• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,263 Views, 869 Comments

From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

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Chapter 21: Killjoy

"If I had one more division like this First Marine Division, I could win this war tomorrow." General Douglas McArthur

Rainbow hears a whistling sound and a loud explosion. She jumps up and opens her eyes and looks around, finding herself in what seemed like a ruined house, covered in burned wood, bricks, and a collapsed roof. She then notices that the sky is orange and that there's several streaks of white in the sky, and loud cracks in the distance.

"Where.. where the buck am I?.." She asks herself, but yelps as she hears somepony yell out outside.

"MOVE BACK! LEAVE THE MORTARS AND MOVE TO THE HUMVEE!" They yelled. She then cautiously walked to a scorched door. When she put her hoof on it to open it, it fell down and snapped in half. She then looked outside, and saw where she was.

"Oh my.. wha... where.." She blurted out incoherently, noticing that the entire sky was orange and black, and that she was in a neighborhood that looked similar to the one Marcus showed in his first flashback. Rainbow then looked around for the source of the voice. Then another voice shouted, one that she recognized immediately.

"Marcus?..." She thought as she ran over to a pile of burned sandbags. Then saw him and others wearing the same stuff as him. He was shooting his weapon at Cryptids, as he yelled at the others.

"GET ON THE M-2, AND FLUSH THOSE BASTARDS OUT! I'll COVER YOU! GET OUT OF HERE!" He shouted. The others obeyed and ran to some sort of machine with wheels, and were the same desert tan colors as him. One of the others got on top of the machine and got inside a hole in the top. He then proceeded to aim and fire at oncoming Cryptids.

"GET OUT OF HERE! GET TO THE OTHERS AND GET THE FUCK OUT!!" Marcus shouted as he kept shooting of his weapon. Rainbow noticed that he was shooting upon a huge swarm of Cryptids, rapidly making their way towards him and the others.

"YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME IF YOU EVEN WANT TO TOUCH THEM!" She shouted as she soared up into the air. After soaring a good distance above the Cryptids, she then flew down in a straight line, her speed increased as she planned to do her famous Rain-nuke. She knew that it wouldn't kill them, but maybe faze them so they could escape in time, without leaving Marcus behind.

Rainbow screamed in anger as she connected with the ground. She expected to hear a deafening explosion, but when she opened her eyes, she saw that she didn't even create an explosion. The Cryptids were still advancing, even more aggressive than before. Her eyes widened as one of the 'Hunter' Cryptids advanced straight towards her, then ran through her.

She looked at herself as more Cryptids phased through her like she wasn't there "What the.. oh no.." She turned around and saw Marcus shooting off rounds at the advancing Cryptids, giving the other soldiers enough time to speed off towards saftey.

"No.. NO!" She thought as she ran towards one of the Cryptids, turned around, and tried to buck it with all her might. But her hind legs simply did nothing, as they passed through the Cryptid.

"BUCK!! MARCUS!!" She shouted, but Marcus looked around at the surrounding Cryptids slowly stalking him while walking in a circle, making sure he had no escape.

Marcus then unseathed his large black tinted knife, got into a defensive stance, and said silently "Okay... who's first?.." He said with
venom and determenation seemingly dripping from his tongue as he spoke.

Rainbow wanted to help him, but knew it was futile, since she couldn't even touch the Cryptids. A Hunter Cryptid screeched and slowly walked into the circle with Marcus. Instead of panicking, however, he smiled wildly.

"Time to pay for your unforgivable sins, you soulless sack OF SHIT!" He shouted the last words as he lunged at the Hunter, but it dashed to the left and swiped its claws at Marcus, slicing his left thigh. He grunted in pain as he kicked the Hunter under the jaw, fazing it a bit. Marcus took this oppertunity to jump on its back and slam the huge knife into the Hunter's weak spot behind its armor plating. Rainbow's stomach weakened as she heard the sickening sound of the knife slice through the Cryptid with ease, then her blood ran cold as Marcus laughed coldly.

"Who's next, you little fucks?! WHO?!" He shouted between his laughs. Rainbow saw that all the Cryptids were slowly walking towards him, snarling. Marcus stopped laughing as he closed his eyes and spoke softly.

"I'll be seeing you all in hell.. may God have mercy upon all your souls.." He said as the Cryptids screeched and pounced on him, tackling him and ripping him apart with their claws. Rainbow watched in horror as they tore and ate him, but what shocked her the most is that he wasn't panicking or screaming in agony. In fact, he looked rather calm. That was until a Rhino grabbed the sides of his head and ripped it clean off with the sickening sound of flesh, bone, and skin being torn from their original position.

"N-.. no.. NO.. NO! THIS ISN'T FREAKING REAL!!" Her mind shouted as her entire body shook as she sobbed uncontrollably. She then looked up beyond the Cryptids and saw a silhouette of a pony in the distance. She looked closer and saw that it had a horn, then its wings spread.

"L...Luna? Cel..Celestia?" Rainbow whispered. The pony then opened its eyes, which showed a deep red. Rainbow looked confused, but her eyes turned to pinpricks as she saw hundreds of what Marcus described as 'Gargoyle' Cryptids soar up from behind the Alicorn. It then aimed one of its wings at Rainbow. The Gargoyles roared as they soared down towards Rainbow, with their claws extended in front of them as their speed increased.

Rainbow was still too shocked to move. And moving so would be futile, since there were hundreds of them. She then closed her eyes and waited for the moment claws of the Cryptids to slice through her.

It never came, since she opened her eyes and woke up.

Rainbow woke up with a long scream. She frantically looked around, but her eyes were still a bit blurry. After rubbing her eyes, she looked around again, only to find out that she was still in her room.

"Wha.. oh thank Celestia. Wait.." Rainbow then looked at her right hoof, which was shaking violently, and she sweating like crazy. She then got out of her cloud bed and decided to check on Marcus downstairs.

"Heh.. cute." She thought as she saw Marcus sleep. He was, for some reason, still wearing his black vest, filled with canisters inside the pouches. Without thinking, she silently trotted up to him and flapped her wings, softly landing on his chest. She then curled up and rested her head onto the area carrying the canisters, careful not to touch the exposed top of them.

"If he says anything about this, I'll buck him to next week.." Rainbow though as she smirked and drifted to a dreamless sleep.

Marcus' P.O.V

Marcus slowly drifted back into reality as he started waking up. The first thing he noticed was that his chest was a bit heavier than usual. He rubbed his eyes as he got his vision back. He then saw that a small cyan ball with rainbow hair was sleeping peacefully on his chest.

"Cute.. but why?.." Marcus raised an eyebrow and smirked, but then shook his head and stroked Rainbow's head softly. The first thing he noticed was that her hair felt like silk. Then Marcus formed and evil grin on his face.

"Let me be the first to fire off the shots to declare the prank war..." He thought as he reached for his backpack and opened the smallest pocket on the front. He then pulled out a mask that had a skull painted on it. He put it on along with his shades.

"Hey.. hey Rainbow. Wake up.." Marcus said quietly as he softly shook Rainbow. She responded with a grunt and lazily spoke.

"Ugh.. five more minutes.." She said, groaning in annoyance and turning her head to the other direction. Marcus chuckled quietly and shook her with a bit more force.

Rainbow then groaned loudly in annoyance and yawned, rubbing her eyes with her hooves "Ugh.. what is- AAAAAHHH!!"

She screamed when she saw Marcus, wearing a skull balacava, jumping off of him and falling to the floor.

Marcus was laughing hysterically as Rainbow looked at him, clearly very pissed. He then looked up, still laughing, but it immediately turned into worry as he pointed his finger at her.

"WHA ISH IH?!" Rainbow shouted, but noticed that she had something in her mouth. She spit the item out and onto her hoof. Her eyes widened.. it was one of the canisters from the pouches. She then looked up at Marcus, who was holding the pin on his finger. His eyes widened as he noticed he was holding the pin, and she somehow got one of the canisters when he scared her.

"Oh.. BUC-" Rainbow was cut off by a series of flashes. She screamed as she dropped the canister to the floor, only for it to slowly toard making more flashes that blinded her. She yelled loudly as the exploding flashes got faster and faster, until it all of a sudden stopped.

She rubbed her eyes, slowly regaining her eyesight, then looked down at the canister, which had several small holes on it now, then looked up at Marcus, who looked like he didn't even flinch.

"What the BUCK was that?!" Rainbow yelled "And how are you NOT blinded?!"

Marcus chuckled and pointed at his sunglasses "These things.. and also, I shut my eyes. You should consider yourself lucky that they were only my prank flashbangs. Real ones could've hurt you badly if you were holding 'em." He then picked up the steaming canister, examining it.

"Flashbang? That's the name of it? How fitting..." Rainbow said under her breath, but Marcus chuckled.

"Oh and another thing.." He said, taking off his mask and shades "Why were yo-" He stopped mid-sentance and looked at the canister. It had one hole that wasn't yet popped.

"SHI-" Marcus was cut off by a loud BANG as the last hole exploded, blinding him and making him fall, screaming.

"Fuck me.. and fuck you karma.." He said outloud. Once he regained his hearing and eyesight, the first thing he heard and saw was Rainbow on the floor, laughing her fucking ass off.

"That... was.. TOO PERFECT!" She exclaimed as she laughed again. Marcus just rolled his eyes and threw the canister out the window, in case karma decides that it wasn't yet finished.

"I guess we're even, huh?" Marcus asked. Rainbow got her bearings and nodded, still chuckling a bit "Alright, but I have a question.. why were you sleeping on my chest?"

Marcus' grin returned as he saw Rainbow's face turn crimson red "I.. uh.. heheh. You see.. Ugh, look. Just don't tell anypony.. or anyone. Okay?"

Marcus nodded as he turned around to collect his gear. Then he remembered what Samantha had told him. He then turned to Rainbow.

"Oh shit.. Rainbow. Can you go into town and gather up all of your friends and my squad, please? I have something to tell them. And it's gonna be pretty shocking to them. Also, have Twilight bring Spike, and her writing materials."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow "Why? Is there something wrong?"

Marcus nodded a bit, which made Rainbow lean in closer "I'll explain all of it later, but I think we have a.. you could say.. a threat to national security.. if you know what I mean. Just bring 'em here and I'll explain everything."

Rainbow saluted and flew out the door speedily, leaving her signature rainbow trail behind her "A threat to national security?.. Jeez, hope it's not something too drastic. And why DID I-" She then heard a voice in the back of her head with a heavy accent.

"You're all just puppets.. your precious rulers are just puppets.. pulled. Pulled by the Ancsestor's strings..."

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter, you'll see how the squad will react to all this.. and what did Arch- I MEAN the voice in Rainbow's head mean by-

Dempsey: *Walks into the room* Hey, LP. Who's cooler? Me? Or Rainbow Crash?

Rainbow Dash: *From the living room* IT'S RAINBOW DASH, DAMN IT!!

Dempsey: *Yells back* WHATEVER! Also, can I PLEASE be in the story?

L.P: No dammit! Why are you all even HERE?!

Nikolai: Because you decided to write a crossover about Extinction whatever the fuck, instead of US!

L.P: Uh... g-go home, you're drunk.

Nikolai: VODKA.


Rainbow Dash: *Flies in room* What's up?

L.P: *Hands her a bottle of vodka* He wants vodka. So give it to him. *Winks*

Rainbow Dash: *Smirks and nods, then smashes the bottle over Nikolai's head, knocking him out*

L.P: Thanks.

Takeo: SUSHI.

L.P: GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Tackles Takeo, with glass heard being broken in the background*

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