• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,263 Views, 869 Comments

From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

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Chapter 52: Weaponry and Spontanity: Part 2

Author's Note:

And here is the next installment!

Some things might be coming closer than you think..:pinkiecrazy:

Hope you all enjoy!

For now..

While the others stayed inside the hospital room to catch up with Dempsey and Kevin, Marcus and the others went back downstairs to find Swordstrike and Nimbus, who were talking with each other.

"How long until we have to go back to Canterlot again?" Swordstrike asked, looking back at the clock on the wall behind them.

"Uh... About an hour and fifteen minutes. I'm sure that's enough time for them to do the demonstration they promised us." Nimbius reassured.

"But did you see the amount of materials and equipment they have down there? How does a Unicorn even teleport that much stuff?" He asked, "And why? I mean, if she'd did this shortly before the humans appeared, shouldn't she at least know how to turn on the things?"

Nimbius shook his head. "Nope. Rainbow Dash told me that Twilight just stored the stuff. Well, she wanted to 'quarantine' it until the scientists from the Canterlot laboratories came to check it out and see what they could do."

"I don't see that happening anytime soon.." Swordstrike muttered before looking in front of him, noticing the three Marines and Twilight herself.

"Sorry for the wait, gentlecolts," Marcus said "but the wait is now officially over. We can now finally show you guys the stuff we have in our arsenal."

"Don't worry about it. Besides, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait." Nimbius said with a small smile.

"Oh trust me, it will be." Jackson said as they proceeded to walk out of the hospital and back outside, where the small tents and cots were already being packed up by the outside hospital staff. Marcus was about to walk up to them and offer them their help, but decided against it as they continued on towards Ponyville.

As they did, they noticed that several of the houses and other areas that were formerly burnt and destroyed by the MAAWS rockets were now looking as if they were never harmed in the first place. With several Pegasi and Unicorn's flying and running around, they noticed Randy was walking around in the X-S1 Goliath, using both of the huge mechanical arms to lift up a small wall of bricks from a vending cart, while a mare with a carrot cutie mark stood by with a look of relief on her face.

"Okay, here you go ma'am. Want me to get one of the Unicorn guards to help you out with the repairs?" Randy asked with a robotic tone to his voice.

"Nah, I can get one of them myself. I just need to re-pick these carrots is all.." Carrot Top said with a sigh before looking back up at Randy with a small smile. "You can go and help the others now. Thanks, by the way!" She exclaimed as Randy walked away, who waved back in return.

"No proble- Oh, hey guys!" Randy called out towards the group. "What's the situation at the hospital?"
"It's all good. We were able to patch up everyone. Kevin and Dempsey are both fine and tensions between us and the guard are a bit less due to us helping out." Marcus said before taking a second look at the entire town. "Were you all really able to clean and repair the entire town that quick?.." He asked.

Randy nodded. "Yeah. Turns out that the construction crew in this town are used to this kind of stuff. They said stuff similar to this happens nearly every other day."

"Also, Kayla was able to patch up all of the injured before she left. Cost us a bit of medical materials, but it was definitely worth it. Where are you guys heading to?" Randy asked.

"We need to go and start up the weapons demonstration before these two have to head back to Canterlot. We only got so much time, so we're gonna be heading off now. Think you'll be fine here with these ponies?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You guys should go right now before it gets dark." Randy said as he walked towards a pair of construction workers, while the group ran back towards Twilight's library.

As they stopped in front of Twilight's library, Twilight opened the door as they all rushed in. Marcus, Jackson, and Thompson all ran back downstairs to gather all of the materials that were going to be shown outside.

"So, what're we gonna show them?" Jackson asked as he stood in front of a SAT-COM box.

"Everything we can." Marcus said as he closed a box filled with several ballistic vests. "Or, what we can at least. Don't know how we're gonna transport this stuff, but I'm sure Twilight can take us to a remote location not too far away from here."

He then handed the box to Thompson, who started walking upstairs along with it. "You want me to ask her if she can teleport us somewhere with this stuff?"

Marcus shook his head. "Nah, we don't want to exhaust her of her magic any more than what we already had. Just ask her if she has a wagon or something to help us carry all this to where we need to go."

Thompson nodded as he proceeded upstairs once more. While Marcus and Jackson took off parts of their M-5 Sentry Guns, IMS, and the M224 Mortar, the heard Thompson talking to Twilight upstairs, before hearing the sound of hooves coming downstairs.

Jackson turned, noticing Commander Swordstrike on the steps, peeking his head out and staring at all of the weaponized hardware. "Woah... Is this... Is this all your stuff?"

Jackson nodded, carefully taking off the small Trinity Rockets off a small UAV drone. "Yeah. We won't show you everything, but we'll show you guys most of it."

Swordstrike was astonished. "How were... How were you guys able to carry all of this on your missions?" He asked.

Marcus chuckled. "We're strong, but we're not that strong. We didn't usually carry all of this stuff with us. We were able to find items like this around. Sure, we used most of these materials in the past, but most of it we just found and improvised with it."

"Yeah. Like the Sentry Guns?" Jackson exclaimed. "We usually found those in black boxes all folded up and ready to use. So, we did."

Swordstrike nodded in understanding and impressiveness. "That is.. Very impressive of you all."

Before the conversation could continue, Thompson rushed back downstairs behind Swordstrike. "Guys! Twilight said she has a big enough wagon to carry all of the stuff we need! Let's get a move on and pack what we're gonna get!" He said. The others nodded as they started to pack up their equipment and hardware, taking it upstairs and outside to the wagon.

After a couple of minutes, the wagon was filled with all of the carefully placed equipment that they were going to use. Before they got ready to go, Marcus asked Twilight where they were heading.

"So, do you know a good secluded place where we can test out these weapons for them?"

"Uh.. I think I might. Oh! On the outskirts of the Whitetail Woods. There's actually an area there used for the Royal Guards to test out new spells. It's just a bunch of trees with no teeming wildlife. Well, ever since Fluttershy herself cleared the area of animals." Twilight said.

"Yes. I remember when Shining nearly burnt down the entire woods from a new fire spell we developed." Swordstrike said with a mused expression on his face.

Twilight gasped. "What? Really?!"

Swordstrike chuckled and shook his head. "No, I'm kidding. Well, it did happen, but it wasn't Shining."

"Oh. Good." Twilight said with relief. "I.. guess."

"So how're we gonna get there before sundown?" Jackson asked.

"Teleportation, of course!"

Jackson gagged slightly, while Marcus raised an eyebrow in question. "Are you sure, Twilight? I mean, don't you think this'll tire you out even more than what happened back in the Canterlot Gardens?"

Twilight smiled and shook her head. "There's a difference. Certain types of spells, such as trans-dimensional, tend to really take the wind out of somepony, while something as simple as a teleportation spell, doesn't really do much. Sure, teleporting all of us and the equipment will be a bit tiring, it won't be as much as the trans-dimensional spell."

Marcus nodded. "Alright. I get it now." The group then got together near the wagon. "Whenever you're ready, Twi."

She nodded and took her place in front of the group and the wagon, before closing her eyes and focusing on the teleportation spell. They were all then engulfed in a purple blinding light that made them close their eyes, before suddenly feeling a bit lightheaded, along with a little 'pop' in their ears.

When they all opened their eyes, they noticed the change in location, being in a flat, grassland only a couple hundred feet away from a somewhat eerily quiet forest.

"Nice job, Twilight." Jackson said before he and Marcus turned to the wagon to pull out the first piece of weaponry to put on show.

"So, what will you be showing us first?" Nimbius asked.

"We'll start off with something simple." Jackson replied, holding an odd black ball with holes in his hands. He then placed it gently on the ground and pulled out a black rectangular PDA, before pressing the button on the screen and turning on the black ball, a small white-blue light blinking every so often inside.

"Woah... What is this thing?" Nimbius asked, flying right in front of it as a very faint orange pulse emitted from the black ball.

"This is a Nocturnal Infrared Tracking Electronics drone, or 'NITE Owl' for short. It's a passive tracking drone that detects anything that doesn't move and has four legs." Jackson then showed the three ponies the black PDA. "See the orange-red dots on the screen? They're signifying you all as a threat."

"But we moved though." Twilight said.

"Yeah, but you have four legs. This drone was specifically made to track down Cryptids. When it senses one, the pulses on both the PDA and the drone itself start to emit faster, warning us of a nearby threat."

"That is.. amazing." Swordstrike said in awe. "How much did it cost to build one of these?"

"In bits? I'm guessing over $200,000 each." Jackson said, continuing even though the eyes of the three ponies made it hard to do so. "Human military hardware isn't cheap, let alone state-of-the-art technology."

"What happens if it gets destroyed though?" Nimbius asked.

"If it does, then it'll emit an electromagnetic pulse that will not affect our equipment, but it will disorient whoever destroyed it, before exploding into useless pieces of scrap." Jackson said. "They were going to make the shrapnel explode so it could fly at all directions at supersonic speeds, but since the operators are going to be nearby.."

"Oh..." The three ponies said simultaneously.

"Yeah.. The developers and the testers didn't like it very much." Jackson said, looking up at the sky as if he was in deep though. "Anyways! Let's show you guys the next piece of equipment in our arsenal."

Shutting off the NITE Owl and gently putting it on the ground, he, Thompson, and Marcus then all pulled out four black boxes, which they then set on the ground.

"Alright, now time to switch to this.." Jackson muttered, scrolling through the PDA to activate the boxes, before pressing the screen, making the four black boxes self-open as it started to unfold itself in a circle, showing a satellite dish on each.

"Now, these are called SAT-COM's, short for 'satellite communication'. What it is basically is a portable, easy-to-carry communications box, which used the satellite dish here to make sure radio waves can reach a long distance." Thompson said.

"We also use them for offensive and defensive purposes." Marcus added.

"Really? How?" Twilight asked.

"See the dish here? Not only does it make it able to transmit radio waves, but with a push of a button, it can transform into a non-lethal heat array dish, a miniature version of the more larger Active Denial System. What it means is that it emits a kind of radiation that heats up the fat and water molecules in a organism's body, making it feel that they're being burned alive, causing whoever is on the receiving end to either retreat or be disoriented."

"It can burn targets up to 136 degrees. Though if whoever is on the receiving end moves out of the way, the burning sensation will immediately cease."

"Wait, how can it burn somepony if.. What?" Twilight asked, completely lost.

"Science." Thompson simply replied.

Before Twilight could retort, Marcus continued with the explanation. " So! Since we have four of them, we can chain them up together and create a huge invisible barrier that nothing can enter."

"Amazing.." Swordstrike said. "Can it do both comms and the area denial at the same time?"

Marcus nodded. "Yep. And unless you want to feel the effects of the heat wave first hoofed, we'll put them back and move on to the bigger stuff."

He nodded as they watched the Marines deactivate the SAT-COM's and place them back in the cart, before they then all got together to lift a square-like object with five circular containers and a radio pole in the middle.

As they placed it at a safe distance, Jackson used the PDA once more to activate the object, which turned on with a beeping noise and the radio pole blinking.

"Now this one is my personal favorite. That thing over there is called the Intelligence Munitions System, or I.M.S for short. The I.M.S is a defensive weapons tech. While most I.M.S' are armed with no more than four canisters, ours has been modified to hold five." Thompson said.

"What does it do exactly?" Swordstrike asked. "How does it live up to its defensive purposes?"

"Good question. The I.M.S has a built in motion sensor that can identify friendly and enemy targets. The ammunition it uses is inside the canisters the!selves, which is a metal rod filled with a specific type of flammable liquid material similar to napalm, but burns nearly as hot as lava. When it identifies an enemy or unknown hostile, one of the canisters will launch up into the air with beeping sounds, before launching the high-velocity rod at the target at hypersonic speeds, exploding and piercing through the target and the ground, causing a small, artificial 'lava pool'."

"Do you think you can show us?" Twilight asked.

"If you got a big enough target, then yeah." Jackson replied.

Twilight nodded as she looked around for formidable sized object to use. Looking at the treeline, she then spotted a good-sized rock, which she brought to her with her telekinesis.

"A rock? Really?" Jackson mused.

"What? You asked for a good size target. This is the only one around here, unless you want to use it against us?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright, alright! You made your point." Marcus said. " Just launch the rock beside the I.M.S and watch."

Twilight did as she was told and used her telekinesis to launch the rock towards the device.

"Here comes Tom!" She shouted with a giggle.

"Who?" Thompson asked.

Before Twilight could respond, the I.M.S emitted quick beeping noises as one of the canisters were automatically launched into the air, spinning for a split second before stopping and launching its high-velocity rod at the rock, seemingly vaporizing it as a huge smoke cloud formed, before quickly dissipating, leaving a deep puddle of burning, bubbly liquid. All in less than five seconds.

This left Twilight and the others stunned.

"And that was just one canister. On my PDA, I have the ability to launch all of them at once. Like a mini-volcano." Thompson said with a smile as he deactivated the I.M.S.

"You humans truly are the masters of war.." Swordstrike said, feeling intensly more intimidated by the humans.

"You don't even know a portion of it." Marcus said as he pulled out a riot shield from the cart and brought it in front of him.

"Okay, now this might not seem too special, but there's more to this than what meets the eye. This might seem like a basic riot shield, but this specific design has several features that makes it very special."

"Oh? Like?.." Nimbius asked.

"For one, it has a lightweight titanium frame, which makes it almost as light as a feather and extrodinarily maneuverable. The second feature is that it has a built in heartbeat sensor, capable of detecting the heartbeats of Cryptids specifically. But the third feature makes this a force to be reckoned with."

"Inside the triple plated ballistic shield are actually a swarm of tiny nanobots made from the latest and best nanotechnology can offer us. When an enemy or a Cryptic touches the shield, the trillions of nanobots will spit out a liquid chemical that will burn anything on contact. One nanobots with it is nothing, but when you got a trillion.."

"Basically, if you touch it, you'll burn to a crisp." Jackson said.

"Yep. So, don't touch it." Marcus added as he set the shield back.

"We'll keep that in mind.." Nimbius said, visibly shuddering a bit. The other two ponies nodded in agreement.

"So what's next?" Thompson asked Jackson.

"This bad boy right here." Jackson said with a huge grin, holding the Death Machine minigun and the ammo pack on his back.

Twilight's ears drooped as she now had a look of fear in her eyes. "Is.. Is that the thing where its barrels spin lik-"

Twilight was then cut off as Jackson pressed the button on the minigun, making the barrels spin at an unimaginable speed, causing a loud whirling sound as his face had a devilish smirk.

"That answer your question?" Jackson asked. Twilight responded by slowly stepping away from him cautiously and a bit frightened. "Alright. Now to tell you all about how this thing truly works. This here is a portable, lightweight XM214 hand-held, belt-fed minigun made by a company back on our world called 'General Dynamics'."

"And boy, do they live up to their name. This minigun was specially designed to be carried by one man. Even though it took decades to make the perfect design, they finally achieved it and made it easy to be held. Made with extremely lightweight and very durable metal, this thing can shoot up to 2,000 rounds per minute, but the ammo count on my huge backpack is very low, at only 450 rounds."

"Nicknamed the 'Death Incinerator, it holds 450 rounds of lightweight incendiary ammo, along with the minigun itself having been made specifically to reduce up to 80% of its recoil, making it almost as handible as an assault rifle."

"Usually, we'd worry about using this thing since we only got so much ammo for it when we got deployed.." Jackson said, before raising the Death Incinerator and aiming it to the treeline beyond them. "But since we're gonna get a huge surplus of ammo from you guys soon.."

Before any one of them could speak, Jackson pressed the trigger and with it, unleashed a volley of unrelenting force. The minigun created a monstrous sound, in which only a demonic roar could even come close in comparison. The volley of bullets hit home, the trees sparking alight while being cut down to size, all while hundreds of shell casing hit the ground, creating an ever-longing mountain of shells followed by clinks and shatters, before Jackson let go of the trigger, expending over half of its ammunition in less than four seconds.

"M-my Goddesses..." Nimbius said quietly. "That s-sounded like something straight out of Tartarus.."

"Maybe we-"

Swordstrike was cut off as her heard a pop-like sound, and an explosion so powerful one could literally feel the heat wave, making him yelp and run forward, turning around in a split-second with fear in his eyes.

"W-shat the buck was that?!" He shouted, looking frantically in all directions.

"Over here!" Marcus said, chuckling. When Swordstrike turned, hr saw that he was holding another equipment in his hands. "What you just heard was the awesome, raw power of an incendiary 40mm explosive round hitting the stump of trees."

Swordstrike turned to the tree line and sure enough, the stumps were either gone, or currently burning.

"Or what's left of them.." Marcus muttered before he continued. "This right here is the MK32 Milkor MGL. This bad boy has 12 40mm incendiary rounds in its cylindric chamber, along with a forward-tritrium blast shield, preventing shrapnel from hitting the user. This thing has been modified to cause more damage, carry more ammo, and is pretty lightweight, at only 9 1/4 pounds."

"You could've given me a warning..." Swordstrike muttered, while the others laughed at his expense.

"Alright, now to show you all a little demonstration on another aircraft we have here. I think you'll like this one especially, Nimbius.." Marcus said. He then turned to Thompson, who was now prepping the small drone along with Jackson, being extremely cautious about the Trinity rockets attached to it.

As they did, Marcus pulled out a set of goggle-like equipment and flipped it on with a switch. When they finished with the small drone, Thompson took the SOFLAM goggles and began explaining.

"Okay.. So! This here is the.. The XB-51 Volitare Ariel Assault Drone. This drone is one of a kind. Literally. Only one was ever made, and this is it. This special drone is made of heavily classified lightweight metal that cannot be found in nature, making it very, very lightweight and capable of being carried in a large pack, but the missiles must be transported, since there was not enough time to turn the heavy outer shell into a more safe and lightweight one."

"This drone can fly at an altitude of 3,000 feet and can old up to two Trinity rockets and two standard acidic rockets. The Trinity rocket is a missile that carries up to seven additional mini-missiles inside the canister. Once deployed, it will travel down towards the ground at a very slow rate. I can use the PDA here to launch the seven mini rockets first at different locations for maximum effectiveness."

"Or, I can use these," Thompson showed them the SOFLAM goggles. "and activate a button here to launch the laser-guided acidic rockets, which, upon impact, release a huge spurt of acid and gas, along with the flammable gasoline packet stored inside the explosive part of the missile. These are meant for long-range devastation and are the most effective weapons to use against huge hoards, Rhinos, and even Ancestors."

Thompson then used the PDA to activate the drone, as he used his fingers to turn it, making it face a flat patch of grassland for a very small take-off. The drone then slowly accelerated, before gaining speed and taking off, speeding towards the maximum altitude it could obtain.

Once it was in position, Thompson put the PDA aside and brought the SOFLAM to his eyes, looking over at a small patch of trees isolated from the main forest. The ponies watched as they heard a small beeping sound, along with a red digital circle above the treeline. They then looked up at the drone, who had now fired a missile.

The missile streaked towards its marked location, leaving a white dust trail behind it. It then impacted with such a force, that the ground shook somewhat intensely, like a miniature earthquake. Instead of there being a black cloud, it was a light-greenish color that erupted, mixed with grey and black as the acid now burned through and around the trees.

"Who needs chainsaws when you got acid rockets.." Jackson said with a chuckle as Thompson brought the drone back down to the ground.

"What's a chainsaw?" Twilight asked.

"I'll show you some other time, but it's something we use to cut down trees and such. More effective than an axe." Marcus said. Twilight just nodded as they kept staring at the still-charring remnants of what were trees, now being burned with gaping holes of acid quickly eating away at the contaminated bark.

"Now for my favorite.." Marcus said as he and Jackson both carried two pieces of a mortar, before placing them on the ground and fixating them for use. Meanwhile, Thompson was disassembling the drone and its rockets.

"S-so.. What's next?" Swordstrike stuttered.

"This." Jackson said, turning the tube part with a metallic clang and standing up with Marcus quickly following.

Marcus then walked over and got a single mortar shell, carefully holding it tightly in his hand. "This huge metal thing here is the M224 Mortar launcher. It weighs about 47 pounds and fires different types of mortar rounds. This one is modified so it can fire multiple mortars from this box." He then tapped the ammo box beside it, which was covered and connected to the mortar.

"It's also digitalized, so we can use out PDA's to launch mortars near our position. Since there's no GPA or satellites here, we can improvise and use our SAT-COM, since they can be used to transmit signals at huge distances."

"What does it fire?" Swordstrike asked.

"It can fire regular shells, or specific ones, such as incendiary or high-explosive. But the ones we were equipped with are very controversial and highly deadly, more so than the acid rocket." Marcus then held up the mortar shell. "These shells are called 'Willy Pete'. What they do is when launched, they explode, creating a white smokescreen and obscuring enemy view, which even the Cryptids can't counter."

"But that's not the worst part; far from it. This contains a highly deadly chemical called 'white phosporus'. When detonated from the sky, thousands of little smoke lines will then rain down. When they come in contact with skin, it will then literally burn through the skin all the way to the bone, or beyond it. The only way to stop it is to deprive the wound and the phosprous itself of oxygen, which would be painful in itself."

Ignoring the disgusted expressions on the pony's faces, Marcus handed Jackson the mortar round, in which he pu into the ammo box connected to it. He then used his PDA to adjust the aim and trajectory.

"You might wanna cover your ears.." Jackson said, looking over his shoulder at the three ponies. They did as they were told.

"Firing mortar!" Jackson shouted as he activated the digital aiming system, covering his ears.

The M224 fired off the mortar shell with an ear-deafening metallic pang, leaving a slight ringing in everyone's ears. As they opened their eyes, they saw the very faint trail the mortar left, before an explosion happened in the sky above, a huge white cloud forming as several streams rained down onto the ground below, the grass now being nothing but burning black shreds and small circular fires here and there.

While Thompson and Jackson set up the sentry guns, Twilight spoke."Who.. Why do people create these?" She muttered.

"Some people just want to watch the world burn.." Marcus replied. "And because sometimes, war is a necessary evil. To fight an even worse evil."

"I.. I just hope that these won't be used. N-near us, at least.."

"I hope for the same, Twi.." Marcus said, sighing. "I hope for the same..."

"Hey guys?" Thompson spoke up, walking away from the four sentry guns. "The sentry guns are onli-"

Thompson was cut off as a loud roar was heard in the treeline, making the ponies gasp and startling the humans into pulling out their weapons. They then quickly got into position. While not having their main weapons on them, they still had their backup weapons. Marcus aimed his M1911 .45 at the treeline, while Jackson crouched beside him and prepped to use his M1014, Thompson immediately going prone and aiming his M9.

"Get behind us." Marcus ordered quietly, yet sternly. The ponies happily obliged, but before they could move, they heard several beeping sounds and suddenly saw four separate, red lasers aimed at the main forest. Marcus quickly turned, his eyes now wide as dinner plates.

"Get down!!" He shouted. Not even a second as everyone hit the floor, the sentry guns unleashed a barrage of .50 cal bullets into the forest. As they stayed down, the ground shook beneath them as they then saw the gigantic figure of a Rhino Cryptid rushing at them, fully intent on murdering them all.

"Open fire! Open fire!" Marcus shouted as he fired off his M1911 at the Rhino's legs. Jackson followed with rapid shots from his M1014 and Thompson retreating to maintain the sentry guns and keep the ponies at a safe distance.

While most of the bullets bounced off of the Rhino's armor plating, several hit home, as one of Jackson's shells hit the middle of the skull, exposing the very soft flesh underneath, which gave way to the monstrous amount of .50 caliber rounds hitting home.

Unlike most Cryptids, especially Rhino's, this one didn't even let out a death shriek as it simply tripped on itself, fracturing bones as its lifeless body rolled on the ground to a stop, its belly exposed as the sentry guns kept firing, tearing its inner organs apart and piercing the shell until the sentry guns ceased fire.

As everyone breathed heavily, Jackson spoke up.

"What... The fuck was that shit?!" Jackson yelled, his arms wide and holding his M1014 in one hand. "Where did this-" He then kicked the corpse of the Rhino, making it bluge out even more internal fluids. "-Piece of shit come from?! The woods? Are you kiddi-"

They then heard more screeches in the distance.

Everybody then looked at Marcus, who had a look of immense worry on his face, which surprised both Jackson and Thompson. "Twilight... Get us the fuck out of here."

Jackson then got in front of his face. "What?! And let these fuckers roam? Are you-"

"We are not fully-equipped to fight a fucking horde, Corporal!" Marcus roared as he walked towards Jackson, making him back off. "Do you want to go in there and fight with just this shit! We are going to be heavily unarmed and outnumbered!"

"Well we've done it before! Why not do it again?!" Jackson retorted.

"And risk these ponies the only chance the have of surviving this?! Which would be us?!" Marcus shouted back.

He then turned to Twilight. "Get us back to Ponyville. We need to regroup and rearm before we come back."

Twilight nodded furiously as she helped the others pack up their things, while Swordstrike and Nimbius just stared at the mutilated Rhino corpse in awe and pure horror that would haunt them for the rest of their days.

Back in Ponyville...

As ponies kept cleaning and fixating the buildings, four ponies wearing shady head gear and bulky saddlebags walked into the local depository inside Town Hall. They walked by the rushing ponies, pushing some out of the way as the entire are was in a rush to get daily work and taxes done, along with balancing how much it would cost for repairs to Ponyville and the Town Hall itself.

One of the ponies then walked up to the clergy, who was quickly shuffling papers around, her mane frizzled and a bit out of color from all the stress going on lately.

Regardless, she still found inner energy to deal with the four waiting customers, and she would do her job nonetheless. With a slight sigh, she turned to the four stallions.

"Hello there, gentlecolts. Sorry for the wait." She apologized with a smile. "How may I help you?"

"I.. Uh, we are here to make a withdrawl.." One of the stallions with a brown coat said.

"Okay then, how much?" She asked, reaching for a pen and paper

"All that you've fuckers got.."

Before she could even look back at them, a knife got lunged into her windpipe and out the back of her throat, while another one of the stallions slammed his hooves onto her head fracturing her skull and sending a fragment into her soft brain tissue, killing her instantly.

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