• Published 14th Mar 2012
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Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic - Isopod

Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus.

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2) The Discordian Gambit

"Well, say hi to your new home!" Twilight let the fairly distraught draconequus enter the library the way he hadn't entered a room in years - through the door.

After Discord caused quite a commotion that even demanded the guards to come in and restrain him (Celestia was far too busy putting on an uncharacteristically smug smirk to be keeping him in order), the Princesses explained the whole situation to him; Celestia seemingly enjoying it just a bit more than she expected. Discord spent the next two days with them in Canterlot Castle, being explained the reason for his release (to which he responded mostly by breaking things) and being told of his one chance for redemption - in general, Celestia and Luna both tried their best to convince the draconequus to at least try and behave; meanwhile, he was trying to get used to the fact that at the moment he was nothing more than a regular citizen of Equestria.

The draconequus hasn't spoken much since then, mostly pondering about the situation he literally never though he'd find himself in or pouting; which Fluttershy couldn't help but point out as 'cute'. Without his powers, he was no more but a regular pony... dragon... thingy. Magically speaking, that silly purple egghead alone was stronger than him; he wouldn't lie, his pride was wounded heavily.

Meanwhile, the six friends spent most of the time discussing the means and methods they should incorporate to at least partially open his mind to possibilities of being... well... less chaotic. Which definitely wasn't going to be an easy task.

Even though she agreed to help, Rainbow Dash was once again angrily targeting Twilight with questions, seemingly the only one who remained as equally fired up. They were sitting in Twilight's beloved Donut Shop, eating peacefully, when Dash suddenly brought the topic up, making both Rarity and Applejack sigh of boredom; they went through the same discussion over and over again, all of them agreeing on doing their best to help Twilight, but Rainbow Dash just didn't want to give up on the idea of Discord being nothing but trouble.

"Twilight, do you seriously believe there is a possibility of Discord living even a single day without causing trouble to someone? Even without his powers, that guy lives for causing chaos and torturing ponies!"

"Rainbow Dash, our goal is not to change Discord to be a completely new person! I don't want to make him miserable by making him be someone who he doesn't want to be. Besides, I doubt we could do that even if we wanted to." She finished, taking another bite of her donut. "But I do believe even he is a person like we all are - be it a spirit of Harmony, Disharmony or something third, that does not define who we are."

"Seems like an exact opposite to me!"

"That still does not prove that he doesn't have a soul. I am of firm belief Discord is capable of more positive emotions, like us."

"Oh, me too," Fluttershy joined in, "I'm sure Discord is in fact not as mean as he acts... well, at least not all the time." She smiled timidly.

Pinkie suddenly giggled. "If he heard you two right now, he would totally gag and ask us to spare him of our 'cutesy, tea-drinking ways', or something like that!"

Twilight couldn't help but giggle at the thought.

"Yeah, he would, wouldn't he?"

"Oh please!" Rainbow finally gave up - for now - and angrily dug into her donut, crumbling all over the table and floor, much to displeasure of Pony Joe.

Once the Princesses decided they told and did everything they could for Discord to get used to his new state and once Discord seemed to have had his fair share of breaking everything around him, Twilight, her friends and the still displeased Spirit took a train back, which left their whole wagon empty - everypony was still afraid of the draconequus, despite him now seeming about as dangerous as Fluttershy's bunny, Angel.

The ride was silent, apart from Pinkie Pie's constant, randomized rambling; Rainbow Dash was stubbornly staring at Discord, who either did a very good job of ignoring her, or had a genuine interest in the Sun bathed mountains, as he was staring out the window. Twilight knew Dash was dying to try and pick a fight with the Spirit, so she was thankful Discord didn't seem particularly interested in anyone around him. In fact, she uncomfortably noticed, his once lively eyes seemed fairly... dead. The dark circles around them were more prominent and he seemed generally fatigued. She figured it'll take more getting used to his situation than she initially thought.

Fluttershy looked eager to try and communicate with him, but was probably discouraged by his disinterest in anypony right now. Every once in a while, she would look at him and open her mouth, as if determined to address him, only to shrink back in her seat.

They all bid each other farewell as the train stopped in Ponyville, though Rainbow couldn't resist but to yell out, "If you do anything to Twi, you'll have to deal with me!" before the two started towards the library. Discored ignored this.

Even while they were walking through the city, the streets were rapidly becoming empty, everypony hiding into the safety of their homes. The few that were brave enough to stay outside could barely muster up the courage to look at him. Discord got noticeably brighter once he scared one of them by simply uttering "rawr". Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Do you have to do that?"

"It makes me happy." Discord snapped. It was the first time he spoke to her directly since he was released. "Why don't you just take that away from me too?"

She frowned, but didn't say another word.

Now, here he was, depressed, bored as always and moping around the library.

As she observed the upset draconequus crashing over her couch much like a ragdoll, Twilight realized she didn't quite think this through; the part where she was supposed to teach him of the values of Harmony was fine but what about her personal research? Whoever would guarantee the draconequus would tell her anything? Especially in that kind of mood.

From a corner of her eye, she saw Spike entering the room and with a wave of her hoof gestured for him to come closer, then pointed to Discord. Spike only then noticed the Spirit moping in their couch and, surprisingly, laughed. He started speaking, loud enough for her only to hear:

"Don't be too easy on him Twilight. I could help you if you want - I can teach him how to clean, pffhahaha!"

"Shh! Don't say that in front of him! I don't want him to get even more upset."

"Why, he could make an awesome assistant, heh; even though your one and only best of the best-est assistants is enough, hehe... right?" He added in the end questionably, suddenly looking concerned. Twilight snorted.

"It's Discord we're talking about. The absolute opposite of what I love above all - organization. There is no way I'm letting him touch my books."

She had to admit though - after all of Discord's confident, arrogant remarks, with his peculiar gift for showmanship, seeing him actually being genuinely upset was kind of both funny and sad at the same time. Getting from the position in which he was practically a god to the rank of a regular citizen of Equestria... for somepony as proud and confident as him, it was probably a shock.

Nevertheless, she could not give up! She was determined to try her best to befriend the mismatched Spirit and teach him the ways of the pony citizenship. With such positive thoughts on her mind, she approached the couch. Discord was staring at a ceiling with the most indifferent look on his face.

"So Discord, umm, are you hungry perhaps?... Can I get you anything?... How are you feeling?"

He didn't seem eager on answering her questions until she uttered the last one; it seemed to have attracted draconequus' attention, because he very abruptly sat up, slithered over the couch in a slighty threatening manner and stood before her. As he towered over Twilight, she could easily see just how the Spirit was feeling, her half polite and half nervous smile still lingering on her face.

"How am I feeling, Twilight Sparkle? Let me tell you how I am feeling; you released the most powerful spirit of the entire world out of his cold stone prison and reduced him to the likes of you!" He pointed one of his lion fingers at her chest, harshly poking her.

Well, if anything, his sense of drama is still intact.

"I used to be Discord, the powerful Spirit of Disharmony and Chaos! Without my power I am-- well, I don't even know what I am!," he admitted, looking genuinely alarmed about his identity for a moment, before continuing in a more familiar manner, "I know that I'm bored out of my wits, though!" He raised his hand to his forehead, much like Rarity did sometimes. Kind of alarmed with his problems, Twilight in a rush jokingly decided he needed a new title to make him feel better about himself. One more down-to-earth.

"You're~ Discord the, um, Mismatched Dragon?" She tried with an uncertain smile.

He stared at her for what seemed like an eternity and then started laughing abruptly; Twilight jerked, not sure if she just made him laugh, or made herself look like a fool. Both, likely.

"You're such an interesting character, Twilight Sparkle. Wherever did you get an idea I would be fine with being titled as such a violent and undignified creature as a dragon?" He playfully gestured towards the only dragon in the library.

"Hey!" Spike frowned.

"Well, sorry if I offended your majesty." Twilight replied, heavy on the sarcasm. With a vengeful smirk, Discord suddenly snapped his fingers. For a moment even Twilight believed something was going to happen - alas, it did not. Darkness fell over Discord's eyes, his smirk gone as fast as it came. After snapping away his magical deeds through many years, it would take him a long time to get used to not being able to use them anymore.

"Spike, could you please prepare us those awesome chocolate pancakes for dinner?" Twilight asked in somewhat thin voice. With a corner of her eye she noticed a purple tail disappearing in the kitchen. When did Spike get so fast on those short legs of his?

Discord sighed heavily.

"Oh, cheer up, Discord!" Twilight tried optimistically. "After dinner, we're starting your first lesson of the 'How to be a good Neighbor' by Mare Sue! It'll be fun!"

"Oh joy. Why don't you decorate my mane with daisies and polish my talons while you're at it." The Spirit dragged himself into the kitchen, attracted by the strong smell of pancakes. Twilight followed slowly, thinking things through with a self satisfied smile.

Well, he won't be able to just poof on me while I'm giving him a lesson and he doesn't have anything else to do anyway. This will be a piece of cake.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So, to finally conclude the first lesson, the society dictates that one should always follow some of the most basic rules of the etiquette the society made, to be accepted into the said socie--"

"Oh, by the sweet power of Chaos, please stop, I can't stand this anymore!"

"For the last time Discord, don't interrupt me while I'm speaking!"

"Listening to you reading that book is the most boring thing I've ever had the chance of hearing!"

"It is fun!"

"It's BORING."

Approximately fifteen minutes after the dinner, Twilight was trying to get the very short first lesson of the mentioned extremely boring book into Discord's head - needless to say, boredom won and the Spirit ended up rolling around on the floor and sitting upside down on the sofa. As they started arguing, the two ended up eyeing each other dangerously, both of them furious for vastly different reasons.

"You. Are going to like this book." Twilight hissed through gritted teeth.

"I detest it." The draconequus hissed back.

"You're going to read it and you're going to follow its teachings."

"I will burn it the moment a chance occurs!"

Twilight was nearly growling.

"Why can't you just sit down and be attentive for more than five minutes!?" The purple pony yelled out in frustration.

"For the umpteenth time, I'm bored out of my mind!" Discord yelled back desperately; the look in his eyes was enough for Twilight to realize that the Spirit's energy was disappearing rapidly because of the book they were trying to read. Was it really such an effort to listen to a single lesson?! Had she not been as angry as she was at that moment, she'd find it amusing to see him acting so much like a regular pony. But nopony was insulting her books without consequences.

"If," Discord continued, "I'm already forced to learn to be a 'good neighbor~' " he threw on a mocking tone as he pronounced the words he detested so much, "I am pretty sure there is a better way to learn such things."

"Ugh. Fine." Twilight groaned as she finally gave up and put the book away. She sighed, lost as to what she should do next to-

"How about we play a game?" She suddenly heard Discord saying. Twilight was prepared to tell him this was no time for games but she figured she would just be torturing him if she kept insisting on him learning stuff he didn't find too interesting. Letting our a defeated sigh, she turned around to face him.

"A game, you say... Wait. What kind of game?" Twilight asked suspiciously, her eyebrow arching. "I'm not going to be pulled into any kind of brain washing or pranking game of yours, thank you very much."

"I like to think I'm above that." Discord replied with feigned innocence. "No, I meant chess!"

"Chess?" Twilight repeated, her jaw nearly meeting the floor. "You want to play what is unfortunately so commonly know as the 'nerdiest and most boring game ever'? If you considered that book boring, chess will kill you." She added with disapproval.

"Ah, but there is a twist to it, naturally! Plain ol' chess can be so boring."

"Ha! I knew it." Twilight was ready to reject but then she saw an sparkly glint in Discord's worn out eyes; it reminded her of herself whenever she was about to do something she loved. His playful smile and hopeful eyes were another distracting factor. Resignedly, she she took a breath.

"OK, fine."

Discord joyfully shook his fists and snapped his fingers wanting to summon a chess board. Twilight couldn't help but laugh at his face expression as he once more committed an unfortunate mistake.

"Don't worry, I have one. I'll be right back." As Twilight went to her bedroom to get the chess board, Discord followed her movements carefully, thinking. The pony seemed so relaxed around him, as if he were a regular guest. Maybe this won't be that bad. Well, of course, losing his powers was horrible but there was not much he could do about it - so why not simply play along? A little more down-to-earth relaxation might be nice until he could figure out how to get himself out of this mess.

"So, what is this twist you were talking about?" Twilight questioned once she got back and set the chess board onto the library table.

"Well, the basics are the same - one of us is white or black, whoever checkmates the king, loses. But each turn the figures are changing roles."

"Changing roles? What do you mean?"

"Every figure will take on the role of the next one - the roles will be circulating. Like a clock. Pawns included." He added in the end, sounding like a businessman making a deal. Twilight shook her head in disbelief.

"But that sounds so needlessly complicated! How will I remember which pieces are which? And the pawns? I mean, I could probably remember which is which knight, or bishop, but there are eight pawns! It will be a complete, total, absolute--"

"--Chaos?" Discord clued in gleefully. Twilight stared at him, at loss for words. "Sounds pretty fun, doesn't it?" He added gleefully, like a small child presenting a discovery to somepony. But Twilight shook her head in disbelief.

"It will be impossible to play, I can't remember all of the--"

"Don't tell me you're not smart enough for such a simple addition of a rule to the game?" The draconequus suddenly asked, seemingly innocently but with obvious intentions of mocking the purple mare. That self satisfied grin said it all.

Oh, it was on. The challenge Discord offered made Twilight burn with the passion of an egghead.

"Let's play, Discord." She challenged back with a smirk.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"It was a queen, Discord!"

"A bishop, dear!"

"I am so sure it was a queen!"

"Oh fine, then; I'll be a gentleman - let it be a queen."


"But now your supposed-to-be queen of your next move is captured!"

"Nonononononooooo~ Awww, how could I have missed that!"

"Your turn, dear!"

"... that would make my next piece a bishop then... right?"

"You got it!"

"Bam~boozled! Got my queen back!"

"How could I have missed that?!"

"Haha, I said the same thing just now!"

"Right, you did! Hahahaha~!"


It was well past bedtime. The two were still playing a chaotic chess game, getting closer but still well on their way to ending the game, crying tears of laughter, constantly arguing about which piece was which and pretty much goofing around with the game play of chaotic chess at this point. Spike was sound asleep, despite the thundering laughter that shook the treehouse during the whole evening.

If he were awake right now, he would probably be surprised; Twilight Sparkle never laughed so much, so hard and so delightfully in a single evening.