• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,868 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 2 New Light

After a while, the tears had dried. He became intimately aware he had hugged her and was hugging her still. He heard the thumping of her heart, the pace quickened slightly.

“I’m sorry, Princess!” Spike pulled himself away. He shuffled back several steps as he felt the blood rush to his blushing face.

“It has been centuries since someone has held me so.” Luna giggled, pulling Spike back.

“Princess—” Spike words were muffled as Luna buried his muzzle into her fur coat.

“Now whisper pretty little lies into mine ears.” Luna chuckled.

Spike pulled his head from her chest and looked up to her. They both shared a light laugh before they left each other’s embrace.

“Thank you,” said Spike, “for listening. My problems must seem small to you.”

“Do not discount the hurting heart, though it dost not bleed, it is an ailment as grave as any for often that pain can be more real.”

Spike rubbed the back of his head, feeling his frills. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Right now I think I could eat a whole tub of ice cream and it wouldn’t even touch the emptiness.”

“Tis not a healthy habit to indulge so.”

“Don’t I know it.”

“Sir Spike, are thee well enough to walk home?”

Spike slumped slightly. “Yeah,” The lonely trip back would be in his ability, yet he would give anything for anyone’s company.

“Follow. Do not tarry. We shall lead thee.”

Spike walked through Ponyville as he had so many times doing errands in his youth. The shroud of the evening dimmed the brilliance of the colorful rustic architecture. The muted tones made Luna’s ethereal mane only glow more majestic, wafting in the phantom winds. Several paces from pressing his muzzle in it, the twinkling stars in her hair were profound in their detail. He suspected only his star gazing sister, Twilight, could enjoy such a sight and only with the aid of an unnatural telescope.

“Sir Spike?” Luna smiled, warmly.

He was jolted back into the world outside his head. “Yes?”

Luna gestured to their location. “We have arrived.”

His home, the library, was mostly dark, but he noticed the candle holding vigil by the door. He knew who it was lit for and who was waiting for his return. Spike took a deep breath then knocked on the library door. The door swung urgently open, nearly hitting his and Luna’s faces.

“Spike! You had me worried sick! Where were you!?” Twilight’s jaw fell open as she saw Spike’s eyes red from tears. She then turned to Luna.


The moon Princess awkwardly greeted Twilight. “How fare thee, Princess Twilight?”

“Umm, what are you doing here?”

“Sir Spike was ever so kind, he saw me walking alone in the woods and in true chilvalric spirit volunteered to escort me. Now, we shall be going.” Luna left silently.

Twilight immediately turned to Spike. “Spike, what happened? You and Rarity just left the party.”

Spike swallowed the lump in his throat. His stupefied state left him little eloquence he spoke like Applejack would with a slurring that might have come from a couple bottles of hard cider. “Rarity and me…. it ain’t gonna work…”


Spike unfurled his leather wings and opened his mouth lined with razor teeth. He held nothing back of his draconic nature and race. “Twi, what do you see?”

“I see…” Twilight hugged him without reserve. “—my brother: someone who is caring and compassionate.”

The dragon pried her hooves off gently away. Sullenly, he walked upstairs to his room without a backwards glance.

“He hast a tender heart. It hast been wounded, grievously.” said a voice.

Twilight snapped her head around to see Luna. “I thought you left?”

“We forgot to tell thee, we require Sir Spike’s presence later.”

“What are you doing Ponyville? Where did you find Spike?”

“We were about to inquire as to Sir Spike’s report. We saw he was in no condition to deliver it.”

“Royal we? I thought you were working on that.” Twilight sighed.

Luna cleared her throat. “We try. I mean we… I mean… I thank you for the language lessons. However when one has spoken one way for so long…” She tried to smile in lieu of her embarrassment.

Twilight was quick to detect excuses.

The moon princess relented. “Old habits indeed difficult to break; perhaps my speech is another mask I wear. In my time prose was spoken widely amongst commoners but for nobility exclusively amongst only our truest friends.”

“Luna, aren’t we friends?” Twilight looked downcast.

Luna giggled. “Thou wishes to be an intimate acquaintance? Thou wishes to visit mine bedchambers?”

Twilight blushed and accepted her explanation. “It’s okay, now why are you here?”

“I saw Sir Spike in distress. He can deliver the report tomorrow night.”

“Can it wait? I want to let him recover… he’s never had it so hard.”

Luna shook her head. “Twilight Sparkle, war looms. I requested a secret section of his report to be written and hoof delivered to me.”

“War? Luna, what war?”

“The Dragon Dominions have summoned forth a large host to reconquer their nesting grounds from the Griffins. The Griffin Kingdoms have mobilized their entire airship fleet. Both forces amass at our borders west and east respectively. Should they battle, Equestria shall be bathed in fire.”

Twilight eyes were wider than they ever been. “Luna, has it gotten that bad?”

Luna gave an assuring pat on Twilight’s shoulders. “Do not concern thyself; tis but a normal night…” She looked at the faint glow of the sun star rising above the horizon. “or day in international politics.”

After catching a few more hours of sleep, Twilight awoke. She walked past Spike, who slept in his room. She stopped back and saw him tossing and turning in his bed. He seemed to be in the froes of a particularly bad nightmare.

“So much fire!” Spike murmured. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He threw aside his blanket subconsciously and shivered in the cold that followed.

Twilight quietly entered his room. Telekinetically lifting his body she set him back onto his bed and tucked him back in with his blanket. She remembered how her brother how stayed up a thousand nights humoring her late evening studies. She had tucked him in for a thousand times back then. Her hearted swelled with sisterly if not maternal feelings for the small drake that followed her like a lost puppy.

Leaving his room, her stroll was with purpose. Twilight made her way to Rarity’s boutique. The home and business that was lit with life during last night’s party was now dark with window curtains closed. Twilight knocked on the door to no response.

“Rarity, we need to talk!”

She knocked again and again… By her twelfth knock Twilight was fuming. “I came here to yell at you for breaking my little brother’s heart!” In a flash of purple magic, she blew apart the door to Rarity’s boutique. The hinges were ripped from their sockets. Breaking and entering, it was a new for her. In her anger the audacity of her actions were ignored.

Twilight walked through the boutique, nearly tripping over bolts of cloth tossed carelessly on the ground. Some of the previous night’s party decorations remained: a couple of banners and bowl of stale punch. There was a whirring of machinery in frantic and random bursts. The small sewing machine light provided enough illumination that outlined a disheveled form in the darkness.


Rarity busily hummed. Her usually well groomed mane had many errant strands. “Can’t talk now, darling. I must fill these orders!”

The alabaster mare continued humming while she worked. Using her magic, Rarity was stitching together several dresses with red polka dots. As Twilight looked closer however, she saw that the dots were not a design decision. Rarity’s aim was more than slightly off. Her sewing needle went into her hoof again. Droplets of blood splattered the cloth. “Oh how clumsy of me.” She pulled out the needle and promptly resumed working. There were many dresses with the red dots.

“Rarity!” Twilight projected all of her magic, freezing the unicorn in place. She turned the unicorn around and saw puffy red eyes.

“Twilight,” said Rarity, finally acknowledging the Alicorn. She crunched up, expecting a blow.

“First, we need to get your hooves bandaged,” said Twilight without anger.

Twilight softly wrapped the linen bandage over Rarity’s hooves. She rolled the medical tape until they covered up the red from the white mare’s hooves. Her friend’s immediate injuries took the edge from her the righteous anger she felt. Twilight knew Rarity had the finesse and drama to fake tears, she had seen it, but these tears were real.

She gently prodded for the answers she sought. “I need to know what happened. We talked about this before, years ago I asked you to let him down easy if you weren’t interested. You assured me everything was fine. I love you both; I didn’t want to see anypony hurt.”

“Spike isn’t a pony.”

Twilight’s anger returned but dissipated again as she noticed Rarity’s demeanor.

Rarity eyes welled again with water and weakness. “I tried… I knew I couldn’t keep making excuses. As he grew older, he also grew more terrifying… Eventually, every time we were together, I kept forcing down that fear. Those claws of his can rend flesh. Dragon fire can melt bone. A careless caress could—”

Twilight countered. “Spike hasn’t had an incident in years. He lives with me in the library. We’re surrounded by kindling. I trust him. Those still sound like excuses.”

“I know… but there’s more… then came the rumors in Canterlot. My fashion line was refused, after my name was dragged in the mud. The scurrilous and dreadful things they said! You would not believe!”

“Rarity, I didn’t know it was so bad. Why didn’t you tell us?!”

“I lost sales… I took on debt. The shame! I only recently established myself in Prance, where my name is unknown. Last night, it all just came up. What if he goes on a rampage again?”

“Spike won’t! I know he won’t. You’re using that as excuse.”

“I’m a coward. He deserves better.”

“That may be, but he loves you.” Her own cold words seem to lash out at like a whip. Even Twilight recoiled at the impact they left on her target. Rarity was shuddering. Twilight groaned in frustration. “Last week, you were asking me for more books about dragons! You were so excited about his return!”

Rarity gave off more dry sobs. Her eyes were spent. “I know.”

“Look me in eyes and tell me you don’t love him.” Twilight clamped her hooves around Rarity’s head.

“I can’t.”

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you do!”

“I can’t.” Rarity only buried her face further into her bandaged hooves. “I’m the real monster! I hurt him… I’ve been hurting him all along.”

“Why didn’t you tell anyone you felt this way?”

“I thought I could overcome it. When I couldn’t, I tried faking it.”

“Why couldn’t you just continue?”

“I couldn’t do that to him. It wouldn’t be right anyway.”

Twilight grumbled. “I suppose it wouldn’t.”

“Twilight darling, I don’t suppose there’s a spell to turn Spike into a pony?”

Twilight blurted out. “This isn’t a cheap romance novel! You can’t magic your problems away!” She murmured to herself. “Celestia knows I’ve tried.” Twilight recalled the disastrous results of her magical solutions. The memories flooding back were cringe worthy. There were certain things a come to life animation spell wasn’t intended for.

Rarity nodded.

“Even if there was, could you ask him to change a fundamental aspect of himself just for you? Could you stand giving up your unicorn horn and becoming a dragoness?”

Rarity said, somberly. “You’re right.”

Twilight stuttered to ask. “So-so it’s all over?”

“I don’t know,” Rarity replied.

“You at least—”

To Twilight’s surprise Rarity cut her off. “I owe him explanation. I’m a mature mare. I need to talk to him. Twilight, please could you get him to speak to me? Not immediately… I still need time to sort my feelings… but sometime this week.”

Twilight smiled. “I will but… Rarity, what will you say?”

The alabaster mare put on her bravest face. “I don’t know.”

“WE DO NOT KNOW!” Luna blasted her voice in the full glory of the Canterlot Royal tradition. The entire hall was compelled to silence. The waiting lines of ponies and various citizens of Equestria all gasped. The in the front center of the throne room were two groups of angry buffalo and earth ponies. The leaders of the two groups however quickly resumed quarrelling.

“Princess we need answer! Appleloosa is in danger! These buffalo are breaking the peace! They refuse to move!” cried the earth pony with the cowboy brown hat.

“The settlement has grown too large; they’re expanding into our food fields! The land is rightfully ours! We Native Equestrians will stand no more broken promises!” cried the buffalo leader. Feathers adorning his head marked him as chieftain.

The auburn earth tilted his hat and turned snapping at the buffalo. “We give you enough food from our crop!”

The buffalo chieftain turned and snorted. “Your offerings have turned to a trickle! Our children starve!”

“Our children are starving too! There’s a drought!”

“You ponies control the weather don’t you?!”

“The cloud factory coverage doesn't go that far!”

“There would be no drought if you had not over expanded irrigation!”

“There’s no neigh-gotiating with y’all!” The earth pony leader threw down his hat and turned toward the Princess. “Make a call!”

The chieftain bellowed. “We need a decision!”

Both irate parties directed their expectant stares at Luna. “Court is closed for deliberation! We shall consider all requests in due time! Captain Nightshade, control the unruly masses!”

The night guards formed a defensive line. Their leader, a bat pony, flashed her fangs and deployed her leathery wings. The mob scattered in fright at the sight. They rushed away, scurrying out of the hall.

Their thundering hoof steps matched the throbbing she felt in her head. Luna reclined into her chair and felt the heaviness of her crown. “We thank thee for thy intimidating display. I wouldst myself but last time it caused a national panic.”

Captain Nightshade looked worriedly to her commander. “Princess, are you alright? It’s unusual for you to adjourn court early.”

Luna took off her crown and felt the icy metallic sting of the ornament against her hooves. “Tis times like these I miss him most… ministering to the masses was his role.”

“Your former Captain?” Nightshade questioned, her tone hinted her hurt.

Luna noticed. “Captain Nightshade, you are a fine officer, we do not disparage or dishonor thy service. However, he’d come up with one clever ploy or another, like splitting a foal in half.”

Nightshade recoiled. “Princess, you walk in darker circles than I.”

Luna sighed as she explained. “No, twas a classic dilemma; two mares came forth, both claiming ownership of a foal. The trick was that the parent who cared the most wouldst surrender the foal first rather than let it die. Affection proved the one worthy of parentage.”

“I see…”

Luna laughed. “Thou should have seen the look upon the mare’s faces, when we brought forth the battle axe.”

The bat pony frowned. “I’m sorry Princess, I don’t understand how that is amusing. If one of the mares did not surrender, a foal’s life would have been lost.”

“Goodness no! Captain Nightshade, tis but an exercise in thought. No foals were intended to be harmed. Thou art ordered to relax. We see Celestia’s rule has made thee all humorless. Your minds mustn’t be as rigid as your armor.”

“I prefer to call it discipline. I thought thousands of years ago it was like so.”

“Flexibility, a sharp wit can win more battles than a sharp sword.”

He had awoken when the sun was setting. Spike regretted having slept through the day, however he realized how immensely better he felt afterwards. He supposed that after hitting rock bottom, he could only rise. He made a quick flight to Canterlot, fighting the thoughts that chased him the whole way lest he succumb to melancholy. He made his way through the familiar castle where and he and Twilight had studied and lived.

A stampede of frightened ponies and buffalo ignored him as they ran opposite of the direction he was headed towards. Gulping down the lump in his throat, he arched his head, seeing around the doorway. He poked and peered timidly past the corner at the long walkway to the throne.

Luna spotted him immediately. She waved hoofed. “Ah just the dragon we wished to see. Come hither, Sir Spike!”

“Princess Luna, I have the report you asked for.” Spike presented the rolled up parchment.

She levitated the parchment and lit a small ball of spell light for illumination. Luna looked on pensively as she read the details of the scroll. “So the Griffins are producing a new dreadnought class airship… hmmm the Dragon Lords are calling for a great gathering… and the Zebras have concocted a new healing brew that has military applications.”

“So whaddya think?” asked Spike.

Princess Luna opened her mouth and blew a plume of blue fire incinerating the report.

“Whoa,” said Spike, whose own mouth opened wide in surprise.

“These are dangerous times. We must not allow our enemies to know what we know. Our enemy is everywhere yet nowhere to be seen.”

“I was referring to the fire from your lips.”

Luna chuckled. “Convincing illusion no? Tis simple spell fire. Let us dine!”

Spike followed Luna through the palace gardens, guards posted at certain vine archways signified they were walking away from the public visitation path. They sat at a small table set in the edge of the garden. It was an outcropping built into the castle. To his right was a spectacular view of the castle’s battlements and the equestrian landscape. To his left was the garden where white lilies were especially radiant in the moonlight. Spike only took minor note of his surrounding his attention was fully captured by Luna.

Ponies dressed in black and white maid outfits swiftly set their table with porcelain plates. The maid dresses seemed to be the ones found in certain stores that catered to tastes of the perverted. He supposed the uniforms could just as likely be of an old style the former were inspired from. Speculating which reason was something Spike dare not ask. He was served a plethora of gemstones while Luna had a light salad.

Spike barely breathed in between inhaling his food. Having missed meals, he devoured the gems eagerly. He stopped when he noticed Luna’s dignified dining by small bites and cuts. He slowed down and began savoring the rich mineral taste.

Luna levitated her utensils and cut small chunks of her leafy salad. She growled in frustration then flung the utensils aside and began wolfing down her food. “Let us dispense with pretense. We are both very hungry.”

He nodded in agreement. Spike asked. “So Princess Luna, how are things?”

The subject seemed to bring a migraine back. “The tortures of Tartarus are preferable than governing. My specialty is conquering.”


“Yes, I was the sword and my sister was the shield. Thine modern history books miss much. Uniting the three pony tribes was not clean as we wouldst like to believe. Our safe haven was not won without much sacrifice. Great powers sought to strangle our attempt.”

“I’ve read some of Twilight’s more ancient books. Things weren’t rosy or easy back then, huh?”

Luna nodded sadly as she nibbled a leaf of her salad.

“Even my book on chivalry… a great deal of it involved combat instruction.”

Luna’s ears perked up. “As well as a scholar, are thee a studied sword?”

He flexed his muscled forearm and made a swiping motion. “I know how to swing steel.” He knew his claws could do more damage but somehow he always liked swords. As symbols of masculinity they were obvious.

She smacked her hoof on the table and declared. “Glorious! We must fence sometime!”

“When you returned a lot of ponies thought you were shy.”

“Modern culture was confusing enough; mine time was spent reading up upon a thousand years of social and political change. Twas not my choice to become a recluse. Well, what wouldst thou hath done in my stead?”

Spike raised a claw. “After a thousand years of banishment? Scream into a pillow?”

Luna giggled. “Indeed… afterwards then?”

“I would maybe travel the world as a stranger, see things how they are. I mean it’s a fresh start. Only Twilight really knew about you and she’s mad into history. You could walk down the street and ponies wouldn’t notice.”

“We had not consider that. We art creatures of habit. We swiftly took up the crown… perhaps too swiftly.”

“Responsibility is hard.” Spike face-palmed. “Argh, and the sky is blue. Sorry for stating the obvious. I have a terrible sarcastic streak.”

“No need to apologize, tis refreshing. Perchance, how might thee solve a land dispute between two groups with an equal claim? Say if sharing was no longer an option?”

Spike scratched his chin. “That’s tricky. I recall Twilight having a problem sharing tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. Everypony wanted one.”

Luna leaned on the edge of her seat. “What resolution came?”

“She wrote to Celestia and was mailed more tickets. I even got one. The difficult decision was never made.”

Luna rubbed her forehead. “What bucking lesson was that meant to impart?! My sister was always soft.”

Luna’s outburst caused Spike to chuckle. “I suppose even Princesses swear.”

Her facial features became stern and cold. “Most humorous, we shall have thee flayed for that.”

He recalled the dictionary definition of flaying. He was scared to sit straight in his seat.

It was Luna’s turn to laugh. “Thine scales would make a most lovely armor.”

Both of them laughed. Soon the crescendo of their laughter descended into uncomfortable silence.

The bold Princess became abashed and momentarily meek. “…Sir Spike, how would thee like to accompany me again for another night such as this?”

He taken a drink from his glass, Spike sputtered, nearly spitting. “Lu-Lu-Luna, are you asking me out on a date?”

Luna timidly rubbed circles around edge of her wine glass. “As we understand it, dating is defined as an activity spent amongst interested parties. Courtship is casual in this age, is it not? Are we not embarking on such a venture now?”


“Thou art a noble soul, and we are kindred in our alienation from the world. Thou have mine attention.”

Spike blushed profusely.

Luna pursed her lips. “Are thee not interested in me?”

Spike babbled. “Y-Y-You’re a Princess!”

“Twas entrapment, I apologize. Let us forget this conversation.” Luna stood up from her seat to promptly leave.

“Wait, Luna. That’s not what I meant.”

Luna turned to her cheek and closed her eyes. She huffed. “Thy words were clear.”

Spike sighed. “I am a dragon.”

She opened her eyes and gave him a bemusedly raised brow. “That is most evident. We would not have suspected with thine spines and wings protruding thus.”

“What would your subjects say? What message would that send?”

“My sister Celestia represents the stability of the day. The night is wild and free.”

“Princess Luna, you don’t fear me?”

“No Sir Spike, thou should fear me.” She laughed and for a moment she transformed her teeth to razors edge knives. Her sterling smile was bewitching. She exuded an element of danger that excited him and scared him at the same time.

“Ummm wow,” He scratched the frills on the back of his head. “You’re intense. It would be like having ice cream all the time—”

Luna frowned as she anticipated the unfavorable response.

Instead Spike grinned. “Somehow I’d be okay with that.”

Luna giggled. “Thou makes the most amusing metaphors involving frozen custard. So?”

“Yeah, I could use a change.” Spike smiled. He looked upwards at the moon. “Maybe it’s time to see things in a new light. See you tomorrow night? Eight?”

Luna pointed at their plate. “Ate? We have just eaten.”

Spike raised a bemused brow ridge. “Puns? Seriously?”

She nodded with a smile. “Tomorrow night it shall be.”

Spike walked back through the garden with a slight bounce in his step. His melancholy seemed to be vanquished; however a gust of wind attacked him. Bearing a particular fragrance, it entered his nostrils and invaded his mind. It was immediately distinguishable in familiarity: the scent of roses, the choice perfume of Rarity. It was such a simple thing, yet he was forced to take a knee. Tears threatened to burst forth.

He and Rarity had history: their gem hunting expeditions, her romantic disasters with snobs, and the late nights feeding her thread for her sewing machine. Memories like a malevolent spell, he cursed how it affected him yet he could never hate her. For a moment his present happiness turned sour as it seemed a betrayal of all that.

His contemplation was interrupted by a bat pony before him. He recognized the guard as being Luna’s captain. There was a suggestion of concern in the pony’s voice. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah.” Spike got back on his feet.

The bat-pony’s concern was quickly replaced by her icy words. “Dragon, you have taken an interest in our Princess.”

“You’re Nightshade, Luna’s lieutenant, a pleasure to meet you. I’m Spike.” Spike offered a claw.

The bat pony grimaced and left Spike hanging. Her undaunted demeanor seemed serious and self-important. Lacking was the mischief he could detect from when Luna was so severe. “You are unworthy of our Princess’s affections. I come to give a word of warning. Do not return tomorrow night. So long as you are an agent of her majesty we will permit you live but do not overstay your welcome, dragon.”

Spike folded his claws. Her arrogance rubbed him like sandpaper. “You’re not my keeper, and you’re sure as buck not Luna’s. I can see her if I want. It’s just one date.” He stuck out his forked tongue at her.

“Your kind are base and bestial in nature. You shall not corrupt the Princess with your ill manner and avarice.”

He wasn’t one to exploit his increased stature but Spike recalled the appreciable effect it had on others. “Bite me.” He stood up on his hind legs to tower over Nightshade.

Nightshade snorted. She pressed her muzzle against Spike’s and stared directly into his eyes without fear. “Do not tempt me, beast.”

“You better back off or I’ll show you how ill-mannered I am.” Spike growled with a flickering flame in his throat.

Nightshade stepped back but did not step down instead she whistled. A spear was flung through the darkness. It landed blade first onto the ground next to Nightshade; she affixed the pole weapon onto a notch of her war saddle. “We are the guardians of the night. Shadows shall consume all. Your meager fire is no match.”

Leathery wings rustled in the darkness as they cut through the air. Two bat pony guards landed to Spike’s left and right for a total of four. The guard’s impacts unto the ground were unsettlingly silent. Mounted on their war saddles were silver crescent pikes that gleamed menacingly. The combined five bat ponies had him surrounded.

Nightshade pointed her lance at his chest. “This is your last chance to leave with your life.”

Spike folded his claws and planted his feet. “I had training with Shining Armor, Reagle Hawkmor, and the Lord Firestorm. Plus I’m a dragon.”

“Do not insult our commitment. We would gladly die for the princess but not without taking you with us.” The bat-ponies snarled at him.

Spike smirked at the bat ponies. Once through Twilight’s magical mishap Fluttershy had transformed into a fruit bat. Only Applejack’s crop had been threatened. “You really think you’re going to bully me with fruit bats?” He pretended to reach for pockets. “I think I have an apple here for you somewhere.” He pulled out his claws and performed a crude finger gesture he learned in the Griffins Kingdoms.

The bat-ponies tilted their heads in confusion. Ponies and hooves obviously had no cultural significance for hand gestures.

Spike sighed as he dumbly withdrew his claws. “It means buck you.” He grumbled. “Fruit bats.”

Up until this point Nightshade’s countenance betrayed no emotion however she grinned licking her fangs. Her break in reserved mannerism and eagerness somehow disturbed him. Nightshade cackled. “Fruit bats… right… that’s what we tell the public.

The squad of bat-ponies stretched and hissed like felines as their fangs lengthened. They took on more low to the ground feral postures. The irises of their eyes glowed red. Fully transformed, their presence itself seemed to sap energy from him. He was instantly reminded of the vampires of lore. The frills on Spike’s back stood up on their ends.

The shadowy guards coiled and sprang at him.

Author's Note:

Meet Captain Nightshade. She's bat crazy!

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