• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,263 Views, 869 Comments

From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

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Chapter 14: Forgive And Forget

Nurse Redheart was sitting behind the main desk while drinking some coffee, thinking about the events that happened earlier that day. She was one of the many ponies to see the bipedal creatures jog and sing through town. She wondered where they came from, what they were wearing, and what in the hay a 'Cadillac' was. What shocked her the most was that four of the Element bearers were jogging steadily alongside them. Before she could ponder any further, she heard the main doors open somewhat forcefully. She put her coffee down and spoke.

"What seems to be th-" Her voice faded as she saw what she saw earlier. The black-clothed bipedal creatures stormed in with the four Element bearers alongside them. Two of the creatures were carrying one of their own, who had what seemed to be sunglasses barley hanging on its face, and had a hole in its jaw, which was letting out a steady flow of blood and a trail of it behind them. It also had a hole on the top right of its head.

Redheart put a hoof in her mouth "Oh... oh my.. what happened?.."She said in shock. Twilight frantically ran to her and spoke quickly.

"I'll explain everything later! Right now that guy they're carrying needs serious medical attention right now, or he's a goner!" She said frantically. Redheart took another glance at the creatures, who were caring for their fallen friend. She then nodded assertivley and called out for two unicorn doctors. When they rushed downstairs, they had the same look as she had.

"Don't ask, cause I don't know either. Just take that one and patch him up as best as you can!" She stated while pointing a hoof at the injured one. The unicorns both nodded and carefully levitated the injured creature. They carefully took it upstairs to one of the rooms as Redheart followed behind them.

Jackson and Thompson took a seat and took their helmets off, panting. Kayla turned to Twilight and spoke.

"You sure these docs know what they're doing?" She asked. Twilight sighed and responded.

"I honestly don't know. They have no clue of your species' body structure or anatomy.." She said hesitantly.

"But we're similar to apes in body structure! Would they at least take a hint?"

Twilight shook her head " They're doctors, not vets. If animals or pets needed care, they usually go to Fluttershy."

Thompson spoke up "I can help the doctors with whatever they're doing."

Then Fluttershy spoke "I-I can help too.. if it's alright with you all."

Kayla nodded and told them to go help the doctors and the nurse. They rushed upstairs and went into the room. The lobby fell silent after they heard the door shut. Then everyone looked at Rainbow Dash, who was sitting there, looking at her bloody hoof in horror and with widened eyes.

Rainbow Dash' P.O.V.

Rainbow's shock was slowly fading away as reality kicked in. She looked at her hoof which was caked in Marcus' blood. The events flashed through her mind as she did so, taking in all that had happened in the short amount of time.

Her eyes started to slowly form tears. Then, without taking her eyes off her hoof, she whispered.

" I... I kil..I killed M-" She choked up as tears slowly, but freely flowed out of her eyes. She started breaking out into a sob until she felt Twilight and Applejack hug her.

"Don't worry, sugercube, he ain't dead. You didn't mean to hurt him." Applejack said calmly.

"Yeah, he's gonna be fine. Besides, he'll forgive you" Twilight said reassuringly.

But Rainbow wasn't convinced "But I-I almost killed him over something s-so-" She stopped when she felt something pat her head. She looked up and saw Jackson, smirking.

"Man, he almost died doing a bunch of crazy stupid shit long before we knew him. This ain't anything new; he's one crazy mothafucka and we love him for it." Jackson said chuckling.

"Yeah. We're not pissed at you anymore. But why DID you have to kick him? Seems like you couldn't take a joke. You got some overbearing pride or huge ass ego or some shit like that?" Kayla asked.

Rainbow was a bit offended and was about to fire back at her, but she sighed and amitted defeat "M-maybe a teeny-tiny bit.."

Jackson then spoke "Well that 'teeny tiny bit' almost took out Marcus. Just try to keep it in check, okay? For now lets just forgive and forget."

Rainbow sniffed and nodded. Twilight and Applejack let go, then Twilight remembered something.

"Oh! Applejack, can you bring Spike over here so I can tell Princess Celestia about this?" Twilight asked. Applejack nodded and sprinted towards the library. After a couple minutes she came back with Spike. They were sending the last of the letters to Celestia when Fluttershy came back downstairs. Everyone looked up at her until she spoke.

"M-Marcus is awake now.."

Marcus' P.O.V.

After fading back into darkness, Marcus heard several slurred voices around him. He slightly opened his eyes, only to be meeted with a bright, white light.

"Son of a-" He turned his head to the side, only to feel a sharp, dull pain wave all around his skull. He yelped in pain as the light moved away from him.

"Marcus! Marcus! You awake there, man?" He heard Thompson's voice.

Marcus groaned "I don't wanna go to school..." He joked as he felt a small grin appear on his face.

He then heard Thompson chuckle "Yep, you're awake. Fluttershy go tell the others the bad- I mean good news!" He joked.

Marcus opened his eyes and rubbed them to get his vision back. He sat up straight while clutching his throbbing head "Heh.. screw you.. ow.." He groaned.He then heard Fluttershy downstairs.

"M-Marcus is awake now.."

He then heard what he could've sworn was an F-16 fighter jet soar upstairs.

"Shit.." He thought as he immediatley felt something hug him so hard he felt like he was in the hold of an anaconda. He looked down to see a certain rainbow-maned pegasus hugging him. He then felt his shirt get a little wet. He looked closer to see that Rainbow was... crying? and that the fur around her eyes looked like she had been doing so before.

Marcus just smiled and tried to return the hug with his own, but he was only able to place a hand on her mane. He patted her when Jackson and the rest walked in.

Jackson smirked "Back from the brink, Sarge?"

"Out of the frying pan is more like it." Marcus said. They chuckled as Jackson patted him on the shoulder. Twilight then ran into the room.

"Guys, Princess Celestia said she'll be here soon!" She exclaimed.

Marcus smirked "This should be good..."

Author's Note:

GIVE ME YOUR SPLEEN- I mean THOUGHTS on this chapter!

Richtofen: But... vat about zhe spleens..

L.P: You mean cryptids and flashbacks? Wait a bit longer...

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