• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,889 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 3 Rarity's Bravery

For giant dragons, their scales were harder than the heaviest plate armor; platoons of lancers could charge them and be rewarded by fire for their efforts. Spike knew this was not the case for him, each of their lance points had the power to end him.

Spike dodged and caught the first lance aimed to skewer him. He thanked Celestia he had the dexterity of his claws. He quickly grabbed the first guard by the collar, and with little effort, he picked him up and flung him away. He flew into one of his charging fellows, knocking them both over. Spike evaded the second couple of guards with a flap of his wings, their lances nicking his legs. He rolled in the air and swung his tail, sweeping them to the side.

“Graaah!!!” One of the recovered guards charged leaping into the air. Spike grabbed the guard and body slammed him, taking both of them to the ground.

“This is fun.” Spike tried to boast despite his scratches. “I could whip you guys all day but how about we just call it a draw.”

Nightshade saw through his ruse and the bleeding cuts on his legs. She snapped at her subordinates. “The drake is not to be feared! It bleeds like any other beast!”

Spike gulped as the rest of them had regrouped. He decided to try a different angle. “Your commander is a coward. She sits and barks orders. Why doesn’t she face me one on one?”

Not so much as a snort of retort came from the guards.

“Crescent formation! On my command!” Nightshade ordered.

Their arrangement meant evading the lance of one guard in any direction led to taking the lance of another. Spike spotted no opening for escape. He considered attack. One of the guards, on the outer left, limped slightly from a previous leg injury. The odds were still very poor; he would have to sustain a wound in order to break through their line.

Nightshade licked her fangs, smiling at her advantage. “Attack! Run him through!”

A gleaming gold blur suddenly attacked the formation’s right. The surprised ponies could not turn their long lances quickly enough. In the smack down, Spike saw his opportunity. He jumped at limping guard, knocked the pony onto his hooves, and wrenched the lance from his war saddle. Taking the blunt end, he swung, striking another bat pony unconscious. His mysterious ally had taken out the other two with hoof strikes.

Nightshade quivered in anger. “Sun-guard?! You dare to interfere! This matter is between the Night Guards!”

In the darkness, the Sun-guard’s facial features could not be determined. The magical enchantments that hid their true coat colors also concealed cutie marks. The guard did not speak. Instead with a hoof, he pointed Spike to Nightshade.

Spike accepted the invitation. “Okay, Nightshade. It’s just you and me. If I win you’ll let me see Luna.” He spun his lance in showy display: he’d begged the Griffins to teach him.

Nightshade was unmoved by his parlor trick. “If you lose, you die.”

“What’s your problem?”

“You are! You are a danger to the Princess.” Nightshade’s hooves did not even seem to touch the ground as she trotted with such speed. He was instantly reminded of Rainbow Dash’s own legendary legerity. The title of Captain wasn’t given out lightly in Equestria.

A large cut was torn into his sensitive wing membrane as he dodged the vampire pony’s strike. He would be grounded for the duration of the fight. A bead of sweat dripped down Spike’s head. Nightshade was too fast. It was fact he would be beaten by her and... die. Spike grit his teeth. He had to distract or disorient her. He hope she was anything like the hotblood Wonderbolt Captain Rainbow Dash.

“Who are you to make decisions for Luna?”

His opponent’s speed was alarming. It couldn’t be matched however Spike saw that she winced when Luna was mentioned. Nightshade struck harder, she cut a lamp post in half. He had guessed right, she put on a cool reserved attitude but was boiling beneath.

Nightshade retorted. “We serve the Princess.” She moved to make another charging pass.

She was being evasive in her wording, Spike recognized that. “You’re awfully repressed. Maybe you’re just jealous?!”

Nightshade’s missed Spike with her sloppy strike as her lunge’s momentum was tempered by her hesitance. “Shut up!”

“Oh? Do you really care for her?”

“I care for her more than you will ever know!” Nightshade raged.

Her anger was good. It made her attacks predictable. Spike easily dodged her follow through lance lunge. However, her rage was also dangerous. It made her sloppier but imbued her strikes with great power. Her lance sliced through one of the garden statues. The marble sculpture of a soldier fell and crumbled. Still he needed her angrier and more distracted.

As Nightshade passed him in her charge, he whispered in her ears. “You love her, don’t you?”

Nightshade was so jarred she made a misstep. “How did you—”

Spike pounced as she passed him. Tackling her, he pinned the squirming bat pony to the ground with his weight.

“Curse you! I will never give up! You tricked me!” Nightshade shrieked as she impotently wiggled.

Spike positioned himself so that he was casually sitting on her. “Yeah, whatever. You fell for it.” He stuck out his forked tongue and blew a raspberry.

In a futile attempt, Nightshade began striking Spike’s side with her hooves, but without leverage or momentum the force was so weak that Spike made no attempt to block. Nonetheless, she emphasized herself with a blow that accompanied every phrase. “Dragon, I will destroy you! Repugnant reptile!”

Spike sighed. His butt cushion was fighting furiously to get away. “Look I prefer not to sit on you forever. You would have actually beaten me if you didn’t get emotional.”

Calmly, he set his claws down to pin Nightshade’s hooves to the ground. “How about we compromise?” He continued. “I won’t tell Princess Luna you attacked me, and you leave me and her alone.”

His reasonable words were thrown back at his face. “Just wait, I will slay you, beast! Let me go! By Celestia’s sun, by Luna-”

“CAPTAIN NIGHTSHADE!” Spike’s mysterious ally took off her helmet. The Sun-guard enchantment was dispelled. Luna’s resplendent mane flowed forth. Luna roared. “Thou may blaspheme my sister’s name… but to invoke mine—”

Nightshade and Spike both were stunned. Spike stood up, letting the bat pony go.

Luna calmed herself. “Thine behavior leaves me aghast.”

Nightshade, as soon as she stood up, threw herself back onto the ground to bow. “But My Princess, dragons are—” Nightshade sputtered, shaking. She stopped as Luna stood rigidly. The Princess did not seem in any mood for excuse.

“Thy shame is doubled. Not only hast thou presumed to dictate mine personal affairs—”

Spiked nodded in agreement to Luna until she spoke next.

“—but thou hast performed disastrously in combat. With a squad you have failed to overwhelm a single opponent. My elite Night Guards, we wonder if for lack of battle hast dulled thy senses.”

Some of the other guards had recovered enough to present themselves in front of Luna. Nightshade and her fellow guards bowed, shrinking from Luna’s gaze.

Luna ushered the bat ponies away with stern wing motion. “Go. We shall have more words later.”

With a flap of their wings the Nightshade and her retinue retreated into the shadows.

“Are all your guards vampire ponies?”

“Not all, some are regular bat ponies.”

Spike struggled to find anything regular about bat ponies let alone the true vampire versions. “What Nightshade’s problem?”

Luna frowned. “My current captain means well, unfortunately oft our definitions doth differ from another.”

“You’re telling me!” said Spike.

“She managed to convince a squad to follow. We are disappointed and troubled by their behavior. These are the same guards that we entrust with our life. Should corruption take me again, they have standing orders to end even my life.”

Spike shuddered visions of that ebony mare of destruction were unpleasant. He was alarmed also that Luna’s own guards were her potential executioners. “That part of you, Nightmare moon, how bad is it?”

“It is a persistent demon that whispers in mine ear when weakness takes me. The Elements of Harmony could only balance out my being. The corruption shall forever be with me. We have a dream where there… is a door, and the darkness is knocking behind it. When the door is opened, the dark swallows forth the sky.” Luna shook her head of dark thoughts.

“I have nightmares too… instead of darkness...all is aglow in a field of fire…I.”

Luna interrupted the sour turn of the conversation. “Thine skills against multiple foes was most impressive. Most importantly you did not lose control while you deprived your enemy of hers. We intervened only when we thought you were outmatched. Bravo, Sir Spike!”

Spike blushed under her compliment. “Well Princess, thanks you were awesome too… Two guards in two seconds with no magic. I’m not just saying that.”

“Sir Spike, it seems we met earlier than we had planned.”

“Yeah,” He twiddled his claws awkwardly.

“Ah, allow me to heal thy injuries.” Luna’s horn sparked with her magic.

Spike felt a warmth fill him for a split second. He blinked looked to see his cuts were still present.

“How embarrassing. A dragon’s magical resistance requires more power or closer physical contact.”

Before he could say a word Luna kissed his cheek. The aura of her magic encapsulated him and warmed him. When she had pulled back, he was too stunned to notice his nicks and cuts were healed.

“Twas a parting boon.” Luna giggled as she walked away… with a slight bounce in her step.

Water flowed through her mauve mane. Rarity propped herself against the shower wall and simply let water hit her. She wanted so much for her alabaster body to disappear into the tile work. As last of the warm water was wasted, the shower became a cold slap. She shut off the shower and stepped out. With a towel she dried herself and fell into routine.

Undergoing her makeup ritual, her actions were automatic but she considered them. The eyeliner, the carefully gelled mane, and the rouge for complexion… how much time and money did she spend to distinguish herself from her plain and provincial parents? To what end? To be the pony every should know? They knew only her name and now because of rumors she did not even have that. Putting on her bath towel she stepped through her home.

There would be no customers hanging her closed sign was formality. Most of her business now came from overseas from impersonal letters. The desolation and isolation threatened to reduce her back to the huddled mess she was a day ago. She sighed as she sat on her bed. On the bedside table there was a book with a dragon on the cover: it was in stack of other books that were library loans from Twilight. She flicked opened a random one.

Dragons and Relations with Civilized Society

While Dragons have established a Dominion of their own and have a system of law in place, it is an entirely different matter when such beasts reside amongst races other than their own. A common concern is their temperament. Gemstones being manifest of ambient magical energy, the drakes devour them greedily. It is purported that when fed too much or regularly that they can convert the raw magical energy into growth, often in dramatic spurts. Strong emotions can also induce this change. The most common is avarice which results in Greed Growth. They then become avatars of destruction. Unless expressly approved or given diplomatic status, permanent draconic residency is absolutely forbidden. Several settlements have been laid to ruin as result. A trail of charred corpses—

Rarity shut the book, panting and with sweat travelling down her face. Her heart was racing, fear whipping it to go faster with each passing second. She took a deep breath and gulped.

“Not Spike.” She flung the tome violently away from her. “He’s not like that. He would never harm anypony.”

She picked up the second one and flicked open another page of another book.

An Anatomy of Dragons: Foreword

Magnificent creatures of terrifying wonderment, dragons are divested with great power. Their teeth are capable of gnawing the hardest diamonds to dust, needless to say can break bone. Their fire’s blaze can reach temperatures hot enough to melt armor if their claws do not first shred and rend it asunder. One should under no circumstance approach—

“Not Spikey Wikey!” Rarity tossed the tome. “Not my Spike” She caught her own words. Why ‘my’, she contemplated in her head. She picked another text with more promise. Its cover showed a medley of other races. She found the index that brought her to the last pages of the book.

Love Beyond Boundaries: Dragons

On the uncharted last frontiers of love here, there be dragons. Traveler, these are dangerous unmarked territories. This tome has offered advice involving donkeys, Zebras, and even Griffins, however for lawsuit liability sake we will not discuss dragons. Our only advice if one is foolish and suicidal enough to pursue such perversions is to: seek mental treatment. Furthermore—

“I’m not insane!” She sobbed. Questions burned in her head. Answers did not come from sleep or reading. She needed personal but outside advice. She had relied on Twilight on conventional wisdom, and while her advice had helped, she needed more. She considered who could she possibly turn to. The solution came in a flash. With renewed vigor she met the morning’s light. It still stung but she bore it for she was a mare with a quest.

The Everfree forest had been invaded. The squawking birds protested over two objects parked in the sky. One was a large black and red airship: a Griffin War Wing. The ship besides it was a differently designed sleeker metallic vessel covered in painted black stripes. They were far larger than the yacht class balloons she had taken rides on in Canterlot. The hum of their airship engines was imposing even in idle. She needed answers, now she had more questions.

The Forest of Everfree was intimidating enough without these new invaders. Like the birds that flew away, Rarity was compelled to run back to Ponyville and forget her little excursion. Rarity steeled herself and made her way to Zeocora’s hut which somehow seemed to be the epicenter of this new commotion.

As she came closer to Zecora’s hut, Rarity could see the emblems on the airships. It was a red Griffin against a striped shield. She stepped into the clearing that was a welcome mat of sorts to Zecora’s hut. The airships above did not seem to take notice. As soon as she walked into the center of the clearing, rope lines dropped immediately from the striped airship. Zebras with war saddle mounted spears rappelled downwards. The shrill shrieks of Griffins rang in her ears. The strange hybrid bird/lions had hid in the sun’s light, they circled downwards while drawing sabers. As the Griffins moved toward her, grenades on their bomb belts clacked together. The Zebra infantry spears glistened in the sunlight, they were sharper than her sewing shears. Rarity was surrounded by two squads of Griffins and Zebras.

A Griffin cawed out. “State your name and business!” He appeared from the door to Zecora’s hut, strolling forward to stop before her.

She had dealt with weapon wielding weirdoes before. Rarity held her poise as she had against the Diamond Dogs. “My business is the Carousel Boutique. I am Rarity, its proprietor; a seamstresses and clothier extraordinaire.”

Her confident response perplexed the Zebras and Griffins.

She identified the Griffin leader by his forwardness in formation and red collar cape. She rubbed the torn hem of the Griffin’s crimson cloak. “Who outfits you sir? Your cape would look divine with some gold accents. It’d be positively dashing for a such a gentle…umm… Griffin.”

Her feminine charms were super effective. The Griffin’s beak ends curled upwards. “Smashing suggestion. That’s bloody brilliant. I told Zaza the other day much the same.” He gushed with enthusiasm.

The soldiers took on a more relaxed posture but still held firm their weapons.

A Zebra warrior nickered. “Ummm.”

Two more Zebras emerged from Zecora’s hut: one was Zecora and another was a striped stranger.

Zecora spoke to the Zebra warriors with some authority. “Warriors, weapons away; this pony is friendly. Her name is Rarity.”

The Zebra warriors bowed in compliance as if given a direct order. Rarity was impressed. She marked a day on her mental calendar to take Zecora on a spa trip. Relaxation loosened lips as well as sore muscles.

The striped stranger spoke to the Griffin leader. “Reagle, a friend of my sister is a friend of mine.” She looked at Reagle’s stiff extended wings and growled. “It seems you’re already friendly!” She moved forward and jabbed him angrily in the stomach.

“Hey, it’s instinct!” Reagle rubbed his sore stomach.

“I hit because I care,” said the striped stranger.

Reagle nodded and gestured the Griffin contingent. The snickers of his troops were silenced as the Griffin leader glared at them with predatory eyes. “Remain vigilant. I want you lot to fly a holding pattern. Scout out.” He pointed his sword into the sky.

The Griffin squad saluted and sheathed their sabers and flew off to patrol. The Zebras warriors reattached cables to their war saddle harnesses. Tugging the ropes, they signaled to be winched up to their airships.

Inside Zecora’s hut; Reagle, the striped stranger, and Rarity were served tea by Zecora. They crowded around the small homely table. Reagle had an arm wrapped affectionately around the neck of the striped stranger.

Rarity blew on her cup of piping hot tea. She raised her hoof like a school age child with questions. “Zecora, darling, I hope I’m not intruding. Who are these friends of yours?”

The Griffin had a big beak and spoke with gusto. “I am Reagle Hawkmor, we are vacationing in your fine country for our honeymoon!”

“Darling, with warships?”

The Griffin tugged his cape collar. “Well, we hope it won’t come to that. The Peace Summit should calm things down. Miss Rarity, our War Wings are simply for security.”

Rarity accepted his words but kept her suspicions. She turned towards the other Zebra.

Zecora made the introduction. “This is my sister, you see. She came from Zebrika and decided to visit me.”

The striped stranger nodded. “Pleasure to meet you. I am Zaza. We are on a diplomatic mission.”

Rarity blinked for a moment. “I do beg your pardon, but that did not rhyme.”

Zecora smiled. “Sister of mine, she is under the impression we all rhyme all the time.” The two sisters laughed.

The Griffin gave Rarity a nudge and wink. “We all have our preconceptions. So long as we don’t prejudge we’re fine and dandy.”

Reagle sipped on his cup. “This will go great with crumpets. I’ll be back. Anything you need?”

Zaza smiled. “Reagle, it’s alright. You don’t have to.”

“It would be a crime not to!” The Griffin left the hut.

Zaza called after him. “Bring me wheat grass crackers! Argh, there he goes.”

“I heard you!”

Rarity was left with the two Zebra mares. There was a reflection on the table flower vase, outside the window she saw Reagle was not just fetching crackers. The Griffin was directing scouts. She wanted to question her new acquaintances but felt herself in no position to do so. She smiled back; the jovial mood of the tea party was infectious. The preposterous fact that two bomb laden warships were floating above their heads made it more surreal for her. “Although it is a pleasure also to meet you, Zaza. I was hoping for some advice from your sister.”

Zecora frowned. “Rarity, you seemed troubled. What is it that has you baffled?”

“It concerns love.”

Zecora crossed her hooves. “A love potion I will not brew. If love is to be it must be true. Such potions only induce lust. You should not destroy your friend’s trust.”

“No, nothing so insidious, darling. I just need advice.” Rarity lowered her head.

“Speak, I shall do my best. You are our guest.”

“What if the pony…” Rarity corrected herself. “my special someone isn’t of the same… class…ummm family…”

Zaza interjected. “Race?”

Rarity squeaked. “Yes.”

“Zaza, I have yet to find a special someone. You may be best to answer this question.” Zecora left for the kitchen area to refill their tea kettle.

“Some quick questions before I answer yours.” Zaza raised her hoof.

Rarity acquiesced and nodded.

“What race?”

She fidgeted slightly in her seat. “Should that matter? Let’s just say it’s different.”

Zaza prodded for more as she sipped her tea. “That’s the right attitude…”

“I fear too different… He’s… a dragon.”

Rarity’s response elicited a raised brow from Zaza. Rarity burned with embarrassment. She wanted to bolt for the door and would have if the Zebra did not smile. “Loving a natural enemy, you have a heart after my own! The Griffin you saw just then is my husband.”

Rarity nearly choked on her tea. She imagined the sort of scandal that might cause in Canterlot high society circles.

Zaza continued her line of inquisition with glee. “Next question, describe this person’s qualities without physical description. Think carefully, be specific.”

Rarity pouted that she could be implied with physical vanity. She nevertheless fell into explaining. “Oh, he’s the most generous and devoted drake I know. He gave so much of his time for me. He is considerate and compassionate.” Her chest began to rise as she thought of Spike in the good times. She deflated when she came crashing into the present. “I’m so lost…”

The Zebra mare nodded. “Do you believe love conquers all?”

In her younger romance novel reading days, she would have emphatically attested to that statement. Age brought her experience, she had enough Prince Bluebloods and dolled up liars. Still, she was a soldier in her own way. Maybe it wasn’t as strong as her first time but she spoke. “Yes.”

The Zebra mare shook her head. “The poets say ‘love conquers all’ but that’s wrong.”

Rarity recoiled at the cynical turn taken with the conversation. She knew many authors of many books that would say otherwise.

“Hearts are not things to be won. Lust is conquest… I know the definitions can blur… but Love is not conquest, it is compromise. Compromise with him but do not compromise yourself. There must be a meeting in the middle.”

“I’ve made mistakes… I have hurt him. I don’t even know how I feel. Is it even love? Or is just an obligation to make things right… whatever right is.”

“Hurt at some point is expected. It is insanity to give another being the means to your own destruction; that is faith, that is love, to entrust another with your heart.”

Rarity laughed. “I do believe I am insane! I will go to him and offer my heart.”

“That’s the best any of us can do.”

The Griffin entered back into the hut again with several boxes. “I brought jam as well for your crackers.”

“I’m still scared though,” continued Rarity.

It was Reagle that answered. “Miss, the only time we may be brave is when we’re scared. Fear is natural. Carry a stiff upper beak, and you’ll persevere.”

“You seem unsure. Are you scared of success or failure?” asked Zecora.

Rarity bowed out. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you all, however, I have some catching up and much work to do.”

Zecora opened the door for her. “Good bye Rarity, I am glad you have found your focus. May you find love and happiness.”

Rarity waved goodbye as she sped off back to Ponyville.

Spike had slept without his signature nightmare. The field of fire for once did not haunt him. The broken string of nightmares left him optimistic for the promises of the day… or night.

Spike belched out a note as he sat up from his bed. Receiving letters by dragon fire was never pleasant but well worth the convenience. It was a rolled up scroll like the million of which he’d sent and received from Celestia. However, he noticed the blue bow instead of the usual red. The silver seal with a moon was also a nice touch he thought. The quill work was an exquisite cursive. The olden style though made the text a task to interpret.

Sir Spike

Concerning the unpleasantness with Captain Nightshade: rest assured she has been disciplined and will not interfere. We had agreed to a tryst upon the eighth hour, yet we did not set a venue. Hath thee a preference? Below is a list of locations, we thought suitable.



The letter to valediction seemed written like a royal decree. He looked at the location list attached and scratched his head in confusion. The places mentioned were ones he never heard of it. He burped. Another of Luna’s letters appeared by spell fire.


Most embarrassing, the locations listed, most likely no longer exist. We did not mean for a lark. It may be best that you suggest.


The quill work on her second note was less well written, and seemed more honest. He would save the second note as a memento; a blue bow scroll amongst the many red ones. He considered a location, and made his reply. It was a place that was familiar and casual. The Ponyville Café did dinners as well. He even knew the owner. Savoir Fare, despite his posh appearance, was quite the personable pony. After frequenting many times, they even created ‘Ruby Tuesdays’ for him despite him being the only draconic resident in the whole town. He wondered whether Luna would like the atmosphere and food. The Luna that wrote the first letter probably wouldn’t, but something suggested to him that the second Luna would.

Stepping into the library foyer, Spike found Twilight’s muzzle in between the pages of more books.

“Hey Twilight, sorry I slept in.” His body became stiff with dread. “Oh geez, I forgot about the chores. You’re not going to ground me are you?”

Twilight playfully swatted at him with a hoof. “Spike, I’m not going to tighten your curfew or anything. It’s been years since you had to do chores. I can take care of myself now.”

“Right,” said Spike with a snide grin. He pointed to the piles of scrolls and books that blanketed the floor.

“Oh.” She sheepishly pulled her wings of her head. “I was just trying to translate that scroll from the dragon elder you gave me.”

“Here, I told you not to get carried away. It was a meant as gift.” Spike started picking up books and setting them back.

“Let’s clean up together.” said Twilight.

The process of reordering the library was far quicker now that Spike was Big Macintosh sized. He could reach the higher shelves with ease. The little ladder he once used was still present though for the children. He dusted off his claws as they put the last tome into its home on the shelf.

“Spike, I’m glad you’re feeling better. Your friends are all here if you need us.”

“I know Twi. I’m glad I grew up here, people still remember before I was—” He stopped himself.

“Spike, you’re still you.”

Spike peered at Twilight through his claws. “Tell that to mother mares that hide their foals from me.”

“I will! I’ll tell them you’re my little brother!”

He used his claws to gesture to himself. “Little?” He laughed. “They’ll call you crazy.”

Twilight announced with pride as she flexed her wings. She strutted. “I’m a Princess, I’ll have them banished to Celestia knows where and I’ll banish that place as well. I’ll make it law!”

“You’re still in training. You don’t have judicial or legislative powers until you pass. You can boss Mayor Mare around maybe.”

Twilight grumbled and pointed an accusing hoof at Spike. “Grrrr! Insolence! We have a rebel.”

Spike chuckled and shook his head. “If you’re done being power hungry, I can fix us lunch.”

“Lunch sounds fantastic, Spike.”

Chewing their sandwiches, they sat together on the steps that separated the foyer and their rooms.

“You had that report for Luna last night. Do you still have it?”

Spike shook his head. “Luna burned the report. She said it was dangerous information.”

“She what?!” Twilight pouted. “Awww I wanted to read that.”

“Also I ummm…” He stopped mid chew as he contemplated whether telling Twilight he was dating the embodiment of night. He decided to tackle everything as one battle at time. “I have to see her tonight. Some royal business.”

“Mr. Ambassador, you’re back from your world tour and Luna has you running errands?”

“Yeah.” Spike swallowed his bread.

“I got invited to the upcoming peace summit. I’m not sure how useful I’ll be.”

“As long as you don’t flip out, I think Equestria will be fine. I’ll be there too.”

The onset of evening did not come soon enough for Spike, he’d spent the day in the library catching up with Twilight and doing chores. The familiar tasks were healing, and he felt ready for whatever came. He waved good bye to Twilight and saw that she’d lit a candle on the door to hold vigil for his return. He wore his suit that had been tailored in the Griffin Kingdoms. The throbbing ache in his heart was still there but there was now Luna’s cool comfort. He was looking forward to his date.

Dirt and Rarity had a rough relationship. Before the advent of Spike and his claws, she had dug her own gems. Dirt was the byproduct of earnest labor yet she detested it as her eternal foe. After digging through the fields all day she returned to Ponyville with a triumphal march, a cart full of gemstones, and a desire to shower like never before. She shook herself the best she could lest she track the enemy into her home.

Showering again, her active mind ran and flowed like water off of her body. Where was it written on the list of laws that a male had to ask a gal out? Rarity was going to defy convention; she thought she may as well burn the book. She would surprise him, after some generous amounts of apologizing and a healthy offering of gems, she would take him to…. she drew a blank as to where. The Ponyville Café, she thought. The owner was a respectable fellow from what she could recall. It was a casual conversation sort of place. What they would talk about was what troubled her the most. The very thought about thinking about it piled mental upon her physical exhaustion.

She was too tired today to go to Spike but she resolved to make the arrangements tonight for their all of their tomorrows.

Author's Note:

As always please like and favorite for more art and chapters! Thanks to the public outpouring, I've decided to draw an original illustration per each new chapter! :raritywink:

Reagle and Zaza have a crazy story of their own. Zig Zag Love link!