• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,892 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 14 Frozen Tears

Spike and Luna left their meeting walking the hospital hallways side by side. They had left in silence and now walked in silence. For Spike there were many things to think about, to put it bluntly. Luna, Nightshade, and Rarity in the back of his mind. He recalled reading about a primitive torture where a prisoner was tied by each limb to a separate pony… the ponies then ran in all directions. In his immediate vicinity there was Luna, he wondered what thoughts she was grappling with. He lowered his head shamefully as he realized they were probably less selfish than his.

“Sir Spike, dost thou believe we will win this war?”

The expression of doubt on Luna’s face worried Spike. “I’ve told you about the strength of the dragons. I’m certain whatever course you chose is for the best.”

“I wish I could match thy certainty.”

“You told me battle wasn’t a time for second guesses.”

“If there is an after in the war with the Dragons, the Griffins and Zebras shall be our next enemy. Geographically, Equestria lies betwixt these two hurricanes. This war will weaken us most, perhaps to the extent our so called allies will find easy conquest.” said Luna rubbed her hoof on her forehead.

Spike smacked his claws on his head. He was playing checkers and Luna was playing chess. Already she was thinking of the moves far in advance. However, still her thoughts seemed cynical. The Griffin King, Reagle, was from his interaction an honest Griffin. The Zebra Chieftain, Zecora, had even personally helped his friends and Equestria itself. “We haven’t started this war and you’re planning the next? Isn’t that pessimistic?”

“Sir Spike, I am in no condition to debate philosophy with you. I am outlining the possibilities. It’s what I would do were I they.”

“You would take advantage of them fighting and conquer them both by betraying your alliance?”

“Of course, the war manuals dictate as much. I told thee my specialty was conquest. I am surprised my sister Celestia lacked ambition. In a thousand years she only conservatively consolidated borders. How many opportunities were lost?”

“You’re a dangerous mare.” Spike laughed, deciding to challenge her lightly. “You’re starting to sound like Naponean.”

Luna gave a haughty and playful laugh. “Join me Sir Spike. Let us rule the world.” Luna’s voice then for a moment became sinister. Her eyes hardened, and a crazed smile escaped her lips. “The Dragon King and the Moon Queen, all shall fall. We shall reign supreme.”

They stopped laughing and came to a halt. Luna’s ‘hiccup’ left Spike with his back frills standing on ends. The offer seemed to be extended to him by Luna’s darker side. The resurfacing of her other self extinguished all levity.

Luna, eyes were wide. “This has not happened before. Perhaps, we are more tired than we thought…” Her legs began to jerk. Luna stumbled slightly, but she quickly lost herself and fell.

Spike caught Luna with his good right arm. “Luna! Stay with me!”

Luna smiled. “How unfair, the devious demon attacks me when I’m weakest.”

“That earlier disenchanted tuft on your mane. I should have known something was up. You haven’t slept at all have you?”

Luna shook her head. “How can one sleep with so much to do? War shall be upon us. Our defenses have failed. ” She tried weakly to stand on her own. “Sir Spike, help me to my hooves we have a meeting with the Changelings, then there’s the press conference afterwards. I must not show weakness.”

“The next meeting can wait, we’re going back to my room, and you’re taking a nap break.”

At the realization, Luna tried to shrug Spike off, but he held his grip tight. “No arguing.,” he said sternly. He smoothed a claw gently over her check. “Please, Luna.”

Luna sighed. “Sir Spike, I chastised thee for sacrificing thyself… yet it seems I am just as guilty.”

Spike passed several worried guards before helping Luna limp to his room. Rarity nearly dropped their lunch trays when she noticed him enter.

“Spikey!” Rarity jumped happily. She bounced like a rock when she saw Luna. “What’s wrong with Luna?”

Spike looked to Luna who seemed passed out the moment they entered the room. She was smiling faintly in his hold. He helped her onto his bed. “Exhaustion,” he explained to Rarity as he sat down on a chair.

“Oh my,” said Rarity, sitting beside him.

A Nightguard entered the room with a bow. “Princess, the Changeling delegation is waiting. They grow impatient. They will consider it an insult if forced to wait any long—” The guard stopped when noticed Luna sleeping.

Spike chewed on a claw of his. “Luna can’t look weak publicly. She’s in no condition to receive them. She needs an excuse. It can’t make it seem like she’s snubbing them otherwise they leave and we lose an important lead.”

Rarity interjected. “What sex is the Changeling delegate?”

The guard replied. “Umm I believe Captain Husk is male and his young mistress Tibia is female.”

“Whisper into the female changeling’s ear and tell her… it’s that special time of month and the tide has come in.”

The guard cocked a brow. “Umm what’s that mean? Doesn’t the moon control the tide?”

“Darling, you must have skipped sex-ed in school.” Rarity walked to the guard and whispered in his ear.

The guard recoiled in revulsion. “That’s—”

“Totally disgusting!” Spike blurted out.

Rarity pouted. “Darling, it so happens that it’s a completely natural function for females and it fits your criteria for a valid excuse. The reason is completely unrelated to politics and it will make them not want to see her.”

“You’re right.” Spike nodded. Rarity’s quick down to earth thinking saved them from a diplomatic incident. He then clasped his claw over his head smiling; his immature side caused him to giggle. “Luna’s going to be furious when she wakes up.”

Rarity smiled. “Spikey, I can play pranks just as well as Rainbow and Pinkie. A lady just often refrains from most of the time.”

The guard edged out of the room. “Okay, I shall tell them that.”

Left in the room with Rarity and the slumbering Luna, they ate lunch. Spike poked his jelly cube with a claw. He smiled to see Rarity was thoughtful enough to embed gemstones into the gelatinous desert for his sake. Rarity probably had to buy them from the Canterlot market which was a ways from the hospital.

Rarity chuckled. “Darling, don’t play with your food. Eat, you need your strength.”

“Rarity, thanks for bringing me lunch. How did you know I would be conscious?”

“I didn’t… I just brought lunch for two… every day.”

Spike raised his brows impressed by her concern. “Wow, it seems an awful waste of food.”

“It’s nothing dear, just a few of my bits.”

“You, Luna, and,” Spike found himself adding a third name, “Nightshade are the most generous mares I know… you give yourselves up so others don’t have to. You sacrifice and sacrifice, and it worries me.”

“Spike, how about you? You turned yourself into a monster to save us from that dreadful dragon.”

“Aldred will be back.”

Rarity snappily retorted. “Then we’ll beat him back! With the elements of harmony! Whatever we have!”

“Dragons alone are magic resistant, let alone the dread dragon. He’s a god.”

Rarity rubbed her hooves together thoughtfully. “How about we reason with this dragon king?”

“I already did, that only bought time til the next moon. By then, it’s either war or peace. Dragon code is law.”

“Spikey, I remember the extent you went to pay back that debt to Applejack, is dragon code that serious? I thought it was just something your adorable self made up back then.”

Spike chuckled. “I read about Dragon Code in a book. They’re personal creeds of honor for each dragon clan but they apply to the entire Dragon Dominion and are legally binding. The Dread Dragon clan’s code dictates they must fulfill any vow made with fire. Actually in a way Aldred’s code is my own… I recently found out that I’m his nephew.”

“Spikey, I know you’ve searched for family all these years; I wish it was better news.”

With a warm smile, Spike placed a claw on Rarity’s shoulder. “My family is my pony friends. I am as much family to Aldred as a loose scale is part of me.”

“I guess dragons aren’t tight nit.”

“Yeah, they’re ruled by fear and fire. I have no idea what to do. Aldred’s going to return with an army. Not even Luna is sure.”

Rarity pouted and folded her forelegs, crossly. “Darling, honestly we should do something other than sitting here waiting for our doom.”

Spike raised a claw to protest but then sunk back in his seat, nodding. Rarity had made her point. He found it an odd role reversal, Rarity of all mares was the type to mope and sob at the slightest upset. Yet something had changed within Rarity, she was aglow with inner strength that shone outwards.

Rarity placed a hoof over her head and fell back dramatically. “Oh the big bad dragon’s going to burn down our home, oh woe!”

Spike smiled, there were some things about Rarity that he preferred to keep the same.

Rarity sat back up and smiled. “Seriously Spikey, Equestria has faced threat after threat. We’ve always held strong at the seams, we’re made of stiffer cloth.”

“Argh, Aldred’s not even the real enemy.”

“I agree this cloak and dagger business makes me nostalgic for a classic villain.” Fancy Pants entered the room with a courteous bow.

Spike examined Fancy Pants for a moment arching his head to inspect every detail of the aristocratic knight. Amorpheus had taken the unicorn’s identity to infiltrate the Peace Conference. He shook his head of the association that still lingered. Fancy Pants noticed his discomfort and stepped back a pace.

“Lad, is there something wrong?”

Spike was still on edge. “Nothing, it’s just that Amorpheus took your form when he almost made an assassin of me.”

“That’s not very sporting; then again, I find most Changelings the unsavory sort, especially that undead Revenant. You can’t afford to give those buggers the benefit of the doubt.”

“Amorpheus didn’t seem to be purely evil though. He is somehow convinced working for whoever will bring him back Chrysalis. Aldred is grieving over the loss of Garble, his only son.”

“We must make plans to deal with them both,” said Fancy Pants.

“I’m not sure where to start,” said Spike, rubbing his head.

Both Fancy Pants and Spike gritted their teeth as their lines of thinking reached a sizable blockage.

Rarity chimed in. “Darling, let us start at the beginning; don’t forget all of this is because of whoever is pulling the strings.”

Fancy Pants eyes lit up. “I would concur. Fighting of the fields of Prance made me realize the soldiers aren’t at fault for listening to the leaders’ orders.”

Rarity continued. “I think we have a chance of unraveling this if we pull at the threads. Our best lead it seems would be the Changelings.”

Spike asked nervously. “Fancy Pants, how about the Changeling ambassadors?”

“We’ve detained the dignitaries and put magic locks on them until we can confirm they had no role in ruining the Peace Conference. They’re angry and irritable. They’ve run up the bill on the room service faster than the lead racer in the Wonderbolts derby.”

“Luna’s... ummm... indisposed at the moment,” said Rarity, “She’ll see them sometime later.”

Fancy Pants chuckled. “Yes, I heard the excuse you cooked up. That’s good thinking; it’ll buy a little more time.” He looked at Luna sleeping gracefully. “I suppose even Princesses need sleep. We’ve all been working without a break to breathe.”

“Would you like to leave a message for Luna?” asked Spike. “Or is it about the press conference?”

“Actually, I was looking for Captain Nightshade to discuss defenses. Don’t worry I sensed Princess Luna needed a break. Princess Twilight has the press conference handled.”

Rarity gasped. “Oh dear, Twilight’s going to be a chew toy for those media wolves!”

“I think Princess Twilight will be alright.” Fancy Pants chuckled. “I must be off to handle the outside security, cheerio.”

Throngs of panicked ponies entered into the conference hall. Their entry was quiet though but their shuffling and looks told of the fear and uncertainly that lain within. Reporters whispered amongst themselves.

“What if war is declared? Is Equestria even prepared?”

“We aren’t if all dragons are as terrible as Aldred. That monster destroyed two whole regiments. What can we do against an army of those things?” A female reporter bit down on her hooves.

Another reporter added. “I heard even two Cloud Carriers were helpless against the Dread Dragon.”

Stepping to the podium Twilight cleared her throat to the microphone. She was ignored as the reporters continued disrespectfully discussing and whispering to themselves.

“Where’s Princess Luna?”

“Princess Twilight? Isn’t she too green to handle this?”

Twilight continued despite the clamoring. “I know I’m not the Princess you were expecting, but I’ll do my best to address any and all questions you have.”

Twilight was surprised when a roar of questions came at her. She stood overwhelmed by their inquiry. The reporters nearly climbed onto the stage.

The scraping sound of a lance tip against metal compelled them to silence.

Rainbow Dash stormed the stage to Twilight’s pleasant surprise. The Wonderbolt Captain barked at the crowd. “Totally not cool! Buck off! One question at a time! Hooves up! No speaking unless spoken to!” She spun her lance pointing it at the reporters.

The crowd raised their hooves up as if under arrest.

Rainbow then slapped her hoof on her head and muttered. “Geez, I’ve become my foal school teacher.”

“Rainbow, what about you injuries?” Twilight whispered.

“Just a flesh wound, plus I gotta go back to duty until my fur grows back otherwise without this smoking uniform they can see my bald spot.” Rainbow wiggled her flank that was covered by her flight suit.

Twilight giggled.

“Hey,” said Rainbow.

Twilight smiled. “Rainbow, you being here does this mean—”

“I’m your Captain,” said Rainbow, she blushed and adding. “for now.”

Other Wonderbolts crashed onto the stage with their lances drawn. Speared on their weapon tips were rubber ends for crowd suppression. A Wonderbolt with a purple mane and orange coat made the same show lance spinning display.

Twilight smiled and resumed. This time a politely decorum was held in the auditorium as ponies quietly raised their hooves to be picked at Twilight’s leisure.

The dark recesses of her mind were to Luna a forbidden zone. Exposure to the Elements of Harmony had cordoned off and partitioned those sections of her mind. Yet the barrier was ever weakening as the beast pounded upon the door daily. There were already deep and dark cracks where shadows bled forth. She stood at that mental representation of all that she despised. She had fear of what lain there.

With one mental step she approached the door. She was nearly unnerved when it opened on its own inwardly. The door swung both ways, she knew sensing her intent the demon had extended an invitation. In the keep of the enemy: Nightmare Moon, Luna’s mental defenses would be most weak, should the demon pounce she was uncertain she could fend it off. Her boldness and iron will: Luna wondered whether she was half as strong .

With a confident stride, she stepped forth. When she passed the threshold the door disappeared and she was immersed in black. A deeper darkness moved therein and met her.

Luna kept her voice calm and measured. The demon had no knowledge of her doubts. “Nightmare Moon, or should I say Shadow Shard? How fare thee?”

“How nonchalant, I am part of yourself. You cannot lie to me. I know your doubts.”

Luna kept her stoic face. “Fiend, thou art mine doubts. We would banish thee to Tartarus and beyond.”

“Let us forego the exchange of empty threats. Let us not mince words. What do you want?”

Luna was surprised by the forwardness of the demon. Nevertheless she continued. “Sir Spike met with a sister shard of thee. Twas manifested into a dagger meant for mine-self. In that time thou made no effort to join thy kin. We ask why?”

“I am glad it failed.”

“Dost thou wish to return with thy otherself?”

Nightmare Moon smiled. “It is true, I spring from a collective. However I have attained a degree of independence in your company. I would not trade that for the world. I yearn always to be free.”

Luna laughed. “A demon that despises another demon?”

“It is said mares are wolves to other mares. Demons do not live in harmonious company either. As expansive and open your mind is: it is still limited real estate. With the extra shard empowering me, I could tip that balance and overtake your mind and then your body. Alas none of it would be mine.”

“We sense thee hast thy own agenda. Do tell?”

“Indeed, we desire your body and all that entails, control of Equestria and freedom. Your lover, Sir Spike seems appetizing too.” Nightmare moon chortled. “A dragon, seems most adventurous of you, bold princess! Isn’t it in the stories other way around where the dragon pursues the maiden?”

Luna blurted out angrily. “Leave Sir Spike alone!”

“Lonely? Why do you find yourself lonely when I’m ever always in your company?”

“Demon, if thou desires freedom, then aid mine efforts, lest ye be consume also. Our enemy is shared.”

Nightmare Moon cackled. “I think it’s infinitely better that I let you fight till you’re too tired to resist me.

Luna glared into the demon’s eyes. “If thou waits for the opportunity to take me then it will be already too late. If thou like mine host body then pay the tax tithe. We require information.”

“Very well, we may cooperate this day. But the Night shall be mine…”

Luna glared at Nightmare Moon awaiting a response. “So?”

“The focus of your… our enemy seems to be your memories. Many details were lost history, lines of succession, deals brokered in darkness, and the like. I would suggest you continue from the point the Dream Lord gave you.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Such memories of the past art blocked by thy interference.”

“Well, then let me step out of the way.” Nightmare moon chuckled.

In the blinding white memories came to surface in her mind the thoughts and emotions of the past blended with those of the present. Luna strolled through the snow. Jutting from the drifts of snow were lances, swords, and flags of three tribes which sacrificed their lives to bring about their victory. The falling curtain from the sky served as improvised funeral shroud for the dead; they had ordered as much from the Weather Warlords or Pegasi regiments still left flying. Practically, the snow also helped preserve the bodies. Luna shuddered that there were so many otherwise they’d turn to rot before they could all be buried properly. Strolling in front of her and wading through the carnage, Luna recognized her sister. Celestia herself was blinding in her alabaster coat. She recalled in Neighponese culture white symbolized death.

Words came from Luna’s mouth that she once spoke. “Tia, the battle is won, yet I feel no sense of triumph.”

Celestia stopped to reply. “Lulu, neither do I.”

They were interrupted as two more entered the scene. “Princess Platinum has something to say.” Starswirl escorted Princess Platinum to Celestia. They gave bow before Celestia.

Luna coughed as she was ignored. The two promptly smiled and bowed to her as well.

Princess Platinum spoke with a strained voice. “Celestial sisters, I beg for forgiveness… before the battle I acted most rashly. King Amethyst’s madness was truly irredeemable if he could sacrifice an entire nation. I know now that thine actions were not made lightly.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, Sombra was a true monster of our time. His ambitions imperiled the world. He was too dangerous to imprison in Tartarus, yet for our magical might we could not kill him. Sombra now lies betwixt realms.”

Princess Platinum frowned. “For my father’s faults, he was still my father. I can never call him Sombra. It was that foreign Queen that corrupted him. I pray when the history is written Sombra and my father be spoken separately.”

Celestia placed a hoof on Platinum’s shoulders. “In this wake, Princess Platinum thy strength shall be required to lead thy people. Make no more war upon the other tribes. Let us join as one.”

Princess Platinum bowed. “The Unicorn Kingdom shall follow the lead of the Celestial Sisters. Our mage artillery is yours.”

Starswirl led Princess Platinum’s departure. As Platinum left, Luna then noticed her remarkable resemblance to lady Rarity. She wondered whether it was alluding to something more important or if it was a flaw in the nature of memory. The present could often shape the past’s perception.

“To think she is the daughter of Sombra,” said Celestia, “We must watch over her closely lest she follow her father’s follies with her own.”

Luna retorted. “Sombra’s ambitions seem to be in line with yours. Sombra was the first to field a multi-racial army. Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth pony became Crystal Ponies that fought at his behest.”

“Indeed; however, mine methods differ from Sombra. The dark King used fear and hate to compel the underclasses to his cause. The threat of the Crystal Ponies has also been removed by Sombra’s own hoof.”

“Cursed fiend: that Sombra denies us our prize as his parting present. The Crystal Empire hath vanished as Sombra was vanquished. The incomes and lands we would have obtained: now none shall have.” As an observer to her own memories, Luna continued following the pre-scripted scene. She regretted then her cruel words and that her first thoughts were not the loss of lives but the lands of Sombra’s.

Celestia spoke. “Dear sister, thou fails to see our true victory. Earth Pony, Pegasi and Unicorn now bury their dead as one. This war has gained us, Equestria.”

Luna looked to the left of her to see red seeping through the curtain of snow. The painted vision of Celestia’s Equestria seemed thin. The white wash of lies couldn’t cover completely the blood that soaked the ground. “Tia, at what cost?”

“The cost twas what unified us. Dost thou know why I insisted upon arranging the formation of battle though thy skills were ample to the task?”

Luna grimaced. “Thou should have saved tactics to me, thy specialty is political strategy. Thy formation, twas ill made, the cost would not have been so great had thee followed mine plan of battle.”

Celestia pointed to flags strewn across the landscape. The flickering bolts of cloth once represented regiments that were now no more. There were only a few banners that bore the symbol of Luna and Celestia: far more numerous were the banners of the three pony tribes. “Nay, sweet sister. I arranged precisely the formation. Notice the majority units lost were most loyal to their tribal identities and not the nation of Equestria we deem to build.”

As Celestia explained Luna’s mouth fell open.

“Lulu,” Luna growled slightly at the pet name used once in sorority now dropped in condescension by Celestia. “Also those who survived were firstly granted their positions by our hooves. Their loyalty is assured. In the political war that follows this physical one, we shall command the military. This war has also so depleted the tribal leaders’ strength they shall be forced to rely upon our strength. None shall oppose us.”

“Tia, thy ability and cruelty shocks us. Hast thee always planned to fire through our infantry formation at its center? Did thee conspire to murder those ponies before the battle?!”

“Now is not the time to debate mine methods, let us deal with the results. The three kingdoms used race to unite; Sombra used class; we shall use something entirely different. Our nation shall attain solidarity through harmony and or rather the belief of it.” Celestia walked off leaving Luna in the snow.

Luna spoke to herself. “Even if that harmony tis but a fable for foals and fools?” She was still staring angrily off in the distance as her sister flew off.

A cold gale blew Luna’s mane to the right. She braced herself as the wind tugged her, she was thankful then it had when she noticed a small pony shivering in the snow drifts even Celestia had missed. The small gray pony had nearly disappeared blending in with the other lumps of snow where corpses lay. Luna walked towards the small ball and draped her wing over the pony for warmth. As she brushed off the layer of white she noticed the leathery wings of bat pony. Her kind had been particularly devastated by the battle’s conclusion. She was more disheartened by how the war’s desperation had brought a pony barely out of her foal hood onto the battlefield.

Luna spoke kindly out of sympathy. “Soldier, why dost thou lay in the snow?”

The little pony’s head drooped like a wilting flower. Her words were as cold as her body. “I am not soldier; I am squire to my father… I bore the banner of our tribe…or I was and did… my clan was fiercely loyal to our tribe… is that why we were sacrificed?”

Luna frowned: a witness to their conversation was not good. She shuddered thinking that Celestia might in lieu of ordering the little pony’s silence order her silent execution for the sake of unity and harmony.

The bat pony used her own wings to pry off Luna’s. “Leave me to be lost to the frost. Death will bring my silence then you Princesses will have no worries...” The little pony squeaked pitifully. “I am dead already… on the inside.”

Luna wrapped the little bundle in her wings and hugged the little pony harder. Her tear drops stung the pony causing it to wince as the tears froze on her pelt. Luna pulled the pony’s head towards hers and met the bat pony’s gaze. “Nay, little pony we shall employ thee. If thou hast accepted death, then let us bring thee new life. Thy life is now mine. We forbid thee from discarding it. Thou bore the banner of thy clan, nobly. Now will thee bear this secret of what thee hast heard today? In exchange we shall tell our Celestia nothing.”

The little pony squirmed in embarrassment. “I am not worthy.”

“Prithee tell us thy name.”

She puffed up her chest like a lion working up the words in her throat but mewed like a kitten. “I’m Nightshade.”

Nightshade climbed the stairwell to the roof all the while dragging her hooves. Each step became slower and slower but she powered through her exhaustion. Reaching the roof she pushed the door slightly only to have a blast of cold fling the it open. Her wet eyes stung in the wintry chill. Still she had to get away running from, Luna, herself, and everything.

Nightshade closed the door behind her for privacy and then slammed her head against it. “One thousand years… why I can’t I just be close to you?! Why won’t you love me?! Why can’t I just leave you?!” Her hit was so hard that a streak of red ran down her head merging with the river of tears. The bitter cold made the tears sting even more as they froze against her fur.

She had waited for Luna’s return that prophecy promised as she had promised her loyalty, love, and life to Luna. She waited for so long madness took her. Countless times her passion in those years drove her past the point of sanity, yet the hope of her brought her back. Now that hope was so cruelly snuffed out like a candle against the cold wind. Even her last gesture was denied. Nightshade bit angrily as she ground her head against the wall. Spike had denied her the dignity of death. He had stolen her heroic sacrifice, yet his words of explanation were so kind and caring. In the end she could hate no pony but herself.

Nightshade heard the leathery rustling of bat-pony wings.

“Captain?” one of them asked.

She snarled at them. “Can’t a mare have some privacy?!”

Three squads of bat pony guards bowed. “We heard of your imminent dismissal. The Nightguards are forever loyal to you. We reaffirm that faith.”

Nightshade raised a brow. “Loyal to me?”

The soldiers spoke one after another.

“After the fall of the Lunar Rebellion, who was it that led our shattered force to shelter?”

“Who was it that safeguarded us in our long hibernation?” another asked.

“Who was it truly built the Nightguards of today?” a third added.

Nightshade looked up at the squad of soldiers bowing before her with disdain. They professed loyalty to her yet mocked her purpose. “Your loyalties lie with Luna! Those are treasonous words!”

“It is treason only if we fail. We can guarantee success. We are the elite among the elite and our forces surround the capital.” said another guard.

“Captain, we were better serving Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon appreciated us. We were lords of the land. The citizens were our blood pet slaves. We could drink them dry to our hearts content.”

Another guard snarled. “Now we bow to which ever pitiful pony that holds ranks above ours. Harmony is a lie; there are some races inherently superior.”

“We could revive the Vampire Empire; these soft ponies would be fodder for our fangs. Nightmare Moon again would be our mistress, or better still we would you accept as our Queen!”

“Aye!” shouted words of support.

Nightshade flashed her fangs and readied her lance. “I should kill you all where you stand! Don’t believe for a second I couldn’t!” She swung the weapon, near a hair from the necks of her guards.

The guards were unflinching. “We stand here because we love you. We shall accept no other master. There is no need to dirty your lance with our blood, if you ordered it we would willingly fall upon our own swords.”

“Aye!” shouted the other guards in a clamor of agreement.

Nightshade’s eyes glowed crimson as she tested her guards’ bold claim. Each touchingly was unmoved and met her fierce and piercing gaze. The several squads that came to her support were unshakeable in their conviction. She recoiled at their misplaced loyalty.

“Captain, Nightmare Moon loved you. You were her Captain before you were ever Luna’s. Nightmare Moon is our true mistress. What is the Luna we see today but the mask of that glory?”

Nightshade stammered as she was flooded with feelings. “Th-that thing is not Luna. We were all beguiled back then. Any vows made were lies.” Her resistance was waning, but still, she protested. “Plus there are practical concerns. Even as elite the Nightguards are few. Without support Earth Pony infantry or Unicorn magic artillery we cannot—”

“You are the best military mind in Equestria. Shining Armor is a dullard compared to you.”

“We don’t need run the Vampire Empire in the open. Let us use shadows as we always have. We can become a shadow government and place whatever face we want as its head.”

“Equestria is lie, what is one more lie to the pile?”

Nightshade laughed at the absurdity of her present position. “Yes, I’m the best Commander, which is why I tell you it cannot be done without support.”

Her lieutenants smiled. “We’ve been in contact with a foreign party, a most agreeable fellow.”

Nightshade’s ears perked up. “Tell me more…”

Author's Note:

Three lovely ladies, where does your heart lie?