• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,263 Views, 869 Comments

From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

  • ...

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Chapter 26: More Questions, More Minds-Blown

Everyone just looked at Marcus and his squad in confusion and shock. Mostly because the guards and paramedics didn't expect such a creature to talk. Marcus saw this and chuckled, but then stepped aside to let the injured Royal Guard to be treated by the paramedics, who rushed to him as soon as he stepped away. Twilight and Fluttershy then rushed towards Rainbow and Applejack, hugging them.

"Oh thank Celestia you girls are okay!" Fluttershy said, hugging Rainbow, but then noticed the bandage on her left wing. "Oh my.. what happened?"

"One of those things jumped on me and scratched my wing." She said, stretching her left wing a bit. "I tried to kick it, but that thing was quick. Then, Marcus threw it to the wall and killed it."

Fluttershy's eyes widened at this, but nodded as she looked at Marcus, who was covered in green goo, and was talking to some guards.

"So how DID you kill them so quickly?" One of guards said. Marcus chuckled as the guards circled him and asked him questions, like fangirls meeting their favorite celebrity.

"With this." He then brought out his Honey Badger. The guards looked in awe and confusion at it. They've never seen anything like it, since their level of weapons technology was nowhere near what Marcus had.

"Is it like a crossbow?" One of them asked.

"Kinda. It shoots out these." He then slid out the 30 round magazine, and pulled out a single 300 AAC 7.62x35mm round. The guards leaned in and stared at it. Marcus chuckled as he put the round back into the magazine, and put the magazine back into his weapon.

"I'll explain how it works and everything later. Me and my squad still have some unfinished business." Marcus then stood up and walked towards his squad, who were waiting for him and the girls. He then felt something tug his shoulder as. He turned and saw the injured guard they found at the laboratories.

"T-thanks for saving me.. whoever you are. I didn't catch your name.." He said in a raspy voice.

Marcus patted him on the shoulder. "Don't mention it. It's basically my job in a way. And you can just call me Hunter. For now, I have to go, but I'm sure I'll see you around." He then called for the girls, who followed him as they walked down the hall towards the courtyard.

"Hey, thanks for killing that thing that bounced onto me." Rainbow said as she walked next to Marcus.

"No problem. But let that be your first lesson. When you see eggs like those, never stick around, or else that'll happen again. Ok?" He said, ruffling her mane with his right hand.

Rainbow smiled nodded as they walked out of the castle and onto the courtyard, where they spotted a couple more guards, and another pony with a white coat, and was wearing a tuxedo in a way. When they walked passed him, Marcus heard one of the ponies speak quietly.

"Ugh.. why did they let such disgusting creatures in here? They look like mutant gorillas.. and such ugly uniforms. Don't even get me started on the smile on them. Such disgusting sods.."

Marcus then stopped dead in his tracks as he took in the words he said. The squad and the girls then turned around to see what Marcus was doing. They were all confused except for Jackson, who had a shocked look on his face.

"Oo-oh shit.." He said quietly. The girls looked at him confused, then back to Marcus, who slowly turned around to the white pony.

Marcus chuckled as he slowly walked to the pony, who looked back at him, glaring daggers at Marcus. "What was that? I couldn't hear you?"

The white pony walked up to him, standing tall, still staring at him. "I said: 'Why did they let such disgusting creatures here? You are all a bunch of mutant gorillas with stupid uniforms, and a ridiculous looking sticker on your helmet'. What is that? An eagle? A globe? And anchor? What does that mean?" He said laughing.

He didn't realize that he pushed Marcus over the line until he was lifted from the ground, and thrown onto a pile of wooden crates. Marcus looked down at him, crouched, and took off his shades, chuckling.

"I am someone you really do not want to piss off. Unfortunately, it seems you did just that.." Marcus then stood up and walked towards the pony, lifting him up by his collar, choking him slightly.

He looked him straight in the eyes, which slowly kindled with rage behind them. "Now. I want you to apologize to me and my friends here. Right. Now." He said, getting right up to his face, squeezing his neck harder as he spoke out the last words.

The white pony sputtered as he tried to speak, but the creature held onto his neck like he was being constricted by an anaconda. "I..*ack* am..*sputter* SORRY!"

Marcus grinned as he put his mouth closer to the pony's ear and whispered words that the pony would soon never forget. "If I catch you talking shit about me or my friends, you will know suffering beyond your darkest fears.." With that, Marcus threw him back into the pile of broken crates and turned back to his squad and the girls, who had their jaws hanging. They then closed their jaws as they followed Marcus back to the train.

As they stepped into the train, Twilight shouted at Marcus. "Do you even know who that was?!"

Marcus shook his head. "Nope. Why? Should I care?" He said as he took a seat on a chair. Twilight and Rainbow sat on the other side of the table, with Twilight having a look of shock and anger.

Then, Rainbow spoke up, trying to stifle a laugh. "Dude.. that was Prince Blueblood! He's freaking royalty! And you just whooped his flank in front of a bunch of guards!"

Marcus' eyes widened. "Oh shit.." He thought as Rainbow saw this and lost complete control. Her head hit the table as she laughed non-stop.

"Yeah.. and he's Celestia's distant nephew!" Twilight said, adding salt to the wound. Marcus then chuckled as he regained himself.

"Well, I was never one for being all buddy-buddy with trash talkers. I prefer that instead of talking behind my back, they grow a pair and say it to my face. Besides, aside from Celestia and Luna, I never liked Monarchy. In fact, back in my world, Monarchy was frowned upon, due to several of the rulers mistreating their power, and living an easy, wealthy life, as others suffered through poverty and famine." Marcus said, taking off his helmet and putting it on the table.

"Wait, so what type of governments do you have where you live- er, lived?" Twilight asked, taken aback a bit by what Marcus said. She knew that Celestia and Luna would never mistreat the amount of power, aside from when Luna turned into Nightmare Moon.

"We're gonna go for another round of questions, eh?" Twilight and Rainbow nodded. "Alright then. I'll keep it short and sweet."

"THANK YOU." Rainbow said, sighing in relief. Twilight rolled her eyes as Marcus just grinned and responded to her question.

"Well, let's start off with the basics. My country is called the United States of America, or U.S.A for short. It's basically what the name is. It consists of forty eight contiguous states, and two other states separate from the mainland, called Alaska and Hawaii. Our government is a constitutional Republic and a representative Democracy, and is regulated by a system of checks and balances. And basically, everyone in the country gets to vote to who gets to control the country. Whoever gets the most votes, wins and takes an oath. They don't have full power however, and are limited in power by other departments and shit. Look, I'm sorry, but I'm not politician." Marcus said, raising up his hands. The girls chuckled and told him to go on. "Anyways, the president can only have serve two terms if they get re-elected. Each term is four years. Once they do two terms, they're out."

Twilight was fascinated by what Marcus was saying, and, surprisingly, so was Rainbow, to a certain point. "How many people lived in the U.S?" Twilight asked.

"About three-hundred-eighteen million." He said with a deadpanned expression. Their jaws dropped as Marcus chuckled.

"How big was your guys' military?" Rainbow asked as she raised up her jaw with her hoof.

"Well, our military is made up of an Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps." Marcus said the last branch proudly. "And the president is the commander-in-chief, and appoints its leaders, the Secretary of Defense, and Joint Chiefs of Staff. We have several departments, such as the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of the Navy. We have a Coast Guard, which is run by Homeland Security during peacetime, and the Navy during wartime. In total though, we had about 2.3 million troops."

Rainbow nodded, surprised that she actually understood most of that. Then, Twilight spoke up again. "Do you guys have a military budget?"

Marcus nodded "Yes, we do. What about here? How much is it?"

"I think about 4.5 million bits." Twilight said, with a hoof on her chin.

"Heh, well ours was about $700 billion dollars." Marcus said, rolling his eyes as their jaws dropped again.

"That much?!" They said in unison. Marcus shrugged.

"My world was in war all the time. So yep. That much." He said with his arms crossed. "We had the biggest Navy, Air Force, and the second biggest army."

"Who was the first?" Rainbow asked.

"A country called China." Marcus answered. "I forgot how many, but we weren't far off. Or was it North Korea?"

"What did the flag of your country look like?" Twilight asked.

Marcus got the helmet from the table and turned it, showing the side that had the flag that he strapped onto. The girls gasped in awe as they admired the look and texture of the flag.

"It looks pretty damn awesome.." Rainbow said, with Twilight nodding. Marcus smiled and put the helmet back down on his head.

Rainbow still had a plethora of questions, and so did Twilight. "Oh, and you said something called 'nuclear missiles'. What exactly are those? They sound similar to my Rain-Nuke."

"Rain-Nuke?.." He thought, then went into his backpack and pulled out his IPhone. "Well, do you guys have TNT in this world?" The girls nodded. "Well, imagine and explosion like that, only it creates a mushroom cloud-"

"Like my Rain Nuke!" Rainbow said, huffing her chest, proudly. Then Marcus continued.

"Only powerful enough to wipe out a city five to ten times the size of Canterlot. And when it explodes, it vaporizes anything in a certain radius. The heat that it lets out at the time of detonation, is more hotter than the surface of the sun, and if the explosion wasn't bad enough, it leaves a fallout of radiation filled debris. In other words, it's the ultimate tool of death and destruction."

Rainbow pride was switched with a feeling of doubt. "Wha... no way. There's no. WAY there's en explosion that big to do that much damage."

"I was hoping you'd say that." Marcus then went onto his playlist, and played a video. He turned the phone towards the girls and pressed the screen as they leaned in to watch.

"Tsar Bomba?" Rainbow said, clearly confused.

"What you're about to see, is the most destructive weapon we humans have ever made.." With that, he pressed play.

After the video ended, Marcus looked at their faces. If they weren't shocked before, they were now.

Rainbow's eyes were freakishly big, while Twilight had a look of horror, and had her jaw hanging, both of the girl's left eyes twitching slightly. Marcus chuckled as he played another video.

"And that last part of the video was taken 99 miles away from the detonation site. The mushroom cloud rose up to 34 miles. Luckily, only one was made." Marcus said as he put his phone back into his pocket.

After Twilight recovered from her deep thinking, she spoke up quietly. "I-is this how your government retaliated against those.. things?" She asked hesitantly.

Marcus nodded "Yes. Our country alone has a nuclear weapons aresnal of around 9-12,000 nuclear warheads. We used most of them. And we were there when they launched the first missile.."

November 17, 2017
300 feet below the Pacific Ocean, 250 miles from Ohau, Hawaii
U.S.S Michigan(SSBN-727)

Marcus and his squad departed from Pearl Harbor in the U.S.S Michigan, which was armed with 24 Trident 1 missiles, each carrying 5 nuclear warheads. This was also where Godfather was stationed at this whole time. They were sent there en-route to a rescue mission near Kyoto, Japan, but it was put on hold when Godfather got a call from the president.

"Yes Mr. President.. understood. The operation will start in a couple minutes. Thank you, Mr. President. Goodbye." Godfather hung up the phone and sighed heavily, rubbing his face with his fingers.

"General, what's going on? Why did we stop?" Marcus asked, walking into the control room wearing a black frogman scuba gear.

"I recieved a call from the president. Operation Scorched Earth is a go.." He said as he sighed again.

Marcus was utterly shaken up by this news. "Oh.. fuck.. w-where are the missiles gonna hit?"

"Anywhere in the U.S where new Ark's have sprung up. He gave me the coordinats right here." Godfather then lifted a small notepad with five coordinates. Marcus then looked on as Godfather read the coordinates out loud onto the mic.

"Understood. Launching five Trident 1-C4 W-76. Nuclear Warheads?" A voice over the radio asked.

"Affirmative." Godfather confirmed.

"Copy. Firing on designated cities now."

Marcus watched on the small GPS screen as green dots appeared over the West Coast of the U.S. His mind read the names of the cities that would soon cease to exist.

"San Fransisco..." A little beeping noise sounded everytime a city was locked onto.




"Los Angeles." The green circles flashed three times as the sailor spoke into the mic again.

"Missiles launching!

"So this is how the end begins.. going out with a bang.. and a whimper." Marcus thought deeply and sorrowfully as the submarine launched its nuclear missiles, streaking out of the sea and through the surface beyond the clouds, where they would streak down towards the cities and wipe everything from the plane of existance.

End flashback..

Author's Note:

(I blew their minds away.. get it? Because of the title? With all the nukes?... No?.. Ok..:fluttershbad:)

Damn it, that's it. Sorry for the waits. I promise no more waits longer than two days. Aside from that, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what you thought about it! And I know I said I'd make this a longer chapter, but I have a lot of stuff in my life I have to do, along with me doing a collab. Regardless, this story will be updated so much quicker.

Demspey: LIES!!

Nikolai: You are making all these fucking stories, and you haven't made a SINGLE one about US? You selfish American


Main Four: Yes.

L.P: :facehoof:

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