that.” Gerolt agreed. "Look Steel, I know you won't want me to go under these circumstances, but someone has to. And you know I'm the best flier in town..."

Steel Forge sighed. "Yes, yes of course you're right... But I'm not sending you out alone."

"No?" Gerolt cocked his head to the side. "But who else...?"

"Assuming there is a town up there, it's inhabitants could be anything. And so, what you need is someone who can fit in as anything."

"Changelings!?" Gerolt exclaimed. "You want me to take changelings with me?"

"Just a couple. I know how they freak you out."

"They don't freak me... Well, okay, maybe a little."The gryphon admitted.

"Our locals are free-hive, never affiliated with Chrysalis. You know that."

"Yeah yeah..." Gerolt shook his head. "Anyone specific in mind, or should I just ask for volunteers?"

"Xix-xax and Bzzz are waiting for you at the west gate." Steel Forge said.

Gerolt stared at his friend in surprise. "You were already ready?"

"You have to anticipate if you want to be a good leader." The minotaur chuckled. "In any event, by all means go, but wait until daybreak at this point. And good luck."

Gerolt simply nodded. He suspected he would need every drop of that luck...


Cloudkicker struggled to make the human-model gas mask fit over his face. It almost worked, thanks to the extended breathing apparatus, but every time he though it was on securely something would pop loose. "This would be funny if it wasn't deadly serious." Lyra chuckled.

"Laugh it up, I'd like to see you fit!"

"Is that a proposition?" Lyra teased.

"Whot!?!?" Cloudkicker fell over backwards, the mask popping off his face with a loud snapping noise. Laughing even harder now, Lyra offered a hoof to help the pegasus get back on his feet.

"I'm just kidding!" She said.

"Will you two get serious!?" Bert hissed. "They're starting to move again, coming this way!" Across the pit, the tripods were moving apart, resuming a search pattern for the attackers.

"Maybe if they move clear of the gas..." Macintosh said.

"Maybe." Bert agreed. "But I'll be surprised if they actually..." As he spoke, the middle machine dropped another gas canister, which sent black smoke billowing out in a wider circle, keeping all three tripods protected. "See?"

"Well damn." Bethany whispered. "Should we retreat?"

"We may not get another good chance." Cloud Kicker replied. "Just... Somebody help me get this stupid mask to stay on!"

Lyra and Bethany both moved to try to help, but as they were about to try again, everyone was taken by surprise when a massive explosion suddenly erupted underneath the closest tripod. It's legs crumpled, the cockpit falling to the ground and also exploding on impact.

"What the hell!?"

"Who did that? How?"

From above, a voice said "Reinforcements!"

Everyone looked up to see Rainbow Dash descending to join them. "Reinforcements?" Bert asked.

Rainbow nodded, pointed with a hoof. "Yep. Take a look!"

Running away from the site of the destroyed tripod were a pair of strange creatures, clad in thick suits and gas masks. "Goblins." Rainbow said. "When I went to let them know what was happening, Brayflox insisted on coming to help out. Something about live customers being better than dead ones... Turns out they make a mean bomb."

"I know what I wanna trade them for!" Bert laughed.

As the goblins drew close enough to be in earshot, Brayflox could be heard calling to her companion. "Flee! Flee! Heat-Death-Weapon like hellfires of Ifrit!"

"Nice work." Bert said as the Goblins joined them.

Brayflox jumped up and down, saying "Yes! Yes! Brayflox show that 'Alltalks' is just name, not what Brayflox is!"

"Please tell us you've got more of those bombs."

"Plenty more! Gobbie-boom is best weapon of Goblins, carry muchs!"

Bert grinned. "Okay then... Let's finish this up..."