• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 27,055 Views, 1,295 Comments

Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic - Isopod

Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus.

  • ...

10) Acceptance

A faint noise of flapping wings and a quiet 'whoo' woke Twilight up. Feeling warm and lying on something soft, Twilight felt like opening her eyes had the be the most difficult task at the moment – she wanted to remain warm and at peace. But the new day was here, if it were to judge by the noises Owloysius made as he came back to the library and it was time to seize the day.

Reluctantly, she opened her eyes.

The first thing she noticed, which made her sigh contently, was that her old library was back. For a moment she thought there was some movement in the windows and walls. Whether she woke up just at the moment to see Discord's world ending or was she simply still half asleep, she didn't know. Owloysius had indeed just returned from his night flight, carrying a juicy piece of fruit in its beak.

Next, she noticed her soft warm pillow was in fact the Spirit's body and her warm blanket his fuzzy lion arm. She snickered, wondering how would Discord justify the fact he cuddled her while he was asleep but then again, it wouldn't be too hard - he was drunk out of his mind. As she slowly got up, she had to do her hardest not to laugh out loud – his mouth were open, his snake tongue hanging out silly, every once in a while, a small snort escaping him. If it weren't for those sleepy sounds, one might as well have thought he was knocked out.

After refreshing more in the bathroom, she started to open up the windows; it was still early, as Sun had only begun to rise far away on the horizon and a star or two were even still visible. It was relatively dark outside and the citizens of Ponyville were probably mostly still sleeping. Once the Sun comes up, she would have to go and pick up Spike, she mused.

After fixing herself a sandwich, which took more time than she had expected, she finally recalled her research papers. Hoping they haven't disappeared together with the world Discord conjured, she snooped around the library until she noticed a slip of paper under one of the book shelves. Excited, she pulled out her notes and took a look.

A quick sketch of the draconequues' palms holding the essence was present, as well an unfinished sketch of the conjuring world. At least two dozens of notes were written down, all in two or three words. Together with what she saw with her own two eyes, Twilight had more than enough material for a couple of solid pages but it opened a lot of questions.

She spent the whole early morning writing down her observations, setting up theories, writing down hypothesis that were being born one after another her and trying to make sense them - every question she asked herself yielded more questions than answers, however and it ended up looking like work of a fan rather than a research. Still, while she didn't come up with any concrete answers, her work got a few pages longer and the wholes in her knowledge filled up a bit and that was good enough for her.

She took quite a bit of time with her theorizing however, because she noticed the Sun was already out in its full glory by the time she finished and ponies were already on the streets. Just about then, she could hear the yawn of the draconequus, and heard a series of crackling noises that startled her pet.

Figuring Discord will probably be very thirsty because of all the alcohol in punch he drank last night, the unicorn prepared a glass of water and, just in case, an aspirin and trotted with it back into the living room, where the Spirit, who had seen better days, was staring into empty space, clutching at his head.

"Drink this; the pain should go away soon."

Without a question or even so much as a glance, he grabbed the aspirin and swallowed it, it being immediately followed by the refreshing water. After finishing the glass he gratefully smacked his lips.

"Much better." He mumbled, then frowned. "But my head is pounding..."

Figuring Discord was probably not very used to headaches, Twilight patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, in about half an hours it'll go away. Just lay down and relax, alright?"

Spirit obediently lay down, not much for complaining - half an hour felt like a small eternity. For a couple of long moments Twilight was watching him, so many question going through her mind... but it was not time to ask.

In fact, she figured, there was no time at all when she could ask.

"I'm going to pick up Spike. You'll be here when I get back, I hope?"

"Unless something interesting happens... probably." The Spirit smiled teasingly. Twilight shook her head but returned the smile before going out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Spike? He's still asleep, Twilight! He must've had a blast last night!" Pinkie Pie was in top shape, unsurprisingly. She could hardly even imagine the hyper pony sleeping, let alone tired. Parties were probably filling her up with energy instead of the other way around.

"He is? Oh, Spike..." Twilight giggled when she saw the little dragon on the same place like the last night, only in slightly different position. His claws seemed to have teared one of the flour bags a bit, spilling some flour over the floor.

"Sorry about that, Pinkie."

"No prob! It is just a little flour. I spill more of it while I work on my treats!" Pinkie chirped.

"Well, anyway, I'm going to take him home now; I don't like leaving Discord alone for too long. If he gets bored he might try... turning the sink into a waterfall or something, I don't know." Gently putting Spike on her back, she offered pinkie to clean up the mess but Pinkie didn't want to have none of that, instead covering the sleeping dragon with a small blanket.

"Say 'hi' to Dissy for me and thank him for the Shuffle lesson! Now I'm rockin' it perfeclty on the dance floor!"

Spike must've been awfully tired because even the growing noise of Ponyville's daily grin didn't wake him up as Twilight carried him to the library, where she found the Spirit in the same position as before. After placing Spike in his basket, she took a better look of Discord. He wasn't asleep but he didn't seem too fond of moving either.

"Pinkie says 'hi' and thank you for the Shuffle lesson."

The Spirit let out an acknowledging sound.

"Don't tell me last night was too much for you?" she teased but kinda worried he might've recalled something.

"I hope I haven't done anything indecent yesterday, because I have to admit, I started to forget things about the time we headed home."

Thought she wasn't supposed to be glad about that, she really was. On the other hand, she was a bit disappointed he couldn't recall such a touching moment of honesty with her.

Ultimately, she knew it was for the best. His powers were growing again for reasons she couldn't comprehend and even though he couldn't have felt that it was obvious to her. If the Spirit realized he was once again capable of greater thing than even anypony ever knew, would he grab the opportunity? Would it be good to ease him into the idea of living free, powerful but reformed? Was that even a possibility? It came as a sort of a pessimistic realization that Twilight was all by herself in this one. Telling the Princesses was risking him being imprisoned again. Telling her friends meant the work on their relationship with the Spirit might go to waste for if they thought of him as potentially dangerous, things might go awry. Telling Spike would only cause him to panic, she was certain. Telling Discord--- that was in fact the biggest mystery but she wasn't going to risk.

I'm on my own this time. Oh, feathersticks.

"Not at all! You were your good old, amusing self."

"I'm glad to hear that. If I had done something weird and somepony knew, I'd be forced to seal their mouth for a week or so." He chuckled.

Oh don't worry... they won't.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Twilight spent much of that day thinking. Thinking about pretty much everything that happened so far, since the day Spirit moved into her home, spinning her thoughts in circle and trying to find a solution to the by now lasting feeling of concern that enveloped her.

Thinking about the progress he made, about the Chaos he loved, the words she weeks ago wrote down in her diary only to dismiss them the very next morning, the fun times they had and all the amazing things she learned of him... about the impossible array of powers he possessed.

Discord did say the draconequues magic was something never written about and never researched. But was he even aware of how different was it? She was pretty certain no pony had ever developed magical abilities just like that.

She tried to approach it logically but there was no way to avoid the fact he was only given back a tiny fracture of his powers, chosen spell and abilities that would make his life that much more interesting. How in the world then...

Fast learning? Could it be the draconequues learned that fast? Discord did also say some draconequues don't even use magic during their lifetime, having never practiced it since born, thus making them incapable of it, so that couldn't possibly be it - hard work was something all types of magic required... right?

"I'm bored!"

Twilight jumped, draconequues's voice putting her out of her train of thoughts.

"You should really learn to invest ponies in the conversation more... discreetly." She deadpanned.

"This way is more amusing, if you'll forgive me."

"Ah." Of course. "So, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing too exciting; my head is still aching." He frowned, tapping his table.

"We could play Chess Mess. I could use some relaxation."

"Sure, why not."

The game, due to its complicated set of rules, was usually a mess of laughter, rage and skewed logic but having so much to think about and being so confused left Twilight in the state of temporary disarray. Discord seemed to have noticed this. At one point he actually let her get lost in thought in purpose, just to see if she really was thinking something over and over again. Sure enough, he spent about nearly quarter of an hour just waiting and amusing himself with some origami practices while she stared at some nonexistent point in the air, not aware of anything around her, including the Spirit.

Not too fond of being ignored to begin with, Spirit figured he waited long enough.

"Hmm, I guess that settles it." He pondered aloud but still not being noticed. He reached out and harshly pinched her nose and the unicorns entire face contorted.

"Ouch! What gives?!"

"You have dozed off for exactly..." He checked out the invisible watch on his wrist, "thirteen minutes, forty six seconds. You most definitely owe me an explanation."

"Oh." The unicorn tried to think quick but nothing clever came to mind. "It's nothing."

"Indeed and I'm Princess Celestia, at your service." Discord snorted. Twilight wondered how was she supposed to convey a message without giving away the events of last night as she realized; she was annoyed. She had a wonderful time yesterday and he forgot it all. Though he could hardly help that, it almost made her angry with him and the fact she jumped on such an irrational train of thought only angered her more.

"It is nothing that concerns you."

"I'd say it is the exact opposite. You've been acting weird since the morning."


"I've learned to read your pretty face quite well, Missy. What happened? Come on now, you can tell uncle Discord anything."

"Alright. It is about you."

The Spirit didn't seem too concerned about whatever she might say, instead playfully asking: "What about me?"

Twilight nervously shifted her hooves, trying to find the most comfortable position on the floor and it came to then her - perhaps it was a moment of inspiration but she was suddenly aware of the 'how's' of the conversation she was about to begin.

"I was just thinking-- well, I am not sure if you're aware of that, but you--" She paused.

"... Yes?" Discord hurried her up, almost eager.

"... You changed." Twilight finished.

The Spirit's smiled slowly faded. It was impossible to say into what, however. He glanced around, fidgeting. His face being indifferent, she couldn't draw any information about it, but the way he started playing with his beard told Twilight a surprising fact: he was uncomfortable.

"That- that's good, you know!" Twilight tried, not knowing she was only making things worse for the chaotic being. "Is-isn't a bit of, uh, 'lesson learned' what we were going for anywa-"

"It was your goal, not mine." Discord cut her off a bit coldly, finally making the unicorn realize.

Somewhere from upstairs, Spike's quiet snoring noises reached them.

"...What was your goal anyway?"

"A mastermind of Chaos never reveals his plans, Twilight Sparkle." Discord replied a bit devilishly, this time with a small smile.

Well, he admitted to have changed, at least. She recalled his words from last night...

Then I lost my powers. It wasn't... nice. But I have gotten you and some new friends in return, didn't I?

Discord may not have even been aware of how many friends he gained during his stay here and how differently some ponies started to look at him. Until last night, he probably never even gave it a thought; yet, he didn't remember most of the last night, Twilight thought sourly.

"A plan, huh? I suppose I should've seen that coming." Twilight replied with a gentle smile. The Spirit arched his eyebrows.

"You're not upset at the notion of me having a plan?"

"Of course not; if anything I should've expected of you to have one. I doubt anything or anypony will change your plans anytime soon. After all..." She paused to think her words through. "I do believe that if I had something I love so deeply, even if nopony understands, I would probably fight for it. Whether it was wrong or right. Heck, I probably wouldn't be able to help it. Still," she added, finally grinning, "don't expect me not to do something about your plan." She found it weird she actually managed to joke around with such a thing.

Probably not expecting such approach from her, Discord smiled incredulously.

"Twilight Sparkle, you celarly told me you consider me a friend, yet you approve of my chaotic needs and plans. Are you telling me you're accepting me for who I am?" The, by now familiar disbelief was both visible in his eyes and audible in his voice.

Twilight laughed as she realized that indeed what she had just done. Strangely, it wasn't half as hard as she thought it might be once she confronted it. "Yeah, I guess I am." She rearranged the chess figures into their starting position. "Well, now that we got that sorted out, how about another game? I'm sure I can concentrate properly this time."

"Nopony can concentrate around my handsome face, missy."

Twilight was soon way too much into the game, feeling both relieved and excited by their little conversation, having the burden finally lifted off her heart. She enjoyed the game so much she failed to notice the grateful look in the Spirit's eyes.