• Published 22nd Aug 2014
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From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

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Chapter 47: Tying Up Loose Ends

Author's Note:

Not a big chapter, but the next one will have the demonstration for the equipment and all that good stuff.

Y'know, after they deal with Pinkie... and the missiles...

Hope ya' enjoy it!

"The opportunity for brotherhood presents itself every time you meet a human being."- Jane Wyman

Meanwhile, at the train station...

After climbing on top of the Stryker together, Mike and Randy then got cut the ropes holding the vehicle down as they started to wonder how they were going to bring the Stryker down to the ground.

"So... How are we gonna bring this thing down?" Mike said, throwing the strip of rope down to the ground below, turning to Randy, who was also doing the same with the other side.

"How do you think? We'll just go inside and turn it on, and drive it down the side." Randy said, standing up from his crouched position and jumping down the side.

"I don't think this works like a regular car, dude." Mike said, also jumping down the ground with a thump. "But hey, you're the Captain here.."

Randy ignored his last sentence as he pulled the outer lever, making the back door drop with a metallic pang. He then climbed in, with Mike waiting outside in case anypony in the surrounding area had any ideas. Mike looked around, noticing the looks of curiosity and fear they had on their faces as they looked upon the Stryker and Mike.

As he looked at the crowd, he noticed that they all had the same looks, except for one Pegasus, which he set his eyes on in his own curiosity. One thing that stood out from this Pegasus from the others, is that he noticed that its eyes were slightly crooked to the sides, as if she had two lazy eyes, which he found funny. As he looked, instead of the Pegasus' eyes widening in fear or hiding itself, it actually smiled and waved at him.

Mike slowly let one of his hands slip from the grasp of his Winchester rifle, and waved back with a small smile. When the Pegasus saw this, its smile grew even wider.

Meanwhile, Randy was already at the front of the Stryker, putting his AR-15 on the seats as he climbed through and finally sat on the driver's seat. He then sighed and took his time as he looked at the control panels and the steering wheel.

"Shit..." He muttered to himself before shrugging and flipping a switch, which contained a small button inside, which he pressed. The Stryker then immediately turned on, with its engine roaring for a second before calming down, in which he heard several muffled gasps outside, making him crack a small smile.

He then turned around. "Hey Mike! Move out of the way! I'm about to move this thing!" He warned. Mike turned back and gave him a thumbs-up, before jumping down to the side to the ground, facing the crowd, who all slowly stepped back in slight fear, along with the Pegasi that were flying above the overall crowd, except for the one that smiled and waved at him.

Meanwhile, near the crowd

About seventy five feet away or so from the train station, Derpy Hooves was calmly flying towards the train station to greet one of her friends, which had just returned from Dodge Junction, until she saw that a huge crowd of ponies were surrounding the outer area of one of transportation carts, in which she also noticed what looked like some sort of weird metal wagon on it, along with another huge metallic machine strapped to another cart, and a odd metal suit of sorts, all of which she has never seen the likes of in her entire life.

"Wonder what's going on over there... Maybe it's something the Royal Guards are bringing in for Nightmare Night?..." Derpy pondered as she casually flew over towards the crowd. As she did, she heard several voices below her.

"What the hay do you think those weird creatures are?..."

"I think they're some sort of mutant monkeys they found in the Badlands..."

"...Or perhaps another civilization beyond the Badlands?"

"That huge metal thing looks kinda like a wagon. It even has wheels of some sort!"

"Aliens. No doubt about it."

"I heard that there was something similar to these things that killed a Royal Guard deep inside the Everfree a couple days ago. Poor guy. His brother hasn't even come out of the room yet..."

Derpy then looked below her, noticing one of her friends, Bon Bon. She then found a perfect spot where she could land. Quickly and carefully, she landed, wobbling a bit before she tapped Bon Bon's shoulder to get her attention.

Bon Bon then quickly turned around. "Huh?- Oh, hey Derpy!" She greeted with a smile, which Derpy returned.

"Hi Bon Bon! Do you know what's going on here?" Derpy asked, looking around at the crowd. "I don't know why, but I keep hearing a bunch of rumors here and there about 'mutant apes' or something like that..."

Bon Bon then turned around and pointed up in front of her. "Fly up and see for yourself. But try not to approach them, ok?"

Derpy then nodded as she flapped her wings and put herself over the crowd once more, along with several other Pegasi. What she saw made her head tilt to the side, instead of her jaw dropping like most of the other ponies.

She saw two bipedal creatures near the metallic wagon, one of them which then walked behind the wagon and opened a huge metal door that fell to the floor of the cart with a metallic pang. It then went inside the thing, while the other stayed outside, holding some sort of metal and wooden stick in its claws. As she looked closer, she noticed that the creature really did look somewhat similar to a monkey, or some sort of ape.

Except it was wearing several articles of clothing all around its body, even its claws. The only actual visible part was its face, which seemed somewhat dirty, yet smooth. Its eyes were small and beedy. Its clothing was mostly pure black, with what seemed like several pouches and other items hanging from the lower sides, and its chest piece, which made the creature look rather strong and intimidating.

But she was anything but intimidated by the creature. She then noticed that the creature was now looking right at her. Instead of flinching in fear and hiding, she smiled slightly and raised a hoof, waving happily at the man

To her slight surprise, the creature actually showed a small smile and waved back at her, which made her own smile grow even more in size, knowing that she had possibly made friends with the new creature.

As she looked upon him, the one outside turned around and looked inside the wagon. He then raised what looked like one of its claws, which seemed similar to Spike's 'thumbs'. "Is that what he calls them?..."

Before anypony could do anything at the actions she and the other exchanged, she and the others then heard a strong rumbling noise emit from the wagon, which made everypony, including her, gasp in fear. Derpy however, looked upon in wonder after noticing a line of smoke emit from the wagon itself, as if it was steam-powered like the train.

The creature then jumped down from the cart, landing on the ground with a thump in front of the crowd. The crowd, noticing this, slowly walked back in fear of what the creature would do. The creature then slung his metal stick to the side as he looked at the crowd.

To Derpy's and everypony's else surprise, the creature spoke out.

"Okay! I need everybody here to move back, we need space so we can move this thing here to the ground please!" The creature ordered loudly, yet calmly.

They all stood there, shocked. Even Derpy was slightly surprised. It had not only spoke fluent Equestrian, but it also had a rather deep tone to its voice, like a stallion, indicating that 'it' was most certainly a 'he'.

"C'mon! Let's move peo-, ponies!" He shouted again. As the ponies obeyed his order slightly, one of the other ponies in the crowd spoke up.

"How can you speak?" Somepony asked, clearly curious on how such a thing could speak.

"I'll answer any questions some other time! Now move back!" The creature shouted again. They did what they were told, but Derpy was enticed to ask a question, but restrained herself as she and the others watched the metal wagon move slightly.

Humans' P.O.V

As Mike finally was able to push the crowd of ponies back to a good distance, he turned around and jogged towards the Stryker, climbing up the side of the cart and to the back of the Stryker.

"Alright! You can go ahead and bring the Stryker down to the ground!" Mike said.

"Ok, good! Close the back door and I'll get on it!" Randy shouted back. Mike did what he was told as he lifted the ramp/door back up and put it in place before jumping back down to the ground and moving away from the Stryker. He looked to his side to see what the crowd was doing, but they all remained silent and watched in wonder as the Stryker then moved slightly.

"Parallel parking is a bitch, ain't it, Randy?" Mike said over the radio.

"Bite me." Randy responded back. They all kept watching as the Stryker slowly moved its way from its parallel space, not wanting to hit the caboose in front of it, or the Little Bird behind it.

After about a minute or so, the Stryker was finally able to move out of its parallel hell. Randy then moved the Stryker as its front hit the ground, making the curved, edgy front wedge itself into the ground slightly. Mike then heard grunts and profanities over the radio as Randy struggled to move the Stryker.

"Guh... damn it!" Randy said. "I... Aha! There we go!"

Randy was then able to release the Stryker as its back wheels spinned against the outside of the transportation cart. The Stryker then revved itself once more as it halted in the middle. The crowd was awed, along with the Pegasus as the engine of the Stryker died down, and the back of the Stryker opened, emitting several gasps from the ponies once more.

Mike then walked towards Randy, who was now walking out of the Stryker, holding his AR-15.

"Next time, you're driving..." Randy said, making Mike chuckle.

"Nah, I think I'm better off with the Little Bird. Thank-" Mike stopped himself mid sentence as he and the others heard an air-like 'thump' a distance away. They then heard what sounded like a whistling sound, along with even more thumps. When the pilots and the crowd all turned around, they all noticed around eight flaming projectiles screaming through the skies of Ponyville, before disappearing behind several buildings.

Meanwhile, with Dempsey, Kevin, and Nimbius...

"Alright then. Try not to dent our Stryker, will ya'?" Dempsey pleaded as he and Kevin walked away from Mike and Randy.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just go make amends with the guard, okay?" Mike said, the last part of his sentence softer that then beginning. Dempsey just nodded as he and Kevin walked away from the train station towards Nimbius, who was patiently waiting for the two soldiers.

Nimbius looked up at Dempsey. "You ready to go?" He asked.

Dempsey nodded. "Yeah. Let's get this over with..."

Nimbius just nodded once as they started walking down the road in silence, while Dempsey was looking around at the surroundings and the buildings. As he did, he noticed that several of the buildings had roofs made of hay, while others had standard brick and wood. Hell, one certain building in particular looked a lot like a gingerbread house, which made him wonder if it was even edible, before looking back in front of him.

He quickly then noticed that the streets of the small town were mostly empty, which didn't really surprise him at all. Except for he could've sworn he saw two Unicorn ponies wearing biohazard suits out of the corner of his eye. When he turned around, they ducked down and hid behind a wooden cart that contained carrots.

Dempsey then turned to Nimbius. "I didn't know you guys had biohazard suits?..." He asked.

"Oh, we do. Except they're used in areas where there are high amounts of magical fallout, such as the areas beyond the Badlands, where the Diamond Dogs live, but the area I'm referring to is several miles away from where their main home is. It's way too contaminated for anypony, or anything in general to really live there." Nimbius informed the soldiers.

"Wait, so magic can cause some sort of radioactive fallout or something along those lines?" Kevin asked.

Nimbius halted for a second to ponder, before shrugging. "Well... yes and no. The magic we use here in Equestria is nowhere near dangerous, and isn't capable of magical fallout. The area in which I described before, however, has such a high amount, that even geologists from Trottingham with the most advanced biohazard suits couldn't stay there without getting contaminated. Poor guys. They didn't even last or live an entire hour, let alone a week. Hay, they didn't even know how it came to be there in the first place."

"Odd..." Kevin said. "Are there any other areas on this planet with the same effects, or similar?"

Nimbius shook his head. "No. Not that we really know of. As of now, it's the only place we've discovered with such high amounts. Although, I have heard a rumor that the Griffon Empire had made some sort of 'astonishing discovery', or something like that."

"What do you think they discovered?" Dempsey asked, ignoring the looks of disgust a Royal Guard gave him as the trio walked by what seemed to be a spa of sorts.

"I don't know, but from what I've heard, it's something of a weapons technological breakthrough. I mean, it would make sense. They actually are the most militaristic civilization in the entire planet. We're the second most." Nimbius said.

"Damn, really? How many troops do they even have?"

"Around 95,000. They also contain the biggest navy, with about thirty ships and more than half of them have a set of forty to fifty cannons in total. Compared to our navy's ten ships, and only three able to carry at most thirty or so cannons."

Kevin chuckled. "Wow, you guys are not prepared for any major battles. Let alone a war."

Nimbius scoffed at this slightly. "Hey! We do have one major advantage over all the others."

"And that would be?" Kevin taunted, half serious.


Kevin just rolled his eyes as Nimbius laughed slightly, while Dempsey just smiled. When Nimbius quit laughing, his eyes widened a bit in realization. "Oh! And we also have you guys. I mean, all of you combined makes you the most technologically advanced living beings in the entire planet."

"And the most combat-experienced." Dempsey added.

"That too." Nimbius said, repeating the same thing more quietly. "That too..."

As they walked in silence once more, they noticed that they were already at the outskirts of Ponyville, and were approaching the cobblestone trail that lead to Ponyville General Hospital. As they walked to the glass doors, they were immediately halted when two spears made an 'X' shape, blocking them from entering the hospital.

Two Royal Guards used their spears to block the two humans from entering the hospital with their spears. One of the guards was a Pegasus, who was trying his hardest to maintain his composure, but he was more than nervous of trying to get in the path of the humans. He'd heard what happened to Romulus back in the Everfree. And the fact that the smallest bead of sweat flowed ever so slowly down his face didn't really help him out.

The other guard was an Earth pony. Unlike the Pegasus, he was easily able to maintain his composure, but didn't even dare to look at the two humans regardless, but his face contained a look of both annoyance and a bit of determination.

"Halt! You do not have the permission to enter the hospital." The Earth guard said, before turning to Dempsey and finally glaring at him. "Especially you."

"So much for tying up loose ends..." Dempsey thought as he just looked at the guard with a deadpanned expression on his face. After a couple of moments, the guard looked away, in which he took this opportunity to speak to him. "Look, I'm just here to... make amends with the other guard. I really don't want this shi-"

The guard snorted, scowling at Dempsey. "Did I just hear you correctly? You want to apologize to Remus? Ha!"

Before Dempsey could retort, he was interrupted by Nimbius, who walked right in front of the Royal Guard. "Hold it. These guys here are with me. They have full access to the hospital. We're here to talk. Nothing else."

The Earth guard's eyes widened for a second, before leaning his head into the Pegasus guard's ear for about three seconds. The Pegasus nodded, albeit a bit nervously.

"Okay then. Private Longshot here will escort you three to the room." The Earth guard said hesitantly and with a hint of pure anger. The trio nodded once as the guard slowly moved his spear from the doorway. As they followed the Private, Dempsey caught the glare that the guard was giving him before they walked into the waiting area of the hospital.

When they walked in, Dempsey noticed that the waiting area was packed with Royal Guards. Some were just casually talking to one another, others were drinking from coffee mugs, others were asleep with their helmets still on, others were reading magazines that were retrieved from the small plant tables, and others just had that one-thousand-yard stare. Showing little to no emotion. All while nurses and doctors walked around, doing their regular day's work, and helping out the guards any way they could.

Once they all heard the doors open, they all looked to the trio's direction. Immediately, one of the nurses gasped, which made the sleeping guards wake up and peek out of their helmets. Once they did, they were not happy with what they saw. And neither were the others.

The four just stood there, taking in all of the glares, all the scowls, all the whimpers, everything. Nimbius was not comfortable here, nor Kevin, and definitely not Dempsey. As they started to slowly walk down to the desk, the guards and several of the nurses and doctors kept staring at them, not taking their eyes off of them for even a millisecond. And by 'them', I mean mostly Dempsey.

Dempsey had mixed feeling for all of this. One half of him told him to turn to each and every guard and nurse and doctor, and tell them to piss the fuck off. While another half of him just wanted to die right then and there. He never liked being treated as the bad guy. Not at all. But could he really blame them? He would be doing the same exact thing.

The part that Dempsey listened to was the part of him that just told him to stay calm and focus on the main objective, which was to go to the room upstairs and see if he could make amends with the poor stallion before the situation really got FUBAR BUNDY (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition But Unfortunately Not Dead Yet).

Kevin just kept his regular composure, except he was really not enjoying the looks that the guards gave him and Dempsey. He, Nimbius, and Dempsey himself knew for damn sure that they weren't going to do anything to hasten the chance of fixing this entire situation, but he and Dempsey knew that if one of these guards were to even make a move on any of the two, that there would most certainly be more than one dead guard to mourn for.

Nimbius wasn't really surprised by all of this. He saw this coming, but he didn't expect a full platoon of Royal Guards here. Regardless, he wasn't about to break his composure. He was only here to escort them. Nothing else. But he still cared for the two humans either way. He knew what really happened between the human and the guard at the Everfree. Hay, even Shining knows. He definitely knows.

Private Longshot just wanted to escort these three to the room and DT the fuck out of there. He had already built up quite a good reputation in the Royal Guard ever since he completed Basic. Sure they treated him like a boot, but he's earned a lot more respect from his comrades than two months ago. He didn't want it all to be taken away by them seeing him as supporting the two human's. He didn't have any trouble with them, not really. But like the other guards, he still didn't really like them. Except his amount of hatred towards the two were much less so than the ones of the others.

When they approached the desk, Dempsey could still feel the glares burning into his soul, but he did his best to ignore them as Private Longshot talked to the nurse. "Excuse me, ma'am. I need to escort these three to the... 'room'. Can you give them a heads up on our arrival?" He asked very nervously.

The nurse quickly glanced over at Dempsey before nodding and quickly turning to a microphone, talking into it quietly. As she did, the trio heard several whispers behind them. Too quiet to be audiable for them, but they knew that they sure as hell weren't whispering about inviting them to a tea party.

The nurse then turned around and nodded towards Longshot. He nodded back as he looked over his shoulder and motioned the three males to follow him upstairs. As they did, the whispers got louder, but they were still unable to hear as they walked up the steps, the walls muffling the noise below.

"Well, that was fun.." Kevin muttered quietly as they walked down the hallway, Longshot leading the way.

Dempsey didn't reply, he just kept pondering on how he was gonna handle the situation once he got inside.

"How in the hell am I going to do this shit?... Do I just go in and say 'sorry', then bust the fuck outta there? Do I let him beat the living shit outta me, hell, maybe even put me in a coma? Or do I-"

Dempsey's thoughts were cut short when he felt a slight push on his leg. When he looked down, he saw Nimbius give him a reassuring look. Dempsey just sighed lightly before looking back up and deciding that he would just let whatever would happen take its course.

As they turned the corner, they saw that Longshot had stopped walking. "Okay, here it is. Room 27-B. Do what you have to do." The Private said, before quickly turning around and trotting back down the hallway to the stairs. Or more like galloping like Death was chasing him in a Bugatti Veyron.

I tried...

Dempsey looked at the wooden door, which contained the simple flat metal plate that said '32-B'. With a sigh, he turned to Kevin and Nimbius.

"Look, guys. I.... I think I'm gonna deal with this one alone, okay? You guys just wait out here." Dempsey said very quietly.

Kevin raised an eyebrow at this. "You sure, bro? We can help out in any way we-"

Dempsey cut him off. "Yeah. I'm sure. I started this shit, and now I'm gonna fix it in any possible way I can." Dempsey then turned around and grabbed the doorknob. Despite the entire situation, he briefly questioned why ponies would need them. He then quickly looked over his shoulder to the two. "Also, no matter what you hear in there. Do not. I say again do not come inside. Understand?"

The two nodded.

"And if any Royal Guard wishes to come in, let him. Don't stop them." Dempsey said as he placed hi M16A4 on the side of the door. They responded with another nod.

Dempsey then turned the doorknob and slowly opened the wooden door. As he did, he noticed that the room was almost completely dark, aside from the sunlight that bored its way through the window drapes, though only slightly. Either way, he didn't see this as the first issue. The first thing he really took into account was the bed that laid on the middle of the room, with two other beds on each side, but they were both empty. The middle bed contained a lump emitting from the covers. The second thing he took into account, was that there was a figure of a pony sitting on a wooden chair, his eyes focused only on the body of his brother that laid dead on the bed. It seemed to only be wearing a golden chest plate, while its helmet laid on a table on the side of the bed.

The room was silent for what seemed like an eternity. The only sound being the breathing of the two males as they both looked at the figure laying peacefully on the bed. The pony laying on the bed had no articles of armor on. The only visible thing was its muzzle poking out of the bed, while its entire skull was wrapped in formally white bandages, which now took a dry crimson coloring, especially from the side of its head.

As the door slowly closed, the pony slowly turned his head towards the side, ever so slowly before his eyes settled on the bipedal figure standing in the doorway which was Dempsey. As he did this, Dempsey saw the Remus' eyes for the first time ever since he got inside the room. His eyes were slightly smaller than the others, but was deadshot to the point where there was little white coloring to be shown. His eye color had a greenish tint to them, with just the slightest bit of red. Tear stains ran over his fur coat, matting it from all the crying and sorrow he has done for the past couple of days or so.

When Remus looked at Dempsey for the first time, the memories of what happened back in the Everfree Forest hit him like the force of Celestia's sun itself. When he found the other half of his brother's skull on the floor and the side of the machine's interior, when he carried his lifeless corpse back into the hospital, the mourning he did, pleading to everypony or anything to bring his brother back. Once this all came back to him, he felt something inside him snap.

As Dempsey just stared at Remus, he was slightly taken aback when the pony growled, as his eyes grew to an even bigger size than before, the red coloring taking complete control over the green, as his face formed one of pure anger and sorrow. The growling then got louder and louder before it turned into a sort of loud battle cry of utter anger and rage as Dempsey braced himself for what was coming to him.

Remus roared as he leaped from the chair and galloped his way towards Dempsey, who didn't even flinch or move out of the way at all. Remus then proceeded to tackle Dempsey down onto the floor, emitting a grunt from him as he did so. Despite Dempsey still wearing his regularly-issued kevlar vest and his combat helmet, he still refused to physically retaliate against the pony, who was now pinning him on the floor. He also knew that he could easily launch the pony off of him with ease anytime he felt like it, but he promised himself that he would go through whatever would happen regardless.

Remus then shouted again with all his might as he raised his hoof and brought it down to Dempsey's forehead in the blink of an eye. To Dempsey, it felt like something short of being hit with a football while wearing full titanium armor, but for Remus, it felt like a huge relief to finally be able to let out all of his pent-up anger. As quickly as he did the first hit, it followed with another, and another. Along with another shout of utter rage.

The hits connected with Dempsey's helmet several times, which made a small part of the helmet break, giving way to the punches that were now being felt with almost complete full force, along with even more hitting his kevlar vest. He didn't bother to retaliate, but he knew that those hits to the helmet were going to leave a sort of bruise tomorrow morning. He then looked up at Remus, and saw that the tear streaks were beginning to come back, the tears refreshing the once dry streaks. As Remus kept hitting Dempsey with all of his might, he felt his emotions peak, as he let out a howl mixed in with chokes and sobs, pounding on Dempsey's chest like a gorilla with both of his hooves. He kept hitting so hard, that Dempsey could've sworn that one of his magazines for his M16A4 had broken in a way.

After a couple more moments, Remus stopped and opened his eyes, blurry from the tears of sorrow and anger. He then rose his hoof and cleaned his eyes, sniffling slightly as he regained his regular eyesight. Once he did, he saw that the human wasn't really bruised or injured, aside from his forehead. Or at least from the looks of it.

Although this isn't the thing that surprised him. Not at all. The thing that surprised him is that the human's face. Despite of all the hits he gave him, all of the anger and rage, and the blood slowly streaming down his nose and upper forehead, the human's face had a very visible look that mixed with concern, worry, and forgiveness.

Remus then slowly looked at his hooves, which were in the same state as they were before, except covered slightly in blood. He could then feel himself mentally melt as his eyesight became blurry once more from the tears before collapsing on the human's chest. With a couple ragged breaths, he then sobbed into the human's chest, the pouches providing a sort of comfort for his bed. His emotions taking ahold of him once more, except for the feeling of anger.

Dempsey just laid there, watching the pony cry into his chest. A feeling of slight nostalgia hit him in a sort of negative way. He then, ever so slowly, rose his hand and placed it on the pony's back, patting him and trying to comfort him any way he could, before he finally wrapped his arm around the pony, hugging him like he has done several times with his brothers in war.

Silence took over, aside from the quiet sobbing and sniffling from Remus, before another noise joined in.

To what only Dempsey could describe as a whistling sound...

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