• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 27,055 Views, 1,295 Comments

Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic - Isopod

Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus.

  • ...

22) The Truth and the Fury

It was only Rainbow Dash who could've burst into the library without a warning, properly scaring every occupant of it in progress at any time, and not completely and utterly anger Twilight Sparkle with it. The librarian was in the middle of reading the book of poems Discord had brought her for relaxations' sake but the little of relaxation she managed to get went out the window with the same speed her pegasus friend flew in.

The unicorn frowned but instead of a panicked yelp and concern for her books, she simply reprimanded the ever impatient pony, because she knew nothing would ever change about her rash ways. "Rainbow Dash, don't you know how to knock?"

"Sorry about that Twi' but I'm just so excited!"

"Oh, what about?" Twilight inquired as she slowly picked up the books scattered on the floor.

"I got the tickets, Twilight! I got. The. Tickets! Five super special awesome tickets!" Rainbow twirled in the air but her excitement didn't help Twilight in understanding the object of such giddiness.

"Tickets for what?"

For a moment, the colorful mare's face fell. "Twilight, I've been talking about the upcoming Spritebreach match between the Manehattan and Ponyville for weeks now. Seriously, were you even listening to me?"

Twilight suddenly brightened up. "Oh, that thing! I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, it was just completely off my mind lately."

"Well no wonder," Rainbow Dash snickered, "you've been at work for days. But now that you're free, you totally have to go with me! Applejack and Pinkie Pie will be there too!"

"What about Rarity and Fluttershy?"

Rainbow Dash impatiently waved her hoof. "Rarity was the one that gave me the tickets. I asked them both if they wanna come with but neither seemed too interested. I'm not surprised about Rarity but Fluttershy as a Pegasus should have been more supportive." Rainbow Dash concluded with a disdainful click of her tongue. "They decided to go to the spa together instead."

"Oh, the spa? When will they be there, I-" One stern look from Rainbow Dash later, Twilight corrected herself, "I mean, I would love to go with y'all, hahaha! So uh, does that mean you have a ticket extra? I am sure Spike would love to go with us."

"That would be amazing." A strained voice of the little dragon came from behind them. The still opened library door seemed to have slammed into Spike once Rainbow Dash so violently rushed in and banged him into the wall but that didn't stop him from looking absolutely hyped for the match. Half worried and half trying to contain herself from snickering, Rainbow Dash rushed over to him.

"Oh gosh Spike, I am so sorry. Of course you can have the extra ticket - after this mess, I'd day say you even deserve one." Dash apologetically managed as she grabbed his claws and helped him to get out the newly-formed dragon-shaped hole in the wooden wall of the library.

"Thanks, Dash." Spike mumbled, coughing up a few splinters.

"No problem." Rainbow Dash coolly ran a hoof through her mane. "I'm heading to Pinkie's now, we'll be making some snacks for the match - you both better come prepared! Tomorrow, three o'clock, Cloudsdale - there will be an air balloon transporting ponies and many of them casting spells for those who can't walk up there! Come a bit earlier, there's gonna be a lot of ponies and you'll want to get a good spot!" With those words, she flew out, granted with more care than she flew in.

"My, the day has only started and we've been invited to see a match of Spritebreach! I've never been to one of those before!"

"Me neither. What kind of sport is that, anyway?"

"I-... am honestly not too certain!" Twilight said, seemingly surprised with herself for not knowing. "Hmm, I'm sure we have a book on it somewhere..."

Twilight swiftly brought up several books on sport and started going through them expertly, soon finding what she wanted.

"There it is! Spritebreach, a popular sport played by Pegasi in the air; the rules don't seem complicated... three Pegasi of each team, named hunters... flying skills... collect points by throwing a ball through one of the three hoops... a guardian of hoops... two smackers..."

She paused for a bit as she read the rules until coming to the most important bit.

"Ah - each team also has a scout that must catch the runaway parasprite - catching it automatically ends the game and brings the most points, usually but not necessarily, meaning victory for the team."

Spike frowned. "That sounds complicated." He complained, earned a roll of the eyes from the Unicorn. "Besides, isn't it dangerous to let a parasprite wander around?"

"Apparently, there's some sort of special training regime that puts certain control on their urge to eat," Twilight further explained, reading on, "and instead makes them in need of exercise; thus making them faster, more agile and harder to catch. Goodness, I need to look that one up."

"Nifty. Sounds like a good dieting plan."

"I am really excited to see this. I haven't had a chance to participate in many sporting events. The last time I was a part of one was during that Summer Camp. And I don't have a lot of nice memories to brag of either."

"You mean the dodge-ball accident?"

"I though we agreed not to speak of that again."

"We did but still, it is quite hard to forget that weird hat you had to wear for almost a month."

"The ball mark just wouldn't go away!" Twilight replied defensively. "Even my bangs couldn't cover the obvious imprint on my forehead."

"If my memory serves me right, you were affectionately dubbed as 'Sockhead'."

She gave him a rather unflattering glance, which prompted him to quickly dedicate himself to whatever he had planned for the day.

"Where is that draconequues?" She suddenly asked to herself, mildly annoyed Discord wasn't here when she needed him - usually, he was around her all the time, at times even bothering her with his constant presence - yet not here the one time she wanted him to be. Just where had he gotten to?

"Discord?" She called, her voice giving away her mild annoyance. No answer. She let out an exasperate sigh. "Never mind, I'll get to him later. Hey, Spike, we're eating outside today."

"What's the occasion Twilight?"

"Occasion? I spent yet another day fixing those reports, that's the occasion. If I spend another minute inside of here, researching anything else, I might finally go officially crazy." Twilight explained, opening the library door and breathing in chilly, fresh air. The day was surprisingly sunny considering that winter was at the door but it was still cold, prompting them both to get their scarves.

The duo stopped at the nearby cafe, sitting in comfy chairs outside and observing the faint, barely noticeable rainbow forming somewhere in the distance while the waiter trotted towards them. Spike, as always, first questioned if they had any gems, to which the pony replied with but a deadpan look. After both settling down for pancakes with marmalade the pony left them alone to enjoy their quiet day. The silence of the frosty noon, the unusual emptiness of the town, the impeccable pre-winter weather and the serenity of a peaceful outing caused Twilight to doze off, her mind obviously somewhere else as she never noticed the small dragon started talking.

"...and I thought, heck, if a mustache doesn't work, what else will? So I decided that just maybe, I need a wig, I mean after all, stallions probably wouldn't look as good without their manes, so if I technically get a mane, I just might-- Twilight? Hey, you listening? Equestria to Twilight." He waved his claw gently in front of her face, finally getting a reaction as she shook her head and her eyes recognized the dragon in front of her.

"I'm sorry Spike, I completely wandered away there."

"Is something troubling you?" Spike asked. Twilight shrugged.

"Not really, I..." She herself didn't know what it was, she realized.

"You really spent too much time in the library. It's messing with your head." .

"I guess that's a possibility." Twilight agreed, not wanting to talk about her wandering head too much - it had been happening a bit too often lately, and it would commonly involve a certain Spirit. "But that's all over now. We can finally relax!"


"But the daily rearranging of the books is still happening."


"We can't allow ourselves to get too lazy, after all." Twilight sternly continued. "We must nurture the working habit if we wish to do our work with ease as always."

"Ease as always?" Spike skeptically repeated.

"You wouldn't want to be like Discord, now would you."

"Well- uh..."

"I mean, with his powers he doesn't need to really DO anything... but still!"


"I know, I know, he isn't lazy, he's just bored with whatever it is that 'mortal ponies' do - but it wouldn't exactly kill him to be of use to the community every once in a while."

"Here's your pancakes my dear, with extra butter as you requested."

"Thank you, Discord. Now like I was- huh?" Twilight blinked before looking back at the waiter - that is, at Discord who was for some reason there with their order.

"Now that you have so bluntly expressed your opinion about me," Discord started, though knowing fully well she didn't mean anything bad, "is there anything else that bothers you about me?"

"Discord, just what in the world are you doing?" Twilight frowned, immediately sensing some kind of ploy must be at work. The Spirit merely shrugged.

"Well you see I was on my way to cause trouble for the ever hardworking citizens of Equestria and just happened to stroll by upon hearing you're in for some tasty pancakes - but what is better than a crispy one full of cockroaches?" At his words, dozens of tiny little pugs crawled out of her breakfast and fell all over the floor, promptly scaring some ponies into leaving immediately.

"That's terrible! And... disgusting, on a whole different note." She made a face. "Fluttershy would not be pleased with you."

"It would certainly do you better than an extra serving of butter but then again, it's been pretty generous on you so far." The draconequus said flirtatiously. Though her teeth grinding in annoyance she couldn't help emitting a soft blush at his comment. Momentarily, Spike decided to pretend he was somewhere else, looking anywhere but in their general direction.

"ANYWAY." Twilight started, "I've actually been looking for you. You wouldn't in any possible way be interested in Spritebreach match tomorrow, would you?"

"Not particularly. Seen many of those during my life. It's fun when they let you spice it up but otherwise pretty generic."

"Are you telling my someone's let you 'spice up the match' once?"

"Are you telling me you've never heard of the Jacuzzi Terrain Incident, long 68 years ago?"

"That was you?!" Spike's jaw fell in awe and since they were both obviously about to delve into the history of this mysterious accident, Twilight had to interrupt the exchange.

"The reason I asked is that we're going tomorrow!" She exclaimed before they could get another word out, "and I just wanted to ask you if you would mind not burning down my library or whatever if that happens to be where you'll hang out."

"Not a problem my dear!" Discord absent-mindedly confirmed. "But for now, let me educate this young dragon on what was one of the greatest matches and baths of all time! It was back when I was even more handsome than I currently am..."

The story went on for a whole until the manager came out. Apparently, Discord thought it would be a good prank to tie up the waiter while he pretended to be one. They apologized, paid up more then necessary and quickly left the premises, Twilight and Discord bickering the whole way back.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hurry up, Spike! The match is starting in barely thirty minutes!"

"Hold on; my hat keeps tilting!"

Twilight sighed. "All these fan clothes and cheer leading... equipment," she pronounced, glancing at the small flags, scarfs, hats and face paints Rainbow Dash brought a few hours ago, all of them a combination of golden yellow and emerald green colors, "is not even necessa-"

"It is so necessary!" Spike gasped, looking at her in astonishment. "Nothing shows the significance of the competitive spirit in an important match like a tiny flag or a pointy hat!"

"Fine, fine." Twilight smiled softly, amused by the excitement of her assistant. "But hurry up."

When Spike kept struggling to maintain his hat on his head, Twilight finally interfered with a bit of magical assistance, and his hat finally stopped looking as if it was about to fall.

"Onwards to victory!" Spike yelled out, and skipped through the opened door.

"Spike, wait for me!" Twilight yelled out, scribbling a quick message for Discord, who was once again absent, and then followed the dragon him out.

One balloon ride and a few cloud-walking spells later, they were in the familiar cloudy city - there was a huge stadium built of sturdier that usual blocks of clouds. Countless ponies, as well as griffins, were present, both from Ponyville and further, some of them coming from far away to see their favorite team playing or simply to see the legendary game at all. A large number of ponies was outside of stadium boundaries, hoping to nevertheless catch a piece of action going on during the match. At the end of the each side of the stadium stood three hoops in bright red, resembling giant bubble blowers.

"Hey, glad to see you wore your cheer leading uniforms!" Rainbow Dash greeted them once they came closer to her and sat down.

"Uniforms?" Twilight questioned briefly but her remark went unheard.

"The match is starting in ten minutes!" Dash was obviously excited like Twilight had never before seen. Those ten minutes passed painfully slow to her but at last the two teams, one of ponies in golden-green vests, and the other of griffins in blood red and dark blue clothing flew into the field, drawing many screams of excitement from the crowd.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Discord floated around the library, bored as ever and with no one to bother. By the time he came back from Pinkie's, as she had asked him to help her get her full body painted into the colors of the team she was cheering on, Twilight and the little dragon were already gone.

Having literally nothing to do and knowing the town was empty as everypony left for the game, Discord thought of the ways he could entertain himself but ultimately decided he was much too weak to do anything of any greater entertaining importance. Remorsefully, he lied on the floor and stared at the ceiling, truly a point so low in his life he was surprised by himself on how he was still doing it. The Great Spirit of Disharmony, Master Trickster, Lord of Chaos, lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling, with nothing but snacks and fillys' shenanigans at the reach of his magical snap of fingers.

Though he told little - or nothing, really, to Twilight, about the thoughts going on in his head, he had lately become nostalgic to the point where it felt like ancient hunger. The grand things the morality of which he would rarely question, the magic of the disbelieving reaction he drew from other citizens of the world, the cruel things he once enjoyed so much...

Oh yes, pranks were fun. He liked having fun. Yes, he did posses a few spells that effectively granted him thing like... ugh, chocolate milk - one of the things everybody remembered him by and one of the things the taste of which turned nearly literally sour when he recalled he used to be able to just as easily summon a flood of purple mud, or turn ravens into desks or inside out, or become a bug, sneak into an ear of a unsuspecting pony and whisper stories and secrets and things that made them turn in fear, stop with curiosity or wince with joy. The shambling fortresses, turning into jello, skies growing dark and thunder the sound of orchestra, dimensions he'd seen, he'd visited, worlds he had left behind--!

It would never be the same, would it?

He couldn't really say he was actually suffering but it was like an itch one couldn't reach, or a thing on the tip of your tongue you couldn't speak out, or a fantastic dream one would dream up one night, so close to being remembered but never recalled at all - feeling nostalgic, feeling close, feeling known but never here, ever again...

The Spirit shook his head, chasing the uncomfortable thought out of his mind, deciding to make himself busy with cleaning the library as Twilight had asked him to - again, he thought, a low point in life of the Lord of Chaos. Floating in the air and whistling some random tune, all he needed was a click of fingers to get the furniture floating in the air, and another click to get the brooms moving, sweeping the dust towards a pile in the middle of the room.

Soon, he managed to forget his life's problems, singing loudly about cleaning and the low point it turned out to be for him, dancing around the library and animated furniture, orchestrating them into working for him and summoning a tiny actual orchestra while he was at it and in that moment felt as if the music might as well be a solution to all of the world's problems, the tiny, comforting voice of hope starting whispering that everything would be alright, no matter the magic, the chaos and any of it whatsoever- when he accidentally bumped into a bookshelf and something fell on the floor and the music stopped. A research of some sort. In the next moment, reading Twilight's handwriting on it, Discord delightfully realized it was a research on him.

"Oooh, let us see what it says and make a musical out of it!" Not minding in the least going through what was probably a private read, he jumped right into it.

The first few pages didn't say anything concrete, mostly facts about the draconequues species that he told her, assumptions and small changes Twilight noticed in his behavior. Pretty much the expected. There were many questions written down, presumably those she always wanted to ask but never did, for some reason. He giggled at her shyness, if that is what it was.

Then he came to a strange sketch. A sketch of... himself, he realized, sitting on a floor and cupping something in his hands. It took Discord several long, silent seconds to realize what that was. What the drawing represented. For once in his life, his heart shipped a beat and his hands trembled for a moment with what was everything at once - fear, anger, excitement, disappointment, anger, nostalgia, anger...

Like after line, sketch after sketch, the truth suddenly felt like weight in his stomach that kept going down and whatever joy and serenity that found home in his heart suddenly fell victim to that sinking weight.

His arms hanged, research held tightly in his grip. Teeth were barren in a snarl. Eyes sparked with an old, reawakened menace; he raised his arm and with a single click of two yellow fingers, things changed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Sky Trotter caught the Parasprite! Clouders win!"

A series of excited screams and whistles was heard, as well as a massive amount of hooves hopping against the soft cloud in celebration. A pony with a dark black mane flew one last time around the stadium area, the Parasprite secured in her mouth, before landing somewhere down on the fluffy field. The match was over and the Sun was going down. Many of the them, both the victor ponies and the defeated griffins, stayed for an upcoming after party that was going to be one of the biggest parties ever made. Needless to say, Pinkie was going to stay, and Rainbow Dash desperately wanted to meet the team members and even Applejack seemed excited for the party to come and when Spike suggested some cider, she was the loudest to call dibs on the first glass. Twilight on the other hand wouldn't stick around for too long. Despite Pinkie's numerous pleas to stay and the fact that Rainbow Dash just decided to show some of her dance skills to a rather large group of ponies, challenging Vinyl Scratch to a dance-off, she went back to her hot air balloon. She was pretty tired from all the excitement - and she realized she had spent little to no time with the Spirit today, kind of even, she didn't want to admit it to herself, missing him.

She made her way back to Ponyville, which was completely devoid of life, oddly enough - even with the match, the emptiness of it was surprising. It would be eerie if it were any darker. Twilight smiled, thinking of a good day she was having, not in the slightest expecting to find what she had found when she opened the door to her library.

The world that awaited her inside was familiar. The floor was covered in chess-like pattern, the familiar houses of neighbours were floating around and the sky was of sickly pink color. Huge tower of cards stood strong and somewhere in the distant sky, pigs were flying. One last reminder was a bunch of rabbits running past her, all of them running on their long, thin legs.

It was just like that last time. The last time he broke out - she was back there. Once again witnessing the madness.

She turned around - her door had disappeared. There was nothing but Discord's old menacing world of madness here and she didn't know what to make of it. Where was Discord? She was certain it was just a magic anomaly, he would certainly be able to explain-

"Beautiful, right?" He called?

The Unicorn turned, saw the Spirit lying on one of the candy cotton clouds, not too high, right above her. He proudly observed his land of Chaos, his voice sounded nearly sickeningly happy.

"I missed this scenery! Nothing but the replay of the past, if you'll notice but still, it has such charm to it!" He pointed at something, where Twilight surprisingly noticed another Discord, the one from the past apparently, turning one of the houses upside down as he cackled madly - she had forgotten that laughter. Though she recalled it as the laughter of evil and chaos, she couldn't help but notice... this time it sounded as if composed of nothing short of sheer happiness.

"What is... going on?"

"Enough, Twilight Sparkle!" Discord interrupted, loudly and theatrically. "Enough of this pretense, of this thing you call friendship and caring when there's such a simply reason you do it all- for science, if I dare refer to popular culture!"

If it wasn't for the fact he was actually being serious, Twilight would have found the whole situation funny - the theatrics, the speech, the faces. Then he threw her forgotten research before her. Frozen on the spot, she could only observe as he flew down before her, smiling wickedly and yet his eyes burning with the sort of rage she wasn't sure if she saw before.

"I've had my powers for a whole now, it would seem!" He announced as if surprised and then laughed again, this time at himself. "I can't believe my own blindness. The self-pitying fool I was, you made me believe I was actually torn apart from Chaos. My Chaos." He looked at her wildly. "Quite impossible for somepony who's supposed to be an embodiment of it, wouldn't you agree?"

Twilight took a deep breath and gulped; she tried to speak but all she managed to do was open her mouth, closing them just as fast. The draconequues chuckled evilly as he advanced on her and though every instinct in her told her to keep her distance, Twilight stood as tall and firm as she could. The Discord that stood before her was no longer the playful draconequues she knew and cared for...

But it couldn't be. Not so suddenly, not just because he-

"Tell me my dear, when did you plan on telling me? Have you planned on telling me at all? Have you perhaps informed Celestia of my little 'development'? Perhaps you even already have a plan to set me back in my crafty prison of stone. Perhaps she figured she might want to visit me to try and steal my powers for her own use. When did you plan on telling me? Please, by all means, answer!" Once he finally finished the speech that gradually grew in intensity, it was like in a vision and Twilight Sparkle could suddenly see everything behind the anger and rage and chaos that he played up right now - what she saw was that, much like any normal pony would be, he was actually hurt, and it was the one thing that ensured her she must try and reason with him. I must talk to him.

"Never again, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight opened her mouth but the words she tried to get out were lost as the floor underneath her moved. Her own library was suddenly back and she fell to the floor clumsily.

I must talk to--

She felt his strong hands wrapping firmly around her hoof as he lifted her up, his face inches away from hers. If it wasn't obvious by then that he was downright furious, she could now see it in all of its frightening glory.

"So before I turn Equestria completely around and destroy those blasted Elements you wanted me to cherish so much, tell me Twilight Sparkle." He paused, taking a deep breath and behind the fury there was a desperate need to know: "Was it worth it? Tell me Twilight Sparkle, what do you, Celestia's protege, the smartest pony of them all, think; did I learn anything?"

Twilight had stared into those menacing eyes. It was impossible to know if there was any of that goofy draconequues present at that moment but she decided to believe in all the time they had together, all the time in Ponyville, all the chess games, attempts at pies and a weird day in the snow and believe that they were as important to him as they were to everypony else.

"Put me down, and I'll tell you."

The unusually calm request was not something he expected and he blinked, though hardly any less angrier. He let her slip onto the floor. From there, she could see his fists clenching. Slowly, as if treading on an explosive field, Twilight walked over to the shelves - her knees shook and were it not for her mind keeping her in check - I need to talk to him, she kept telling herself - her body would have betrayed her a long time ago.

She summoned a book and opened it. Discord squinted his eyes as he saw the familiar cover of the most boring book in the world. Licking her lips and clearing her throat, Twilight read a single sentence she had read him a dozen of times that first night he had come to live with her:

"'The society dictates that one should always follow some of the most basic rules of the etiquette the society made, to be accepted into the said society.'"

She closed it and looked back at him. "Discord, I don't know if you noticed and if you remember but this was our first lesson. Well, technically the only actual lesson." She allowed herself to digress for a moment. "In the mean time, I've realized that there is truly no such thing as a unique learning theory when it comes to things like this. I had to rely on nothing but what me and my friends can offer you, in hopes you will actually learn- no, that's wrong to say. In hopes you'+ll understand us. Living here, participating in things, causing trouble as you always do and learning to understand a thing or two as you go." She paused. "But I must admit... all this time... I never realized you'd manage to get this far." She her eyes stinging but endured it, instead shooting him a bold look, with even a ghost of a smile playing on her lips.

"You can pretend all you want that you haven't learned a thing, Discord but I got to know you too well for your own good, I guess. So if you sincerely want to destroy everything around you and all the memories all of us made, be my guest. I got no choice anyway because I'm at a point where, even if I could turn you to stone myself, I would probably never do it." Twilight admitted in the end.

There was something shifting this time in the eyes of mismatched creature as he raised his talons, ready to click. Ready to use one single click to make the sky bloody red, make the ponies go crazy, run a stampede of crazed parasprites through the town, dig out the foundations of every single home in all of Equestria and placing them on the bottom of the ocean.

The talons trembled. His face was a mixture of some pained expression and anger. Rage was growing. Insecurity appeared. His breathing was shallow.

"Discord, you found Laughter." Twilight started softly."You learned Kindness and discovered Loyalty. You gained Generosity and realized the importance of Honesty. It all leads up to the greatest Element of all. And that Element, as powerful as it is, as much as everybody think it is-! it isn't Magic."

His hand shook violently, already slippery at this point from the sweat he didn't notice accumulated there. Then his fingers relaxed and the arm fell.

Before Twilight even had the time to feel relieved, he suddenly roared. An angry, extremely loud, almost animal-like scream, sounding defeated, frustrated; almost helpless. He looked around and then spun, looking for something, anything, he could let out his frustration on. When he found no such thing, the Spirit suddenly flew up and burst out through the closest, still closed window, shattering the glass and sending the splinters and pieces of wood all over the carpet. Twilight ran to the window and caught the glimpse of the Spirit's wings and tail before he disappeared over the top hills and trees.

With no idea of where could he be gone and no idea of what he might do next, Twilight slowly trotted off into the kitchen, grabbed a small broom, and started to pick up the glass from the floor. Then she climbed to the balcony. There, she stood for a long time, observing the distance Discord disappeared in, and once she had calmed down, that's when the realization hit her.

It was so painful for the Spirit to realize that, despite his efforts and successful accepting of the Harmony's Elements, she was the one failing him, collectively going back on all the lessons her learned and deceiving him instead of doing what she had always done - talk to him.

Would he ever realize her fears?

From here on, it was up to him .

Author's Note:

This chapter is pretty much the beginning of the end. Don't worry - at least 26 chapters, remember? It ain't called ABCs for nothing, I guess.
It was an awesome ride, still is but it is bound to end sooner or later. And that sooner is getting closer.
Thank you Skittles, for your editting work and your comment. :)