• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,263 Views, 869 Comments

From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

  • ...

Chapter 53: The Cryptids Are Coming...

Author's Note:

So... Yeah. Writer's Block. Current events on this site and in my real life.

Fuck. I'm picking up the habit of writing once more. Short, but the next chapter is nearly complete.

Let's just say.. It'll be called 'Contact' for a reason...

Hope you all enjoy!

Near The Middle Of Town..

"Now how the fuck do I get out of this thing.." Randy thought to himself as he looked at the control panels for the Goliath, trying to figure out how to get out without actually destroying the entire suit or shooting another rocket.

He then pressed a green button near the main panel.

"Trophy Systems, Online."

"Son of a bitch.." Randy said outloud in frustration, before deactivating it and sighing. "Should've just let the fire-ponies do all the work instead."

As he was about to press another button, he felt something clang onto the side of the Goliath suit. When he turned, he saw the grey, cross-eyes Pegasus from earlier, only this time she seemed to have a very panicked look on her face, and a hint of tears.

"Mister Human!!" She shouted desperately. "You need to come to Town Hall and help us! T-There's a.. I.. They killed.." She continued to babble on until she was sobbing hysterically.

Randy quickly spoke in an attempt to calm down the mare. "Okay, okay! Calm down!" Randy said, putting the robotic arms in front of him and easing them down as a sign to calm her. "Gather yourself and tell me what exactly happened.. I heard you say 'They killed'. Tell me what happened."

The cross-eyes Pegasus sniffled and quickly nodded. "O-okay. There's a problem a-at Town Hall. Four s-stallions wearing masks went in and they... They killed.. They killed somepony and are trying to rob the entire place b-blind!!" She screamed, openly weeping now.

"The Royal Guards have the area surrounded, but t-they have hostages inside and they threatened to kill them if t-they don't have their way!" She wailed.

"Thank God I deactivated the Trophy System..." Randy thought quickly.

Randy nodded quickly. "Alright then. Listen, I need you to lead me to the direction of the Town Hall. Maybe I can reason with them. In the meantime, I'll contact my friends and see if they can help along, okay?"

The Pegasus quickly nodded as she flew towards the direction, with Randy following behind, the Goliath suit making metallic spring sounds as the whole suit moves at a moderate pace, while Randy used the built-in comms on his helmet to contact Marcus and the others.

Near The Library

Marcus, Thompson, Jackson, Nimbius, Swordstrike, and Twilight then suddenly appeared, all of them breathing heavily and trying to get a hold of their minds from the sudden teleportation.

"You all.. ugh.." Marcus resisted the urge to vomit. "You all okay?.."

"Just peachy.." Muttered Jackson, spitting on the ground and wiping his face.

"I'm good." Thompson said, shaking his head slightly.

"Yeah. We're used to it." Nimbius and Swordstrike said simultaneously.

"I'm sorry about that guys.." Twilight apologized. "It was the only way to get out out of there quick."

Marcus shook his head. "No need to apologize, Twi." He then looked over him and saw that the cart filled with their gear was also teleported. He silently whispered a 'thank God' before moving towards it.

Then, Thompson spoke up. "Hey, I'm getting a garbled message from my comms!" He said.

"Who is it?" Jackson asked.

Thompson then put two fingers to the side of his helmet, before looking up at the two Marines. "It's Randy!"

"Patch him through." Marcus ordered. Thompson nodded as he then broadcasted the radio signal to the other two, making sure they could also hear what Randy had to say.

"Randy?.. Can you repeat what you said?" Thompson asked.

"There's a bad situation at Town Hall! We got three- no, four robbers inside there! Four stallions, one of them is a Unicorn. They tried rob the depository inside, but the Guards have the area on lockdown. They said if the Guards or me don't move out of the way, they'll start executing the hostages inside!" Randy informed.

"They also said that if any other humans get involved, they'll kill immediately, but Kayla is already positioned near one of the rooftops in a house. She's using the Barrett to keep an eye on them and Mike is spotting for her. You guys need to come over here quick and see if you can sort out this situation!"

Marcus quickly responded. "Don't worry, we'll be right there in a couple minutes!" He then turned to the others. "I got an idea. Grab the riot shields." He then handed out an M-48 Flashbang to each of them.

"What about us?" Swordstrike asked.

Jackson thought for a second before looking at Twilight. "I need you to give Nimbius and Swordstrike the schematics for the weapons and ammunition. They're at the bottom of the basement." He then looked at Swordstrike. "Make sure these things get produced and made as soon as you can. Before the end of this week."

"And Twilight. Tell Celestia about what happened at Whitetail Woods." Marcus said. "We want all of this information to be spread out among the guards as fast and as soon as possible, but make sure she keeps it a secret to the public until otherwise, okay?"

Twilight nodded as she and the other two ran to the library, using her magic to pull the cart as Marcus and the others went back into town with riot shields behind their backs.

Inside the bank...

"Shut the fuck up!" A brown Unicorn stallion shouted, throwing a mare onto the floor after tying her hooves together, holding a bronze broadsword as he glared at the other ponies on the floor, who gave him looks of fear and anger in return.

Scoffing in disgust, he turned and shouted. "Are you dim-witted fucks almost done there?!"

With a grunt of annoyance, a stallion with a short black mane shouted back. "Give us a second to load, will you?!" He shouted back.

"Move it then, you lazy pig!!"

The stallion sighed through his mask as he used the sharp end of a hammer to bust open a safe's lock pad, revealing the hefty amounts of bits inside. With a glimmer of joy, he then quickly got the money and started to push and put them inside a black duffel bag, going as fast as he could.

Then, the other two stallions quickly appeared into his view. When he took a glance, he saw that they were dragging the beaten body figure of a Pegasus Royal Guard, who had be severely beaten and had most of his armor either broken into pieces around his body, or was not there to begin with.

His curiosity taking over, he continued to watch as they dragged the moaning pony towards the stallion with the brown coat. They then threw the guard onto the floor with force, his body going limp, but still breathing slightly as he gave a weak, pitiful grunt.

The stallion looked down at the broken and beaten guard, turning the guard around as he whimpered in pain, until he was now lying on his back and looking up at the brown stallion.

"How the fuck did he get here." He asked simply, looking down at the guard with a malicious look and slowly dragging the broadsword over his severely bruised chest, making the guard shiver in pure fear.

"The stupid colt here decided to try and be a hero." One of the stallions simply replied. "We found him with a short spear near the back entrance. So we decided to teach this idiot a lesson."

The brown stallion rolled his eyes and sighed. "For you, it might have been a lesson." He then applied pressure onto his chest, the tip of the sword barely piercing the guard's skin, making the small mark ooze a bit of crimson red. "But we're here to send a message."

The other stallion looked at him with confusion. "A message? I thought we were here to just steal some bits!" He questioned.

The brown stallion gave a heavy glare, exhaling through his nose in annoyance. "Not just that.. Remember what she told me?.." He said with a harsh, quiet tone. "Remember what she told me to tell you? To tell you that we have to do this to send a message..."

"What?!" The stallion said in utter confusion. "What the fuck are you talking about?.."

The brown stallion simply ignored him as he used his magic to levitate the guard, making him yelp quietly at the several jolts of pain. He knew that the guard was weaker than he though, but he didn't care. He then turned the guard around and pulled out a short, steel blade, holding the knife along the guard's throat as he walked forward, the guard slowly moving with him as they both moved towards the entrance.

As they did, he felt something inside him change slightly before slowing down. He started to wonder how it would feel to kill a pony. How it would feel to kill a Royal Guard. The very ponies whose very purpose was to protect the ponies such as himself from anything and everything that harmed them. He wondered if the guard has a family back home.. Or even a marefriend.

He wondered how he would feel after he killed him..

But, he knew he had his orders, and those always came first. Thought he could not remember when they actually did before this incident, he knew it.. He just knew it..


As they both were now in front of the doors, he spotted several guards and ponies in the distance, about twenty yards away. Standing behind a line of metal barriers were several other Royal Guards. And by 'several', he could have sworn it was the size of an entire company of them. And they all had the same looks.

The looks of pure rage.

And he loved it.

But what he didn't love, was that there was those dreaded.. aliens that were also in the crowd. Only one. But this one had a huge, bona-fide suit of metal armor of which the likes he had never seen before. And it was staring right at him. And he could have sworn he saw a look of zero emotions.

But he stared back regardless. And he loved it even more.

With a grim smile, he shouted with all of his might.

"So, you're little buddy here decided to be a hero and stop us!!" He explained tauntingly.

"Kinda brave of him.. Not gonna lie. Stupid! But brave nonetheless. But..." He lowered his tone slightly.

"We all know what happens to heroes.."

The stallion then sighed softly, while the guard let out a whimper of helplessness, before he put a hoof over his mouth, giving out a gentle 'Shhh~' as the broadsword slowly impaled the guard from the back, the tip slowly puncturing through until it exited through his left lung and out his chest.

Near the town hall...

As the three Marines worked their way to the city hall, their built-in radios on their helmets crackled to life, followed by a female voice speaking up while they slowed down their pace slightly.

"Shit! Guys, one of the stallions is waking towards the doors.." Kayla informed before continuing. "... And it looks like.. Yeah, he has a Royal Guard with him as a hostage!"

"... Should I take the shot?" She added.

They then came to a sudden halt as Marcus an the others thought about the possible scenarios that could happen. After a couple of moments, Marcus responded.

"How many hostages are inside?" He asked.

"Around seven or eight from what I can see here..." Kayla said. "There could be more in the back. There's also exactly three other stallions inside working for the brown one holding the guard."

"Then we can't risk it." Marcus said simply before adding onto it. "If we take out the main guy, then we save the guard, sure, but the others inside might just kill the other seven or eight hostages."

"You take the shot and we risk losing more lives than saving." Marcus said sternly. "The lesser of two evils, gentlemen."

The radios stayed quiet for a bit before Kayla spoke. "Solid copy, Marcus. Solid copy."

Marcus turned to face Jackson and Thompson, who both nodded in return before they continued their way to the town hall, running at an even faster pace as they started to take the riot shields from their backs and fixated them, until they heard a muffled scream in their radio.

"Damn it.." Kayla muttered as the scream went silent. "They just killed the guard."

"We're moving up behind the town hall." Marcus replied simply. "We're going to be sneaking from the back. Make sure you keep eyes on the front entrance. We're gonna need your sniper fire soon.."


They then came up behind the town hall building. Although smaller than it seemed, this one was barely remodified as a small medical shelter during the rocket incident, and as a temporary small bank in case. The three Marines then activated their riot shields, also activating the swarm of nanobots inside the triple plated ballistics shield.

"Jackson, take point." Marcus said.

"Hoorah." He replied, not pulling out his riot shield as he held up his M1014, slowly half walking, half crouching his way to the back entrance as he kept aiming down the ghost ring sights of the shotgun. The entrance, which was a metal door above some steps, had the handle being almost completely broken off.

Jackson then placed his body against the wall, before nodding at the other two to follow. The two Marines then followed suit, Thompson holding his riot shield while Marcus held his M1911.

"How're we doing this, boss?" Jackson asked quietly.

"Thompson'll lead the way with the shield. And since you have the shotgun, you'll follow his lead, while I'll watch our six and we'll go in and take them out." Marcus planned simply.

"So, lethal force is authorized?" Jackson asked.

"Yes." He said in return, shaking his head a bit before speaking into the built in radio in his helmet."Heard that, Kayla?"

"Loud and clear, sir." She responded back quietly and calmly.

Marcus then looked at Jackson and Thompson, who both nodded firmly. "So it's kinda like a very small version of a Roman turtle shield maneuver?" Thompson asked.

"Not quite, but close enough." Marcus responded back as he nodded to Thompson.

Thompson then brought the riot shield in front of him as Jackson held his M1014 in one hand, while slowly opening the door with another. They then both slowly walked in, Marcus guarding their behind. When they got a couple of feet inside, they saw a mare with a tan coat and a slightly darker tanned mane. Both her fore and hind legs were bound and she was gagged.

When they looked upon her, the mare's eyes widened, her pupils dilated as she let out a whimper of helplessness. Marcus simply let out a quiet 'shhh' to ease her. He succeeded in doing so, but only to a very certain degree, the mare now looking at the Marines with slight curiosity.

They ignored her and continued slowly moving forward, trying to ignore the quiet weeping and sobs of the other bound and gagged civilian ponies. They then heard the nearly deafening shout of a certain stallion that almost made the Marines jump.

Stallion('s) P.O.V's...

"Quit your fucking crying, you pathetic sacks of shit, or else you'll all be next!"

The stallion with the short black mane jumped at the sudden yell from their group leader. He simply sighed as he zipped the duffel bag and tried to haul it over his back.

"Are you almost done in there, damn it?" Another stallion, a Pegasus with a orange coat and slightly tan mane asked annoyingly.

"I am now." He replied with a heavy grunt as he put the bag over his back. "Would've been a helluva lot easier and faster if your lazy flank helped me a bit, you fucking dip..."

"Hey, I was ordered on crowd control, not to store bits. I'm not the leader here, otherwise I'd not only help, but I'd also give us all a fair cut." He said with a small grunt as he saw his partner in crime walk towards the lobby room, not responding back.

The Pegasus simply sighed and shook his head, about to head to the lobby room also, until he heard an unexpected 'shhh' from behind him.

Quickly turning around, he used his left wing to grip his iron shortsword, looking around at the small rooms for any sign of anypony. As stupid as it may have been for him to do, he spoke out. "Hey! Anypony there?..."

He then quickly remembered that they had tied up a couple of civilians back there, and with an annoyed grunt, quickly trotted his way towards the corner. "I swear if one of you fuckers escaped, I'm gonna personally gouge out one of your eye-"

As soon as he turned the corner, the Pegasus froze from a mixture of shock, confusion, and terror; His eyes now laid upon three bipedal figures, one of which was seemingly crouched, while the other two were standing.

Before he could even blink, one of the bipedal creatures lunged at him at speeds of which the likes he couldn't comprehend, at least at the time. He felt a sudden urge to scream in terror, scream for help, scream for anypony, but he couldn't as he felt a cold, sinking feeling in his throat.

When he tried to yell, all that came out was a pathetic gurgle. Confused and still in shock, he looked down at himself, only to see a sharp, black-tinted blade halfway into his throat, penetrating his windpipe and several vital blood vessels.

As the realization came in that he had been stabbed, he let out another gurgle, this time sounding like it was mixed with a choke as his mouth begin to fill up with an odd, copper-tasting liquid that also begin to go onto his lungs, before he started coughing, trying to get rid of his own life blood in vain to exchange it for some air.

A sudden, stubby appendage covered his mouth as he let the blood spurt and pour out of his mouth. He still had a look of horror and confusion, which would be forever stuck on his face as he stared at the odd, bipedal creature while his life slowly faded away, all while he gently crumpled to the floor, lifeless.

Marine's P.O.V...

Jackson slowly eased the deceased pony down onto the floor, putting his hand off of his mouth and wiped some of the blood off his combat gloves, before slowly easing the knife out of the throat and using his thumb and index finger to wipe the blood from the blade, putting it back into the knife holder on his side.

"That's one down.." Jackson said quietly, bringing his M1014 back into his hands, trying his best to ignore the horrified, shocked looks of the two ponies around them.

Marcus looked at him for a second before nodding and radioing Kayla. "One E-KIA..."

"Copy." Kayla responded simply.

They then continued to slowly advance, Jackson and the others more alert than ever before. Once they got to the corner, Jackson gently peeked to the side, seeing the brown-coat Unicorn and two other stallions, who were checking a duffel bag filled with bits, while the Unicorn taunted and threatened the civilians, before walking away and to the doorway with a very taunting grin.

"Alright.." Jackson whispered, pulling his head back and looking at Thompson and Marcus. "Tell Kayla we're ready. We got confirmed targets."

Marcus nodded as he used his radio once more. "Confirmed targets; Three. Do you got eyes on the Unicorn with a brown coat?..."

After a second, Kayla replied. "Solid copy. My crosshairs are right on his skull.. Just say when."

Marcus then looked over at Thompson and Jackson. "Alright.. On three."

They nodded.


Thompson readied his riot shield, making sure to activate the flaming nano-bots inside.


Jackson held his M1014 with an iron grip, breathing in.

Marcus kept his hand steady on his M1911, breathing out through his nostrils, giving a silent prayer in Spanish in his mind before speaking.


Thompson was the first one out, immediately rushing out and going for the closest hostile. Before the pony could even react, he was instantly launched back to the wall. The specialized shield did what it was intended to do; as soon as the shield made contact, a sudden wave of orange pulsed all through the front of the shield, showing that the trillions of nanobots have released their flaming substance onto the intended target.

As soon as the pony hit the wall, it was engulfed in a self inferno of controlled flames, burning only him as he screamed in pain and sudden shock, trying in vain to stop the flames as he rolled around the floor.

While this happened, Marcus quickly rushed at the other pony, delivering a very heavy uppercut. Hearing a somewhat satisfying crack, the other pony was spunned around due to the sheer force of the punch, collapsing instantly onto the floor as Marcus put him in a choke-hold.

Jackson, however, went for the leader of the group, who was completely shocked at the swift series of events. With ease, Jackson quickly rose his M1014, aiming right at the Unicorn as he pulled the trigger once.

The heavy amount of pellets quickly connected to the Unicorn's hind leg, tearing at the bone and flesh like a hot knife through butter, simply tearing off the limb and forming a bloody, torn stump as the Unicorn stumbled down, his mouth agape while his mind was contorted on whether it should stay shocked, or react to the pain and yell in utter agony.

Before any of that could happen, a loud snap was head, along with a flesh-tearing sound and a pang. Jackson watched as a .50 BMG round sliced through the Unicorn's cranium, making the Unicorn launch forward and faceplant into the floor below, showing the terrible exit wound on what remained of the back of his skull, showing the terrifying, yet awesome power of a .50 BMG round.

"We have the inside on lockdown; all threats are down!" Marcus informed both Kayla and Randy through the radio.

Jackson the walked forward, looking at the corpse of the Unicorn, examining the exit wound, sighing outside a bit. "Nice shot, Kayla... Damn."

"Copy.. And it's been a while, hasn't it?" She bragged a bit.

Jackson didn't respond, instead, still looking into the skull before turning and running to the door, pushing the open quickly as he shouted. "Area's on lockdown, all civilians are safe! We need some Guards over here! Guards only!"

Quickly, five Royal Guards rushed to him, two of them immediately rushed and dragged their fallen comrade back to them, while other ponies quietly sobbed and looked away in disgust, while some just stared.

The other three guards quickly rushed inside, going to untie and help the civilians. When Jackson turned back around, he saw that Thompson was tying up the scorched pony with flexicuffs while it groaned in pain, while Marcus lifted the other pony, ignoring his possible broken jaw as he grunted in frustration.

"Get up, you stupid shit.." He muttered, before he ordered Thompson to help him out. Thompson then left the scorched pony to the Guards, rushing to Marcus as they both then dragged the pony to the side and leaned him against the wall, while Marcus went over to Jackson.

He looked over Jackson's shoulder, looking at the corpse while raising both of his eyebrows. "Nice shot, Jackson.. You too, Kayla." He said.

"He didn't stand a chance." Jackson said simply. They then both jogged over to the corpse, ignoring the shocked and scared looks from the ponies inside. Before they could lift the corpse and drag it away from prying eyes, Marcus saw something inside the skull wound.

"What the fuck..?" He muttered, crouching over the corpse and looking into the head wound. "Jackson, didn't you see this?.."

"See what?"

Marcus then, somewhat hesitantly, put his hand into the wound and pulled out a small, bloody, glowing blue, pill-shaped object. "This what I think it is?"

Jackson crouched beside him and looked at the small object, which was pulsating brighter every now and then. "It.. It looks like a miniature Cortex." He said curiously, holding it in his hand while Marcus handed it to him. "I never knew they could be this small...."

"Neither did I." Marcus said, looking at the entire body of the Unicorn in confusion. "But what would the brain of an Ancestor be doing inside a pony? Unless this isn't a real pony at all.."

"Maybe it got transplanted into him, driving him wild with visions.." Jackson theorized.

Marcus sighed and cursed under his breath. "This shit's getting out of hand.. I haven't even been contacted by Samantha at all yet."

"She'd know what's up.. But basically, the Ancestors are using.. Unconventional physical and mental methods to get one step closer to their goal.." Marcus muttered. "By implanting this shit into these poor fucks.."

Marcus growled and stood up swiftly, looking towards Thompson. "Contact Twilight; tell her we're on the way, and to get ready to send Celestia and the Guards a message!"

Before Thompson could respond, their built-in radios on their helmets beeped and over came Twilight's voice herself. "Uh.. I don't mean to interrupt here, but.. Dempsey here has something important to tell you all. And it's very urgent you all come here. Now, he's saying.."

"Good timing then.. We have something for you all too. Get ready to send Celestia a new scroll..." Marcus warned. He then looked over his shoulder, looking at Jackson and Thompson. Thompson gave the signal that he'll stay with the Guards and help along with Randy, while Jackson waited for Marcus.

"... Some shit's about to go down."

Comments ( 43 )

FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST THAT WAS A FUCKIN' AWESOME CHAPTER!:pinkiehappy::flutterrage::pinkiecrazy:

Worth the wait sir, worth the wait...:ajsmug:

It's back! Yes new chapter and it has action, that somewhat reminded me of Rainbow Six Siege. But still awesome, can't wait for the next chapter.


It's great to be back. :ajsmug:

Another nice chapter. I have only one issue.

Before any of that could happen, a loud snap was head, along with a flesh-tearing sound and a pang. Jackson watched as a .50 BMG round sliced through the Unicorn's cranium, making the Unicorn launch forward and faceplant into the floor below, showing the terrible exit wound on what remained of the back of his skull, showing the terrifying, yet awesome power of a .50 BMG round.

What exit wound? The head would literally explode.


Yeah.. I realized this and had a lot of trouble with it, but I had to do a.. 'ends justify the means' option here and this was the best bet at the time.

I'll look for other viable options for similar or somewhat similar scenarios in the future. I'm glad you enjoyed it regardless. :twilightsmile:

So things wrong with this chapter.
1.I see no cryptic battles....
2. No shipping
3.no references
4.ur fucking retarded
Have a nice day :D


1. Next chapter
2. I'm heavily debating on this.
3. You've clearly never heard of or played Payday and Rainbow Six: Siege
4. Yet I still have more brains than you to make a +200 liked story

I still love ya' :derpytongue2:

6492621 1V1 ME BITCH SCRUB oh wait.......*4-30*.....never mind and......wtf is payday also...is rainbow siege about rd?



And no, it's not, but I'm gonna buy it either way. Because Rainbow. And Tom Clancy.

Payday is where you do a shit ton of heists and plans and get guns and bitches and get munny.


Tablet ded, m8.

Gotta go buy some shit wit mai $25 card on Xbone.






6492691 Ok... BUT

I was waiting at the bus stop one day. A friend of mine told me he would meet me there around noon. I stood there, hangs in my pocket, listening to music. Suddenly, the John Cena theme song started playing. This was odd, because I never downloaded it onto my phone. Nor did I even like WWE. The last time I heard about John Cena was when I saw this little kid have a shirt of him. But anyways, I went on my phone and changed the song. But it went right back to John Cena's theme song. I decided to just take my headphones out and not listen to anything. Once I did, I heard someone whisper in my ear, "Your time is up." I turned around, but there was no one there. I got scared. I tried calling my friend. No answer. Then my mother. Again, no answer. I decided to head home. But when I went into my house, someone was sitting on my bed. Tall, muscular, and shirtless. "My time is now," he said. He then body slammed me. To this day, I am used as his footstool. John Cena is love, John Cena is life.

10/10 How I'd expect a Rainbow Six match to go down.

Yo L.P. ! I got somethin' to say:ajsmug:

When's da next update coming along? It's been quite a while :pinkiehappy:

Marcus get your lazy ass up and make the story I will spoil I want zambies now!


Hey Spear, it's been a while.

I've been having major writer's block. Haven't been able to break it. Hopefully it will soon.

As of now it's on hiatus. :ajsleepy:


If I can break my writer's block.

6921485 oh it's been a while alright...:ajsmug:

Oh damn. Whatever problem you are dealing with now I hope all the best for you buddy.

Take your time and don't rush yourself into writing.

marcus if you dont wanna finish the story get on steam you fucking pleb :) (everyone marcus is my boyfriend he loves me and i love him lololol) marcus pls bby i got civ 5 for you I BOUGHT STUFF SO WE COULD PLAY TOGETHER LOVE ME MARCUS. LOVE ME WE CAN HAVE A LOVE TRIANGLE WITH RAINBOW DASH OKAY!? (this is what a bored austyn does when hes bored) (save me from this nightmare):rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by DeathlyWarrior666 deleted Mar 9th, 2017
Comment posted by DeathlyWarrior666 deleted Mar 9th, 2017

Also I have a Xbox 360 and my gamer tag is lamujer617(I AM NOT A GIRL ITS JUST A RANDOM USERNAME MY SIS PICKED IT USED TO BE HERS)I play bo1 often and I has ghosts,xenoverse and a bunch of other games,so yeh

it be pretty cool if you added Autonomous Sentry Platform (ASP)

I have an oc that if you want to put in go ahead!(just please give me some credit)
Name:Felix Korman
Profession:Weapon specialist,partime engineer
Backstory:On sight during mission "Exodus"
Assisted with protecting the medusa,at the last second,he "died" to a Rhino while trying to escape on a Warthhog(totally not from Halo)
Kind of a MLP fan
Gear:Costumizeded Ripper(Grip,red dot sight,muzzle brake,Ark attachment)
Costumized Maverick(same attachments as ripper)
Nx-1 disruptor
Nx-1 grenades(7)
Looks:5 feet 7,dressed like soldier from the prestige 10 multiplayer background
Not expecting you to put him in but if you do,well I'll just be amazed!
You can Nerf him if you want:twilightsmile:
Also deathly afraid of crickets,watched one kill his entire family when he was 13

I have an Xbox 360 and Xbox One, I'll add you. I mostly play Xbox One, though.

What happened to this story, I read it when it first came out. I just reread it to get caught up. Is this like ultimate dead?


Not necessarily. I'm working privately on remaking chapters. Some chapters are gonna be deleted and archived. I'm mainly just waiting to see if the next CoD game will bring back Extinction before I work on this story again to make it more relevant.

I hope they bring back extinction it was a fun game mode, I also really hope you bring back the story. I loved it and I was so sad when I realized at where it stopped

i mean cod IW has semi extinction for the last DLC

i say its... 95% dead

its sad to see this story hasn't been updated for 5 years, i really enjoyed it alot. i've reread it a few times over the last few years

That is actually a very good point.

well at least we now know this is cannon/canon now

Dammit, it's official. It's cancelled. :fluttershyouch: :ajsleepy:

Happy Thanksgiving though.

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