• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 27,025 Views, 1,295 Comments

Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic - Isopod

Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus.

  • ...

18) The Different Kinds of Shy

Edited by his editing majesty, Skittles.

"Spike, have you been touching my books?"

"Not anymore than I need to, believe me."

"Discord, I swear-"

"I have far more interesting things to disfigure and mess up than your books, my dear."

"Urgh!" Twilight stomped her hoof with a huff. "They're all in the wrong places! Just look at this mess! How in the world did 'the Introduction to Gardening Tools' end up next to 'Bedtime Accessories for a Better Sleep'?"

The Spirit cleared his throat and subtly continued to play with a potted plant the leaves of which turned into tablets of chocolate, deciding to skip answering that one.

"Discord, from now on your task is to punish anypony who misplaces a book."

"I don't think you're aware of how dangerous that might be for your library."

"Urgh!" The pony stomped again and marched out of the room.

Spike grumbled as he turned around to help with the shelves. "Good grief, can't she ever admit she misplaced a book?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Numerous thuds and rumbles. A sound of something, much like a hoof, bumping into the wooden shelf and a silent curse.

"Chaotic fiddlesticks!"

Twilight suddenly woke up, still dazed and half sleeping, her sleep interrupted by sounds from down stairs and many angered whispers and curses. For a few moments, she simply stared into the darkness, still sleepy. Once she cleared her head, she realized it was Discord's voice she had been hearing. The faint light of the fireplace was visible from downstairs.

Slowly, she sneaked over to the railing of the stairs. Discord seemed to have really took a liking to the spot in front of fireplace, for he was once more in front of it, bent in front of something he held in his hands she couldn't see but it didn't take her long to realize what it was; the Spirit was surrounded with at least a dozen of her books. Though feeling instantly annoyed at the realization that it was him who had been messing with her books, she also felt genuinely interested - what could he possibly be reading so intensely, in the middle of the night. And why so many books at once?

"What are you doing?"

Had Twilight know the reaction would be so severe, she would have probably taken a more subtle approach than to sneak up on him from behind. The Spirit jumped abruptly, wildly turned and stared at her in horror, as if he had just been caught doing something terrible. Then, he pointed his talon at her and in a small flash of pink, the mare fell to the floor, sleeping deeply.

The Spirit knew how dumbly he reacted before her body touched the floor.

"Oop-see..." He got up and circled her, not sure what should he do now that he so blatantly obviously put her to sleep. Should he leave her here? Should he put the books away, should he just run for it? "I never should've done this to her!" He mumbled to himself in panic - as if some specifically mischievous magical force heard that, Twilight started to wake up for reasons unknown to him and out of sheer panic, he cast the sleeping spell once more. Smacking his face with his paw, he finally gave up on trying to cover things up. Biting his lip, he first put the books in what he took extra care to remember was the right place. Then he gently touched her forehead and she woke up, a bit confused. It didn't take her long to realize what he had done. Twice.

"What in the world do you think you're doing?!" She said, visibly angry. The Spirit didn't have any trouble spewing out the first lie he could think of:

"Oh, Twilight, my dear, you were sleepwalking again. Such a troublesome young Unicorn you are, really."

The unicorn narrowed her eyes. "I never sleepwalk. Well, not anymore anyway but that is not the problem right now! Discord, just what did you--" Twilight fell silent when she noticed all but one book had disappeared. It was laying half in the darkness, seemingly missed by the panicky Spirit. Twilight glanced at him to see him glancing at her.

It was obvious he didn't want her to know what book it is.

It was obvious she was ready to do anything to find out what book it is.

They both launched at it, ending up wrestling to try and reach the book before the other one did. Why neither of them used their magic to grab the book by the means of one spell or the other was a bit of a mystery.

Finally, with a tip of his talon, Discord reached out for the book and stabbed its cover with a triumphant "ha!". But Twilight, being well known for treating her books the way she would treat a newborn baby, screeched at the sight of her book being hurt and with an adrenaline rush of a concerned mother managed to tear out of the lion grasp he had over her. She leaped forward, landing straight on his eagle arm as he let out an unexpected 'squee'.

"Gotcha!" Twilight victoriously exclaimed as she tried to observe the book - however, an audible click later, the book became invisible.

"Phew! I nearly forgot I could do that." The Spirit let out a breath of relief.

"You have got to be kidding me." Twilight said, feeling the invisible book under her hoof. She gave him a stern gaze.

"What are you hiding, Discord?"

"It's 'grown ups' material for a good night."

"Funny." She bit off, though not being able to suppress a blush. "As your guardian, I am supposed to make sure you don't have a scheme up your sleeve." Discord suddenly snatched the book from under Twilight's hoof.

"My guardian, you say." Discord repeated as he flipped the pages of the still invisible book; then he abruptly closed it and gave her a weird look, that silly smile still on his face. "Is that all you are to me, Twilight Sparkle?" He teased, his eyes suddenly huge and glassy, eyelashes like fans.

"Yes, yes, let's laugh at my romantic incompetence later and deal with this now! The book, please!"

"But I am very serious!" The Spirit complained, dramatically lowering his voice to a quivering whisper. She took a few steps back, the expression on her face on a fine line between embarrassed and disgusted. She rolled her eyes.

"You know what, fine. Read the book all you want. See if I care." She said as she turned around, ready to march off into the bed.

"Ha. Knew that would work." The Spirit taunted and by Celestia she knew she shouldn't question it but she couldn't help herself as she stopped in her hoof steps.

"Knew what would work?

"Oh, my dear, dear Twilight Sparkle, your eternal inability to talk about your natural, biological in fact, interest in male population of the world is something that will eternally entertain me - even when it is nothing but a punchline or a passing jest!" The Spirit elaborated, so abruptly that it occurred to her he had been dying to tell her that for a while... which rightfully confused her.

"What do you mean by that?"

Discord laughed almost like nothing in the world was more dear to him than to answer that question. "What I mean is, you're shy to no end when it comes to love; even in a book, or a movie, even between random ponies on the street! I must say, I knew you didn't have trouble talking to ponies as much as simply relaxing and giving in to some forms of socializing but to be able to say you're shy is simply precious!"

The mare steeled her glare. "I'm not." She wasn't even sure why would she deny it so passionately. Perhaps it was simply the desire to prove him wrong.

"Well then, how about we prove it?" The Spirit asked, as if reading her mind. She blinked and laughed, humorlessly. "Oh please, how would we prove something like that?"

Discord gestured towards the shelves of her library with glee. "You have enough romantic novels here. While I have no idea if you read any of those, I am fairly sure you're collecting them just as eagerly. Books are books, after all. So, we'll sit right here and listen to you reading one."

Twilight wasn't sure in the half dark but she could've sworn there was something so similar to malice in those eyes for a second. Either that, or she had been so terrified of his proposition, she was seeing things.

Moments passed in silence, until...

"Fine." She said, reaching for her shelves. "Okay." Grabbing a book. "Reading something." She sat down angrily in front of the fireplace, voice dripping with sarcasm." Yeah, that'll stop me in my tracks." She had no idea what she grabbed until she actually looked at the written work in front of her, bearing the title of 'Naked Singularity'. It didn't sound that bad. If anything, the title was something she was more familiar with: physics. Who knows, it could even be fun and than she'd win this little game of his on even more accounts.

"Chapter one." Twilight started swiftly as she got comfortable, determined to make a point.

Discord got comfortable too, lying down with his elbows on the floor and face in hands, watching her with a childlike glee.

"As the night slowly neared, Evening Glimmer took the opportunity to take one last look on the setting Sun." Twilight started off confidently. "Its fiery colors, the mixture of red and yellow and the greenery of the grass below her. Only the blue was missing to make her feel like he was here. The sky blue, soft skin of her loved one, of the Pegasus she never forgot, never stopped thinking of... the stallion that she hadn't seen in such a long, long time."

It was pure cheese and corn, she though, but not necessarily bad.

"She sighed and with a heavy heart slowly trotted off back to the bookstore; her own, small bookstore, her sanctuary where books provided her company..."

Hey, this sounds a bit like me! Twilight noticed, amused she had something in common with the protagonist. She continued to read normally; the book continued as expected, telling of the Evening Glimmer's feelings and state she was in after her beloved went missing during a rescue mission, for a good few minutes.

Though she personally didn't think much of the book so far, she glanced at the Spirit to make sure he didn't fall asleep out of boredom and was surprised to see he was as attentive as before, munching on some snacks he got out of who knows where. She bravely continued.

"Evening Glimmer put on her night gown, ready to retire for the night but then something had attracted her attention - a faint sound she recognized as the flapping of wings. As she looked out the window, trying to locate the source of the sound, she saw a familiar blur - a blur of blue coat, decorated with streaks of colorful mane, the color of field flowers.

'Could it be?..." She spoke without breath, rushing outside, not even noticing the slow rain that had started to fall, looking around. Then, to her right, a feather. She gasped, running off in that direction, getting further away from the city... another feather.

Tears were running down her cheeks like a river, mixed with rain drops once she finally found the last feather on a familiar cliff. The place where they shared their first kiss."

At this point, Twilight wondered if Pegasi really did have that many feathers accidentally falling off, or was it some kind of plot device for further reading.

"'I knew you would come.' A strong, deep voice spoke and Evening Glimmer turned around to face her long lost love - Prism Slash stood there right in front of her, a nuzzle away, in all his magnificent glory..."

He could have simply knocked, Twilight figured.

"...stretching his sky blue wings and allowing his long, colorful mane to flow in the night breeze. The red, yellow and purple in his mane intertwined so enchantingly; it took her breath away even after knowing him for all this time, for all these years... especially after not seeing it for all these months."

Descriptions and exposition went on and Twilight wished she was back in her bed.

"'Prism Slash...' Glimmer started but was silenced by the gentle move of his hoof. 'My love,' Prism spoke, 'there was not a day I haven't though about your soft hair, bouncing in the breeze...'"

Reading the dialogue on such a intimate matter out loud bothered her - she felt like she was invading somepony's privacy.

"...your eyes, as purple as the deep, mysterious seas... and your smile, your dazzling smile, which frees all of your beauty... makes you shine... so wonderfully..."

The mare stammered at the last word but didn't thin much of it. She swallowed lightly to make it go away.

"'Oh, Prism Slash," reading a longing 'oh' felt downright weird, "I have waited for you only all this time, my love. Never leave me again, promise me!' Glimmer begged, looking straight into his radiant, magenta eyes. Prism Slash smiled. 'Never, my love.' Was all he said before he leaned in, closing the distance between them and kissed passionately."

There was a sound of snickering from across her and she knew she was blushing but she didn't plan on giving in so soon.

"Evening Glimmer let out a content sound into his mouth, allowing him the entrance through her parted lips, enjoying every second of contact between their t-tongues?"

She was very well aware that the questioning tone of her voice made it seem as if the entire concept of osculation was foreign to her and it only made her nervous. Discord was openly giggling.

"Prism Slash caressed her face gently, then lowered his hoof to her drenched gown that revealed her alabaster colored body, shaped in the image of a goddess. He whispered: 'You won't need this anymoooo-ho-ho-ho-kay, yeah, I think we're done here."

The words that followed after were those of a rather descriptive fashion and with her face already as red as the sunset, she decided she couldn't go on without becoming too obvious. So instead, she gave him a determined glare, as if to say 'come on, laugh already'.

After a few horribly long moments that seemed like hours, Discord finally spoke.

"Phew, thank goodness you're done! I was getting uncomfortable here!" Discord wore a relieved expression on his face - and with the relief that seemed to come to him disappeared all of Twilight's worries.

"You mean... it was embarrassing for you as well?" She asked, visibly glad about it.

"How wouldn't it be! It is cheesy beyond belief!" Discord rolled his eyes, looking at her in surprise before he admitted: "I didn't expect you to read half as much as you did. For a moment there, I thought you were going to..." They both shared an eye contact in which it was clear that reading any further would likely be the most embarrassing experience of their lives and they decided not to delve into it much.

"Well, I did feel awfully uncomfortable reading it, as you probably noticed," Twilight admitted, "so I guess I really am shy when it comes to those things."

"Definitely not as much as I thought." Discord said. "That was quite a thing you went through. I am impressed. I personally wouldn't read such a thing even if I was tortured."

She accepted his subtle compliment with a nod. Once her eyes fell on the still unidentified, invisible book he was clutching in his hands, she sighed. "You'll never let me see that book, will you." She said in a resigning tone. The Spirit shifted a bit.

"Well, you can look at it this way." He replied. " We both have things we're... shy, about."

She blinked. "There's something you're shy about?"

"Shh! Tell no one!" Discord replied playfully. "That little secret stays between us unless you want me to turn you into a coconut, got it? Which by itself wouldn't be bad, I assure you you'd be a very nice coconut."

"Right, thanks." She deadpanned and got caught in a huge yawn. "I can't believe I stayed up this late for this crazy ordeal. I'm going to bed. Good night, Discord."

Discord sighed as he made the book visible again. The copy of 'Magic of Healing: 2nd Year Textbook ' was a big, heavy book in hardcover. Sure, she would probably never realize he had been studying healing magic ever since she ended up in the hospital, even if she saw what book it was that he had secretly been learning from. But his pride didn't allow him to show her anything that might give her even the remote idea of doing something for her sake.

He was way too shy for that.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If you, by some miracle, haven't read the ACTUAL FANFIC, 'Naked Singularity' yet, I suggest you do so right NOW. It is one of the funniest things I've ever read.