• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,892 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 13 Burning Passions

Spike and present company were locked in terrifying awe at Aldred’s power. Awesome was a word used so often it had lost it most its meaning yet the dread dragon revived the term in its full glory. From his massive maw spewed forth an endless deluge that threatened to burn the world in a flood of flames. Lines in the landscape were scorched by his blasts. Several watch towers retaliated with ballista bolts, but their missiles glanced off of Aldred’s impervious hide. The watch towers were not burned but disappeared wholly in ash from the dragon’s flame.

Spike breathed heavily, sucking in the air that choked with dry heat; fires of his nightmares had manifested.

Rarity held a hoof to her mouth, chewing nervously on it. “How did that horridly gargantuan dragon grow larger?!”

“In the time Aldred grew so did the demon within,” said Luna. “It appears the legend is a lie, Aldred did not master his inner demon. Now it consumes him and soon the word.”

Nightshade bowed. “Princess, the army stands ready, as does our air force. We shall stop the beast.”

Luna nodded. “Now, Nightshade, is the time, we test the true mettle of metal warships built by the cooperation of three races. Pray we win the day.”

“Hold up.” Reagle’s guard entourage brought forth a shutter signal light.

“Griffin King, if we delay our attack more lives will be lost.”

Reagle commanded with a wave of his saber. “By Odin’s feathery fat arse we won’t sit by and do nothing. Relay command codes to our War Wing. Have our own airships add aid to their barrage.”

Zecora spoke to her sister and Reagle. “In the light of the circumstances we should commit all. Everyone will be doomed if the Equestrians fall.”

Zaza looked away from her sister’s eyes. “Zecora, we can’t…”

Reagle reservedly tugged the collar of his cape.

Zecora continued. “I have been given power and I shall accept responsibility. Hear my plea.”

Zaza and Reagle nodded. Zaza ordered the signal the light operator. “Have our other two War Wings come out of hiding from the cloud cover! We must hold nothing back.”

Everyone shot the Griffin King and Zecora looks.

Luna’s eyes narrowed. “Thou were most prepared for this.”

Zecora spoke diplomatically. “Forgive our trickery. It was for our security. Now Princess, forget that I am a Zebra. I still love this land of Equestria.”

Luna returned Zecora’s smile. “For thy assistance we thank thee, though we shall have discussions later.”

“Signal our airship fleet to begin the barrage!” Reagle squawked.

The communication officer ran through the metal corridors to the bridge of the Cloud Carrier. “Commander, we’ve been given the go ahead. The Griffin and Zebra airships will be offer support fire. Our volley will signal the commencement of the bombardment.”

Fancy Pants grimaced. “We practiced this! Alright gents—”

Fleur coughed.

Fancy smiled at his wife. “—and ladies!” Using his magic he drew his saber from his scabbard and swung it. “All crew, battle stations!”

The swivel guns of the cloud carrier turned toward the mighty dragon. The flank gun ports opened up, and cannon barrels poked out. Below decks through a series of pulleys the artillery was moved into position. The cannons were primed, and their pony gun commanders held fast the strings in their mouths. Through the message tubes came a cry.


Aldred’s deafening roars were followed by fire from his mouth. Swaths of the forest below were burnt away in his guttural blast. Another nearby watch tower was engulfed whole by the flames. The sky began to fill with soot and ash with the burning of foliage. The dragon was drawn from its rampage by a cacophony of booming sounds that converged into one loud thunderclap. The cannon shells were heard whistling before they impacted. The dragon screamed as it was pelted by the oncoming volley. The two Equestrian Cloud Carriers, three Griffin War Wings, along with their accompaniments of War Balloons rained iron upon the great dragon. As one broadside ended another ship began its volley.

Royal Guards had brought them telescopes and binoculars to observe the battle. Spike held in one claw a pair of binoculars for himself and in his other claws held one for Luna. Even with magnified vision the skies were too blackened by flak and soot to see much. Barrage after barrage they could see Alrdred’s writhing silhouette as the dragon screamed. Soon, even the form of the dragon disappeared as further fire from the cannons blotted out the skies.

Luna lowered her head respectfully. “Tis a terrible thing, this technology… we recall when cannonry was first introduced. In that time we could no longer call castles safe.”

Reagle chirped. “Princess of ponies, technology is itself innocent. It is pony hooves and Griffin claws that ultimately use such things.”

Luna countered. “Griffin King, thine argument, we have heard too many times. There are things to which there have no other design save for evil. An axe or a hammer may have use in peace; however, a sword is only made to murder.”

Zecora chimed in. “Wiser words never were told. However, war is age old. Today’s foe may have been yesterday’s friend. We may pretend but we all need weapons to defend.”

As they talked, Spike turned to Rarity and Twilight. Both mares seemed out of their depth and the lost expressions on their faces told as much. Twilight seemed entirely focused on Rainbow, though. Spike spoke hoping to build his confidence as he built theirs. “Hey, it’s going to be alright. It seems cannons beat dragons.” He made a mock gun motion with his claws.

“Spike, Aldred was just enraged over the loss of his son,” Rarity said, leaning against Spike. “Darling, I don’t know what I would do if I lost family.”

Spike nodded, any relief he felt at Aldred’s death was replaced by sadness over the loss of both Firestorm and the dragon’s father. Caught up in the cruel chess game, neither deserved their fates. “Yeah, Firestorm, for all his boasting, wasn’t a bad dragon. He might have been able to do good if he ever overcame the influence of others’ and his father’s. Now we’ll never know. It’s my fault, I didn’t watch out for him.”

“Spikey, it’s my fault, you looked after me instead.”

Spike pulled Rarity close with an arm. In the flurry of battle he had prioritized her safety. Thinking back, he felt no regrets in doing so; in the fighting, Rarity added to their efforts. “Rarity, no. Without you there, I don’t think any of us might have made it.”

Rarity nodded in agreement but hugged him close. “Oh! However did things get to be like this?”

Spike thought about all the monsters and beast they overcame. “I think it’s always been like this… it’s just we never saw it for what it was.”

The pitter patter of distant cannon fire subsided. The calm was broken as they heard a shriek that was shrill and conversely low. It was not the dying gasp but a resounding roar of rage. The smoke cleared in the beating of his wings and Aldred appeared for all to see with wide eyes. Tiny scratch marks dotted the dragon’s scale hide, however, there were not wounds that could be substantial. The dragon’s impossible size had increased as its rage fueled it. Aldred spun his head around, blasting his hate and fury. A trail of explosions followed as the unarmored War Balloons exploded in gaseous fumes. Even the metal hull of the closest Cloud Carrier airship melted into a dripping slag. The ship veered away limping with alarms bells ringing as Pegasi deserted the descending craft. Aldred smiled turning towards the stricken vessel.

A pony messenger pointed a hoof in disbelief as his jaw hung open. “Aldred lives!”

“Not even our conical shells dent his hide,” said Reagle, cuffing his claws over his beak.

Zecora shouted. “The beast grows larger still. Is there nothing that can kill?”

Luna snapped at the signal light operator. “Order our second Cloud Carrier to cover the retreat of the first! Pull back all the War Balloons! Withdraw!”

Nightshade winced at the coming onslaught. “It’s too late!”

Aldred arched his head as he prepared another torrent of fire. His attention was drawn the moment he prepared to unleash his fury. Crackling through the sky and shearing through the air was a rainbow trail. A multi hued explosion blinded the dragon as the wounded Cloud Carrier retreated behind its fresh partner. The dragon recovered and swiveled his head spewing a line of flames that chased the source of his distraction. Towards the end of his spout the rainbow trail turned black with fumes.

“Rainbow!” cried everyone.

The Rainbow Dash crashed near where everyone stood. Her Wonder Bolt suit was burned through to her teal coat, now blackened by singe marks. Spike recoiled as the smell of burnt horse flesh entered his nostrils.

“We need a medic!” Twilight cried.

Rainbow lifted her head and chuckled. “Just a flesh wound.” She staggered up. “Remind me to add fireproof to the requirements when I get a new suit.” The Pegasus mare, for all her bravado, wasn’t able to hide her injury. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she collapsed from the agony.

Twilight caught Rainbow as she fell. “She’s going into shock!”

They were interrupted by the roars as Aldred continued burning the landscape.

“Nothing! Our cannon fire does nothing!” cried a messenger. “It’s a bucking force of nature. It’s hopeless if our new cannons cannot puncture his hide!”

Nightshade slapped the messenger. “Order our ships to concentrate cannon fire!”

Luna stepped in. “Nay, belay that order! Order our elite flying battalions to attack! Deploy all Pegasus regiments! Go for the beast’s eyes!”

Nightshade stammered. “T-t-to throw infantry at it is like tossing sticks into a fire! It’ll be a mass—”

Luna looked at several medical ponies tending to Rainbow. “Regrow the burnt flesh. Stabilize her, and then wake Captain Dash to lead the assault! She is the only one capable of distracting the beast.”

Twilight shouted. “Rainbow is wounded. she can’t do a sonic Rainboom again like that!”

Luna was firm. “We must delay that monster at any costs! This battle is lost we must prepare for the next. Our ships are more valuable, we can replace regiments of infantry, but not the Cloud Carriers… Faust save our souls…”

Nightshade gritted her teeth then barked back to the messenger. “Relay the orders!”

Twilight pleaded. “Please don’t send Rainbow! Anything, any-pony but her!”

Luna shared Twilight’s pain but prepared a rebuttal. “For any-pony else, the order is suicide; however, Captain Dash may survive.”

Twilight was now tearing up. “She’s wounded! You can’t send her!”

Spike was about to step in when he saw Rarity step up.

Before Rarity could say a word another spoke. “We won’t.” said Nightshade stepped in front of Luna facing Twilight.

Luna looked to Nightshade demandingly. “Which capable commander can we send then?!”

The messenger balked. “Which Commander would accept such suicidal orders?”

Nightshade cried. “I will lead the assault!”

Everyone turned toward Nightshade.

Luna was first to voice her disagreement. “Nay Nightshade, thou art mine Captain.”

Nightshade smiled. “Princess, Captain Rainbow has loved ones… I have no one that will mourn my passing. This is a worthy end.”

“We may send another.” Luna planted her hoof down. “We order thee to stand down.”

Shaking her head, Nightshade puffed her chest out. “…I disobey.”

“How dare thee!” Luna snarled. “We forbid thee to go!”

Spike closed his fist and grit his teeth, a low growl coming from his throat. He was angry at so many things, but mostly angry at his powerlessness to help. He looked on as Luna and Nightshade argued. He felt through his suit. Somehow, without his conscious decision, he had kept the dagger of darkness given to him by Amorpheus. For the first time, he truly examined the weapon. The crimson gemstone in the hilt seemed to be alive. It beckoned him with the promise of power. At the same time, Spike felt the rattling of Luna’s saber seemingly to warn him against the dagger’s whispers. A feeling told him if he plunged the dagger into his chest he could unlock his own demon. Slowly, he smoothed his claw over his top button.

“You know all is lost if we cannot stop Aldred!” Nightshade shouted. She braced her lance and made it stand on the ground, showing off its form. “My lance is Longinus, I could pierce his armor!”

“Nightshade, skill thou hast but not the raw speed needed to escape!” Luna snarled. “Consider you rank forfeit if thou disobey!”

“I accept!” Nightshade cried. “Now that I am a civilian I can speak what I wanted to say.”

Luna gave a low growl and planted her hooves into the stonework. “Nay Nightshade we forbid thee to leave thy service! Thou art mine Captain!”

Nightshade looked her Princess in the eye. Words rehearsed so many times in her head were spoken aloud. “Not just as friend, nor filial piety towards a founder of our nation, Luna, I love you!”

Luna gasped at Nightshade’s confession. “We did not know thy feeling ran so deep—”

Nightshade nodded. Her words carried a calm acceptance. “Yes, yet you and I will never be. If not in love, let me give you my life in battle, then. Let me leave with a semblance of dignity.”

“Captain Nightshade…”

“Remember the battle cry of old?” Nightshade smiled as she readied her lance. “Long live Luna!”

Luna said softly as she finished the ancient war cry. “Blessed be the Night.”

She then reached out a hoof as the bat pony leapt of the ledge flying off. “Nay Nightshade come back!” The Princess wept careless of the company.

She then reached out and placed her hoof on Nightshade’s shoulder, a small smile escaping her lips like a mother to her child.

Nightshade smiled back as she folded her wings.

“Nay! Nightshade!” Luna shouted. “Come back!”

With a running start Nightshade threw herself from the cliff edge in a seemingly suicidal jump.

“Nightshade!” There came a collective cry as they ran to the edge. They looked to see she had used the momentum of her fall. When she deployed her wings she pulled up and streaked through the air towards the horizon.

Luna took in a breath, filling her lungs. With all her might, she let out one more cry. “Nightshade!”

Soon Nightshade was beyond earshot and all their cries were worthless. She was but a small speck in the distance.

A sting came upon Luna’s eyes. She felt a tear slide down her cheek.

“Please… I cannot lose another Captain...” she breathed.

“Spikey, what are you doing?!” Rarity screamed.

Luna turned her head to see that Spike had neatly folded Rarity’s suit with her saber atop. He held the dagger of darkness poised against his chest.

“Sir Spike! No!” Luna leapt at him to swat the dagger away.

Spike turned so she only helped him stab it deeper into his chest. He smiled as he held Luna, gingerly wiping off her tears with his claw.

“I can save everyone,” he said calmly.

The dagger dematerialized into shadow and seeped into his chest. He shivered as the cold met his flesh.

“Thou art a fool!!” Luna sobbed as her hooves pounded on his chest. “Such power cannot be controlled!”

Spike’s mind was already slipping. The descending red fog upon his vision was match by the haze in his mind. Already his hearing was muffled and their cries of concern were drowned out. “It’s okay…” he said. “I’ll save everyone. I’ll keep sane. I’ll—”

The world faded to black. Spike stood facing a figure of shadows. The entity was darker than the black world if that was at all possible for his mind to conceive.

Its voice echoed through his head. “Thou are not the host we were expecting. We had hoped to rejoin my other self… now we must return to ether. How troublesome!”

Spike asked. “Who are you?”

“We are power incarnate. We are a promise borne in darkness.”

“Nightmare Moon?”

The shadow laughed. “She is an effect. We are the cause. Or rather a shard of which you so eagerly stabbed into yourself.”

“Save my friends! I will give you me!”

The shadowy dragon shook a claw. “Thy host body is already occupied.”

The entity faded away. “Now thou have unchained thy other self… we suspect thou will be occupied as well.”

A third dragon of emerald fires appeared to Spike’s right.

“Grant me the power. Let me save my friends!” Spike screamed at his other self. “Answer me!”

The other dragon did not reply. Instead, it poured flames from its mouth. Spike leapt to avoid the flames, only for the dragon to attack him with his gaping mouth. Spike sacrificed an arm for his shield. He took his own mouth and reached for his enemy’s throat. The defense of his attack was mirrored by the other dragon’s own arm, blocking him. Spike used his other claw to punch his foe. The other dragon did the same. They both recoiled back in pain.

The battle seemed endless while Spike was panting he saw he counterpart was without exhaustion. The infinite wellspring from which his enemy drew its might from only made Spike more desperate to overcome and attain that power.

“Please, I don’t want to fight! I need your power to save my friends.” Spike shouted again to no answer.

The dragon of flames did not answer.

Spike then quieted with the realization. “You are me.”

The dragon of flames nodded.

“The demon is me… and I am the demon.” Spike was an ambassador. He had negotiated with Griffins, Zebras, and Dragons. His job now seemed to be a part of his destiny. “Demon, if we are to survive you need me as a host. If I am to survive,” He corrected himself. “if we are to survive, I need your power and you need my control.”

Spike reached out with a claw.

The demon of flames smiled and shook his claws. As they touched, Spike felt his limbs and heart become heavy when they merged. He felt a force weigh him down as if he was wearing a suit of plate armor.

The void of his mind melted away as Spike came to awareness. He was flying. He was fighting. His arm bled profusely. The other self he imagined himself doing combat with was Aldred. The greater drake seethed flames from his mouth.

Spike was still half the size of the dread dragon. However, he was more maneuverable. He dodged easily the strike by banking away. He held a circle pattern, avoiding the line of fire.

Now he was thinking and reasoning Spike knew he could not win through brute force. Aldred was too great. However he saw the familiar scar on Aldred’s right leg. Nightshade had mentioned it was what Luna had left Aldred with long ago. The armored scales had not grown to completely cover the gash. Spike leapt knowing where to slash with his claws.

Spike’s shift from blind battle to tactical thinking was not noticed by Aldred. Spike beat his wings to climb beyond the line of fire. Spike knew he had one chance in between the spurts of fiery death he saw his opportunity. The great dragon prepared another blast, Spike folded his wings and dove for the attack. There would be no recovering from the dive if he missed his mark, only the hard death of the ground awaited. Shooting through the sky, Spike became a falling star. Extended his claws, he slowed his descent by digging into his foe’s flesh.

Aldred roared in pain as Spike reopened the wound. “Insolent whelp!”

Both Spike and Aldred blinked. It seemed the dread dragon had come to his senses.

“Aldred! Can you hear me!?” Spike roared.

“I can hear you fine.” Aldred growled.

“You let the demon inside win! You killed the innocent! How can you call yourself a dragon!?” Spike growled back.

Aldred roared. “Spike of the ponies, my son was innocent. I did not surrender my will to my demon. Our purposes for once were coterminous. You, however, only just now gained awareness. I fought you as you mindlessly attacked me.”

Spike shuddered. Aldred spoke truth, his words were steadier than his. He nevertheless countered. “You did this all of your own accord!?”

“I will burn this land to ash. Equestria shall be a funeral pyre for my slain son.”

“Ponies have families, daughters and sons too!”

Aldred chuckled cruelly. “Then they shall know the measure of my grief.”

“You can’t let grief overwhelm you! The true culprits have escaped! We are not your enemy!”

“He was slain by a pony weapon! Your Princess orchestrated this trap!”

Spike recalled Luna’s lesson on ‘realpolitik’. It was Luna’s logic was cruel but practical. “Luna had nothing to do with this. Aldred, we have nothing to gain but your anger if we slew you son without killing you first! Your son has no power without you! If we wanted your son dead we would have framed it on the Griffins and Zebras. By fighting us you’re playing a puppet to another!”

Aldred breathed in as the great dragon considered. Each exhale of his breathe the fire from his inner core diminished. Slowly the flames hatred gave way to reason and understanding Aldred’s mouth bled the smoke of dying anger.

Spike permitted himself a small breathe as he hung upon Aldred’s next words. The burning backdrop of Aldred’s devastation added desperation. He noticed Aldred was little inconvenienced by the wound Spike had wrought. Meanwhile his own arm bled and his strength flagged.

“Spike of the Ponies, your wisdoms wins. I wrought enough destruction this day… however I still demand vengeance.” Aldred bellowed. “Hear me little ponies! Find for me the murderer of my son, or come the next moon I will return to raze your country to naught but ash and cinders! I offer you this one chance and fleeting mercy!” In a great gale Aldred flew off while spewing fire into the sky.

Spike gave a heavy sigh when Aldred was not even a silhouette against the horizon. He realized the dread dragon’s retreat wasn’t entirely out of compassion. On the opposite horizon were the silhouette of more airships: Equestrian reinforcements he could tell by the distinctive backwash of clouds from their engines. The battle was won, yet again, there was no feelings jubilation. The cost and all those lost, would be a terrible toll. The sun was setting, but the landscape was aglow with Aldred’s flames. Spike’s guard fell unwillingly due to his exhaustion. His wing beats slowly became less frequent. As his body bled steam he felt light headed and sleepy. Slowly his immense size began ebbing away. The world blackened once more as he fell from the dizzying heights of power. Against the rushing wind he heard a voice.

“Sir Spike!”

He did not know how long, but Spike finally awoke from the haze. His right arm was in a sling and a cast.

“Hospital again.” Spike noted as he stared at the white ceiling.

“Yeah, you get used to it.”

Spike spun his head to the bed next to him. He saw Rainbow lying down with a series of bandages wrapped around her flank. Her forelegs were suspended wrapped in casts and suspended up by wires. The bandages were tied in a nice bow.

“I didn’t know hearth’s warming eve was coming early for Twilight.” Spike pointed a claw at the bandage bow tie.

Rainbow blushed then snorted in denial, blowing a tuft of her mane up. “Yeah, right. I’d pummel ya if I could move. Stupid crash landing broke my forelegs too.”

“Rainbow, are you going to be alright?”

“No biggie, they got the best unicorn docs working on me. I’ll walk in a week. I’ll fly in two.”

Spike sighed. “I hate hospitals.”

“I used to, but when you get in so many scrapes as I do. You become a regular here. Their sandwiches aren’t too bad.”

Spike recalled Rainbow’s stunt flyer days. Crazy aerobatic performances of hers often had her friends worried when she’d end up in the hospital afterwards. Rainbow Dash was a wild and untamable mare. “What does the Wonderbolt Captain have planned next?”

“Twilight, asked me to be her Companion Captain…I dunno…” Rainbow trailed off.

Spike smiled. “Isn’t it obvious? She likes you.”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah I’m not that thick, I know.”

“What’s the hold up, then?”

Rainbow sighed. “I’m a career mare. I don’t like being tied down. Being Twilight’s Companion Captain: that’s a full time gig… I still have my dream. I wanna be a Wonderbolt till I’m too old to fly. It’s kinda like Rarity and her fashion thing. I also think my duty is important too.”

Spike reflected on Rainbow’s situation. His gut twisted in guilt when he was reminded of Rarity. “Rainbow, Rarity’s business is bombing because of me. Those Canterlot snobs won’t do business with her because of my association.” Rainbow’s mention of duty also brought thoughts of Luna. “Luna’s so obsessed with her duty to her country. She’s shackled to her cold throne.”

Blinking, Rainbow’s eyebrows shot up. “Um wow. I thought I had it bad, but Spike, you must feel crummy too.”


“I heard how you’ve gotten yourself in a love triangle. Geez Spike, seriously save some mares for the rest of us.” Rainbow laughed.

Her laughter was infectious and Spike found himself laughing along. “Careful I don’t want you to fall in love with me too.”

Rainbow was curt but friendly. “Keep dreaming.”

His friend Rainbow was in a lot of ways like how Garble was with the exception she was almost always honest about who she was. She had a rule of ‘awesome’ that generally excluded her from normal categorization; Rainbow lived life to an extreme that few could match. Of his childhood friends, Rainbow could best relate to the ‘male’ perspective. Maybe under different circumstances their friendship might have evolved into something more.

“Equestria to Spike,” said Rainbow teasingly.

“Sorry, I blank out sometimes.”

“Yeah, I have that effect.” Rainbow wiggled her tail that stuck out of her bandages. “I’m so smoking I got burn wounds. You wish you could have flank this hot!”

“Okay, bandage butt.” Spike parried her ego trip.

Rainbow glared at him then broke back into laughter. “Sure thing, Mr handy.”

Spike looked to his left arm wrapped in bandages. He had sacrificed the limb as a shield when fighting his other self… or was it Aldred. The battle’s details were never too clear in his mind even during the course of the fighting. In the afterwards the sequence of events seemed foggier and more confusing than the Griffin Kingdoms’ line of succession. “Rainbow, I blacked out in the end; what happened?”

“I blacked out too.” Rainbow tried shrugging but grimaced as she found her casts restricted her.

“Thou saved us all.”

“Princess Luna?!” Rainbow nearly jumped when Luna spoke.

Spike smiled at Luna while explaining to Rainbow. “Luna does that.” He stood up and gave her a light bow.

Luna smiled back. “Sir Spike, I am glad thou art well.” She nuzzled Spike affectionately while Rainbow smirked.

“Whoa you don’t get the royal ‘we’?” Rainbow smirked at Spike.

A nurse arrived. “Ms. Dash, it’s time for your post op examination. Your recovery is coming sooner than expected. We can take off the bandages now.”

“Awww… I want to see this.” Rainbow’s bed was moved out of the room. “Later Spike!”

Spike waved his good left hand to Rainbow.

Spike was left alone with Luna. Now sooner had the door closed Luna lunged for a hungry kiss. He returned her passion. He felt her warm, soft lips return a feeling that he wished would have lingered for the rest of his life such was Luna’s spell. Her heat was infectious and Spike felt his face afire with the warmth of his blood pumped by a furiously beating heart. Both were left gasping when finally they broke apart.

“Sir Spike, thine bravery repelled Aldred’s rage and save many lives otherwise lost.”

“You would have done the same.” Spike blushed with her compliments.

“Nay, not again… Sir Spike, neither do I want thou to. Thou must not make a habit of evoking thy demon even in times of desperate need. The boundary between weakens with each instance until…”

“Nightmare Moon,” said Spike, softly.

Luna nodded. She brought her head close, nuzzling Spike’s cheek. “Promise me thou would never be again so foolish.”

Spike shook his head. “I can’t, Luna. What if Equestria needs me again? What if you need me?”

“Sir Spike, I need you as you are, not the demon within. Shall I tell thee a tale of woe?”

“What do you mean?”

“The romantic historians of the era profess it was mine jealousy that brought revolution… or some would call rebellion. However, the truth is written by victors. The suffering sun of Celestia’s tyranny was most cruel. Our battle was an ideological one.”

“You had different methods of ruling.” Spike recalled how cynical Luna’s perspective was; however, Luna came from a different time. A thousand years of exile were like a blink, Luna returned fresh from fighting Celestia in the civil war. Concerning himself, Celestia had believed in nurture whereas Luna believed in nature. Luna’s belief had led her to spy on him should he become a rampaging beast.

“Twas the end of the war, Sister Celestia would say she spared me out of love… but methinks she feared upsetting the balance by slaying me outright.”

Spike countered Luna’s cynical bent. “Maybe for Celestia it was both. If she didn’t love you why would she so eagerly accept your return even with the risks it posed?”

Luna smiled as his words sunk in. “Indeed,” She frowned as she continued, “however she sought instead to force mine surrender. She took from me all that I held dear… to show me the cost of mine disobedience. She underestimated how much I cared. I took a shard of abyss and unlocked the dormant darkness in my soul. I wielded such magic and might hoping to defeat Celestia and save the ones I held to mine heart… yet I failed on both counts.”

“Luna, I understand, but I don’t think I could promise you, if my sacrifice could save Equestria then…”

Luna hugged him again. “Nightshade and now thou Sir Spike, must we be surrounded by brave fools!?”

Spike smiled. Luna’s mention of Nightshade brought his thoughts back to the wider world. “Luna if you’re here what about Equestria?”

“Magical flames are most malign and require magical means to extinguish. Once Aldred’s fires were put out only then did I come to you. I have delegated duties temporarily to others as thou suggested. Nightshade has also made this hospital a command post.”

Spike ran his claws through a disenchanted spot on Luna’s mane. “You’re exhausted.”

Luna nodded. “We were worried about thee.”

There was a knock on the door. Nightshade popped her head into the room. “Princess, the Griffin King and Zebra Chieftain are here to see you.”

“Very well, we shall be there shortly.”

“Princess, your mane?” Nightshade suggested.

Luna noticed the light blue streak on her mane too. “We thank thee. Sir Spike would thee like to accompany me after I fix my mane?”


Luna entered the bathroom built into the hospital room. Spike was left with Nightshade and the awkwardness that followed.

Nightshade gave a light smile. “Spike, I feel you cheated me. You have stolen my purpose. I was supposed to end Aldred with my life.”

Spike saw through her false levity and frowned. He could even detect a hint of hate in her despair. “Nightshade, could you really have done it?”

“Of course, I know my own abilities.” Nightshade spoke sternly. “I observed there was a delay in Aldred’s breath attack when he would vent the heat from his mouth. In that time I could have taken him out.”

“Yes maybe you could have taken out Aldred—”

“There’s no maybe.” Nightshade interrupted. Her self-confidence and unflinching gaze gave Spike a chill and the assurance that she could.

Spike shook his head though; it was just like Nightshade to miss the point by focusing on details. “—but you wouldn’t have gotten away. I meant if you could really bear sacrificing your life like that.”

“If I cannot die with the semblance of dignity, what else is there?”

“Nightshade, there’s you. You can live with yourself. Plus, has Luna said anything about your confession?”

The bat pony folded her wings over her head. “There has been no time. Her meeting with you has been the first opening she’s had.”

As Luna exited the bathroom, Spike redirected her with a claw at Nightshade. “Luna, you’ve made time for me. Please make time for Nightshade.”

Luna looked at Nightshade. “Captain.”

“Princess,” Nightshade gritted her teeth and averted her gaze.

Their use of formal titles put Spike on edge.

Luna took a deep breathe. “After we resolve this crisis, Captain Nightshade we would like thee to submit terms of resignation.”

“What?!” said Spike, flatly.

Nightshade was shaking. “Why, my Princess?”

“The role of Companion Captain is a storied one; many have become consorts to their Princesses, a recent example Shining Armor to Cadance. All is well when such feelings can be shared openly and both partners acquiesce to terms.”

Spike could see with her scrunched up face, Nightshade fought to dam a torrent of tears behind her eyes. Even the bat pony’s lips quivered and stance slackened.

“Calamity comes when such feelings of love cannot be reciprocated,” Luna continued. “they become dangerous distractions.”

Spike interjected. “Wait, Luna! Nightshade has served you faithfully.”

“Indeed, however mine Captain has another role. She is the keeper of mine life. Should we fall to corruption; it is her lance that must end us. Her infatuation would interfere in the moment where hesitation would lead to destruction.”

Nightshade bowed, a few tears dripping to the floor. “Princess, I can keep my personal feelings—”

“Nay Nightshade, no more. Thou disobeyed my orders in battle; it is evident even now that thee cannot match mine gaze.”

Nightshade lips quivered ever more evidently. “Very well, I shall prepare resignation papers.”

Luna winced and tried to blunt the blow by speaking more softly. “Thou shall go with full honors. If in any other capacity of the guard thou wish to serve in, thou shall have mine guarantee we will see thee transferred with rank intact. Thou shall also always be welcomed to—”

Nightshade locked her legs and saluted but, still she trembled as she spoke. “There is no other position I wish to serve in. I beg your leave, I must make my arrangements.” She walked out the door.

Spike was stunned as he saw Luna raise a hoof to call Nightshade back but slowly rescind it. Luna held her hoof that reached out as if to restrain herself.

Spike spoke out again. “Luna, Nightshade is your captain!”

“Precisely,” Luna looked off and away from Spike. “We would retain either her friendship or service, not both.”

Spike knew the answer but asked anyway. “Why not?”

His words hit her like a slap in the face as she recoiled. “Sir Spike, thou art wise enough to discern that thyself. Must I voice such pain?”

Spike growled. “Why do you have to be so cold?”

Luna paused. Her ears flopped down, and she lowered her head as her eyes leaked water. “Why must thou remind me of mine wounds?”

“Because otherwise you wouldn’t address them… sort of like Nightshade… you’d let them fester. Nightshade told me she’s waited for you for a thousand years. She loves you,” said Spike. Finishing his sentence, Spike pondered his own worth and dedication compared to Nightshade’s. Was he deserving of Luna? Yet he felt there was something not quite right about Nightshade’s affections.

Luna shook her head. “Nay, there are a great many who have longed and lusted for me… Sir Spike, before mine banishment I only spoke with Nightshade twice. I only heard of her exploits in mine name from afar. I promoted her in lieu of such loyalty.”

Luna’s logic took a bit to digest. He raised a claw with a question. “Wait, you’re strangers to each other?”

“Tis infatuation, not love. Even in mine service, Nightshade would voice her opinion but ne’er did we speak of our personal lives. Were her confession of love true, long would I have known before words were ever said. I do love her, but not in any sense that could be called romantic. She is more of a little sister.”

Spike thought about the many times he worked in Rarity’s boutique, too shy to voice his desires to the mistress of the shop. “Yeah, but think about how she feels. I used to put Rarity on a pedestal too. I’d steal glances at her and keep silent. Still regardless of how misguided and misplaced my feelings were they’d still hurt when I was just ignored. You can’t discount her pain.”

Luna blinked and nodded in realization. “Sir Spike, we thank thee. I will speak to Nightshade later… my decision remains but perhaps I could better explain or in the least be salve to her aching heart.”

Spike smiled. “I think that might be for the best.”

Both of them paused for a moment in their thoughts. Spike saw a fly buzz by. He was reminded of insects; it was a small leap to jump to Changelings. “I think I have a lead. Luna, Amorpheus is a Revenant and a Changeling.”

“Indeed, Nightshade told us earlier. We have the Changeling ambassadors to speak with later. First, we must speak to the Griffin and Zebra leaders.” She added. “Wouldst thou still like to accompany me?”

Spike recognized a slight bit of desperation in her tone. He nodded.

Rarity gathered up her lunch tray from the hospital cafeteria. Regardless of her feelings, she had physical needs. She had taken a break from her vigil of watching Spike. The wing of building had been mostly vacated for security save for the guards that roamed. She noticed that they were as much there to protect against inside threats as well as outside ones. Spike was under heavy guard, as she walked back she found one of the bat pony guards leaning hard against the walls. The guard slumped down after walking a ways.

“Darling, are you alright?” Rarity ran up to the guard.

When the guard noticed her, she tried to hide her tears behind her hooves. The bat pony swiftly gave up her feeble attempts to disguise her pain.

Rarity recognized the guard as Luna’s lieutenant, Nightshade. As the bat pony lifted her hooves from her face, her piercing crimson eyes were unmistakable. “My dear what’s wrong?”

Nightshade glared up and spoke with a cutting tone. “What do you do when a burning dream you’ve had all your life fades or fails? What if all your effort… all of you are is not enough?”

The question attacked Rarity at her core. She was left speechless without words of comfort to offer. In a reversal she felt now Nightshade’s despair infecting her.

Nightshade gave an anguished chuckle. “Save soft words for another, civilian. No pony can hope to understand me.”

Rarity stomped her hoof down to get a grip of her own emotions. “I may not understand exactly what’s wrong but I do know about broken dreams.”

“Tell me what dreams do you have?” Nightshade snorted. “Or did you have?”

Rarity recalled her boutique business, her naïve notions of romance, and floundering sense of self-worth in Luna’s light. Her heart ached as when it did when the Dream Lord sapped her. Her knees threatened to buckle, but Rarity remained resilient and bounced back. “I’m not stranger to dreams broken. I’ve been fighting for my whole life. I started my business with not a bit to my name. I’ve seen the up and downs more fickle than fashion trends.” She matched Nightshade’s gaze.

Nightshade sunk back to despair as her anger evaporated. “I suppose you do know, but I don’t know what to do.”

“If a dream is worth having, It’s worth fighting for.” said Rarity, resolutely, “In fact, I’m fighting right now. I won’t give up so neither should you if it’s important.”

Nightshade’s head perked up. She gave a mad grin of a broken mare. “I suppose you’re right.”

She spun around and broke into a sprint.

“Wait a moment!” Rarity yelled.

The bat pony galloped away from her disappearing around the corner. Not even hoofsteps could be heard, Rarity supposed the bat pony flew off. Rarity chased after her but lost Nightshade to a cross intersection of hospital hallways. Rarity wondered whether she had given the correct advice or that she was in any position to do so. She stood at the intersection for a moment wondering about her own life path and which way she too would turn.

Spike found the meeting location rather overly dramatic. Climbing the final flight of stairs he, and Luna entered the roof of the hospital to the blinding winter’s white. With Equestria’s planned weather system, seasons could changed rather quickly. Spike was still surprised how swiftly though. Creating a small vortex of snowflake tuffs an Equestrian Cloud Carrier and a Griffin War Wing were moored to the hospital roof with their engines in idle. There in the center was set a small table. Luna and Spike sat a round table with the Griffin King Reagle, his wife Zaza, and Zebra Chief Zecora. After the formalities of greetings were exchanged, hot tea was served by Zecora from a small kettle.

Luna set her hooves on the table. “Aldred’s Ultimatum hangs like a guillotine blade above our heads. The dark orchestrator remains at large. We must make moves to prepare for the worst.”

Zaza sipped her tea loudly then spoke. “What ‘we’? Aldred’s proclamation was made to Equestria. We helped enough by lending our ships in the cannon barrage.”

Reagle coughed. “Forgive Zaza, but I myself find hard to believe our fortunes should be tied.”

Zecora neighed to her sister. “Zaza, alone our nations cannot hope to stop Aldred and his armies. If we fight alone it will mean the end of all our countries.”

“Zecora, the sacrifice of Equestria could buy us the time to mobilize our own counter measures.”

“We’re right here,” said Spike, waving a claw.

“No offense,” said Zaza, swiftly. “I recall you speaking to Aldred about possibly framing us for the murder of his son. We did not begrudge you then, I hope you will not now.”

The Zebra mare’s words were shrewd. Spike nodded.

Luna raised a brow. “Thou speaks of thine plans, we are curious to hear them.”

Reagle scratched his beak. “A dragon god shall be difficult to slay. Princess, I should reveal the Griffin Kingdoms are developing a new dreadnought class airship to specifically deal with his class of drake.”

Luna nodded. “Indeed, we have heard of thine new weapon.”

King Hawkmor raised a brow and then looked a Spike. “Have you now?”

Spike feigned a look of innocence the best he could. While as ambassador to the Griffin Kingdoms, he had spied the best he could on their developments.

Zecora stepped in. “There is a secret of the Zebra people: I must confess. My people have long labored to concoct a potion potent enough to bring mortality to the deathless.”

Luna remained calm. “Such a poison would be untested. Where would you find an immortal willing to try?”

Zecora shook her head. “The potion’s power has been proven to be. We tested its effect on the rarest relic; a bough of the Yggdrasil life tree. It withered to ashes where fire could do nothing. For certain death, it will bring.”

“Aye,” Hawkmor said with a nod. “our new dreadnaught can deliver the payload. Mounted on the ship is the Thor Cannon. It shall have the power to level cities.”

Luna leered at them. “We trust thine weapons of mass destruction were developed for peace… or were such implements made with me in mind?”

Reagle smiled, dangerously. “You have the potential to bring night time eternal. Surely, you’d permit us some measure of self-defense?”

Luna waved a hoof for them to continue. “Thine plans possess a flaw, lest why ye be so eager to reveal them. What would thee require of us to enact such plans?”

Reagle chuckled, his claws fell on his lap. “This is embarrassing…”

Zaza sighed and replied. “Big cannons aren’t necessarily better. My husband commissioned the Thor Cannon to be too heavy for even our dreadnought to carry. Griffin technology is at its limit. We would require the secret to your Equestrian cloud generators.”

Reagle chirped. “Indeed, if we had such engines. We might be able to render our assistance.”

Luna narrowed her eyes. “Reagle Hawkmor, if we accept thine aid, will Equestria be yet another province to thy growing Griffin Kingdoms? Giving thee the secrets of our sorcery would allow thy ships the range with which to strike Canterlot.”

“Equestria has monopolized magic for too long. If you don’t care to share, then you’re welcomed to come up with your own plans.” said Reagle, folding his claws.

The two seemed dead locked. Spike raised a claw and added his own suggestion. “Maybe we could build the generators on your ship instead of giving you the plans.”

Zaza spat. “That would allow your spies to gleam further details as to our ship designs.”

She eyed him back alluding to Spike’s spying. Spike retracted his claw and his suggestion. Zecora’s sister was as wise as her.

Zecora spoke up. “This is obviously an issue of trust. In any alliance, confidence is a must. Could we not share both the technology and sorcery to complete the ship? We could crew the vessel together in friendship?”

Luna looked towards the Griffin King. “Could we come to an arrangement where upon our engineers maintain the generator?”

“Aye, but they will be restricted to only the engine room.” said Reagle nodding.

“Indeed and strict operation by only our engineers will ensure our secrets.”

Spike observed as they continued discussing the finer details.

In a throne room of cold stone, a figure with a fedora walked towards the seat of power. The approach was lit by torches of azure flames. He bowed, taking off his hat. He did not dare to look upon the sovereign that sat there on the Throne of Stone. Amorpheus blinked as he noticed a shadow without a source creep past him. The shadow promptly rejoined the body of its master.

His sovereign spoke in the royale ‘we’. “We are most disappointed. Master Amorpheus, a shadow shard returns to the collective. It tells us thou hast failed.” There was a metallic twang to the vocalization but a definite feminine tone could be distinguished.

Amorpheus shook his head. “Our plans were offset by the action of others. While we may issue orders to our pawns to move here or there, however, the heart follows its own course.”

“And what does thy heart follow?”

“I serve you, my monarch.”

“We have our doubts. Dost thou serve us truly? Or doth thee serve only thy own desires?”

Amorpheus asked. “Our goals are mirrored. Is there a difference?”

“We wonder.” The shadow sent a spark of magic.

Amorpheus recoiled as the magic hit him. He gasped as his wounds sealed fully. The warmth returned to his cold body. “I am flesh again! I am alive!” He remarked. The tiny joy was taken away as the magic ebbed. He crumpled over in anguish as the warmth of life left and his wounds came back. He stood back promptly as he smiled. “This pain is nothing. I would endure it thousand times and more for… her.”

“A thousand times? Do not tempt us.” said the shadow.

Amorpheus wheezed. “I did as bid. The Peace Summit was turned into a Nadir of Fear.”

“Our foes fear… but they were not driven to despair. Thou did not follow mine orders in both letter and spirit.”

Amorpheus coughed in pain. He drew words from a foe for strength: Spike’s words. “The spirit shall always resist.”

The shadow spat. “Thou shall be punished twice for resisting.”

Amorpheus once again felt the spark of life enter his body. The warmth that quickly dissipated left him breathless and falling to his knees in agony.

The shadow rasped angrily. “In the crypts there are heroes aplenty that I could have chosen to resurrect to exact my will.”

Amorpheus countered standing against his pain. “A revenant requires a raison d'être. None stronger than mine! You need me still!”

“We need thy skill and strategy. That is why thou art granted free will. Thou hast a sickening sense of sympathy. Tis a troublesome trade between obedience and ability. We know that thou cannot be tortured to complete compliance. Perhaps we shall resurrect thy love and put her to torture instead?”

Amorpheus bit back. “I would then fight you to death and beyond! You think me a tool and fool!?” He smirked. “I won’t win, but I’ll burn through your gathered energy reserves before I’m dead and done!”

The shadow chuckled. “That wasteful battle would set my plans back by decades. Relax, thou art to be commended for standing against cruelty even from mine will. We detest simpering lap dogs.” The shadows laughter was such mixture of mirth and cruelty that obfuscated any true meaning. “Twas but a test, my dear Captain. Dost thou truly believe we are so cruel?”

Amorpheus raised a skeptical brow.

“I am wounded that thou believes I am compassionless.” The shadow spoke without the royale ‘we’. However Amorpheus kept his brow and suspicions raised.

The shadow continued. “I am as thou art: possessed by a great love. Unfortunately fate took away mine mate. I would see him restored to his proper place besides me. The Throne of Stone grows awfully cold without company.”

Amorpheus coughed under his breathe. “Such a reunion would ruin the world.”

“What was that?! Is it sedition I hear? Dost thou wish to be reminded its price?” The shadow demanded.

Amorpheus cuffed his mouth with a hoof. “It was just cough. Forgive me. My war wounds ache.”

“Parting from a shard of myself and rejoining again with it is exhausting. We too need to recuperate. Feed your master. Hold me tender and whisper words of love. Kiss me.”

Amorpheus stepped slowly to the Throne of Stone, dreading his task.

The shadow sensed his reticence. “Thou loathe to love me? We shall reward thee by assuming the guise of thy lost love if it will ease the process.”

“No, this is fine.” Amorpheus’s gut twisted in disgust. He hated this duty for it seemed to be a betrayal of his true love. Yet his mistress demanded feeding.

The shadow laughed and held her hooves, pulling him the last steps towards her. “Rejoice, a thousand years ago fools gave their souls to simply gaze upon mine eminence let alone experience my killing kiss. Be glad thou art a Revenant and shall survive it.”

Amorpheus hated most of all how he could come to enjoy it be lost in her embrace. There were things betwixt love and loathing that meshed mincing together to form something that confused the heart. For his master, the original Queen of dark seductions, such things were innate. An invitation to bite that poison apple had led to the first fall. He wondered for a moment before his thoughts were wiped away in the passion of that cursed kiss. The cobalt flames of the torches flared up then burned out to let the blackness set in.

Author's Note:

Here's some art for the benefit and morale of our beloved Equestria! Long Live the Lunar Republic!

Despite her rigid military mentality, Nightshade shows she's quite physically flexible. No? :raritywink: