• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,892 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter Luna - Lunacy of Love

The noble knight, Luna, a nation owed its very creation to her. Unfailingly she again would choose the greater good, each time there came a hidden sacrifice in her heart. The distance between her the world grew greater than anyone could bear. The solitude and alienation drove her to madness. He made his choice. Luna for her failings, for her sacrifices, was worthy to be happy.

Luna, ever lonely, immortality was a curse as it was a blessing. It was a curse he shared with her. He could be there were no other could. Throughout time they could dance. In the tough times they could support each other. If madness came they would be together in lunacy.

Instead of merely thinking it he found he whispered her name aloud. “Luna.”

Freya nodded. “I hear thy wish.” She raised her scythe.

“Then thou shall hear mine.”

Spike saw as a hoof in the darkness stop Freya’s swing. Luna stepped forward and strolled to his side. She nuzzled him affectionately then turned to Freya.

“Freya.” Luna spoke, curtly.

“Luna.” Freya said as equally abruptly.

There was rising tension as the two Princesses exchanged greetings. They kept their eyes locked for a moment before setting back to a watchful and cautious gaze.

Freya grinned. “Luna, the avatar of the night, twas many moons ago or maybe millennia since we spoke. We trust thou art well.”

Luna pouted “Dispense with the pleasantries. Thou hath deceived Sir Spike by a lie of omission.”

Freya tapped her scythe. “Did I now? Was it not thy vanity thou chose to enact this final test?”

Luna shook her head. “Twas no test. In truth I wished for Sir Spike’s happiness even if it was not in mine embrace.”

Spike raised his brow. “What’s going on here?”

Luna sighed. “It takes two lives for the ritual, yet we did not account for thee...”

Spike spouted. “Whoa, what the buck?! What if I had chosen Rarity or Nightshade?”

Freya frowned. “Lady Luna bargained her immortality and natural life for the count of two. She intended to use her second life to save thee. In such proximity to the door, the calling of thy demon would hath pulled thee into the void.”

Spike turned to Luna. “Luna, is this true?”

Luna smiled. “I love thee even if thou did not love me.”

Spike held her close. “You know that’s not true. There was no choice. Luna, you won long ago.”

Luna hugged him back. “Oh Sir Spike.”

Spike let go of Luna and turned to Freya. “If immortality can buy another life then I give up mine. How about Nightshade doesn’t she count for two as well?” He laughed. “If we all give up our immortality, everyone can live. It all adds to three. No one has to die.”

“Sir Spike, art thou certain?”

He smiled. “You did the same for me, didn’t you? I have no cause to fear death if I can spend my life with you.”

Luna blushed. “Why must thou always have this effect upon me?”

“Nay.” Freya frowned. “Thy friend, Nightshade, is her demon, she is but one life. The books are not balanced. Thou art now still to choose a sacrifice.”

Spike, grit his teeth. Rarity or Nightshade, there was still a choice to be made. His head ached as he did the simple yet hard math. He could leave with Luna and only one other friend. It had almost broken him to choose Luna. He fell on a knee as hurt hit him again. What right had he to quantify the lives closest to him?

Compromise after compromise, what and when was it enough? He looked to Luna, who’d suffered similar sacrifices. In her eyes was an understanding they now shared. She smiled and draped her hooves around him.

Luna caressed his chin and gently whispered. “Nay my love, thou shall not be burdened with this. I refuse to let thee suffer so. Thou hath already given so much.” Luna smiled, turning towards Freya. “Freya, perhaps thou can take credit.”

Freya narrowed her eyes. “Death is not a bank. I cannot close the gate with empty promises.”

Spike growled. “We saved the world that’s got to count for something. Luna saves the world every bucking night by holding herself back!”

Luna held Spike back. “Sir Spike, allow me.” She charged her horn and pointed a hoof at the avatar of death. “Freya, we shall duel for thy life!”

Freya slowly lowered her head clasping her hoof over her head. Her chest began shaking. She burst out laughing and holding her stomach. The bones of her skeletal wings rattled.

Spike was want to laugh along but cringed as Freya’s laughter turned decidedly dark and malicious.

Freya grinned as her teeth sharpened to fine points. A degree of her glamour was gone. “Know thy place. Thou art merely the avatar of the night. I am death incarnate. Twas eons ago that thou defeated me. Ye shall forfeit all should ye lose.”

Spike stood besides Luna. He stammered in disbelief at Luna’s proposal. Luna was too much. He wanted to laugh, cry, and spit. Her boldness was what made him love her. “C-can we really literally fight death? This is an option?!”

Luna chuckled madly as she reared upwards onto her hind hooves. “Sir Spike, in truth I do not know!”

Spike’s head was spinning. “Is this right?”

Luna cackled further with nervous air. “This course of action may be entirely evil and unjustified.”

Freya tilted her head quizzically. “Are ye so selfish to condemn the world for a single soul?”

Spike spat. “And what a bucking world it is, where we must sacrifice our friends, our morals, our dignities, and our very souls!”

Luna nodded. “We reject thy premise and script! We deny destiny!” She searched Spike’s expression for reassurance. “Sir Spike, art thou with me?”

Spike spoke. “I fell for you, what’s a little further?”

Luna grinned deeply, mirroring Freya’s own unnerving smile. “Together, to hell then!”

Spike and Luna exchanged slight giggles. He held her hoof with one of his claws. “Let’s dance!” Spike planted his claws and roared.

Freya’s skeletal scythe glowed with white light. “Hohohoho! How dare ye challenge death?! I am offended by thy thoughts alone!”

Luna gestured to Freya’s scythe. “Sir Spike, mind Freya’s scythe, he be another opponent. In truth we fight two.”

Spike laughed nervously. “How did you defeat her before?”

Luna laughed back. “I defeated Freya in a game of chess!”

“Indeed, I shant be fooled again.” Freya grinned. With a flap of her skeletal wings she was airborne in the ether of black. “Suffer ultimate agony, die in despair!” Her horn charged with power and she fired.

A cone of dark energies engulfed them.

Spike found a deeply disturbing familiar feeling in the visions he was shown. Battlefields filled with dead, the crying of orphaned foals, and countless horrors flashed before his eyes. He grit his teeth, were it not he was fortified by having seen Luna’s own visions of horror he wouldn’t be able stand. He could only feel Luna’s hoof by his claw. He tugged at her and she pulled with him.

Luna cried in the stream. “Sir Spike, fight through it!”

Spike matched her warmth with his. “We can do this!”

“Yes, We!”

Turning their heads they faced onrush, together.

Spike took Luna’s royal ‘We’ into his heart. They were two souls then entwined fighting against the darkness. They fueled each other’s flames; their two candles became a bonfire. The fire of the passion roared, banishing the visions.

When the air cleared they stood shakily with one another.

With a shallow breath and bravado still Luna laughed. “Freya, is that all?”

Freya cocked a brow examining her scythe as if it missfired. “Subjected to such visions, thou should hath been rendered insane with despair. I hath seen the bravest become like timid mice to-”

Spike countered. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve seen it before. Blah, blah, hopelessness and whatever. Amorpheus even used a similar attack. Luna and I’ve suffered our share.”

Luna grinned. “I saw Sir Spike, fight the fires of his nightmares for so long. My brave knight, he fought through it all.”

Spike smiled back. “I saw Luna cope visions with her history. It doesn’t matter, we create our own hope that defeats your despair.”

Freya pursed her lips in surprise as Luna and Spike stood defiant.

Luna fired her horn with a beam. “We attack!”

“Arrogant fools!” Freya threw up a shield and deflected the beam to flying sparks as her white and Luna’s azure magical auras clashed.

“You’re one to speak! Looking down on us? Perhaps you should look up!” Spike swooped down and attacked in the wake of the mana explosion.

“Beasts!” Freya blocked as Spike slashed ferociously with his claws then snapped for her jugular with his throat. Freya leapt backwards escaping his jaws.

Luna fired again a flurry of spell bolts that tracked Freya.

Freya spun her scythe deflecting the bolts away. Her eyes opened wide as Spike followed her with slash against her chest. One of Luna’s tracking shots impacted the same area.

Freya landed clutching her wound. A fissure cracked the black. White light poured through the opening.

Freya screamed as she held her wound. “How can ye be so cruel?! Ye know not what ye do!”

Spike turned to Luna as they faced the reaper. His instincts to protect an ailing mare kicked in and his conscience nagged at him. “Should we-?

Luna shook her head. “Sir Spike, tis a ruse. Freya, is far stronger. No mercy, we must not deviate from the path we’ve chosen.”

Spike raised his claws again. “Right!”

Freya rose with another bout of laughter. “Truly thou art too keen. Still it seems ye be worthy to see my true power.” She caressed her weapon, tenderly.

The scythe flew forward and formed an outlines of a pony with its glow. The weapon spoke. “These two giving you trouble, my dear Freya?”

Freya touched her wound. “Oh Odr, my Scythe, the two were simply barbaric.”

Scythe growled. “I’ll cut you to ribbons for hurting my dear Freya! Then I’ll cut those ribbons! Then I’ll cut the cuttings of the cut ribbons! Then I’ll-”

Freya tugged her enthusiastic Scythe back by its spine tail. “My love, calm thy rage. Let us fight them together.”

Scythe nodded. “Yes dear.”

Spike gasped. “Wait what? The scythe’s alive?”

Luna nodded. “We are stronger together; our enemy shares the same philosophy.”

Spike smiled. “You run spell support; I’ll fight in the front.”

Scythe turned to Spike. “Dragon eh? You long lived lizards cheat my wife out of too many good souls!”

“Whatever, you’re just a blade on a stick! Seriously, how big of a tool do you have to be to be a literal tool!”

Scythe turned to speak but it was Freya who shouted, angrily. “That’s my husband, lizard!”

Scythe stopped Freya by blocking her. “I’ll dispatch him, easily enough!”

Spike flew upwards to be surprised as Scythe galloped in the sky.

“Sir Spike, watch thyself!” Luna’s spell blast sent Scythe back.

“Luna, I’ve waited to reap thee!” Freya fired her horn only to have Spike swoop in and force her spell to miss.

Both parties regrouped.

Scythe bobbed his head. “Oh they’ve got synergy! This will be fun, Dear!”

Freya sighed. “Mind thyself to not be distracted, they be a worthy enemy.”

Luna and Spike looked at each other.

Spike lifted a spiny brow in question. “Strategy?”

Luna smiled extending her wings. “Our wills be stronger together! Tis a test of our resolve!”

Spike spat fire from his maw. “Right on, we fight on!”

“Die-” Scythe lunged with his bladed head.

“Sinners!” Freya horn flared with a bolt barrage.

“We are stronger!” Luna and Spike’s voices enjoined as one as they charged.

Scythe’s cut was deflected by Luna’s shield and they rushed past him. They both assailed the surprised Freya.

Freya staggered steps back as white cracks appeared upon her body and extended like tree branches across the dark space. “Luna… well played.” She faded into that breach as she smiled.

Scythe cried reaching out. “My dear Freya! Nooo!!! Why? Please no!” He turned in rage to Spike and Luna. “You demons! I’ll-” The magic outlines of his body evaporated and the weapon clattered to the floor as an inanimate object once more.

Luna took hold of the scythe. “Sir Spike, art thou ready?”

Spike looked sadly at the breach and the scythe. “We are truly demons, aren’t we? It seems no matter what our happiness is at the cost of others. I guess escaping that was truly a dream.”

Luna nodded. “The best we may do is help those we love. Sir Spike, I shall remember that thou chose me above all others. That gave me strength to live.”

“Luna, I shall remember you gave me a choice. This pain, this burden, it’s ours. Whatever and wherever, it’s heaven if it’s with you. Odds and gods be damned.”

Luna raised the scythe. “Let us live lives worthy to be our last. Crossing the boundary we must shed our immortality.” Swinging it, Luna cut cord to the curtain of the world.

They hugged one another as they were bathed in light.

It was a familiar scene, Spike pondered if in another time or another life his choice had been different. He scratched his eyes as he adjusted to sun’s rays and that clear blue sky. There they were upon tower. Yet something was different he felt somehow lighter and heavier.

“Spikey? How can this be?”

“Spike, what’s going on here?”

Spike ignored them and looked to Luna first. “Luna, we did it.”

Luna smiled as he hugged her. “That we did, Sir Spike.”

Rarity patted herself of dust and then turned to Spike and Luna. “Darlings, what did you do?”

Nightshade’s perked her ears in curiosity. “How has this come without sacrifice?” She stammered as she saw Luna’s un-enchanted mane. She sniffed the air, her thestral nostrils flared. “Pr-pr-princess, you’re not just underpowered… you’re mortal.”

Luna nodded. “I am.”

Spike added. “I am too.”

Nightshade shook her head. “This too much. You both have given too… much.”

Rarity gasped. “Spikey, Luna, you both… For us?”

Claw in hoof, together they nodded.

Rarity hugged them. “Thank you, darlings.”

Nightshade bowed. “I cannot express my grat-” She yelped when Luna’s magic pulled her into the hug.

After a while they broke the hug. They starred at the bright azure sky together. They were distracted as an airship passed them flashing its signal lights. Scorched lands, draconic hordes, Griffin and Zebra airships, and Pony armies came into focus.

Luna grinned widely. “It shall be a nightmare to sort this out politically. What say you my ambassador?”

Spike leaned his head to Luna’s. “Political nightmare, that’s nothing for Nightmare Moon to handle, right?”

Luna leaned back. “Truly, thou suggests I invoke the old disguise?”

Nightshade added. “Princess, they saw the sky torn asunder and then sealed. The truth of actual details will be ours to tell.”

Rarity pouted. “More lies? Honestly, couldn’t we come clean?”

Luna laughed. “Nay, but would they believe the truth that we challenged Death herself?

Rarity blurted. “Wait what?!”

Spike sighed. “We’ll tell you another time.”

Nightshade flicked her fangs. “Spike, Luna, should you feel up to the price. You can always go vamp.”

Spike laughed. “Let’s for now sort out this mess.”

Luna chuckled. “Indeed.”

With the death of Aldred, The Dragon Dominions withdrew their armies from Equestria. Their efforts turned introspective and inwards. Through the leadership of General Spira and Elder Bahamut they formed a Dragon Council to lead them and amend Dragon Code to allow for it. No longer under the sway of singular tyrants, the Dragon Dominions became more democratic. A few former invaders finding the country to their liking even stayed in Equestria to help reconstruction efforts. The manta of ‘Fear and Fire’ faded, as these dragons assimilated into pony townships offering real examples to compare to rather than just propaganda and biased books.

Griffin King Reagle Hawkmor and his Zebra Queen, Zaza, returned to face many assassins that questioned their choice to spare Equestria where opportunity provided for conquest. Through the aid of Nightshade and Equestria’s assistance, the usurpers were thwarted and control consolidated making a more stable realm. Tensions would periodically simmer over resources and global trade but never boil over to outright war. The United Griffin Kingdoms, would become a steadfast allies of Equestria in turn. Sharing their different Airship construction techniques even larger ships would be built. Instead of warships, these would be passenger liners that toured the world connecting nations and their peoples.

The Changelings for their assistance was offered the population of Tartarus Prison to feed upon. They adamantly and publically refused the generous offer. The publicity stunt though carried a genuine note in their wish for coexistence. It made many question the assumed ‘always evil’ nature of Changelings. Some we bold enough to visit the Changeling territories, to their surprise they returned without having been replaced by look-alikes. They told tales of experimental communities where Changelings lived amongst ponies.

Zecora assumed her role as Chief of Chiefs for the Zebra Confederation. It took time for her to be acclimated to wearing the necklaces of many bones. She never settled comfortably into the role, but still led her people in enlightened rule. She often visited Equestria, she once had been exiled to, now as a means of vacation.

Fancy Pant retired relatively gracefully with Fleur Di Lis. Fleur still maintained her contacts in the Prench Resistance while Fancy Pants appeared time from time as a guest lecturer at the Magic Military Academy. Save for the occasional adventure they lived lives of lazy leisure enjoy one another’s company.

The propaganda village of Ponyville was rebuilt through a genuine community effort this time. While losing a bit of its rustic charm, it was nevertheless the same town with the same ponies. Over time smiles would return even brighter.

Nightshade was reinstated as a Captain of Equestria with full honors. One of the great last lies of the Republic, her action retroactively sanction by the crown and the details were smoothed over. She founded an elite corps, The Order of the Crimson Crescent. Clad in ebony armor, the knights would be iconic symbols of strength. It is rumored in their ranks, vampire or thestral ponies worked in harmony with those of un-cursed blood even finding love. Nightshade herself remained single, looking for a worthy lieutenant. Stallions and some mares still fight for the position unbeknownst to their Captain.

Rarity accepted Luna’s offer became the Royal Tailor for a while. The prestige of the position made it impossible for the social elite to snub her due to her previous romantic interests in a certain dragon. Capitalizing that momentum, she rebuilt her brand and became a household name in fashion. To rub it further in the noses of those that shunned her, she premiered a fashion line made of dragon scales, breaking both tradition and into the armor market. Rarity has yet to find suitor to suit her, but she found herself never lonely as friends and coworkers filled her time.

Ever the masterful politician, Luna used an interplay of alliances to secure peace. The few foolish enough to test Equestria’s borders met an allied military force. Despite damages done in the short war, Equestria stood evermore. Gradually at the behest of a certain Captain Consort, Luna would slowly cede responsibility to Twilight and the members of a new parliament. A more open government would rule. With the pressure off Luna was free to pursue rest and relaxation she so long denied herself.

Luna leaped unto the red bed sprawling her and her azure dress out. She stretched as if making a snow angel.

Spike plopped onto the mattress besides her.

Luna laughed. “Didst thou see the face of the Prench Ambassador’s face when we threatened to drop the moon upon their armies?”

Spike chuckled. “I guess he’ll figure out it was a bluff on the way home.”

“Methinks he be too stupid. Wherefore are those toy snow globes with the Canterlot city and the moon in the backdrop? Perhaps a parting gift shall remind him that he soiled his pantaloons.”

Spike shook his head. Bold Luna was a political machine. Her feigned insanity matched the despots of rival nations and made them think twice about their moves. “You’re turning our vacation into work again.”

Luna pouted. “Tis not our fault, we chose similar high class dining venues.”

Spike raised a brow. “Yep, sure.”

Luna giggled. “Sir Spike, I apologize. Truly, it was not planned.”

Spike teased and tickled her belly with his muzzle. “Alright.”

Luna took to the balcony and set her hooves against the railing. She spoke softly. “It scares me to be so happy with you. In these scant few years I have experienced so much that I would never know cloistered in the castle.”

Spike rolled his eyes as he joined her star gazing. “It’s called living. The night scene has definitely become livelier since a thousand years ago, Ms ‘I think churning butter equals fun’.” He flicked his tongue at her.

Luna playfully swatted his muzzle with her hoof. “Impetuous dog, is that anyway to speak to royalty?”

He imitated her royal speech. “Careful now, thou speakst to a Prince.”

Luna gestured to his chest with her hooves and raised his chin. “Be more snooty. Puff out thy chest.”

Spike inhaled and bloated himself. “How’s this for royal bearing?”

She giggled. “We shall make thee a prince yet.”

Spike deflated with a slight puff of fire. “I don’t think I’d look right with a crown on my head. I’d totally snack on the jewels. Maybe I could wear a nacho bowl.”

Luna fidgeted with her hooves. “Tis fine thou art mine Captain and unofficial consort… however, the title leaves something to be desired. I would raise thee peerage. We could have a ceremony.”

“Luna are you asking me?”

She closed her eyes. “Will thou be mine and might I be yours?” Luna bent her hoof and bowed.

Spike revealed the small box he’d hidden behind his back. He grumbled slightly, he was slight thrown off balanced being the one to be proposed to. He tossed the unicorn engagement ring onto the alicorn’s head. “I accept.”

Luna’s eyes popped open as she saw the ring on her head. “Sir Spike, had thou planned the same?”

Spike sighed. “Your ring would have been in your champagne glass if you hadn’t thrown your glass into the ambassador’s face. You’re crazy.”

Luna laughed and rose from her bow. “I suppose all these rituals are but fluff. There be a better way to signify a union between two beings. Tis old as time, ancient dance.” She moved in close and rubbed his chest with her hoof while blowing her hot breath of his neck.

“Milady, what do you have in mind?” Spike wings deployed as they flushed with blood.

Luna lifted a hoof to the air. “The Polka!”

Spike growled and grumbled.

“Thou art too fun to tease.” Luna clicked the clasp that held her dress on. “Sir Spike, we warn thee. Mine appetites be legendary.” She lowered her eyelids, and looked longingly at her dragon.

Spike licked his lips and starred at her slender and lithe form of his goddess. “All through the night, right?”

“Nay till the stars flicker and die. Then once again.”

His heat and her cool rolled together. Spike felt her soothe him and Luna felt his warmth. The passion when fire and ice met and melted soaked their sheets. The exchange of energy left them gasping for breath and then gasping for more. Dreams could do no justice to what they shared. More than instinct it was love with eyes wide awake gazing, burning, and yearning. Insane, intense, she enveloped him and he filled her in that timeless dance.

In the pitch black, she emerged as a pillar of light and then materializing from the ether.

Freya sighed rubbing her chin. “I really am too sentimental.”

Scythe spoke. “Freya, my love, how shall this be balanced? You let them win.”

Freya frowned. “Nay their resolve and love together: twas a match for ours. Should we have engaged them truly, our battle would last till Ragnarok came. Luna, ever the clever, wagered this. Yet again she cheats me like she did in chess.” She shook an angry hoof.

Scythe patted Freya on the back. “Concerning the price to be paid, we shall find a way. We did once, did we not?” He snarled. “Still Freya, they cheated us. This is crazy!”

Freya hid her smirk behind her hoof. “Methinks it be lunacy.” She smiled as she took her scythe gently back into her hooves.

Her scythe lowered its head. “You’re terrible.”

“I know, thou need not remind me.” Freya scratched her head with her scythe’s blade. “The toll must be collected another time. Perhaps they will not notice a miscarriage or two…” She grinned. “…or three.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

Freya expressed no surprise at the other voice. Only a wry grin formed upon her face. “Did thou enjoy the show?”

Joining the pale pony, another Alicorn came forth from the darkness, this one wreathed in light. “Freya, you can null their debt with mine.”

“Hast thy wanderlust, traveling the different worlds been sated? It may be a millennia more before a Sun avatar may reincarnate into the cycle.”

“It was a millennia ago I banished my sister due to my selfishness. For all my skill at statecraft, I failed to notice the toll I imparted upon her with the dark duties that came. So I drowned us in the blood and tears it took to fulfill my ambition to create a nation.”

Freya sighed. “I suppose I could forgive their transgression if thou art the one to pay their fare. Thy sister has chosen to be mortal with the one she loves. Thou shall ne’er see her ever again.”

“It will be enough to know she is happy. For all that little ponies endure with their limited lives they still smile at the dawn of new day. Their time is precious, precisely because they have so little. My sister perhaps is the wiser one.”

Freya nodded. “Tia, tis always a pleasure.”

Author's Note:

Thanks everyone for the support. I'm happy I was able to write this. Watch me to see future projects and the upcoming Visual Novel Game.

Comments ( 24 )

I had chosen Luna, and her ending was EPIC!
Loved it, congrats! :rainbowlaugh:

Could be worse.

Amazing. I choose Luna and Nightshade's endings. They are the best. I do have a question. If Spike and Luna gave up their immortality to represent the two lives needed to close the door, then why did Freya still need to collect?

Huh, so the price is paid, regardless of the outcome.

Also, is this ending part of the Visual Novel game or will only the setting and characters be used?

They actually needed 3 lives if Spike had chosen anypony other than Luna then Luna would have accepted his choice and sacrificed so that he could live with his chosen.

The Visual Novel is set in an alternate universe with some dark echoes of the MLP verse. Nightshade will be a main character. Our demo is nearing the end of its development. :twilightsmile:

Holy plot hole.... They try to give up their immortality, which would count for two, according to the story, but is supposedly not enough, so that should mean it actually requires three.... Also, typically, if one fights death over the price of souls, victory usually means nothing is sacrificed...

It saddens me that such a good story has ended. :fluttercry:

Why does it always end this way? :raritydespair:

So... Is this supossed to be a sequel? I read it and somehow it seems like I miss something, unless this is a Lunaverse. It seems like things happened in the past important to the story, also... Where is Celestia? I'm around chapter eight but it seems like almost everything is under Luna.

Also, if Twilight is a Princess, where is Discord? Heck... They are going to war in chapter 14... What about Cadence and Shining?

Plot holes, indeed. I thought Spike would actually have to make a choice. It feels a little cheap that it was all just hand-waved away.

More than that, there's this:

Freya tilted her head quizzically. “Are ye so selfish to condemn the world for a single soul?”
Spike spat. “And what a bucking world it is, where we must sacrifice our friends, our morals, our dignities, and our very souls!”
Luna nodded. “We reject thy premise and script! We deny destiny!”

At this point, they're no better than Aldred or the other villains. Screw the world and everyone in it unless I get what I want! All those people in the where-are-they-now segment? Reagle and Zaza and Twilight and Zecora and Spira and Bahamut and the Changelings and the Cakes and everyone else they were supposedly fighting for: they dangled them - and everyone else in the world too - over the furnace without their knowledge or consent for the chance to save two ponies who had already chosen to make the ultimate sacrifice.

What if they'd made their gamble - an entirely unnecessary one at that - and lost? Suppose Freya brought back Rarity and Nightshade one last time so that Luna and Spike could explain their choice to them? What could they possibly say?

One more thing, too:

One of the great last lies of the Republic, her action retroactively sanction by the crown and the details were smoothed over.

At least the earlier lies were for some kind of purpose. They were intended to protect lives and, perhaps, even the world. Now we're at the dregs: lies to protect the reputations of a handful of leaders. All those grieving parents whose children were betrayed and butchered in the theater will just have to suck it up. There will be no justice for their killer.

All in all, this ending left a bad taste in my mouth. It is not evil to make a terrible choice, so long as one strives to make the least terrible choice. If Spike points at one of the three and says, "I choose her," believing the one to be the best choice, that is not evil. He might choose the wrong one by some objective manner (the world has more use for Luna than the other two), but any choice would be better than choosing all three to die as he threatened. But even choosing all three and himself would be less evil than his and Luna's gamble with Freya. If he has no right to quantify his friends and treat them as mere objects to be exchanged, than he surely has no right to do so with the entire world. And, yes, that would be a bittersweet ending. Yes, he would plagued with doubt and guilt. But those are the burdens of being a responsible person who makes terrible choices instead of running away from them. He had his chances to remain ignorant or turn aside and refused them for the sake of the greater good. Those burdens should have been his.

If there was a message in this story up to this point, it is that the realm - and beyond that, the world - comes first. To rule justly is to make those terrible choices that nobody should have to make and to do so correctly. It's to choose a path of blood and war and sorrow to evade one that's even worse. Nightshade - for all the blood on her hooves - was at least trying to save the world that her mistress was so willing to damn. In the end, she laid down her own life to preserve the lives of others. Luna and Spike dishonored her sacrifice by risking everything she had made it to protect. She may not be perfect, she's certainly not above criticism, but she's still better than those two monsters.

6793882 that's exactly how I felt. At least the other chapters felt right, they had consequences, and followed the same rules. All choices are equal but not so, as, like you said, their worth can be objectional. We're missing out on something now because of the choice. Even the self chapter seems a decent choice, why save just one and condemn the other two, when you can save all three of them at your own expense?

Then this chapter just pisses it all to the wind, leaving a bad taste in your mouth, and it was actually the ending I was lookin forward to the most.

I like your insightful analysis. Have you played the video game The Last of Us. :twilightsmile: No ending comes without sacrifice. The price is not always intuitive. Love isn't a pure good hence the Lunacy... In old lore, love did destroy the city of Troy.

We choose our own endings. The taste isn't meant to be completely sweet, I'm glad you were able to infer the sour.

I loved all the story, every single ending, and I am happy to say I feel as if this story is actually complete, no need for a sequel or anything of the like. Of course if you want go ahead it's yours but I believe it is finished and I could leave it here, smile happily and never look back, and so could you

...I have no words. I...I don't know what to say to do this masterpiece justice. Absolutely incredible.

Congratulations on finishing the story, I enjoyed it all.

Great Story. Loved the ending. It was very fitting, even if Tia did only appear in the end.:trollestia:

7873450 A dragon with armor. Does that actually make it better though? There's more to battle that intimidation.

7880881 Eh, been so long I don't remember.

Pretty sure my comment was one of the reasons I gave up and downvoted. Have vague recollections of finding the love triangle...silly? Unsubstantiated? Not believable enough?


Would search for a nercomancer pic for you, but I'm lazy.

700 th like, you’re welcome:twilightsmile::heart:

Haven't started reading yet, and I already laughed out loud.

"One insane ship, no paddle."

I certainly hope not! :trollestia::facehoof:

Thanks! Wow I didn't realize I hit 700 while I was away. If you like my work, there's a video game. Nightshade is the start of Chapter 0.


The second ending I chose. I always liked Luna better than Celestia anyway. :P

Well it has been 4 years since I've read this story I wish was a movie.

It's about time I read it again!

Thanks for this rollercoaster of a read!

Well. Here goes nothing!

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