• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,247 Views, 869 Comments

From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

  • ...

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Chapter 49: MEDIC!

The group stopped for a moment as Jackson did a suplex-like move, making Thompson hit the ground on his back, hard, while also waking him up in the process with a startled gasp of air.

"Ouch..." Rainbow said with a slight flinch despite the situation at hand.

"Wha?! Huh?! Where the fuck?..." He said outloud, looking frantically around him.

Jackson then crouched and grabbed both of Thompson's shoulders, making him jump and look at Jackson with a look of fear. "Look, I'll tell you why you passed out later. Right now, you need to get your shit together and follow with us to the hospital. You're the main medic, we're gonna need your help."

Thompson's dilated eyes went back to normal size as he started to control his ragged breathing. "O-okay... Okay, I'm good."

Jackson then lifted Thompson up with his hand and nodded. "Good. Hope you'll be stable by the time we get there."

Thompson just nodded as he was handed his pack and rucksack. After putting them on, they then made their way down the road at a slightly slower pace, but only for Thompson's sake.

As they got to the outskirts of Ponyville, Swordstrike spoke up.

"There's the hospital!" Swordstrike shouted, pointing a hoof at the hospital that was now in the distance.

"About fucking time!" Jackson said. "The- Oh... Holy shit..." He said breathlessly as he slowed down to a walk. The others slowed down momenterally as they saw that the side of the hospital was burnt-out and black, along with a not-so-small hole with flames and smoke emitting from it. The flames were quickly increasing in size and was now burning the interior.

"Jesus Christ..." Thompson said quietly in shock before turning to the others. "Did the MAAWS seriously do this?..." He asked.

"It wasn't your fault." Marcus said. He then turned to Pinkie, who's mane was now straighter than anything he had ever seen, and it was now a dark, gloomy, almost unholy pink. Her eyes and overall appearence weren't doing any better. "It wasn't your fault either, Pinkie.."

Pinkie just sniffled in response. Marcus and the others wanted to consult Pinkie and Thompson, but now was not the time and they knew it. "Let's get moving!"

The others complied as they ran behind Marcus up the cobblestone trail, only to be confronted by two Royal Guards who were stationed outside. His eyes widened in surprise and fear once it notice the group.

"Halt!" The guard said, lifting a hoof and trying to keep his composure and dignity. "Y-you can not enter this a-are withou-"

Before Marcus or Jackson could physically throw the guard to the side, Swordstrike walked up to the front of the group, confronting the guard and immediately shutting him up. The guard immediately stood at attention and saluted.

"C-Commander Swordstrike!" The guard stuttered in shock. "S-sir!"

"At ease. Now's not the time for that bullshit." Swordstrike shot back.

The guard the got into parade rest and looked at Swordstrike with confusion. "Sir?..."

"These gentlemen behind me, along with these five mares have complete and full access to this entire hospital without any restrictions. And if any other humans are to present themselves here, you will allow them full access regardless, understood?" Swordstrike commanded with a stern tone that meant 'absolutely no bullshitting around', which made the three Marines respect the Commander even more.

The guard, however, was still a bit hesitant. "B-but sir, I have m-my-"

Swordstrike then got into the guard's face, their muzzles pressing against one another. Marcus even swore that he saw steam emit from the Commander's nostrils. "I. Am. Not. Suggesting." He said with a dark, silent, and deadly tone. "I Am. Ordering."

The guard was on the verge of pissing himself as he was now visibly shaking in pure fear. "Y-y-yes, s-sir!" He said before clumsily and quickly moving out of the way.

Swordstrike looked at the guard for a moment longer before he turned to the others. "Well? Let's hurry it up!"

The Marines nodded as the group entered the hospital, while the five mares were still in slight shock. As they pushed the doors out of their way, they saw that the waiting room was filled with almost a full company-size amount of Royal Guards. Most of them were trying to make their way upstairs along with nurses and doctors, while other guards just walked around in panic and confusement asking questions.

"What the hay was that?!" One guard shouted.

"You think one of those ape things did that?"

"Move it! We need to go see what happened to Remus!!"

"Gentlecolts, please! One at a time, dang it! There's only so much room!"

"Out of the way, damn it! We got medical supplies!"

"Well Firestone here is a medic! We have as much right to go up there as you do, doc!"

Then, one of the female guards in the mess of ponies gasped loudly. "There's more of them!"

The entire area fell into a near deadly silence as all eyes went onto the group, specifically the three Marines. They kept on looking while the Marines looked back.

"We don't got time for this shit." Marcus said out loud. He then turned to the five mares behind them. "Okay, Fluttershy and Twilight, I need you two to come with us. The rest of you, stay here." He ordered. They all nodded, except for Pinkie.

"C-can I see him? I w-want to apologize..." Pinkie said in a hoarse, yet quiet voice.

Marcus shook his head. "Not right now, Pinkie. We're gonna patch him up. But once we're done, you can come visit him, okay?" He said calmly. Pinkie just nodded once slowly.

"Alright, let's go!" Marcus then shoved more ponies out of the way as they equipped their weapons in hand to intimidate those who wouldn't comply, while Swordstrike yelled orders all around.

"Okay, I need all of you on the stairs to get the buck down here and move out of their way! Any nurses and doctors, follow us!" Swordstrike boomed the orders. The guards instantly followed his orders as they quickly galloped down the stairs and onto the floor, making a pathway for the three Marines and the Commander, while the nurses and doctors waited to follow behind the group.

They then quickly ran up the stairs to the third floor. As they did, Thompson turned to one of the doctors, a Unicorn to be exact.. "Can you tell me what the hell happened just a couple minutes ago?"

The doctor nodded. "U-uh, yes! There was a huge explosion on the third flo-"

"I know that." Thompson said bitterly, making the doctor flinch. "What I meant by that, is have any doctors or nurses come up to investigate?"

The doctor nodded again. "No. Only three Royal Guards came up here before the explosion happened. In fact, we were gathering all the medical supplies we could carry before you all came in." He said.

"I sure do hope that's what those saddlebags have in them..." Thompson muttered.

"W-we do, sir. Just tell us what you need to do!" The doctor said. Then, Twilight spoke up.

"What do you want me and Fluttershy to do?" She asked.

"I'm gonna need all the help I can get. I don't know what injuries they might've obtained from the blast, but I know for damn sure they're not good at all. I'm assuming you know some magical healing spells or something like that?" Thompson asked.

Twilight nodded. "I do, but I think the doctor here knows much more than I do about healing and restoration spells, but I'll do what I can." She said confidently.

"Alright, good." Thompson said before turning to Fluttershy. "Flutters, I'm gonna be asking a lot from you. You helped Marcus with his injury before,"

Fluttershy slightly shivered at the thought of helping restore and repair the headshot wound, but she nodded regardless.

"so I'm gonna need you to help out with the surgery, along with the doctors. If at the very least, make sure that anyone injured in there stays comfortable. You think you can do that for me, Fluttershy?"

She nodded once more. With what he thought was a bit of confidence in her eyes.

Thompson just nodded in return as they ran up the final steps.

Once they arrived the third floor, their eyes widened at the scene in front of them, while the two girls and the doctor gasped. The entire right side room, or what was left of it, was completely blown out, along with surrounding rooms and the room in front of it. It astonished them how the section of the hospital hadn't collapsed. The blown-out room was tainted in black, along with a mildly heavy cloud of smoke that emitted from the flames the MAAWS rockets started.

"Oh my Goodness..." Fluttershy muttered extremely quietly, not audible to the crackling sound of flames.

Jackson then quickly turned to the doctors and nurses that were right behind them . "Alright, new plan! I need you to bring as many stretchers as you can! And tell everypony else to evacuate the hospital until the fire's out! Now, go go!!" He ordered. Several of the nurses then quickly went back downstairs, while the others awaited their orders. "I need another half of you guys to grab some fire extinguishers and come back up here to control the fire!"

A couple of doctors nodded as they also went downstairs. There were now only two Unicorn doctors and one nurse. "I need the three of you to use your magic and whatever supplies you got and use them to patch up whoever the hell's injured as best you can, okay?!" Jackson said. They quickly nodded. Thompson then unslung his pack and pulled out a pair of small medical packs.

The group then ran down the hall, through the cloud of smoke. Once they could see slightly, they noticed that Nimbius was leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room, his head limped to the side.

"Aw shit, I found Nimbius!" Jackson shouted, immediately grabbing the attention of one of the Unicorn doctors who instantly pulled out a medical pack from his saddlebag and approached next to Jackson.

Jackson quickly crouched next to Nimbius, who was coughing heavily. "Nimbius! Oh shit, man..." Jackson said.

Nimbius coughed for a bit longer before opening his eyes and looking at Jackson with a weak smile. "Heh... Nice to see you.." He said weakly before coughing once more. "I'm fine... Really. Just a couple scratches here and there. I just feel a bit fazed is all." He said as he was being helped up onto his hooves by Jackson. "I can't say the same for the guys inside the room though. Go deal with them first."

Jackson nodded as he turned to the Unicorn that was helping Nimbius. "I need you to get him outside and give him some air. *Cough* Make sure you patch up all of his *Cough* wounds!" He said. The Unicorn nodded as he guided Nimbius down towards the stairs before Jackson ran into the room.

When he did, he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Dempsey laying on the ground, unconscious with what looked like some metal rod in his chest as he was being treated by Marcus and Thompson. He looked next to him and saw Kevin being treated for his wounds by the nurse, more specifically, the huge gash on his leg that was letting out a huge amount of blood. His, along with Dempsey's face, was covered in a shady cover in smoke.

"Jackson!" Marcus shouted over to him, making Jackson snap back into reality. "Jackson! Get your ass over here now!!"

Jackson quickly went over to the two. Marcus had just finished taking off Dempsey's vest and armor, while Thompson was beginning to use his combat knife to cut Dempsey's shirt and readied his medical kit to put on the outside of the wound.

"Alright, Jackson. Stay here with Thompson! I'm gonna go and help out the others with the stretchers. You do whatever Thompson here tells you to do!" Marcus ordered. Jackson nodded as Marcus ran from the room towards the stairs, passing the nurses and doctors that held the stretchers and fire extinguishers.

They then stormed into the room quickly, already beginning to hack and cough heavily. The ponies with the fire extinguishers quickly galloped over to the scorching flames and put the extinguishers to good use, the foam slowly killing the dying flames and decreasing the amount of smoke.

Thompson then brought out his Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) and started to bring out several medical supplies. Jackson then placed a couple of gauze pads around the chest wound, careful to avoid the rod embedded into his chest. He then talked to Thompson.

"How's it look like to you, Tommy?" Jackson asked quickly.

"Not too good. From the looks of it, the rod punctured his lung, but it didn't go all the way through him. He can live, but he need some serious surgery as soon as he can." Thompson said. "He also has a couple of mild to severe bruises all over his face and body. Looks like his skull almost cracked. Either form the force of the explosive pressure, or something else."

"Could've been worse." Jackson said as he and Thompson prepared to lift Dempsey to the stretcher. Two nurses, one Pegasi and one Unicorn, then helped Dempsey up and settled him onto the stretcher gently, yet quickly.

"We'll take care of him from here." One of the nurses said to Thompson quickly as they prepared to take Dempsey out of the room.

"Alright. Take him outside and do what you can. I'll be out there in a couple of moments. If he wakes up, calm him down and make sure to give him anything to ease any pain he might feel." Thompson said. The nurse nodded sternly as they lifted the stretcher and started backtracking out of the room.

"Thompson!" Twilight yelled. Thompson then quickly ran over and crouched next to Twilight, who was tending to an injured Pegasus resting against the remains of what was once the wall next to the ruined door frame. The Pegasus coughed weakly as Twilight used a magic spell on him, to what Thompson guessed was a sort of painkiller spell.

"I need you to cover him up with some bandages around his waist and right foreleg!" She said. Thompson nodded as he crouched besides the Pegasus and started pulling out a roll of sterile gauze bandage rolls.

The Pegasus whimpered slightly as Thompson wrapped the gauze bandage around his waist. He then looked at Thompson and spoke. "I-I didn't know there was more than two of you..." He said hoarsely.

"Well, now you do." Thompson responded simply without looking back. "Don't try to- Wait, were you then one who was talking to Dempsey?"

The Pegasus just nodded.

"Then I hope you know that he really is sorry for what he did." Thompson said as he finished bandaging his waist, going for his right foreleg.

The Pegasus nodded again. "I-I know, but it... I just lost somepony..."

Thompson sighed. "Look, I'll keep this short and simple for right now. We've all been through more hell than you think. I don't know what he's lost, but I can see it in his eyes that he's lost more than you can ever hope to bear. In fact, if you look deep inside almost anyone who's been in war, you'll see the sorrow in their eyes."

The Pegasus looked at Thompson with a look of confusion and wonder. "W-wait... He's... W-war?.."

Thompson didn't respond as he picked up Remus with his hands, holding him near his chest. Remus just whimpered in pain as Thompson quickly settled him onto a stretcher. They then took him out of the room as Thompson went over to Twilight.

"Twi! Where's Fluttershy?" He asked.

"She left a moment ago with the three injured Royal Guards! We're gonna bring Kevin out until they put out the fires. Then we can use the other rooms for surgery!" Twilight said.

"Alright! Head out with the others and help them out as best you can! I'll help Kevin." Thompson said back. Twilight nodded as she ran out of the room, while he and a Unicorn doctor were helping patch the wound on Kevin's upper leg.

Thompson then noticed the massive pool of blood that was below Kevin, and that it was exact same one he was currently stepping on. Angrily, he yelled at the doctor. "What the fuck is the hold up!"

"I can't patch him up!" The doctor said. "I don't know how to stop the bleeding! I can't find the source!" He said.

Thompson moved the doctor out of the way to get a better view of Kevin's injury. His upper leg was torn, clearly making the inner muscle and a tint of white from the bone show. Blood was seeping out of the wound almost like a steady stream. His mind then quickly came up with what was causing the seemingly nonstop flow of blood.

"The femoral artery..." Thompson said. "It's the femoral artery! I need to cover his wound! He'll need critical medical attention!!" Thompson then used the sterile gauze roll on Kevin's leg. He then shouted at the ponies with fire extinguishers. "Hurry the fuck up with taking out the fire! This guy need immediate surgery!!" He roared.

"It's almost out! Just get him out of here and outside! We'll tell you when it's done!" One of them shouted back over the sound of streaming foam.

"Son of a bitch..." Thompson muttered as he finished covering the wound with sterile gauze, which was already soaked in crimson red. He then quickly motioned the doctor to help him lift Kevin onto a stretcher.

"C'mon! We need to clamp the artery and stop the fucking bleeding!!" Thompson shouted at the doctor. They then swiftly went out of the roof and towards the stairs, Kevin's blood seeping through the gauze and leaving a small, spread-out trail of blood on the ground.

Private Longshot's P.O.V

Private Longshot was in a mild state of shock of all that had happened throughout the last fifteen minutes or so. One second, he was escorting two of the odd ape-like creatures to a room where his grieving brother was, the next second, he was outside the hospital, helping out one of his buddies with his burn and concussion injuries.

He remembered that he was quick to leave the two humans after he finished escorting them. Once he got down there, he was met by Lance Corporal Steelhooves, a Pegasus, one of his buddies he usually went out and drank with after a long, hard day of P.T.

"So, what'd they do?" Steelhooves asked.

Longshot just shrugged. "Nothing, really. They didn't speak, or even look at me at all. It's like I wasn't really there."

"Really? They didn't threaten you or anything like that?..." Steelhooves asked again, a bit surprised.

Longshot nodded. "Yeah. I just galloped the living hay outta there..." He said.

Steelhooves chuckled. "Of course you would. What was I thinking?"

Longshot scoffed. "As if you wouldn't do the same..."

"I wouldn't!" He said confidently. "In fact, I would go up there right now and do whatever I wish!"

"Oh really? Then let's see you put your bits where your mouth is! You'll get half of my pay for two and a half months if you do!" Longshot dared, making the Lance Corporal chuckle.

"You're on!" Steelhooves said as he began to confidently trot towards the stairs, along with two other guards.

"Hey! I only said you! Not nopony else!" Longshot accused.

"Ease up, Private." One of the guards, an Earth pony, shot back. "We did the bet too."

Longshot just rolled his eyes and grunted as the other three laughed on their way up the stairs. With a sigh, Longshot sat on a chair, leaning his head on a forehoof.

He was about to go to sleep, until he felt something move him. When he turned, he saw the company leader, Sergeant First Class Javelin Stinger. He looked at Longshot with a small smile, but Longshot's deadpanned and tired-looking expression ceased to change.

"How you holding up, Private?" Javelin asked.

"Not too well, Sir." Longshot admitted with a small sigh. "For starters, if these rookie jokes and stuff keep going up on me, I think I might throttle somepony..."

Javelin just chuckled before he spoke. "You and I both know you'll be court-martial'd up your flank before you can even moan. Plus, you know we all had to go through the same B.S you had to. I was a Private too, y'know."

It was Longshot's turn to chuckle. "You're speaking like you're an old stallion, Javelin. You're only twenty-five." He said.

"I know. But really, just hang on there. When you pass your next physical exam, you'll have another chance to be promoted! Who knows, maybe you'll have access to some new, shiny gear.." Javelin said with a smirk. "Speaking of that, when're you gonna be deployed to Manehattan?"

"Next week; Monday. Why do you ask, Sir?" Longshot asked.

"You know, maybe you could pick up boxing there..." Javelin suggested as he picked up a magazine from the coffee table between the two chairs. "The Royal Equestrian Navy boxing smokers are gonna hold one of the biggest ones yet. I heard that some of the spec-ops guards are gonna be there."

"Aren't like, half of them mares?" Longshot asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. So if you are, I'd be hitting the gym up as soon as possible before you get deployed.." Javelin said with a smile.

"Heh. I'll.... I'll consider that, sir." Longshot replied with a smile of his own.

Javelin nodded as he went back to reading the magazine in his hooves. Just as Longshot was about to get up for a mug of coffee from the doctor's lounge, a huge explosion rocked the entire building, putting Longshot and the other guards onto full alertness, while making most, if not all of them, jump almost to the roof.

Longshot was then brought back to reality as he felt Steelhooves shove against his shoulders. When he turned, he saw that Steelhooves was leaning up from the grass, his back and two hind legs covered in bandages that one of the Element Bearers, Fluttershy, had put on him.

"Hey, Longshot. What're you thinking about now?" He asked.

"N-nothing much. Why?..."

Steelhooves wasn't buying it, and him stuttering didn't help him. "Why? Because you had that sad, long-lost look in your eyes, that's why."

Before Longshot could respond, he heard several slightly muffled shouts and yells from the inside of the hospital. When Longshot and Steelhooves turned to see what was going on, the doors swung open with a kick.

"Watch it with the rod! Lower him a bit so we can pass him through without any further injuries!" One of the humans shouted. The two guards looked on as two nurses carried a stretcher, lowering it as they went through the doorway, being led by one of the humans who was next to the stretcher, putting pressure on the other human who was laying on the stretcher itself.

"Holy buck... What in the hay happened up there, Steelhooves?" Longshot said as he turned to his buddy.

Steelhooves shook his head as he buried his muzzle in his hooves. "I... Well, me and the guys were going into the room to talk with Remus and make sure the humans weren't doing anything harmful. Well, the one outside the room was giving us a soul-tearing glare, but I think it w-was just looking out for his buddy inside the room."

"When we got inside though, we saw that the human inside was holding Remus in his hands. Then I..." He stopped himself.

"What? What did you do?" Longshot asked.

"I... Kinda lost it. I was gonna tackle and beat the human up, but the one outside came in at Rainbow-Dash speed and aimed the weird weapon they all have. I... I mean, we, we were scared senseless when he did this. Then the next thing I know, an explosion happened that knocked us all out." Steelhooves admitted guiltly.

Longshot looked at Steelhooves in pity for a moment before turning back to the humans, who were now treating the impaled one.

Marcus' P.O.V

"Lay him down right here!!" Marcus commanded. The stretcher was then gently, but quickly, placed onto the grass as doctors quickly came to work on him and remove the rod one way or another.

"S-Sir! We can't operate surgery on him out here! We don't have the tools to-" One of the doctors started.

"Then get the fuck back in there and get them!!! And tell them to hurry the fuck up with that fire!" Marcus yelled, making the doctor yelp before he quickly ran back into the hospital. Marcus took a quick glance at the outside, noticing that the fire was now spreading through all floors now, including a section of the roof from one of the three sides.

"Goddamn it..." Marcus muttered as he turned back to Dempsey, who was still unconscious as the doctors started to remove the gauze bandages.

"Marcus!" Jackson yelled from behind him. He turned once more to the hospital doors, noticing Jackson and Thompson quickly coming out into the open, carrying another stretcher, this time with Kevin on it. "Come help us out over here!!"

Marcus quickly got up and ran towards the three. "Place pressure on Kevin's wound!" Thompson said, motioning over to Kevin's upper leg, the bandages were now completely soaked with his own blood and was leaking from the side, leaving a heavier trail than before. Seeing this, Marcus quickly put both of his hands over the soaking wound.

"Did you check his heart rate?!" Marcus asked Thompson as they settled Kevin onto a table a doctor had set down. Marcus took a quick glance at Kevin's face, which now had a ghostly-white color. Thompson nodded quickly as he brought out a medical kit that one of the doctors handed to him on the way down. It contained scissors, clamps, and other surgical items that would be needed.

"Yeah. It's fucking low, that's for damn sure." Thompson said quickly as he handed Marcus clamps. He then looked at Thompson with a confused look.

"His leg's fucked up. He's lost a lot of blood because his femoral artery is almost completely cut clean.." Thompson said.

"I took a look and it's not visible from what we saw, so it must be near the pelvis, or a couple of inches above his main injury, deep beyond the main cut." Jackson added.

"Se, we're gonna have to operate on him now? Right here?" Marcus asked.

Thompson nodded again. "We don't have a choice. The hospital might burn down any minute, and he might die in the next seven minutes!" Thompson and the others then put on surgical gloves as a Pegasus nurse looked for any spare I.V's.

"There's no more I.V's!" The nurse shouted at the Marines.

"Fuck me..." Thompson muttered as he looked to the side, then looking down at Kevin. "Well... It's a good thing he's unconscious for now."

"Let's just get this shit over with." Jackson said.

Marcus then looked behind him and saw that the five mares were looking upon them in with a mixture of emotions on their faces, ranging from terror, to sadness.

"Hey! You girls go to Kayla! You aren't watching this for shit!" Marcus shouted at them. "Go!"

The girls looked at him for a moment longer before Twilight spoke. "You hear him, let's go!" She said. They all then quickly went towards the last location Kayla was in, Marcus sighing from them not having to watch what they were about to do.

"Alright... What do you need us to do, Tommy?" Marcus asked as Thompson unwrapped the gauze bandages and threw them to the side.

"Okay... I need you to hold his wound open and keep pressure on top of the leg to stop the bleeding as best you can." Thompson said to Jackson, who did exactly what he was told.

"Marcus, you're gonna hold his feet and wait 'till I feel the pulse so you can clamp it with the scissors, okay?" Thompson said. Marcus nodded as he put the scissors in his mouth, waiting for Thompson's go.

"Alright..." Thompson said, taking a deep breath. "One..."



Jackson then quickly pulled the sides of the wound while Thompson put his hand in and started to look around, feeling for a pulse as his hand went deeper into the wound. But as soon as he did this, Kevin was immediately awoken from his unconscious state, letting out a hoarse scream of utter pain as Jackson and Marcus pulled the wound even wider.

As soon as Kevin started screaming, everypony became deathly silent, looking towards the direction of the scream. Once they settled their eyes onto the humans operating on the injured one, they watched in silent sadness and shock, along with disgust, but they tried not to show it.

The three Marines didn't bother to care as they were focusing on the operation, but Kevin's horrid scream of pain made this a tough task to accomplish. Regardless, they did their best to ignore the scream, for as almost as soon as it started, Kevin was drifted back into unconsciousness from the sheer amount of pain.

It was then where they could feel the silence over them, aside from the sickening, flesh-sounding movements their hands created while they all looked for the pulse.

"Wait, wait, wait, I feel it!" Thompson said. "I feel the pulse!"

"Yeah?..." Jackson muttered somewhat breathlessly.

"Yeah, I got it, I got it!" Thompson said as he got a good grip with his fingers, the flesh-like sound increasing as a moderate amount of blood started to leak out once more, but quickly stop once Thompson added more pressure to the artery.

"You got it? You got it? Is it good?" Marcus asked quickly through his teeth.

"Yeah, yeah!" Thompson responded quickly. "Clamp?"

Marcus then took one of his hands off the wound and took the surgical clamps from his mouth. Jackson then opened the wound bit more so Marcus could clamp it.

"You got the clamp in?" Thompson asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it in!" Marcus replied as he sustained his shaky hands and moved the clamps.

"Hold it!" Marcus said to Jackson.

"I got it steady."

"Alright... Alright... Fuck, it's tearing!" Marcus said with slight panic.

"Guh... Shit.. I got it, don't worry!"

"It's tearing!!"

"Just hold it! Hold it!"

"I am, I am!"

"Alright! It's good!!"

"Thank God.." Jackson muttered.

"It's clamped!" Marcus shouted as he breathed heavily. He then looked up at Thompson. "It's clamped..."

Jackson and Marcus looked at Thompson, who was smiling and let out a laugh of pure relief. The other two just smiled widely as they slowly and carefully removed their hands from the wound, making one final flesh-moving sound.

"Alright..." Thompson said, breathing heavily. He then turned to the doctors, which looked back at them with a blank expression. "Listen to me. We need surgery for these two men. Now."

The doctors shook their heads as they regained themselves somewhat from what they just witnessed before nodding. "U-understood. We'll get right on it." He then turned to the other doctors and nurses who were watching. "Well?! You all heard him! Come on!!"

As soon as he said that, half of the entire group then quickly rushed over to the two injured soldiers, while the other half went into the hospital to find and prepare a room for surgery, while Longshot, Steelhooves and all of the other Royal Guards that were in the hospital were still in their same location, completely stunned at what they had just witnessed, and silently wishing they hadn't.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. I had some important school work to deal with, along with another case of the flu. Not anymore, m8tes. This chapter might be somewhat short, but I can now write out chapters a bit faster now.

I have now come back with even more dank. Enjoy the chapter! The next one will be a lot shorter, but it will contain a bit of info on what's to come. Don't fret, the Cryptids aren't dead and gone. Anything but...

(Also, I will tell you right now that I am no medic or General Surgeon. If anybody can point out any errors I did on the injuries and such, if you have the knowledge, please point it out and I will fix it when I can.)

In memory to: Army Ranger, SPC James 'Jamie' E. Smith. You're still leading the way.

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