• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,891 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 22 Dark Star

What was in a town? They were only buildings; the people/ponies made the town. Spike had to remind himself as he took cover behind familiar landmarks of his childhood. Aldred’s opening volley had been the geyser of flames that poured from his mouth. Spike leapt away from the building that had been the odd Quill and Sofa shop as it disappeared in the deluge of fire.

Aldred laughed. “Ha, I thought you were going fight? Show me rage! Show me hate! Show the demon that lies dormant!”

“You’re a monster worse than any demon!”

“Shower me with compliments! I shower you with flames!” Aldred unleashed another torrent.

Spike felt the heat and flames lick at him as he dodged. It seemed absurd a dragon as large as himself would be running from anything, but Aldred was far larger.

Spike had targeted Aldred’s scar on previous fights. The great dragon guarded his that unarmored spot zealously now. Every time Spike seemed to get an angle of attack the dragon shifted again. Each time Aldred’s tail swung, it wrecked another edifice of Spike’s childhood.

Spike cried. “Is destruction the only thing you’re capable of?!”

“Oh? These piles of tinder mean something to you?” Aldred swished his tail smashing several buildings to bits. Aldred blasted again in a long circular streak of fire.

In the row of incinerated houses and small businesses, he saw the library home of his youth engulfed. The boughs and leaves of the tree home withered and shrunk to nothing in the heat. Rage threatened to overtake him. Spike angrily pounded his fisted claws onto the ground to relieve the tension. He had stay focused, stick to the plan.

Aldred chortled. “Where are you hiding? Where is your brave talk? I’m destroying these homes and lives of your precious ponies. Even if you’ve evacuated them, they’ll return to nothing! Imagine the starvation and the suffering!”

Spike scolded his inner demon when it flared up: eager again to take control. Promises of extra power would come at his sanity. He bit his claw for extra measure. “Keep talking, you big bastard,” He growled to himself.

Aldred continued. “If you give a good battle, I’ll be sure to be merciful to your loved ones by eating them first! You-” The dragon’s voice seem to stop as he choked slightly.

Spike breathed his own flames into his claws. It was Firestorm/Garble’s trick, the irony wasn’t lost upon Spike that he was using the son’s spell to fight the father. The flame magical spell extended his right claws to sword length. He moved to extend the claws on his other hand; Spike smiled as it petered out. It was time.

Spike leapt into a clear street with a straight path towards Aldred. “This ends now!”

Aldred gave a murderous grin at Spike’s head on suicidal charge. He let loose another flood of flames.

Spike kept charging. The hellish heat burned through even his dragon scales, he felt every nerve in his body scream. He persisted through it and the flame soon dissipated. Aldred’s eyes widened at his own sputtering flame as Spike leapt over his mouth.

Spike readied his claws. “Something I learned at the library! Magical or not, fire eats O2. You burned up all your oxygen!” He slashed for the eyes.

It was then that Aldred smiled. Midair with his wings folded, Spike could not evade Aldred’s tail swing. The giant club smashed into him.

Crashing through buildings, Spike’s mind tried to grasp what had gone wrong, while his body gasped for breath.

Aldred swept his massive wings circulating the air currents, undoing Spike’s work. The smoke that shrouded Ponyville in darkness partially cleared. “Spike, your plan was brilliant. Had you been the first to try that trick then you would have succeeded. I have eons of combat experience, there is no greater fighter!”

Spike struggled trying to extricate himself from the rubble that so enwreathed and trapped his body. With his flagging strength he couldn’t pull himself out.

Aldred loomed with his malicious grin. “I win.”

Spike coughed. “You think so?” He pointed a claw toward the opened sky. To the east it seemed a second sun was rising.

In the plains of Zebrika, fighting warrior tribes stopped mid-battle mesmerized by the sight in the midday star. From his atop his castle’s keep, a noble Neighponese Daimyo hugs his foal close as they stare at the light streaking across the night. In the United Griffin Kingdoms, Griffin workers, wiping their sweaty brows, used their claws to shield from the blinding light against sky defined by the smokestacks of industry.

Spike felt his lengthened limbs shrink back as his strength left. He had been running on fumes thus far. There was a peace in his mind. His mission accomplished he felt the great weight lift from him.

Aldred roared in rage at the falling star.

Spike laughed. “Your army is about to be gone, I would retreat if I were you. Say hi to the dinosaurs for me!”

Aldred snarled, raising his claws. “Die!”

Spike closed his eyes. He opened them to find an azure energy shield had blocked Aldred’s blow. After several more strikes Aldred snorted flames.

Aldred shifted his neck skyward. His words were roars. “No! No! No! I am Aldred, the Dread Dragon! That which all others fear, does not fear!” With a beat of his mighty wings, he flew upwards to intercept the falling star.

Spike blinked as he saw the giant dragon fly faster than he had ever seen. He blinked again when he saw Luna poke her head into his field of view.


Luna loomed over Spike, inspecting his injuries. “I left Twilight Sparkle to finish mine calculations and summon forth the star.”

“My, friends?! What about Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy?”

Luna’s glow hit Spike. He yelped in pain as his burnt flesh regrew with some. Her horn glowed as she worked. “Thy friends art safely away, I used mine magic to facilitate their escape. Forgive me, for my lateness. I had wished to assist thee in battle.”

“Luna, I’m just glad you’re here.”

“Be still, Sir Spike, my medical magic art not so precise.”

Spike grit his teeth as the pain from the sealing flesh was almost as strong as the searing. “All this time I thought I was the destroyer when I was the defender…that field of fire, it was Aldred’s flames... my fire is green. Luna, did you know the secret to my nightmares? Did you know the prophecy?”

Luna gave a small nod then swung her head away. “Thy revelation came sooner to me than it did for thee… So many times when I visited your dreams, I wanted to tell you as you cried unshed tears. Forgive me.”

“No, my nightmares helped me fight against the demon. If I didn’t know and I didn’t rage against the darkness…it might have taken me.”

Luna smiled. “I envy thee... my own demon grows only stronger.”

They looked to the sky as the falling star streaked overhead. To the west Aldred had taken position in the sky.

Luna gasped. “No, he couldn’t!”

Spike braced himself standing up to see.

Aldred flew towards the dazzling sphere of light. Dragons, from his army that were fleeing, paused to see their leader and lord meet the star. The scale pleats in his stomach seemed to stretch to tearing as Aldred swallowed. The Dread Dragon let loose a blast his great flames. For a split second the star seemed to slow. Aldred’s eyes widened as it didn’t. The mass of metal tore past and through Aldred. The titanic dragon’s left wing was taken with it and Aldred plummeted to the ground roaring, impotently. The dragons, observing, panicked and resumed fleeing for the few seconds before the meteor struck.

Spike laughed. “Some dread dragon Aldred was.”

“Sir Spike! Take cover!” Luna pushed Spike down.

There came a boom louder than if Aldred was roaring in his ears. The ground quaked and shuddered like the earth seemed to fear its destruction. His skin tickled as some sort of electric surged followed. A wave of rubble washed past their blue bubble. Even with Luna’s shield they were pushed back. He saw Luna sweat and strain to keep the shield up before she succumbed. Pouncing upon her, he wrapped his wings around her as they both were sent flying. The world snapped to black when Spike felt a piece of flying brick hit his head.

Carried as another piece of cargo in the flying convoy, which was led by Chitania, Rarity had seen the shimming star fall. The light was captivating in its spell, leaving a sparkling trail.

Chitania cackled, as her eyes widened. “Luna, the lunatic, she did it! Come, Ragnarok! Come, Armageddon! Come, the fall of all!”

Nightshade yelled to her soldiers. “Brace yourselves! Don’t look at it!”

Rarity clapped her hooves onto her ears as the ear splitting boom followed. She screamed as it seemed the world was screaming. The light penetrated even the curtain closed eyes.

Amorpheus shouted to the bat ponies carrying the black slab. “Drop it, and I’ll drop you!”

Even at their distance, the shockwave blasted them. Chitania casted a shield, however, the wind raged through it. The bat ponies, and Changelings beat their wings furiously to stay aloft. Rarity quickly closed her eyes as the wall of dust came.

Spike awoke to find a curtain of snow and dust had covered him. The skies had turned gray and were still raining ashes. Flexing his wings, he threw off the blanket. The Equestria of his youth had transformed into a smoldering shell of its former glory. Even if the world he inhabited was never innocent, he still felt a deep loss. He had to again remind himself the people had evacuated before and that in some far future they could rebuild.

His heart calmed as he saw Luna safely sandwiched in between his forearms. Half her face was still that of Nightmare moon, she was horrifying and beautiful. He was alarmed then that he saw the dark splotches on her fur coat had expanded: no doubt Nightmare Moon’s influence. Every exertion of her power was weakening Luna. In her dreams he couldn’t tell which vision was Luna. He shook her with fear which would awaken to reply.


“Sir Spike,” Luna coughed ash. She began a coughing fit as she took in the noxious air.

Spike extended a wing to shield her from the shower of ashes. Luna for her Alicorn status was still a pony. He realized his draconic nature was protecting him from volcanic like conditions. He remembered how a blue magical shield had saved him from Aldred’s killing blow. The pangs of guilt tugged at his heart. Her protection did not come without a cost. “Luna, how are you holding up? What about Nightmare Moon?”

Luna examined herself. She gasped as she noticed the dark patches of her fur had expanded. With her wings she covered them up swiftly. “I am fine…”

Spike growled at her lie and nuzzled her for the truth.

Luna swallowed before speaking. “Oh, Sir Spike…in earnest and honest… I do not know.”

Spike nodded. “Thank you, for being honest. You have to save you strength. Let me do some of the heavy lifting. Please hold back.”

Luna shook her head. “I hold the power the very night itself. I could have matched Aldred in a fair bout were I free to use that power, however, much of mine strength goes to holding back the demon.”

Spike eye’s widened. “Wait, you mean to say to you’ve been using borrowed time, all this time?”

Luna chuckled. “The cycle of day and night art now natural. It has been years since I’ve raised the moon. Behold, my greatest lie laid bare!” She giggled and laughed, tears leaking from her eyes.

“What?!” Spike guffawed. “Luna, why are you telling me this?”

“I love thee, and I must ask thee of an unhappy duty.”

“Anything,” said Spike.

“Be careful of thy wagging tongue, Sir Spike. Thou hath not heard what I am to ask.”

“Anything,” Spike reiterated.

“Thou hath been my knight, now be my Companion Captain. Protect me even from myself. Thou art to slay me should Nightmare Moon take my last shard of sanity.”

It had been an ‘if’ that was fast turning into a ‘when’. Luna becoming Nightmare Moon was still a scenario he didn’t dare play in his mind. Spike gasped. “You’re asking me to take on Nightshade’s job?”

Luna seemed left lost by Spike’s uncertainty. “Wouldst thou swear that vow?” She hung upon his reply.

“Nightshade told once the lance that she carries was meant for you.”

“Dragon claws art sufficient, thy anti magical properties would negate my immortality if thou art quick just before Nightmare Moon takes me.”

Spike pulled away. “That kind of insane responsibility is poisonous…I can see Nightshade’s pain now. I don’t…”

“A Princess shall not beg.” Luna raised her head, proudly. She then lowered her head and looked into Spike’s eyes. “I beseech thee as myself. I wish never again to be a prisoner in my own body... to watch as Nightmare Moon hurts those I love. Death is preferable. Spike, spare me that fate.”

Spike poised his claws over Luna’s chest. He felt the thumping behind her heaving chest. He gave a nervous laugh. “Just plunge in there and pull it out?”

“Mine heart, tis already thy property.” Luna leaned in for a kiss.

Spike placed a claw and blocked her. “I will honor your wish if you honor mine. I want the same. I have my own demon: if I ever hurt anyone, I want you to stop me.”

“I shall honor thee as thou honor me.” Luna said.

“I do.” With grim resolution, Spike nodded. While they kissed, Luna closed her eyes, Spike kept his eyes half open. Secretly he vowed harder to search for another solution. Wreathed in the falling ashes of the burning world, somehow in their mutual embrace, Spike felt happy and guilty at that he was so content. Thoughts of Rarity and Nightshade pulled at him. His eyelids heavy, he finally shut his eyes.

Roars snapped them from their moment. Spike and Luna stood up swiftly. Emerging from piles of ash were dragons and ponies. Spike was fearful they would resume their battle before the falling star, yet it seemed the dragons and ponies rose listlessly. Some even casually bumped into each other. Enemies and friends seemed united in their daze. Combatants from all sides were gripped by the strange affliction.

“Hey, the war is over!” Spike shouted waving at claw at some dragons and ponies in the distance.

Luna placed her hoof and stopped Spike.

The forms of ponies and dragons suddenly seemed they were suffering seizures. They convulsed and shook. All around them there came roars, the sound of clashing steel, and screams.

Luna extended her wings. “We must make our leave now!”

Spike followed her to the sky. Below he saw the fiery flashes of dragon spit and glints of pony lances. The pony lances were turned against another and dragons were blasting each other.

He could discern some voices as they flew upwards.

“Come to your senses!” A dragon roared to another.

“It’s me not the enemy!” A pony lancer screamed.

“My love! Please no!” cried one voice soon swallowed in the sea of voices.

Spike spun his head toward Luna. “What’s going on?!”

Luna looked downwards. “They’re fighting possession, with the veil so weakened demons of the id hath passed through. Those who became monsters for war now are easy prey. Chitania will have an army soon.”

Breaking past the clouds of ashes, they saw the capital. Like water spinning down the drain, debris and dust swirled around a dark star that was seated atop the highest Canterlot tower. The clouds disappeared as they touched the center.

Luna jaw swung open.

Spike looked at the shadowy ball that was consuming the sky. “A dark star?”

“A black hole.” Luna corrected.

Each of her limbs tied by ropes, Rarity was splayed out between two flag poles. She squirmed in front the dark spheres. The black hole was pulling at her, stealing even her tears into the pitless void. The darkened diamonds of her flank emblems now seared her as they burned and gave off an aphotic glow. She feared to scream, thinking it might even take her breath away. She turned behind her to see the bat ponies erect the dark door. The door pounded even louder.

The door shook and knocked a bat pony off his hooves. He flapped his wings impotently and tried to reach the ground in vain. He cried as he was sucked towards the black hole. “Help me, Captain Nightshade!”

His fellow bat pony guards reached out.

Nightshade barked at her guards, extending her lance to block them. “Save him and you’ll join him.”

A guard vomited as he heard the bone crunching and blood curdling scream. The sounds became lowered as the vocalizations were absorbed by the black hole. The guards looked away as their comrade was stretched into a bloody thin line that swirled and entered the black hole.

Amorpheus snarled. “He was clumsy fool. The anti-gravity spell works only if your hooves the touch the ground. Let that be a lesson to you all!”

Chitania smiled looking upwards at the vortex and then the dark door. “I feel life return to my dead flesh. The veil is weakening. We are very close to making a tear. The portal between worlds shall open.” She took a deep satisfied breath. “Sombra, my love, we shall be together again!”

Amorpheus added. “And I shall have my Chrysalis.” He raised a brow at Chitania.

The Changeling Queen patted her subordinate. “Of course, I shall have need for lieutenants when we begin world conquest anew. Thy Chrysalis would be a welcomed provided she serves me.”

Amorpheus nodded, while holding his eyes upon her.

Nightshade stepped up. “So soon, my Queen, shall live again?”

Chitania’s gaze was locked onto her prize beyond the door. “I feel my true power returning. Oh to live again!”

Nightshade nodded. The ends of her mouth curled into the slightest a sly grin. She turned to direct her guards when Chitania swiveled her head.

When Nightshade’s head was turned, Chitania had her own smile.

Where were Twilight, Fancy Pant, and Fleur? Spike ran through Canterlot castle wondering. He stopped where Luna stopped. At the hallway intersection between Luna’s and Celestia’s towers, they saw the signs of a desperate battle: shattered windows, missing wall sections, and magical blast craters. At the center of the hallway Fleur was hunched over her husband, weeping.

“Mon cherrie,” Fancy Pants coughed, holding Fleur’s face.

“Please, you can’t die… please.” Fleur shook her head while tenderly caressing the aristocratic knight.

Twilight was applying her magic to seal his chest wound. She could barely dam the spurting blood. It was not certain where the red carpet began and the Fancy Pants’ blood began. A pool of sweat had formed on the carpet way where she stood. Twilight also bore several scars and had singe marks on her fur. “I don’t have the energy to heal him,” she panted.

Luna sparked her own horn. “I do.”

While the others smiled at Luna’s aid, Spike looked in dismay as the darkness on Luna’s coat advanced further with her exertion.

“What happened?” asked Spike.

Fancy Pants spoke. “Lad, they steamrolled us. Somehow Amorpheus and Chitania became more powerful.”

Twilight lowered her head. “I ran out of mana first. I wasn’t economical with my attacks.”

Le Fleur shook her head. “I panicked when my husband fell.”

Fancy Pants grit his teeth. “It was my fault; I let Nightshade put her lance in me.”

“She missed your heart.” said Spike.

“Wretched traitor…” Luna snarled. “Nightshade, shall pay.”

Spike spoke. “Nightshade’s not a traitor. In the hotel, battle she let me pass.”

Luna face became flush with mixed emotions. Everypony said concurrently. “What?!”

“Nightshade’s still with us.”

“Art thou certain?”

Spike nodded.

Twilight finished catching her breath but was still too tired; her words were slightly slurred. “I saw Rarity with them. They had her prisoner.”

Spike’s head spines pricked upwards with the mention of Rarity. “Is she okay?! What have they done to Rarity?”

Twilight gave a defeated look. “She was unconscious. Her cutie mark was completely warped into these dark diamonds; I don’t know what’s going.”

Luna grimaced. “They intend to use lady Rarity as their sacrifice: a blood heir of Sombra to bring back the cursed king.”

Rarity was unconscious as Chitania looked eagerly at the black slab. A thin white slit had opened up. Tendrils of white light touched the Changeling Queen, the scar marks faded from her body.

“The gate is last opening.” Amorpheus starred in similar awe as his own flesh was renewed.

Chitania sighed. “I feel so alive! I live again!”

Nightshade lunged with her lance. “Then you can die!” Her blade sliced clean through Chitania’s throat.

Eyes wide, the Changeling Queen fell. She gurgled blood from her mouth.

Amorpheus cried, catching Chitania before she touched the ground. “You fool!”

“Your dreams die here.” Nightshade lunged for Amorpheus. Amorpheus deflected her strike with a magical shield.

Amorpheus snarled, as he saw to Chitania. “No, I told you not to interfere before the plan was done!”

Nightshade laughed. “We’re all monsters here. You both intended to bring more into this world. There’s enough without Sombra and Chrysalis.”

Amorpheus snapped to the dozen bat ponies and demanded. “I must heal our mistress. You there, prove your loyalty, slay her.”

“We don’t take orders from you.” The guards flashed their fangs at Amorpheus then to Nightshade.

“What of the Vampire Empire?!”

“Nightmare Moon is our master!”

“Captain, come to your senses!”

Nightshade hissed, as she tensed her legs. “It has never been so clear to me. The price of sedition is death. It is to my everlasting shame I trained such treasonous soldiers. You sold your souls for false dreams of power.”

A leader emerged amongst them. He rallied the rest. “I’ll be Captain. It’s only a title. Who will follow me to glory?”

There were some murmurs of agreement.

He scoffed at Nightshade. “I’ve always thought it arrogant the way you assumed just because you were Captain you were better than us.” Smiling, the arrogant traitor spun his own lance. “You think can kill us all? You think you can take me?!”

“I know I can.” Nightshade said with terrifying calm. In a blink, her lance had entered her enemy’s chest. The arrogant traitor gasped as the blade was pulled from his heart.

There was a hesitant pause as they took position.

Nightshade gave a bat like screech. “Come, cowards!”

The rest of the vampires coiled and pounced.

They left Fleur to stabilize Fancy Pants’ wounds. Running, Spike, Luna, and Twilight made their way through to the top of Celestia’s tower. The almost endless stairs had an unpleasant familiarity to them, endless stair reminded him of the preamble to their first fight with Sombra.

“We beat that bastard, Sombra, before right?” Spike asked.

Twilight squeaked. “Technically we only defeated a projection.”

Luna added. “Thou then fought shadow of a shadow, if Sombra were to gain a true incarnation, it would take again the combined might of heavens. With Chitania besides him, hell and heaven would not be their match.”

“We need a plan then. I don’t know, something more than charging blind.” said Spike, stopping. He looked to Twilight and Luna. “You’re two of the world’s greatest minds. You gotta have something.”

Twilight grit her teeth. “I usually have time to prepare before tests. I don’t know.”

Luna shook her head. “Into the breach we must go.” She ran onwards.

Spike tried to dismiss the dark shine he had seen Luna’s eyes, however, an ominous foreboding gripped him.

Rarity opened her eyes; she saw, though, nothing but pitch black. Adventures in the dream world with Luna and Spike held a similar sensation. This feeling was like that, but had an intimate closeness that she recognized to be more than even her own dreams. She was in her own mind. She looked to find she still had an avatar, mental representation of her physical form.

Emerald with crimson iris eyes stared at her with predatory intent. Its voice echoed in the abyss and in her mind. “My heir, the seed I’ve planted has borne fruit. Let me in.”

Rarity pouted. “Oh darling, I do believe a dinner date is proper first and I’m oh so very expensive. A lady must have standards and I don’t believe you meet them.”

The voice grew impatient. “You cannot hope to resist a king.”

Rarity dismissively swatted her hoof. “Isn’t that what I’m doing now?” She grasped at the identity of the enemy hoping it might empower her if only a little. “Mr. Sombra?”

Sombra chuckled, malevolently. “Your fall is fated.”

She rebuked. “Then I cut the strings of fate!”

“You bear my mark upon the fabric of your very being.”

Rarity followed Sombra’s eyes to her flank where her cutie mark had turned to dim diamonds. “A seamstress may cut as she desires. This mark is simply just another piece of cloth. I have many in my shop.”

“I could not agree more, I will wear you like another piece in your little shop.”

Rarity laughed. “From male to mare? So Queen Sombra, you really want my body?”

Sombra bit back. “Your form is inconsequential. It is mine! Your line, your entire family was sprung from the life in my loins.”

Rarity folded her hooves. “An artist may make a great work but past a point it belongs to the public. When I sell a dress I may hold the design template but the dress belongs to the customer. I owe you nothing, grandpa!” She stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. She laughed at the immature gesture, hoping it would irritate Sombra as much.

“Pitiful pony, enough! Perhaps power will persuade you of your idiocy! Let me in!”

Rarity screamed as her eyes burned, locked by Sombra’s gaze. Driving into her skull was the piercing pain reminiscent of a thousand sewing needles jabbing into her flesh at once. Rarity resisted with all her might. Happy thoughts were consumed by the agony and pressure. Flailing in the black she reached out for any recollections of friends and family. As she embraced them, they all disintegrated to vapor. With her last breath; she reached further for another thought.

“Help me, Spikey!”

Author's Note:

Luna using Nightmare Moon mode for fun and profit. :twilightsmile: Luna saves the world every day... she shows restraint.