• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 27,054 Views, 1,295 Comments

Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic - Isopod

Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus.

  • ...

4) Lesson Laughter

"Discord... what in the world?"

"What? I'm not doing anything."

"Well that is precisely what concerns me. You haven't been doing anything for a while now."

A couple days passed since that exciting flight to the cloudy heights, during which Twilight felt like she really started to get along with Discord. Knowing the Spirit was usually up for anything but activities that included the everyday normality, she was kind of excited about what might they do next during their time together.

So it was quite an unpleasant development of the situation when the draconequus, after promptly managing to prank about eighty percent of Ponyville's population in the course of a day, started doing... nothing. He spent the whole yesterday mostly lounging around the library, sleeping on the roof and would occasionally leave to stretch his wings. Each time, Twilight would warn him not to cause any trouble; each time she also hoped he would, because that would mean he got back to his chaotic old self. Alas, he did not.

"Hmm, really?" the Spirit observed his talons as if they were the most interesting thing in the room at that moment.

Discord the Chaotic became Discord the Melancholic.

Another thing that particularly hurt her was that just the other day, she was out with her friends on a picnic, telling them all how nicely they started go get along, despite the Spirit's mischievousness. The satisfaction she got from seeing a surprised expression of Rainbow Dash was huge but she kept that bit of information for herself, not wanting to rub it into her face.

“Well, who would've known. Maybe Discord ain' so bad as we thought.” Applejack was the first to lighten up upon hearing the news.

“I, I guess so.” Fluttershy decided to state her opinion. “Who knows, maybe he realized that making troubles isn't all he can do to have fun."

“But Twilight sweetie, are you sure that maybe, just maybe that ruffian isn't fooling around with you? Men can be so deceiving sometimes.” Rarity suggested, recalling her very uncharming meeting with Prince Blueblood.

“No way, I'm sure he's being sincere with me; besides, he would have nothing to gain from lying to me anywa--”

“Oh Twilight, I'm so glad he's our friend now, because that means that I can throw him a party!" The pink pony finally voiced, about to pop from excitement. "Discord still didn't have a welcome party! There will be dance music and presents for him and he loves the chocolate milk and cotton candy, so I definitely need to make him the best chocolate milk ever and--”

“Pinkie Pie, calm down, “Twilight started gently, smiling a bit nervously, “I don't think he considers us to be that much of friends yet. I mean, he even still glares at me whenever I use my magic. Give him time.”

“There's only so much time I can hand around!” The pink pony joked as she bounced around on the grass, fulfilled with expectations of a bright future full of parties where Discord could enjoy her home made chocolate milk and learn her some awesome party tricks.

Twilight sighed as she remembered Pinkie's happy expression; the earth pony was so excited to be friends with someone who loved pranks and laughter as much as she did. Even though that someone turned Ponyville into the Chaotic center of Equestria for one full day. The fond memory of Pinkie's happiness made Discord's unusual behavior all that more worrisome.

"Come on now Discord, something is obviously wrong. A full day passed, and I didn't once end up with my posterior glued to my seat; nor did my books mix up so the first letter of their title would spell some... indecency."

The Spirit chuckled. "That was a good one."

"Come on, Discord! Tell me," she sat next to him, "what's wrong?"

He was obviously annoyed by her, she could see that; but she could also see he knew she wasn't about to let this matter go. With a resigning sigh, the Spirit sat up on, at the moment his favorite couch and lazily looked her in the eyes.

"Oh let's see, I don't know, I guess I just miss something from my life." He finally answered, though with an amount of bitterness and sarcasm she didn't hear from him before.

"Miss something from your life? What do you-- Oh." Twilight's hopes immediately sank. The depressed draconequus was obviously talking about his once available powers. Well, she wasn't that surprised; if she suddenly lost her horn and all of her abilites, she would be pretty upset - pretty much like the time she and her friends went into the labyrinth; but that was only temporarily. He even willingly returned them their wings and horns.

Discord was using his very colorful powers for pretty much anything he did. Chaotic powers brought him all the food he liked, a place to sleep, chaotic fun he so adored and could fulfill pretty much any of his hearts desires.

Sure, the first two days he thought he would be alright. But now... the Spirit that just a few days ago declared war on Ponyville, desiring to be proclaimed the most chaotic citizen of their little town, has fallen victim to certain sadness against his will. And just he was getting used to this life, too!

Twilight wasn't going to have any of that.

"Oh come on! Do you want to play Chess Mess, perhaps? You love that game." Twilight offered to play the recently named game the both of them thoroughly enjoyed that one evening.

For a short moment, he seemed enthusiastic. "Yes, yes I do. But, nah."

Twilight blinked.

"How about some other game? I have bunch of cool games for whenever me and my friends do a sleepover! We can ask Spike to play with us, too! Actually, he's spending today at Rarity's..."

"Mmm..." Discord hummed lazily. Twilight couldn't help but put on a sad face. Watching him like this was almost painful.

"Or we could watch one of those old, bad movies and do a running commentary!" Twilight honestly didn't understand this much but had caught Discord in the act one evening - he nearly cried tears of laughter at old horror movies.

Her expression lightened up when the Spirit looked at her curiously, seemingly interested. But already in the next moment, he merely said:

"I'm not in the mood."

What the hay?! Either I must be going crazy, or Discord is sick – he usually isn't so willing to do nothing at all.

She suddenly got an idea.

"Wait here, alright? I know just the thing that will cheer you up!"

"Not much of a choice for me, is it." The Spirit replied bitterly, as Twilight ran out of her home.

"Or should I say, I know just the pony." She added to herself, smirking. The idea was so brilliant she couldn't help but smile to herself.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh, Twilight I'm so glad I get to hang out with Discord! We'll turn that frown upsides down, put on a smile in a while, bring the happy into his 'ness!"

"That doesn't even make any-- oh, never mind, anyway; please do whatever you can to cheer him up. He's been so down for some reason, it is not at all like him! But don't tell anyone else about it, please; I don't want them to think I failed." She added, a bit embarrassed. Pinkie didn't seem to mind keeping a secret though.

"Aww you don't have to worry about that Twilight - but a promise is a promise!" Pinkie crossed her chest. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" The jolly pony produced a cupcake out of nowhere as she firmly squished it against her eyelid, pieces of strawberry falling on the ground. Twilight kept the question of magically appearing cupcakes to herself as the two entered the library.

"Discord!" Twilight called for the draconequus, who still hasn't moved an inch, being in the same position as before. Twilight gave herself a few moments to pity him, then announced:

"Look who came to visit!"

Discord got up and glanced over the pink pony, then rolled his eyes.

"Oh. Hello, Meanie Pie."

"Hohoho, that really was mean of you." Pinkie replied joyfully as she bounced around him; the Spirit sighed.

"Is this what you had in mind, Twilight Sparkle?"

"Sure! Hanging out with Pinkie will cheer you up in no time!"

"... we'll see about that."

"Sure it will!" The pink pony grinned a stunningly big grin. "Come on, let's play a game!"

"What is it with you mares and games?"

Twilight left the two to do whatever they want, figuring they could use some time alone. She went out, sat on a nearby bench and opened up one of the big old books she used in her studies, deciding to read it again - you know, for fun!

If anything was to go wrong she could easily come inside to check things out.

Barely fifteen minutes passed when she heard Pinkie calling for her. Twilight stood up, confused, wondering whether there was a problem or even whether Pinkie truly managed what Twilight brought her here for so fast - only to horrifyingly realize upon entering that Pinkie was gray from head to toe. The sweetness of her bright smile was replaced with an utterly unhappy glare.

"What the---" Twilight's jaw dropper as the Spirit of Disharmony closed the door behind her, laughing cruelly.

"It really was a fun game with Meanie Pie, Twilight Sparkle. As you can see, it allowed me to once again gain my powers!"

"Stop laughing! This isn't fun!" Pinkie growled angrily at Discord. If it were possible, Twilight's eyes would have probably left their sockets by now.

"W-what?!" Her heart was beating so fast she could swore it will jump right out of her chest.

"B-but that's imp-- how did you--what is going on?!"

"You're done with questions! It is time for me to exact my revenge! But I am not heartless, dear, I'll let you choose." Discord slowly advanced on her as he recited another one of his creepy riddles:

"I can send you on vacation, in a rather popular destination.
One that even Luna still fears, for there she spent a thousand years."

The Spirit of Disharmony cornered her, a maniacal grin showing off his crooked teeth. Twilight was speechless, helpless to do anything but watch the Spirit as he continued to narrate his awfully creepy little rhyme, circling her with his snake-like body.

"Your other choice of vacationing spot includes the royal gardens of Canterlot,
or perhaps right next to my throne, where you'll be the first pony ever to be enhanced in stone."

It took a few moments for Twilight's racing brain to connect the dots of the rhymes - he was either banishing her in the Moon, or trapping her into stone? What kind of sick choice was that?! How did this happen, anyway? Was everything so far really just an act? Was he really going to be chaotic until the end of his eternal life?

"D-Discord, wha-what--"

"Oh my, a little indecisive are we? That's alright dear, I made the decision for you; I always wanted a pony statue!"

"No! W-what are you saying, stop-- Pinkie, help me!!" Twilight yelled out in fear, trying with all her might to concentrate on her magic but it was in vain, producing but a few sparks - she was way too terrified. The pink pony just stared at her angrily, her usually smiling blue eyes now staring angrily.

"You'll never laugh at me again."

In her mind, Twilight was saying goodbye to her family and friends; she covered herself with her hooves instinctively, awaiting the powerful spell that will seal her in the same stone prison Discord spent countless pony lifetimes in, regretting everything that happened, wishing desperately for a way out... and wishing for the Discord she got to know in the past few days back.

A snort.

Twilight peeked out and saw both Discord and Pinkie Pie biting their lips with the silliest facial expressions. Before the unicorn could even process what was going on, sheer fear still running through her veins, both the Spirit and the party pony fell on the floor to laugh their guts out.

"Wh....wha'?" Twilight asked in daze, still shocked and scared but most of all, confused. Pinkie Pie, tears running down her cheeks, revealing her naturally pink skin, gave her a firm hug as she stuttered out:

"P--p--p--praaanked, ha~ hahahaha~!" Pinkie continued laughing maniacally, like she usually did, falling back on the floor, and leaving the ash marks all over Twilights' neck. Discord was no better; Twilight noticed he was clutching his ribs most likely because he laughed so hard it hurt.

Twilight felt so many emotions stir in her. She was upset and a bit angry but relieved and happy at the same time. And their laughter was so loud, felt so embarrassing and... it was absolutely contagious.

Feeling like a victim of a mean joke still didn't stop Twilight from slowly breaking into a laugh, entertained by the hilarious laughter of the two that were by now gasping for air. It started with a snort, then a giggle and soon evolved into a laughing party of three. If anyone was passing by the library, they probably would have thought somepony was having a mania attack.

It took them quite a while to stop laughing; their cheeks were wet with tears, manes messy, their bellys' hurt and they all flopped down into the floor and laid on their back to rest, still giggling and trying to calm down completely.

"Now... now that," the Spirit was the first to start talking, his voice a bit cracked and shaking, "is what I call a good prank."

"S-sorry if it was a bit mean, Twilight," the pink pony's good nature had to apologize for what they had done, even if it was all in good fun, "but I did my best to think of a way to cheer him up."

"Oh my, this is the best prank I've ever had the chance of performing in eons!" the Spirit broke into a laughing fit again, thought not as nearly as strong one as before. While he was busy trying to make it stop ("It hurts! Oh sweet Chaos, my ribs!"), Twilight looked over at Pinkie Pie, who wore a somewhat sheepish smile.

"You did a great job Pinkie. I wouldn't expect any less of you. Thanks." Twilight gratefully said, happy to see Pinkie Pie's face break into a relieved expression.

"But boy, you sure had me fooled. I never knew just how much I---" Twilight stopped herself suddenly, making the pink pony curious.

"Never knew what?" She asked.

"-- oh! Just that, umm, how much I err, cared about teaching Discord of the Elements of Harmony! It just came to me how important I find it!" Twilight stuttered out her response, making Pinkie Pie slightly suspicious; luckily, Pinkie wasn't the pony the interfere in other peoples' minds. Well, not too much at least.

"Okie dokie lokie! Oh, the Pinkie Prank inspiration kicked in!" Pinkie suddenly said.

"Let's go and prank Applejack, the three of us! I just thought of the greatest prank ever!"

"Oooh, I simply must have on a look on the little farmer's reaction once we prank her. Judging by her fiery temper, we'll be in for so~ much trouble! " Discord eagerly agreed.

"Come on Twilight, wanna go with us? Please, please, please~?" Pinkie Pie smiled her brilliantly wide smile.

Twilight was never too much into pranks; or, to be more honest, she was never as imaginative when it came to thinking of them, so she thought she might as well leave them alone to have their fun - but she was surprised to see that Discord too was eagerly awaiting for her response. Well, the spirit liked having fun; and as the saying goes, the more, the merrier, right?

Twilight grinned, automatically receiving the smiling responses.

"Count me in!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Twilight was surprised to realize they spent the whole afternoon and a good part of evening pranking not only Applejack but a few other ponies they came across. The victims were pretty numerous that day. Twilight felt only a slightly bit embarrassed though, as nopony expected her to turn out to be one of the pranksters.

The best part of it all though, Twilight had to admit, was when she noticed how many of the ponies, while still not approving him entirely, weren't afraid of Discord anymore - in fact, when they stopped to say 'hi' to Derpy Hoover and Dr Whooves, they both even greeted them all very politely, including the mismatched Spirit.

Luna had already lifted the Moon and the first stars shined across the sky when they slowly started to make their way home, discussing some of the pranks they pulled that day. The good mood they achieved by the end of the day was still lingering in them.

"Wow Twilight, for your first prank that was pretty good!" Pinkie Pie chirped.

"Oh come on, it is just a simple vanishing ink trick." Twilight shyly scraped the dirt underneath her hooves.

"I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit, Twilight Sparkle - the expression of fashionista's face as she saw her newest creation covered in ink was a memory I'll treasure forever." Discord commented, slowly flying next to the two, apparently finding walking too boring for his taste.

"You're being too kind!" The unicorn kept defending herself, feeling embarrassed about accepting any kind of praise. Discord and Pinkie Pie rolled their eyes as one.

The three soon reached the Sugarcube Corner, which, Twilight noticed with a surprise, was about to close for today. Was it that late already? The party pony stood in front of the entrance with one hoof on the door.

"Phew, it really has been a long day with you two but it was so much fun! We have to do it again someday!" Pinkie Pie suggested and Twilight noticed with a glee she couldn't hide that the Spirit was engaged in a normal conversation with her.

"Definitely Pinkie my dear; your sense of joke and intoxicating laughter is something I'll look forward to hang around again."

What a way with words! Twilight though, looking as the pink pony replied with, what else, a silly giggle.

"Oh! One more thing!" Pinkie ran inside and came back almost instantly, carrying a lime green box wrapped with a silky light blue ribbon.

"Cupcakes; for my new friend! Make sure to share!" She grinned widely as she handed the somewhat surprised Spirit the neatly packed box. Twilight glanced nervously from Pinkie to Discord and back, unsure whether he will refuse the nice gesture or not. Somehow she couldn't imagine him doing anything different.

Discord accepted the box, eyeing it like it was some sort of unfamiliar buried relic. Moments passed but he said nothing. Instead he just arched an eyebrow. Twilight couldn't tell just what was that reaction about.

"Well, goodnight!" Pinkie interrupted the silence, waving to the two as they started towards the library. Discord gave her a small lazy wave, still not saying anything. Wondering what was going on in his mind right now, Twilight spoke first after a few moments of silence.

"That was really nice of Pinkie Pie, don't you think?"

"Come on now Twilight Sparkle, I think we both know what this is." Discord replied, with a tiny wise smile. Twilight frowned in confusion.

"Um, a box of cupcakes? And probably really good ones, too."

"Oh dear, you're so naive. This box is a prank, obviously."

"What? Why would you think that? Pinkie was trying to be nice!"

"Yeah, right." He dismissively waved his eagle hand. "After a whole afternoon of pranking business, one would've thought she is trying too hard with this pathetic attempt at a prank."

"Ugh, you're so mistrusting." Twilight mumbled as she opened the door to the library, letting the Spirit to fly in and land softly in the middle of the room; he put the box on the floor and comfortably relaxed on the floor, much like a lion would, right in front of it, pondering.

"Now, now, what could it be..."

"Discord, it is just cupcakes. Trust me on that one."

"You really should know your friends better, don't you think? As an Element of Friendship , one would've thought you'd knew what this box was all about."

If anything ever seriously angered Twilight Sparkle when it came to Discord, then it was that particular comment. However, she decided to shake it off and instead, trying to keep a normal tone in her voice, replied:

"I know my friends just fine, Discord! In fact, how about this - if there is no prank inside, waiting on you, I must pick the first cupcake you will have to eat."

The Spirit looked at her funny with wide eyes, chuckling; he was probably a bit confused by an unusual offer but didn't seem worried.

"Fine, you're on Twilight Sparkle - see if I care when you get a blueberry pie into your face." He replied confidently.

Twilight didn't waste a moment of time. She marched right over next to him, looking straight into his mismatched golden eyes.

"Cupcakes." Her voice was ice cold as she opened the box. No flying pies on springs or streamers shooting out, or fake snakes. A dozen of beautifully made cupcakes sat in the box, all of them a different flavor and color. On the bottom of the box lid though, there was a short note in round, child like handwriting:

Hiya there Discord, thank you for trying my cupcakes! I had no idea which flavors do you like, so I just put all of the flavors I had nearby! The third one in the middle is with gems though, cause you see, we ponies don't eat gems, so I made those for Spike, but I thought maybe you liked them, so I packed one for you!

Have a cupcakestic meal!

Underneath that message seemed to be another one, shorter; it looked like Pinkie Pie added it in just before she handed Discord the cupcakes.

P.S. The one in the left lower corner is for Twilight, cause she doesn't like spicy much, so I spiced it up a little bit! Ssh, don't tell her! Enjoy the last prank for today! 8D

The Spirit's before confident smile turned to an annoyed frown, while Twilights' face was a reflection of pride. He angrily glanced over at her.

"You knew she was preparing a prank for you, didn't you."

"Considering it a prank from my part, then. A deal is a deal - open wide!" Twilight laughed as she fed the draconequus the spicy cupcake originally meant for her.

"If I may partially quote," she began as the draconequus, surprisingly enough, made a grimace and gained a darker shade of red in his face, "the expression of the Spirit's face as he ate the chilli-pepper filled cupcake is a memory I'll treasure forever."

Discord flew up and into the kitchen; Twilight couldn't suppress a loud laughter when she heard him gargling underneath the tap on the sink, desperately trying to wash away the taste of his failure.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was late at night. Twilight carefully studied the first floor and with relief noticed the draconequus was asleep, folded like a cat on the carpet. She didn't feel comfortable doing this while he was awake.

She carefully got back into her bed and opened one of the drawers in her nightstand, pulling out her diary. The diary was not even half filled; she wrote in it mostly when something of greater significance would happen. The most recent entry naturally being the news of draconequus moving in - written about a week ago, before the Princesses even freed him.

Summoning a quill and making sure the covers were well over her head, hiding both her and her diary from nonexistent looks she felt all around, she started writing.

Dear diary,

today I realized something absolutely terrible and yet not all that unlikable.

The funny part of this is, I realized it during a prank being pulled on me.

I realized that I got too attached to a certain Spirit; the way he acts without is powers is much more acceptable. Having no powers to hide behind, having no ability to magic himself away when the situation gets uncomfortable, or any means to prevent something embarrassing happening to him, I started to discover the real face hiding behind the title of Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. And I started to like it.

I almost blurted out to Pinkie Pie that I realized back then just how much I cared about Discord; as he threatened to turn me to a statue, I felt my heart hurting because it felt much like betrayal. And not just the betrayal of a friend. There was... a bit of something more. It felt so strange, almost like a nightmare.

To conclude it once and for all my dear diary and I don't like admitting it at all, I think I'm starting to like Discord on more than a friendly level.