• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,890 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 5 Dreams and Schemes

Spike found himself sitting opposite to Luna in the familiar Café. She was in the same adorable outfit with the wide brim hat and moon lily atop.

“Luna?” Spike asked.

“Our date was interrupted;” Luna gave a small smile. “we thought we could continue here.”

“Where is ‘here’?”

“Dream space, a timeless place where waking minds go in slumber. We have given thee the power of lucidity. Imagine it and it will be.”

“My imagination, huh?” Spike’s mind meandered to a naughty thought.

In a blink, Luna’s outfit changed into jet black and white. Her wide brimmed hat turned into an adorable headpiece. The skirt of her dress shrunk to an immodest length and the finishing touch was a small feather duster strapped gingerly upon her hip.

Luna blushed. “Dost thou wish to be slapped awake?”

Spike straightened up and cleared his throat. “Sorry,”

Luna smiled. Spike looked to see his tuxedo had become a maid outfit too.

“Okay, point taken. The joke is getting old,” said Spike. “So, we’re inside my head?”

“As of now, we have confined the dimensions to be so. However if thou feels bold we may venture into the wider world of shared dream space. Be warned though, monsters of the subconscious id prowl among many old and ancient things lurking in the shadows of shadows.”

Spike shuddered. “What about my monster?”

“Sir Spike, we cannot fight thine battles for thee. In the dream space through, it may be an asset to us. Lesser shadows will be hesitant to approach.”

“You assume I’ve agreed to go with you.”

“We…” Luna struggled to answer, she seemed to have no contingency words or plans.

Spike chuckled. “I’m just kidding. Honestly, how could I refuse?”

“Good,” Luna sighed. “We could use thy company.”

They stepped through a doorway manifested from the ether. Spike’s eyes grew wide as he was subjected to the bloom of shimmering lights that dotted the darkness. Luna lit a trail of light, as he followed the path disappeared behind them like the tail of a comet.

He observed the scene. “Oceans of black punctuated by islands remind me of night sky.”

“Each is a portal to a smaller pool. The appearance in thine mind is an interpretation of this realm of abstraction. Each wanderer sees as they like.”

Spike wondered what his friends might see; Twilight might have seen a great library, Applejack might see an orchard, Pinkie might see a party with many balloons.

Luna smiled. “Thine interpretation though is closest to mine own.”

Spike leaned close to a dream bubble and saw the flashing story unfold inside. “So you can just enter anyone’s dream?”

“We respect the privacy of others. The mind is always keen to be aware of a foreign presence. For the strong willed, their islands are fortresses.”

“You entered my head.”

“Well, Sir Spike, thou invited me by dreaming of me.” Luna chuckled. “Thine dream would have turned naughty had we not intervened.”

“Wouldn’t want that would we?” Spike gave a sly grin.

“Of course not…” Luna looked at Spike and gave a grin of her own. “...without us being there!”

Not all dream bubbles were created equal; Spike saw many varying sizes along the trail. Age did not determine dream size. Spike saw a business pony whose bubble was tiny, his dream was equally small minded and consisted of monotonous paperwork. Luna and Spike were walking through one patch filled with small bubbles. The dream visions seemed to be poorly articulated as if drawn by crayon.

“The dream of foals, innocent and pure,” Luna said as a passing comment.

“Maybe not so much,” Spike looked at one of the bubbles. A small foal was being bullied within. She was standing in class while others mocked her. He was sympathetic to her plight. “Luna, this one is having a nightmare. Can we help her?”

Luna nodded, noting it. “We may revisit that one to offer advice. We are not omniscient though; time spent helping one takes from another.”

“Hard choices huh? I know.”

Further along the path of light supplied by Luna, Spike saw a stormy horizon. Outwards to the west of the plane, he saw a vast field of green orbs. Dark beings patrolled the space between them.

“Changeling dream space, they occupy a large territory for feeding.”

Spike remembered the Changelings, they were love sucking succubae that stuck ponies in cocoons. “Wait, can’t we rescue the trapped ponies?”

“We do not venture there as per the peace accord signed in the waking world… even so, it is too late for most, they live only in the dreams for their bodies art too withered. Some prefer the lie rather than living. Changelings profile their targets for weakness of will. Perhaps it is even a kindness for in dreams, a fool’s fantasy may come true whereas realism would crush them.”

“Is it right?”


Luna took Spike to a big patch of dream bubbles that were larger than most of the ones he saw. Each screen projected a dream involving Luna.

“This is a garden of poets and writers we have cultivated. They make the most interesting stories of me.”

“I’ll say,” Spike said as he was slowly approaching one bubble that had Luna in a nurse’s outfit, a small and excited grin forming on his face.

Luna stepped in front of Spike and popped the orb with her horn. “Avert thine eyes!”

He saw another one with her holding a riding crop with her teeth. Luna leapt at the orb and popped it.

Spike looked away to see one of her kissing her sister. Luna followed his eyes and frantically ran to pop it. “Look away!”

After dozen or more dreams were ended, Luna collapsed in surrender. She groaned. “A lewd bubble is behind me? Is it not?”

“Yeah.” Spike nodded, tiptoeing.

Luna threw a hoof upon her face. “Arghhhh, we could do this all day and still they would dream anew the next night.”

“Let them fantasize, you’re the real deal.”

She lowered her eyelids to sultry levels. “Oh? One night we might make a dream of yours come true.”

Spike was staring into the infinite abyss and did not notice. “Could you show me my parents?”

His request threw Luna off. “Oh no, Sir Spike. We have access to things that will never be and things that were remembered but an egg would have no memory.”

“I know your family are those who raise you… but I’m still curious. Did my parents just lay a large clutch and leave me to my fate? Or did they warm my egg every day with their loving fire until I was taken away by some cruel agent?”

“Dragon eggs are magical by design; eons could pass without one hatching. Tracing thine particular egg would be nigh impossible.”

Spike nodded. “I understand. It’s just for the longest time I’ve always wondered; who am I? I even went on the dragon migration before I was even ready. Travelling the world as an ambassador didn’t help either.”

“Thou art as thee wish to be. Nevertheless we shall try to uncover thy lineage.”

Walking within the darkness, Spike noticed they were being followed.

“Princess, you are being followed by a demon!” To Spike’s surprise it was their stalker that spoke along the lines of what he was going to say.

Luna turned and gave the figure an acknowledging nod. “Lord of Sand, tis a pleasure as always. This is not a demon but Sir Spike, a trusted friend.”

Spike remembered the tale about a ‘Sandpony’ that was responsible for eye crusts and brought good children pleasant dreams. The Sandpony could not be fully rendered in his mind, simply appearing as a vague shadow with a white face. As it moved highlights took the place of shadows and vice versa. As an idea, the Sandpony was never in focus and his lack of definition disturbed Spike.

Spike felt the Sandpony’s gaze though it had no discernible pupils. The stranger ‘saw’ through him.

“I sense a demon of desire and avarice inside,” the Sandpony said in a low tone.

“I have a handle over it,” said Spike.

“It is intertwined with your very nature.”

Spike refrained from growling but clenched his claw. “It’s not me.”

The Sandpony said. “Do not deny it. Your destiny is destruction. Surely even you have had a premonition?”

Surfacing from his consciousness was that terrible vision. It flashed through his mind; the field of fire, his home burning, and friends huddled in fear.

Luna rose to his defense. “Lest ye forget, a demon resides within me also. Therein lies a demon within the hearts of us all.”

The Sandpony sighed. “It seems both of you live in adversity of your demons. It is a tenuous balance. You should seek harmony with your darker natures, synthesis rather than antithesis.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “We cannot all live as thee in this lofty plane.”

“If you call this existence living,” said the Sandpony with a melancholic smile. He hushed his voice and spoke urgently. “A presence has caused ripples in the fabric. The dreams of the dead are pouring through.”

“Are they simply the echoes of those who died in trauma?”

“Nay, far fouler, my Princess. The impact on the incorporeal realm mirrors the trauma of the old genocides in Zebrika… Princess Luna, the dream worlds will be at war.”

“Are they ever in peace?” Luna placed a hoof on her head. “Anyhow, a war in the waking world would be a more pressing matter. Could it be a necromancer?”

“It has the same signature… but the scale of which I do not know.”

“Lord of Sand, continue thy investigations. Report to me thy findings.”

“You do not give orders to me in MY domain! I enjoy you Princess, however do not overstep your boundaries.”

Luna smirked. “Oh mighty master, we could duel. Thou would certainly best me but the loss of energy would lead thee to forfeit thine realm to lesser Lords.”

The Sandpony whisked away as fine grains of dust carried by his own wind. “Tricky as ever. Very well, I shall see what I can see.”

“I never knew that old mare’s tale was true. A Sandpony, really?”

“The world of dreams... tis truly an infinite expanse. Memories can be accessed as well. One can be lost in visions. The Lord of Sand, Neil by name, was a most slothful pony; slumbering so much cats would think he be lazy. He would try to see me at every opportunity. When he gave up his mortal coil, he manifested here with all the time to dream from creation to destruction.”

“Somehow I bet you could beat him.”

“Thou art most perceptive. Still the power he hast amassed is respectable, some battles are better not fought. Playing his ego saves us time.”

Spike noticed his hand was fading. He felt his pulse raise. Looking back, he noticed that his wings were disappearing as well. “Luna, what’s happening?!”

“Thou art waking, we are sorry. We wished to show thee many more wonders!” Luna yelped in disappointment.

“It’s okay, Luna. We have next time.”

Spike stirred awake to the sterile confines of the hospital. More blinding than the lights was Rarity’s white coat that reflected them. She was atop of him and holding a roll of measuring tape. Rarity blushed and jumped off of Spike’s bed.

“What were you doing?” asked Spike.

“Nothing!” said Rarity, defensively.

“Where’s Luna?”

“She’s sleeping over there.” Rarity pointed a hoof to Luna lying on the opposite hospital gurney.

Spike looked to Rarity surprised to see her hostility towards Luna had abated. “You’re not mad at her?”

“We both used our magic to quicken your healing.”

Spike felt his side where the spear tip had entered. There was no stitches or evidence of the wound.

“Luna and I declared a ceasefire while you were unconscious. We settled it was un-lady like to fight.”

Spike knew Luna had exploited a hole in her defenses by dating him in their dreams. Luna was smiling smugly as she slumbered.

In the confusion of the assassins and the assault, he’d forgotten his hurt. It all rushed back to him and his eyes widened as Rarity came into true focus. “Rarity, what were you doing at the café?”

“I wanted to arrange dinner plans for us… I needed to apologize.”

“Rarity,” said Spike, “That night I was in the wrong too. I sort of dragon-ed out.”

She was quick to counter. “Spike, you shouldn’t apologize for being yourself. I am the one that’s wrong.”

“No Rarity, you’re completely right. Just last night, I almost lost it when I tasted blood. Lust, hunger, and wanting blurred in my mind. I sort of saw you as a piece of meat. It doesn’t matter how long it was… it happened.”

Rarity shuffled slightly in her seat. “No Spikey! You can’t think like that! Those were extreme circumstances. I was in danger and you defended me like a noble knight!” She then leaned forward whispered in his ear. “I’m very touched you wanted to eat me first.”

Spike blushed. Was Rarity’s audacity her way of matching Luna or was this a side of his crush he had yet to see? He was reminded of her performance in the face of danger. He had Guard training but he knew Rarity didn’t, yet still she held her own. “Rarity, last night, you were very brave.”

“Those thugs hurt you. I was angry more than anything else. Gracious…” Rarity’s face became pale. “I killed a couple of them, didn’t I? Those roguish pony assassins...” She quickly regained her composure with a flick of her mane. It surprised Spike.

“Rarity, are you okay?”

“Oh Spike, I know what’s at stake. We’ve faced strange monsters that seemed stitched from other monsters, shadowy demon kings, and other crazy things. I knew every time I set off with Twilight and the rest... some day it would happen. I made my mental preparations long ago… and I have no regrets. It is always an unpleasant thing though.”

Spike gave a slow nod. “I won’t forget either.” The image of the writhing pony from the cardiac arrest spell she used made Spike shuddered a bit, but he smiled slightly out of admiration for her. Rarity was not to be underestimated. He considered her most brazen move in the evening. “Back there, did you really challenge a Princess to a duel? For me?” The event in hindsight seemed impressive to him, incredibly insane too.

“Spikey, I did! Didn’t I?” Rarity gasped. She giggled to herself. “I would again!

“Hey, I don’t want you two fighting.”

“I want to take you out for dinner… just as friends.” Rarity fluffed her mane and gave a winning smile.

The makings of trap rung alarm bells in his head. Rarity was too socially suave to not understand her inflection of voice. “Can we really go as just friends?”

Rarity feigned outrage. “Spikey, I’m shocked!” She smiled. “You shall always be my closest and dearest friend.” She moved in close to him and batted her eyes.

“I don’t… know.”

“You don’t know? Or is it a no?”

“I don’t know.”

“I can’t compete, can’t I?!” Rarity scratched her eyes.

Spiked growled. “I’m not falling for fake tears! My heart isn’t a competition! Now that I’m dating Luna, suddenly you want me?!”

Spike was about to shout out more, but saw her shaking. He grit his teeth and clenched his side. Looking up, he saw Rarity standing back, her hoof over her mouth.

Rarity’s chest rose and fell quickly as her heart threatened to burst from it. “Spike, I wanted to apologize before I even saw you with her! I was going to make reservations for us when I saw her…”

Tears began to slide down her cheeks. “...When I saw her kissing you!”

She ran out of the room, her sobs echoing through the hallway.

Spike recognized Rarity’s tears as genuine, these weren’t the sobs she’d feign to get attention. Some monitoring wires from the hospital machines snapped as Spike jumped from his bed.

“Leave her be.” Luna spoke up with a cold edge. She moved to hug him. Luna licked her lips, lustfully. “Sir Spike, we wanted to thank thee properly for saving our life.”

When did Luna wake up and how long had she been a silent witness? Spike wanted to fall into her hooves. His wings pumped with blood like an amorous Pegasus. Somehow it did not seem right. He summoned the strength of will and rebuffed her advance. “What’s wrong with you? Back at the Café you provoked her. Rarity dueling you, seriously, what the buck? You know who would win without question.”

Luna stammered. “Twas a lark. We did not intend harm upon her… twas just a joke.”

“My heart isn’t a joke either,” Spike said with a straight face.

“Hers are crocodile tears to lure thee away from me!”

“Rarity has a penchant for drama, but I know her well enough to know those were real.” Spike painfully paused for a moment. “She’s hurting, Luna.”

Luna brought his head to face with her hooves. “It matters not, we are together. Thou art mine.”

Spike was aghast. “Rarity is still a friend!”

He ripped off the medical devices attached to him, threw them away, and stood onto his feet. “If you can’t respect that, I can’t see myself with you.”

Turning towards the door, Spike marched off. A worried doctor met him in the hall, and he flew over him and continued on.

Rarity galloped away. Tears scattered a small trail through Ponyville. Strangers in the street were compelled to offer aid to the distraught mare. Some overtures seemed genuine. Others were laced with lustful intent to pick up a downed mare. She trotted faster than them all. Bashing the door to her home open, she sprinted to her room.

She pranced around the room. Her ponyquins, the dolls for dress modeling, looked on as judges. Their featureless faces stared at her.

“You hate me don’t you?!” Her eyes passed an image of herself on her bedside mirror. Her mane was a mess. The tears made her mascara smudge all over her face, she had stayed all night worrying about Spike, crying only made her eyes redder. “I hate me!”

She smashed her right hoof into the mirror, breaking the glass and cutting herself. The different glass shards showed her at all angles; the frayed hair, the messy makeup, and blood stained fur. The Princess’s taunt echoed in her mind the word: ‘frailty’. All her efforts at perfection and natural beauty couldn’t compare to Luna’s bewitching immortal grace.

Rarity fell onto her bed, sprawling out. She saw the pile of books about dragons on her bedside table. She smacked them away, scattering them onto the floor. Each of the cover depictions of a dragon morphed into ‘her’ dragon. “Spikey, how can I possibly match a Princess, a Goddess?! Luna, give him back to me! Spike come back to me!” She rolled back onto her bed and grabbed a pillow, screaming into it until her throat could bear no more.

Luna hugged the bed pillow in the room. She breathed in Spike’s mineral scent. She squeezed it softly, then with strangling strength. “Thou art mine. We won’t let thee leave…”

Luna smiled with a psychotic bent filled with self-confidence. She caught her reflection on a shining scalpel upon the medical tray and was stunned by the appearance of her serrated teeth. Her royal ‘we’ had taken a different connotation as the dark presence inside of her smiled back with whispers and promises. The figure that filled her reflection was Nightmare Moon.

She shook her head, trying to shake the dark thoughts away. She remembered Spike’s technique, how he held no hesitation to fight back the monster in him. She bit into her hoof. Her demonic fangs easily sliced through her soft fur and flesh. The puncture sprayed her own blood across the white immaculate hospital bed sheets. The injury gave her the boost she needed to banish her beast.

“No! Sir Spike is not an object to be owned! We must not think such thoughts! He be someone near and dear to us. Why must we be strong?!” Tears sprung from her eyes. “We have been too long, too lonely…”

She buried her muzzle into her pillow and screamed.

Part of Spike wanted to run to Rarity, the other immediately regretted having left Luna alone. Rarity’s invitation to a ‘just friends’ dinner had definitely the makings of a trap. He hated the fact Rarity had tried a technique he’d seen her employ to use other males. Luna’s possessiveness was suffocating. Her sudden seduction attempt was unnatural and directed towards forcing him to reach her conclusion. When did life spring to such complexity? He hoped for a distraction. A familiar bat pony in a maid uniform being pursued by an Earth Pony male caught his curiosity.

Spike peered around the corner of the alley Nightshade ran off to.

The pony with money bags for a cutie mark had cornered Nightshade. “Come on! Miss, I’ll buy you! Any price!” Filthy Rich grinned.

“Not interested!” Nightshade hissed.

He tossed a bag of bits by her feet. “I’ll triple my initial offer!”

Spike shuddered as the bat pony pummeled the lascivious male. Nightshade dusted off her hooves as she walked head held high out of the alleyway.

Nightshade eyes lit up when she saw Spike. “Don’t tell Luna, I did that. I’m on probation as is. Beating a harmless civilian senseless does not befit the dignity of the Night Guard.” She gritted her teeth as she awaited his answer.

“I would have punched him into the ground, if you didn’t. You were well within your rights. The jerk was married too.”

Nightshade was nonchalant and blunt with her words. “Why did you follow me?”

“I was worried,” said Spike.

“Should she succumb, I am the lance that would take Luna’s life. That is duty bestowed upon me. I hardly need your help.”

“Okay, maybe I need yours.”

Nightshade hissed. “Sniff up another skirt.”

“Yeessh, I just wanted to talk.” Spike hung his head sadly walking away.

Nightshade sighed and tapped his shoulder. “Look, I’m in a maid outfit. It’s roasting hotter than Tartarus! A dozen males have made passes at me! Not a single mare! Not a single bucking one! There was that cute one with the lyre on her flanks but oh no, she had to be taken!”

She had started soft yet ended up shouting as she vented.

“I could maybe get Luna to release you from maid service early,” Spike suggested.

Nightshade suddenly smiled and her tone became very agreeable. “Tell me your problems.”

“I’m torn between two mares, and they’re tearing each other apart.”

“If you hurt Luna, I don’t care what outfits I must wear, I will end you.”

“That’s what I’m trying to avoid. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

Nightshade looked away. “… Spike, pick Luna. I won’t interfere…”

Spike staggered backwards. “That’s the last thing I expected to hear from you.”

“I’ve never seen her so happy than when she is with you or talking about you.” Nightshade sniffled. “I could never bring her that!”

“Nightshade, don’t you love Luna?”

Nightshade lowered her head. “I failed her. I don’t deserve her.”

“Hey, I’m going to let that go as long as you don’t assault me again.”

“No. When I was but a lieutenant in her guard, I was given an important mission. The Fortress of Everfree came under Celestia’s siege. I was sent to gather reinforcements from White Tail Woods.” Even Nightshade’s ears drooped as she recounted her tale. She shouted skywards in frustration. “We were delayed!!! Luna was forced to use the shard of corruption in order to fight Celestia. When I arrived, it was too late, all the defenders were dead and Luna engaged Celestia in single combat. I saw flashes in the sky and then our world ended.”

“Whoa what?! You’re talking about the Lunar Rebellion! That’s a millennia ago!”

Nightshade raised a brow. “So? I’m a vampire pony. We’re immortal. We can also hibernate.”

Spike poked her with a claw. “You’re in sunlight now.”

“Grow up! I can eat garlic too! I just don’t like to.” Nightshade stormed off with the cloud of depression over her head.

Spike called after her. “Nightshade, Luna becoming Nightmare Moon, you can’t blame yourself. I’m sure Luna doesn’t if she has employed you as her Captain.”

The bat pony looked back. Her ears popped upwards slightly. Then she continued walking into the heat midday.

Now the considerations and feelings of three mares weighed upon Spike’s conscience. He had subconsciously walked himself to edge of Ponyville. It was by Fluttershy’s cottage. He dared not approach further. The menagerie of animals the Pegasus kept had long shunned him. As he grew to certain age, his predatory nature became too much for the beasts of prey. Whenever he visited they would cower and hide. He recalled even as a baby dragon, Fluttershy had a rabbit which hated him already.

“Spike!” Fluttershy’s yell had caught him by surprise. She flew from the forest with a flock of assorted birds and woodland critters. Animals such as pigeons and hawks, normally would be mortal enemies in nature held a truce in Fluttershy’s presence due to their mutual affection for the gentle Pegasus. However today they were united by fear.

“Flutters, what’s up?”

“It’s terrible! Two monsters are in the forest. Their roaring is scaring away all the birds. Even Harry the bear is scared.”

The brown fur pile in question hid his head behind Fluttershy and shook. Spike raised a brow… if the grizzly bear was scared he supposed the threat was worth looking into.

“Stay here, Flutters. I’m going to check it out.”

Spike quickly saw that the monsters were mechanical. A Griffin War Wing and Zebra airship circled above the sky. Their roar was their cannons. The warships fired their guns blindly into the Everfree forest at an unseen enemy. Airships were called sometimes ‘dragon slayers’ for a reason; using their technology, the Griffins had carved territory from the Dragon Dominions. The feat was thought to be beyond impossible but sustained cannon fire bested the best dragon’s flame. Spike gulped down the lump in his throat and moved in to investigate.

Aboard the bridge of the Zebra airship, a mad Zebra mare made orders. Zaza raged with such grief and anger she appeared almost frothing at the mouth. Her officers shared a similar disposition and wrathful vigor. The Zebras and Griffins were united by bitter determination, their stoic and quiet fury was reflected in the liquid haste they pulled levers and cranks that compelled the warship.

“I want those assassins found! Use the cannons to flush them out.”

“Commander Zaza, our scouts are looking.” A Griffin saluted.

Zaza groaned. “There’s no need to look if we carpet bomb! Load the napalm!”

Zecora pleaded to her Zaza. “Sister, I fear you may be overreacting to burn the Forest of Everfree! Please you are scaring me!”

Zaza’s voice quaked. “They ki… R-Reagle… I will not relent!”

She stomped her hoof into the metal flooring of the bridge with so much force that it warped the metal. “They shall feel our full fury after we burn the forest we shall burn Equestria!! This is a declaration of war! I will see their sorrow match mine!”

Spike ran through the forest, as he entered a clearing he nearly gagged. Dozens of Royal Guards were slain, intermixed with Griffin dead. The grass and ground were thoroughly soaked with the blood. In the center of all was a single Griffin whose red cape was so soaked it dripped.

Spike was filled with rage at the responsible Griffin. However as the Griffin turned he recognized the dark hawk symbol on the cloak. The face feathers were that of an old friend. “King Hawkmor?”

House Hawkmor was infamous for their red cloaks that were worn to hide their wounds to conceal weakness from their enemies eyes and that of their own subordinate officers as a means of motivation. Whole battles were won and only afterwards it was revealed their commander had died; the bloodstains blending with the crimson cloth. Such fervor and frenzy the Griffins had fought they didn’t even notice. Try as he might to stand tall, the Griffin King’s posture though was that of a wounded bird.

“Hey ‘Ambassador’ Spike.” said the Griffin King with one claw clutching his stomach while the other held a sword. He directed his sword at Spike, daring the dragon to attack. “Come to finish the job? I regret teaching you now… Even wounded, I won’t die lying down.”

“Whoa, I’m not here for any of that.” He growled. “What’s with the dead guards? What the buck is going on?!”

Reagle scoffed. “You Equestrians did not order my assassination?”


“Lying lizard, Have at you!” The Griffin King spun his sword in his claws with an intimidating display. Spike knew the move from Reagle; he had begged to learn it for its ‘coolness’ value. Nevertheless, it still had its effect; he was not looking forward to matching his claws to the Griffin’s blade. He spent a week twirling his ceremonial saber and putting it to actual use by training with the Griffin. He never once won a mock match.

Reagle threw Spike a sword taken from a dead Griffin. “Use Vikers’ sword! Your people did kill him!”

Spike caught the weapon and barely jumped away from the strike that followed. Reagle used his wings to maneuver while mid strike. With the added leverage of lifting from the ground, his strikes were swift like an eagle and strong like a lion.

“Reagle, stop!”

“Vikers was a cadet!” Reagle pounced at him, he seemed to deliberately miss and hit a tree. The force of the impact shook it to the very top branches. Spike jumped back, avoiding the Griffin’s rebound. He raised his sword to parry the second strike. It never came.

“Die!” Reagle used claw flints to light a grenade, chucking it at Spike.

Spike batted the bomb upwards into the air with his wings. The bomb exploded, shrouding the battlefield in smoke.

Spike had to hone into his sense. His smell was shot, too much blood in the air. He tuned into his ears, the Griffin’s vanity betrayed the coming attack; the cloak rustled in the wind. Spike ducked just enough to avoid being decapitated.

Reagle moved in through the fog for a killing stroke, however his wound stopped him as he fell unto the ground.

Spike had won the battle before it had begun. His opponent was in no condition for combat. The fog dissipated as Reagle labored to catch his breath.

He hoped a friendly address might work better. “Reagle, nopony ordered an assassination! In fact we could ask the same of you?!”

Reagle rasped. “My personal guards are dead, lying lizard!”

“Lizard? That was uncalled for, you bird brain!”

“I wonder which of us is hard boiled or soft shelled?” said Reagle, raising his sword again.

Griffins and Dragons came from eggs, egg metaphors were shared cultural facet. Spike remembered learning about the terms from when he trained with the Griffin King. He had to remind his ‘friend’ of the better days. King Hawkmor was both lecherous and chivalrous. He knew which subject would warm the Griffin. “Reagle, remember when I asked you about Gilda at that party? You said she was a total—”

“—gold digging feather bag, you shouldn’t chase her tail.” Reagle replied.

“How about that cute yellow feather one?”

“Her clan is Bloodtalon, they take males as pets.”

“The white feather one?”

“Utter sociopath.”

Talking about females seemed to bring a smile to Griffin King. He lowered his sword and used it for support. “Okay, kid, give me something to go on here. Bloody Helheim, I’m tripping over the corpses of my own troops!”

Spike gave an appreciative smile. “Thank you.”

Reagle pulled a bomb belt from one of the dead Griffins. He sparked his claw flints. “No sudden moves. These ones aren’t smoke. Anything fishy, I’ll send us both to Valhalla.”

Spike cringed, at the dozen paces they were away from each other the bouquet of grenades would annihilate them both.

Reagle hacked out blood. “You’ve got until I bleed to death. So do hurry up!”

Spike needed some evidence: some proof that this was a terrible

misunderstanding. He looked at the scene of the slaughter; any objectivity seemed lost as he was immediately angered by the sight. Taking a deep breath he calmed himself. His anger abated further when he realized he knew none of the dead ‘Royal’ Guards. They didn’t seem to be from the local garrison or the Canterlot detachment. They were also all Sun-Guards.

“Firstly, I don’t know these guys. Secondly, their armor is basic infantry. If Luna wanted you dead she’d send her elite.” Spike thought of his duel with Nightshade and how hairs away he was close to losing his life.

Reagle tapped his claws on the bomb, impatiently. “Your personal testimony can’t be counted and uniforms can be changed. Give me more.”

A guard’s beard and one guard’s extremely long mane though caught his attention. During his Guard training, he had convinced Twilight to cast a certain spell that gave him facial hair. He showed Shining Armor and after a hearty laugh his surrogate brother and commanding officer ordered him to shave it. Hygiene standards with the Royal Guard were high. Spike inspected the dead ‘guards’ more closely he looked at each of the pony’s left ears there were holes in them. He was satisfied by the conclusion.

He presented his evidence. “Look at the holes in their left ears. Under Equestrian law, banished murderers have their left ears tagged. Those holes are where their tags would have been. Also some of these guys got poor hygiene. Any military is strict on this. These ponies aren’t Royal Guard.”

The Griffin scratched his beak thoughtfully. “They could have been exiles promised repatriation in return for my assassination.”

Spike groaned. “Yeessh! You can’t be that paranoid. Come on! Dude, what about our friendship?”

Reagle chuckled at his honest outburst. “Kid, I believe you.” He tossed the bomb belt aside and used his sword as a crutch to walk. He tripped on a branch that was obscured by the gore.

Spike caught the Griffin by his underarm and helped him away from the clearing.

After several steps the Griffin tapped on Spike’s shoulder. “Set me down, I’m not going to make it, mate.”

“Come on, the airships are so close.”

Reagle leaned against the tree and held out his claw, staring at his own blood. “Argh bloody Helhiem, at least I killed a dozen of them before they got me. They thought they could get close enough to clip me. I showed those bastards, whoever they were.”

Spike looked frantically for a way to save the Griffin King. “I don’t have a medical kit, I can go to Ponyville though and get help.”

“Kid, I’ll be dead by then. You have to go to my wife and tell her what you told me or war will happen. She won’t believe you; so you have to tell her exactly what I say. Okay?”

Spike leaned to to hear.

“Tell her, I love her righteous rump,” He chirped and chuckled, fondly. “… and to live on even if I’m gone.”

He closed his eyes and placed his claws on his chest.

“You’ll tell her yourself.”

“Eh?” Reagle opened an eye.

“I can sear your wound with my fire to stop bleeding. It’ll hurt though… incredibly. You might pass out.”

“Two tours, fighting the Zebrika campaign; one as a conqueror, one as its liberator. I think I’ll manage.”

In the Dragon Dominion, Spike was once tempted to try chicken. Refusing the sweet smelling meat was no small challenge. Spike was thankful since the aroma was obscured by the sickening and noxious odor of burning Griffin feathers. He stopped when he was satisfied that the wound was cleansed and closed by his flame. The Griffin King was true to his word and did not cry out during the agonizing procedure even as Spike winced from performing it.

“Now, could you kindly fly me to my wife before she burns the world in retribution?” Reagle asked.

Spike was cleared a path by the Griffins to the airships once they saw who he was carrying. He walked onto the bridge of the Zebra airship while helping his friend by the shoulder.

An ecstatic Zebra mare greeted the Griffin. “Reagle! The guard that rushed to go get help said you were surrounded by dozens of assassins.”

“Yeah now there’s dozens less.” Reagle chirped cheerfully. “Zaza, Listen the Equestrians weren’t responsible. Spike, their Ambassador, saved my life.”

“Shush. I am so happy you’re alive.” Zaza popped a potion in his mouth. She helped Reagle guzzle the Zebra brew.

After things had settled down, they moved to the Griffin War Wing where Reagle and Zaza sat on a wide throne together.

Zaza lowered her head. “I would have made a terrible mistake.”

Spike spoke. “Yeah, Luna was attacked by group armed with Griffin and Zebra weapons. They even brought an automatic crossbow. We were tempted to blame you guys. ”

Reagle pondered. “Automatic crossbows aren’t produced cheaply, we have them accounted for. Sometimes in theaters of war, automatic crossbows might jam or the crew is overrun. If you can get us the factory serial number, we can trace where it was lost. Tell this to your Princess: we seek peace, and our resources are at her disposal for this investigation.”

Spike nodded, he had already transcribed a part of the decree along with the exchanged explanations. He blew his flames and sent the message.

Zaza frowned. “It is distressing, but some power is working towards war. This coming Peace Summit might be a farce if that power is the Dragon Dominions.”

“I can’t say. Even though I’m a dragon; I represent Equestria.” said Spike.

“A fine job you have done, Mr Ambassador,” a familiar voice said. “We couldn’t ask for more.”

Spike spun his head around to the rhyming Zebra. The Zebra’s presence onboard the warship seemed so out of place, he blinked to confirm her existence. Yet Zecora seemed to look as at home aboard the metal warship as in her wooden tree hut. Perhaps it was the other Zebras. What was the Zebra mare’s role in all this? Zecora had first entered Ponyville under a cloak. Was there a reason for the disguise? “Zecora, what are you doing here?”

Zecora resumed. “Never mind that! Yesterday, Rarity came here to chat.”

“Rarity spoke to you?”

Reagle smirked. “The little pony with the coat alabaster she came here. I spied her approaching our warships long before she noticed us. She didn’t flinch when faced with our full military might. That’s some mare!”

Zaza nodded. “She spoke to all of us.” She winked. “The lady Rarity seemed to have an important reason.”

“What did she talk to you about?” Spike asked nervously.

Zecora gave a sly wink. “Silly, I know you have always pined for Rarity. She was asking about love, she may be ready!”

Spike sighed. “I’m not. I sort of met someone else… now I’m sorting through my feelings. I haven’t got a clue.”

Reagle chimed in. “Hahaha! A fellow paramour! Perhaps you want to join bird-house Hawkmor?!”

Zaza poked Reagle ever so softly near his wound.

The Griffin King cringed. “Okay I deserved that.”

“I now have a button!” Zaza said fondly, snuggling next to Reagle.

Spike made his way back to Ponyville, on the way he took a short trip to allay Fluttershy’s fears of monsters in her backyard. Thinking of Fluttershy’s connection the animals made him consider his own nature.

Dragons were naturally monogamous. In the wild, such problems never arose due to the difficulty and danger of allowing another Dragon to access to your horde of power. Millennia could pass without Dragons earning such trust. At that the rare critical juncture betrayal was common place. Due to their feudal nature, some Dragons went so far as to make ‘breeding arrangements’ divorce of any romance. The dragon-lings produced were not tenderly cared for; rather they were soldiers seen as an expansion of power for the clan. In lands ruled by fear and fire, love was foreign and he the foreigner. The answer was not there.

Maybe for the heavy party ponies, the answer would have been both or even more. He attended a Canterlot casual social where that was the case. Diamond Tiara had brought her two colt-friends and none was the more miserable than herself behind her hollow laughter. A heated argument ended party early when Diamond Tiara wasn’t able to remember the full name of the first alleged lover. The second colt left in a huff when Diamond incorrectly gave his name as the reply to the first one’s question. He knew even Pinkie Pie wouldn’t endorse their lifestyles, all their lovers, besmirched the concept of ‘love’. True love to him was exclusive, not dirty like lips of a cider bottle passed across the crowd. He wracked his brain even if he could split his heart in twain, there forever would be a lingering doubt as to who was the majority shareholder of his heart. Such tension was no way to live.

A walk to clear his mind had only turned to befuddle him further. The strange forces moving in the backdrop and the two most important mares in front of him added to his growing confusion. He needed to take action. Firstly, Rarity needed him as a friend. Could he go to her as ‘just’ a friend? Navigating the emotional minefield, could he evade her traps whether they be intentional or not? Did he want to? What about Luna? Her entry into his life had been so quick yet he now he considered her equal to Rarity in his heart. Wait, they were equal? It exploded as a personal revelation to him. Throughout his thoughts he placed them in equal weight upon the scales of his heart. He loved Rarity…. and now he loved Luna at the same time.

Author's Note:

Next Time in Lunacy of Love...

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