• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,889 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 6 Hearts Aflame

Luna winced slightly under the bright flashes of a hundred cameras. Captain Nightshade stood by her right side in her ebony armor. There would be no room for distractions here, even the ornate dress uniforms were foregone in favor of functional battle armor. The legendary knight-commander Sir Fancy Pants stood by her left side. It took much convincing but the retired Sir Fancy Pants was persuaded to set aside his silk suit for a metal one.

In the open air stage, winds blew in all directions while reporters below held onto their hats. Pegasus aerial units flew in squad aerial formations and in well-choreographed holding patterns. Each squad of Pegasi represented their respective aerial divisions with trailing banners carried by their leaders. Circling above were two of Equestria’s own airships and a dozen War Balloons. Their airships, Cloud Carriers, unlike Griffin or Zebra ones did not rely on burning black bloodstones; their power came from sorcery as opposed to technology. Pegasus cloud generators, Earth Pony Engineering, and Unicorn power, Equestria’s airships were the product of three race’s friendship.

Luna had arranged it all to surpass even the propaganda posters. Her plan took a different turn, however, when winds of her making blew away her speech sheet. There was a pregnant pause as everypony saw the piece of parchment flicker through the air. Nightshade motioned to spring for it. Luna stopped her with her hoof. She didn’t need any sign of weakness. She knew what she needed to say.

She was glad that microphone technology allowed her to speak normally without having to scream at them as she did in days of yore. Still, she was sure to add a little bit of boom for good measure. She drew her muzzle close to the mic and began. “Citizens of Equestria, not but yesterday an attempt was made upon our life. We are here to dispel rumors of Griffin and Zebra involvement and set the Equestrian doctrine.”

Luna was glad that Spike had sent a message; otherwise she would have been forced to at least implicate the most likely suspects. He had spared her an international debacle. Her thoughts of Spike caused a small panic and pause. She resumed before anyone noticed.

“There are those who underestimate the power of ponies. They call us weak and soft of heart, yet no nation has lasted our duration. Foreign powers that seek the enterprize of empire pay heed. Equestria, for a millennia, hast withstood and endured the rages of the ages. Our sky and soil are sovereign. Any who attempt to colonize; thy bodies and bones are welcome to fertilize our flowers!”

Her rhetoric was from a crueler time; Luna saw several ponies in the crowd shudder. She hoped her enemies were afraid as well.

“To the cowards who seek to disturb the peace, we extend an invitation to an open duel! We offer this challenge! Come at us with thy assassins and armies, for all trembles to behold our true might, the citizens that fight to defend their homes. Equestria prevails.”

The crowds were rapt with attention. There were some early cheers.

Luna looked towards Sir Fancy Pants. “Now in these times of peril; to reservists and retirees of the Royal Guard we call upon thee to renew old vows! Polish thy armor and remove the rust from thy lances. Citizens thinking of service, do not tarry. Equestria needs every able solder. Let us present a united front.”

A pony or two saluted in the crowd. Luna saw an elderly pony with crutch salute. A soldier that had paid such a sacrifice already was willing to pay more. The patriots added more fire to her speech. Some ponies that did not bear the air of soldiers saluted also.

“In summation, nations near, hear and fear! Equestria is a power that can defend itself and if necessary preemptively attack! To our allies, we offer continued friendship and harmony! To our foolish foes, prepare and beware to face the merciless moon!”

Luna had resurrected the power and passion of war words, some of which she used to inspire the Lunar Rebellion or Revolution. The irony was not lost on her as she smiled warmly. Despite the outcome of the first ill-fated war, it showed she was still loved enough that others would fight… and die for her. She prayed such devotion of her subjects was never tested.

For extra spice, the captain of the Wonderbolts blew over the stage in a great gale.The reporters held firmly onto their hats. However, as the sound cracked over them, many lost theirs. The flurry of colors produced by the Sonic Rainboom was awe inducing to Luna’s mesmerizing speech.

Luna left before the applause came, but she heard the stomping and clopping of hooves backstage. Public speech and outings sapped her, their gales of patriotism though helped her recover slightly.

As they walked to board her airship, Fancy Pants bowed before Luna.

The aristocratic knight spoke with dignity and a slight bit of whimsy. “Princess Luna, your majesty, that was a very bold speech. When you re-commissioned me, I’d hoped you weren’t planning war.”

“Sir Fancy Pants, we thank thee for enlisting again. We may indeed require thine martial might. We thought thee would be glad to don thy armor again.”

“Your majesty, soldiering has never been my true calling.”

“Thou hast crowns for thy emblem; the intrigues of power seem to be the innate with thee. Tell us thou art not in the least enthused to enter the arena again.”

Fancy Pants nodded as he looked back at his cutie mark. “Your majesty, while I may indulge in the game of princesses and princes you’ll notice my mark is not crossed sabers or lances.”

Nightshade snorted. “You’ll do your duty as our Princess commands and without complaint. Guard vows are unto death regardless of retirement.”

“I am aware of the contract I signed.” Fancy Pants gave an indignant glare at the bat pony. “As abrasive as ever. Still single?”

Nightshade snarled now. “I save my flower.”

Fancy Pants raised a brow while smirking. “Of course; it’s poisonous after all.”

“Your last one was a looker, or was she a hook—”

Fancy Pants boiled under his collar. “You will not impugn Fleur’s honor! She is my wife!”

Luna interrupted before blows were exchanged. “My Captains, while this line of discourse is most amusing. Save thy fury for our enemy.”

Fancy pants took the cue to change subject. “Princess, would that we could, we do not know the nature of foe.”

“Nightshade, report to us thy findings.”

Nightshade saluted. “The Griffins gave the automatic crossbow’s deployment details; the crew was overrun and weapon was lost in the first Zebrika campaign. I traced the exact battle. A mercenary outfit gained possession of it afterwards. The mercenary leader summarily died during the second Zebrika campaign. The last owners were a Gazelle and Water Buffalo; whereabouts unknown.”

“Truly a cursed weapon, to have shed so much blood. The tragedy and history of violence in Zebrika; shocks us. So the weapon origins tells us nothing.”

Nightshade shook her head speaking grimly. “Dead lead.”

“Sir Fancy Pants, have your old contacts found anything concerning the conspiracy commander Big Brow?

“Your Majesty, Big Brow was an alias; Gargan Juan is real name. He actually served in my old unit as a lesser officer. He left with full honors. I don’t know what reason would compel him to treason.”

Luna scratched the bottom of her muzzle. “On his dying breaths, this commander of theirs spoke of a wife and son, can they be brought for questioning?”

Sir Fancy Pants cleared his throat. “When we broke into his house, the guards vomited at the sight… his wife and son were found dead and rotting for some months.”

“Dead…” Luna shuddered as gears in mind clicked. “My Captains, we fear our foe is more insidious and cunning than any you have ever faced. Continue thy investigations; keep details close to thy chests. Ascertain the identity of our enemy. Equestria prevails.”

Both Captains echoed her words. “Equestria prevails.”

Spike arrived at Rarity’s Carousel Boutique. He felt hollow within, his feelings lost. After a round of deep breathing exercises, he knocked on the door. The pony that answered though surprised him.

“Heya, Spike.” A full grown mature mare version of Sweetie Belle bounced in front of him. The antics the troublesome trio of friends, caused Spike to groan inwardly at the trouble they caused him.

“Sweetie Belle? I thought you were on concert tour.”

“I stopped by to check on Rarity, but she’s locked in her room. Another Prince Blueblood or smarmy rich stallion proved to be full of dung, huh? She’ll be brooding for a week but she’ll get over it.”

Spike tried to raise a claw to correct her. “Sweetie that’s not—”

Sweetie patted his shoulder. “Hang in there Spike, she’ll come around! Aside from the most popular stallions of the week, you’re all she talks about.”

Shaking his head, Spike took a breath and closed his eyes. He felt his claw tighten, the tension rising in him. “Actually Sweetie, Rarity is crying because of me.”

Sweetie put her hoof to her hips and looked at him in disbelief. “What? You ate her entire gem collection?”

“No, it’s complicated.”

“Shred a designer dress of hers?”

“No, Rarity rejected me, then I fell in love with Luna. Rarity came back but…”

Sweetie Belle’s jaw fell. “You’re dating Luna? Way to make her jealous!”

With a wide grin, she nudged Spike’s shoulder with her hoof. “That’s some plan you got there. It may be your best one yet! I approve!”

“It’s not a plan. I really love Luna. I just love Rarity too.”

His words finally reached the peppy pop idol songstress. “Whoa? Take a breath and tell me. First let me take a breath.”

Outside the door they sat. Sweetie Belle waved off her bodyguard for their privacy. After some harrowing minutes. Spike finished explaining the insane events leading to the current condition.

“You and Rarity got mad massive history, though!” Sweetie Belle said. “You’re just gonna dump that for the perfect Princess?”

“I know what we have, had, have.” Spike struggled with word tenses. “It’s just Luna isn’t what everyone thinks she is. I feel like I’ve known her all my life as well. I might be the only one that can fill that special place in her life… I feel the same about Rarity.”

“You know I’m gonna recommend Rarity, right?”


“Rarity was afraid because I was a dragon. She’s scared of me…”

“No offense, I can like you in the light, but if I saw you in a dark alleyway I’d run off heading for the hills.”

Sweetie’s words were somehow poetic in illustrating his dual nature. Were it from a stranger though he was want to cry racism, however, she was being her honest self.

Spike, nevertheless, was compelled to ask. “I’m that bad?”

He sunk sadly.

“Don’t be like that. It just means Rarity loves you so much that she’s willing to come back to that! By what you told me, Rarity is rather reasonable. There’s some other reasons too…”

“Like what?”

“She’s given up her business for you. When rumors spread around the rich snobs that Rarity was dating a dragon, things got ugly. I guess it was similar to your situation. Rarity neither confirmed nor denied it which made the rumor worse.”

Spike felt a chill run through his spine. Rarity’s boutique was her life, she was a thoroughbred career mare. “R-Rarity gave up her dreams? But she was boasting about sales in Prance.”

“It’s some rich snob who wants to dress like an emperor. No-pony-nean or something, That lifeline thread will be cut once he realizes Rarity herself isn’t for sale.”

The megalomaniacal Prench General Naponean was Rarity’s client? Spike shook his head. It couldn’t be. The tyrant’s fame was renowned; perhaps somepony had named their child after Naponean. Still, Rarity’s desperate financial situation was worrying news to him.

Spike placed both of his palms on his forehead. “Celestia’s sun, I never knew. Why didn’t Rarity say anything?!”

“Rarity is prouder than most. She built her business when she was nameless and nothing. She even got angry at me when I tried anonymously buying all her dresses. Calling for help would be admitting defeat. Yeah, it’s illegal to discriminate… but in reality you can’t prove anything. Her customers can always they say changed styles. Fashion is fickle.”

Spike angrily shook his claws at the heavens. “Why?!”

He then sighed, sadly. “Whatever my damn feelings are. I still have to apologize. Rarity deserves that.”

Sweetie nodded. “Heya Spike did you know we three, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and I once dared each other to ask you out on a date? We were too scared though.”

Spike raised an eyebrow with a tilt of his head. “Because I’m a dragon?”

“No it was because you were too nice. We didn’t want to hurt you. Applebloom convinced us all it wasn’t right to play with your heart. Also because I do the best Rarity impression, Scoots didn’t think it’d be fair. I was game for it though. Sometimes I wonder…” Sweetie Belle got up promptly. “Okay best of luck Spike! I got a concert to deliver!”

Spike hollered after her. “What’s your latest single?”

Sweetie waved back. “Your sad love life inspires my music. Newest song is called Puppy Love! Top of the boards, two weeks!” She reared up on her hind legs then bent her left leg; with her right forehoof she blew a kiss. Thousands of hormonally crazed colts went to her concerts just for that signature. Sweetie Belle was a sensation across the nation, a pop idol exploding hearts and sales charts. Her music, though, wasn’t exactly his taste; it was her personality that won so much fame, much like how her sister had drawn him. Spike turned toward inside the boutique.

The threshold boundary between the business and her exclusive space was Rarity’s door. Inside was her inner sanctum, her castle’s keep. Spike knocked lightly to no answer. After a few more minutes and more knocks, he decided to open the door anyway. In the dark room she saw a figure wrapped in bed sheets like a hood.

“Sweetie Belle, I don’t want to talk about it! For the last time leave me alone!”

“Rarity, it’s me,” a voice said.

Her words were screamed out as she shuffled away. “Spikey?! Don’t turn on the light! Don’t look! My makeup and mane are a mess!”

He sighed and turned on the light. Rarity shrunk away hiding herself in the bed sheets.

“Rarity, I have night vision. It’s a dragon thing.”

After moments, Rarity let the fact sink in. “You can see in the dark?”


“So all those other embarrassing moments…?”


Rarity raised her hooves to hide her face. “It seems I’m coming apart at the seams.”

Spike noticed the blood cuts on her hooves. “How’d you hurt you hoof?”

“I smashed my mirror.”

Spike grabbed a medical box he found by her dresser. It seemed to have been used recently as well. “Why’d you do that?”

“I hate myself.”

“Well don’t do stuff like that; I love you.”

“Spikey?” Her eyes sparkled with hope.

“I also love Luna. Let’s be clear, I didn’t appreciate you trying to trap me with the ‘Just’ friends’ dinner arrangement. I am not that thick.”

“It was uncouth of me. I know that now, passions can make us do the craziest things.”

“Rarity, also Sweetie told me everything about how you’re struggling. You need to accept help from others. Even Applejack can’t farm the whole orchard.”

She nodded.

“Let’s go on that just ‘friends’ date.” He repeated for special emphasis. “Just friends.”

Rarity smiled. “I can accept that.”

Trekking through Ponyville was now no longer as hospitable as it once was. Night Guards with lances patrolled the rooftops while Sun Guards walked the street. The added security somehow made Spike feel insecure. In lieu of the assassins, though, he figured it was better safe than sorry. Still, the ominous presence of the guards ruined the mood. One of the guards on the rooftops shuffled somewhat oddly. Spike smiled at that. It was possible the guard fell asleep on duty and recent awoke groggily to his duty. Maybe it was Luna that popped his dream bubble. It reminded him that behind their armor, they were still ponies.

Again they found themselves at the same Café by convenience of the location. Savoir Fare, the owner, was apologizing every two sentences as he vowed to serve them complimentary meals until the end of days. After receiving their free meals, they ate only to avoid speaking, waiting for the other to first speak.



Spike, as a gentle-drake, offered her first to speak. “You go first, Rarity.”

Rarity produced a familiar ring. “You dropped this when you left the party… that terrible night.”

He chuckled. “I won that gem stone for you. I fought Firestorm for a whole afternoon. Our battle destroyed several hillsides.”

“Yes; your claws cut it and you kissed it with fire to make it look like my cutie mark. As a fellow artist, I can appreciate your labors.” Rarity floated the ring closer to her eyes and gently stroked the side of the gemstone with her hoof. “Spikey, this is positively the most generous gift I have ever received… since well your last gift.”

“You still have that Fire Ruby? You could sell it to boost your business.”

Rarity digressed. “It’s locked safely in the chest under my bed’s left side. I would sell my soul before parting with it.” She returned to form and pushed the diamond ring to him. “As much I would love to. I cannot accept this because it is unfair. You should give this gift to one you love—”

“I love—”

“Spikey, it is rude to interrupt a lady. As I was saying, you should give this treasure to the one you love the most. A heart diamond is much more than legendary in quality.”

“It’s you could say a rarity.”

“Darling, that’s charming, but you’re violating your own terms. We are just friends here aren’t we? Say more, and I shall be forced to something rash.”

“Rash like what?” Spike asked.

Rarity blushed. “Jump you here in front of all these gentle-colts and ladies, create a scandal that would leave them talking for years to come, possibly get us arrested for indecent exposure. Darling, you have no idea.”

Spike’s face reddened as some ideas entered his head. He took the diamond and nodded. “Thank you for giving me this option. That alone means more to me than you know.”

Rarity looked down upon her plate. “I said terrible things that night… ugly things. I cannot say how much how sorry I am sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

“No it is not!” Rarity hung her head letting her mane and ears droop. “It wasn’t me… it was high society. Those sneering snobs, the biased books, I let them get to me. I am truly ashamed. I hope one day we can forget this unpleasantness.”

Spike sighed. “I could never forget… I could forgive, though. You don’t understand what’s like from my angle.”

“Tell me.”

“When I was small, ponies paid little mind to me, but the bigger I got, the more they did. Eventually less and less of them remembered when I was small, and they saw me as a dangerous ‘thing’. They hid from me or made excuses. It was alright though because I still had six friends that would see me for me no matter what…”

Rarity nearly sobbed. “I’m sorry to be the first weak link to break...”

“No, Fluttershy was the first to see me differently than when I was a dragonling. Her animals would cause a ruckus whenever I visited. She never said anything but her body language was all telling. I saw the fear in her eyes and how she shuddered when I reached out with my claws or opened my jaws.”

With a shake of her head, Rarity let her tears fall. “I didn’t know…”

“I avoided Pinkie Pie not because of her but because the Cakes were fearful for their fillies. I didn’t want to cause her trouble.”

“Oh Spikey,” Rarity was crying for him.

He took his claws that could carve stone and delicately wiped the tears from her eyes. “Don’t cry. It’s actually helped me grow. I became an ambassador because I was already a stranger here.”

“It doesn’t make it right. This is your home.”

“It is what it is.”

“This simply will not do, dear! You can’t accept that. We’ll work to change it.”

Spike shook his head, sadly. “I’m not a social movement, I don’t have clout, and I honestly I doubt even Luna’s laws could change people’s prejudices.”

Rarity saved the debate for another time; the subject of Luna was another matter she was deeply concerned about. “Spike, I understand you work as an ambassador but how did you end up dating Princess Luna?”

“It’s funny that you should mention. When things seemed to be the darkest she was there for me. Talking to her these past couple days has been an illuminating experience. It happened so fast.”

“Too fast,” said Rarity, pondering. “Did she slip you a love potion, I wonder?”

“Luna wouldn’t do that,” said Spike, “She knows what it’s like to be hurt. She has a lot of baggage weighing her down.”

Rarity sniffled. “Spikey, am I your baggage?”

“No, things have gotten crazy between us but I would never call you that. You’re an incredible mare, I’m happy to have you in my life.” Spike reflected on Rarity’s involvement. She was a normal Unicorn mare; her actions, though, made her shine like the dazzling diamond in his claws. Even during the first day they had met, she proved herself to be an extraordinary individual. Without knowing about her attachments to the elements she went into the forest to stop Nightmare Moon. In his youth identity crisis, she even ventured into dragon territories to help him.

Their conversation was interrupted when Luna approached them. Spike expected hostilities. Words would be exchanged and his head would implode from their battle. Already he was preparing some sort of damage control, he was so nervous he chewed on his claws.

Luna’s tone was reconciliatory. “Sir Spike and Lady Rarity, could we join thee?”

Rarity was stunned by Luna’s maturity. She eyed Luna as one would be wary of a dark leopard prowling in the undergrowth.

“Lady Rarity, we mean peace. We bring confections of chocolate and vanilla.” Luna floated from behind her, a red bow wrapped box.

“They’re not poison are they?”

Luna giggled and untied the box. She casually popped a random chocolate into her mouth. “Thou art a precious friend to Sir Spike; we wish to be your friend also.”

Her smiled was gummed up by the sticky chocolate as the three of them sat down.

There was some initial ice, but it was melted with help of Spike. He used up his best funny stories. He told of the times that he snuck hot sauce into ketchup of the military academy mess hall; Shining Armor made him drink a bottle when he was caught literally red handed. Rarity told a tale of a married stallion who wished to buy a dress not for his wife but for himself; the stallion was even trying it on in her shop. The evening passed with such shared tales of humorous hijinks and the eating of gourmet candies. Spike smiled wide as he saw them converse.

The moon had risen when Luna finished recounting her last tale. “We then tarred and feathered the false knight! Prince Blueblood shall naught be posing as a soldier anytime soon without lifting a lance! The coward’s screams sent the guards rushing for fear maidens’ virtues were under assault.”

Rarity laughed, slapping her forehooves on her hind knees. She winced as her bandaged hoof was hit.

“Thou art injured, let us heal thee.” Luna sparked her horn and let her magic wash through Rarity’s hoof.

“Thank you,” said Rarity. She unwrapped the bandage to find her minor cuts gone.

“Prince Blueblood,” said Spike. “He’s a jerk and a joke.”

“We concur though;” Luna chuckled. “Blueblood is a source of great humor. It pleases us to knock him down when his arrogance grows too tall.”

“Darling, you would not believe the horrid experience I had with that so called Prince.”

“Let’s prank him sometime!” Spike howled in laughter.

Luna declared. “Indeed! We must punish him again!”

“I can warm up the hot tar,” said Spike blowing a tiny plume of fire.

“I have some feather pillows. Oh they’re Prench imports, but it would be sooo worth it!” Rarity added.

“Very well! We shall come up with the arbitrary reason!”

“This is too much.” Rarity beamed smiling. Rarity cuffed a yawn with her hoof. “I do beg your pardon but it is getting late and this lady needs her beauty sleep.”

Spike volunteered. “I’ll take you home.”

“We will take you home,” Luna added a little too hastily.

The embers of hostility seem to flicker for a slight second.

Rarity questioned. “You suspect me of doing something untowards to Spike?”

Luna snuffed the ember with a kind smile. “Nay, Lady Rarity. We suspect we are all too weary.”

After joking some more about Blueblood’s cowardice they said their goodbyes and left Rarity at her home.

Spike spoke, fondly. “Luna, I can’t thank you enough. That was awesome. Somehow I knew you could get along.”

“Sir Spike, now I feel conflicted as thee do. Fair Rarity is a strong spirit. She is worthy of thee.”

“I know… this is killing me inside. Maybe all of us can hold off on romance for a while.”

“We will respect thy decision whatever that may be. Time heals all wounds; I have until the stars flicker and die. All will be well.”

Spike nodded in agreement, until he noticed she didn’t use the Royal ‘we’. He didn’t believe her stock words. Something was off with her. “Really? You can’t hide your hurt like that. Be honest, Luna,”

“Of course I will not be well if you choose her!” blurted Luna.

Spike cringed. “I don’t know who yet. I know though the other will be hurt. I’m so inept, I can’t even make a decision.”

“We shall make it for thee… Spike be with Rarity.”

Spike growled. “What the buck?! How can you say that and expect me to go along! You’re either manipulating me again or something I don’t know…”

“Manipulation thou hast not the faintest clue…”

Spike growled. “Being called a dumb beast by others made me hard work at proving them wrong. I’ve read you well enough so far. That stunt you pulled at the hospital didn’t escape me.”

Luna lowered her head. “It is the least of my sins… I confess I engineered our magic moments. Thine love for me is not natural. Like a predator, I have waited for the opportunity to snatch thee from Rarity for a while.”

“What? No way Luna, you couldn’t you have predicted. Why would you?”

Luna’s words became chilled. “Think upon it. Our meeting in Everfree was so coincidental only the poorest playwriters could have contrived such a farce to pull us together. Thy nature, we were certain would scare fair Rarity away at least once. We simply waited in the wings to steal thee.”

Spike felt himself leave his body. It was unreal. “No way. Luna, everything with you felt so natural. Why would you anyway? I’m nothing special. Plus up till that night we haven’t had any real conversations.”

“Thou art a special kind of dragon. Thine breed is extinct… Thy destiny has indeed decreed destruction. My sister Celestia favors nurture as the governing principle. We believe… or believed nature to be the beast. At first we walked through your dreams to assess thine threat to this land. Thou were a danger… if necessary to be killed before being allowed to grow to kill others…”

Spike shivered at the axe looming over his head he never knew of. Had his thoughts turned dark, had he embraced his role within the nightmare, would Luna have assassinated him in his sleep?

Luna resumed. “Nightmare after nightmare, thou refused to accept fate for what it hast dealt thee. Thou still awoke in the morning to work till the next night, knowing what waited and that slumber would offer no reprieve.”

Spike clasped his claws over his ears. “I still refuse! I won’t be a beast bent on destruction.”

He looked towards Luna glowing in the moon light. Her sad smile made him understand. “You’re talking about yourself too.”

“Slowly thy bravery in thy internal battles won my heart,” Luna continued. “In thy dreams thou fought the field of fire as I do in mine against the door of darkness. Thou clung to love when others would abandon it to despair. Twas inspiration for me to fight my own demon that hounds my heart. I wished to be your light as thou were mine. If not be it then by and besides it.”

For Spike, what he was hearing sounded too true to be possible. His head throbbed as hard as his heart. Luna’s possessiveness seem so sudden, but with her history expanded it was expected.

In his chronic nightmares, Spike recalled a shadow standing in the distance. “Luna, what are you saying? You were shadow in my Nightmares? The shadow always that watches and never speaks?”

“I have watched thee for a while.”

It was creepy and endearing. He felt no ill will towards her. The mysterious presence of another being in his nightmares actually distracted him from the despair. Her confession still stunned him.

“Too heavy was my hoof…” Luna said, a pain forming on her face. “Too eager I was to take thee… I did not know fair Rarity loved thee truly. Now I serve to split thee both from happiness. Sir Spike, I love thee and I am sorry!”

Luna turned to gallop away.

Spike grabbed her and lifted her onto her rear legs. “Luna I love you too.”

Luna kicked and bucked in an attempt to break free of his embrace. “Anathema in my ears; let me leave with my dignity!”

“I’m not letting you go… Spike want.” He tenderly held her as she struggled. “Luna, you were just lonely. It’s okay.”

Luna broke into tears as her limbs became limp in his arms. “Why Sir Spike?! Why must thee be so chivalrous!?”

“Milady Luna, I am your knight.”

“Did thee hear nothing of what was said?”

“I heard what mattered, you love me. You may have set me up but the moments the parts of you shared, I know were real. I love you too.”

“Then love only me.”


Nightshade and Sir Fancy Pants rushed to Luna with urgency in their steps.

Luna looked at Spike pleadingly. Tears were still flowing from her eyes.

“Distract them,” she whispered.

Spike deployed his wings like a curtain. “What’s going on?”

Nightshade rasped apparently out of breath. “You must make your escape. Ponyville is a trap.”

Spike shielded Luna with enough time that she was able to wipe her tears away. Luna came back with her social mask, her chest puffed out and her head high with authority. “The garrison has been doubled. Surely the threat is not as thou makest it to be. We see our guards still patrol.”

She pointed her horn at squads of guards walking in the street and the ones perched atop the roofs.

Fancy Pants whispered. “Your Majesty, the guards are ours in body only, their spirits have left them. The enemy has turned our assets against us. We don’t know who or how many.”

“We had to weave through the streets so we weren’t noticed and they did not spring the trap while you were in it. Just getting here, we noticed the majority have fallen.” said Nightshade.

“Under an influence spell, Changeling mind control?” asked Spike.

The squads of guards patrolling in the street began to converge on them. Moaning and gurgling came from their throats.

Luna shook her head. “Nay, the fallen…meaning dead yet resurrected in cruelty and with agency.”

The guards shambled towards them with unnatural gaits.

“I say this is too cruel, I knew these fools,” said Fancy Pants.

“Do not let their appearance deceive thee. Fight them as you would the enemy! They all already have passed on.”

“Wait! I sense some—” Nightshade vocalized dissent.

Luna reiterated with force. “They are all dead.”

“Yes Princess.” Nightshade nodded as if grasping some hidden meaning of hers.

Spike didn’t have time to ask, he readied himself for the onslaught.

As the horde seemed lurching to attack they stopped suddenly. The legion were frozen in place.

Fancy Pants scoffed. “I say, rather melodramatic, no?”

Luna narrowed her gaze. “A demon cometh.”

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A figure walked casually down the road towards them. With a brown fedora and red tie, he appeared to be like any other business pony. His innocuous apparel though was underscored by an obvious malevolent aura that bled darkness. Phantom strings of black magic were revealed by lamp lights. The wires seemed to be attached to the stallion’s limbs. The street lamps flickered out as he passed them.

Nightshade snarled. “Not one step further!”

She recoiled when she sniffed the stranger. “I sense no warmth from your blood.”

The gray stallion chuckled.

“Who art thou?”

The gray stallion stopped and tipped his hat in a gesture of respect. “Bold Princess, you extended an invitation… I am here to call upon thee.”

Luna looked at the stallion. “The dead cannot speak. Yet thy voice is thy own. How is it that thou hast retained speech?”

Sir Fancy readied his horn with magical energy. “Your Majesty, be wary.”

More guards took up positions on roof tops that encircled them.

Nightshade announced. “The sky route is cut off.”

Spike looked at an alleyway with promise however a squad of guards took that position too. “So is the ground.”

The cold gray stallion spoke with a warm tone. “You have my congratulations. The moon is most magnificent. The light it casts illuminates such shades of shadow. A fine evening it is.”

Luna matched his conversational tone. “Indeed it is, you seem to be an admirer of darkness. Tell us, who pulls thy strings?”

“Did you kill all these guards on your own?” Nightshade snarled.

“What are you?” Fancy Pants demanded.

“Tsk Tsk Tsk,” The stallion clucked his tongue. “So many questions, I am afraid of I have no obligation to answer.”

Luna spoke with a diplomatic air. “The spells upon thine body, they must hurt painfully to the physical and the soul. We may free thee in exchange for information.”

The figure winced slightly. “Every step and breath I take is pure agony…Thank you for your offer.”

He took a hoof and playfully tugged at one of the phantom strings. “However, you mistake the nature of my chains. These bounds are of love. I serve willingly.”

Luna continued the pretense of conversation. “Thou art animated by magic most malign. Yet ye seem to be in control of thy affliction. Thy force of personality must have been great during days alive.”

Spike interrupted. “So he’s an intelligent zombie pony?”

“Nay far fouler, tis a revenant of regret, a reason compels him…it… to stay in our realm,” said Luna. She turned back towards the stranger. “I am Princess Luna. Who art thou?”

He bowed slightly. “I am Amorpheus, master of shapeless nightmares.”

Luna bit back. “Ironic that a puppet would declare itself a master of anything!”

Amorpheus smiled. “Bold Princess, once opponents have declared, the duel is commenced!”

His fedora fell from his head in the upsurge of magical pressure, under his hat was revealed a Unicorn horn pulsing with a malign magical aura. “Prepare for fear of a nightmare you neither define nor defend! Existential Dread!”

Author's Note:

Amorpheus hails from Hole Hearted check it out!