• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 15,250 Views, 1,431 Comments

Unity - Kieva Lynn

Ponyville, Equestria. Fallow Meadows, Indiana. Two towns torn from thier worlds and deposited together on a third. Can Human and Pony work together? They'd better hope so, because they're not alone...

  • ...

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!!!" Twilight Sparkle kept repeating the same three word phrase as she galloped through town towards the Sheriff's Office and its small jail facility. Word had come to her, through Rainbow Dash, of the captured alien now being held there. And she was in a hurry to learn its language and try to reach some sort of understanding.

As she ran, humans and ponies dodged out of her way, some just barely managing to move in time, and she even noticed a couple of Goblins with packs spread out on the ground, seeking trade. For the most part, things were still working out well in the new community. If she could get these squid-beings to see the logic of peace, they would all benefit.

"Twilight! Slow down already!" Spike exclaimed, panting as he tried to keep up. "It'll still be there!"

Chastised, the unicorn mare slowed a bit, but didn't stop. "I'm sorry Spike, but this is important!"

"I know, I know... Gotta make friends with the big calamari."

"Spike! For all we know calamari could be an insult to these beings!"

"Oh yeah, I wouldn't wanna hurt the feelings of the guys who killed one pony and put several other people in the hospital." Spike snarked.

That comment finally bought Twilight to a halt. She turned to face her assistant and said "Yeah... Yeah Spike, I know... But there's still a chance that this is all some kind of misunderstanding. And even if it's not, they're still victims here too."

"Assuming us being here isn't their fault."

"Yes. Assuming that." Twilight conceded.

Spike said "Look, I'm not saying you shouldn't try. Of course you should. Just... Be careful okay? These things sound pretty nasty."

Nodding, Twilight turned and continued on her way, at a more measured pace this time, and reached her destination in another five minutes. Armed Guards stood outside the doors to the jail, but they were expecting the unicorn and let her in. Another quartet of guards, two unicorns and a pair of humans with rifles, stood just inside.

Trotting up to Bert, Twilight asked "Is it awake?"

"Not yet," The survivalist answered, "But its tentacles are starting to twitch." He frowned. "We've got Sword Breaker and Lyra in there using magic to restrain them so it can't lash out when it's awake."

Stepping past Bert, Twilight and Spike walked to the cell. Another pair of guards were there, along with Sword Breaker, Lyra, Reginald and Nigel Bakker, and a team of human and pony doctors and nurses studying the creature's physiology.

The unicorn's first thoughts were that, if anything, it was even more hideous than reading Well's book and listening to eyewitness accounts had prepared her for; there was a damp sheen over the flesh of the alien's body. It's tentacles, sixteen of them in two bunches of eight, quivered continually. And a wheezing sound came and went from its trembling mouth. It was, as the novel had described, little more than a head; an enormously oversized head, with too-big even by pony standards eyes. Twilight felt slightly nauseous just looking at it.

"Ahh good, you're here." Reginald said when he noticed them.

"Yes. What have you learned?"

A pony doctor answered "We've run a number of tests, which seem to support expectations based off of the human's book about these beings. In spite of it's enormous size, over eighty-five percent of it's interior anatomy is brain. There is a single lung, just big enough to do the job. No heart, we suspect the blood is moved by peristillic muscle motions. No liver, not even sure how that's possible, and no digestive tract. Its blood has no immune cells whatsoever. And as Mister Gumbal surmised, its already showing signs of illness. If we can't help it, it'll probably be dead in a week."

"You keep saying 'it.'" Spike said. "Haven't you figured out if it's a boy or girl yet?"

"Neither. Again, as in the book, these beings have no gender."

Twilight said "In the book they reproduce by budding."

A human doctor nodded. "We think that'll be what we find here."

"Or what we would find if we could keep it alive." The pony doctor added. "We've tested all of the antibiotics available on the blood samples... The reactions indicate they would kill the patient along with the disease. And healing magics are out too; they don't do anything without at least some immune response to work with."

"That's terrible." Twilight said.

"Terrible!?" Sword Breaker exclaimed. "They tried to kill us all for no reason. I call it karma."

"I might too." Lyra said, "But to die like that..."

Twilight looked confused. "Like what? What exactly is it sick with?"

"That's the horror of it." Nigel said. "It's not dying of a pathogen in the usual sense. What its got inside is... ...necrotic bacteria."

"Necro-whatsis?" Spike asked.

"Bacteria that normally don't start eating things until they're already dead." Twilight explained. "They have no defenses against any kind of immune response, no matter how weak. But in this case..."

"...In this case," Reginald finished, "This poor bastard is being eaten alive by bacteria that think it's already dead."

"They probably all are." Nigel said. "And there's nothing we can do. They'll all be dead in a few more days."

From the side of the alien, where she was helping to keep its tentacles bound, Lyra asked "What about us? Doesn't this mean we could be wiped out by some local disease we have no protection against?"

"It's not impossible." A doctor replied, "But it's far less likely for us since we do have immune systems."

"Are you sure of that?" Bert asked, joining the group.

Nigel said "Reasonably. You see, there's a big difference between this situation, and say, what happened to Native American tribes when they were exposed to smallpox. In that case, the virus had an unfair advantage: Native American immune systems had no experience with the disease and didn't know how to handle it, while the disease had tons of experience with human immune systems and knew how to counter them."

Twilight said "But here, while our immunity has no experience with the new microbes, they also have no experience with us. I'm sure we'll have issues with illness; I'm amazed we haven't already. But in general, between sanitation, medicines, and healing magic we should be okay."

Everyone spun around to face the alien as it began to make a moaning sound. And it's eyes opened wide...


Gerolt perched in the upper branches of a tree, as close as he could get to the town without being detected. A changling sat to either side of the gryphon, neither disguised. "Ponies." He said. "I guess maybe we've found out what happened to Ponyville."

"Maybe..." The changeling Xix-xax said. "I don't recognize those other beings though."

"No..." Gerolt agreed. "Still, if you two are comfortable with it we can proceed."

"We need intelligence." The changelings agreed. "We will proceed." Green flames flared around them, and faded to reveal their pony disguises. "You will wait here?"

Gerolt nodded. "Yeah. Listen, both of you... Get in, get info, get out. I want to be on our way home before nightfall."

"Understood." The changelings spread their pegasus disguised wings and flew off towards the town...


Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie's back itched. Itched in that one place her hooves just couldn't reach no matter how she flexed. Her back itched and now her tail was twitching, and yep, there went the eyes crossed. "More new friends in town!" She exclaimed.

"What was that dear?" Rarity asked from the other side of the counter.

"Oh, just another Pinkie-Sense tell. Second one today!"

"Truly? What was the first one?"

"Funnily enough, it was the same tell, the 'new friends' one." Pinkie replied. "I got it this morning when the new group of humans showed up."

Rarity nodded. "Oh yes, I met them earlier, Twilight bought them around for sizing. They seemed nice enough, if a bit shell-shocked. Though I suppose that's to be expected... But dear, you say you're having the same feeling again?"

"Yeppers! I wonder who or what else has shown up?"

"Good question." Rarity thought. Her eyes narrowed. She said "Pinkie, how much longer is your work shift?"

"Oh, I'm over now, I can go whenever."

"Then let's do so. I want to investigate these new arrivals."

"Sounds fun!" Pinkie agreed. "Gimme a minute..." She trotted off towards the kitchen, looking for the Cakes...


Xix-xax and Bzzz were busily exploring the town and seeking information. They had quickly determined that the unknown bipeds were not hostile, nor were they in any way exploiting the ponies. Both species seemed to be working in harmony with each other. "It seems safe." Xix thought to her companion. "We should split up."

"Agreed. Let us meet back here in two hours."

Separating, the changelings moved through the town, paying attention to everything they saw and heard: "I'm telling you the two of them are dating!" "Awful ugly thing, they've got it in the jail..." "Now Miss Wallace, what kind of job qualifications do you have?" "As far as I'm concerned, all humans are blank-flanks." "Prepare to be amazed, as the Great and Powerful Trixie pulls a hat out of a rabbit!" "So I sez t' the guy, I sez..." "Cutie Mark Crusaders! Mythbusters! Yaaay!!!!!!!!" "These new things really will kill us all!" "HI! I'M PINKIE PIE! WHAT'S YOUR NAME!?!?!?"

Bzzz fell over backwards at this last, shocked by the bright pink pony that had sprung up directly in her path. "Aw crap, pony names..." the changling thought. She said "Um, Mythril Wind... I'm Mythril Wind."

"Cool name! So where you from?" The pink mare asked.

"Oh, right here in town you know." Bzzz lied.

"Oh now that's a fibby-fib! I know every pony and human in town and I've never seen you before!"

"Crap!" Bzzz turned and ran. "Abort!" She thought frantically to Xix. "They're on to us!"

"Damn. Okay, meet back with Gerolt. I'll see you there shortly." Xix answered.


"How rude!" Pinkie complained to Rarity.

"Yes darling, but it confirms my suspicions... Something's not right here."

"But... Pinkie Sense... Says they're friends..."

Rarity shook her head. "Perhaps they are. But they're hiding something. You said there's another one?"

"Yep! Come on!"

Pinkie started to trot away, but Rarity stopped her. "Hold on a moment dear... Let's think this through..."


The alien tried to break free, but between the magic of two unicorns, the heavier than normal for it gravity, and it's own sickness, it didn't have the strength. As it calmed, Twilight stepped before it and cast the translation spell. "Can you understand me?"

"Equine. I have. Comprehension." It replied. "I am. Captured?"

"That's right." Sword Breaker said. "What happens next is up to you."

"Elaborate. Meaning."

Bert said "What he means is, in spite of us getting off badly, with the fighting and all, we're willing to be reasonable. We just want peace."

"Peace? Negative subcreature. No peace."

"Subcreature!?" Bert shouted.

"Yes. Equine. Hominid. Reptile. Inferior. We are. The Mor-tax. We are. The pinnacle. Of evolution. We are. Superior. You are. Food."

"What a jerk!" Lyra exclaimed.

"If you're so superior why are you the ones dying?" Nigel asked.

"Dying?" The alien said. "Yes... Feel deathcoming. Explain."

"Bacteria." Twilight said. "You're sick. We would cure you if we could, but none of the things that work on us would work on you. I'm sorry."

"Too long." the Mor-tax said. "Too long. Since we had. Pathogens. Malacandra. Dying. All life. Dead. In three centuries. Sun too old. No bacteria. In ages. No defense."

Everyone else in the cell looked around at each other. Twilight finally said "If I understood that right, you're saying that your entire planet is dying? That's horrible. But it doesn't give you the right to attack us."

"No need. Of rights. Food has. No rights."

"We aren't food you big jerk!" Lyra insisted, "And for the record I refuse to be called inferior by a species that didn't even figure out the stinking wheel!"

"Wheel? Unknown term. Clarify."

Lyra smirked. "I rest my case."

"Let's cut to the chase." Bert said. "Are you the ones who bought us here? Was this some kind of big master plan? Your planet's dying so you come here, then bring us here as a food supply?"

"Would have. If could have. But no. Transit. Was not us."

Twilight asked "Transit? Do you know anything at all about the force responsible for us all being bought here?"

"Know artificial. Purposeful. Nothing more."

Twilight turned her back to the alien, huddled together with Reginald and Nigel. "Well that's something we didn't know for sure." She whispered.

"Assuming its telling the truth." Reginald said.

"Yeah, but still..."

Nigel said "Here's my question: It's being awfully generous with answers. Why?"

"Let's find out." Twilight turned back around, and asked Nigel's question.

"No reason. To not. Results. The same. Either way." The Mor-tax was silent for a moment, then said "Hunger feel. Need food. Blood."

"We could pull some plasma from the blood banks." One of the doctors said. "But, what if it's needed in an emergency?"

"Not like we'd need much, no longer than it'll live."

Bert said to the alien "Do you have a name?"

"Yes. My name. G'drik."

"Okay then G'drik, here's the deal... We can't save your life. But we can keep you fed and comfortable until the end. All we want in return is for you to keep answering whatever questions we have."

"Offer. Acceptable." G'drik agreed...


Even after receiving Bzzz's warning, Xix was determined to investigate one more thing before leaving town. She had heard, from several sources, word of some dangerous monster being held in the town jail. And she wanted a look. "After all," the changeling reasoned to Bzzz, "Either it really is dangerous in which case we need to know about it, or it's a victim of paranoia in which case it might make a good ally if we help it."

Flying out of town, Bzzz thought back to her hive-mate "Victim of paranoia?"

"Sure. Like how ponies are so terrified of all changelings even when we've never had anything to do with Chrysalis."

"In fairness, after the Canterlot invasion they've got reason to be a little jittery."

"I know, I know... It still bugs me. We could be a part of society, but no! One queen does something stupid and we all pay!" Xix thought, anger in her tone. "Anyway, I'm here. I'll check it out real quick, then come join you." Closing the mental link, Xix fluttered her wings and flew a short distance up, landing atop a tarp-covered stack of supplies against the back jail wall. Rearing up on her hind legs, bracing her forehooves against the wall, she peered in through the cell window.

Inside, surrounded by ponies and humans, was the 'monster.' And Xix had to admit, even she couldn't see it as anything else but monstrous. She watched and listened as the being was interrogated, disgusted at the thought that it consumed blood, quickly seeing that it really was the bad guy, not a victim. Nodding to herself in silent confirmation, she turned to leave. A pink earth pony was standing right behind her, and he let out a scream as she fell backwards to the ground.


"Are you okay!?" Pinkie asked as she looked down over the edge at the fallen pony.

"My pride is terminally wounded but the rest of me will be fine." the stranger replied. "What are you doing sneaking up on ponies like that?"

Stepping into the newcomer's view from around the corner, Rarity said "The question, darling, is what you were doing spying into the jail. And, also, who you and your friend Mythril Wind really are."

"I'm quite sure I don't know what you're talking about." The new pony huffed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have places to be." She spread her wings and started to fly away, only to be intercepted by Rainbow Dash.

"Going somewhere?" The pegasus asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes!"

"Well then we've got a problem. See, you just dissed my friends, and I don't like that!"


"Rainbow Dash!" Xix thought, recognizing the pegasus. "I've had it now, no way I'm outrunning her!"

"Xix? Do you need help?" Bzzz thought.

"No, get to Gerolt, get back to Shetland Crossing, let the mayor know what we've learned."

Worry tinged Bzzz's thoughts, as she asked "What about you?"

"There's only one thing for me to do..."

Xix-xax lowered herself to the ground and looked the three ponies in the eyes. "Okay, fine. I'll explain myself. Just promise, please promise, that you'll hear me out instead of judging me right out of the gate."

Pinkie nodded and swore a pinkie promise to that effect, but Rainbow Dash asked "Why would we judge you like that?"

Xix lowered her head. "Because this." Green magic flared around her, revealing the true changeling.

"Changeling!!!!!!" Rarity screamed. Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes and dropped into a combat stance. But Pinkie just stood there.

"Pinks, what are you doing? Get ready to back me up here!" Rainbow shouted.

Pinkie shook her head. "If I have to Dashie... But I made a promise, so..." She looked at the Changeling. "Okay. Tell us why you're here."

Xix let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. "Thank you."

"Hold on!" Rainbow interrupted. "You really don't want to fight?"

"I'm of Hive Xenax, not Hive Chrysalis. Our queen prefers drones that can think on their own. And we don't fight unless we have to..." Xix looked around. "Look, the jail's right here. If it helps, we can go around front and I'll turn myself in."

"That might be best." Rarity agreed. "But, put your disguise back up first, no reason to panic people seeing you in the streets."

"Okay, you're right." Xix agreed.

As the changeling's pegasus disguise reasserted itself, Pinkie asked "Was Mythril Wind one of you?"

"That's not her real name, but yes."

"So hold on, how many..."

"About thirty. We're a small part of the town's population."

"Wait what town?" Rainbow asked.

"Shetland Crossing, from the Gryphonican border." Xix said. "You're not the only ones from Equus here now."

Three ponies looked at each other in surprise...