• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 15,248 Views, 1,431 Comments

Unity - Kieva Lynn

Ponyville, Equestria. Fallow Meadows, Indiana. Two towns torn from thier worlds and deposited together on a third. Can Human and Pony work together? They'd better hope so, because they're not alone...

  • ...

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Six

Bert Gumbal peered out from behind the cover of the forest underbrush, down into the Mor-tax camp. With him were his dog Shadow, Sheriff Tucker, Virgil, Sword Breaker, and Lyra. The pit was silent, and here and there the decaying bodies of dead aliens could be seen. Also visible were bodies of a number of the creatures they had used for food, also all dead. An abundance of red-leaved plants from the Mor-tax planet were growing all around the perimeter of the pit, and while these were still alive they looked wilted and unhealthy.

"Should we proceed?" Sword Breaker asked.

"It's been a month since G'drik died. I doubt there are any survivors by now." Bert said. "Still, let's be cautious. I'd hate to die to a last survivor."

"Or to a local predator lured in by the carrion." Tucker agreed.

Weapons at the ready, attention focused for any sign of danger, the survey team crept out of hiding and down into the pit. They were looking for any materials or technology that might be of use for the town, or in the construction of an airship for the expedition planned for spring. It was now nearly a month since the big reveal of the Magicite batteries, and with the new power source for the town half-completed and the harvests nearly finished, time and manpower were at last available for other projects, such as this one.

As they reached the bottom of the sloping edge of the pit, Lyra looked around and softly said "Something's missing."

"What? What do you mean?" Virgil asked.

"When we left before, back when they were setting up weapons along the outer edges of the pit," Lyra said, "I counted twenty of the heat rays. I only count twelve of them now."

"Maybe they took them back to use on something else." Bert suggested.

Nodding, Sword Breaker said "Yeah. I bet we'll find them in one of the bunkers, attached to some half-finished new tripods or something."

"Maybe..." Lyra said. She had a funny feeling the actual answer was one they wouldn't like.

"Well, let's do what we came here for." The Sheriff said. Breaking into two teams, they began to explore. Bert, Lyra, and Shadow took the western half of the pit, Tucker, Virgil, and Sword Breaker the east. Each group carried a radio in case of trouble.

For a little more than two hours, Bert and Lyra looked through empty buildings, stepping widely around the bodies that littered the area, once quietly tip toeing the long way around to avoid a local creature feasting on a Mor-tax. They found materials a plenty; large sheets of metal alloys, rolls of wire, even a rack filled with what Bert suspected were some type of bombs, though there were no controls in evidence.

As they were preparing to examine the high antennae at the center of the pit, the radio crackled. "Bert, Lyra, you there?"

"We're here Sheriff." Lyra answered, holding the device in a magic aura. "Is everything okay?"

"We're fine, but the rest of it depends on how you mean okay... I don't suppose you found any of those missing heat-rays?"

"No, not a one." Lyra replied. "Did you find any of them?"

"Negative." Tucker answered back.

Bert said "Then, it sounds like someone else beat us to the scavenging."

"Exactly." The sheriff said. "And I'm pretty sure we know who. We're just outside the largest bunker on our side. Get over here, you need to see this..."


Ten minutes later, Bert and Lyra were standing with the others, looking down onto a badly decomposed alien body. "What are we looking at?" Lyra asked. "What's so special about this one?"

Virgil said "It's hard to see without a trained eye for it, given how badly the body is decayed. But look right here..." He used the barrel of his rifle to point out a particular spot on the body. "That's a bullet wound. From a human-manufactured assault rifle."

"There are also other Mor-tax inside the bunker with the same wounds." Sword Breaker said.

"So... what does this mean?" Lyra asked. "Are we saying other humans killed them?"

Bert said "What we're saying, I think, is that Carl Harner and his people have been here. They killed the few aliens that were still able to put up a fight when they came, then looted the place for weapons."

"So the extremist-nutballs have death rays now." Virgil shook his head. "Wonderful."

"How long have they had them though?" Lyra wondered. "This guy looks like he's been dead quite awhile."

Tucker nodded. "Good question. It seems like this must have happened at least a couple of weeks ago. So why haven't they made a move?"

"Maybe they can't figure out how to work them?" Sword Breaker said.

"Or maybe they're just using them for defense." Lyra suggested.

"That could be..." Tucker agreed. "After all, they are kind of big to haul around without mechanized support. Hell, I'm wondering how they even got them from here to their settlement."

Further discussion on the question was curtailed when a voice from above called out "Hello!" Looking up, the group saw a gryphon descending towards them. "Sorry to cut your mission short," Gerolt said as he landed, "But Twilight asked me to come and warn you; It's probably a good idea to get back to town as quickly as possible."

"Why? What's happened?" the sheriff demanded.

"Long story short, there's a blizzard descending fast from the mountain peaks, and I guess the pegasus weather control has reached it's breaking point. The storm's heading right for us all."

"Damn." Bert swore.

"We knew it was a risk. At least the harvests were over ninety-five percent finished." Tucker said. He turned to Gerolt, thanking him for the warning, then as the Gryphon took to the sky and flew back towards Shetland Crossing he said "Let's get moving."

What about the Mor-tax weapons?" Lyra asked.

"It'll just have to keep..."


Back in Unity, the streets were a mad scramble of humans and ponies rushing to gather supplies and make ready before the blizzard arrived. Already the high storm clouds were filling the northern horizon from east to west, darkening the formerly bright blue sky. There were as yet no winds, but everyone knew this was the calm before the storm.

Worse, as was unbeknownst to Sheriff Tucker and his team, Cloud Kicker's concerns had not been empty; The meeting of cold winter air with the magically warmed air around Unity and it's farm lands was poised to make a bad situation even worse. Far more than a mere blizzard, this would be the storm to end all storms.

As the calm began to give way to cold winds, as the storm clouds mounted ever closer, Rainbow Dash flew through the town, searching for Twilight. She found her at the base of the half-completed magicite battery, a scarf around her neck, seemingly oblivious to what was coming. "Twilight! Come on!" Dash shouted. "We've gotta get indoors!"

"I can't leave now!" Twilight insisted.

"Yo, egghead!" Dash grabbed her friend and turned her around to face the storm. "See that? You'll freeze to death if you stay out here!"

"And if I don't finish this and get power to the town people will freeze in their homes!"

"Nah, everyone's sheltering in places that already have power. Now are you gonna come on your own or do I have to carry you?"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me." Rainbow hovered in front of Twilight, forelegs crossed.

As the first flakes of snow began to fall, both ponies were distracted by a voice calling out for help. Following the sound, they quickly found a human woman collapsed on the ground. Rainbow rolled her over, and jumped back in shock: The woman's features were marred by countless sores, lesions, and growths. "W... What's happened to her!? Is it some kind of disease?"

"I don't know." Twilight answered. "But we've got to get her to the doctors." The unicorn carefully lifted the mystery woman in her magic and galloped away, Rainbow following close behind, as the snow fell harder...


In spite of the lack of power, the Apple family had chosen to ride out the storm at home. They had plenty of food stored up, after all, and a whole winter's worth of firewood chopped and ready. "And besides," Granny Smith had said, "Not like we get t' spend much time together anymore anyways."

And so out had come the sweaters, the hot cocoa, and the board games. Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Granny settled in and it was only then, with the sudden rush of preparing for the storm over, that the youngest Apple realized "Hey! Where's Mac?"

"They wanted the counsel t' stay at town hall." Applejack said. "Mac's stuck there for the duration."

"Aw, boo."

"Yep, I know. We all miss him." Applejack ruffled her little sister's mane. "But he's got a job 't do, least ways 'til they decide t' start having elections or something."

Apple Bloom sighed. "I wonder if he misses us?"

Applejack was about to say that she was sure he did, when Granny Smith spoke first. "Oh, I'm sure he's happy with his marefriend there!"

"Granny!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Marefriend?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Well, yeah... Bloom, I think Mac and miss Beth are gettin' a lot closer than you've noticed."

Apple Bloom's eyes went wide. "You mean they're having-" She was cut off by a hoof pressed to her mouth.

"Maybe not that far yet..." Applejack said with a blush showing through her coat. "Wait a minute, how d' you even know about that at your age?"

"Health class at school."

"Huh... Sounds like I've got me some teachers t' buck in the face..."


Meanwhile, across town, the couple in question were staring out an upstairs window of the town hall as the snow began to fall. "Gonna be a bad one." Mac said.

"Yeah. I hope someone's got a plan for plowing out the main roads."

"I guess they've saved some fuel for your snowplow trucks." Mac replied. "Though all they're gonna try to clear is the town center. I hope everyone got someplace safe and warm... Reckon it'll be a week or more before some folks can get back out."

"I know. at least we've got fliers, once the storm is past."

"Yep. Tell you what though, I hope Miss Twilight gets that battery finished before the next storm. I'd feel a lot better if I knew everyone had heat." Mac turned to look when he heard a door opening.

"Heat could be a worry." John Tucker said as he entered. "As in heat-rays." He explained what had been found at the Mor-tax encampment.

"Those weapons, in the control of people that we can't just wait out until they get sick..." Bethany mused.

"Exactly." Tucker agreed. "I'd say we're safe 'til this weather is passed. But we'd probably better get some contingency plans ready."

"Let's get everyone together first thing in the morning." Mac said. "We'll see about scouting them out to see what they've got, then proceed from there."

Bert, who had came in with the Sheriff, said "Like getting a couple of those weapons here for ourselves. We could mount them on the wall, it'd make a great discouragement."

"And now, well, right after the storm, might be the best time to move them, y'know, but together some skiffs, pull them over the smooth snow." Bethany suggested.

"Good. I'll see what I can cobble together." Bert nodded, excusing himself.

"I'd better go too." Tucker said. "I wanna get back to the station before this gets any worse."

Alone again in Macintosh's office, the couple snuggled in close together. "I'm sorry you had to stay here instead of with your family." Bethany said, "But if you had to, I'm glad I'm here too."

"Eeyup. Not much t' do though, so long as nothing comes up."

Bethany grinned. "I can think of a few things to do..."


Twilight Sparkle looked back and forth between the doctors and the written report they had handed her on the mystery patient. Read and reread the diagnosis. She and Rainbow had been waiting outside the woman's room, also quarantined until they knew what was wrong, for several hours. And while the results were good news in one way, they weren't infected with anything, it was bad news in most other ways:

"Radiation sickness!?" Twilight exclaimed.

"She's not radioactive herself, but yes." Doctor Whooves replied. "This woman has been exposed to something extremely radioactive, and she's showing all the symptoms of severe radiation sickness. We're treating her with healing magic and she should fully recover in time, save for the long-term risk of cancers."

The human doctor, Arthur Mc.Tavish, added "Obviously, we need to know what she was exposed to, where, when, and why. But the magic is keeping her in a healing coma for now. Probably for the best, all things considered; the pain she would be in is unthinkable. But it means we'll have to wait until her treatments are finished before we can learn any more."

"Have you figured out who she is?" Rainbow asked.

Mc.Tavish shook his head. "She's in too bad a shape to recognize even if she is from here in town. And we didn't find any identification. But, I would assume she must be from Fallow Meadows."

"Maybe, maybe not." Twilight mused. "For all we know whatever bought us here has been busy again."

"Possible. In any case, the good news is that there's no reason to keep anyone in quarantine. You're both free to go... Assuming you're able to go anywhere in this weather."

Twilight looked out a window, to where the snow was already at least six inches deep. "I think we can make it back to the library." She said.

"Yeah, that's where most of our friends are waiting." Rainbow added. "I bet they're worried sick by now."

"Can't have that." Doctor Whooves smiled. "Go. Shoo. I'll send a runner if anything changes..."


"Should we go looking for them?" Silver Spoon asked Fluttershy. They were among those who had taken shelter at Golden Oaks, and were beginning to worry about their missing friends.

"Not quite yet." Fluuttershy smiled warmly. "They both know how to take care of themselves after all."

"You know it!" Scootaloo cheered. "Nothing can stop Rainbow Dash!"

Fluttershy chuckled. "You're probably right."

"I hope so." Sweetie Belle said, standing up on her hind legs to peer out the window, "It's really coming down out there! It looks like Hearth's Warming season."

"Hey yeah! That's a good point Sweetie!" Scootaloo said. "We've had Nightmare Night, and it's winter... When are we gonna have Hearth's Warming?"

"I don't know." Fluttershy admitted. "Rarity, Spike, have you heard anything?"

"Not as such." Rarity answered.

Spike said "I think the humans have a holiday that's celebrated in kinda-sorta the same way. Maybe they're trying to schedule them together, or apart, on purpose."

With a sudden blast of cold air and snow the front door opened, admitting Twilight and Rainbow. "What's that saying?" Rainbow shuddered, teeth chattering, "Brass monkeys?"

"Yeah. No kidding." Twilight answered.

"Actually, I think the saying is 'Where have you two been!?'" Rarity exclaimed.

"Sorry. We had a delay." Twilight shook herself, throwing snow everywhere. "I'll tell you about it once we're warm."

"If we ever are again. Seriously, it's horrible out there." Rainbow said.

"I'll get you both some warm tea." Fluttershy said.

"And I'll get the mop." Spike groused, staring at the mess of melting snow on the floor.

"Oops. Sorry Spike." Twilight grinned sheepishly.


The howling blizzard didn't relent for four days. By the time it was over, more than forty inches of snow had fallen, making drifts that reached twenty feet in places. Workers, bundled in heavy winter gear, set to the business of clearing snow. The highest priority was of course the roofs; no one wanted any buildings collapsing. Consequently, it was another two days before most people could get out of the places they had sheltered in.

It was also on that day Twilight Sparkle responded to a letter from Doctor Whooves, calling her back to the clinic. She was met by a number of others the doctor had summoned; John Tucker, Bert, the Bakker brothers, Macintosh and the rest of the council, and her fellow element bearers.

Most of them had no idea of what Twilight and Rainbow had found, and in turn Twilight didn't know about the disturbing discovery at the Mor-tax camp. Information was exchanged, and the doctor informed them that the patient was surprisingly already awake, and asking to speak with whoever was in charge. He led them to her room.

As they quietly entered the room, the woman turned to face everyone. She was still unrecognizable, but the sores were closing up, and growths shrinking. Looking across the crowd, eyes eventually focusing on Twilight, she said "I thought you'd kill us all. And now instead it looks like you'll be my salvation."

"Marianne!?" Nigel exclaimed.

"Yes, it's me. I know, I've looked better."

"So, you are from Fallow Meadows then?" Twilight asked.

"I left town with Carl Harner and his people." Marianne said. "I thought it was best. Now... Now, I don't know."

"Let's focus can we?" Sheriff Tucker said. "What happened?"

"We got too curious for our own good... Last month, Carl came back to town very excited. He told us about what you had discovered; the circular pattern to how kidnapped towns get dropped here. He said that if we could get to the center of the circle, we could find what was responsible..."

"We think the same thing."

Marianne nodded. "Yes, but Carl is more militant about it than I expect you are. He wants to force the issue. Go there, find who or what did it, and force it to send us all home through violence or the threat of it. Of course, it's not likely that anything powerful enough to do this to us would be threatened by a few rifles and shotguns..."

"Son of a bitch!" Bert exclaimed. "That's why you took the heat-rays isn't it?"

"You figured that out eh? Yes, we took them. Took a rebuilt tripod machine too, Carl figured he could drive the thing to the center. I'm not sure how well that'll work though, he had the devil's own time trying to learn the controls..." With a sigh, Marianne slowly laid back on her bed, pulled up the covers. "Forgive me, I'm better but not well... Very tired..."

"That's okay." Macintosh said. "But, about the radiation...?"

"Right... Like I said, we got too curious... Wanted to see what was powering the heat rays, so we opened one of them up."

Twilight face hooved. "They're nuclear, aren't they?" she asked.

"That or something like it..." Marianne said. "The core was built around a lump of some kind of metal. All I know is, we all got sick, really fast. Please, I don't know if there's still time or not, but can you help the others like you've helped me?"


Gathered outside Marianne's room after she had fallen asleep, the group discussed how best to proceed. "We can't just leave them to die." Fluttershy whispered. "We've got to help them out somehow."

"I agree." Tucker said. "But can we risk it? What if the whole site is irradiated? I don't want our own people getting exposed even if we can cure them."

"The high school physics lab has a gieger counter." Reginald said.

Twilight nodded. "That's good. We could take it along, be able to safely avoid any dangerous places."

"Aw, who needs that? Isn't there some kind of unicorn radiation-shield spell?" Rainbow asked.

"Not as such, no." Twilight replied.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Bert said. "How is anyone but some pegasai even getting there through all this snow?"

"Flutters and I could tow a cart through the air." Rainbow said. "I figure we could carry maybe three of you that way."

"Yes, I'd be willing to do that." Fluttershy agreed.

"We'd have to ferry in doctors." Nigel said. "Probably unicorn doctors for casting the healing spells, take care of the sick on site, if there's a safe place to do so, or otherwise ferry the sick back here a couple at a time."

"I'll help either way." Doctor Whooves said.

"Good." Bert said, "But what about the other risk? What if they start shooting?"

"I doubt any of them are healthy enough right now to do much of anything." The doctor replied. "Assuming anyone there is still alive at all."

"The sooner we do this, the better the odds." Reginald said.

"Right. So let's get moving..."