• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,263 Views, 869 Comments

From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

  • ...

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Chapter 4: No Better Freind, No Worse Enemy

"Smells like victory..or is that burning flesh?'..

Jackson raises his M1014 and turns on his flashlight to the direction of the roar "What the-Oh my God..."

Marcus shouts at Jackson "Dude, what is it?!"

Jackson responded "It's..a fucking...Manticore, Marcus.."

Marcus raises his R-5 to where Jackson is aiming and turns his flashlight on as well "Oh shit.."

Thompson placed Fluttershy down and pulled his Panzerfaust from his back and whispered to Marcus with an idea


Marcus slowly backed away and got closer to Thompson to hear him, not taking his eyes off the creature and whispered back "What? You got a plan?.."

Thompson spoke back "Yeah..take my Panzerfaust, while me, Jackson, Kayla, Fluttershy, and Dash make a run for it. The camp is just up ahead. When we run, blow that thing to hell." He whispered

Marcus nodded "Ok, when I say 'now!', you haul ass. Ok?"

Thompson also nodded, handed him his Panzerfaust, and headed to tell Jackson and Kayla. The Manticore slowly circled around them, ready to pounce. Marcus slowly aimed the Panzerfaust and saw Fluttershy and Rainbow confused.

Marcus turned to Thompson and shouted "NOW!"

Thompson ran over to pick up Fluttershy, who gave out an 'eep' in suprise. Jackson went and tried to pick Dash from the air, but she quickly dodged, wanting to see what would happen and not wanting to leave him with the Manticore.

Jackson yelled at her "C'MON! WE GOTTA GO! HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING!"

Dash yelled back "I KNOW, BUT I CAN MOVE JUST FINE!" She proceeded to fly towards Kayla and Thompson hesitantly.

Jackson turned to Marcus, who was trying to dodge the Manticores' attacks. He turned around and followed the rest to the camp.

Marcus was doing the best he could to dodge the oncoming attacks, but his dodges got a bit too predictable and the Manticore hit him right in the left shoulder, leaving a huge, deep gash

"GAAH!" He shouted in pain. He ran back a few feet, kneeled and and aimed the Panzerfaust at the Manticore, who was rushing manically at him, roaring.

"Muerete por sus pecados!" He shouted as he pulled the trigger, the rocket flew towards the Manticore, who looked at it in shock and stopped in its tracks. Its eyes grew wide as it got closer.


Rainbow Dash's P.O.V.

Rainbow started to fly off as she was told, but her curiosity got the best of her as she turned around to look at what Marcus was planning and why Thompson handed him the big, bulky tube with a hole on its left side.

She saw him speedily avoid the Manticore's attacks swiftly, but also noticed that he was getting a bit too predictable. She was about to yell something at him until he was hit with one of the Manticore's paws, causing him to yell in pain.

"Oh buck..to hay to what the plan was, I'm gonna help him whether they like it or not!" She then speedily flew towards the Manticore but stopped after she heard something from Marcus, and she could tell he wasn't too happy.

"Muerete por sus pecados!" He yelled.

Rainbow pondered for a second at what he just said, but was brought back to reality as she heard and saw a huge fireball soaring towards the creature. The world around her seemed to slow down as the fireball got closer and closer to the Manticore. She looked in awe until the fireball connected with the Manticore, exploding and showering bits of flesh and blood from the creature all around.


Marcus's P.O.V

After the rocket impacted with the creature, Marcus smiled and put the Panzerfaust behind his back, and began to look at his wound, until he saw Rainbow Dash in the corner of his eye, her eyes widen in shock and fear and her jaw was open to an unbelievable point, and she was covered in the Manticore's blood.

"Oh Jesus... she's probably traumatized.." Marcus began running towards her, still hovering with her shocked expression.

Marcus looked up at her, relieved that she wasn't hurt, physically at least "Rainbow?..Rainbow! You ok?.."

Rainbow just hovered there, until she closed her eyes, turned around and vomited, and fell towards the ground.

Marcus caught her before she fell in her own vomit. He looked around for the nearest source of water so she could clean herself.

He looked down at Rainbow "Poor thing couldn't handle that much gore..then she'll just LOVE us.." He then spotted a small pond and jogged towards it. He put her down and shook her to wake her up.

"Hey, Rainbow. Wake up, it's over." Marcus kept shaking her to wake her. After about 15 seconds, he scooped up some water from the pond and splashed it on her face.

"PHBFFFT" She sputtered "Wha-" *cough* "-the HAY." *hack*.

Marcus chuckled and spoke "Why didn't you go with Jackson and the rest? You fainted for Christ's sake!"

Rainbow coughed and spat out the rest of the water "Because I don't leave my friends behind...and you got hurt bad, so I wanted to help you.." She said guilty.

Marcus chuckled again "Look, that's sweet of you to do and I appreciate it. Really, I do. But I'm a Marine, I can take care of myself and so can the rest of my squad. We're not just some weird, helpless alien apes. You saw how I took out those wolves. Besides, the would I have is just a flesh wound. I've had worse.."

Rainbow pondered "Worse?... She shook her head and spoke "I never said you and your friends are weak. But I do have a question.."

Marcus looked at her "Lay it on me."

She asked "What's a Marine?.."

Marcus' eyes widened for a moment "Damn, someone actually doesn't know what a Marine is. Then again, this is a different world.." He then answered simply

"Lets just say you'd rather have me as a friend than as an enemy. We have a motto that says "No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy". Which means "With a Marine as your friend, you'll have a person who will kill and die to protect you. With a Marine as an enemy however, you'll have a person who will kill you at all costs."

Rainbow was awed by the quote "Wow..that's..wait. Are me and Fluttershy your guys' friends? Or.." She was cut off by another chuckle from Marcus.

He looked at her and smiled. "Don't even worry about it. We consider you as friends. Besides you tried to help me, and that's good enough to be considered a friend in my books."

Rainbow smiled, then walked toward the pond.

Marcus stood up and looked around "We should get going. They're probably looking for us right now, or just bawling there eyes out.." He proceeded to walk back towards where the Manticore once was, only to be met with a worried, yet pissed off Jackson.

Jackson spoke "Dude, where the hell were you guys? That one yellow hor- pony, whatever the hell, wouldn't stop crying! And I told that pride-parade pony to follow us, but when I turned around, she wasn't there!"

Marcus replied "Calm DOWN! We're fine. Rainbow just got too close to the Manticore and she's cleaning herself near a pond. Just go back and we'll explain the rest when we get there. Tell 'em we're okay and that we're on our way. Go"

Jackson though for a second, then nodded and ran back to the camp.

Marcus then looked at the Manticore's corpse, which looked severely deformed and looked nothing like it did before.

He sniffed the air "Smells like I just opened a can of whoop-ass. Like old times.."

Author's Note:

Before anyone says anything...

Overkill? What's that?

Oh and when Marcus said "Muerete por sus pecados!", it's Spanish for "Die for your sins."

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