• Published 15th Jan 2015
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Unity - Kieva Lynn

Ponyville, Equestria. Fallow Meadows, Indiana. Two towns torn from thier worlds and deposited together on a third. Can Human and Pony work together? They'd better hope so, because they're not alone...

  • ...

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty

Upon returning to town with a large sample of Magicite, Twilight Sparkle wasn't seen or heard from outside of the Golden Oaks library for two and a half weeks. Reginald and Nigel Bakker were hardly seen either, barely able to escape the hyper-enthusiastic pony's secretive work. Rumors spread all around town with regards to what might be going on, but neither the Bakkers, nor Spike, nor Trixie and the changeling Xix-xax who were also pulled into helping out from time to time would say anything, save to squelch the talk of those who suggested that she was finding a way home for everyone. "It's good, but not that good." Spike said.

At least no rumors were fueled by the endless long-range flights of camera equipped pegasus and gryphon volunteers. Everyone knew that their work was part of a joint Bert/Twilight project, this one to map out the new world as far as possible, looking for other settlements, resources, and any indication of whatever was responsible for bringing people here. The cameras were delivered to Bert, who processed the film and arranged the pictures in order before taking them to Twilight.

The weather started to grow chilly at night, and Roger kept track of the snow line descending slowly but steadily further down the mountains. In spite of Cloud Kicker's objections, Rainbow Dash did indeed agree to carefully manage the weather until all of the crops were in. On a happier note, at least for the younger inhabitants of the town, the council decreed that a combined Halloween/Nightmare Night celebration would be held. With limited resources the kids would have to make costumes themselves, and be limited to one item per home, but it was still enough to make them cheer.

At the end of this time, when Twilight finally showed herself again, her results would be greeted with celebrations. But before we get to that, let's take a look at just what some of Unity's citizens were doing during those two weeks:


Twilight Research Time: Day Three:

Micheal Riggs looked up from his oatmeal. "Mom, are you sure we have to do this?" He asked.

"Yes dear." Angela replied. She sat next to her son and said "Mikey, I get it. We're in a strange place and there are strange creatures out there. And some of them will be sitting next to you in school. I'd be weirded out too. But you've got to go to school."

"School with aliens."

"Right. Just like your dad and I are going to be working with aliens. And Miss Wallace, and her kids at school with you." Angela sighed. It had been a week since they arrived in Unity, and while they had been put up in a vacant house on the first day, they were only now ready to actually interact with the rest of the community.

"Why don't we just go join those people that built their own town?" Micheal asked.

"You already know why. Those people are nuts." Angela slapped her son lightly on the back. "Now finish your breakfast, you've got to be there soon."


Twenty minutes later Micheal was trudging through the cool morning air towards school. He looked about, and saw humans, ponies, and a handful of other beings going about their businesses. Some were opening stores, others were shopping or walking to their own destinations, and more than a few were obviously other kids also heading in for classes.

As he reached the school grounds, Micheal heard a loud voice shouting something. Curious, he followed the sounds and peeked around from behind a tree. A quartet of young ponies were there, three facing one, and the loner was the one yelling.

"Blank flanks Blank flanks!!!!"

"Shut up Diamond Tiara!"

"You shut up! Foals without their cutie marks are to be seen and not heard! Actually, you shouldn't be seen either!"

One of the older human students shouted "Can it you little shrimp!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, humans don't even get cutie marks do you? How embarrassing!" Diamond returned her attention to the trio. "Then again, at least they have an excuse! What's yours? Worthless good-for-nothing blank flanks!"

"Not cool." Micheal whispered to himself. He hated bullies.

A voice behind him said "No, but nothing will stop her."

Micheal turned to see a small grey unicorn with a blonde mane and tail looking up at him. He swallowed, knowing that what his mother had said was right, that he needed to try to make friends here. "She does this all the time?" He asked.

"Only to those of us who still don't have our cutie marks." The unicorn replied, turning slightly to reveal her own blank flank. "I'm Dinky, by the way. Dinky Hooves. Are you new here?"

"Yeah, I'm Micheal Riggs. You can just call me Mike."

Micheal was about to say more when the bully-pony's shouting got louder again, and more cruel. "Blank-flank, Blank-mind! No wonder none of you will ever get your cutie marks! I mean really! A flightless pegasus? A unicorn who can barely lift a sheet of paper? An earth pony without the strength? HA! You'll grow old and die still crusading! In fact, when we find a way home, I'll bet the adults leave you here!"

"That does it." Micheal grumbled. "I don't know why everyone else is ignoring this, but I'm not!" He stepped out from behind the tree, stomped over to the ponies, and interposed himself between the bully and her victims. "Is there a problem here?"

"The problems are standing behind you!" Diamond snarked. "Three of them."

"That's funny. I only see one problem. And it's in front of me."

A sound rose from the surrounding crowds. "Ooooooooh."

"Seems to me you should go pick on someone your own size."

"Um, they are my size." Diamond said.

"No, the way you're acting makes you about the size of an ant."

"Well I never-!"

"Now you have... Now get outta here!" Micheal shouted as loud as he could, lunging forward at the same time. Diamond Tiara yelped in fear as she fell over backwards, scrambled to her feet, and ran away towards the school.

"Wow..." Dinky said as she trotted up, "No one's ever done that!"

"And why not?" Micheal asked. He looked at the three bullied ponies. "You okay?"

"We're fine." The pegasus of the group answered. After introducing herself and her friends she said "Look, that was awesome and all, and we all appreciate it, but you really shouldn't have."

"Scootaloo's right." Apple Bloom said. "Makin' Diamond Tiara mad is never a good idea."

"Of course, now that you've done so, you're in the same boat as us." Sweetie Belle said. She pointed to a bench on the edge of the small playground. "We eat lunch there. Why don't you join us?"

"Erm, all right."

"Great! You too Dinky! You know we want you in the club." Apple Bloom smiled.

"Wait there's a club?" Micheal asked...


"I hope we didn't hurt his hearing too bad." Apple Bloom said as she walked alongside Scootaloo towards their first class.

"Most folks know to cover their ears." Scootaloo answered. "Wonder why he didn't?"

"Well duh Scoot, he's new in town."

"I know I know... Still, does inviting him into the crusaders even make sense? Humans don't get Cutie Marks."

"It's honorary." Apple Bloom said. She stopped and looked up at the number over the closest door. "This is still so weird, having different rooms for different classes."

"And not being together all day." Scootaloo agreed.

Trotting through the door, they found most of the students already in their seats. The first-period math class boasted five unicorns, three pegasai, three earth ponies, and nine humans. The teacher, also a human, was nowhere to be seen.

"Did you two see Miss Gunther in the hall?" Someone asked.

Scootaloo shook her head as she took her seat. "No. You mean she's not been here yet? That's not like her."

"I know." A human boy replied. "I'm telling you, before this I woulda thought she was a robot that never left the room."

The students laughed, and were still chuckling when the teacher finally showed up. She stood in the door and said "Everyone? We've got a new student in our class today."

"Micheal?" Apple Bloom asked.

"No dear, though I will have Micheal Riggs in class later today. Paul Wallace too." The teacher smiled. "Who I get to introduce you all to today is our first Goblin student, Flixbix."

The Goblin stepped into view, and the class gasped. "Really?" Scootaloo said, "Don't you guys ever take those masks off?"

"No, no." Flixbix replied. "Gobbie-folk use mask for cleansing of airs. Ends to breathing and living if take off for long."

"That's awful." A small girl whispered.

"Yes, but Gobbie-folk used to it."

"All right class, there'll be time for questions later." the teacher said. "Flix feel free to take any open seat..."

"Ooo Ooo Ooo!!!" Scootaloo interrupted, waving a hoof in the air excitedly.


"Just one more question!" the pegasus said, and the entire class, knowing what it had to be, said along with her "Do Goblins get Cutie Marks?"


Sweetie Belle sighed as she slumped into her chair. History class wasn't all that bad in and of itself; having two teachers and learning the history of two worlds was actually kind of neat. But it stunk having to do so without her fellow Crusaders. At least Diamond Tiara wasn't here, she was stuck in gym first period.

Paying just enough attention to not get in trouble, the filly allowed the rest of her mind to wander. If Micheal and Dinky joined up they would be able to try more complex crusades. In fact, she had a whopper of an idea if only-

WHAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! A wooden ruler slammed down across Sweetie's desk, jolting her out of her musing. Standing over her was Mister Hancock, the Human History teacher. "So, as I was just saying, what was the capitol of the Assyrian Empire?"

"...Assyria City?"

"Hardly. Do try to pay attention Miss Belle..."



At long last lunch time came, and Sweetie bounded through the halls towards the front doors, eager to reunite with her friends. She hadn't seen any of them since arriving that morning, though she had seen Dinky for one period and the new Goblin student in another. As she raced along, a voice called out her name.

"Mike!" Sweetie smiled as she turned and saw the boy coming up behind her.

"Heya." Micheal motioned to two other humans at his side. "This is Paul and Amanda Wallace. They got bought here along with my folks. You think the girls would mind if they joined us?"

"Oh no, I'm sure it'll be fine. Let's go, lunch doesn't last nearly long enough!"

Two minutes bought them to the bench, where Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were already waiting, with guests of their own, Dinky and- "Flixbix?" Sweetie asked.

"Oh good you've met then." Scootaloo said.

"Yes! Flixbix meet unicorn in art-makings class."

Apple Bloom produced a blanket from her saddlebags and spread it out on the ground. Introductions were made, lunches were eaten, and an invitation was made to join the Crusaders. "O' course y'all humans an' goblins don't get Cutie Marks, but that's no reason t' leave new friends out."

"I'm game, I suppose." Micheal said. "But I'm wondering just what the deal is with these mark things?"

"Me too. How do you choose them?" Paul asked.

Four fillies mouths hung open. It was Sweetie who finally said "We don't choose them... Cutie Marks are a part of how magic works."

Dinky said "When a pony first finds something that they're both really, really good at, and really like doing, their Cutie Mark appears."

"Wow!" Amanda exclaimed. "I wish we could get them!"

"Tattoos." Paul ribbed his little sister.

"Oh that's not the same!"

"I guess not. But, you three spend your free time doing all sorts of things in the hopes that you'll find yours? What all have you done?"

"Oh you shouldn't have asked that..." Dinky whispered.

She was right. The rest of the lunch period was taken by accounts of failed crusades...


The first thing Thomas and Angela noticed when they got home that afternoon was Micheal's backpack on the kitchen table. The second was the sound of voices coming from somewhere else in the house. Following the sound they soon found their son seated on the floor in front of a coffee table, with two human children they recognized and a quartet of ponies they didn't. Cards littered the top of the table.

“Make some friends?” Thomas asked.

“Oh hey!” Micheal said. “Yeah, I think maybe I'm not gonna mind being here.” He passed introductions back and forth, then added “Met a goblin too, but he couldn't join us. Something about his grandmother worrying if he wasn't home on time.”

“Well they do live out in the forest.” Sweetie Belle said. “Trust me, you guys do not want to meet the native stuff that lives out there.”

“You know that's weird.” Paul said. “We didn't see anything on our walk into town.”

“We came in during the big battle. Sheriff Tucker thinks that the sounds of the fighting scared everything away.” Thomas said. "Something about them being extra sensitive to sound."

“They don't even have eyes. They echo-something or other. In any case Sweetie's right, that was a lucky break for y'all.” Apple Bloom said. “That wall ain't just for show.” She looked at the cards in her hoof, grinned, and said "Gin!" as she threw them down...


Twilight Research Time: Day Five

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Paul called up to the fillies who were balanced atop a tall pole. The kids had gathered in Sweet Apple Acres, near the edge of the forest. The pole they were using was all that remained of a long-gone barn.

"Of course!" Sweetie called back. "I saw a picture of a pole-sitter and thought it would make a cool Cutie Mark!"

"And besides," Scootaloo added, "You already vetoed my idea for rooftop parkour!"

"That's because you're the only one here with wings!" Micheal yelled up. "Thanks for stopping that by the way." He added to Paul.

Apple Bloom said "If this don't work, we got a lot of other ideas from that book Sweetie found! Goldfish swallowing, phone booth stuffing... What is a phone booth anyway?"

"And why was swallowing Goldfish crackers such a challenge?" Dinky asked.

"Um, the goldfish weren't crackers Dinky."


"Maybe try Flixbix plan? Get pony marks in gobbie-bomb-making?"

"Oh hell no." Micheal and Paul said together.

"Can we focus please?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes! Yes! Ponies balance on pole! Balance and... Um, how long this take anyway?"

"According to the book the world record was three months seventeen days."


"Sweetie! We can't stay up here that long!"

"We'd miss Nightmare Night!"

"I'd have to... go... before then."

"Okay okay! But who said we had to break the record to get Cutie Marks?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I bet a couple of hours will be enough!"

Scootaloo said "Okay. Two hours."

Maybe they would have made it the two hours. Maybe they wouldn't have. In any case, less than ten minutes passed before a rustling sound arose from the nearby forest, a rustling that was getting louder and closer.

"Monster!" Dinky shouted.

The kids scrambled, fillies clambering down from the pole, everyone running towards the barn, yelling for help.

"What 'n tarnation's goin' on out here!?" Granny Smith yelled as she poked her head out the door.

"A monster! Coming out of the forest!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

In moments they were joined by Macintosh, Bethany, and Applejack. "What's it look like?" The stallion asked.

"Well we didn't actually see it, we just heard it coming through the underbrush." Paul explained. "Sounded like it was coming right for us though."

"Okay, show us where then stay back."

Returning to the pole, there didn't seem to be anything amiss. There were no footprints in the ground, no monster to be seen, no rustling from the forest. "Well kids, where's the monster?" Applejack asked.

"It was right in there!" Scootaloo pointed towards a specific part of the tree line.

"Well whatever it was seems t' be gone now. Y'all still did the right thing getting away, but what was y' doing this close to the border anyway?" Macintosh asked.

"Just Crusading. We wouldn't have gone into the forest, we learned that lesson."

"Good. But maybe in the future-" Macintosh was cut off as the rustling sound resumed.

"It's there!" Dinky squealed.

"Get back! Get to cover!" Bethany hissed.

While the adults stood firm, ready to combat whatever broke out of the trees, the kids hid under a nearby table of harvested apples. The rustling grew louder, louder, and then the source broke into sight...

"Silver Spoon!?" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"We were right, it was a monster." Scootaloo snarked.

And it was indeed Silver Spoon. Her coat was filthy and matted, her mane and tail were tangled, and her glasses were broken and barely staying on. But it was her. "Help me!" She gasped out, and then fell over unconscious...


Silver Spoon came to in a soft comfortable bed. She opened her eyes to see Apple Bloom's brother and sister standing over her, along with a human girl she didn't recognize. "She was only out fifteen minutes." the human said. "I think it was just stress from the trip here."

"Eeyup." Macintosh agreed. "What 'n tarnation was y' doin' out in the forest alone? Did something happen at the old town hall? Are they in trouble there?"

Silver shook her head. "No. No, everypony there is okay, or as okay as you can get when you're following Blueblood..."

"Then, why...?"

"I can't stand it there anymore!" Silver wailed. "It's awful! The prince is awful! I..."
She looked Macintosh straight in his eyes. "Don't make me go back! Please! I... Please! Sanctuary!"

Macintosh and Bethany looked each other in the eyes.

"Hoo-boy..." said the stallion.

"Eeyup." the girl agreed...

Author's Note:

The real reason Goblins never take the masks off around other species is because we smell bad to them. Flixbix was just being polite by not saying it with the answer he gave.